Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Mar 1907, p. 7

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1 we waited ns uld give us inspiration nyway, and to - - - $1,309. to - - - ~ 79. -~-- $1.89. caded silk." A - = -- $7.48. lar price, $5. - = = 4 $3.8p. ith Chenille. ---- $8.39. 3 St, Yesll)" one who tries it George's." you rather get re is good?" 55. expensive--it er work -- and » . 10t an atom of Baking Powder * iS 100% pure." cuits deliciously George's on. my not good, I'l sitting." guarantee it-- if it's not just right away." St. George's | always buys it : Cook-Book will be ss to National Drug TENT HUNGARIAN For Hread WHITE ROSE 'or cakes, biscuits, eto. At all dealers. ingston Milling RI FRIDAY, MALCH 13,1907. ] CHILDREN - WHO WERE = - - Wonderful Zam Bvery mother knows with what ra: idity sores, ringworm, ulcers, etc., spread from child to child. mast of the public schools were v sited by an epidemic of i A child is afflicted with scalp sores, itch or ring- worm. In the course of play; ore child puts on another's hat. In this way, or in a hundred and one more which children make possible, the in- in this way. fection spreads and sometimes a whole Burk's Falls says : --* My three childre hands and feet. Their condition was "One day I saw a report telling how t ulcers, ete. I a supply of the baln Almost imm-diately they got relief, and so had defied all the salves I h. rcame the trouble, and to-day th mark of disease on their skin Zam-Buk heal: all skin diseases--éczema. ringworm, poisoned wounds, barbers' ra blemishes due 10 biood 1 a. d veins. first aid " re ni i All dru t 3 centsa box, or TORONTO, for price. ointments and stlves the sores continued to spread ad previou For this grand result I have Zam-Buk to thank." § READ WHAT ZAM-BUK CURES son, good also for rheamaiism and t ations, stops bleeding, cures rom ZAM-BUK CO,, ern db THE GREAT S COVERED 'WITH SORES -Buk Triumph! In Montreal recentl family is affected. Mr. J. C. Bates, of n were all broken out with sores on face, pitiab'e ; and although I tried various sencticial Zam-Buk was for skin diseases, n and app! the sores | Although the rd, in one week Zam- £ he children hav: not a pimple or spot or FREE BOX This coupon, the name of this paper and a 1 cent stamp sent to the Zam- Buk Co., Toronto, will obtain for you a tree trial box. Don't delay. scaly sores, ulcers, h, pustules, face cures burns and . 1b is highly s and stores sell G boxes for $2.50. IN CONNECTION WITH THE C.P. R. Low Rates West Vancouver PL i e $46.00| prion Tacoma Nelson, B.C. $4 3. 50! Rossland ISpolane FROM KINGSTON Second Class One-way Ticket, good going March 1st to April 30th. Special low rates to other points. Full particulars at K. & P., and C.P;R Office, tario street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Biy of Quinte Railway New ghort line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseranto, end all focal points. Traine leave City Hall Depot atédpmy F; CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingetoms TITRE = Low Rates West One way second-class tickets will be »old March 1st to April 30th, at the fallowing fares, from Kingston. Butte, Mont., Helena, Mont., Colorado Bpriage, Gol., ..... Denver, Col.,, Ogden, Utah, Pueblo, Col, Salt Lake, MIR «eves sara sarnisan.n $43.00 Nelson, B.C., Robson, B.C., Teall, B. C,..... ....... Rossland, B. C., Spokane, Wash. §...... A¥aeavraiosen Cc. Seattle. Wash, Portland, Oregan, Tacoma Wash..,.... : Westminster, B.C............ $46.00 Mexico City, Mex. . . . . $46.75 Leos Cal, Sanfrancis- oo a or Sant anels- r.7s Special low rates to many other points. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, orner Johnson and Ontario streets. Between 'Montreal and the At- lantic. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY CANADIAN "ROUTE To CANADIAN winter ports, St. John and Hali. If intending to the earl months of the 2 pa | in vt climate try the ' 'West Indies Full particulars about regular sailings and of a abou New SUMMER SAILINGS i MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. { lonian, Fri, May 38 y 31st, June 28 Virginian, Fri., , June 7, July 5. Tunisian, Fr June 14, July 12. Victorian, F 3 , June 21, July 19. RAT OF PASSAGE 1st., Cabin, Victorian and $80 and upwards. Tunisian, $70 and according to steamer and upwards. i 2nd. ! tion dSid.. Cinss, $27.50 and" £28.75. Victorian and Virginian are Screw steamers, of 12.000 pelled hy Turbine engines. For sailings "and rates of Allen Ling services to Glasgow, Loadonderry Lon | Ionian, $65 and up. Triple tons, pro- ticulars, apnly to . © GILDER- $ El, Clarence St., J, P. HANLEY, T. Ry A WOMAN'S BACK WAS NOT MADE TO ACHE Thousands of Women suffer Un- told Misery Every Day with + Aching Backs That Really have no Business to Ache. Under ordinary conditions it ought to be strong and ready to bear the burdens of life. It is hard to do housework with an ach- ing back. Backache comes from sick kid- peys, and what a lot of trouble sick a cause, But they can't help it. If more work is put on them than they can stand it is not to be wondered that they get out of order. Backacheis simply a warning from the gal won] be ate ed te im- mediately #0 as to avoid years of terrible. sufferering from Kidney trouble. Doan's Kidney Pills will cure you in the same way as they have cured thousands of ethers. 2 Mrs. Thos. Craig, Almonte, Ont., writes: " I was dectering for six months for kid- ney trouble and my back was so lame I to lie.in bed. "I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I did so and in ene week I was able to walk with very little pain, and in five months my Was a8 strong as ever. Dea Ea ap os or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by "The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronte, Ont. Canada Life Assurance Co'y. ESTABLISHED (1847) This great Camadian Company made for Canadian people by Can. aa People 60 years ago has ow Assets Amounting to J ie. $82,280,518.00 Assurance in force $112,572,028,00 Surplus (or Profit Account) of . $1,882,750.00 d . n Stands in a unique 'position all aldfig the line. i Have the best Life or ®adow- ment Assurance by selecting the CANADA LIFE. If you call Policy issued by is the Annual Guaranteed Policy. whick is modern moment, also actual Kingston policyholders, Company, Dividen to the results to J. 0. HUTTON. Manager Telephone 703. J. R. UkQUHART, 153 Alfred St., . Special Agent. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Carri Cutters, Harness Ging Co ef. | 5 of Virginian, accommoda- Cabin, $42.50, $45 and $47.50, fon and Havre, (France), with full par- Leased His Farm. Lombardy, March 14.--Miss Mary E. Brien spent the week-end visti friends in Smith's Falls. Mr. Mrs. R. Duffield have meved to Smith's Falls this week. J. O'Mara intonds leaving for the west and has leased his farm to Charles Bisnett, Miss Nellie Dermady has returned home from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. John McKeon, Desmond. Edward (O'Mara, Sr., left, on Mon- dav, for a few days' visit in Toronto. Harlowe Notes. Harlowe, March 11.--Miss 8. Seott hus returned from Arden after a few days" visit. Miss E. Boomhower and 1. Bishop, Mountain Grove, are visit- ing friends here..J. White purposes go- ing to Belleville to-morrow. William Morgan, one of our popular young farmers, was united in marriage, last week, at Tweed, to Miss Daisy Shier, one of Northbrooke's handsome young ladies. Miss Lorraine Clancy is spend- ing a few weeks at Camden East. Miss C. Morgan, spent Sunday at her home. Miss M. Scott, Arden, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Benny. Summerville Corners Notes. Summerville's Corners, March 13.-- There. is much talk of the railway go- inz through here. A wee girl has come to stay at Ross Gamble's. Dav- id Gamide has purchased some thor- oughbred Holstein cattle, for which he paid a fancy price. Andrew Scott has sold his farm here and intends moving to the west, Miss Eyre, the present teacher, is giving 'much satis- faction. Miss Kirkland is staying with her daughter. Mrs. Chitham is lL.aving Albert Brown's farm. and is going to Seeley's Bay. Ferdinand Hol- mes is paying his friends in this vici- pity a flying visit. Miss Kate Sum- meryille has returned from visiting her brother-in-law in Kingston. Fernleigh Jottings. Fernleigh, March 13.--D. Lyons has finished hauling lumber to Ompah sid- ing. L. Lemmon and a goodly num- ber of others are drawing saw logs and single timber to D. Lyons' saw mill. Stewart Martin, on the sick list, is improving slowly. The Me- thodist minister, Mr. Mearing, preach- od to a large congregation, Sunday evening at Fernleigh. A little girl has come to stay at E. Lyons'. J. T. Howell is renewing old acquain- tances in this vici Visitors : E. Martin at M. Davy's; W. Davy and Noah Lyons visiting the sick at Wil- liam Martin's; Harry Martin at L. Lemmon's. Fernleigh school is under the charge of Miss C. Davies. Items From Forest. shorust, March. 1}.<-Fatmers are tak- ing advantage of the last of the tleighing, hauling logs to Sydenham saw mill. Ryan brothers are doing a rushing business with their sawing ma- chine, cutting wood for the farmers. J. Ferguson is hauling lumber from the station here for the purpose of build- ing a new bank barn. The ratepayers had a school wmecting, on Friday, March Sth, for the purpose of electing a new trustee © in place of F. Guess, who sold his farm and is moving to Sydenham. T. Connor was elected trustee and treasurer. School is pro- gressing well, undef. the management of Miss Chown, of Sydenham. Allen Brown entertained a few of his friends on Friday evening. Married And Away. Strathcona, March 13.--There was no service in the Methodist "church on Sunday last. The pastor, Mr. Mears, attended the dedication of the new church in Napanee. Several from here attended the service also. J. W. Wal- ker spent a féw days in Belleville ast woek visiting friends. George Baldwin, an old resident of this section, is ser- iously ill, with slight hopes of recov- ery. 8, Fox had the misfortune to lose one of his best cowk recently from lock-jaw. Frank Haycock was married, last week, to Miss Conway, Newburgh. He left for the North-West to reside. A' large number of people in this vicinity have sold and gone to make new homes for themselves in our great west. A number of men from here went to Point Ann, Monday, to work in. the cement works there. James Kehoe and Mrs. C. Auitslem ae improving ravidly. Mrs. Brown is on .the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Women Suffer Agonies from Kidney Trouble GIN PILLS CURE THEM There is Mrs. Ripley, for imstance. She suffered terribly with her back, It ached, ached, ached--all the time. Even in bed, it seemed as if she could rot get easy. It finally became so bad that work was impossible. She certainly was a Sisonpged woman when she began to take GIN PILLS. And there isn't a happier. healthier woman in the Dominion than THE DAILY WHiG, Hoyos NEWS OF NEIGHBORS 2a i ; .~ "Martin . Spent - 15 Sunday wi family. . = WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- Caintown Items. : Caintown, March 13. Blake He ENTS TELL US bor hee ed home afer boi 8 ing a week with his brother, Ss. B. The Tidings From Various Points | Hogeboon, Ri er, N.Y. The. so- In Eastern Ontario -- What gal in the i eshyterian Shur on Tue . y Was a grand suc » People Are Doing And What Yuen a Mrs. Fore Tenbant They Are Saying. went to Athens one day last week, E. J. Kabnt is doing a rushing busi- ness in his pew store Nine gic Knhat has returned to Rockport after pending a week with My. and Mrs, Hy D. B. Phillips attended the poultry exhibition at Uttawa last week. Miss Elsie Ferguson spent Sun day at her home here. Roy Gibson has returned home after attending the dairy. school in Kingston. Mrs. Wil- liam Ferguson and children, Athens, are the guests of Mrs. James Eli. Mr. and Mrs. John Kinenid and Nora at tended the funeral of Edward Davis, Glen Buell, on Monday last. William Graham, Jr., has returned home after attending the dairy - school in King- ston. Mrs. Perley McDonald, Mallory- town, was, last. week, the guest of Miss Hattie Powell The deepest sym: pathy is expressed by the people of Caintown to William Hall, in the very sad death of his wife. , * Pied At Winnipeg. Verona, March 14--Crows have made their appearance, which reminds us of the good old summer time. Henry Vagderwaters still continues quite poorly. - Richard Bahcock, while making : a wedge accidentally cut off the tip of ome finger The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, formerly of this place, now of Har rowsmith, join in extending sympathy to thém in the loss of their third daughter, Gertie, wile of George Lakins, Winnipeg, Man. The remains vassed through, yesterday. en route to Harrowsmith, where the funeral takes place to-day. Mrs. Meliord Shan- graw, was summoned, last week, to Glen Park, near Watertown, N.Y., where her husbamd met with an aeci- dent. Rev. 8. Gunter, Free Methodist minister, is "holding special mestines at Reynoldston. There is considerable sickness in the vicinity; doctors are kept very busy. George Dixon has moved on the Craig farm, High Falls. and Messrs. Vanluven, Sydenham, will succced him, on the Front Road farm. Mr. and Mrs: Bilmore are improving nicely, and when well -enough, will accompany their daughter, Mrs. A. Adams, to her home at Niagara Falls, N.Y., to spend thé summer. Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson and:her sister, Mrs. Vanlaven, are both slowly im- proving, Colebrook Happenings. Colebrook, March 12.---There never was as la an amount 'of logs put into the mill yard as there is at the present time. The mill yard and sides of the road ave completely "Soeked. with logs. Harry Woodrufi, in addi: tion to his saw mill, has put in a planing and matching machine and shingle 'machine. James Gowdy and his son were drawing cordwood. The bridge being bare, Mr. Gowdy drove his Toad over and "Wit" it standing up- on what he supposed to be hard round, and took "off his team to Ip his son over. The sleigh he had left standing started back at a rapid rate amd crashed through the railing of the bridge, and dumped the load over the embankment onto the river, a drop of about ten feet. H. P. Lu- cas and family have moved back in their old home here. Miss Georgie Warner spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Alice Gibson, at Napance Miss Florence Ward was in Kingston, Saturday. Mrs. HB. Sullivan, of New York, bes been spending the winter months with ber sister, Mrs. 0'Koole. Mrs. John Cowly spent a few days in Napance. Miss Lou Garrison is visit- ing at Kingston. A few friends here of Mrs. Luk: Switzer, Desmond, gave her a very pleasant surprise party last week. Mrs. John Hill was called to the .bedeide of her sister, Mrs. Ira Smith, of Enterprise, , who has a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. George Gar- rison is slowly recovering from her | recent illness ! WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. -- | The Farmers Have Made Money Out of Hay. Wolfe Island, March 13.--The cross ing to the city.and Cape Vigoent still remains good and to all appearances will remain so for the remainder of the month. It has certainly been a banner winter-for the farmers on the island. Since the ice has taken, a daily procession of teams hauling pressed hay can be seen. The general price bas been $10 per ton, and sever- al farmers have realized $2,000 out of the above commodity, A show was put on in the C.M.B.A. hall, last night, called "Babes in the Woods." A good audience * was in at- tendance, Mrs. Ann Larkin and daughter, from Rochester, NW. who have been visiting with her father, A. Laughlin, for the past few days, re- turned home to-day. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. O'Brien, Railton, spent the week ead with his sisters, Mrs. Patrick and Mrs. Edward O'Rielly. Mrs. William Kane is spending a few days in Rosicre, N.Y. Charles Ryan returned, yesterday, from Millin's Bay, where he 'had been visiting with his brother. Thomas Flynn spent last week in Watertown, N.Y. E. Brice land, reeve, leaves, taday, for Ottawa, in the interests of e township. J. 8. Briceland spent Sunday in Pitts- this same Mrs. Ri to-day. andate Hast 1 cannot refrain from reiting Jou he Seite I have received from Gia Before I had | taken Gin Pilis I suffered dreadfully with { a dd pl Bw) a but. | until I got " Gin Pils." = 0 ' | 1 have taken six boxes and mow J the sign of a pain or an ache in my now 45 and feel as well as I ever life. There is wothing can hold a Gin Pills for pains in the back to womea are subject. Yours truly, i Mrs. Ri a, Tor: irre P. . A serous Kidney Trouble. ye | the sick kidneys were making ber back ache--were giving her those splitting hegdaches--were i i 5 " | g her nd dragging ber o OIN PILES reat dragging her down. PILLS cured her She has burg. James Murphy, who has been ill -in the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston, has recuperated so much so that he has taken a trip to Perth. Joseph Me- Avoy ix indisposed, in the Hotel Dieu. The friends of Anthony McGuire, and they ate legion, extend their kympath, | to the bereaved widow in the sudden | death of her husband, which occurred | | yesterday, in the Hotel Dieu. The de | ceased was familiarly known on the | island, where he dealt largely in the | cattle business, and to know him won| to respect him. The second youngest | son of Thomas Moran is seriously ill. | > Charles has masterial on the | PILLS are a ground for the erection of a dwelling | on his farm in the spring. am ahs 3 T9225 bat i our dead | DEATH OF MRS. LANE, - -- She Was the Wife 'of Denbigh's Postmaster. Denbigh, March 9.--The remains «f Francis. Grainger, of Vennachar, who did, an the 2nd iast., of pneumonia, at the age of about seventyrone years, were interred, on the Sth inst, at the Denbigh Methodist cemetery, after the funeral sirvices had been held at the Vennachar Free Methodist church. Mrs. Mathilda Lane, beloved wife of our esteemed postmaster, Jolin Lane, died very suddenly of heart failure, at the age of a little over sixty-one years, on the morning of 'the 4th inst, She had not been in very good health for some time, but had been able to attend to her ordinary household "du: ties up to the last evening of her earthly existence, and her unexpected death was quite a shock, not only to the members of her family, but also to her numerous friends and acquaint. ances in the vicinity. The funeral took place on the afternoon of the 6th inst., at the Methodist church and cemetery, and was attended by an un- usually large number of sympathizing friends. Rev. Mr. Mearing, of Plevna officiated. Rev. JJ. R. Butler.and Mrs. Butler, of Courtice, Durham county, son-itlaw and daughter of the de ghters, Mrs. J. R. Stewart, of Lindsay, and . Miss Genevieve Lane, of Toronto, ary in time to take part in the obsequies, Rev. J. R. Butler conducted divine service in the Methodist chimoh, on Sunday. evening last, but has since re- turned to his present - field of labor. James Slater, who, since last fall, has been in a Belleville hospital, suffering from blood:poisoning, in one of his \ hands and arms, "has returned, home again, but will not 'be able to use his injured limbs for some months yet. ------ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. An Arden Case. Harlowe, March 13.--(To the Editor): Sesing an item in the Whig of Janu ary 25th, 1 wish to correet it. It isin yegard to a case brought before Judge Price against an Ardenite for taking lumber. The writer did not owe 'the party who took the lumber any such amount as stated, but the party who took the lumber was encouraged by one of Arden's most popular men. The writer sent a search warrant after the party and lumber; tho party would not give it up, but the judge ruled | m that he must give up what did not be- | wl long to him. As the parties who were at the trial from Arden heard - the judge say that they did a good many things out in this country that they rr ---------------- The Late Mrs. Leeds county has passed away in the person of Mrs. Her maiden name, was Mary Jane Nes- bitt, and she was born on May 24th, 1817, at Ballymena, Ireland, In 1838, she was married to James Simpson, of the same county, and not long afterwards left for Can- ada, They spent seven years in King ston, during / which lowed the trade of na mason. Then they moved into Here they cleared land and formed a! Presbyterian church, which owes much home for their family. . The Cocoa with the RY Yellow Wrapper requires only | 44 the quantity of other cocoas, and there-is-no-better cocoa made. We know it. ROYAL DUTCH COCOA DEATH OF A PIONEER. Sn, the. good cighty-nine years. 'and she family comfortably settled arowhd They are Adam of Pittsburg; Jo Rear of Leeds; Robert: South Crosh James, Rear of Leeds; Samuel, on the homestead, and = Rachel (Mrs. 8. J; Wills) of Morton. : ; 42H A Mes. Simpeon's health Jud been mg for sew iy on ¥ ary 15th, she died, at the home of- co her won, Smmuel, whore the funeral ser Fe vien was held on the following Sab bath morning, and was condéeted by Rev. J. 0. MeDonald, B.A., of Mor ton. The' remains were taken to the vault at Sandhill, near Battersea. Tho decensed was one of the oldest' of the early settlers of South € and highly esteemed by a large ocire of friends. She was a member of wife 'lived , to James Simpson, of South Crosby. An aged and respected resident of James Simpson, Sr. County Antrim, seven more in Belleville, time Mr. Simpson fol- and South Crosby, a few iles distant from Seeley's Bay, into hat is locally known as Cahfornia. . | to the faithful servicés of members of Mr. Simpson died in 1870, but his her family, i 1 would not do around the court 'house, should be a hint that they were not a law-abiding people. JAMES W. ROM- BOUGH. The News--No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed if all cough cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is-- and has becn for twenty yéars. The naticnal law now roquires that il any poisons enter into a cough mixture it must be printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others, : should insist on having Dr. Shoop"s Cough Cure. No poison: marks on Dr. Shoop's labels--and none in the medicine, else it must by law be om the label. And it's not only safe, but it is said to be, by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chances, par ticularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Com- pare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison méArks there, You cin always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by all dealers. r, W. I. Bolger sued Albert Gallagher, reeve of the township of Bastard, for $50, a reward for the capture of the person guilty of burglarizing summer residences and boathouses at Portland Lake. Michael Hoban was arrested and on conviction sent to the peni- tentiary. The plaintifi won. . Prevost, Hrock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviote and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. J. Forrest, C.E., Brusstls, will su- verintend the construction of the Kemptville section of the C. P. R. double track. When cleaning aspot with gasoline, if a blotting paper is placed under the material, the gasoline will not leave a ring. Over fifty kinds of corsets to choose from. We know style that will suit figure. New York Dress Reform, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's. Orders at McAuley's book store. "Phone 778. The way some people have of being wood is worse than the way others have of being bad, : New hats for spring. © The correct things are all here, £2, $2.25 to £3, The H. I. Bibby Co. Camphorated oil, double strength, is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. . No matter how much ability. a man is horn with, he has to hustlevfores- perience. Sée Bibby's special $2.25 Derby. 3 TIPS FOR THE THRIFTY Three Seventy-Five Buys from us A Man's Patent Colt Lace + Boot of one of the best American makes, Three different shapes to choose from. Sizes 6to 9. Regular $5.00 Values. McDermott's Stone LLLLLLLLLL0LLLILLLL0T Orwell's Bankrupt Stock OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND PIPES AT LESS THAN COST About thirty thousand 10 emt Cigars vvill be sold for 5 cents each, or a hundred. Club House Special, The Duchess, The ~iploma "Grend, San Toy, Lord Craines, Reekies, Craven Penet , McKinley, Lord Russel, Olymphia, Rothchil ds, La Premiads, Lenicos, Lord Tennyson, ant, R. V. Maritana, 4 of any brand of other 10 cent Cigars for 25 cents. . : 1 About 100 Fountian Pens cheap. A lot of Pocket Knives, Pocket Books and Razors, those goods can be had at JOHN ROUTHEY'S, 173 and 175 Prin. cess street, and 354 King street, Orwell's Old Stand. JOHN ROUTLEY ; KINGSTON, ONT. Row PEPIIIPII CII IIIIIY 1 ) ' YH UZAY I UN i S : A En ARTY OL WOUIE HAVE THE A! fi) 4 \\ y ng! {EN fiwi Tek \ ET aa ' ; | [EE | af \ J Ly Ah N CEST PATTE ppt fo JL / 4 y \ andl RR 7 ALY) 1 y 2 0 ete py [ WR SIGN: 4 HECINRLE BEAL 4 Eh ma i a | \ hy 1 a i

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