Mr, Sur Mr. Bu that Lott. Business | okt his a ae th ER Lt, i to see him. Suspéeting |in question. 3 Grand Trunk ud he got | into the carriage with spvary, all roads the. une man AR were driven Inspecting Batteries. « - r Brooklyn a 3 to | A number: of prominent military men iret Soak: | the Lott residence, where were { are in the city inspecting the batter- as- lies, and © from appearances it seems the Brat serts she was not ill and that when that "B" battery will be back from he discovered this fact his suspicions At this point, Soydam alleges, ho i| was told that he would have to mar: Lott. A minister was on i he was Cat to con sent to m ut objected to the minister ot i without his Serical § >. This ai ty was 800n and necessary ought to. the hause. In og hs for alimony and counsel fees, . 'Suydam denies that engl on foreed into the marriage. ACCUSED OF MURDERS. ro-| Caught in Panama and Taken to "Frisco. : New York, Murch 14.--After a search 4 year and a half, ers, accused caught. alleged, killed Freder- {While C. Olney, wealthy , N.Y., and Alice | Rhod nine-y ear-old "daughter of eeper, pt atisnpted to kill the latter's mother, . Martin Ingerick. The man was arrested in Panama and is mow in San Francisco in the ous of detectives on his way to = | New York. "| ter the triple murder, ju | on October 7th, 1905. a ih a wife and five children beh 5 o dren behind. Storrington Couneil. "A special meetin, was held at Sun- y March ah. Members all : 3: i : Upon_eommunications from "Me rs. Taber and Moore, tile manu- . E. Gaobb loft, here, yesterday, | factuvers, resolved, motion, upon x Bruce-Ritchie, thst the clerk order Ottawa, T f be og ten- ng dere ie from Mv. Tain, * be po do in hun, The tender n, Teed S of the ig Publishing com- a oh , and will y for" printing, 'was accepted. The of ,the ht ee " instructed to communicate with friends the Sawyer Massey company, in regard : Rov. one 8. Radelifig; BOL, the crusher and J. F. Campbell con- 0 r la vigorous on in St. r tract. Moved, Bruce-Ritchie, and re- $e! "soa Solved, that ag Loughbero' Take is the ® 'Henry n val, "Toronto, who fas been wook with friends the sspring, at W, on boundary between the townships of Storsinglon and Loughboro for twen- % dil nid | and don She abot - fifty vears, 4 public hav ustomed to the Loughbors Is lake hi 'of the Forth ond company, an Fos EERE Eo pri ere is no other dary, it is the d hh of apending nts council to tain a bridge across . county council is called to. the J dition of * the bridge and to its duty to provide at once a suitable birftige between. the. townships. : Forestry hg " 14.~The an- Ota ig the Canadian Fores. opened; this morning. with a large attendance, and Presic 3 Stewart in the chair. ae -- P-- > done LE. oF the Sasoc Soulution, it was AAAS RASEOE in the report, W La. LE 2 a of 875 in less than five The work extéended over 7,200,000 | acres of dominion forest rederve. ---------------------- 'Baby Buses To Death. » hi brags oa is marriage to 'old ahd is ] a as 3 bs ar of the first to settle oo B. Dnlion aud W. 4. did not care for the joh. Raned therefore, the attention of |' = Spring hat styles are now ready-- nc wore acabent we have , for 4 has had to retire owing to physical | inabilities; is' to be paid $130 a year f for three years as recogmition of past © Court Of Revision. The court of revision had a session, are : Major-Gen. Lake; eral Otter; Major Winters, Lieut.- Col. 'Shore, Ottawa, and C. E. W. Dodwell, C.F. Interred At St. Catharines. Mrs. Eliza Ohearn Jiutehison, 624 Princess street, on Sun- The deceased years of age, was au resident of St.Cath- arines for years. She leaves two daughtera, Mrs. R. Stewart, of Bul- falo, and Mrs. Hutehison, of Kingston. The remains were. interred at St. Cath- arines on Tuesday, Appointed Rhodes yolal. Norman = Macdonnell, third-year student in arts at Quen'. s University, and a son of the lite Rev. I). J. Mac donnell, of Toronto, has been chon fas Queen's second Rhodes" scholar for of Oxford. Mr. Macdonnell will go to England next . His cousin, James Maedonn , MA, of this city, the Science Research Scholarship val- ued at $730 4 year for two years, Looking For Work. George Billings, an Englishman who has only been out in Canada three months, arrived in Kingston, from Montreal, this mornin, , and was in search of work, He sai been working for the corporation on the streets of Montreal, but that he! Some one told him that he would be able to se- cure employment in Kingston, and so came on here. He has the promise of a situation in a few days. Billings says that so far he likes Canada very much, and that if he is able to secure hemployment he will stay in Kingston. Queen's College Notes. Dr. Goodwin will be "At Home" to the final year in science this evening. The year is invited to dine with the professor and stay for the evening. in some of the subjects and classes are beginning to close. The final grind has commenced, and the students are Considerable interest is being shown in the athletic tournament The entries 'are nearly full and the Physical Director A large number of ycleich stndents purpose joining survey patties for the INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked ed Up By Beporters on Their Rouads Limestone Lodge, No: 91, AOTW., meets evening at eight o'clock. « "Batger's" West Indian toffee in 25 cent tins, 'at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phone' 2. Come in and. show. Needn't nd Just gol you' a hat later. The: H he annual meetin of the. Grand | Orange inating. of Ontario, will be in oF a on March 20th. Frederick Milo will represent the our we'll D. Bib great' stomach al Bone 81 oe ihe S00. at Best's. ov alt Fhe Sureeny styles. e H. D. Bibby © Mrs. Fox, a Brockville teaches, who etviges, spring hats have made their dl SE 50, $2, 82. = Bao and $3. The H. H. D. Bibby Co. Bs 8 as good as Beaty Seni Sway 'cures i. | Ontario legislature Joaday afternoon, to Soin the local improvement charges for walks laid Jam year, There were fourteen appeals regarding measurements. The city engineer will re-measure the walks Toronto belore long. The officers here Brigadier-Gen- passed ig at the residence of her son-in-law, David lady, ninety-three | th that he had | The year's work has been completed |°™™ment, as head of the dairy branch noi seen around the city [nee Creek, in the which | enthal, 20 | takes place at the end of the menth. | 20. Development is to in a vast scale. and ey expenditure of She | participants are bay 3 training, under Alberta will spend $200,000 in tele * | phone construction. Fire at Borsa; Italy, rendered two thousand homeless, Ohio pd? parts pT Pennsylvania are flooded, owing to thaws and heavy rains, An order-in'council is to be passed establishing a forest reseive about 0 tawa, The 'stock of Hie glove aad | mitten factory at Ingersoll, was gut Eby five. M: Wilson has been appointed as- vista general manager of the York Radial company. a Bell Telephone company has of- ered $20,000 a year for an exclusive ay of Toronto. The Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, Moutreal, will not hold the annual yacht club ball this year. Gen, William Booth, the chief officer 11 0f the Salvation frm. y, visited the is afternoon. The Quebec legislature has granted a \ Jontion to the mother of Miss Sarah axwell, victim of the" Hothelagn Schoal fire. : Uriah Wilson, conservative M.P. for Yemnox; is aspiring to be the leader of the tariff reform element in the con- servative party. The Allan line 8S. Mongolian, from Glasgow, arrived at Halifax this morning. Passengers : 176 second 'ca- bin and 401 steerage. Captain May Mitchell, of the Salva- tion Army, died ~ suddenly on Sunday in New Liskeard. She was a daughter of James Claxton, Toronto. The federal government will expend the sum of two million dollars this | year in impro the St. Lawrence Toute, from Montreal to the sea. President Wilcox, of the Delaware & Hudson railroad, has announced that there have been only three passenger fatalities opyhis road in twelve years. Mr. Girard, M.P.P., Rouville, will hold a mass meeting, at Marieville, Que., on Sunday, to protest against appointment, of Senator Dessaulles. he thitil session of the eleventh par- liament of the province of Quebec was prorogued this afternoon by Lieuten- ant-Governor de with the usual : ceremonies. Justice Fitagerald, New York, has sustained Mr. Delmas upon the com- pletion of arguments for and against the admission, as evidence, of the tes- timony of A. B. Hummel. At Fannystelle, Man., the seven-year- oldison of F. W. Beattie, while play- ing with a gun in the absence of his parents, shot and instantly killed his little brother, aged three. Peterhoro can purchase the plant and business of thé Peterboro Light and Power company and to gearrate and sell power on the terms imposed by the Hydro-Electric commission. "Heregiter the union of Cenadian municipalities shall consist of the dif- ferent provincial unions, the municipal- ity forming the provincial union and those federate to make the dominion union: Swartzward, the New Haven, Conn., man, who married the dining room cashier of the Queen's Hotel, Mont- | real, while having a wife and six ! children in New Haven, wa ag sentenced to two years imj A special' trip to enable t the members of the Ontario legislature and various members of the provincial government to sce the wealth of the Al qin Park as a national asset has Big ranged by the Ontario fish and game commission leaves Toronto on Friday. George H.. Barr, London, in charge of the instruction in dairy work in Western Ontario, including the dairy school at Strathroy, has resigned to enter the service of the Dominion gov- of the fruit and dairying departments. Sixteen claims Lot copper, gold. silver and zinc on Haskins mountain, at Laird fliattiot, B.C., were recently purchased by Ros- Kurz and Hirschel, * of Chica- be carried out 500,000 is planned. COBALT STOCKS. Market Street. Furnished By J. 0. Hutton, 18 | JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. ' only Should see the collection of Spring Goods. New French Sedan Cloths Silver Tweed|Suitings Worsted Stripe Suitings "Chiffon 'Panama Cloths =~ Broadcloths Chiffon Finish. Printed Voile de Paris, French Muslins, Delainettes, English Prints, Dimity, Fine - Swiss Muslins. For Children's Wash Dresses Just "opened to-day a lot of "English Galateas English Satin Finished Drill§, Fine Chambrys, Fine Ginghams, Fine Linens in Blues and Pinks, Fite Nayy and White Seashore Checks, Our Dress Goods Department is now ready with the latest and best of this Spring's Materials. We can? e a few here, but we are anxious that yoy New Wash Goods New White The very latest designs are now ready and we want you to see them. Special Values at 1.00, 1.25, 1.50. 'Special Values $1.75, 1.99, 2.25. Special Value on up to 4.50. Shirtwaists Long Rid Gloves You have now the best choice of the season. Our new Long Kid Gloves are made from fresh skins and are from one of the best makers - in the world, MESSRS. PER- RIN FRERES, of Grenoble, France. Toronto, Match 14th. 1 p.m. Abitibi £9, $ B08 25 Conlages ...... . 4.25 4 60 Foster *..... 2.00 1.92 Green Meehan 90 82 Nipissing 12.75 12.12 Peterson Lake © 52 48 Silver Leal 144 184 Silver Queen . i 1.95 1.92 Trethewey a XT 1.25 SALES, Trethewey MAE asks At $1.20 BE. D. Holter i. ..:... ui... SIA a Hats that equal our celebrated Bar rington $2.25 hat sell for $2.75 and $3 in hat stores. The H. D. Bibby Co. Bitters," cures headaches; 0 hottles for 50c., at Best's. The Pope's Guard is likely to be disbanded. His simple tastes and in- eclination towards economy are offend- od hy the gorgeous pomp of the guard, which causes an oulay of hh an- sually for uniforms and salari DONT FORGET Rubber Boots « Girls', Children' Ss, Men's & Boys' The Maple Leaf Brand The Best Made in Canada. * The Lockett Shoe Store $1 P.S.--A new stock of Trunks just arrived. o, ol trenton freee feeferfe feted food 0 sheleleelodepelafotaefe tafe telat ne Mounted Spe Rugs Polar Be: Russian © Grizley " Rocky Mour Bear- Black Be: Bengal Tig Leopards, | John Mc] FUR HOU: 149-153 BROCH Kingston, Cans LIBERAL MEETIN Subdivisions will =n election of Chairmen ; form Rooms, Golden 1 as follows :-- On FRIDAY Evening, inst., at eight p.m. Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10 Ward. Nos. 11, 12, 18, 1 Frontenac Ward. Nos. 186, 17, 18, 19, Rideau Ward. J. McDONALD N President Kingston Ref A Unique Demens For a few days a will demonstrate the of Holbrool Worcester In our store, and wi the various purposes it can be used. Jas, Redden BRITISH - AMI HOTEL KINGSTON - Has undergone alter Is now open to the sublic. W TELFER I have sold thousands o the Pittsburg-Ely Co in Kingston. Don't neglect the oppor securing a block large or this Pro stock at t Price. is er yg go higher 3 orobability will touch this or $8.00. JOSEPH } FARM LABOI AND DOMES' Any person requiring please notify me by 101 ing. particulars. J, Canadian a aT wert Agent, Kingsion, Art Stu MRS. COMPTON will Art Studio at her rési Barrie street, opposite | on MONDAY NEXT. Class days on Tuesd: day and Saturday after ORCHESTRA | VIOLIN INSTAL .E. NH. MERRY, *** § (Try a Pound of _ Myers' HOME MADE S : oar fundas's Hrankfnsty 60