Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1907, p. 3

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Armours Solid Extract NY TS v (rorree wm canaoa) r | mot only supplies color and flavor . to soups, sauces' and gravies-- "| but a quarter teaspoonful in a | cup of hot water makes a brac- ing cup to the invalid or convalescent. ©] Armour's Extract of Beef is more economical than others be- cause it goes four times as far. y Write for free Booklet 'Culinary § Wiinkles" which tells how to use i Armour's Solid Beef Extract. ® {| ARMOUR LIMITED - Toronto CARADIAR FACTORY TT FRONT STRECT EAST eer 8 | Le Booth 4 WE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS} OF ""n W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. AFM by Doh, TE, TRG || cut GLAss New Engraved Designs in Tall Fruit Dishes. These be- ing engraved are a change fromthe héavier cut pieces. New Crystal Vases, with Etched Floral Designs and Topped in Sterling Silver. Dishes Plates New Bowls, Celery Trays, Jelly Carafe's Jugs, ete. all i the whitest aad clearest ol RICH CUT GLASS. » Spoon Jowelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage Great Showing Of Easter Suitings Time to think about your Easter Suit and no better place to get ideas for it than at this store. Our goods are all new and are carefully selected, being the pick of the sam- ples shown by the leading Dress Goods houses in Great Britain and Canada. Many exclusive lines to be leen here only. You will lo well to see the range his week at the latest, as he nice ones are being icked up very rapidly. ou Will Need a Spring ~ Coat, have the correct ing and at a popular price pril Designer on Sale, 10c Get a Standard Fashion heet for April free for the New Goods arriving daily RIN EWMAN & SHAW 'amphorated oil, double strength, is at Gibson's Red Cross' Diug iliam 'Swain, piano and organ er. Orders received, dt Montes s. NOTICE! Raw Furs Phone 700 JEECHAM'S PILLS ar€ the Beet remedy for a deranged stomach. They are a safe and gentle laxative; a reliable cure for obstinate 'Constipation, Bilious Atgacks, Sick Headache and ll disorders arising from a weak Di- 3 gestion, sluggish Liver or clogg ed Bowels. Beechain's Pills Give Quick Relief and are a world-famous medicine for the cure of these prevalent com; Their cost is a trifle; their use--a duty, health's sake, insist on Beecham's Pills. hady than any. other remedy. thousands all over the globe. TNSytsd Saks by Thomas Beecham. St. Helens, + England, Sold by all Druggists In Canada and U. S, America. In boxes 25 cents. For 'your They do more for your Known a used. by hundreds of NO -HONING-=NO GRINDING "CARBO MAGNETIC" "THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION. Are you Interested in a better Razor than you have? i /If So, your dealer will deliver toyou'a "CARBO | Ig $'MACNETIC" Razor on thirty days' trial | ) fi without obligation on your part to purchase. 8 3 "CARBO MACNETIC"" Razors don't 3 puli--others will! Get one to day and you'll have No MORE RAZOR TROUBLES. Firm of A. L. Silborstele '476 Brosdwes. N.Y. FOR SALE BY W. A. MITCHELL, 85 AE E---- 87 PRINCESS STREET [SHOES FOR EVERYBODY Rm-- ol THE FACTS ARE THAT MOST EVERYBODY In this vicinity wear Our Shoes, or rather shoes bought here. The wearers of Our Shoes are a contented lot of people. Did you ever hear any one wearing a pair of shoes bought here say that "'their shoes hurt their feet;"' that they were "too large" ¢r* 'too small," 'didn't fit,"' "not the right shape,' "didn't wear well,' "not igood style." We'll Wager Anything That you never hear any of these complaints about our kind of Footwear. Men, Women, Boys, Misses and Children are so well fit- ted and pleased that they come here continually to supply all their footwear wants. Shoes right, price right, treitment right and sec our business grows day by day. \ J. H. Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE OF GOO { HOEMAKING 0000000000000 00000000 000000000000 NNPNNV0L 00 I Would Never "have believed it possible for a cook Stove to do as much "work on as little fuel, before we put a HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE: | in our kitchen --This-is what a customer said to us yesterday and "what we are continually hearing. « If you require a new Cook Stove ask some of your friends who are using a "Happy Thought" what they think of it. 89 and 71 BROOK McKelvey & Birc STREET 000000000000 0000000000 HOW ABOUT YOUR EASTER SUIT ? . You had better look sharp if you are to have your New Gown ready Tor Easter, the Dress-Makers are getting busy and, so are we. For we have the swellest range of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods. We do not n:ake that statement ourselves, but we are told by customers, who buy their Dress Goods here aiter looking elsewhere. * In Cots, we show some very gilts: garments, in tight: fitting and loose effect, styles, some are to-be found only at this store. : Silk Waists, Skirts.and Whitewear, in a large variety of styles and materials, all at prices that yon cannot match sise- where.' Ne trouble to show goods. : JAMES JOHNSTON STORE, pac kage they te -------------- SPLIT, BRITTLE, DULL HAIR. broly GANANOQUE TIDINGS WARRANTS ISS ISSUEDFOR GAMBLING DEN KEEPERS. Another Elocutionary (Contest Held--Gordon Hurd the Win. ner--Oddiellows Have a Big Night. Gananoque, March 14.--The fourth of the series of elocutionary contests for a silver medal, kield under the auspices of Gananoque Council, No. 284, Rowval Templars of Pemperatice, took place, at the Colonial Theatre, last evening, The competing class was six in num. ber, two young ladies, the Misses Flor ence Stoliker and Lila Hued, and fone young men, the Messrs, G Gib. son, Howard Churchill, Gordon Wilson and Gordon Hurd, The judges were Miss Rebecca Edwards, Rev, Joseph Cornell and "Mack" Marks, of the Ernie Marks troupe, and the award was made to Gordon Hurd, to the en. tire satisfaction of the audie spec. Rev, Mr, Timberlake preseited the medal to the wintier.. Ex-Mayor W. J. Wilson filled the chair, Last evening the local held a special service at their lodge rooms, to which the members of Clay- ton Jodge were invited to attend: but on account of the unsettled condition | of the weather, they failed to put in an appearance. The thrée degrees were put on by the local brethren, after which they repaired to the Rrophy house, where a most excellent banquet Oddfellows Cure Piles Privately -at Home Without 'Pain. or Operation. ---- TRIAL PACKAGE MAILED . FREE. The result of am'irritated membrane cannot be cured. with a knife, but by removing the canse ol the irritation. and eweling a "Dring back." the recs tum to' its normal Gondition. This result is effected painlessly ond without the loss of a momemts time from your daily duties. The treatment is applied at home, in the privacy of your own foom. remedy iv Our own preparation" and 'our nant is the guarantee of it8 genyineness, Tho! usands of cases similar to the following mi be Sid to prove our claims, . "I tried the of your cure you sent to. me. I L ikand then bought fad 5c. bog. ? Wore immediate {and surprising lo & 1 gssute you. 1 thad been to ® dozen of the best doetors | and paid much money to thém with no results whatever. 'T had this affliction for twenty years. Iwas in o hospicg] for a long, time; and 1 left it physical was served. W. B. Carroll acted as toast master, For conducting gambling "ens? ir connection' with Turner's billiard-roon and Brennan & Ledger's hilliarderooms Messrs. Wait and Ledger were sum moned to appear before Police Magis trate Heaslip, yesterday afternoon. Failing to put in an appearance, wor rants were issued for their arrest. vet they have not been found, Mr. and rs. DD. Gordon, First Street, enterty a number of thei friends, last eve g, at a quiet dance Mr. and Mrs. William Hazel, Syden ham strest, entertained a number of | ther friends last evening. Nr. and | Mrs k Wright, Stone stieet tertained a number of their fr last evening, it being the Mr. Wright's birthday. wood, late of London, position as baker with the of Hall & Wilkinson, occasion of John es Monday last. Miss Pearl Loney, of Leeds township, spent y terday and to-day, the guest of he friend, Miss Lila E. Hurd, King street ------------ There is a hit of « alk, on Wil am street, which in all sbrts of weather is a model to every house holder. We might say it extends a most from Bagot sinet to the Wel lington street corner, and the earliost i ays finds it swept and gar , and blesses the dwe by it. Better digestion and | a swecter stomach follow quick upon the daily use of | York Springs Potash Water. marked flavor. Try it for your dyspepsia. At good bars and from all merchants who discriminate. and without Potash Water is better--yet .costs no more. The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronte FOR SALE BY Rigoey & Hickey, das. McParland The "COME INTO MY PARLOR" Story The invitation of the manufacturers of muddy, blotchy and adulterated package dyes to the ladies of Canada to usc their poor colors for home coloring is as dangerous as the of the spider to the fly. The owviy tion of the makers of common dves if ree opted, mepus lass of 1 we odd ruin of valuable clothing, am terials; the acceptance by the ON of the spider's offer, is death. Today, many ladies know too well that in the past they bave been vie timized by the false stories told by makers of crude dyes, and have suf fered serious losses The DIAMOND DYES, used all over the civilized world have always dome good amd profitable work for our' wo- men 'and girls. No other package dyes are as strong, bright, full and ns lasting as the DIAMOND DYES: old and young can use them with equal sucess and pleasure. Ladies should see that the words "DIAMOND DYES" gppear on each purchase. Refuse all inkita tions and substitutes if you would avoid loss and trouble." Booklets on Home Dyeing and Card showing fifty Dyed Samples sent free to any address. Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, Montreal. Al Come From Dandruff, Which is Caused By a Germ. Split hair, hard hair, lusterless hair, brittle hair, falling hair, all owe their origin {0 dandrofl, which is caused by a measly. little microbe that burrows into the scalp, throwing up the cuticla :] ment. Sher- | has @ocepted a | new firm | and entered on | Sparkling, zestful, wholesome | York Springs ly broken" down. 1 owe vou a debt of | gratitude. I believe that piles would | be banished from humanity and - be {come an unknown thing, were every: e afflicted with them to but spend rom 30c, to $1 for Pyramid Pile Cure, ts speedy action also makes it ex. |tremly favorable for impatient people. Hd am yours sincerely, George eH, Bart. lett, Mattapan. Mass." No matter how badly you suffer from | piles we want ts cure you, Ii vou will ry a free package to prove its merits oursell we will gladly send it to your ame and address at once. We will lave it to you todecide whether you {can afford to disco miinue the treat Pyramid Drug Co, 84 Pyramid Bldy., Marshall, Mich. (All druggists sell the. Pyramid. Pilg { Cure, just the same as the s ample, at per x MANY ENTERTAINMENTS For the Bride-Elect--Death of G. | Hawley. Napanee, March i3 i A miscellaneous shower was given by Miss Templeton, on Wednesday, a tea on Tuesday oven. ing by Mrs. W. A. Daly, and 4 tea on | Saturday afternoon by Miss Florence Hall, to Miss Hardy. The bride's | many Napanee friends wish her and { her husband bon voyage or sea of { matrimony. The death occurred at Gosport, on Tuesday evening of Gils m Hawley, af: ter an illness of three | srotle started with pneumonia and bereular 'trouble set in, and all that skill and tender m ursing could {do could mot arrest the disease. The | deceased leaves ren ST Frank Hawley, in and Mrs, James F aged mother is loving son. years of age Winnipeg, Robertson. His » left to mourn « Deceased was fifty-one Stoco Studies. Stoco, March 11.-- Thomas Caul con- tinues in a low condition. His pro- spects of regaining health are remote. Mr. Graham has had a shanty getting out hub and other timber jn the neighborhood oi Rush's, We are pleas- ed to see Andrew Keilty around | again after his recent illness. Miss Mary Cassidy is aitending the Con- vent school in "Toronto. Miss Taséie Maloney is taking a course as nurse- in-training in a Toronto hospital Leo Cournoyer is home from Toronto, where he ttending + the Elliott i 'There have been several deaths of old people in this vicinity lately Mrs. Leprad, Clair River, whose remains were laid in the Roman Catholic vault here on Sun- day, March 3rd, as eighty-seven years old. The Tate Patrick Kelly, whose remains wore laid in the vault on the same day, was eighty-five yedrs old at the time of death. The ate John Cassidy whose funeral took place on Tuesday, 5th inst., was also one of the early pioneers of this dis- trict. He had reached the ripe old age of eighty-nine years. Patrick Mul- vaney has closed up his blacksmith shop here, and . has gone, it is said, to Watertown, N.Y. John Caul was arrested by Constable Wilson on Sat- urday, at the evidence of W. A, Caniff, who accused him of stealing money from him. Francis Allore whe is now\ an old man of ninety, is quite seri- ously indisposed. Michael Whalen is offering his farm for sale. Abel Finkle has moved on to Allan :'Badgely's farm, south of Stoco. Philip Parks has sold his farm. Building opera- tions continue brisk at the mine in the neighborhood of Bogart. They are putting in an electric light plant there. Mrs. D. G. Larkin has returned, home from the west. Phillip Parks has sold his farm. (] News From Venmachar. Vennachar, March 11. -- William Goodrich amd son; Herbert; have gone with their last load go and household goods to their: home heat Castleton, Ont. Mrs. ich is making Jurowsi] visits to ar af her old friends and neighbors before she goes to join her husband on the 15th. Mrs. DL. Gunter is to" "ficcom- pany her and visit: her parents at Oak Heights. The remiting of the late Francis Granger, of this' place, wers buried by the side of his son at Den- into' dandrufifscales and sapping' the Vitality of the hair at the rodt, caus ing the several diseased conditions of the hair till it finally falls owt. Mo. dern science has discovered a remedy | to destroy the dandrafl microbe, | {elie is combined in Newbro's Herpi- dhe delightful hair dressing. Al- fide itching, instantly and makes hair soft as silk. Take no substithte; no thing "just as good." Seld by Sowa ing s. Sentl 10c.. in ad for yg to The Herpicide So 'De Nebood Two sires, 56 Mahood, special |in Matawatchan. ned 81: the farmers are 'anx : |robing and gr bigh, on the 5th inst. A number from | here attended the funeral of Mre. John | Lane, Denbigh, on the 6th wit. G. W. Pennack, Denbigh, was the guest of R. W. Comer on his way heme from visiting friends. at his old home in { Elgin. Mr. Stewart is visiting friends The patrons and proprietor of the cheese factory, Ven pr met onthe 6th, and appoint- Jolm Cowan, president. R. W. Con- sa was "appointed secretary-treasurer and salesman. The crows are. here, and iously looking for What isa t cure than a ro ing bale Lich vil bring life back to Ale detied tissues? This is the of the Pyramid Pile Cure he hte suppositories melt. away | fate the membrane, heal the ve the inflammation months, The wife and two child: CONDENSED ADVERTISING | RATES First insertion, 1c. a word. Each on secutive insertion thereafter jo. word. Minimum np" for one Joe sertion, 256. HELP WANTED-MALE, TARE BOYS. Arey Bat st LDS ctory, near om i et BOY FOR Some experience Wiilg office. NEWS ROOM ; ONE WIT preferred. Appl SALESMEN FOR AUTO-S| Best hand Sprayer Sample Machine free agent. Cavers Bros., A YOUNG MAN ABOUT SIXTEEN years of ave to---help-in a: rae store. Start with $5 per week, piv at Whig office. CARRIAGE WOODWORKERS AT once. Highest wages paid to com potent mien. The ly Carriage Co., Brockville, Ont. a THREE OR | Pour RURNISHED JILLIARD px C, rooms, 'for Lm house Reeping. oy ETT ply Box "F.C. Whig of Fara ARDY oud a mre i. | FRAME HOUSE, IN WEST BND, 7+ rooms, | cellar, het Jad . Jars lot 0 3us0, Apply XA Cy BY MAY 1st, OR SGONER, MEDIUM. sised house. Centrally located. pe me Stating rent, to Box oe, _-- ig SECOND COOK AND PASTRY cook: Man amd wife Yea ly contragt. Good wages. Tarticolars 208 Wellington St., Dept. "RB. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. in hia ings ate of SHatiop, wis to ae oy street. A GoobaLING FAGuON AND TEAM : es SMITH, 5 y CHITECT, Hei lity, with dria house and LL Ls stable, fruit ---- and soft 'Phone, 343 0 ater hy oy Clear title. 3 oy + p) care of Whig office. POWER & SON, ARC IITECT, MER. SOLID. BRICK RESIDENCE AND chant's Bank Building, apd Wellington streets. WM. NEWLANDS, fice, second floor over Mahood s Drug Somer: Bruck xtounds, oumber 114 Karl St. ARCHITECT, OF Residences. yacant, lot Highest wages paid to firstelass men. Apply The Collingwoorl Ship: buiMing Company, Limited, Colling- wood, Out. TTT TI ---- HELP WANTED-FEMALE. A KITCHEX - GIRL. dolph Hotel. APPLY RAN- SPRING SUITS TO MA GENTLE ; side of bi 3 a 3 it Sa men, bring your awn xx 6m and got o Te a Ban auc She. Daget 1: aoa or Hor se i cheap up-to-date suit wade. hone. 608 Cunningham, Sor " Clarenes A wv <¥ rite = finish h arent. wes, Ga, n dors' Solicitor. oh The Tolle, Sot Brook: street : . " MEDICAL. TO.LET, A : Lid FOUR MACHINISTS, 4 BOILER o RELY 7 uwakers, 4 dry or green san jouid- CA OFFICE LATE: "ATPORY bres all avcuntomed to heavy --work, pR. M gh DWELLINGS, iy occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mone ete, at McCann, 51° Brock sweet BRICK SNELLING, Ne 5 Toe MONEY AND BUSINESS. 8,» db Clarence St «18 OUR POL 1CIRS COVER MORE ON nd than any other BE sedis GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO washing. Refercuces required Mrs, Uglow, 164 Barrie street. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, FOR Arlington Hotel, Gananoque. One who can cook, if necessary, preferred. YOUNG LADY TO LEARN THE SHOE business. Apply by letter, Suulifica tions, ete, to The Shoe Store ONE OR TWO GIRLS FOR KNITTING machines clean steady work, best wages. The Brantford Hosiery Co. Ltd, Brantford, Omt A SERVANT ;: ONE WHO THOROUGH- ly understands plain cooking. Must be well recommended. No washing or froning. Apply to Mrs, 134 Bagot street, er ---------------------------------------------- YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN THE art of dressmaking, cutting, design- ing, trimmin~ ete.. tailored gowns, fur-lined opera cloaks, costs Wilkinson, oftors Examine them at see ---- A wal hl-EURN] company y - ain a Tasuratcs Famporivm, Mark Juht, = Cent's . ing sare. BA 34 oe street. Futuisté to Mr. Forrest LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Insurance Uompany, Available cats 01 187.215. In addition % | NEW RESIDENCE, 215 WILLIAM ST, which policyholders have fot modern improvements, hoated with security yA he, Bn limited liability of ell hot water and gas, also 835 Johnson the stockholders. Farm a Ly pro- St, all modern improvements and perty insured at lowest possible gas. Apply to R. Nesbit, 337 John rates. Before renewing old or eivine son street. new business get rates from e Strabue. A ~emta. -- a ---------- BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISON street, twelve outs, extension le wa ing room and Kitchen, hot "MARRIAGE LICENSES. heating ; ry Le ~ Nay. AP: we tt pe -------- ply to AS ¢. 8. KIRKPATRICK, UER OF Division street Murrfuge Licenses, 42 "Clarenes St, 'Phone, S08 FARM OF LATE SAMUEL KINGSTON situated between Veroga and Haris ingtom, 13 cows on place, tenant EDUCATIONAL. - hix oWn benefit as there is lota INTERNATIONAL ance Schools CORRESPOND: ranton, Pa.. Loca Office, 57 Brock St. Office' hours, 8 session A il 24th, spring plo . Even tumes ial am. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7 terms and hors PO 1 0 al oY a | re A tr, TH OATon ry Alex. Vonaistine, 303, "Earl SE, corner Sydenham, santative, 'Phove, . ngston. In The Paragraph Pulpit REV. C. w 'CASSON. OTTAWA -- Great Ideals In Small Affairs. John xitt,- 85; isnot pathos - or is an inspiring suggos method of life. In the need to bring the and the highest in- spirations into our ordinary affairs. Our humblest 'daily duties are to. be transfigured by our noblest ideals, and our common life lived in the and under the anti-climax; it tion of the true conduct of life we divinest principles is to he presence hy the power, eve of God. No task can be t inaig. nificant, no- burden too trivial, no joy too small, to be sanctified and enriched hy His benediction. Rev. F Gill. Address Mr. Casson for free liters. ture. WHAT IS RECOMMENDED. Bringing in Departments One at a Time. The management committee of the board of education r*omumends $2 per day for five days and $1.50 thereaftor te oveasionn] teachers with second- class professional certificates, and to third-classe teachers 81.50 and $1.25 per day. The reconsideration of the Collegiate Institute salary schedule is deferred for a time, meantime WW, Kemp is given an advance of 8100 a yeur from April Ist. The committee ask that science be introduced in September, manual training in September, 1908, and ask for £900 to introduce 'domes. tic science: The committee thinks the views of the board would be more eficetively carried out by bringhig them in ome at a time. The committee found the teachers very dnxions for vocal music as a study, favored it, but did not feel like engiging a specialist. I suggest «d that Mr. Ettinger take the super: vision of singing aml the inswetor give music a place in the curriculum. domestic Was A Busy Season. that the was one of the Local coal merchants say winter just closing best for the trade thet has ever been experienced. "We have been rushed with orders all winter"' said one deal er toiday. And this appears to have been the experience af all the dealers, from all reports. > For Family Colds A reliable and cold cure should be always in the ready for use the moment appear. Iti always easier, and better 10 check a cold in the very n F It is saler, too. Shiloh's C; hon Core, the Fook, has been tested for thity.theee rs, and tens of thousands of homes in Pe United States to-day are never without it. I it were ie but the best would Jia Basa gm A ay, it does not cure, "® you. nr fo 65 back Neither noe your dealer can lose. Jan' that ? hi} + Bic i0 the price. All deales ia SHILOH . SEE GARDINER'S PUT YOUR MONEY IN A HOUSE It's the best Savings Bank on Earth. It will Never go out of Business. Bara A. E. HEROD t thump, Co ¢ Hint under your | }| ORDERED FOOTWEAR No one can. take it away from Now is the i those re [Ju you. 'pairs are wanted. Our anti- squeak is used on all work, Shelter in time of storm, and a place to sleep. Make one on our list yoyr Bal- last and Anchor. WE HAVE 4 Brick Dwell Alfred St, 3 on Brock St., on Barrie St., 4 on Frontenac St., 4 on Montreal St., 2 on Nelson St., 3 on. University Ave. ; one each on King, Nelson, Princess, Queen, St. Catherine, Union and William Sts. ; from $800 to $5,500 each. VACANT LOTS on Alfred, Fron- Ss on 286 PRINGESS ST, THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Ladies'. Tailoring Up-tos Ta Style, and Good Fit Guar. WILL SELL op. molt any terns |. to suit chaser, part or all Cash. - Call at 161 Wellington St., tira Odean GS a near Post Office. "Whose choice 2" | Spring Goods Arriving | NEW SPRING COATS in all the ewest styles, includ- «ing 28-inch tight-fitting, $8-inch leose and 46 and 48- inclt long coats, in fancy tweed and covert cloths, also 7 fashionable Black Coats--ranging in price from $5.00 to \ $12 00. CORSETS. NOTIONS. D. & A. STYLE 610, made of | NON-COLLAPSO Hair Pads, French Superior Coutil, 25¢. : ind boned throughout with six millimeter aluminum, cellu- MAGIC Hair-cunleis, loid tips, clasps and side 10¢., 5 for 25¢c. 2 for steels cloth-covered. A A medinm High Bust model FEATHER-WEIGHT | Hair whose ideal proportions curlers, 4 for 20c. are easily adapted to all| figures. ' It has two pairs | ELECTRIC Hair-curlers, 4 of wide elastic security for 15c. hose supporters and is made in white and drab, | HOSE SUPPORTERS, 28e. Sizes 18 to 30. Price $1.50. to 350 [ou 50. wo BU Shicugh Whig oie. pe i AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, ne a BRICK HOUSE, TE our. : erly occvipied by the late W." R. Me. ve Rae, bt sow cecupied hy he AN 5 pr treal and Brock streets. - -- 5 T LARGE FRONT LOROOMS ALLY JW , DR. J. PF. SPARKS, modern conven vo With, ORLY WOOD inode, Joot Re aa an Wellington and William streets. Cor. Union' opt 3% ar we seo, "ve 4 could take cattle in on pasture for -- astare-tand. Penaut {eva ak Pos. ey - oot to do SOE RIE, Sl, SB Pr ah EP A AN a wt A Bh a nS WIA & tenac, Garrett, Mack, Montreal | anteed. . and Union 'Sts., .from $300 up t : cath, plo 236 University Ave. . Le

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