Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1907, p. 5

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yf : Artists ks ite s. 69c. Full Dress , 38, 40. Some are slightly worth of laundry will make About 8 dozen in. the ot, Sold regularly at $1. 1.25 1.50, 1.75. Sale price a Spacefor Snaps D. Bibby Co. } ou, or You Feel Faint. 1g will refresh you so well as Ribbon ea ength restorer. It gently and sets thé blood moving. --280. to §1 a Ib.-- All grocers oe THE BEST! "SG.B, OCOLATES ATY. ONLY 50 CENTS PER LB. 166 Princess Street i k > bers Rubbers "Canadian" rubbers, known ks and wear--if you want e . adaian. oc, $1.00 and $1.00. 6oc, 7c, 75¢ and Soc. 10 5; 756, ei 11, 12 20d 13, 6%: 11.10 2, 50 and oc. 126s 5 to 10%, 40c. ©. / Ss, sizes 5to 10% 40 and 3 *n VIII INIPISIS * ® * AAHAAK x AAC HAA HNHAANAAANANN cuits and biscuit eat- ing. One may eat a biscuit and not taste it, "but 'when you think of bis- cuit 'eating you think instantly of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Crisp, delicious and tasty. Absolutely and distinaly superior to any other make. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. A Superior Business Training ' Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates, Te N. STOCKDALRD Principal. : "Phone, 680. 2 THOUGHT GOLD WOULD TURN TO CONSUMPTION READ HOW DR. WOOD'S NOR- WAY PINE SYRUP CURED Saskatoon, Sask., Ang, 28th, 1906. The T. Milburn Ce., Limited, Toronto, Ont. . ~ Dear Sirs : As & am one of the thousands that have been benefited by your Dr. Woed's Norway Pine Syrup, 1 t it my dut to give you & Sociption my case. '* am 19 of and 1 i Fa of og, su vas sivas inthe best ol finished one bottle I had only a slight _ cold left and before I had taken a quarter of the next I was as well as ever I was, if not better, so you can see whats God-send thi: medicine was to me. I never fail to recor. mend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup to my friends and they all use it. To ri full appreciation of this remedy I will gladly answer any letters in reference to it. Be lieve me. Sincerely yours, Miss Winnifred D. Smith. Price 25 cents a bottle at all dealeis. | To keep baby's skin soft, and pink, and bealthy -- all you "Royal Crown" Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap It's a medicated soap and a «toilet soap--t wo soaps in one, for the price of one. Toc, a cake. .3 Ask your Drugyist for "Royal Crown" a AAAI AAA AANA oH re Er DY | A. E HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re- | KEPT IN_ THE COLD], {A CHARGE MADE BY FREN- ZIED FATHER. "i ty -- Kept on Deck of a Steamship For Two ~ Hours--A Child Took Cold' and -Died--Burhed at , Montreal. lpugreal, March 12--Lewis Chitten- ily & passenger on the Virginian, whose family' is en route to settle in Winuipeg, Li cured a pernit to bury his baby boy "here. The little one died oi the train coming from Halifax, - of Plsimoiia, The father states that is family, consisting of wife and five childrea, were kept on deck of the steamer at Halifax for more than two hours, in the cold, while several hun- red people were being landed. To add to their troubles, an accident happen- ed to the rain, on the way up, and before medical aid could be obtained the child died. The Canadian Pacific railway -has agreed to consent to judg- ments for about $200,000 damages in Wonnection with the Azilda wreck, near Sudbury, on September 12th last. Mrs. Bi E. Blackwe)}, widow of a Tor- onto policeman, receives 882,080, the widow of Thomas Puddicombe $8,000: Mrs. Harmann £8,032, and there are others who participate under the con- sent judgments. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Archdeacon Carey has returned from Preston Springs. R.'W. Hepburn, Pine- street, leit to- day, for 'Watertown, N.Y., on busi ness. In Ottawa, on March 11th, a son was born to Rev. D,. M. and Mrs. Solandt, of Winnipeg. A. Forsythe, of Rarrowsmith, who hee. been visiting here the past few Meeks, returned home to-day. " 'RE Dodds, Barrie street, after being « [febnfined to his home with grippe for abolt.a week, is around again, Mrs. W. Snyder, of Haileybury, who has been visiting with friends in Kingston, left to-day, for North Bay. Mrs. George Paddock left yesterday for Watertown, N.Y., to join her hus- band, who left for there some weeks wo. t'erch R. Ranahan, of London, Ont. was a visitor in the city to-day. He is on his way to visit friends at Mant- Lupad.s @ Rev. W. F. and Mrs. Fitzgerald are here to-day, looking for a house in view of their coming removal to King: ston. Reve. G. A. Mackenzie, Kingston, is assisting Rev. E. N. Baker, of Broad- way Tabernacle, Toronto, in special revival services. -- Capt. F. Laweence arrived from Ga- nanoque; to-day, after being employed by the Skinner company all winter. He will remain in the city for the future Arthur Sparham, of Brockville, chief steward or_ the Thousand Island ¥ Steamship company, has arrived in the city, and is engaged in fitting out the steamers. 4 % Henry Peterson, of Ottawa, who has been spending a' few days in Kings- ton, and at Wolfe Island, where he re- sided for several ycars, returned to the capital, this morning. samen; Bing received word from Montreal. this morning, that he had been appointed steward on one of the R. & 0. boats. Mr. King has it. | heen in the employ of this company for "fifteen years. W. A. Buchanan has been appointed td 'the position of provincial librarian for the province of Alberta. He will sosade pin Fdmonton. He is a journal fist, formerly of Peterboro, St. Thomas and Toronto, i Oak Leaf Tidings. Oak Leaf, March 11.--V. M. Gilbert i very acolitably filled the pulpit. of the Methodist church, Soperton, last Sunray. Lenten services are being held in Trinity church, Friday even- ings, Thomzs Jeffrey drove to Smith's Falls on Monday and deliver. od to the purchasers, Messrs. Frost & Wood, his fine span of Clyde colts. He got a fancy price for them. Miss Pelle Johneon is visiting relatives and friends at Elgin for a few weeks. Wil- Hany Taylor has Samuel Morris en- gaged *at doing extensive repairs on his cheese, factory, which will re-open goo. Mri and Mrs. W. J. Taber, Gleai Klbe, and: Miss Taber, Athens, were guests at I. Sheldon's on Thurs day., Bismarck Green has purchased the property known as the Steacy es- tato at Glen Elbe. He will remove there shortly. Frederick Warren and Ormond Green attended a horse fair at Kemptville. Messrs. Edward and John Anglin, Pittsburg, spent Tues day here on business. Elias Thompson, Gananoque, sue ceeded, with the assistance of 1. Williams' heavy team, from Lans downe, in taking from the-farm of F. Sheldon, the seventy-two foot stick which he felled last fall, to be used as a 'mast on the schooner - Theodore Voges. Miss Middleton, Lyndhurst, was in this place Tuesday. Assessor McMillan ditl duty here last week. 12 Hour Cold Cure. A remedy like Wade's Cold Cure Tab- lets e)) simply assists nature 19. ai kly that, unaided, she would réqg! a week to do. Jt stimulates the vital organs to activity, expels poisonous. waste. matter and relieves any congestion that may exist. It is these properties that also make the dy effective for La Grippe, Head- ache, Constipation, ete. In boxes, 25c. Sold 'onty at V Money back if not satisfactory. Ex-President Dead. Franice, died this morning. formerly lived was married to recls, and jigs. "Scotland Forever!" badly. daughter's, Mise Louise Remion, hed- two months' outing. Division court Fden presiding. when a small docket | was disposed of, { Wade's Drug Store. Patis, March 12.--Pean aul Pierre Casimer-Perrier, former president = of Daniel A. Haggart, Brockville, aged fifty-nine years, died on Sunday, after a few months" illness of anaemip. He in Westport, Smith's Falls 'and Hamilton. Thirty-five years i Miss | phone has becn ata : storage for eight days. Hc rect ------ A SCOTTISH GATHERING. A Scot Tells of the Event Last Evening. A freendly open meetin' o' the Sons o' Scotland 'was 'held in the LO.F. hall, last evening. The chicls a' Jaithered frae the villages wattered y Camlachie burn. As usual, at a meetin' 0° this nature each' ane "caed his ain gurr." Chief Ross presided in an able manner, an ea'd dot the pames © the entertainers. The first o' these, was the laird o' Gleaburnie, wi' his braw- fiddle. He wis nae doot ussessited - muckle by Maister Telg- mann, the graund musician o' this ceety. The ither chiolsép' the clan enjoyed the laind'y auld strokes, baith wi' his bans an' his feet. John A. Macdonald, frae the island, tuned the pipes, and "gart them skirl, till_roof on rafter a' did dirl." Maister Macdonald renders the auld strathpeys in real hielan' style. It's a peety the audience wis sae awfu' sma'. Is the Scotch speerit like ither things in this braw ceety, beginning tae dee? Am thinking we maun stir it up. Brither Scott did a recitation aboot, takin' a pig tae bed wi him, hut, as he said in 'startin', he forgot his piece, we'll forgie him. At ony rate it was the cause 0° muckle lachin'. Brither Sargent Tammas Mackenzie, formerly o' the Seaforth Hielanders, an noo o' the RM.C., gied us a mag- nificent exhibition o' the sword dance, played by Piper Fraser. Maun bat "Mnc" 's awfu' smairt at it. Ye wid think he wis bit a stripling, tae se him flingin' an loopin'. Gordon Waterston, late frae Perth, Scotland, but noo o' Queen's, gied a bit speech in language' "ubed frae "Avont the Tweed." Ye oould casy tell its his ain mither tongue; the words slippit awa' sae easy. Although everyone didna wunderstan' his Eldritch words, yet they scemed tae enjoy his drift. Brithers" Massie und Macmillan each sang a couple o' songs ** in the braid auld Scottish tongue" These an the songs rendered by the Misses Lowrie,' Gordon and Patterson were a' muckle appreciated. Of course, they were very weel assisted by the twa acecom- panisfs, Mies Harold and Mrs. David- son. But it's no aiften that ane caws two guies at ance, but this was done by "Jack" Massie wi' his mooth or gan an' banjo, Maun ye ocht tae hear his fingers strummin' time tae his lips. Maister Smeaton gaed us a recitation aboot a drunken airtist. It showed us the evils o' intemperance, indulged in by a puir chiel suffering from the pangs o' unrequited love. As he followed this up wi anither on the lassie, and- wound up by giein' us an exhibition on kissin' we concluded, he must be an authority on the topic o' love. Aifter the concert wis feenished we a"haed a drap o' coffee an' a bit o' hannock. Then tae croon a the pro- coeling'o" this social gatherin® we wounded up, wae a' wheen Scotch BURST AN ARTERY. ---- A Young Man Injured While Skating. Odessa, March 11.--Twsday, was "quarterly fair day" for the exchange and barter in horses, watches, ele. This fair has been changed from Na- panee to Odessp, "the latter being more central and handier for traders from Kingston and eastern parts. Quite a number of remounts. changed hands, (that is horses that should be remournted with flesh and a whole skin), but everything went off guict- ly and in order, considering the large crowd in attendance. On Wednesday, March 6th, Miss Pearl Amey, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Damon Amey, was quietly married to Ross Paul, Bath. The ceremony was performed at her home by the Rev. J. A. McCamus, only the immediate friends being present. Rev. J. A. McCamus received word, on Thursday, of the illuess of his Co 'BRITISR WH1G, TUESDAY. MARCH 42. OF THE WORLD IN BRIEF FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody From All Over--Little It is likely that a big steel works will be built in Hamilton before very long: J ho Brantiord ity council has abol- i hed the oftice of assessment commis- sioner, Frank Stitt, manager of William Stitt & Co, dicd at Grace hospital, Toronto. Premier Whitney denied, in the legis latuze," that it was propoded to sell government house, > It is Tepid that an increase in the joe. of standard books and the bette Ls of school hooks is to be the be Ree Rev. James Middlemass, D.D., Elora, is dead, aged cighty-four. He had t over fifty years in the ane rge. Jake Schaefer, of Chicago, has won the world's championship at 18.1 bil- liardsy from George Sutton, in tae thirty-sixth inning, Leon Lapanne, one of the oldest re- sidents of Essex county, is dead in Sandwich East township, at the ave of eighty~two years. : Mrs. Henry Stowe; Sr., is dead, at Maidstone, Ont,, at the age of eighty- three years. For sixty-six. years she lived continuously on the one farm. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Reiroad company is on trial on a charge of granting rebates on sugar shipments from Brooklyn to Buffalo and points west of Buffalo. The state's rebuttal in the trial of Harry K. Thaw, came to a temporary standstill, on Monday, against the practically solid wall the rules of evi- dence have silt 'around the story of Evalyn Nesbit Thaw. . Hugh M. Shang, a United States railway postal clerk, has been given three days to show cause why he should not be dismissed for stirring up discontent, among postal employe s, and disobedience. At Watertown, N.Y, while clamber: ing down from the upper part of a barn to have a talk with an insurance agent about an accideat policy, Guy C. Courtney fel and broke one arm and injured his hip. Apoplexy is ascribed as the cause of the death of Miss Anne Rohectson, on Monday, in the kitchen at the Hardi- man house, Watertown, N.Y. She had been employe] there as a cook for some time. Miss Robertson was born in nada about sixty-four years ago. Sufficient funds to défray the ex- pense of making a preliminary survey of the projected extension of the Black River Traction company, from Water- town, N.Y., to Depauville, N.Y., have been raised by the people along the proposed route; and the engineers will be sot af work . Frederick W. Baker, Epsom, NH. a i wroond 'cousin of Mrs. Mary Baker, G. Eddy, and. Dr. BE. J.xFoster-Edy, Waterbury, Vi, Mrs. Eddyls' adopted son, have become additiondl parties plaintiff, ns "next friends" of Mrs, Fddy, to the bill in equity brought to secure an accounting of her property against leaders of the Christian Sci ence church LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at Various Centres. Toronto Junetion, March 11.--A¢ the Union stock yards the gnality of fat cattle was fair, trade was brisk; ex port prices ranged from $5 to $5.50, whe bulk selling at 85.1510 $5.30. Fx- port bulls sold at' $3.75 to $4.50. choice ranged from $4..5 to 85; good, $4.20; common, $3.60 to $3.10; buteh- son, John, who is attending Victoria College, Toronto. He was skating, | when 'the skater dhead of him fell, | causing him to fall gnd by so doing | cut an ortery in hid face, Miss Al | zina Snider, who hag lately moved to | the village, fell, spraining her foot. | { { Manuel Storms fell from a load of | hay. on Friday, hurting himself quite | Mrs. R. H. Peters was called to her side, nt Niagora' Falls South, last | week. Louise had undergone an oper- | ation for appendicitis and is not re | covering as favorably as expected. | Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Clark, | on Wednesday last, a baby girl. W. | A. Baker left, this week, for Winni- peg and other western points op a | was held in the town hall, Judge Mad How Bileans Saved A Fireman. { fire and ocean to fall a prey to dis | ease. Bileavs saved Fireman J. R. | Flanagan, of Raglan Road, Kingston, | from this fate, He says: "I suffered terribly from indigestion and consti- pation. After food 1 had acute pain, a sensation of weight at the stomach, and belching, followed by a worn-out, languid feeling. My bowe's would not work healthily, bad headaches were common, and I fell into a weak, worn- out state. What would have happened to me but for Bileans | don't know. One box of . this vegetable remedy greatly improved me and a few boxes cured me. [| have now gained weight and am quite restored." Bileans also cure piles, female ailments, anaemia, spring debility, blood impurities, pim- les, eruptions, and all liver and kid- gey troubles. All druggists and stores at Bfty cents a box, or from Bilean Co., Toronto, for price. A Week Ahead. Advertising adwprtises without a doubt. On Saturday the date was ac- cidentally left out of the announce: ment for the Infants' Home tea gale. ond people assumed that it would occur to-morrow, instead of Wednesday of next week. The tele- ringing and cakes and candies have pouring in. "They will have to go into (cold | head of | asked for beef eattle. | sold at 5c. to near Sie. per lb. pretty, good cattle, 4c. to near Be., and the $2. Veal calves sold at 85 to 87 pe: to 350. Export ewes from $4.75 to $5. bucks, $3.50 to $4; yearling lambs, $6 to 87.50, Hogs, selects sold at OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED Was Spent in the Butchers' prices for picked tots of from £4.25 10 $4.60; medium, $4 to] | Rich by its nutritive Bracing and invigorating. FOR SALE BY JAMES McPARLAND, | Kingston. . > $13.00. CORSETS. D. & A. STYLE 610, mide of French Superior = Coutil, boned throughout with six millimeter aluminum, gellu- loid tips, clasps and. side steels cloth-covered, A medium High Bust model whose ide proportions are easily adapted to all fi s. It has two pairs of wide elastic purity hose supporters and is made. in white and b. Sizes 18 to 30.' Price $1.50, A QUIET DAY House on Monday. From Our Own Correspondent, (Mtawn, March 12.-The commons spent a quiet day, yesterday, the dis cussion for the most part beipg upon Wr. Lomicux's tabor- bith: Tt fooks as if it might bear very little resomb- lance to the original, i therd are to bd puiy more changes. In this con. er cows, 8 to 84; canners, 81.50 to | nection, a communication 'was road in the house, showing the good work | ewt, - Milch cows and springers at £30 ' done by the Salvation Army in the interests of labor. The department of the interior is adopting this year a very active im- $6.75; light, 86.50; sows, #4 to 8; migration policy in Great Britdin with | stags, $2.50 to S850 per owt, March 11.--About 600 | butchers' cattle, 50 milch | | cows, 150 eanlves, 100 hogs and a dozen | British booking agents on | sheep and lambs were offered for sal: | classes of immigrants ix increased to Montreal, at the East End abattoir to-day. There were also about as many more buichers cattle offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stock yards. The butchers were out strong but trade | was slow as higher prices were being despmtch Prime becves ommon stock 3e. to near dc. per lb, | Milch cows were rather slow of sale at from '$25 to 860 each. Calves sold nt from $2.50 to 811 each, or Je. to fe per 1h. Sheep sold at about tie. and lambs at 6fo. per. Ih. Mr. Richette Many a man has escaped perils of | paid $7 for a good spring lamb. Good lots of fat hogs sold at about 17je. per Ib. > Cole Lake Notes. Swerbrick's, needed as the old one small. at R. Kennady's: ) at Henry snd A. Har | Gertie Hill the firm of was seized with years old. ited by fee om Cole Lake, March 1).--The township! road surveyor, . J. Gordon, has been through and wurveyed the side road between lots ten and eleven. A number from here attended the sale at G. Tichborne. Mr. Swer- brick has purchased a valuable farm near Sydenham. CC. Campbell is draw- ing logs to H. Reynolds' mill, Verona. A. Harten drove in town last week for a large whay tank, which was badly was far too S. Martin has taken several loads of hay to 8. Asselstine, Verona. William Hamilton is getting out tim- ber for a new barn. Visitors: A. Kish Swerbrick's, Tichhorne: J. Shillington, at. G. W | Giles'; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Martin, at J. ¥. Campbell's: Miss Edith Harten, at J. Shillington's; Mr. and Mrs. G. Kil- Jens and . son, Herbert, at J. Mac- Mahon's. "An old resident of Emith's Falls, Duncan McGregor, died unexpectedly a view to giving greater encourage- ment to steamship booking agents in Great Britain. The bonus allowed the certain $5 on cach adult and $2.50 for each person betweeii one and eighteen years of age. The deputy minister of trade and commerce is inclined to scoff at the from Melbourne, Australia,' stating that the negotiations fer ree ciprocal trade rplations between the commonwealth and the dominion have reached an important stage. Mr. Parmelee states that it is true that Canada made an offer many months ago amd that replics have been inter: changed. "Put," he added, "I do fot expect any definite stage to. be reached until the premiers meet in London at the infercolontal conference and have an opportunity' to, discuss the proposals and counter-proposals face to face," The route of the National Transeon- tinental reilway; in New Brunswick, between Grand Falls and Chipman; has been defifitely settled and will be officially ammounced in a few days. It will follow the central route, which has bean found much shorter than that by way of Se. John river to Fredericton, The Real French || "Consomme" is Perfectfy Com- |} "bined in | IT The Delicious Fluid Beef Spring Goods Arriving NEW SPRING COATS in all the ewest styles, includ. ing 22-inch tight-fitting, 28-inch loose and 46 and &8- inch long coats, in fancy twesd and covert cloths, also . fashionable Black Costs --ranging in price from $5.00 to NON-COLLAPSO Hair 'Pads, MAGIC Hair-curlers, 2 for FEATHER-WEIGHT ELECTRIC Hair-curlers, 4 HOSE SUPPORTERS, ®5¢. SPENCE'S ™e3ding Millinery grein traffic low than the promised a having the sessions of the railway vo! ssion's inspections held open to publication of reports of its findings except at the discretion of the board, The secretary of the board, D. A, Cartwright, speaking, yesterday, ox: plained the reason for "The statements made by the railway companies to the hoards inspector in closed | segsion are 'ex parte' and as such privileged. d'etre' in connection with 'wrecks is not to fyrnish evidence for litigants, but 'Gi fibd o to avert recurrences, and fix blame so that fit punishmeot may be meted out to the guilty parties," The board has notified ceed against responsible parties, and has taken similar steps in Ontario, In addition to the board inspector's ex- amination there may be coroner's . in: quests. These are public, and can furnish what litigants may find of value," ' this summer, ship freight dircetly over monton. properties, its flavor. NOTIONS. 10¢., 5 for 2Be. Hair curlers, 4 for 20ec. for 15¢. Ls to $1.50. : yur-tenthin of one per cent. per mile. There is no prospect at present of the public; neither will there be any hiv secrecy The board's raison the cause, take stops the attornev-general to.pro. The Cangdian Northern zailway will, ite. own lines from Toronto to KE With the opeaing of naviga- tion the Seguin, . a 1,200 ton vessel, purchased for the purpose, will go into commission, plying between Parry Sound, Owen Sound and Port Arthur. There are many tonics in the land As by the papers you can see, But none of them can equal Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The murderer of M. Petkofi, premier of Bulgaria, has been arrested. His motive scems to have been private re-| | venge for dismissal. There are rumbrs of a politieal plot, but the indications are that these are unfounded.' was Phillips, the chief of the Chinese smugglers who sailed the Frolic. has and will afford a grade for east-bound Clnes Failed thc Ozomated Air Care is Successful. - ¢ ni. EN except by the inhalation method. tne sed of eatarrh, The advanced physician recognizes Sunday morning. He was a member of 7 Johnston & McGregor, stove mannfucturer, and was. at the c 'when he al stidden weakness. He was sixty:-three I ar Torn brig A that only air Sute of lungs and bronchial tubes. ji Fill this air with healing medica: meats and you solve the ropiom. No combination of antiseptics is so Catarrh and Throat Suffering Cured Where Old-fashioned Stomach Medi \ No doctor attempts to-day to cure a genuine cams-of catarrh or bronchitis Stomach dosing has been discarded because uscless--medicine so taken af- focts only the stomach--never reaches pn be sent into the , which oom balanms and the XN, surrendered to the authorities in Bos- ton. - : Oue breath of Catarrhozone instant ly circulates over the area t is af- flicted with Catarrh. jel is instant suffering stops at once-germs are | destroyed--every taint of disease re- moved. oo Think it over swriously. - Here is a remedy that clears the throat, relieves hoarseness, coughing, and bad breath, Irritating phlegm is cleared out, in- flamed bronchial tubes are healed, throat and voice are strengthened. When Catarrhozone is so pleasant and certain, isn't it foolish to tamper : "ing in Our Window, Indispensible whenever a cook cares for per- . fect food. 2 "VITA" is unexcelled as t6 quality and : delicacy. Jian People 60 years ago has Amsets Amounting to : I am now open- ing up the best selected n Imported : Suitings class trimming ship leave nothing to be: t AGCONER'S Royal Insarance OF ENGLAND. = Busitess in Force .. $100,000, Preiss Paid 1903) a This Stron~ British Company t! same profits for the p wi ho % We Invite Your Investigation. 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Hai Sale of Horses' very Sotw Ladies' Tilo Finest of Workmanship, Date Styles, and - Good. Fit & 236 University A In the Matter of the Estate ¢ Amos Weller Woad with dangerous internal remedi

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