Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1907, p. 3

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cine WE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs ri, W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 8-80 Brock St. Phone 700 CUT GLASS New Engraved Designs in Tall Fruit Dishes. These be- aR ing engraved are a from the heavier gut pieces. Nele Crystal = Vases, with Ftched Floral Designs and Topped in Sterling Silver, New Bowls, Spoon Trays, Carafe"s all in the whitest aad clearest of RICH CUT GLASS Celery Dishes, Jelly Plates, Jugs, etc. SMITH BROS. Jowelars and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. RITISH - AMERICAN cn. MOTEL NGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and now open to the travelling blic. " TELFER Proprietor lems of Interest for Visitors To See at This Store. . British Homespun itings in Dainty Fawn and y Shades, full 42 inches wide, quality for 39¢. l. Pure Wool Tweed iti very unobby, 50 es wide, 75¢C. a yard. . Glace Taffeta Silks ery pretty Checks and Stripes, newest out, extra value at sa yard. . Big Variety of All- r Laces, imported direct manufacturers, all the latest sian ideas, in ite, Ecru and Two . Tone Shades marked at very popular ol ; ; CHEESE COMPANIES | find ita convenience to pay their check Standard Balik 9f Cada, instead nh ek on. Te he receipts. extends every accommodation for the conduet KINGSTON BRANCH : J+ S. Turner, M 3 . . a So BRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. : Members of Toronto Stock Exchange 72 Street West To) 3 Ne Phones, Main 6733-34 - 'F. H. Deacon & Co. STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on All Exchanges BONDS AND STOCKS Commission Bought and Sold on Investment Securities Step Ladders Made of Ash, put togeth.r with - screws and rivets, unequalled for lightness, compactness, rigidity and strength. THE BEST BY ANY TEST Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 feet. $ McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 BROCK STREET That Cough which ordinary remedies have not reached, will quickly yield to 4 GAY'S SYRUP oF RED Spruce liu L 25 ¢ the sorencss--heals the throat--strengthens the lungs. None the less effective becouse it is pleasant to take. Just try one bottle and ace how quickly you get rid of that cough. At your Se. bottle. PLALLLLLLELLL000000000 RELLLLLLLLL0000 000000 : 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT SALE : § During the month of February we will offer for sale our entire stock of | which consists of the best Canadian and Ger- man and Austrian manufacture AT 20% DISCOUNT Try our Brilliant Coal Oil and you would use no other, ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street dee > » ; Special Showing of New Coats, Skirts and! Shirt Waists Me a Rd > Our Spring Stock is now complete and: we world advise you to come in and see the newest models" and styles in new and ugeo-date Ready-to-Wear Garments. Dress Goods, Muslins, Ginghams, Chambrays, Mercerized Goods, in Spots and figures, Embroideries, Lates and Incer- tions; Prints, Ducks, White Persian Lawagiand India Linons. 3 ap No trouble to show Goods. pak THE JAMES JOHNSTONSTORE SR a LF - FINE EDIFICE THE TRINITY METHODIST _ CHURCH NAPANEE. Was Dedicated on Sunday By President Rae--The Debt is 'Practically Wiped Out--A Handsome Church. : Napane:, March 12 --The dedication scrvices. in the new Trinity Methodist church were held on Sunday last. Loug before the hour for the opening people were on their. way to gain ad- mittance, and before the hour for the serviccs to commence, the church, large as it is, was filled to overflowing. The day was gloriously , bright and not a cloud red to dampen the spirits of the people. The dedication sermon was preached by Rev. J. J. P ILY BRUTIS \ Without I TRIAL PA result of membrane d , but by - Arritation, al cure than a , pr of the , Spec ial music was 'prepared the choir, and the organ was presided over by Mre. (Dr.) Lockridge. The following gentlemen were on the platform : The stor, Rev. W. H. Emsley, ol. . Conn, Rev. J. J. Rae, Rev. H. Cairne, and Rev. R. Duke; and William Johnston, Belleville. A grand Sunday school rally was held in the afternoon und an delivered by William Johnston. The children and many others present were pre-ented with badges inscribed, *'T¥in- ity church Sunday school opening, Napame, Out. Marth 10th. I was there." At 'the evening service Rev, J, J. Rae preached a vory fine sermon, which was listened to by the large audience with rapt attention. At the morning service over 1,300 persons were present; the collection amounted to about $150. At the Sunday school services in the afternoon 'about $260 was handed in, and at the evening ser vices over 1,500 people were present. Taking the colluctions at the srvices, proceéds of the tea and the subsecrip- tions, the debt of the church is prac- tically wiped out. The tea meeting, on Monday night, wae a ater success than expected. About 1,200 people were dined with the delicacies of the season. The la- dies who had charge of this part of the entertainment worked long and faithfully and had the /pleasure of ses ing the result of their labors in the crowded tables that were filled again and again with the number of people who had previously purchased tickets. The beautiful new Trinity church is certainly one that Napanceans may well be proud of. It is equal to any city edifice, and in the estimation of many, far surpasses the majority of (ity churches. It is built of pressed coment blocks, and somewhat of the gothic architecture, The inside is fin- ished in natural wood and the seating in amphitheatre style. The edifice is Leaut'fully lighted i dectric bulbs and the stained glass windows, with 'the two memorial win- whole building. Nothing has been omitted in the construction of church that would add to the eomfort BASKET BALL CHAMPIONSHIP. The Teams After it Will Play This Week. The executive of the City Basket Ball Leagne met, last night, at St Luke's hall, and it was decided that Waldron's and Crumley's should play off this week for the basket-ball cham- pionship. Physical Director Burton, of the YM.C.A., will referee the game. For District Championship. The Star-Bachelors hockey team, of Gananoque, plays Frontenac Business College, here, Wednesday, for the dis- trict championship. The Gananoque team has a lead of one goal o F.B.C., but the locals expect to take the. round. Y.M.C.A. Indoor Hockey. The games in the indoor hockey ser- ies at the Y.M.C.A,, Monday, resulted as follows : Business boys--Argonauts, 1; Crescents, 8. Millers Nimos, 3. School boys--Ramblers, Thistles, 1 Whirlers, 1; Eagles, 3. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25¢ Five stocks of wall paper on sale March 14th, at Weese's. It is intended to present a testimon- ial to Sir Frederick Young wpon his ninetieth birthday, in June next, as a recognition of his eminent services to the Royal Colonial institute, extend: ing over a period of thirty-seven years. Fooled the Doctors and Got Well GIN PILLS CURE RHEUMATISM They certainly were a su lot of doctors oT Tyneside nd had been treating Mrs. Harris Tor Gave her about everything that i told her the disease was chronic. PILLS Arg pe her friend, ust to Harris took a Pcl that gone, she dismissed the doctors hoyght another box of GIN PILLS. the time these were , she much better that she wx and laughed every luctor. 1 received your sam +s there was onl from our Jhird box, neys has than I have erer from RI gf i be : i 4 fa i £ i i Frits 4 iE : if f j f f we, -- doctors t try could mot her, pieces. Bo mentioning of Gia Pills Then do for YOU, ft : i: £5 EB 8 a | € ¥ ¢ i of with myriads of dows, give a finish and style to the this and convenience of the most exacting. -- ever licard of for Rheumatism--and then |}, ; Thousands of tases similar to: the following might be cited to prove our ing migh : of your cure you "I tried the sam ftand then bought a ------------------------------------ i ' THREE BOYS. APPLY AT GOULD'S King St. nea CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : Firm lhssrticn, je. a word. Rah Sou word. Minimum charge for ome ia sertion, 256. \ HELP WANTED-MALE, BOYS AND GIRLS to start. Rp to Ontario street. STENOGRAPHER a B0c, box. The results were diate and surprising to me. ¥ assure you. had been to a-dosen of the best doctors and paid much to them with no results whatever, 1 this affliction for twenty years. Iwas ina hospital for a long time," and I" left it physical ly broken down. Towe you a debt of titude. 1 believe that piles would Be bashed from humanity and be- come an unknown thing, were every- one afflicted with them t6 but spend from 50¢c. to $1 for Pyramid Pile Cure, action --r Jue speedy also makes it ex- trem ty favorable for impatient people. I am yours Ge H, Bart- lett, Mattapan, Maser © No matter how badly you suffer from piles we want to cure you. If you will try a flee package to prove its merits yourself we will' gladly send it to your name and address at ofice. We will Jeawe it to you to decide whether you can afford to disgomtinue the treat- ment. Pyramid Dmg Co., 84 Pyramid Bldz., Marshall, Mich: All druggists sell the Pyramid Pile Cure, just th: same as the sample, at 50¢. per box. TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM Is the Only Possible Way of Hav- ing An. Effective Cure i It you - n whit or a man with uxariant glossy hair, you may be sure nei has dandruff to amount to auything. "Fn Hearly every case where women andl: mén have thin, brittle hair, they owe it to dandruff. There are hundredd of prepurations that 'claim' to ¢hre dandruff, but not ome but Newbro's Herpicile tells you that 'dandruff is the result of a germ burrowing ito the scalp, and that permanent pure of dandruff and its Sulissueit falling and baldness, ean enly had by Killing the and there is no nh roation that will destroy that perm but. New- bro's Herpicide. "Destroy . the hy and you remove the effect." Sold by leading 'druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Yerpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, Two sizes, Sle. and $1. 'G. W. Mahood, special agent. E------------t-- GAN ANOQUE NEWS. Items of News From the Town on the River. Gananojue, March 12---At Seeley's Bay on Saturday evening the Ganano- que high school hockey team met the local team of that village in. g friend- ly game of hockey and scored a Victory after a keenly contested game. Seore : Gananogue high schools 4; BSeeley's Bay, 2. in the police court yesterday after- noon 'Thomas Shipman was charged with drunkénness and disorderly con duct. He pleaded guilty and was tinod and costs. 3 'The funeral of the late Thomas Fer ris, who passed away on Saturday last, took place yesterday afternoon. 'lhe Royal Templars of Temperance con: ducted | their beautiful burial service at the house, from which the funeral cortege proceeded to Christ church, where Rev, W. Hatt Lipscomb ducttd a short service, amd from thence th: femains were conveyed to Gananoque vault for interment. Messes, W. J. Gibson, C. E. Britton, Geor Johnston, W. B. Carroll, Joseph Mills and James Lattimore acted as' pall bearers. The funeral was largely at tended, Robert Kelly, Stone street, who for some time past has been on the staff of the Gananoque Jourpal, hes gone to Estevan, Sask, Herbert Hampton, Georgiana street, has gone to the North-West, where he purposes locat- ing. Mrs. W.N. Bullock, of Estevan, Sask., who has heen spending the win- ter here with her mother, bas left for home. Ford McCarney, of the Provincial ho- tel, was takem to St. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brockville, suffering with appendicitis, and was operated on 10- ocon- License Inspector Fred. H. Taber, of Morton, was in town to-day investiga. ting complaints against. the proprie tors of the Adiugion and Provincial otels, DEPEW ON THIRD TERM TALK. Conditions May Comps] Roosevelt to Accept Nomination. Washington, March 12,-- President Roosevelt undoubtedly means what he says, that he will not accept another nomination at the bands of his par ty," said Senator Depew to-day, "bit conditions may arise where he could not refuge. If it was shown that he would accept, he would be nominated by acclamation." ° ' Representative Champ Clark of Mis- sourp a democrat, and a warm friend | of the progident sa : 1 "1 believe that the president was honest in his statement on the night | of the election in 1904, that he would not accept another gomination: 1 be- | litve that if he can be éonvinded, how- | ever, that, unlehs he is nowinated, he would accept." by Trusees that satisfy at Dr. Chown's, | some reactionary would be thi 65¢. FRAME HOUSE, IN WEST END, 7- Highest wares paid to ~class men. Apply The Collingwood Ship- building Company, Limited, Colling- wood, Ont. Sr i HELP WANTED-FEMALE, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO washing. References required Mrs. Uglow, 164 Barrie street. : J A COMPETENT COOK AND HOUSE- maid. Apply iw the evening to Mrs. Calvin, 181 King street A GOOO GENERAL SERVANT, FOR Arlington Hotel, Gananoque. One who can cook, if necessary, preferrod. GIRL, FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK. No washine or ironing. References required. Apply to Mrs. Juy RB. McLeod, 298 Alfred St. A SERVANT ;: ONE WHO THOROUGH- ly understands plain cooking. Must be well recommended. No washing or jroning. Apply to Mrs. Wilkinson, 184 Bagot street. ---------------------------------------- YOUNG LADY TO LEARN THE SHOE business. Apply by letter, stating YualiBentions, ete, The kett Shoe Store. to YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN THE art, of aking, cutting, design ing, trimmine ete. tailored gowns, Evening, postumes a ne Eider, #58 Princess street, corner Sydenham. POLICE CIRCLES STORIES TOLD CONCERNING WORK OF BLUECOATS. a -- All Manner of Complaints Reach the Station--The Death Pensl- ty to Be Put Upon a Dog--A Mother Wanted to Detain Her Bn n Frid Magistrate Farrell will, on Friday maE, hear the case of Frank. Red- den, 1h: young! man who is accused of a-saulting Isanc Bennock, the Jew] who lodged a complaint at the police Staticn on Saturday moming. Ben nock claims, that three men attacked him, and says. that Redden was one of them. Redden is twenty years of age, and resides on Bagot street. He says that heis mot guilty of the charge, and can prove his innocence. He was arrested by Constable Bateson on a wartant taken out by Benmock, The police have réceived a complaint aout a dog having bitten a promin- ent 'Kingétonian. The name of the gentleman is not given for publica tion, but it is stated that his injuries are not a scrious nature, A Close watch will be kept on the dpg, how- ever, and if the canine is foupd to be a vicious one it will be sentenced to the death penalty, via the révolver route. The police stations in the various citics are always the heudquarters or the receiving of complaints of various kinds. Kingston's police station is no exceplion to the rule, Yesterday a woman hastined to the station 0 no tify the officers that her son, a young 'man, intended to leave the city on the afternoon stage for Cape Vincent, She did not want him to go and asked that the police detain him. Jt was found that the son was well able to take care of himself. . At any rate he ¥new enough to steer clear of the .po- lice, and whither or not he made the tip to the Cape is not yet known. Some complaints have reached the police atout unusual noise at a Chat- ham street house where dances are held quite frequently. Some police court' proceedings are. threatened un- less the nuisance is stopped. The Diamond' Cough Remedy. This remedy occupies the same rela- tion. to cough cures that the diamond does to lesser gems, It is concentrated {healing for the lungs and air passag- es. Pleasant, quick, and positive cure throat. 25¢. at Wade's Drug Store. John Mills, auctioneer, whose suds den death qceurred Mondaw night, was the complainant in 8 summons cam at the police court: Monday morning. An adiour~ment was. made until Friday, and will now, owing to his death, not be heerd, Order corsets row for Your! spring gowh., We manufacture an punren- toe a Perfect fit. See our special dip- New York Dress Reform. Friday, Saturday, wall Thursday, Waese's, 121 Princess paver sale, at ors, all accustomed to heavy work. | t for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street, Broom Factory; r 1 A SITUATION AS rooms, cellar, shed stable. treet, ¥ y Queen stree : fa Typist, by & Foun lady om Le ih oi Apply gn "A, C. A YOUNG. MAN ri SteERN > a", office: z - YOUR 2 : ---- Tore. Start with $8 per week, Ap Fr : BRO OS OMS, no ply at Whig office. THREE EXPERIENCED, RING SPIN- | [pieE® and 3 ects eqrds : . "ners ed to run work from limits of city. For CARRIAGE WOODWORKERS AT! 38% "to 80% Al' new machinery. | 10" 344 Victoria strove: ; once. Highest wages paid to coms Deight., airy rooms. Hours pelent jen. The - Canada Carriage neht wo six, mp to . oog RE . 3 Co., Broel X t. \ i poly aseph ana, DSLING WAGGON AND TEAM 8 Berkeley St., Toromto. gle XSite o nies. howe, in good . Sprayer mide, satomets: LOST Stabie, uit tres, "Hitid and soit tres. Yo approved " * water on premises, With clear title. Dp ah Bros., Galt. Apply "F.," care of Whig ofties. : A SMALL ACK EER ) . sat , containing a = money, | SOLID BRICK ESID v; FINSHITH, Soon, MECHANIC, FOR on Main, York or Ordnance Sts, LD "number $5 art St. A Wages, 20c. per hour, With ah Satirday ulsht. Diheral reward for erly occupied by the fate W. R. Mo bonus. W, R. Keys, Lindsay, Ont. return to this Uffice. Rae, but nqw ome hte side of + 8 shovt | SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, G ARCHITECTS th of Earl St. Apply to A. B.- men, Wein Jour au clett and 5 - . Cunningham. 79 Clarence Ste,: Vane cheap lors' Sol A ar: LN : GH price and guaranteed. ARTHUR . ARCHITEOT, OF- ' " well. Gallo A ae Roairing done way fice, © and Bagot streets. TO.LET.. . JENRY P. SMITH,: ARCHITECT, Wl MEN AND WOMEN To. LBARN sic. Anchor Building, Market Square. DWELLINGS. OFFIORS. ~ STORES, ra "$10 lo $18 weekiv, "Help Phos re - : secure nosi secured 10,000 last 2 F eure. ho ee ie POWER & SON, JOT, MER. LARGE FRONT BEDROOMS, ALL Pe Moter Barber College, Queen and ohauty Hank , corner Brock out i Sony Apply "at XK on he Spadina, Toronto. and Hogton $8. "Phone, 213. Cori Union Street. 22 Li er FOUR MACHINISTS, 4 BOILER-| WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- IRE BA.5 § 3 % ¥ makers, 4 dry or given sand Mould. | | See, second floor over Mahood's Drug | "URIS pik olcn" vi Fi * net Agent, 1714 Wellington street, . = MEDICAL. RTH IFFICR Ld Oped ny Be. a D TILY and Brock streets. PR. 1. WOOD, DR. J, F. SPARKS, and Corner a rT MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE Of 14 othet Ee any furs. Exa Shey at win's Insurance Emporium, Mark ot Sguare. z ] LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance C ¥. Av to asafts $61,187,915. In addition te whi the polieyholders ve security the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- possible porty insured at lowest rates, Before renewing old or elving new. Dusiness aut rates from Strange & Steanwee. VETERINARY. MM, GO. W, BELL. VS, moved to his brick block, treet, just shove wT "EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE, Meeting Held at Y.M.C.A. Last Night. At a well attended meeting of the Evangelical Alliance held at the Y.M. CAL night, at which Rev. Dr. Macgillivray occupied the chair, the members heartily endorsed the action of the YM.C.A,, in extending an in- vitation to the McMaster evangelistic band, to hold a series of meetings in this city, during the early part of November. After the meeting of the Alliance wis adjourned, ¥.' G. Lockett, chair man of the religious. work committee of the Y.M.C.A., occupied the chair, when an invitation to hold the first meeting in Cooke's church, was ae- cepted. A committee of management composed of seven members, has been appointed, with power to add to their number, to look after the necessary arrangements for the serigs of meet- ings. : ' he MeMaster Band is at present conducting meetings in Hamilton. p---------- H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's, Orders at McAuley's book store. "Phone 778. Surgical dressings of all kinds at Chown's Brug Store. : An industrial prison colony, in North-Western Ontario is advocated in 'ing wtore, 348 street. Apply to Mr. F. BRICK D G, NO, 181 DIVISON street, tw dine having | possession gost of pay. AP: iy. v6 Frederick oa No. 1 Division street. NO, 3 nm, ATREET Bn NOW ou by J. ©, CO, * Possession: 1st Vit of Kirkpatrick, 194 Rogers & Ontario street. : occupied by Al J. A oat $300, Yo ae ist May. Fu. Rogers & Lite of v ickle, 194 Ontaxio e INTERNATIONAL fod RA The Paragraph Pulpit © Unitavian REV. 0. W. CASSON, OTTAWA A The Best Faith. Real faith is not intellectual ae ceptance of many beliefs; it is great confidence in the few important eon: victions. The pilots on . the Atlantic coast pay no attention to thousands FP ar es thouses give oe, in the offi: in Nine-tenths of she a cial creeds are of no your real life. Ignore them, and give your ayes to the . of truth, goodness and uty. The open mind, the syvakened the aspiring heart, the consecrated * will, are heavenly beacons in. your. life. Trust them absolutdly, follow them loyally. Rev, F. Gill. Address Mr. Casson for free litera. ture. This alt id the 'markev w : lirteued With Nand hill; and he man kat seavenger had a busy time clean: ing wp. A great many bows, whose duty it is to distributé bills from door to door, throw them the streets in bondles, in i themselves of the bills quickly, Over fifty kinds of corseia to choose 'the annual report of the provincial in- spretor of prisons. v AAAI PE A Health, containing prevalent list. At this season 4 APN prercription druggist. Whisky. Shake well and use'in hours. Balf-ounce .vials. Each vial is wooden case with an engraved yy Co., Windsor It is always well $6 remember tator is to Oil of Pine (Pure) poiahir 1 | Consumption in Makes 214 Children 3 Orphans in One Month. | A recent monthly bulletin of the Indiapa Staté Board of disease and tonsilitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and influenza were the most diseases, with pneumonia and influenza heading the § The ravages of consumption continued as Jrovicus months. The total deaths from this disease were 1 males § and 184 females. The total Rata bie of orphans caused ut ; the year lung trouble should be care- tuberculosis for the month was fully guarded against, and every precautipn taken to prevent the development of imeipient affections. There is great danger @ in neglecting an ordinary cough or cold. A simple remedy prescribed by an eminent authority on lung trouble is said to give immediate relief to an ordinary cough and to break up a cold in twenty-four hours. This remedy can be prepared by anyone in tBeir own home, the ingredients being of a simple nature and easily procurable at small cost Mix a half ounce Virgin Oil of (Pure) with two ounces of Glycerine and a half pint of good Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is put up, for dispensing only, in securely a vousd irgin Ofl of Pine (Pure); propared only 'by Leach' fit Ome y printed bulk 'and 'the many rank imitations of (Pure) put out under similar name and of not only ineffective for the Prrposts wet are often There is no from. We know style that will suit Indiana th statistics, states that in good from any Pine hv teaspooniul doses every four sealed "in wrapper showing the name oils sold in is fut § theron. - The dangerous. objeét of an' imi. fw CL NO. 167 KING STREET BAST, NOW 3 5 fe | { $ ) as

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