Goods sto know what will be the 5S MATERIALS THIS ollection. New {stuffs from inonus as fast as we can d Gloves ndus French Glove Maker, 8: ndressed. dressed, to 2. Rss N e Hosiery ribbed, in 8 different bed Cashiers, made ad heels, 4 qualities, all Black e tockings 1es at 25c. ies at 35c¢. es fat 50c. p TT A-- ADIES =: bber made, covers the hols x Ht Packs in a small Water- the best Rubber Firm in itd bE EEE ight and Dainty. Gents' Sizes $1.00 for Men. Shoe Store ; Meenas YEAR 74. NO. 60. RR BLLLLL000000000000008 MARCH SALE OF "BURN ITURE Still making improvemen { ts, refit ink, Thoth other a to our now "Mok Out or the Borains Ching Cablnat, 1 regular price, Sle China C Cabimsts, 'regular price, 20, $16 Bufletts, = pnd China Cabinets regular Price, % Polish Oak Exten: T . lar price, 18. for able 7855 TX . Be" io. Polished 5 , fre ° hy A extra ial Prices So on THIS SALE 1 ao UINE. ROBT. J REID 230 Princess street. The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577 Ambulance LIBERAL WARD MEETINGS Subdivisions will meet for the electioh of Chairmen at the Re- form Rooms, Golden Lion Block, as follows :-- On THURSDAY Evening, March 14th inst., at eight p.m. Nos. 1 and 2 Sydenham Ward. Nos. 3 and 4 Ontario Ward. Nos. 5 and 6 St. Lawrence Ward. Nos. 22, 23, 24 and 25 Victoria Ward. On FRIDAY Evening, March 15th inst., at eight p.m. Nes. 7, 8, 9 and 10 Cataraqui bb 11; 12, 13, Frontenac Ward. Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 Ritleau Ward. J. McDONALD MOWAT, President Kingston Reform Ass'n. -------------------------------------- LET US SELL YOU AN INCGUBATOR ON TIME. Do you know there raising poultry. Do you know an incubator will pay you bigger profit than any other thing you can have on your place. Well these things are true thousands of people all over Usmada, have proved it for Toho last five years. Chatham Incubators and Brooders will make you money, for a cubator will hatch a live chicken ut of every fertile egef uote ou a au a' 'Chats and on a nb CES i Call and get a Pouitry Book that will tell you how to make mokey out" of chickens. This Poultry Book You can get one at 42 Privecss street. D. J. HAY and T. E. HUGHES, Agefits. A Unique Demonstration For a few days a young lady will demonstrate the superiority of Holbrook's Worcester Sauce explain which 14 and 15 is big money in In our store, and will the various purposes for it can be used. Jas. Redden & Co. '" Wonderland "' THE ELECTRIC THEATRE. See the Funny Moving Pictures, The Policemen's Run, The Graiter, Georve Hammond, the popular baritone, will sing the popular illustrated song entitled 'Consolation,' accompanist, J. Hackett Admission Sc. Matinee 'every day 2 to 5 p.m Evenings, 7 to 11 p.m. Entire change of programme, Wednesdays and riday. 222 Prinoess St., next to -Upera House. JOS. H. GORRIE, Gen. Manager. Mondays, DAILY. MEMORANDA. Board of Trade, 8 pm Marks' Company, Grand Opers rid pany, Grand Opera Art Studio, od om Mowday. Funeral Emergency, to-morrow at Court of Chamber, House Barrie street, will be open- Court Frontenac, 2.30 p.m. Revision 2.30 p.m, This day in hist Mackenzie, horn, 1 great, 604 ; James 11 Coufity Wednesday y ~William | Lyon Gregory the "Innded in Ireland, Council 1689. WHIG TELEPHONES. 330 Duninees cd 292--Johbin~ Department. Everything that's printable. DINNER SETS K special line with Gilt. 97 pieces complete. Best English Earthenware. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY - $5.75 Robertson Bros. FINE FURS Buy direct and save the middle mans' profit, quality, style and fit guaranteed. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE, 139-163 BROCK ST. Mill Property For Sale A first-class Grist Mill and Saw Mill, doing a large and lucrative business Good location Good \reasons for selling For particulars, apply T. J. LOCKHART Real Estate Agent, Kingston, Ont I. O. F. MEMBERS OF COURT FRONTENAC No. 59, are requested. 10 assemble at 340 Albert St., to attend the funeral of our late Brother Robert Pogue, on WED. NESDAY, at 2.30 p.m All members of City Courts are invited to attend J. S. R. McCANN, Ree. -Sec I have sold thousands of shares of the Pittsb y Copper Co., -in Kingston. Don't neglect the opportunity of securing a Mock large oF mall 61 this "0 at present gtd i ie. Jolnd to ond a and m 5 bility will toucl is r urots! bith y Jou his year B ORCHESTRA MUSIC VIOLIN INSTRUCTION E. . MERRY, ** SYREN" TAKE NOTICE a Season's we sell Goods on profits. amt: in what you ne Fr for the fun. TURK'S S SECOND: HAND STORE 308 Princess Strest. TIRES: 'SPRINGS PUT ON BABY CARRIAGES FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS. Any person requiring such help, please notify me by letter, stat. ing particulars. J. F. KNAPP, Canadian Government Employ- went Agent, Kingston, Ont. CHAMPIONSHIP HOCKEY MATCH. Star Bachelors (Champions of Gananoque League.) ve Frontenac Business College (Champions of Kingston Hockey League.) -Game at 8.15 p.m. WEDNESDAY; MARCH 13th. Admission, 15¢, Ladies Free CM.BA. NOTICE. MEMBERS OF RRANCH §, C. M.B A. are iy requested t6 eet, in their Hall, THURSDAY MORNIN is inst. at ®_ o'clock, to attesd the uperal of their Jate Brother Anthony Guire. | Ne - M. P. NOLAN, "Rec. Sec Art Studio MRS. COMPTON will open an Art Studio at her residence, 96 Barrie street, opposite City Park, on ¥ NEXT. SWEPT OCEAN Great Waves SH Struck Great Liners. MONSTER BILLOW WAS OVER FORTY-FIVE FEET HIGH. It Did Considerable Damage Virginian's Rough Passage-- Seemed Almost at Mercy of Stormy--One Man Carried to Watery Grave. New York, March 12 line steamer La Savoie, March 2nd, arrived, on Sunday, after perhaps the most severe experience of any of the trans-Atlantic liners that have recently reported rough weather at sea. On board were 1,048 passen- gers, and a crowd better pleased than they to reach port seldom hurried down the gangplank, The La Savoie ran into nasty ther on the second day out, a series of north-west to west gales increasing in violence until Thursday, when a mon. ept the main deck and forced Capt. Tournigr to bring his craft to The steamer drifted eight hours before the voyage could be safe ly resumed, About eleven o'clock Thursday morn: ing the La Savoie, having safely rid den a number of tall waves, was lying in the trough oi the sea, when a wave measuring in the eyes of the crew any- whero from, forty-five to sixty feet. in height, broke over the ship from the forward port side, In a second tons of water flooded the --vess:|, shattering a heavy oak door which opened into' the corridor outside The French from Havre, wea the smoking saloon The great volume of water rushed in, swept along the corridor, and then poured down the grand stairway into the main dining saloon. The heavy ron. stairway leading from the main de k down to the promenade deck was washed away with the flood. Wheres the jron did not snap at the force of the blow it was rooted up from the deck flooring. The glass in the port holts of the purser's windows was smashed, Occupants of the smoking room were thrown from. their fest, and when, upon recovering themselves, thee opéhed the door to learn what had happened, the water from the carvidor rushed in upon them. The water in staterdom « entrance; it was tempor vaded the cabins and every wheré an open door rising at points where arily staved to a height, it clared, of four fect The water disabled the tem for a time, and further terrified the passengers. Mau were bowled over, but beyond a little wetting none were seriously harmed vit was deo inrush of light sve sudden darkness electric Washed Overboard. Halifax, N.8., March }2.- The Allan line stea Virginian, Capt A. H Vipond, which sailed fram Liverpool March 1st, arrived Sunday morning The steamer met witlk bad weather from the time she left Liverpool; but on Sunday of last week she ran into a terrific hurricane, and for three days the big liner wenied ~ almost at the merey of the waves. Great seas rolled up her tides, and for hours they broke over the forward deck. R. 8. Jones, a steerage passenger, who was walk ing along the deck on. the night of was caught by a wave and the storm, was twenty washed overboard. He aight years of age and was going to Hamilton. MAY REACH TERMS to Preferential Trade. Melbourne, March 12. Premier Dea kin declares he did not intend to any rcsolutions, in fdvor of pn tial trade, on the motherland. He ad wits that, at present, a majority of In Regard the home parliament to free trade, but says it not fol low that when the subject is dispas donately consid 1, apart from ire concepfions and extraneous influences, they will not he able to find a modus vivendi, Botha To Attend. Pretoria, March 12.--The premier an nounces that he will attend the con ference of the colonial premiers in Lon don, He continues to maintain his fem conyiction in the advantages of British connection and, yesterday, ina speech, declared that British interests were absolutely shfe in the hands of the new Transvaal cabinet. The world world see that they are zealous for the flag as any ministry could be. ---- Twenty-Two Drowned. Redding, Cal., March 12.-Twenty four Greek laborers started to cross the Sacramento river in a boat, yes terday, when the. hoat capsize! and twenty-two of them were drowned. The bodice have been. recovered. The men were employed hy the Delmar Hint railroad. : A Fight And Arrest. Louisville, Ky., March 12.--Oné of the eight cars sent out "by the street railway confpany, late this morning. "was held up by a mob of two hundred Wo HL LEWIS, 3 Boston, Mardh #=W. H. Lewis is the man President Roosevclt is said to contemplate maming surveyor of the port of this city, Sines such a protest was made hy Ohivans to the appoint ment of Ralph Tyler toa nin Cincinnati Lewis first sprang into fame, three yeors ag when he was appointed coach of Harvard's football team, at a salary of $10,000 year: ASISISIIISIISISIIIIICI IIo BURN' DANCE HALLS. similar posi Chicago, March 12. --In- censed over the revelations contained in the testimony in two truancy case in- volving young girls, Judge George A. Carpenter, sit: ting in the juvenile court, yesterday, urged the burn- ing of "cheap dance halls and still cheaper theatres,' as the best way to save the RRR T RAAT IAR RENEE BES EEN HE RRA youth of the city from moral degradation. "Most of the delinquents, Ww especially the girls," said ¥» the court, '"owe their un- ¥ happy eondition to the * frequenting of such places. Ww REPORT WHEAT CROP RUINED. Green Bugs Worked Havoc Throughout Southwest. Chicago, March 12.<Reports that reached the hoard of trade state that immense damnge has been 'wrought to the wheat crop in the south-west by the ravages of the "Green Bug," and cent at the clos: in consejuence Despatches re it the erop in Texas quotations jumped one ceived decks had 'been almost destroyed by the hungry insects, which had jumped to Oklahoma and Indian Territory, amd were hastening with unsatisfied ape tle wheat fields of Kan tites toward sas, HRA EIR WAS ASSASSINATED. 3 * * 3 ¥ Sofia, Bulgaria, March ¥ ¥ 12.--M. Petkoff, presuier ¥ ¥ and minister of the In- * terior, was assassinated. ¥ ¥ Walking in the Boris ¥ ¥ - Garden he was attacked by ¥ # an unknown man, who ¥ ¥ fired at him with a re % % volver. The premier ° was * # wounded by three bullets ¥ ¥ and died instantly. ™M. ¥ # Guenadieff minister of ¥ ¥ commerce and agriculture, ¥ # was wounded in the arm. > FREI Said To Want To Slay King. Milan corres Paris, March 12.-The pondent of the Matin, says the Giornale d-Ttalia, publishes a letter, from Americ, stating that a person hos left that eountry with the inten tion of killing Vietor Emmanuel. The pale says it hopes the ltalian of America, whose duty it is to watch anarchistsi. will be ables to denv the report. ; It points out that such attempts rormeide generally with royal journeys, The king will start on a visit jo Gveece on April 43th Remove Traveler Tax. Victorin, B.C. March 12.-Bv a bill brought in the house, the MeBride goversanent repealed the tax on com travellrs from other pro which has awakened so munch The only exenption is the travellers for tobacco and firme; who have no branch province, Gior ficials in me vinees, protest, case of liquor houses in the A Head-On Collision. Williamstown, Mass, March 12 One man was killed amd three were in jured here, Monday, in a head-on col Ngion, between a freight train and a train of express cars, on the Fitchburg division of the Boston & Maine rail- road e Richard Brown and sister, Mrs Chekley, desire to convey their sinchre thanks to those who so kindly contri- buted floral offerings. in memory of their mother. Mrs. Mary Crothers Among the gilts was a magnificent persons. After a fight with the police on hoard, three arrests were made, with several windows shattered. The suburban service has not yet been ree and the crowd proceeddgl down town | wreath from the fellowcemployees of Mr. Prown, at the M. T. 'company De." Chown's 1itlle "Pink Laxatives give quick relief from. constipation and bilivisness. Ve. From Furaishing Its Share Of Soldiers, UNDER NEW SCHEME Sm ---- WHAT THE LONDON EXPRESS LEARNS. The Irish Members Are Silent and the Price of Their Silence is, Said to Be Home Rule--Not Willing to Trust Ireland to Train Soldiers. London, March 12.-The Express says it learns that Ireland, probably, will be debarred from the right to of territorial soldiers of War Haldane's new re-organization scheme. It says, more or less directly, that the government is unwilling to trust Ireland to train citizens as soldiers, although it is prepared to grant a large measure of home rule. Romarking that the Irish members of parliament did not com- ment in the House of Commons on this shelving of the Irish party of the army schtme, the Express adds that it would seem as if home rule were the price of silence on the question, which is practically a slur on the untrust- worthiness of the Irish as troops. furnish its share under Secretary The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. A campaign is on jn Ottawa to raise £200,000 for a new Y M.C.A. building, William 0. Gillespie, a messenger the National Park bank, New York, is missing, together with $1,600 of bank funds. Foster 1. Backus, formerly district attorney of King's county, and a crime inal lawyer of note, died at New York to-day. The dates for the autumn meeting of the Ontario Jockey Club, are Sep- tember 14th to 21st, both dates -in- clusive. Mme. Bruchesi, mother of the AreR- bishop of Montreal, celebrated, on Friday, the cightieth anniversary of her birth. Lord Penrhyn, whose dispute with his employees at the Bethesda slate quarries brought him into great pro. ki is « The Allan steamer Laurentian for Boston, sailed from Glasgow on March Oth, with 154 second and 289 steerage passengers for Halifax Mayor Coatsworth,, Torunto, is said to have withdrawn opposition 10 the Electric Light company's application for increase in capital. Toronto socialists approve 'the ae tion of the socialist members of the British Columbia legislature in refus- ing to rise in honor of the lieutenant governor Mrs: Justine Reaume, aged eighty four years, the widow of Hypolite Reaume, a widely known contractor in his day, died Monday night. She was born in Windsor Mrs. Ida Lottimer, Fredericton, NB. was, on Saturday, granted. absolute divores from hee hushand, Robert A. Lottimes, who has, according to tes timony given, been loading the life of a bigamist for twelve years in New York Sutton & Tuson, undertakers, Wind- sor, who had charge of Senator Cas grain's funeral, brought over fifteen hacks from Detroit, in violation of the city by-law, and got into trouble. IO] UMUNOWR 'NoTMpRY) HD if the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Windsor, Ont, for three years, has been promoted to the management of the branch at Montague, PEL He will be suceweded by J. H. Dent of Toronto branch KILLED BY BELTING. Man's Arm Pulled OB---Dies in Hospital. Peterboro, Unt, March 12. William G. Spence, an electric tan al the Peter. boro Light and Power company, was fatally ajured while at work in the power house, He was putting a belt on a grindstone and his eft arm caught in the belt. Hix arm was al most wrenched off, and he revived other injuries. He was found uncon- scious some time afterwards, and re- moved to Nicholls" hospital, where he died. The decensed was unmarried and was well-known in Peterhoro. SAVE THE PROFITS. Hotels and Restaurants Cut Out , Middleman. restaurants of this city are consider ccrporation to deal in all kinds of hots] and restanrant supplies. Aaron Bodenweisen, of Montreal, is expected that a company with $10, 000,000 capital will be organized. Death Of A Member. £ - Toronto, Ont. Mart 22 In Suit Brought Against the. Buran yi unsettied apd' : Financiers. New York, March 12.-To save the profit that now goes to: the wriddle- man, proprietors of large hotels' and ing the organization of a co-operative interesting them in. the plan, and it is ONE OF PLAINTIFFS WEATHER TroMSTITES. MARS. MARY RAKERGLOVER, Boston, Mass, March = 12. Mrs Mary Baker Glover, the gramd-daugh ter of Mrs. Mary Baker Fady, mother of Christian Science, is one of the priveipal plaintifia in the sit © to ive those alleged to be in contral of ra, Baker's finances give an account ing of her money 'aml various pro- perty holdings. Mrs, Eddy's son was the first to start the sat. SPAIN"S MINISTER. ---- which will meet with ur First to Fill Post Since April immediate Approval. 1905. we are showing in many = : Washington, March 12.-Senor R clusive ye oe the 2 popular variety than ever. NOVELTY PONGEE S(LKS variety of 3 Pina y Millet, the new Spanish minis ter, has arrived in Washington, and Senor Louis Pastor, first seoretary of the legation, called at the state de partmint to make arrangements for the presentation of the minister's ore denials, He is the first Spanish . min ifter here simce April, 1905, when Seuor Ojeda left Washington. Peculiar Act Of Suicide. Cartersville, 11, March 12.-John Smith, fifteen years old, threatened with arvest for selling a calfskin a week ago, and who has been in hiding since, was found dead with a broken week in the Fordville church, Sunday, having committed suicide [oe lotting & heavy desk fall wpon- him. had raised ane end of the desk, he a. hin neck under the foot: rest connecting the two sections, hud knocked away the prop, allowing the disk to come down on his throat, feacturing his neck and strangling Wm to death. Smith broke into the church, several duyvs ago, as the best ace to conceal himedf: In tris pock hs wad a Jot of louse corn and he is supposed to have subsistel on the grain for several days ings are exquisite, ---- Powder Magasine Blown Up. ° 8 see then now if you call at Toulon, France, March 12.---A pow- der magarive on board ane of the bat theships here, the Tenat, blew up, to day, owing, it is reported, to explosion of a compressed air torpe lo on the ves 1. It is said the casualties num- lier from two hundred to three hun dred, but as this despatch is filed, wo 'sTEACY'S | E Everything point to + Sak to a Silk have brought out a number of new and beautiful weaves, color, Kingston, on details. gre obtainable, The warship POGUE In was in the, Misdonary dock at the 1007, Robert Hogue, yea time. Fuperal, 'Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. Friends WSyuaintanote respectiuily inviv- attend, MOU EAT Kingwton, on Victory For Jerome. nd New York, March 12--At the Thaw H March 114N, trial, this morning, Justice Fitagerald Bz, yolthony McGuire, aged fifcy- overrule] the objection of the defence | Fugeral irom his late | { to James Smith, Stanford White's tummille, at 0 wan. Ruy hb 4 trother- in-dnw, testifying. This was ons Mary's Cathedral, ER in re ha a the. pose of his soul. considered a signal victory. for Gr Jerome, in one of the hottest ba " - MALL auddealy. "a or home in ! . Junetown, Front ge, arch between counsel yit waged at th, 1907, Jeanis Donnelly, beloved Thaw trial ie of William Hall, thirty-six DILLON in Kingston, on March 11h, Dead Looking At Each Other. OVE FTI Buffalo, N.Y., March 12.--Augusta | Funeral from the rout or ot, and Mary Littlefield, sistors, were brother-in-law, J. W. Crowley, ohne found dead in their rooms, this morn won St., on Wednesday morning . #15. to St. Mary's. Cathedral, Shere ing, sitting in chairs on opposite sides of the table, Death was cansed hy asphyxiation, a gos stove, in ane corner of the room, was running full head. a solvmn requiem mass will be sung for the repose of her soul. dr' + BY Foi Kingston. on March 12th, Thomas Healey, aged thirty- ad years. Funeral from bis late residence, Prin on Thursday afternoon, © A Fricods amd aint ances' reupeettufly invited to attend, MIL ~In Kingston, on March ULE 1907 John H. Mills, aged thirty-five Years. Funeral private, from his mother's renls dence, Hagot ot, on Wednesday afters et mr Will Still Do Détroit Business. Detroit," Mich, March 12. - Elliott G, Stevenson, who was, on "Saturday, elected. supreme chiof ranger of the Canadiaii* Independent Order of For esters, has retuned from Toronto. Mr. Swevenson says his Detroit. business, professional and socigl relations, will not be, in any way, Wwturbed by as Pinar a. om her Tate ¥ suming his new duties. . 08" Stuart St.,to St. One Month In Jail. Hamilton, Ont, March 12. Morley Sheek, the conductor on the Hamilton and Dundas railway, areested a few days ago on the charge of stealing tickets from the company, was sen teneed hy Judge Monck, this morning, It was his first offence and the judge made the sentence one mouth in the common jail. To-night and Every Ni Week at 8.15. Matinee To Deliver Address. Montreal, March 12. Gen. Booth has accepted the invitation of the Mon- trea! Board of trade to delivép an ad- dress before the board, its frie ny and members, in the board's hall, : cial Subjects," on Monday Svening ---- MA A TR Sa Otigwa, March 12 liberal. member of parlismeat for North Wellington, died, this morning, at 9.13 o'clock, at the general hos pital! He wes ill but one week, Ap operation Wiis . successfully pecformed, but the patimt succumbed to his malady Dr, Chown's special iron tonic pills wild wp run down systems. 25¢. 50c y «Thomas Martin, | and ma 20¢. and 2c. next. To-Night} * w Bn, ve gi Los Ap Or 10-16-26 Seats now oa At the Brantiord assizes a true' bill was returned against Mayor Bowlby, {charged with circulating a libel con- | coacerning A. G. Montgomery. Ruy Rat Malt Extract," od 4 ross Drug Store. rE iidien' s stockings that will wear, New York Dress. Re- orm. a »