Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1907, p. 3

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rm 0 rs {Solid Extract ited [on (porren in CANADA) Nos is: what you get in Armour's Solid Extract which means that you also get the natural strength i of the Beef. That's why it goes sty four times as far as most other Extracts and Fluid Beefs, manu- de. factured by adding salt and water, wit, Armonr's Solid Extract of Beef : Ji the Srue Sspenctiof Prime Beef 2ph condensed. iy Culinary Wrinkles" tells what Beef Extract is used for, and how to use hy, Solid Extract ecomomically., Mailed on, free on request. 03 ks ARMOUR LIMITED + Toronto of CANADIAN FACTORY™77 FRONT STREET CAST ES, | tm ------------ i peg mye ng- NOTICE! rege . 0s- ~ | WE PAY CASH FOR ALL na Raw Furs wa] KINDS OF "1 W. F. GOURDIER te EXCLUSIVE FURRIER Tt. | 78.80 Brock St. Phone 700 al- + ail, al al- i "1 { Candelabras st, In Bright or French Gras is, wr we ly Tinted Silk shades, in ag: loose effects or with Pierced ce Metal Covers to match en- ' tire piece. ry Any special style or color shades, may be ordered and r., are sold separately. : le, ) 4 «| 5 SMITH BROS. al- | Jawelers and Opticians nl- : 350 King Street "a Issuers of Marriage u, A) e, e, "HAVE YOU SEEN : Y -|OF WASH GOODS? To-- It certainly will repay you to take the time neces- _|sary for a look. Such a : brilliant array of dainty ~ |materials, including the | light gauzy IMUSLINS : : ORGANDIES ] MULLS, Etc. : Or the heavier | GINGHAMS . CHAMBRAYS : and DUCKS. } As for PRINTS we cer- tainly have a decidedly at. tractive range at popular prices, roc. and 12jc., and remember that all these goods are crisp and new this season. NEW COATS & SKIRTS for Spring are now in stock. tive. They are decidedly attrac- 7 Coughs, Colds. Waslesals Ajonts, Conlilnce in even quality has * made many friends for Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. WOMEN ARE ANGRY Vow VENGEANCE ON OPPO- NENTS OF BILL, { Wicked Men Boo and Jeer--Rout | of Progressives in London Strengthens Liberals' Opposi- tion to Measures. London, March 6.--I1f the words of certain 'women tally with their .dic- ticnary definition, there is a terrible vengeance hanging over all © members of the house of commons who oppose Mr. Dickinson's women's suffrage bill, when it. comes up on March 8th, "We are going to make it warm for them," "We will says Christobel Parkhurst. stump their constituencies, and they will be only too glad to get ow." They have already prepared the pro- DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). {s admitted by the edy ever discovered CHLOROGB YN CALORGD YN TIS, ASTHMA acts like a charm in DIARRUOFA, and is the only specifis in CHOL FRA and DYSENTERY. attacks PALPITA. effectually outs short all EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, TION and SPASMS. -- CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE, GOUT, Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PS OWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and bewary The genuine bears the words "DR J of spurious compounds or imitations [COLLIR BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" Sold in bottles. (Overwholming Medical Testin ony acgompani «+ on the Stamp of cach bottle. sah Loeely Sole Maufacturars:=-I. T. D\VENPIIT, Lialtal, LOD VN, LYMAY 8723 & CO., Umitco, i Brno, " § hoe profession to » the most wonderful and valuable rew " {8 the best remedy known for COUGHR, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHI is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, CANCER MENINGITIS, eto. Prices in England, 1s. 13d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d. each Toronte Beasessseessttsstetess teencsesesrnstssteeses BUY THE BEST! GANONG' S G.B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY. ONLY 50 CENTS PER LB. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street Friday Bargains DRESS GOODS 400 yards All Pure Wool Poplins, Serges, Panamas, Satin Cloths and Cashmeres, in ne > arly every color, all new goods; 38 to 54 inches wide, regular price, 59c. to 8%¢c. yard, TO-MOR- ROW, only per yard, 45c¢. ! SHEETING . Eight-fourths Bleached Sheeting, nice round even thread," and free from dressings good value at 30c., TO-MORROW special at 24c. yard. LADIES' VESTS ¥ou save half on these Vests. 25 'dozen Ladies fine Lisle Vests, short sleeves and sleeveless, neck and ami hole, lace trimnied, worth up to 40¢. Sach; FRIDAY, cach 15e. 'THE JAMES JOENSTON STORE stresses BIPPIIIPEPITTII FFI IIITIPINIIIIRIIIIIIRIIIY LADY FRANCES BALFOUR, One of England's most suffracettes. She is a niece of the pramier of Emgland, who retirea in favor of the present administration cess of making it warm for one of the members. They are holding meetings in the Hitchin division of Hertiord- shire, which is represented by Mr, Bert- ram, who opposes women's suffrage. The meetings are constantly interrupt- ed by wicked men, who booh and jeer, while the women, in the intervals of uproar, solemnly declare their readi- ness to face death for the sacred cause. I the bill is brought there seems to he every passing, hut a division reached unless the speaker grants clos- ure, because the government has given only one evening for its discission. Innumerable hostile oper the floodgates of talk, and if closure is not granted the bill will Le talked out. Saturday's rout of Progressives in London seems to have greatly strengthened the opposition to the bill by the Tihorals, who aserilie the defeat on that momentous ocea- sion largely to the women ratepayers. The suffrage scoffil at this idea. "The cowa says Uhristohel Pank- hurst, "are seizing on this event as a peg on which to hang their real views of women suffrage. We have known their opinions all along, but they have been too cowardly to de- clare them." Apart from amendments to the hill! there are no fewer than eic wht motion to reiect it. One of th for the liberal hestil bv Hemmerde, who points out that Hi to a chance of its { only bill as' it stands simply multiplies the rich man's plural votes. as he could rrocure votes for his wife, daughters, nisces and aunts. 1 the hill nasees and gets through the House of Lords, which is altogether unlikely, sille that it mav earlv dissolution of much as precedent, since the reform bill of 1832, demands dissolution as foon as possible after the enfranchise- ment of any body of electors it is pos even lead to an parliament, inas- A Cold Proposition. Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (L axative) are guaranteed to cure colds in twelve to twenty-four hours. The remedy is equally effective for la grippe, consti- pation and headache. - Colds are dis tressing. They lead to more serious ills, and are unnecessary. Try this remedy under the guarantee, If iy fails there is no cost. In boxes, 25. Sold only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. > Will Give "At Home." At the monthly meeting of the Nurses' Alumnae assotiation held on | Tuesday, March 5th, it wax decided to hold an "At Home" on March 21s. to give the public' an op portunity to view the decoration just completed in the nlirses" home. | Holbrook's English. Pickles, mixed, 20c.. Pickles, glorking, 20c. Pickles, walnuts, 20c. Pickles, sweet mixed, 20e, Fresh at Gilbert's stores. ee The "Ottawa "Ele Railway omm-; y has received $100 of conscience distinguished ne division i will not be, amendments will | the of 'Accused "of = Get Rid of Your Files Right Now --~Pyramid Pile Cure Can Do It Quickly and Puinlessly. -- Free Puckage Sent To Prove It. Hal of the swliefing und torlure of piles has never boon told. But ne matter, Whether your particular case of piles Is is almost too excruciating for to bear, or ii you are fear- Bila tantalized by unr achuble itch- ing, or whether yout bese only on mod erate case of piles, there js relief, and quiek too in Cure. You need¥not take for positive Pyramid Pile we ourselves say About Rem edy, We want it to itself We want you to seml i pack- age, today, of the mura vramid Pile Cure. We want rove thes statements to you por so that you will feel the resul i Pyramid Pile Cuore h rod the worst form of piles known, W prove it. Instant relief can be ten hy using the marvelons Pyramid Vile Cure. It immediately reduces all conges and swelling, heals all sores, #0 8 and irritated parts. The woment. you tart y use it, your sullering ends wo he cure of your dread disease is ig) Here is one of the many thousand "letters we get about this great "I have been a terrible sufferer of piles for fourteen (14) x nd dar ing all this time You can have an idea of how many kinds « licine I tried. But I found no relief whatever, "Now, after trying but one trdat- ment of vour 'Pyramids' | am free, free to tell all sufferers of this dread- ful disease to try this ne-the Pyramid Pile Cure. It cure when all others fail. ly Ours, George Bramight, Sch Pa put up in spegialis The Pyramid Pile ( the form of "easy-to us made suppositories. ing, painless, instant A trial treatment w at once by mail, in { per, without a cent of if you send your name n Co... 83 Py + to you, vildress to Pyramid Dry ramid Build ing, Marshall, Mich After yon'receive the sample, you can get a rvegular-size packsre of Pyramid Pile Cure, at your druggist's, for 50 { cents, or if he hasn't it. send us. the money and we will send it to you ' ANOTHER GERM DESTROYER, | --E Herpicide is Death to Germs. The germ burrows' into throwing up the eutic | called dantruff, or = at the root of the ha | the hair's vitality. | { He. hair, then luster] and dead-like hair, then © falling hair, © med, finally baldness Ning-tgn the of the hair trou. bls are dandruff, Without dandrufi, hair will prow luxamantiy, a# nature intended. "Herpivide® kills the dandruff | 1 leaving the hair to grow unhan as it doss with the American red Sold by leading druggists. Sey Oc. in stamps for sample to The Her; cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Tvor« Sc, and 81. G. W Mahood, Dandruff the scalp, thin seats, wl digging Te it saps rst comes hrits caused ny Complicity in a Murder, WwW. D. HAYWOOD. Putte City, Idaho, March 7.--W. D. Hayweod, sceretary-trensurer of the Western Federation of Miners, has been put on trial for complicit in the murder of ex-fGovernor Frank Steuan enberg.' The trial is being held at Caldwell and indicted with Haywood is George A. Pettibone, forme mem ber of the executive hoard of the gs socintion. The case will be a savy- tional gne, because of the fight 1h union ' workers have made to keen their officars, from going -to trial, + tmnt. irs Improve your spirits. with York Soda, the highly- charged, sparkling water with the snappy, dry tang that betters the flavor of any Yiquor it dilutes. Bottled at the Springs for surety of purity, and sold wherever gentle' men drink. Compare it with the imported sodas 'and learn Sat | York Soda is better yet costs no more! EH taki Liawtes Toroota Pilla; ny are x SELL WOMEN. WW ---- "a Shanghai, March ¥.---Re- ports from the famine .dis- tricts. indicate that con- ¥ ditions are tecoming worse. # Middle-aged women are be- i¥ ing sold for irom $10 to # $15, and children. for $3 to % $4. A correspondent who ¥ ¥ | toured the distriet reports it denuded of animals and lawlessness is growing. Bhan ER EEAAARR ISIS ANN . Removed To Hospital. Russell, the twelve-year-old son of Dougall: Campbell, Concpseion street, was removed to the general hospAtal, yesterday, suffering from pneamonia. arr Fou hardly realize that # is medi ng r's Little Liver 5 d of ---------------- ARLE. HELP WANTED-MALE. SY ------ SALESMEN FOR AUTOSIPRAY, Bost hand Sprayer made, sutomatie, | SALES-PEOPLE secure vositions, secured 10,000 last to Whig office. year for our graduates, Catalogue free. Moler Barber College, Queen apd Spadina, Toropto. Case hearing Spangenberg's Reward for their return to office HELP WANTED--FEMALE. A BLACK COCKER SPANIEL A HOUSEMAID, APPLY MRS, yesterday, on Bagot, 59 Gore street. A C OMP EY TENT HOUSEMAID, WITH C references. Avnly = Mrs. Hugh OUR POLICIES COVER MOR "VA new business get rates from ONE WHO THOROUGH. & Strange, Avents. plain cooking. Must No washing or Mrs, Wilkinson, A SERVANT ; ly understands be well recomended ironing. Apply to 1814 Bagot street. ARCHITECTS. rates, Before renewing old or A GOOD SMART BOY, "TO MAKE |BY MAY ist, OR SOONER, MEDIUM- himsell generally useful. Apply The sited house, centrally located. Apply Lockett Show Store. : Stating rent, to Box 60, care Whig AND PARCEL-BOYS * Sample Machine fr for pur 18 days sale, conmencing bn Crveta Bron dae approved Saturday. Apply at once to George emia, : * Mills & Co TINSHITH, GOOD MECHANIC, FOR 'PEHREE EXPERIENCED RING SPIN- all lines in the trade; steady job. ners accustomed to run work from Wages, 20c, per hour, with yearly I8's to HBO's, all new machinery, bonus. W. R. Keys, Lindsay, Ont. , large, bright, airy rooms Apply ' Joseph Simpson Suns, nto, SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE | men, bring your own cloth and a. LOST. cheap up-to«inte suit made. he ¥ Prise and Suish reerentied. Zi A LADIES. SILVER WATCH, a way, asp pin on ednesday, Finder The Tailor, 181 Brock street. please return to 'Whig office, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN|A BLACK LEATHER HANDJIAG, Barber Trade in 8. weeks. Graduates containing some small charge and earn $10 to $18 weekly, TOTNEF artic es, Finder please return RIMLESS BYEGLASSES, IN BLACK name. Whig + PUP between Ordn- Lesslie, 37 George street. ance and Bay Sts. Finder please re- --pr-- turn to Sergt. GG. T. Alderoft; Tete GENERAL' SERVANT. APPLY MRS, Du Pont Barracks, Anyone harbors James Stewart, 78 Wellington St. ing same after this notice will he : prosecuted according to law. Goon GENERAL SERVANT AT once. Apply 289 Division St. ety, EDUCATIONAL. CORRESPOND A GOOD PLAIN COOK, APPLY IN AL Some. Pa.. Local he evel y Mi > an OH ne the. overing to Miss Hora, 45 King Office, B7 Brock St. Office hours, 9 am, to 5 pan. Saturday evening, 7 to 9 o'clock. J. K. Carroll, Repre- GENERAL SERVANT: NO WASH- sentative, "Phone, 662. ing. Apply to Mrs. A. 8. Oliver, MONEY AND BUSINESS. 0B ON ilding and contents than any other Nickle, 153 Furl St. elnpany offers. 1Ioxamine them at Goodwin's Insurdnce Emporium, Barks Goon GENERAL SERVANT. NO et Square. : washing. Referencos required © Mrs. ------------_------------------------------ Uglow, 164 Barrio, street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE be or en Fire Insurance Company. Available IMMEDIATELY, A NURSE GIRL, TO ansith spLasralLs. oil it Hon, 10 look after one fh: Yi ro- security the unlimited liability of wil guired, : Phy Te eet Slovan. the stockholders. Farm and clty nro- sun, 114. Stuar suet. perty . insured at lowost elvine trange BRICK HOUSE, 7.RoONS, GOAD hud i Buk ate. of of { cohaon iE Hota city. to 244 inna Br A 4g JTALLION, Lo! ol ands wood action, 8 Kind and well broken. selline Yor ng Cia AF EE en PT MeGill A GOODSLING WAGGON AND TEA sleigh; also a nice heme, in > locality, ig ad house and stable, fruit t 3 3 the. water on premises wr -------------- o_o DWELLINGS, = OFFIC otc., at McCann's, 51 rock ote BRICK DWELLING. 20. a oposite ys rl noasion." Annly to B. Cunningham, 40 Clarence Sg. = A WHELL-PURNISAED a igh! Jentiiation. Phun Gent' NO. 167 KING STREET FAUT NOW Angus Iu Kina, * Mogens nuire ol rkpatr Hout. Nickle, 194 Ontario stroot. NO. 22 DARRIE STREET, NOW OU. cupled hy J. C, CU. Almon, reat *2o; Possession 1at = SAY. Enquire Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, Ontario street, a BRICK DUELLING, NO. 1 street, twelve 0 Divisl a MEDEA DR. oocied. he ir. TE air Refuge. bofore going do Now York City i ( City, Tieton, March 7..-The tenth annual Kens, ub: hl M Yo do ( : { & is C(nughter, rs. « « convention of the Sunday School As- The 'county coMDERL: sotiation of the townships of Athol and South. Maryshuriths held Putaduy | Ansirew' Miller, of Mucrendy, M. Duetta, G. A ard H. W. Frown, of Toronto. provincial teacher training socretary Davies, News From Stella. Stella, March 4. visiting friends in Buffalo, N.Y. double injury, is now in a bad condi tion, though it is not expected the sight will be affected. Mr. and Mis. John H. Allen are on | as snmples, PINE WOOD TREATHENT GUNES CATARRH Kothing in the Annals of Medicine 30 50 soothed and "healed, atory troubles in pine woods regions led scientists to] work on a remedy that would combine all the healing balsams of these trees, This research led to the discovery of L'atarrhosgoe, which is probably the greatest . healer known. Its action on Catarrh is simply wonderful--relieves, provents, cures the worst oases, zone is used, thoroughly teo. drugs (hecawse you breathe it), winter ills, i The large $1 size. is guar small (trial) size, 26¢. Polson & Co, and Hartford, Conn., Cough medicines go to the stomach N, (. they fail. --of oourse 2000000000800000000000 Made of Ash, p lightness, compactness, and strength. THE BEST BY ANY TEST | Sizes 4, 5 6. 7, 8 and 10 tect. A ; y * : : 5 gf Step Ladders] "together with screws and rivets, unequalled for rigidity My, Pa. 9. is visiting . Hepburn. orth Maryshoeg, keeper of the House of Ren a afternoon and evening, in Milford "Me- slur of §500 5 yoar. Mis, Mi thodist church, was largely attended, will 0 the - matron, Dr. T. 8. Philp At the afternoon session addresses was appointed surgeon and physician, were made, dealing - with Sunday |G i was decided to establish an school work, by B. Koesean, Capt. N. hospital ward in connection with the J. Pulmuticr, 8. Love, J.P." Pal. | probit Wo b matier, Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Q, Farmers are tok- gave very helpful advice ing advantage of the good driving on The evening sessi the ico, A quantity of cosl is being a number from Picton. Miss Nina |brought here from Portsmouth, J. 8. Congér's (Picton) talk on *'Ffimary | Neilson's supply being vearly ex. Work," was much appreciated. J, H. |hausted. A sleigh load of P.AP.B, Dolan, Picton, made very helpful gug- | members attended a banquet in King gestions on "The Freparation of the {ston on Monday night, March 4th. Lesson By the Teacher." The newly. | Reeve R. R. Burleigh is suffering with elected president for this year is 8, |gongrene of the feet, His many B. Love and Mrs. J. H. Bushell was |friende hope for a speedy repovery. H. re-clicted deoretary-tronsurer. Cherry |G. Fleming, who underwent an opera- Valley wes selected for next vear's | tion. for appendicitis in the Hotel meeting 3 : Dieu, last week, ix recovering rapidly, Hurold Osterhout, while playing. Rev. J. BE, Lindsay exchanged pulpits hockey on the bay, on Tuesday night, [with Rev. W. Roberts, Adolphustown, received a severe cut about his oye, |on Sunday last. J. Roddick left last The vousig' inn received a nasty gah {Week for the North-West. Mrs. A. only last w and his eve, with the | Stevenson has returned home after Of two evils some people choose Loth Cotarrhozone goss right where the tiniest Catar Effective for Bronchitis and Throat ~~ &°rms aro--and jit cures. The cell in the lungs is treated hy Teoubleas rhozone, 'ThE bore bronchial tubes are inflamed nostrils ~ are cleared of discharge-~wesk throat Catarrhozone i# strengthened and all trace of oca- i { tarch dispppears, The significant freedom from respir- A thousand times doctors have proved catarrh can't live if Catarrho- It's a cure that works quickly and Extrpmely pleasant--guite {roe from noth- ing compares with Catarrhozone for anteed; All nT or y Ont; YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN THE " y a i TIARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF Bi, Cnn ir: Co doy | "ho Cor Guewn and Hosor wiretee | Ful dd rook fur-lined oper clonks, coats n wraps. Kvenine costuines n special] JENRY PF, SMITH, ARCH nr, DR. I. WOOD, ty. Mme. Elder, 258 Princess street, ote. Anchor Bullding, Market Squire. clnne corner Sydenham. 'Phone, 348 / Welltnuton ---- tm ---- = ---- . MADE THE KEEPER. a two weeks trip: visiting Toronto, The Par Buffalo and Rochester, Mra. FP. Wile : A New Head For the House of json is wpendiby no week im Napeneo ¥ -- ¢ one. y ad the ud the lily blossom, as the a rook precious ore, os the dohn 1 the gk, 80 BV tains the. potential They are not deceive slime and hardness oy Selon perceive and have faith in the inher: ent and theultimate. To be > Suare ho ma i he the divinity of the soul Address Mr, Casson for free litera I have for sale 10,000 wh at ds" Cn THIS IS A MINE, 100 shares to one Person. ull particu party agreeing to buy 2,000. shares before payment is regu woul, is to know the eblintens tru disclosed to the human mind, £5 ture, re pad Treasury Stock, PER SHAR! NOH A PROSPECT. Work was na 35sh Feb, 1907. 1 will sell not lesa hn lars on application THIS SPOCK 18 A BARGAIN, A the strength of my statements, will be al- lowed time to go and SXAtning mine THOMAS MILLS, 79 Clarence Bt To Contractors. TENDERS WILL BE thio, office Ya the unders) and specifications ma; 0 2 I noo, on SATOROAY hot instant for the a trides Yor required in the erection and = complotion of a brick and stone residence on corner of Johnson and Bagot Std. this eity. Taswest or any tender sarily uetepted, . NEWLANDS, Architect, Office, 268 Bagot. St. not neces- © *® ST. LAWRENCE CANALS"? * CORNWALL CANAL. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Cornwall Canal will be upwatered on the First day of April, 1907, and re wan unwatered until the 15th "duy ne April, 1907, : WSR srewane . 5 sy Ss Superintendent. Cornwall, Fehruary 24, 1207, Newspapers inverting this advertise ment without authority from partment will not be paid for it. Salil, DEPARTMENT OF BAILWAYS & CANALS .- QUEBEC CANALS : oi Heed TO DEALERS IN CEMENT ALIED TENDERS ENDO, nger for Cement," will be reesi the 'undersigned, until 16 So erath Sotineniay, hes 1 I ie su Smart The irr ot 8 be procur: to No, BE pier a Reais A whe at the ofMee eo the of Mia thapart Sena hye on re Depa oe not nie lowest By ordi sccopks the

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