Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Mar 1907, p. 4

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Ask your grocer for RELIANCE BAKING "POWDER (OULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT To the thesmnds of peopl ol ove thie TIE A STRING AROUND : Cate ate Ware; TieWare,: Stoves and NERVOUS ut WEAK] Is They mistake the attitude of the leg- islator, however. He is not the docile submissive creature that is some times called the head of the house and that will grant or concede any- thing in order to preserve domestic Some years ago the women of Am- ] "Jerica Jed in the agitation for political power. When Susen B. Anthony was Ain her primo (now of sainted memory) | Now the women of this continent are comparatively guiet, while the wom of the old land are having all sorts of trials and sufferings in meloes with the police, in order, to demonstrate their power. ~ It-is a strange change about and ome that canmot be ex- plained ---- Give Us Cheap Light. Ald, 'Chown - id to be thanked for coming out so candidly in his state- pg | ment regurding the*electric light and the parties entitled thereto ha to the clai ani Kingston, this 20th ington, th 20th ay. of & WALKEM, Solicitors. OSTLER, Executor. YOUR FINGER 'Aid #0 not torvet TAYLOR. & HAMILTON'S 15 DAYS' 20 PER CENT. 4. Se---- aC AS 'ment possesses. This, 'Plants. His idea is that the re- 'department, shotld. be . thee b oeourse, There will. not, we repeat, be any Whrplu ithe peopls get the cheap have been promised. It is agreed that allowance. should be made | {for restoration or depreciation, but it is intimated that the city should have the use' of this money while it is accumulating. The history of the civic | winking funds is en argument against that proposal. Some municipalities in their extremities, used the sinking fund aud to prevent the embarrass ment that followed .the legislature has favoured the issue of d ures in such a form that payment of! them has been made gradually, part interest and part. principal each year. If experienc #4 were wanting as to the folly of rob bing the civic plants for general pur. poses, in expectation that the money would be had when required, . they are furnished hy somo of the English 1 envious eyes have been laid on the nest egg which the water depart: it is wnid, should go into the city's receipts, and when the new engine, for which money: is boing saved, is weeded, the city can issue bonds for the purpose. Yes? [Can the department or the council is. sup those bonds without 'the people's 8 {consent ? And supposing the council .{1aid hands on the little water surplus and spent it, and it was not available when wanted ? A fa The people do not. always vote finances. y Finally the people are urged to dig oust the question in all its heatings. That is right, aud as a preliminary 5 's there should be no trifling with their | g the expert. or manager of the plant submit a 'statoment and make gE FR 5 F : i CLE tronble any ones : Bei Lo broadening 'and distorting his face. Did he od ciates E £ 5 ty f @ railroad was increased in months from thirty-nine to aver undeed and twenty-two millions, the 'diffetence represented that some men 'called "water"'! Om "#tock dividends from 30 E23 oq E = watered them in the rates it was No man is attracting more atten: tion to-day 'then Harriman. Only a few years ago he was a clerk on Wall street, Now he fh the mysterious one whose future is feared, since it cannot be imagined what he may plan. Only last year he was connected with some money deals of high finance, that one person; an: associate, lost in wonder at his exploits, confessed: 'He moves in a hi spheré, into which we may not. enter."" What is the record of a year or two? Capture of the Wells, Fargo Express company; Union Paci: fic. railway, Pepnsylvania (indireatly), Baltimore & Ohio apd 1llingis Cen- tral; and whisperer in the New York Central, Atchéson, St. Joseph and Grand Island, St. Paul, and Chicago & North Western. "Mr. Harriman," says a critic, "has the power of a czar." He has the \irtual control of many millions; and 'he can do with thet an: he ines bs It is seid that the finapcial world is afraid of him. It has good reason for this. The only man who has so far withetood him, who is an expert at his own game, is J. J. Hill, and beis eredited. with exposing Harriman in this enquiry, atid standing in the way of his great ambition--to become the railway dictator of America. Can Con- gress intervene. and save the transpor | tation facilities of the United States from his monopolistic clutches ? The legislators. pass laws,' but he defies or evades them. Did he do thus and so? Suggests ome in authority, and he smilingly apewers "yes." \In ofiect he asks, in the langhage of the immort- al Tweed, "What' are you going to do about it?" The World's Work pictares him in a new role, as a political boss. The Southern Pacific, which has so long acknowledged his leadership, assumes to manage Walifornia, and in the res cent state election Harrimen's man, Gillest, was elected governor. Here. is the * beginning of a pew menace, the significance of which is rept . ta the political seers across way. Editorial Notes, Will the women of Fagland get the franchise ? . The premier favours it, but he is only one member of the gov ernment. k There is a limit to public ownership. whose doleat of the socialists is over: whelming, x ---- A captain of the fire department is ono of . the political bosses of Toron- to. But anything: goes in the Queen city just now. E Sm ------ The reports of failure in municipal Was. the cost, of the change in the & in government. The harried wo min are not now allowed to vote in municipal elections. he Sm -- n ; How could Mr.. Tweediels; resigna- tion as premier of New Riunswick be accepted by a lisatenant-governor that did not exist? , There are some constitutional questions that will not te to tell that he manipulated the at their own sweet will, 8 bonds were sacrificed be- a ? Certainly. wapted it, that stock was at 65 and sold at 99, that the to 80 per cent. were declired, and the That is the decision of the Londoners, | | street. lighting taken into account on ° | he 'preseritve "Catarrhozone' because At seve cents a day, or twenty-five dollars a year? They would have a riotous time on such an allowance. \ SPIRIT OF THE PRESS the work of "imported spotters." That is, Jaw-breaking is all right so long as it is not found out. At It Again. Ottawa Free Press. . »| Mr. Gamey's attack upon Mr. Stud- holme, the labor member in the On- tario legislature, neither harms the member from East Hamilton 'nor en- hances Mr. Gamey's reputaticn. Mr. Gamey, as of yore, is the champion mud-slinger of the legislature. Duty Of The Hour. St. Joba Telegraph. The Montreal school horror should cause all persons entrusted with the safety of school buildings to ask themselves whether they have done their full duty in the matter of tre escapes and he proper housing of the pupils for whose lives they are respon- sible. It is wisdom to move in these matters before a catastrophe. comes, not afterwards. Put Up The Escapes. Montreal Star. Now, if the 'Protestant school board x to do nothing toward equip- ping its other schools with fire scapes because its chairman and possibly a majority of its members 'entertain the conservative opinion that they are useless, then the ought ta be told that fact.av once; for if the board has that position, it becomes the immediate duty of the building inspectors to enforce the law. Fire cs- capes must go on the schools, If the board does not like them, the board will have to give way to the deliber- ate and universal opinion of the yar- ents who send their children to these schools and who pay the taxes for their support. Some Further Revelations. Montreal Herald. The. theory that fire escapes are use- less in the case of children has receiv- ed a fatal blow. So has the theory that a fire drill is an efficient substi- tute for a fire escape. If in the Hoohe- the boys and girls of ten and, twelve had been upstairs and there had been a fire escape, not a life need have been lost. Either these chil- dren could have rushed down the stairs through the smoke, or they could have swarmed down the - fire escare. It might, if necessary, have been possi- ble for them lo hve asinted the kindergarten' children on their way out, had the latter been in the lower room. As it was, several of the larger scholars attempted to run upstairs on the first alarm to rescue their little brothers or sisters. To put wee ones in the upper storey, t other means of escape in case of fire than a narrow, - crooked, smoke-filled staircase, 'was an act fo deficient in tom on-sense as to be incomprehenei- Penalty Of Blood Poverty. Blood is the life. Liie sets its crim- son signal in the face. If you lack the ruddy hue of health you lack life, you are inviting diseese. If the face is pale, if the bands and feet are odn- tinually cold, or there is any other i of deficient circulation, use Wade's a Tonic Pills, They are a t nerve thener and blood . In boxes, ., 'at Wade's drug store. Money baek if not sa . L Buy Bovril.. at Gibson's Red Cross Dsug Store, Fresh there. : The railway. commission has: in- stracted Mr. Fitzsimmons to go apd investigate the railway accident at Mountain. To be free from sick headache, bili- oummess, constipation, ete., use.Car- ter's Little Liver Pills, Strictly veget- able. v gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile, Joseph Clayton Drummond, convict- ed in 1905 at Brantford, and sentenc- ed to five. years for perjury at the trial of Joseph Kennedy, for the mur- der of Irene Cole, has been granted a new trial. HARD HORSE SENSE. Applied to the Treatment of Lung and Throat Troubles. Old-fashioned remedics wire admin- istered through the stomach only, but o% it is impossible to swallow any- thing info the lungs, little benefit ever led, : Re h ae opium, chlo- rodyne 'and 'cocaine ere resorted to-- but did 'more harm than good. Nowadays, when a. doti~r mets 'a ease of catarrh--finds thy with mwecis--sore all the way down, he knows iu goes direct to the dis: cave. Catarthotone cures. by antiseptic balsams dha are sartied by the air vou brea dicect to t urce of the trouble PR I expectoration--clé-rs away the rries health-laden va- pore to. the sore} irritated tissues. In one niinute, vou experience de- cided relief with Catarrhomone and ir- i 8 curd every type of bronchitis," irritable throat a \ Just think of it--d sure cure with- aie b aijous Fo thas is guar an! and delightfully sant as well. © Catarrbozone * only," complet» for two months' use' $1; small & Co:, Hartlord, New in Style We're ready for the season with everything' that's good and everything that's correct. EW New in Cut New in Fabric Let us'introduce you to our handsome New Spring Suits and Top Coats. The H. D. Bibby Co. root bled | (tial), | 3 - DO PD . QD D PD D oe! D D DO side; 25¢..; at all dealers, or N. Poison rd, Conn., u BECAUSE harmful adulterants. run or fade. Please mention Kingston Whig wh en answering this advertisement. Rubber everybody Childfen's fleece-lined to 2 sizes, Girl's" and Boy's, " Girl's, Boys' and --it is a solid bar of pure, fresh, dirt-removing ingredients, containing not a single atom of x --when washing colored goods they will not --woolens or flannels will not shrink, as no . boiling or rubbing 'is necessary. --easy On the hands and clothes. --no experimenting --in use for 4o years. Write for our handsoine illntrated Catalogue of Promice., given free for Richards Pure Soap wrappers. FREE us five Rid%ards Pure Soap wranpers and ten Richards Pure Soap advertisemunis trom any paper, and we will send you a beautiful souvenir. The RICHARDS PURE SOAR CO., Limited WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO CUT THIS AD. OUT-~IT IS VALUABLE. Save your health keep- ing your feet dry in a pair of our Rubberboots. We have them all sizes, for Rubber Boots, sizes 5 to 10, bright finish, $1.90. Women's, 2 to 64 -- - $2.50. 3 Men's, sims, 6, 7 and 8, light : weight, short length - - $3. Men's heavier grade, long length, Teece-lined, sizes - HAAAANNAAS 7% * 1 all ASK FOR THE "Canadian" grade, and look for this "You get this grade at : Abernethy's CRON SHOE STORE AAA AINA AISI ASIII St HK & MIS nL FN SRA ISR ST Roy LATS 1a LE Ie "To His Pleased Cusic : The wise grocer his customers--kno likes and dislikes that his best trade 'Mooney's Per Cream Soc He lets them kn he has their favorite =and sees that they asked to buy scme:h as good," which i as good. Grocers who want 10 p patrons always have Moo fection Cream Sodas | hygienic packages --air- and meisture' proc Witch-Haz Toilet Soa 'The name tells Royal --quality Crown --perfection in Wilch-Hazel--soothing, Lica freshing, bea Soap --cleaning A perfect complexion a perfect toilet scap, cake, 3 cakes 25c. At Druggists Everywhe Finest Ontarle Wm BLENDING strength as Manitoba--bu makes the whitest, lgh most inviting Bread, Cake Pastry you ever saw, Beaver Flour is a 'blend of --~Manitoba §; Nhat~ Onde Fall ¥ ust the right proport e snowy, flaky, dete Bread and bread that cout Make your baking a suc with Beaver ro bleaching process required 1 Wh yp of hg : Grai Is se 4 Cereals. T. H. Taylor Co, IJ Chatham. You cannet sibly a better th EPPS A delicious diisk and a si food. Fragrant, nutriti economical. This excelle maintains the system i health, and enables it | winter's extreme ce COCC Grocers and Stor in }-Ib. and §-1b Ti COAL. The sudden oh: in ought to suggest the wisc putting in some good C¢ sell good Coal. sends out : wakes the home comfortal the pest money can bu there is none better mined, We deliver it to you cle without slate, at the very prices BOOTH & C( Phone 133. Footof B ( TRART RRA RN hey When You COAL Fro P. WALSH You get genu Scranton as handles noth

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