Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1907, p. 7

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TE TT in Misery 12 Years-- Eczema . Bod in Rough "HIS SKIN NOW FINE y AND SMOOTH AS SILK breaks my heéirt:~His screams could wn-gtairs. The suff; ide me fuil of misery, ambition to work, to eat, nor could I slecp. "Otie doctor told me that my son's eczemm was incurable, and gave it up for a bad job. One evening I saw an article in the paper about the wonderful Cuticura and decided to give it e. trial. : "I tell you that Cuticura Ointment is worth its weight in gold, and when 1 + had used the first box of Dintment Shere 'was a reas improvement, and by tl time I had \ised the. second set of Cuti- cura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuti- cura Resolvent my child was cured, He is now twelve years old, and his skin is asfireand smoothassilk. Michael Stein- , 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., April-16, 1905." FOR WOMAN'S EYE racts are also erence, the have et € practically he nourishi | albumen are pure, sweet, and econo constitutional treatment for inflammations, itchings, irritations, relaxations, displacements, and pains, as well as such sympathetic affections as an=mia, chlorosis, hysteria, nervous- mess, and debility. Sold throughout the 'world, Potter Drg & CELI vt, Hori Cu eh Humor, THERE JRE JUAN BAKING POWDERS / A 2 soned and enrich- or : a -- --_-- and merates : : xcelled health re- = wll Li 1g from the effects us LE ~ ™e BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER Bis Pars, Iiolesome and Bodomical EW.GILLETT Spuram TORONTOMONT. } +1 y est raw | fast colour fic dyes in or blo their gentlo action pleases og A Ee Lem everywhiere, or sent by y-Five t Colt Lace NEWS OF NEIGHBORS OL IN GENERAL | The Nidings From Various Points "in. Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saving. e-- ,. The Busy Farmers. so Station, Feb. 23. ~The farmers iy drawing wood and floats to the railroad. Joseph A. Burke's saw mill on the Bolton Creek is running at wil blast. he weather is very cold and blustery. George and William Bis- op have 'vetarued after spending a 'ew months in shanty in New Ontario. Alexander England has sold his gray mare to Mr. Doyle, Balderson's Cor- Miss Sarah Butler has takes charge of a school at Bolingbrooke. Gave Permission. the new electric through Ameliasbu ville and Roblin's railway to of the entertainment here the Amelias- burg * Agricultural colts ment by D. T, Stafford. The sale at "the residence of the late John Cal- nan was fairly well attended, cows were sold for thirty dollars. -- Sunbury Notes. Sunbury, Féh. 26.--F. Balls, who 'some days ago plnchased a Battersea property, will, this week, have a sale of stock and impleménts. Lieut. Cart- lin now commands the Salvation Army corpe here. ' Farmers have dis- posed of a Quantity of hay, and still a good Mientity remains in the neigh- borhood. Prof, 's entertain- ment, hold in the village mu Glendower Items. Glend , Feb. 23.--Thomas Colter has left for the North-West. Edward Connors, on the" sick list, is some- what better. Miss Libbie Kelly, spend- ing a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Frank Nescey, Sydenham. Mrs. John Hastings, is at her daughter's, Nrs. E. Grooms, Sydenham. Miss M. Dona- hue at F. Necey's. James Lennon has arrived 'here from Cobalt. His family is.going to move to Cobalt. Mrs. P. Breen, Salem, passed throagh here with a catload of hogs for the Montreal" market. James 'Lennon, Godfrey, is spending a few days with his friend, Mies Antwine, Devil Lake, Mrs. Joseph Kelly at George Hamil tons. Brieflets 'From Bongard's. Bongard's, Feb. 23. EK. A: Williams has sold his farm and will remove his family to Picton, where, in the fu- ture, they will reside. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Seaburpe visited at P. C. David's, - James Bradley is confined to ity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. VF. here. Mr. and' Mrs. and Mr. their William McGee, Hay Bay, and Mrs. J, at D.. T. McCormick's. C. A. Mc. McDonnell, Picton, has been visiting at J.D. Bongard's. R. Harrison has purchased a farm. Mrs. R. Harrison entertained a few of her young friends one evening last week! Piccadilla Notes. ° Piccadilla, Feb. 25.--A wwamber at- tended . the night meetings at. Reyn- were received mill that has been banked there in years. A number from here attended the rates at Verona. Stanley Sny- der's little black secured first prize in one race. Mrs. Chester Godirvey, Jr. and Miss Olive Godfrey have gone to Toronto on a visit. Mrs. Sager Sny- der, who was at Petworth, has re- turned, A large crowd attended the box social at D. J. Goodfellowfs, in aid of the Preshyterian church. Mrs. Earnest Walker, at John Walker's; Mr. and Mrs. James Judge, Cobalt, are visiting .frinds here. A young lady at Wesley Freoman's, has come to stay; Mrs. Robert Lake, Storring- ton, at John Campsell's. Visiting In Gananogue. , Long Point, Feb. 23.--J. C. Sykes, a former cheestmaker here, has pur- chased our cheese factory from E. Mo Cready, of Sand Bay. Mrs. Sykes held a bee on Saturday last drawing wood to the factory. We wish him every success in his undertaking. W. LaRose does not improve in health as: his friends would wish. Several chil- dren are. sich in the neighborhood with colds, ete, Dr. Ferguson, of Lyndhurst, is attending the serious cases. W. Darling and family have ro- turned to their home near Athens af- 1 weeks' visit with friends rican 'makes, from. Sizes ~~, S . SHOE ter in this locality. J. T. Burns visited friends at Marble , Rock for a few days last week. Frank Laffin, Pres. cott, is visiting his many relatives here at present. Miss M. 0'Comnor went to Gananoque on Thursday for a two weeks' visit with friends there. Johnston Moorhead, Joseph Warren and D. Townsend were in Gananoque on Tuesday last. -- Sharbot Lake News. Sharbot Lake, Feb. 25.-The Com- panion "Court Sharbot gave a con- cert on the 16th. It was a = decided possession The 'programme was excel lent, after which refreshments. were served by the lidive. Much eredit is' due the ladies that took part. R. Blair, © Me 's Corners, has bought the . Union hotel. He takes jon March 1st. Mis. Meighen, week, is recovering. Hamilton's family LOCAL 'NOTES AND THINGS Ameliasburg, Feb. 23.--The township council met and gave permission for pass by way of Melle- ills, The ice races at Consecon were well attended. H. Graham of this village, took third money in the green race, As a result Society are ' free from debt. A considerable number of are being got ready for ship- rood hall, last of logs has been drawn to Jackson's ill. the house through illness. Rev. Mr, Joyce, Adolphustown, occupied the pulpit here on y last. C. WwW Wright, Sandhurst, was in this vicin- Dodge, Waupoos,. will shortly take up Harrison have been guests aldston. The largest number of logs this year at Brown's 3 "n, ) Init next Sunday even- . Busy Sawing Wood. Cole Lake, Feb. 26.--A numixr of the young people enjoyed a box so- cial at D. J. Goodiellow's, on Friday ovening, Charles Campbell and A. Kish are doing a tushing business with the sawing machine in this vicin- itv. A. Harten is wearing a that won't come off; it's a girl. Thom- as Peters' baby is ently improved after a very severe illness. T. & 1 ington and W. H. Godkin have re Henry Shillington's, Burridge; 'J, Judge and wife at J. Shillington's; Mrs. J. Campbell at F. Hunt's, Par ham; Miss S. Shillington and W. H. Godkin, at T. Peters" R. Judge at J, Shillington's; J. Bugterrill and wile, Mountain Grove, at T, Butterill's: T. Shillington at G. W. Giles'. Bees Well Attended. Crow Lake, drawing logs to T. Duffy's mill. Mrs. H. J. Knight had a quilting bee last week, while Mrs. James Mahon had a wood bee; both were Many were visiting their many fricnds and rela- tives at Lyndhurst they have not been Hawley has the ing the school Miss Irene Bradshaw; J. Stoness, man and daughter at J, W. Knapp's Mr. and Mrs. Willian Reynolds his father's, R, Reynolds. tn Married At Toronto. ountain Grove, Feb, 25. Mr. He ove, Feb, 25. Mr Crowfoot, N.W.T., turned. to the west. ant, made a hpi trip t i hat wok RF op to Kinguto ¥ 3 TOBACCO KILLS An Absolute "Stopper" For th Brain-Killin Nerve-Destroying Tobacco Sranit Has Been Found. The todacco habit "Easy-to-Quil" is 3 a treatment will make the smoker bacco in any form. " tobmeeo. users are the last obes in race for success. Business mey tiays are looking around boys who are abt nowa for men can be relied on. to change the beats of the heart. has become so calloused in the face of his or sweetheart, vation. Mothers, save brain, he cannot sisters and sweethearts. hel wind. body and future of who is near and dear to you. Your help it mav not he done, "Fasy-To-Quit" is = positive, lute 'stopper' yiother, sister, the do it himself. can mive it secretly in It is harmless : leaves had altor effects to stay' stopped Fill out' blank lines in coupon with name free trial to-day. no reaction below FREE PACKAGE COUPON. If you fill out the blank lines be- low with your pame and address, cut out coupon amd send it to us we will send you absolutely free, "Thy mail, in plain wrapper, a trial package of "'FEasv-to-Quit."" You long »s you it. Address Chemical Co 1,268 Fifkh and Race Sts, Cine ciapati, Obio. DAILY BRITISH sanile "eb. 26.--Farmers are well attended, |of disappointed on account of ing; Zealand in the morning; Oso in the afternoon, Mr. Halpenny. taking oven: Mr. Crowe's work at Arden. John ing, of last week, (in of be Martin is on the sick list to-day, trother- and his bride. Miss Minnie ---- Loyst, on the sick list, is able to be out agwin. -- Notes From Caintown. . Caintown, Feb. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Richard Read bave returned home, al: ter two weeks visiting friends at Glen Buell and Athens. Muster Har ford Nunn has been on the sick list, but is able to be out again. Miss A. Brown spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Elgin. The box social held in the Methodist church here, was turned from Indiana, where they spent | a grand success, Mrs. Thomas Ii the winter. J. Judge and: family are was the t of Mrs. William Hall, home from the west, after being ab | one day week, Mrs. Nancy Ten sent three years. Visitors: Mise nant is at the present time visiting Elim Shellington and W. Anderson at friends in Athens. Miss Hattie Gay has returped home to Lym, after visite ing friends hete for a short time. Mr. and Mrs, James Eli spent Sunday Jost in Athens, Burton Poole attended church in 8, on Sunday last, John Ferguson has rented his farm for this year to Tra Tennant. -------- Accidents At Northbrook. Northbrooks, Feb: 26.--The lumber: men ave busy hauling their logs to the Sedore Bros. mill, The Messrs, Melville dnd €le Dunham; of = Al berta, have after. an ahsonce nine. years, . to visit their. many friends, School opeved February 12th, Co | together* Fo eaiar S53 Lake George Cobalt id Mining Com Because the time is short and shares are going fast n and Gananoque and other points around there, where for years. James contract of furnish- 0 sol wood here, Visitors : Shillington, at her cousin's, Mise » Frank Mallic, Mr. and Mrs. William Sweet at and wn Cronk and children, couple of months with relatives ure; have Te- P. Richie, merch: Smart, Miss You Can Try It Absolutely Free. nt and the chewer absolutely quit for good the use of to- the and tobacco slaves, --for clear-headed, strong-nerved belpers, who It takes only tem minutes fof tobacco To, that he smokes wife 'Eas¥-To-Quit" Is a sal young smoker's Wives save the some one Without abso for any tobacco habin. It is a vesetable remedy, and shy lody food or drink. or and it stops the habit d address, and mail for 4 erly occupied: by his Tather, at a sal- ot ary of $1,200 per year, Bel ad od home after" spending three weeks with. Her sister, Mrs. G. Willinws, Kingston. Marshall Presley, who has had the misfortane to break his arm twice during the. fall and winter, both caused hy ways, is able to dive the py Peoderiok Roluf, af- ter etwiing @# couple of weeks with his fathers, Laurence Roluf, has ve- turned to his home in Alberta. Rob- ert Abbott has engaged Sanford Wood for the winter. Mrs. William Both ave a number of young people from arlowe, a very pleasant time one evening Inst week, G. Shier, while felling a tree, got a very bad cut over the eye, caused by the tree lodging. He then went. to cut the limb that wos holding the tree, when it struck him. They imme diately wired to Dr. Tindel, who came and dressed the wound. He found it necessary to put in a' number of stitches. Special meetings' are" he ing held at Northbrook, this week; by Rev. Mr. Wullace, Flintan, A little boy has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mes. Charles Ruttan, Miss « {Adda Preslar and Misa Warner took ten at and spent the ovening with Mr. and Mrs. Both. Marshall Presley ix running a wood" furnace in his pig n is a curse. andjPen-day and night. Those ion the sick Macy Joan knows it. Some "smart $@iet are: Mrs. P. Peterson, J. D. Kids don't know it. Most men would | Wood and John Reid. like to quit, if they knew they could do ft "easy." without causing them : comfort, : "| Shirt Waist Of Plaid Batiste, 7 rd 77, NS a Smoked In Mother's Face. One of the most popular styles Tobacco deadens the brain, stupefies | among the new blouses is shown in the the =~ conscience, ruins the aflecticns, CH pA Lrings the beast to the surfuce. Most accompanying sketch. The model wus made of white plaid bhatists, the centre - 1 Plait down the middle of the front be- ing of batiste embroider; edged with plaited frills of valencigines. The tury back cuffs were also the embroidery finished with frills of lace. There was keep it up is to tempt desth by heart | 8 Pateh pocket at. the side of the left. Hiatuse, nervous collapse, 'tobacco cans a cer, and stomach, liver or kidney dis: nga, 4 gh ey ta News To Bald People. For the youne cigarette fiend who Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto, will be at the Randolph Hotel, with samples, on Thursday, Fobruary 28th, His hair gous Sivies protect and ornament the rad, | give a younger appearance to thé wearer. He has just added a number of New York, Pari¢ and Lon- don fashions. Consultation free, "A Veteran Pianist. the husband of Jenny Lind, the cele brated singer, known as the Swedisk nightingale, who died, in London, in 1887, od, yesterday, aged seventy 'eight, He Married Miss Lind in 1852, '| during her American tour on which he was her accompanist on the piano. He was formerly professor | vice-president of the Royal Academy of Music and was the first musical director of Bach choir. A. H. Birmingham, son of Robert Birmingham, for many years con- servative organizer for Ontario, has been" appointed to the position form: London, Feb. 27.--0Otto Goldschmidt, pasts pr ties, which are perfect. Situated within ome and the Argentite, while Lake, and from one of these boundary through Lake George and cobalt were discovered. balt then in Lake George All applications must be TO BE A LAW SUIT. Over the Insprance Upon a Big Stock. Picton, Feb. 27.--1t is understood a lawsuit will be the outcome of the recent big fire when the Jamieson black was destroyed with Cayley and Tanner's, one of the firms whose stock companies as defendants. . It is under stood that Cayley and Tammer weeo of ferodt 87,500 to cover their loss. This they refused, asking their full insur ance of $15,000. It is said the claim of the insurance companies in not want ing td pay in full ix that they assert that Cayley and Tanner at the time of the fie were carrying more insurance than their stock was worth. Against this Cayfley and Tanner declardd their collar was stocked with new goods. Toronto lawyers are ndling the matter, . For some time past many towns folk have been troubled by a chain letter purporting 10 have been origin ally went out by Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts. Rev. W. L. Armitage has told his congregation to destroy the chain, as the fetter i» not what it says it is. Bishop Lawrence has deni- ed authorship of the epistle. The let ter contains a 'threat gion harm will come to the one who breaks the chain. "I will take. the full rciponsi- bility of that," declared © Mr. Armi- tage, T. J. Milne has returned to town af- ter a fow days stay ot his home in Kingston. W. Wilson was in Toronto last week on business. Miss Evelyn McLeod intends leaving shortly to en: ter a New York hospital as nurse-in training, H: B. Bristol has returned' home after two months spent in Eng land and the continent. H. Gibwon, Toronto, has been spending a few days at his home in town, before leaving Mer Cobalt, where he has accepted a F position. 4 He who finds nothing doing is apt in and later| | Aprieuliusat College, Orange ft to to be doing nothing himself. = to the determination of arcourt, of the Guelph Meng is y per cent. more valugble as a food than | a . 4g . Orange Meat taken with milk every According Professor H the best value. to the comsumer every known tent? | Aon ER § aaa Sd rE morning and evening is the most per fect food that the human subject can secure, The sections in the ancompanying map wacked solid black, illustrate the magnificent location of the Com: wo full mining claims of forty acres each, titles to why lying one on each side of Jom foil Ivife claims. Next east of the south claim ie J cosh the famous Hudson Bay, and on the south-east corner is 8 agin ten chains east: is the, River } ® NN Queen, the large vein of which runs through the Lake C00 Cy 's claim, y eodRcit OF THE COMPANY'S PROPERTIES has. name. The vein, which undoubtedly rms into the 1 claim, from Silver Queen, has beon (Faced from the east sunk on it, and an 18-inch vein discovered, besides four other promising veins, in 'some of which native silver and There is no better opportunity for investing in Company's the capital is small and only hall is offered for sale, and the location is magnificent in its prospects. bank draft, or money order, payable Provinc Transfer Agen Securities Co., Limited Traders Bank Building, Toronto "PHONE MAIN 6090 suffored, as plaintiffs and the insutance |- Why not use the Cereal pa ve v {NO PERSONAL night, was fairly well attended. N.|bad roads of attending the Sunday |under #h able Management of Miss Jackson will erect. a basement the {school convention last week, held at |Bellva Wamier, Colebrooke. Word has . coming 'spring. Much drawing is daily | Maberly. Mr. and Mrs. John Hannah | boon peceivettotint: Frederick Thomp- Ca ital On $600 000 done upon the roads, as the farmers | have taken up their abode at her |son, who has seriously ill with p Ly 3 are not sure' how long the present funcle's, Joseph Reynolds, - Sharbot | pneumonia for the past month," in good sleighing may last. A quantity | Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. . Knapp | Hunteville "hospital, is im have returned home well pleased after slowly. Miss Liszsic Abbott has return- Ouly 300,000 shares offered for sulieription a¢ par PROPERTIES o € an v ONTARIO wavy one-hall miles of Cobalt the Cleveland {o- ©" Sil pany ED Par Value $1 LIABILITY.) © & Tete up to 12 o'clock noon, February 2, 1907. ---- cua og) Vos a forty-foot shaft | L088. Co } - » y shares, - hooattse MARSH. 8 g' ¥ ; 3 accompanicd by cherie, JRE0NGAL. $ J to i i : + + - LI jm . "Gov. 8 LA lenis we eee wo p 99: p : ae £1 3 ; won PERMANENT AND ARTISTIC wall decorations come from using Alabastine, Write to-day for our book, "Homes, Healthful and Beautiful." I demonstrates in beautiful tri-color illustrations . how Alabastine will make your home more attractive and sanitary. - It shows how easy it ie) is to apply givés many ) well ---- -- hE CL | BUTTERETTES: « Delicious Candy, 25 Cents Per Pound. MINT CUSHIONS Extra Strofiy, 30 Cents Per : as for wall decoration. Send ten cents for a copy of "Homes, Healthful and Beautiful," with for the decoration of your Alabastine is sold by hardware and paint deal: everywhere---a 5 pound puckage for 50 -- 127 WILLOW STREET. P. Alabastine, how little it costs and J suggestions for home furnishings as - many dainty, new ideas home. Ask your dealer for tint card, NEVER SOLD IN BULK. Pound. Bf RE ABE ak k

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