ouf Linen D thi % ¢ at LAIDLAW'S le in town. i : a ANEeN eo, 65¢., T5c., ina spring. e.. 9e., %B.. 90... fine makes, 0.1.25, 1.35, 1.49, ind finish. 50 per dozen. 0 per dozen. « 12%e.. 150. ie make of Linen, e., 15c., 20c., 5c. 123¢.. 15¢.. ER -- s Linens 30c. 35. 45. + 15¢., 90c. NS 49c. 65c.. Toes NS, NS, EIN. heeti ngs. ~~ rroeEs # : one two-year-old Colt. Will sell = Ag ll "YEAR 74. NO. 49. { Sey THE BEAUTY OF OUR FURS ' Iyhat hitracts the thousands of buyers Who oath year step over our threshold--happy buyers. Just ncw we call special attention to our, beautiful novelty. Negk Pieces to wear. with the new spring in MINK, ERMINE, PERSIAN, SABLE, ETC. JOHN NeKAY FUR HOUSE; Brock Street. Store closes, 6 o'clock, on SATURDAY. Something New and Nice. Broiled in Pure Celifornia 'Olive oil, Mackerel in Tomato oo het in Pure Colifornia Olive Price 95 Cents Per Tin. Jas. Redden & Co, Importer of Fine Groceries. -- SALE OF HORSES THIS WEEK seabed We have eight Horses to sell this week, consisting of three Drivers, Four Work Horses and at cost this week as we have a new lot in the first March. We also hyve good second hand Hoe Drills, which we will sell cheap. Stable at 128 Clarence St. Office, 42 Princess street. You need never be ner- vous about results when buying White Rose Flour It is unequalled for cakes, biscuits, etc., and is a general favorite. It can also be used for bread. Put up in 12 and' 24} 1b. sacks. Kingston Milling . Co., Limited. I have sold thousands of shares of the Pittsburg-Ely Copper Co., in Kingston. Don't neglect the opportunity of securing a block large or small of this ProJging. stock at the . present ° 50 CENTS. rice, bd is bond 0.8 hie pe jn all urobability w oar | or $5.00. © JOS Rr Wh Home Banks I sell them for $1.00 each, or loan them FREE to Depositors of $1.00 and upwards. THOMAS MILLS, # 79 Clarence St. TAKE NOTICE Batween i dons he a Goods on oo w. Tike. Toy Gs forithe fen. ro TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE $rip loafing on the streets, | INSTANT RELIEF FROM f BLINDING HEADACHES. | was a hrick building situated at 59 Probably no ong, knows the torture | Prefountaine street, on the east side, of headache better than A. J. Mac- | above St. Catherine street. There were . a 3 school on two floprs, and the lottetown, PEI, who says: "A re |dwelliog of the caretaker, Mrs. Hand, were so severe sometimes as to make incapable of any serious study for | the days Bt a time. But since my discov. i ° ery of "Nerviline," headaches are a Who Suttstded Miss Rah in 1902 The id | thing of the past. - A- few drops taken | schcol building was then about thres - | internally is offective and when rubbed | years old. into the forehead and scalp, soon eof | Miss t htantod ay the Nov. fects on compl@e cure. I heartile re- | mal school in 1 has hom: the Skating at the Royal Rink to-night. Tong Paul's Congregation Meeting, 8 'Varsity IIL. h, 8 vm. Forbes Robertson, Grand Opera House, 8 pin. "sharp. pe This day in history :--Cronje surrend- ered at Paardebery 1900 ; Lomglellow born, 1807, vs. Quean's 111. Hockey WHIG TELEPHONES. 243 Bifiness Office. 292J ohbin~ Baan it. Everything that's printable. rr ------------------ DINNER SETS A ST, K special line with Gilt. 97 pieces complete. Best English Earthenware. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY $5.75 Robertson Bros. "Varsity III. Game called at 8 p.m. Admission, 25¢. DISTRICT DASHES. of Lafargeville, near, Yo dead dealer of Westport. o} Sunday at her husband's home, in the village Lehigh. home is on Dry Island, down the St. | Archibald Priest, machinist of the Store. It cures rheumatism, running--168 dayé to-day. 1 'jeommend Nerviline as truly The Hockey Match [i ih" bai 2 nhac rnd ran up-stairs to the kindergarten of a great occasion the principal of ¢ ' vs. Queen S III. life for her charges. She made 5 des WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th perate effort. to get out the smaller sy y . children. Herself she could have saved but sacrificing herself she courageously rushed up and tried to aut together the children, She threw hall a dozen of her charges out of the window, ani cnlv gave up when absolutely helpless, The Latest News From Our Ex. were quickly gathered wp and. hrought changes. to their homes. One tittle girl was Mrs. Barton, wife of Sheri found who had seen Miss Maxwell rush wife of ei aston, ur etairs, "She wil dowhatairs," said Saturday. the little girl, "but ran up and Ee and shoe | tried to get gutithe little ones, of the 5 Ga Hinlaperien Sol. I night after a lingering illness, u smoke coming through the flonr and Ro tr years. # ged wo were all afraid, but we all got out. At Athens, on Sunday night, Wil. | There were thirty-seven in my class." liam Wright, a venerable resident of |. The flames spread with great: rapide Augusta, passed away after a linger- | ity. The wood filled the place with & ing. illness, aged eighty-five years, pungent smoke and this was the great A. Kummer, a prominent ocon- | cause of death. Bit by bit the fire tractor of - Fermie, B.C., was quietly | ascended, and after the place had been married, on Saturdey, to Miss Mar- | burning for three-quarters of an hour iy Bizoau, a highly respected resi- | the flames shot out of the roof first of Ameligsburg, and recently a |ottacking the lower tower, 'which is in vory efficient nurse of Rochester, N.Y. | the middle, Ladders were raived irom Mrs. Edward Richards passed away | the front, and each ride. of Frankville, Saturday last. She | vacant space gave the men an oppor Was soventy years of age and. was [tunity to attack it well, but; of course, born in the-close vicinity of where she | the time spent in rescue work, had died. She resided in Kitley all her | given the fire a big start, life, her maiden name being Miss % from out the basement, and its chief The Ida Ma: s owned by James Cor- | point of attack then seemed to be vep- rigan, of Cleveland, whose summer | tred in the heavy timbers and rafters Lawrence, is receiving a néw cabin | right to the roof, so close indeed that and having her sides raised fourteen | the pressure of the streams ripoed inches. Her owner intends to make a | slates from it, and these were fairly through the lakes to Cleveland | showered x next season, and is having her sides | menace to those at work qutside raised for that purpose. : and grom the classroom th . MUST "MOVE ON.» yet corner of 'the first or. eh ---- than twenty children we rarried t Complaints About Loafing on safety. The men stuck Hi the wor the Street. until at last the smoke filled the room The police will start a "move on" lo such density .that they: were driven crusade, Several complaints have | 92t and forced to seek the windows reached headquarters about men loaf- ing around the Crown Bank, at the corner of Brock and King streets, and | § different. places in the city, and now |? all offenders will be asked to "move rivamity on." This, timely tip should . be a|TeR through the lower exits. warning 10 all offenders. In lasge cit- v i > . epread and parents of the children ies, arrests are frequently made for were rushing to the place. Mother Sishavalied, wild-eyed, fearful, yet i $ured. hoy ul. would spring forward as each Former sto Injure little body was brought into sight. Canadian-American Linotype com- Die rman screamed with terror as{ T pany, and who installed machines in "the Whig, and 'who was a former em- ployee of the Kingston News, was seriously injured in the G. T. R. wreck at Guelph, on Tuesday. One dollar bottles of Wa-Hoo tonic! hand drew her back, she stagffered to for 35¢. at Gibson's Red (ross Drug the waiting line, sobbing and praying. for a breath of air. They could not stay in the place any longer and got away. Meanwhile other men had got the stairways had brought out child- though 'she had not seen the little face; nor even had a glimpse of the tot's elothes, she shrieked. "Oh's, it's she, it's she' So : y + fi drill regularly every k. On os, Nordheimer- pianos, | "28 : g'arly TY West. : cn iSuwan plan Plan players. Full in. discovering the fire the gong was at : B ket, 5 trick's art store, | Once rung, but for. some reason, not formation Srkpat from Wa-| Yot explained; did not go off. out of a second storey window. She : was badly shaken up, but was taken Competition clock at Best's, stil] {0 her home. threw all been suffocated. staircases, both leading to Prefontaine tre me for the bove, the other for the 4 Children Burned To Death In Schoal. THE TEACHER MET DEATH IN KINDERGARTEN, The Protestant School at Hache laga Was Burned--The Child- ren Were Suffqeated--Teacher Threw Some of the Children Through the Windows--Ceased When Helpless. Montreal, Feb, ' 27.~Twenty-three scholars and their principal ave dead as the result of a fire which broke out in 'the Hochelaga Protestant school, 59 Frefonteine street, Tuesday aitsrmeon. The principal is Miss 8. Maxwell. The disaster is perhaps 'the most terrible in the history of Montreal. The little victims were caught in the fated place without a chance to éscape, hemmed in by fire, suffocated by smoke, driven back from the windows and possible rendercd on the altar. The fire was first scen by one of the scholars, little William Gilbert, who had leit the class-room to fetch in a from the cellar and at once ran back to notify Miss Maxwell. The principal gave the alarm in all the class rooms department. with a heroism worthy the school, Miss 8. Maxwell, gave her The children who had béen rescued We saw the The building standing isolated in a In-an hour the fire had heen driven of th sloping roof. The firemen got below, proving a constant Ladders were run to the first floor floor, more nte the plage from below and through The news of the fearful tragedy had to raise. a cover. Even It was not her's, and as a kindly The children were accustomed to the Miss Carley, a teacher, threw herself Dr. MacTaggart reported" that only ree sh i small burns, the rest had The Hochelaga Protestant school was on the top fiat. There were two . The teachers were all Jadiex, rincipal being Miss 8. Maxwell, iD nthe school N, ONTARIO, A | for the latter. The Messrs. Maxwell, _ | architects, on Beaver Hall, are her i Was a most unselfish girl the first has given herself her school. Ono sister is ; xwell, cashier of W. J. DAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1807 IT WENT Grand Trunk Train Over Embankment. THREE. WERE KILLED ONE WAS MEMBER OF STRAT- FORD HOCKEY TEAM. List Of The Dead. . The following is a fist of the dead : Sarah Maxwell, principal of the scl only child of W. #ix years, son of J. BODIES TAKEN OUT six yoars, som' of Joseph H. Jackson. Ridge. five years, throe years, daughters of A. Spraggs. Edna Davey, five years, daughter of Express Leaving Toronto at One O'Clock Left the Track. Near Guelph~Some of the Walked Into Guelph . cident Occurred at a Curve, Guelph, Feb. 27.-T ie Grand Trunk nestlny afternoon, at one o'clock, left Noo $ ePhbrson, seven years, son of James McPherson. ; Annie J, Andrew, cight years, dough: ter of A. J. Andrew, Cecilia Forbes, six of James Forbes, John Pomas, six years, step-son of Goorge Davidson. Frederick Anderson, child of. J. F. Anderson - Gladys Hingston, six years, daugh- ter of William Hingston. , Seven years, son of Ethel Lambton, five vears, daughter of George Lambton, Killed By Asphyxiation. All those who perished died from asphyxiation." There is much indigna- tion aver the fact that the building was unprovided with fire escapes. A vigid investigntion of the cause of the failure to get children out of the school has ordered the mayor. "It is claves of the building commis- sioner that official notice was sirved commissioners "in No- vember" that wot only this school, bus fifty others im the city, must be vided with fire escapes ut once. None conch wnt over a twenty-foot em ont | where a similar accident, fortunately with less injury to the people board, occurred a short time ago. #ome of the injured walked from the | said Rev. Mr. wrock into the town, while o "It will defeat him as sure as he hope of salety, these tots were sur | so badly disabled tht they have | doce.' Mp. Lanceley says that as it ers "huep hotel," that the temperance Charles Rankin, Stratiord, workers will likely endeavor to have Fe Mayor 0'Don i Four-yoar-old child of W. G, Walker, per, and 'conduoted dor a: different rool. Tt is thought that by this me. thod the people will realize that har is not essential to the successful operation of an hotel, and then no time will be lost in abolishing the bars entirely. H. E. Shead, Toronto, head cut, Ashton Purgess, Guelph, head out. Clippert, Toroato, back B. A. Perry, Toronto, back hurt, Miss McWhinney, Stratford, head J D. Ryan, Guelph, foot cut off, ames y ; W. E. Buskingham, barrister, Guelph, Miss: Btarr, Toronto, badly hurk H. M. Paterson, Stratford, d Wilson, Sictiol The trgin was running a lof forty miles an hour when the weei SE se f ar on a - to the foot of the ambank- over and over and pil ing up in the swamp beside the road: school. Another point to be explain od ix why the baby elass had been taken to an upper story. i The best story of the fire is Sold by |: a tthe boy, Thomas He a pupil in the second class under Campbell. He said there was'a bell || i Maxwell's room : used when the fire dril conld Viditding, This alarm was not sound: The the ih Sa tional. ' rate ing he A have 0" have Dr, "My teacher," said the here, 'ax T intend: calling out into the hall and we all heard o : o .! The work of releasing the imprison wl passengers was and it was late in the afternoon belore they reached the hospital here. Many of them are seriously injured fering from shock. seemed very much frightened and red in the face. She told us to yet things and run right home. We were ow the top floor, and some of us just under our seats, while me had put me and ran out, slow and tedious Nt, Charles Huchaman, aged three, says he can wee nothing particularly - harmful in the Thaw case evidence, other boys who had v i them in the dressi "Y had my hat wi and as soon as 1 got to'the landing I saw the stairway full of smoke, with boys and girls crowding on it, afraid to go down, I pushed through them and ran down to the front door and hollered to the rest to come on, and a lot of them came, "The smoke was so thick in the hall downstairs that. it was just like ning in the dark, I thin who had to go to the dressing rooms to got their coats were the ones DANCING IS DENOUNCED. Short Cut to Hell, Quotes a Wes. leyan Clergyman. Feb. ' 27.--Religious circles in Leeds are agitated regarding dane: i episcopal vicar refuses. dancing at gatherings in con- nection with his church. clergyman, preachin, overyone's eareful soruting," he told a visitor. The youngster is a prodigy. He rounds the ne ; studies the best literature Js an fully ad venoed in education as is the average vouth of fifteen or more. At the age of eleven monthy, he could talk fairly well and knéw 'the alphabet. "H vou want a cut to hell, dance." TF prepared to endorse that, a fact that of all their mission in Leeds reached, he did not think there was did not 'ascribe her first downward step to dancing. Charles A. Sykes, JLA,, Smith's Falls, has been 'invited to 'Become succession to Kev, Dr. Griffith. It is PITH OF THE NEWS. expected he will ascupt. The Very Latest Culled From All " Sam, y hme arrived. rs by ed toe ¥ yh Buy it t t i a SeBormort Hon: prs Toronte Railway USED BROOM AS CRUTCH, represented before the privy council in Walks Mile With Leg Broken in Lieut.-Gen. Smirnoff, of Port Arthur, ac. cuses General Stoessel of London, Feb. 27.~George Jr.. of Tollesbury, fell [ under him while he was getting hie Dog Hon. Sir Robert Rollo, K.C., ded at 'Bournemouth, at the age of oonring oom used it] ninety-three, . He served in Canada in log, so Pr and ab vy : There will be little or nothifig left Chemical eompany, Guelph, out of the nominal astts of $20,000 The prisentation Nipptr, of a portrait of himself, will take place, on Frida Red Cross Drug Store. It cools the blood. ) A + You have no apologies to make for POG DIES OF GRIEF. Irish Terrier Pines After Mis. y, at Westminster | A statement is published in Genoa Li » art ' that the family of the Marquis of Cat- tereo has sold seven paint Dyke to J.P. Norg of nearly a year, Cecil a Demetro, da thy Greek in Little - in a gypsy Camp near Thoen- Canada's trade af ter reports to the ent of wheat from Canada indo the united ki nearly double that of X the previous from Guantanamo for north with p ing thirty-five "cases pow under ally pined away, and died alter pey-|, ine a visit to ite mist gave. A. veterinary surgeon who made post-mortem examination could iy trace of disease, and was compelled to adopt the theory that itiglied of un Liskeard. Honduran Town Captured. Managia, Niearngua, Feb. 27.--<8an Marcos De Colon: a well-fortifiel Hon. oy which was defended is the second Turkish The first, Hairi Pasha, died Both wore work- in the ministry of on PFelwunry 11th. minister of war, at the head strong army, was Dr. W. E. King, dominion: astron- | guan forces this afternoon. omer, has resigned . his dg commissioner on the waterways com- mission, becamse his departmental du- ties will not permit him to attend to Menelik Honors Roosevelt, sondon, Feb. 27.A 'dispmteh to the Daily Mail from Emperor Menclik of "A ing to President floosevelt an auto- gravh otter conferring Jean Larue Burnett, member of the 'New York stale assembly, from tario county, died of less than a week pacumonia. A won was born at Can octien, a factary ga royal order Ottawa's T ones. $ =The diy atta] For An Alleged Breach of Con- tract. F Toronto, Feb. 27.--A anit for $2,000 000 has bwen brought by Henry Would Beat Whitney. "Loudon, Feb. 27.--"Me. Whitney dare not go to the country with the three-fifths clause in his platform," Lanceley, Sunday night. appears tobe the policy of the Whit. ney government to make license-hold- 3 the bars scparated from the hotel pro: I ----_--_---- The Thaw Case. w's family stand, and testified Francisville, W., Feb 27. -- Called To St. Thomas. St. Thomas, Ont., Feb. 27. Rev, pastor of he First Methodist church here, in sane 4 A New Two-Step. ) "Blossom," - 3. new intermeszo, two- 2 Saline Laxative for 2c, Gibsor's : -il ft bears the name NN ordhnimet. depot, Kirke J The battleship Connecticut has sailed typhoid al , there reatment, 3 Cream of Violet, soothing and hea). for ., at Best's, a wal rink to-night. The: Temiskaming railway is to run Miller's Worm Powders cure all ail- ments of children like magic. For sale by W. H. Medley. Two Hamilton cigar deglers have hon summoned on 0 chargh of mak: ing hantthooks on the races. Arthor Teryy, a Toronto switchinan, was eriwhed to death between (wo cars, 5 Adolph Tingle, 4 British subject, has : ge Warsaw for robbery. Grand Opera "House SATURDAY, MAR Matioes at 2.30. Fumine at 8.15. The Origindd " kw New Y ductive, The J i) nto - THE VOLUNTEER ORGANIST hh Fawiows oid. Trini ¥ Chereh, New . Wa York City, Cf ted oul Cast bi Pin ; adoraed hy Bulpit Yn, Sie A8e.i ewe v Come and ses them. It only Cleopatra'