Values In ENS ade in our Linen Department ay Linens at LAIDLAW'S rwhere else in town. SH Linens ns, 50c., 65c., 75c., in a ms for spring, ns, 85c., 90c., 95¢.. 99... , very fine makes, ns, 1.20, 1.25, 1.35, 1.49 esign and finish. 25, 1.50 per dozen. to 6.00 pér dozen. 10c., 123c., 15¢. ft, fine make of Linen, ' je . 10c., 10c., 121c., 15c., 20c., 15¢. 25c. ress Linens 5c., 30c., 35¢., 45c., , 49¢ . T5c¢., 90c. s, 49¢., 75¢., 9c. White ENS 45c., 49%., 65c., 75c. INENS, INENS, ALUE IN Sheetings. fefrfol fefmiemfeinfie nie te nin "HE BEST ERS I IN CANADA a ---- RE THE af Brand pair. Try them, pointed. Price the nd. Shoe Store im) 5 : ther aon 5 our now rorooms. N to THIS Eyye 18 eh iron. ROBT. J. REID 230 Princess street. Fass 071 Armatanes "For Sale A first-class Grist Mill and Saw Mill, doing a large and lucrative business. Good location. Good reasons for selling. For particulars, apply T. J. LOCKHART. Real Estate Agent, Kingston, Out SALE OF HORSES THIS WEEK Session, We have eight Horses to sell this, week, consisting of three Drivers, Four Work Horses and hand 5 "we! will sell cheap. Buble at 128 Clarence $ St. Office, 42 street. Auction Sale Household 'Furniture Wednesday, Feb, 2th, 10 a.m. Mr. Ernest Cunning . 5 Wellington street, Fine Brussels rpets, Mahogany Qables | and Chairs, hoa inner Chairs, Writing Desk, Pictures Hapoy Thought Ranee; Oak and Cherry - room Qak Chiffionjer. Springs. Mattresses, Bureau, , Rockers, Toilette Setts, Iron Bedstead, Crockery, Glass- Ware, ete, ALLEN The 'Auctioneer, 243 Syden- ham street. Phone, 252. CROSSES A Cross 'makes a very suits able gift at this séason of the year. We have some very tty Crosses in Gold, Jet, either plain Silver , or or stone Kinnear & d'Esterre, - Jewelers & Opticlans 00 Princess Street. I have sold thousands of shares of the Pittsburg-Ely Copper Co., in Rn \ Securing a plock 1a securing a bloc this he Co rt at % ENS ®o higher and ia all pragabiity wil one Eo a Home. Banks "I sell them for $1.00 each, or loan thems FREE to Depositors of $1.00 and upwards. . \THOMAS MILLS, : 2 : 79 Clarence St. a TAKE NOTI Soh oe Fo Gone you TURK + SECOND: HAND au. 'Princess Street: portunity of ig small A Do You'Bake ' ~. Your Own Bread? Ir 80, Have you tried out PATENT HONGARIAN Made trot selected Mani: toba Hard Wheat ? Look for our name on ed + 90, 8. Violino Otnele. otal: : 4. Piano Solo--(1) Wedding March. DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Trade Council, 8 p.m. Zio, 3 Masquerade, to-night, 14th Frank Speaight in ¢Dickens," Cit; Hall. 8 p.m. aR Ey street Methodist Concert, Sydenham church, 8 pam: Auction 18 at 5 Wellington street, am, to-morrow. Don't: forget Bethe! church Tea and Concert, Wednesday evening, 25c. Talk on "Made iv Canada" Exhibi- tion Council Chamber, 8 This day in sailles, 1871 ; pam, history Treaty "of Ver- Victor Hugo born, 18 WHIG TELEPHONES. rtment. Everything that's vrintable. DINNER SETS 87 pieces complete. Best English Earthenwars. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY $5.75 Robertson Bros. THE BEAUTY OF OUR FURS Is what gtiract® the thousands of buyers who cach year step over our threshold--happy buyers. Just now we call pecial dttention to our beautiful novelty Neck Plecds to wear with the new spring suit in MINK, ERMINE, PERSIAN, SABLE, ETC. -- JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE, Brock Street. Store closes, -6 o'clock, on SATURDAY. Something New 'and Nice. Soused Mackers| er in Pure Colifornpia Olive Mackeral i in Tomato Broiled in Pure Colifornia Olive 0il Price 25 Gents Per Tin. Jas, Redden & Co. Importer of Fine Groceries. MARIE HALL, Violinist City Hall, Wednesday, arch 6th Solo Pianist md osu ist, LONIE JHE. BR ti 1. Violin--Concerto in E, Major Vieuxterio. 2. Linn Sig--tHnpromptus! ¢ Op. Nos. 8 a . Schubert "Eraost. (2) Fai Dance sm . 5. Violin: Solos--{(a) fr Seh chupert Witheimi. rachaikowaky. petuo'" aganini. v (hy "Vals > (e) "Moto - Fickets, SOc. Thc. $1, $1.50, Plan at Uglow's .Wednosday. Hockey Match «| Varsity IIL vs. Queen's IIL. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th. Game called at 8 pa m. Admissign, 25¢. | Ladies' Tailoring Plbasure in aanouncing id ave Lad) of Kingston thet I have wocured the premises, 261 Princess' Sto .. First-Class your own cloth. Prices nuwderate. AG METZ Historie of Vargnda Cutting "IAS A FINAEITY : yle, | terferi Fit nd we gtionansh fh anteod. Kindly "oa ll ated 860 me. Wi ake wp from » | She awid the but failed to find him. Jerome To Ask For A Com- trial LAWYERS TO mE TAWS INTERESTS. FARA ky _-- LP- Not a Simple Matter to Break In- to a Murder Trial to Find Out the Mental Condition of the Prisoner--Said to. Have Followed Mrs. Thaw. New York, Feb. 26.--The reports that Attorney Jerome will eventually © ask for the appointment of a commission in lunacy ave believed to be well found- ed,but Mr. Jerome, itis said, will not make this application until. what. he deems. the pr time arrives. In pre- paration iy er move in this he tion Thaw's lawyers have been busy looking up casts 'in which-lunney com: missions have been sought. On the whole they are satisfied with their in- vestigations, as. there have bein oné or two cases in this state which seem to show that it is mot as simple a matter to get the court to break into a murder trial to order an inquiry ins to the mental condition of the defen- dant as might at first appear: A story is published today to the read from the statement he secured from Mrs. Thaw's mother, and asked the witness if her mothe bitter 'tones about her friendship for Jack Barrymore. The gid nad told of White's anger when he heard that "Now Jerome, have fairly at Dr. Flint. "Your name is Dr. said Jerome, kev. "Yes," said the little doctor. His face was Rushed and he was frowning. He did not likeedis position. "Did you and Jack see this physician together ?" Carleton Flint," his voico still at high "Took at this man." . Youiig Mrs. pan." was looking. at im.. She only took her eyes off him Jong enough to turn and face Jerome. "T do not think T ever saw this man in my life before." she said firmly, Instead of further hurting the cause of her husband, Mrs. Thaw managed to make two decided gains, hen court adjourned' last Thursday it ap- peared from her own statements that she used a letter of eredit from Stan- fori. White while travelling in Europe and turned the latter over to Thaw. Monday she explained that Thaw took the letter of credit from her. saving the money was "poison:" that neither whe aot her mothér must touch it, and. t would provide them with nds. hss of the money was spent, she declared, "was fcr her mather, The. second point Mrs. Thaw made war concerning the cablogram Thaw is aid to have mnt to Stanford White from London. It appeared Thursday that these ealilegroms were requests to White to use this influence to hoop Mrs Neshit from "raising a row' and: in with her. gawehter in her eontinding in Sotpa pany Woh Thaw. Mr. Jerome up~the subject again, Monday, tod his questions cli. cited! the informmbion fhat the lettare did wot contern Mes. Thaw at oll, hut Lrelated to a. man onmmertad with the American embassy in London, who, Mrs. Thaw said, "sneaked up tn 'N tom: aod ivsulterd ber.' man also imgvlted her, and that Thaw went in sunrch of him, porter as over. ' Cenion building Ea trial days the sout was £54 afloa: that she had ! support or presence ye 10 her brother. was. also ~ that she planned o es op These rumors were. denied by Thaw's lowptes. Mr. riage said : f at ds all monsense. The only reason she hus not been at the trial is that there is no plac for her to] stay. The room is crowded. She has not sisited Thaw at the : Tombs on the trial days, as he is in | court. during the visiting hors. "The Countess of ~ Yarmouth has come thousands of miles to help her brother in very Way in hér power, and she iy . dust as loyally his sup MUST BE SETTLED FINALLY IN THEIR FAVOR. The Great Need in Italy is "Tm burned off and she wos quite dead. At har feet were the fragments of an oil r and a Miss | lamp. ing been brought to the attention of | the Taine; ting denforately. for. hi or Nin it was decided to in- | life, aa for . ret Moursaou. sion asked if the authorities, vestigate, tymore wanted to marry the girl. has inétructed Police Magistrate Jar. on man, of Bancroft, : a ou | in Femalé - HAIER | Provement * cay pa tioh--A Diy of Prayer TO «CONSIDER IT. : Been Fixed in London--Iope ---- i Element Will * Bis, Fob. 26.--The Petit ¥| 0° Roush W spect the Occasion. ; # Parisien says that, in ac- ¥ 26.--The Qiestion of cordance with the wishes of ¥ | Rome, Feb. Ey h aifiragd ue 4 i the x the United ' States . and ¥ [Women oi puting ' Great Britain, the question 3 | chamber by ' motion of Adreiral Miraballl, stor of limitation of arma- ¥ of 'murine, who :eulogizetl 'e # ments, at She Hague con- x moral and mental qualities. Ex Min, ¥ will be up. "A com- ister Lumnit said' the whole civilised ¥ mittee of the delegates of 3 | 0, TUL v agitating the Auction 3 great. powers: will be ap- M1] ld ust be settled in favor pol pelted a hides. ha 3 women sooner orlater. Ho Rial x win if 8 es » Fong! ands two greatest sovereigns had # clusions to the conference | Prumier Giolotti, who promised te # but will send ther direct ¥| men and needed amendment, ah sal % to the chancelleries of the | consider the question, tted that 3 various nations. ¥ | many laws wero unfavorable i wo o ! 4 # [that probably the. groatest p HANNAN AIHIAIINNN | ned was + the improvement of a pu-- m-- education. BURNED TO DEATH. effect that George Polioek; formerly Lhe, gradual reforms in Jugisintion af- hall-boy at the San Jacinto. apart- ecting women, menis, has supplied an affidavit ing' Found Dead' By Neighbors With g -- which he alleged that White on = four eo Lamp. Appeal To .rayer. occasions, followed Mrs. Thaw to the| St. John, N.B., Feb. 26. Mrs. Ame London, Feb, 26. ~Having Mharto home of Hattie Foravthe, who Kved at {lia Case, wife of John Case, was ae , the Sen Jacinto, and repeatedly tried | burned to death, Saturday evening: to intercept Rev, ' Mrs, Thaw, how- | She had been alone in the house, when ever, on each occasion, is said to have | neighbors," | thinking they * smelled avoided White. smoke, went up to investigate. Mrs. poet Smith, one of the party, fell over an Scenes At The Trial. object, which. proved to be the body At the trial oa Monday Mr. Jerome |of Mrs. Case. Her clothing was all The walls of the kitchen wire County Attormey Anderson "you to institute pro- | power of love that gave wtel said that you and Jack Barrymore ceedings, and the 'brother will be | strength to fight for his Nfs, yet, yes: did not go ,to vikt a Dr. Carleton | placed under arrcst pending the ig- | terday, he marriod another woman. Flint ?" vestigation. Castel gives a simple explanation. He "Yes, positively. We went to see no Sp-- found a place as ik he Simdgnt physician. in the ministry of public works, and ao, ros | HOIIIIIISISICIIIIISISIRICIOIIOE . ao 1 rr Bait tl oy bis arm. Then he drew hack, holding x . = come. After uo period of distressing 5 ( Ge aie anor "sae he | Bazin, Tob 20a ut. 38 ing "mim, "ami Angle's eyes 4k Sho a r as sts The A The Milo denier babes robin a 8 WELng: a telegram in the [wT Me 3% made bi for jury hoxes around Dg of the or * post office his niete. put a » ete ner so that he stood within a few * parcel of jewels, valued at VICTIMS BURIED. feet of young Mrs. Thaw. * more than 1,000,000 francs »* -- "Did you ever see this man before ?"' *. ($200,000) on floor, {No Truth That the Dead Bodies shouted Jerome. ¥:: when the parcel appear. ¥ Were Robbed. "No," said the girl. Her lips were [# ed. There is no clus. to. the * Hook of Holland, Feb, 20.~The fist white--there was sudden nervous move- > thief. #* funerals of the victims of the wreck of Jments at her throat. But she had cL y wt Berlin, anded trned hor small pale face and stared | * HA he oor hich stn at Awtul Holacamst. the hearse two miles through the mud and a disthal fog to the local ceme- Toronto, Ont., Feb. 26.--A school, | tary, whore impressive were at Hochelega, was déstroyed by five, | held, English correspondents" after en. this afternoon, many of 'the inmates Jiri. indignantly deny the story Barrymore go to perishing. Already twenty bodies have the heibuied to German, thin ere hat been taken out. - ORe is that of a y " teacher, the others being young child: The Russian Famine : - St. Petersburg, Fome rm Weed watittics Pedi today, bankmen ow that the season's Went Over Bim B. fallen short by (62,000,000 dn Guelph, Ount., Pah. 98.58 G.TR. train No. 5 ran off teak, three miles east of Guelph about. 2.30 o'clock, this afternoon, and went down an _embank- ment. Four or five persons wsaid to have been killed. There Is Much Alarm. Odessa, Feb. 26. The unrest and anxiety here contindes. Military' ghards. are posted ak all the conwul- ales owing to: the fear of more sori. ous {rouble The university is till closed. Ome hundred fifty rosct: onary students have Joined the Union of Russiun People, which has supplied them with. clubs. and xevelvors. 10-0 when you 'have lost some- thing, is to make. it kaown, through the: "= to appoint a commission to consider failed to obtain recognition of their political - appealing to mb a section of the saffragetes tion with this Fram in View fis oar fixed for next Sunday yde where their grievances will be ventila: (od an_ordinhnee tod solely the Hook of Holland, were held yes. torday. thousand | entire system, He was willing, however, "rights" hy d to make their desires a of public prayem: A damnata through the medium to vayers and hymns. They expect and ope that the "rough vlement will ror Simonton had not gone to White in flames. Mrs. Case was about forty. spect the oceasion. on their rebum from kurope and trad five Jhaxs of age. She is survived di evar r-- ih him with the girl's story of ar dons het husband, _ ROMANCE OF 4 tall, the replying, "My wile] oT RR TIREe fr SR on one site po my son on the other, Wedding Tutalie Courrieres Mine and may Gate strike me dead. if 1 Said : = Sai he over harmed her. ° ave ain i : "Yes, he told me that," said Mrs, Brother. rr, Feb. wa romani, np Thaw, "and be told me his body turn- Belleville, Ont., Feb. 26.-~Some time | mance and a tra ody, occurred here ed ice cold when they accused him, ago it was reported that a boy nam- | vesterdsy, when Eouls Castel, one of He said he could handle & dogen | od Clande Godirey, living on the } the thirteen survivors of the Ce " mammas, but ho was afraid of this | Nionk road, near Bancroft, was shot vieres mine disgster, married A: Simonton woman. and killed by his brother 'whilst they | Mollaret. It ma Perhaps be Later Jerome was asking the girl in ware "playing bear.' affair bav- | that when Castel was in the Analyste po pas it were not. the the north-western provinces the mine ix becoming very .meute Bowl standing the netion of the govern- nent in sending supplies. 1¢ in wiated that the meagre "quantities out to the peasants is wholly for their Merchants here and in Odessa are making arrangements for shipments of grain from the Bn ted States and' Cannda. Sluggish Kidnoys. 'A great many people meed occmsion. a to strengthen and stim- ulate the kidneys to greater activity. These organs grow sluggish, do, not properly filter the blood, and' the ré- shit is a disordered condition of the Peel's Kidnev and Liv. wor Pills' meet. the need of a reliable Kidney, liver and bladder tomie and régulator. In boxes, 25¢. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if vot satisfactory, lipitor k Big Fire At The Falls. Niagara Falls NY, Balt. 2€.~The| plant of the Acker vet ans, sepia , pane | prohibiti the Sale of milk Muleas Lh ne sterilized, he A at "i Sha mith a ti Jot it need uot RC insiuted : tha hat the -- Hmited, » was a here, Wy sto 13. Dr. "hown's Buchu Juniper Kidney pills Lille tien backaihe, and kidney trou: 2 United States senate as rie od - the Santo Trotiam that PTE eT States hell ist in the colleotic of n ¥ sick the Mos fusioms 1 Bay Pewuon, "the grea ie," at id Red: C: Cron an Fresh Gibson's Ea BEE Boe was déstroyed by fire _WHIG_ 3 WANTS Beory 8. Fi on i EE fa cin Ach, Leumit has been. choice | Ei wich th Bonin: Company. | § uth Be, Foi Delight. of Soren gi Tag! +. Seats Row on ne a 2 Keley & : Aushorized es 2: