Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Feb 1907, p. 3

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w hours. Positively cures in & few days, put the disease to sleep, but drives kt som ~MUNYOR. JETHING NEW NORTH SEEING NEXT EEK, COMMENCING TUESDAY... F. GOURDIER se exhibition ins igihy he i mation as to where they different purposes for n the collee- native and imported letted in best markets: rybody Welcome F. GOURDIER CLUSIVE FURRIER rock St. Phone 700 Jandelabras. iright or French Cray vd New Brushed ects, with Exquisite Silk Tinted shades, in yo elle Pierced v1 Covers to match en- with piece ny special style or color des. may- be sold separately, MITH BROS. ywelers aad Opticians 330 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ordered and RS IN 'BED WITH IATISM! NOW WELL imply marvelous, the effect on Rheumatism. It not mere- } the pain but completely rids of the disease, Bu-Ju; THE KIDNEY PILL, does this, be- ares the kidneys. UXBrIDGE, ONT. ARE: I= 1904 invalid for 3 years with Inflamma. atism, and was bed fast until about RO. when a friend left me some 1 was helpless as an infant, I con- ig them, and now [ am able to get dress myse!f, and walk without JOHN McCOLLOUH e box, at your druggist or by mail bck if they fail to eure, ical Co, ed, Windsor, Ont. @¢0 00d Time Stock Your n Closet; ; having a big run on ens eetings, etc t, and notwithstanding advances in these fines, ontinue to sell at Jast \ eS - $0 long as our stock This-will not be long. as the demand on our very great, 2d Sheetings, all ths. hed Sheetings, vidths. : Cottons, plain or ular, all widths. inen, 25c. a yard up. Ny d Damask. 40c.- rd and up. nen: Towels, 25¢. ir and up. everything in this line tom . pricks. Seg ; Hn -- ANG SHAW | Thoroughly Perfection is not easly obtain- ~ able, but you find it in Chase ~ & Sanborn's Coffee. { of shoes depends very greatly upon the dealer you purchase them of. If they are not, you know we make good our guar- antee of service in every case. NO RISK IN DEALING AT a J. H. Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOEMAKING \ "GENERAL" Mixes and K neads Bread In Three Minutes 69 & 71 BROCK ST., KINGSTON. McKELVEY & BIRCH, BREAD MAKER What You Get Out of Life Depends Upon You." The wear that you receive during the life of a pair If You Got Them Here, They Are Bound to Be Satisfactory For Six and Ten 2 Sizes Loaves Delicious Candy, FOR SA LE: MINT CUSHIONS Extra Strong, 30 Cents Per Pound. "A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street DIGS IVINS IIIRINIIIRIIINIIIIINININN RLLLLLLLLL0040080080008000800080000000040008. BUTTERETTES 25 Cents Per Pound. ENGLISH PIG LEAD - : Canada Metal Co., | Ltd. Toronto, ont. | | OUR DRESS S GOODS STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE You will find everything that is new Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings. =. New Cream Materials, in great Variety, Serges, Voiles, Pananas, Cord de | hairs, in 'plain and fancy weaves. New Check Suitings, in all -the n in plaids, checks and stripes, Mokhairs, plaids. Shepherd Checks, in all the differen wide, and all at popular pricess 22 and Insertions, Laces, Finishing Muslins. No Trouble to show goods. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE si 180 Wellington Scillians, and up-to-date in Mo- ew shades and colorings, in checks and over- t sizes, "44 to 54 inches Prin , s, Dimity Embroideries New ts, lawns, Masline Braids, India Linons grid Spot Street. ministers conferen GANANOQUE TIDINGS PREPARING FOR FOR THE METH. oDIST CONFERENCE. Hockey 'Match in Aid of Library-- "A Peddler _ined--Rev. William Timberlake Invited to Stay Another Year. Genanggpe, Feb. 25.-- x: very inter esting "hockey match took place. at the Maple Leaf rink, on Seturdey- evening, between teans captained by Messrs. George A. Robinson and H. W. Brit- selstine, W. T. Sampson. Goal, W. Morris; point, Russell Brit- tom; cover, H.'W. Britton; rover, W. F. LaQue; centre, "Dode'" Moord; right, R. Gordon; left, ID. Bishop; spares, 8. McKenzie, Wi B: Carroll. ~ After a keenly contested exhibition, Britton's team won, by 3 to 2, In the police court, on Friday, Melvoid Morrison was arraigned on a charge of violating the town by-law by peddling without a license, and was fined $4 and costs. During the past week extensive Tre- pairs have been made to the bowling alley in connection with the Inn, by Messre. Wand and J. Mallette, The -alley is now in good condition, and it is purposed bringing on a series of bowling vompetitions. At the Jast meeting of the quarterly official bostd of Grace church, a unammou# invitation - was extended to the present pastor, Rev. William Timberlake, to take charge here for another year. In lieu of" the old-fashioned tea niecting, which has ever been a popu- Jar means for money raising in the church, a change will be made by Grace church, this year. Arrange- ments have been made for holding a free congregational tea, on 'March 14th. Work has already begun in prepara: tion for the hille ting, entertainment, and general supervision of arrange- menfs for meeting of the Montreal conference of the Methodist church here in June next. The fourth of the series of elocution- ary wgntests. for a. silver medal, under the auspices of Gananoque council, No. 284, R.T. of T., will be held ear- ly next month. The class in training consists of two young ladies amd six young men. Carfrae. THOUSAND ISLAND PARK. | In.provements Being Made at This Resort. Thousand Island. Park; Feb. 21.--D. W. Gardner has the contract of en- larging the stome block from St. Law- rence avenue to United States avenue. The whole front will bebuilt out with the sidewalk two stories high. He also "has the job - of enlarging the waiting room at the steamiboat land- E. C. Lewis has completed his con- tract of filling the jee houses here and at Fine View with ice thdt averaged twenty inches in thickness. W. Cuper- nall, Crystal Bay, has a contract for six skiffs which are nearly completed. He will also build several "puts" this winter. The masked ball at Fine View on Friday night was a' success in every respect, and was largely attended by folks from a distance. Dr. Vebber, of Clay¥on, is a daily visitor at the park. A series of revivals are being conducted here and also at Fine View by Rev. W. Lavis. M. Beaupre is moving from the Fredenburch farm near the Nunn farm at 'Jolly Oaks. George Towns is moving from Clay- ton Centre to Fine View. H. H Houghton and wife are visiting friends at Chaumont, N.Y. Hownrd Place of Binghampton, N.Y., is the new lessee of the Hotel Wellsley. Perth Road Jottings. Perth Road, Feb. 22.-- The roads are in a very bad condition. The men of this vicinity are busy hauling logs to fill out the large contracts given them by the lead mines. late Mrs. J. The remains of the | McFadden were brought J. A. Waddell is taki art's work, Maple Leaf. ricovermg, grippe. A splendid building is being Fw J. Stew- next Sabbath morning, at Mrs. F. Clough is slowly el the concert at Sydenham given by. the English church. Yisitors William MoFadden, Sarnia is renewing old ac- quaintances in this place; Mrs. R. Stoness and Miss B. Stoness, at H. Shalis'; George Morey, Desort Lake, at H. Babeock's; Miss Anna' Lake, - of Sydenham, at H. Hadley"s; Miss Lorna Stoness, at J. Rasmond's Nr. and Mrs. William Shales, visiting 'relatives in Battersea; H.McCadden, of Otta- wa, spent Sunday with his Tamily;' of Oxford, have taken up their resi- dence in this place. domestic servants. The general opinior "hore is, that parliament will prokogue on' April 7th, Two days after Laurier and several will. lesve for the colonial ce. i: sessed POOR SHOW FOR THE - DYSPEPTIC. 1 Poisoned Ston ash, ian. Clogged Preis. , Wavering oh; Failure-- Unless He Seises His Op- : portunity. 'There is no good reason for any man's remaining a dyspeptic" yy Burden to himself and family, when he should b¢ a producer. There's only one Yeadon why he has ton. The proceeds were in aid of the. public library. Harold McCarney acted as referee. The line-up of the the teams were : Goal, C. A. Watt; point, Dr. A. H. |food Mabee; cover, .R. D. 'Keefe, B.A; rov- er, M. McDonald; centre, W, Linkla: ter; right, George A. Robinson; left, T. M. Galbfaith; spares; G. H. As to digest, been a dyspeptic and that is because he has overworked his stomach sa that it cannot" secrete the juices: and work the muscles necessary the Failure Staring Him In The Face. What the dyspeptic help the stomach out. a poisonous pile of fermenting, seating food. lated and make nerve and muse and rebuild the | waste tissues it lies there First, Instead carried by must do 8 to It is full of nau of being assim the blood © to Inactive, take an unirritating cathartic and get rid of this food Second, get a Ble. package of Dyspepsia druggist and take one at art's and at bed time. The Tablets Stu from any cach meal tablet will do the digesting while the stomach is re- gaining its gone, forees. Before your stomach will be vastly re lieved i not cured. Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets contain the Why 2 the box is Because very elements which your stomac h pos when it was healthy pepsin, diastase, golden seal and others. It was beeause your stomach kept losing Stuart's work simply, surely, jury. Thiy the work its supply of these digestive that you become dyspeptic Dyspepsia g out of ferments Fattets do the 'and without in are not a medicine, a Scientific but prin: ciple upon the food you eat of sufferers in far worse Hundreds condition than tively cured of dyspepsia Ly these won GEORG It Hid a ZLuxuriant you have been 'posi Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Connor, of Flem- derful little tablets, Forty thousand ing, Sask., who have been hibernating | physicians in the United States and with relatives in town, left for their | Cenada recommend them western home on Thursday last. Miss Ii you are uncertain and w ish fur Junet Cronch, of Ivy Lea, spent Sat- ther proof, send us your name gnd ad deday with her mother; Mrs. William j dress to-day for a free trial package, Cronch, Tanner street, which we will gladly mail vou at once R. Donevan, of Eden Grove, spent |F. A. Stuart Co, 74 Stuart Building Suturday with friends and reldtives Marshall, Mich. . in town. Mrs. K. E. Baker, King For sale at all aruggists, § , is spending a few weeks in De- -------------- troit, with her daughter, Mrs. 8S. J. E WASHINGTON'S QUEUE Suit of Straight and Very Dark Hair. The Father of his country concealed a luxuriant suit of wig. fashion wer ned hair or: baldness queue Many now have thin hair nor be dandruff that causes cannot be © because it pocide kills cause, vou no cure for germ. Sold picide Co., Sc. and ¥ agent. All For The Sake Of ured by killed the dandrufi germ ers hair preparation will. effect." dandruff but remove the by leadin Detroit 1 G. Ww hair drugyrists 10¢. in stamps for. sample to The Mich Mahood, his old beneath wish the e-in Yogue, to conceal thin- Yet no one need bald, both. «courin it a perm disease, germ has to be if he cure Dandruff the scalp, and the Newbro's Her no oth "Destroy the There's to kill the Send Her Two sizes special Suffering Humanity A Voluntary Statement By a Justice of the Peace Showing How La Grippe.and Conswup- tion Are Psychine. There are themselves or are not sufiering' from some sort throat, che rouble, ey tary. to the vault, on Tuesday. Cupid has | g,1y, --+4again been busy in t place, Rev. the - troubles ment and help. fort to ! remedy after a serious attack of |. iled sion which have sonal observation. known to me, Albert Townsend, Hazen know some of wt, or lun can advise vou of the remarkable effected by your Psychine and Oxomul- come under my per Three men, few people who, Being Cured By either friends, their or stomach To such the following volun letter, written from an sense of to those who are suffering from will bring encourage: It is a source of com that there is one re which, after all others have , and the physician skill become exhausted, hai always be re pected a4 the Otseville mine a lied on to bring help and relief to the interest in education atten a | suffering nd t t meeting held by Dr. Spankie, in Arker ee ng: and restord ; health | and school house, to-day. A number of | py. 7. A. Slocum, Limited : the yourig people of this place attend Gentlemen, fpel it my duty to cures, well Hipson and John MoKay; all of Shel: bourne county, the hest sumption_and to be ineurable and b- yond the reach of used Psyelfine and they are now in good henlth. 1 feet it a 'duty Ennis, of Oxford, at A. en: + R. Stoness will spend 'Sunday with his family. B. Simpkins" and family, | benefit of terrible disease. medical men other Yours very traly, Psychine (pronoynced sale at all drug stores at 0c. per, bottle, medhical aid. Oxomulsion wer. Pronounced by to have -con- They and | 1 awe to suffering humanity to state these facts for the sufferers from - this | : : 1 Leander McKenzie, J.P, * Want Chinese Domestics. T. 5 - Victoria, B.€., Feb. 25.--A petition : . Gréen Hupbor, N.S. in being by the women of Psychine positivlly cures condhs, Victoria, asking that the dominion jcolds, bronchitis, Ia grippe,, chills, government be riquested ih remove | hight sweats, wasting diseases and | the head ' tax of $500 on Lhinesp<as consumption. It s the sto- mach, sreates & rovenous sppetitfe, de. | stroye all disenso Sera and builds up the. gystesa quic mick : pro | ple well and wes Rg mk a « for [P. a few days last week® S.J, Allen Ar of {cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be {of the lease for. each five wiles. | Sunday last--a bab; wt 8: *, HELP SI -- WANTED GENERAL. FOR SALE. HELP WANTED----FEMALE. A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 132 Earl street inst. Store as A TOCKET tot wéen Redden & Co's. Grocery: turned to this "OMe, ROOK, ON THE 20th dl Windsor Hotel, containing about $22 in bills and small change. 7 > CROCERY OLERK. APXrLyY J. Git. jay AY 1st, OR SOONER, MEMUN"TRILLIA ARO! NEW pt, pis] Hariie street, or residence, : Eom House, Seutratly Toca N , n JIARD OA nt ™. 'space. J70 ack" street. ng 5 te £ hy through se office. . t ' " Apply SALESMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY. dns Bert hand Sprayer made. automatic, lst OF JUNE MARRIED cour EE ee ample a ne 10 a ro © Withow red to go to Vieinit 4 -- Cavers Bros, Galt. Cotmit, woman as Rone ai 1 reason: Apply through Whi - -- man to be Synerally | Apply ee GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND Whig office: LR horseshoor, With some aX at FRAMB HOUSE, IN WEST END, 7 wood work. X Business worth ak A SECOND. HAND SET or TELE: a feed 0" shed stable. "per annum. ASU an qt 1) . " nate , Wit 'batteries, 0 pl Box ** Ji health. Amnly to ; Le BR good order. Apply to "GQ, P., Tarn office. it Ag Ginness, Emerald, Out, 108 Raglan street, City, BRIC WSE AOD SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. G LOST. 5 RR IOUSE. ZRo0s, COU Pura men, bring your own cloth and - . in high state of cultivation, within . uptodate suit ane, te, | AN OLD FASHIONED. BROOCH, SET Thnits of city. For particulars, apply 5 ne and fini jroaranised, Eine with white stone, Saturday. Finder to M4 Victoria steget. in aR Tatler 3 flo BE street, Soe rewarded Hy leaving at this, 3 I AND. WORN my roma E : MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN | pox PERRIER, | WHITE, WITH TO.LET ! =Barver Trade nS Soka, Graduates black spots, on Friday afternoon. earn to f eekly. elp Reward for its return to 61 Rideau | DWELLINGS, STORES, "secure vositions, secured 10.000 last Stree Tear Lor ue raduates. Saialogus Seat "4. at MeCamn, 81 od; oler Berber ¢ een Ba " : Shel » Toronte. © 0 H a LADIES WATCH. WITH INITIALS | FURNITURE STORAGE, DWELLINGS, on Watch and pn, on stores, offices, factories, etc. Mo a morning. Meward if res Bl Brock ttre Cann's, BLACKSMITH SHOP AT. COLLINS ay, With * or Wwithoft tools. Ime meddinte possession, Apply'A. Rankin, Collins Bay. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-W HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any even numbered section of Domin- lon Lands in Manitoba or the North West Provinces, execpting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded LY any person the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extemt of one-quarter section, of 100 acres, or less Application for homestead entry or in spection must be made in person by the applicant at the office of the local Agent or Sub-agent An application for entry or inspection made personally at any Sub-agent's office way be wired to the local Agent by tings Sub-agent, at the expense of the Ab plicant, and if the land applied fol vacant on receipt of the A exrain ie application is to have priority and the land will be held until the necessary papers to complete the transaction are received hy mall In case of "'persohation' the entry will be summarily cancelled and the appli cant will forfeit all priority of claim, An applicant for inspection must be eligible for homestead entry, and only one application for inspection will be received from an individual until that application has been disposed of. A howesteader whose entry is in good standing and not liable to cancellation, way, subject to approval of Department, relinguish it dn favour of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, i eligible, but to no one else, on filing de- claration of abandonment. Where an entry is sumanarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings, the applicant for inspection will be ene titled to prior right of entry Applicants for inspection .must state in what particulars' the homestender is in default, and if subsequenthy thé' state | ment is foupd to be inedrrect in mater more | dal particulars, the applicant will lose any for right of reentry should the land become vacant, or if entry has been granted it may be summarily cancelled. Duties--A settler is required to per- form the conditions under obe of the following plans -- (1) At least six months' residence up~ on and cuitivation of the land in each vear during the term of three years, 2) If the father (or mother, if the father is decemsed) of a homesieader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by sich homesteader the requiremient as to residence "may be satisfied by such - person refiding with the father or mother. (3) IT the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied by residence upon such land inion Lands at Ottawa, of his intep- tion to do so SYNOPSIS OF CANABIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--~Coal Lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for suthrncite. Not more than #20 acres be acquired LY one individual er PRY. Royaity at the rate of ten enllected om the gross output. Quartz. --A free miner's certifiéita is granted upon payment in advance of 85 annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a company according to capital. A free miner, having discovered miner al in place, may locate a claim 1,500x 1:500 feet. The fee for. recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must he ex on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in Hea thereof. When $500 has been expended or 'paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon cofuplying with other requirements, pur. chase the fand at ¥1 per acre. The patent nirovides for the payment of al royalty' of 24 per cont on. the sales. | Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet Square entry Tee $5, refiewable yearly A Iree miner ntay obtain two leases to aredige for ~old of five miles each for a term of twenty yeafs, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a. drudge in oper- atiop within oné season from the date Rental $10 per annum for each wile of river leased. "Royalty at the rate of 24 per | ant, oliseted on the ouput after it ex. ds $10, Before it | the settler must in writing to application for patent the Commissioner of Do- . W. CORY, | Deputy of the MinTeter of the interior. | N.B.--Unauthorized publication. of this f at iseraent Ww. not be paid for. -------------- | New Babies At Donaldson. _Donaldseén, Feb, 21.--Fhere were two | aow arrivals in this neighborhood on ve #ixX months' notice | Picton, F night the § to ask the to accept, additional library. T agree to:a tional ten will be for nold"' for Queen's unt in the leet thodist chm Richard Mrs. OE, dard Bank, Colborne by in Toronto W. D. Ross No Flinton, Rev of her old Mrs tiers, "The born in Er among old Prevost, trimmings, Burteh's At a meeting of the Tennyson it was decided to study "Matthew Ar- is now entering upon its sixth of pleasurab le stuidy. son and Mrs. orand council of the R, T. Campbell, Jerome has returned to her Mud Lake Creek, after a pleasant visit Want $2,500 More Carnegie Money For Library. eh. 23.-At a meoting last yublie library board decided town council for permission from Andrew Carnegie, an 2,500 towards the new o do this the council must gsure that yearly the addi: per ent, for maintenance theoming, chub The club yoar Prof. Dyde, of will be the guest the coming vear. iversity, of the club next Friday evening, when he will deliver a lectire on "Macheth" ure room of the First Me rch. Hadden, son of Mr. and Hadden, junior in the Stn. hans heen transferred to the ranch, Mes. J. H. John K. Mackenzie have been attending the of T, Mra to-day to her this week returned home in Brockville. ------------------ ) tes From Flinton. Feb, 22-On 17th at the Hasler homestead the holy communion was administered to Mr. Irwin. took cold while attending the funeral six persons by Mrs. Hasler, - Sr., estecined friend, the = late both being pioneer set late Mrs. Campbell was insville in 1844, Mrs. John home at friends, Brock street, will give a choice of $18 and B20 suiting, made to-order for $15. Good fit and good a genuine bargain., horse radish, for roast 4 ; a The finder will be liberally rewarded A AHOUSEMALD APPLY . MRS oh 4 . Lilie, BT George street. by leaving AU this Uffice BRICK DWELLING. NO. 8 WRLLING- Fh -- on St. opbosite y Park. -- REV ART PLY MONEY AND BUSINESS. Fmetiate Toshsusion. Annly te J. A. UBNERAL © SERVANT. APPL Jwedinte noshesion Mrs. A. Strachan, 98 Bagot St. - 5. Cunningham, larence St. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON 1d t th ther 5 . GOOD GENERAL SERVANT AT Soil end Suntan tah ei phe 1a WELL-FURNISHED OFFICE, GOOD once, Apply 239 Ijvision St, city. Godwin's Insurance Bmporium, Marks Juht, 1 Per Sentliatien. Pliuste, -------------- Sm ---------------- et Square, J. P. Forests Gent's Fura t 2a A GOOD COMMON SENSE COOK FOR ye ny Nar 8 Apply a hotel. Apply Bo 2 Bellevilie LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORB Gor. ten Hv HT 3" fnaghtion bo BRICK DWELLING, NO. 188 DIVISON nT assots 861.187.2155. In addition to i « 180 A GOOD - GENERAL SE RYANT Nd which the policyholders have street, twelve rooms, extension dine washing. Apply to Mrs one er Traniihy, ut wh ing room end kitchen, hot Jr well, 11 Arch street the stotkholers. Farm and city nro heating ; ret of Ma Ap -------- sh------------ -- perty _ insured at lowest ly 'to seine Welch ny 1 A ERAL SERVANT. APPLY IN rates, Before renewing old or elvine division street. the evening to Mrs Jas. . Stewart, Rew. iness get rates from Strange 78 Wellington street Strange. A~enta. EDUCATIONAL. YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN THRE VETERINARY. wor art of dressmaking, cutting, design = > RE INTERNATIONAL Foon ing, trimmin~ ete tailored wowns, I DR. 4, W. BEII. V.8B. ¥ Be - h fur-lined _opers cloaks. coats and moved to his brick block, on Clarence Offics, 87, Brock Ser renew. 7 3 wraps. Evenine' costumes a special. street, Jung above the Post Office. to § o'el J. K Caroll ty. Mme. Eider, 253 Princess street, Calls hv telephome or telegraph sentative. "Thone, s 669, " corner Sydenham promptly attended. to. x . ---- FROM PICTON TOWN. The Paragraph Pulpit REV. C. w CABSON, OTTAWA Frosdom Before Before Faith. In roligion, as in all elec, freedom must come before faith. Faith is not pssible to a woul compelled to be ieve. Real belief is based upon Sin right to deny. There is a com of truth, but never of authority. I is my right and duty to hold myself free--free to use my own judgment, free to choose what seems to me to be most near the truth, free to deny all or to accept all. to insist upon having: free man, and not the forced. credulity of a slave. The Unitarian movement i not a movement away from faith, is a movement gwar faith roplons, © 1 Address Mr. Comes lok, ros Htienr Waggoner's Big Clearing Sale Now On. Call and see the great values mow bes ing given in Suits; Overcoats and Lrousers. Suit lengths sold by the plece. vods must go at once to clear up stock. 635,000, \ Clauses, irl. at' the 'home of S. Cameron and a Son at W. Webb's, The hems of A. Largue was destroyed by firé on Monday, 15th inst. There was very little of the' coritents saved, Fuiltinig bees are the order of the day. Mes w J. Mundell had one Tuesday. Allen visited his parental home here teams drawing lumber- rom Hinwi: pi Station. public fav. WATERLOO and wealthy Canadian company. Lo HLOYDS ONTARIO I' INSURE " eitherssn-the Stock or -Mutaal plan. covering ever vihing in a dwelling hous. unity one FARM PROPERTY MUTUAL PLATE GLASS INSU ACCIDENT all classes of proper - the Bi ANKE i) * sum. F( R M, 1 Can five vou your policy while you wait, insured with Steam" Thiesher Permits, THE LONDON AND. LANCASHIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 1 represionted it for 25 years and the company and its plans are growing in The local agent is holding his own, and invites a or every day. INSURANCE INSURANCE €0., beef, pork, dnd all kinds of meat. It's n you want to Muy, 'or sell fi. Ask Y out grocery for it. Have no | city Property, see GEO. CLIFF, other: only -10a, a Wise ix he" who knows just what to at 95 street, opposite say--and when not to say it. Post Office. : OF AMERICA. UNDER THE SAME MANAGEMENT AS THE ROYAL OF ENG. . Net Sorplus beyond Capital and all Liabilities, $1,834,468.97 "Net Surplus to Policyholders . = - - - - $2834,468.97 This company. - was. one, of six THAT PAID 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, SPOT CASH, WITHOUT ANY DISCOUNT, for its CONFLAGRA. TION LOSSES IN SAN FRANCISCO, _ NORTHERN ASSURANCE C0., of England, capital and funds $44, RANCE CO., of New York. of Toronto. h CURRENT RATES, Policies are worded on ty AT LOWEST Our Furnjture all the ordinary conditions, Lightning. ele, compariton of Rates: Profits, 'and all the rest of it. GET 'ov R. RATES before insuring elsewhere. i reoRiver deposits, and makd loatia ete, , Cash Draits, te. BANK] Policies, Warehouse Réceipts, NG. Promissory Sous, on €0., of Waterloo, Ont., an old have SAR 5 & * * ' :

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