after sleven yoars the twn cities * wil be agoin represented in the finale. Howe and home games will be play same size littl, advantage will onined by either team in this respect The Kingston bove a closer score than 1996 should result With a Toronto race it will not hurt OHA. hookev bt will, on the other hand, tend hoom it, especially in the east, an to fall in line, Falls and the winner of the Colling represented from the four corners the earth, so to have to will fake some heating. The funick series Jooks like a fight hetween the two Midget teams of Stratford and Lindsay. Stratford ava in the finale, having defeated St. Wich. ads 18 to 1 in the semi-finals. Lind *av has a lead of nine goals on Co! lingwood and ths looks a big enough to win, Hockey At The Royal. i] ~An-interesting hockey match was played at the Royal rink, Saturday afternoon, between the Queen's stu- dents of frew county and those from the west. The former team won by the more of 7 to 0. W. Bennett was refoeh, Curling At Rockwood. The Kingston rinks wore defeatid by the Rockwood curlers, on Satay day afternoon, in the third game for the Rockwood trophy, Those who played wore : J. M. Elliott, J. Hooper,' , 8. R. Bailie, skip- 13, £ ood-C. F. Smith, W. R. Dick, = W. McCammon, J. Dennison, Ringmton--Dr. : Etherington, FE. Lyons, Capt. Leslie, L. DS ndetson, then they were to play 'homeand- home games," but this has no bear- | ing on the .case. Yo one club is af | money |focted mare than nother. Kingston wkip--8, Rockwood W. Sullivan, W. Potter, W. Fenwick, J. vidson, skip--2]. | The final game will be played next Saturday, at the Kingston rink, No Substantial Foundation. . Toronto Globe: Peterboro's desire for a chance to play again with Kingston for the cha ip of the eastern senior district is natural, but the claim has no very substantial foundation. As the Kingston Whig says, when the clubs in "the group | 7p. members of the Masters and drew up their schedule they : | Mates Association held one of their Peterboro included, that Kingston and most successful smokers of the winter Midland should play a « death season, at their rooms, Saturday game, the winner to be considered | nicht. Capt, Doyle presided in his inner of the home-and-home series. usual genial manner, and members of ry Graham, of. the Peterboro Club, says: "It was the meeting of the distgict comuiit tee when the schedule was in case the fact of the ghme between Kingston and Midland, being counted as two games should: affect the stand: ing of any of the other clubs, that bas a clear lead over all the others at the expiration of * the 'schedule and Where is | to 2, in the firm of the Hogiate union, a remarkable record in- for senior dis | deed that these College hockeyist and footballer, has goal margin re- not yet deserted the arena of sport. ht goals that | He is defending the net for the hockey night was | team of Delta, where he resides. Out or even in Niat Jed and s% the two rinks are shout the 8 be are the heavier team, but Stratford has the speed and team out of the to "fvext cone other elube way he expeeted In the intermediate series four teams are loft, Berlin, Parry Sound, Smith's woad-St, . Collingwood | Thomas Longboat, the great Indian has a Ta oa and look like | distance runner, has become a citizen w Thus practically teams are Hof Toronto, and in the future -- will of With the teams so great a distance apart suddon-death games will be ar | Rughy Football Union has offered ranged in the semi-finals and maybe in | $5,000 towards the expenses of a team the finds. Tn case Smith's Falls and | to play a series of matches with Stan- Parry Sound should onalify for ihe {ford University at San Francisco. nals what a jaunt the teams would -------------- have if they played homeand home | "CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA." However, Berlin and Colling. : f winner reckoned with and that Berlin team ) the associati d their friend: at ' sociation and Is sent. The programme consisted of reei- wn up, that | 44 tions, songs. instrumentals and stor- ies, sand among those who took part were the following : Captains Charles Martin, John John Gaskin, Jeremiah Hurley, Duniel Mills. The aflaiy 1 as brought to a bad shape. as storm on Sunday. "I was in a drift of mow eight feet deep,' er, snow drifted ope way on Saturday, and on Sunday - it way, so that the road was made very heavy onship five times times played off for it, and Brantiord, stock to enter an independent circuit next season. a. Xu Rockwoods and Na: a game at Rookwood rink on Saturday. The Young Rook- woods won by 13 t6 8. W. Cr If Varsity juniors the honors in their games with Queen's 111, jt will give Varsity the senior, intermediate and Junior championships of the Intercol- Guy Curtis, the old-time Quecn's of a total of seven matches this sea son the team has been defeated only twice in contests with rural aggrega- tions, Only seven more nes remain to , | be played in the Manitoba Hockey League, and the season of 1907 will be over. Kenora, present holders of the Stanley cup, are the almost cer- tain winners of the western champion: ship agmin this winter. They make one swing around the circuit, and play one game at home, and their en- gogements for the sensor willbe fin- | ished. The Wheat City seven will fin ish up second. The Strathvonas have {a chance to nose out 'thy Branoon seven for second place, but the latter has such an advantage over them in the games which remain to be played, that it is almost a certainty that the western team will easily carry off the medad honors, rh ehh Strathconas and Port seven fighting it out for the last poi . i General Sport. -- With "one experienced catcher and a fast man for short field, the Provi- dence team for 1907 will be the equal of any in the Eastern League, says - | the Providence Journal. woar the colors of the West End YM, C.A. in his running contests, . Thé committee of the New Zealand --------.] "Forbes Robertson and Gertrude Elliott. The t of Forbes Robert- son rd Elliott, at the Grand, on Wednesday, February 27th, after an absence of more than two vears, ix made the more interesting for the reason that they will present. for the first time in Kingston, George Bernard Shaw's delightful comedy satire, "Caesar and Cleopatra." Interest is centred on Shaw's "Cae- sar and Cleopatra," as' it has never been seen in Canada. It was first pro- duced carly in the fall at the New Amsterdam Theatre, New York," The production was built and painted in J and the company chosen and rehearsed under the personal 'di- rection 'of Mr. Shaw. The first pro- sentation, however, was in New York, and the success of the play was in- stant and enduring. r The author calls this drama "a his- tory," and the programme presents a long list of historical references, with a recommendation that the student of history and the peritic do not reject any incident of the play as fictitious until after consulting the authorities, 1t is, however, wholly and delightfully a comedy. 3 "Dora Thorne." That idyNic picture of the rural English home life, together with its flight to the most aristocratic circles of English society, "Dora Thorne" is proving one of the most interesting and successful new plays of the pre- sent season. Tears and laughter fol- low in quick succession; sincere heart interest is manifest at every turn, in- terwoven with the most powerful of all themes--"love." Tt will be seen at The Grand on Friday, March 1st. Bom "Smoker" Saturday Night. to he number of one hupdred were pre- Corkey, Charles Staley, lase at 11.30 p all present having pent a most delightinl evening, ------ On Country Roads. Some of the country roads are in a result of the snow said qné farm: to the Whig this morning. The drifted the other all the way. Although the Your Hair? Red 5 math Door ance soi weather has been very cold this win- : ter, there have been very few Why 30? Is not J] days, with drifting of snow, like that Fit? J] of Sundpy: 'the roads in the country | have not been in condition to vent trafic to the city, The only store that sells high clas candy. EG ' 2h) - Skating at the Royal rink to-night. [misstonARy REV. GEOTGE JACKSON'S . ABLE DISCOURSE, ---- Delivered on Sunday Evering in Sydenham Street Methodist Church to a Fine Congrega- tion. An. interesting sermon was preached, last nigh, in Sydenham Street Meth- odist church, by Rev. George Jock- large and appreciative eo wa tion "Who th 1a this ¥"-- (Matt. iv, 11). This is always in rdigion, th su prem question, the question around which all other questions group them: selves. . Moreover, it is a question which camiot be evaded, When we re- member the place that Christ fills in history," how (as Emerson said) His name iv-not as much written as rath er ploughed in history, reison itself demands an answer, and an adequate answer. To the question, "Who then in this ?"". four apswers have boon give mm L-+¢'ls mot this the carpenters son *"' This was the apswer of the people of Nazareth, and so far they were right. They were wrong when they stopped there, just as Unitarian: ism, right in what it affirms, is wrong, futally wrong, in what it denice. The "carpenter's son" theory leaves all the great facts unexplained and appli cable. 2.~""Thiz is my beloved Son was the answer of God Himself in the holy mount, the confirmation from without of the conviction which al ready . from within had begun to shape iteelfl in the minds and hearts of the disciples. * This 3"Thiz 'is the Saviour of the world," "Ours," said the naritans of Jesus, "and, the world's." That is the true logic. No man really knows what it is to say, "This ix my Saviour," who has not also learned to say, "This is the Saviour of the world." Christian men who suffer themselves to speuk of the cause of forgign missions, ss if it were a Kind of poor relation of the Christian church, only show that not vet. have they thought out and thought through the meaning of the king they say is theirs ~My Lord and my God." This was the sublimist of all confessions of Christ. This was the height to it, through all His life. Christ wae seek ing to lead the faith of His discivles, and on that height it rests: the faith of Thonws became the faith of the twelve; the faith of the whole church, the faith of the church of the centur 108, Confirmation At Wolfe Island. The Bishop of Ontario administered the apostolic rite of confirmation, vesterday. at Trinity church, Wolie Is land, to a class of forty-one candi dates, a large majority of them being adults. This is the scond class, making a total of seventy-four per- sons, who have heen confirmed in this parish within the past seven months. The church was filled ita the doors. and the service was heartily rendired. A large number of persons partook of the Lord's sunper. The bish@p's ser. mon was forcible and in keeping with the ocension. "Keap thy heart with all diligence. for out of it are the issues of life." His lordship showed why and how. the heart should he kept, namely, because the heart is for God and is preserved hy giving it to God, After taking dinner at David Pyka's the bishop was conveved, a distapes of about nine mil wir the ice, to Christ church. where, notwithstanding the heavy storm, many were present ta" show their avprecidtion of his visit. Here the hishon preached from the prophet's words, 'I, oven I. am he that_blotteth out thy transgressions, for mine own spke. and will not re member thy sin." The preacher show- ed we had been redeemed hy Christ's death for us, and belonged to God "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Removal Sale Don't be so foolish as to turn down a chance like this to buy Furs. While the best part of the winter is over, 'the 'dangerous' season is from now on when **colds™ and "chills" are quite prevalent. | Protect vourself with a good sub- stantial far coat. Natural Musquash /Jacksts (just a few left), blouse style, with silk girdle, 24 and 26 inches leng, regular prices $50, for = - = fii iy ea "3 35. Near Seal Jackets (come at nee if you want gne), latest style garments, with collar and reveres of Western Sable, 24 inches long, regular price, ||; $42.50, for $31.85. 1 only Persian Lamb Jacket, - ow ¥ - . 8 it stormy collar and reveres of Japanese 24 inches long, 38 bust, with |i" € i pre- Gibson's Red Cross drug rage. he piece centres around the Mink, regular price, Nar | marviare of Lord Ryners and is very a Wii aft ~ interesting throughout, telling the "108+10R Princess St. | FEBRUARY 25. DA Yomi peo ion for man's salva ' i tion and "happiness. son, of Sherbourne Street Mothodist church, Toronto. There wns a very fourwet drama, was the Grand, night; and the cofpany played to two good houses, story of every day life in a large city, with a plot that is not of the heavy variety. God's He had made Make A Wise Choice. Rov. W. H. Sparling preached at both services in Queen Street Meth- odist church, yesterday. His evening discourse was on "A Young Man's Foolish Choice," and the text was token from Genesis xiii, 12. Phe preacher opemed with a short account of Lot's life and how he was gorally and physically #rought to his knees. The preacher then changed to the presedit day, and to the Young he said, that when choosing their life work it was a necessary fart to conm- sider if their moml standing = was strong enough to withstand the evils of the chosen professi In closing the pastor made an appeal to his hearers to choose rightly and to con- sider all sides of a question be- fore going into any calling. The male quartette sung finely dt the evening service. wh Church Notes. preacher in St. Mary's cathedral, yes terday morning, Rev. Dr. Kingsley preached in the evening. . A..T. Barnard, MA:, the final vear blind student in Queen's theological class, officiated in Chalmers church last evening, and was heard by a large congregation. He preached a very forcible sermon from 1 Timothy vi, 7: "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." ~ 'INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Small tedk is the generator of many big troubles, William Swain, piano tuber. Orders received at McAuley's. The more a man knows at twenty the Jess he is apt to know at sixty Seeing that pretty nearly everybody has had enough winter, we might well have spring now. The street railway sweeper was kept busy all morning cleaning the line, which had become locked as a re sult of Sunday's storm. A gang of mon were also engaged at the work. David Bick, © Barrie has hought from Dr. Coy, the house on the corner of Brock and Barrie streets, The purchase was made through J. S, R. McCann, real estate agent. A delegation of Kingston Masons goes to Gananoque on Tuesday night. Some fifty members from Clayton, N.Y., will also attend There will be a banquet later. The rifle team of the 14th Regiment and a baseball team, composed officers who were to have played the 13nd Regiment, Brockville, on Satur day, was postponed until next Satur- day. as Street, The firemen received a call on" Sun day afternoon to the frame house, on Sydenham street east, occupied by a family named Dachage. The chimney was on fire, but was extinguished without. assistance of the firemen, with little damage to the house. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy-- when used faithfully will reach chronic and difficult cases heretofore regarded as incurable by physicians and is the most reliable prescription known to clean out and completely remove every vestige of rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold by all dealers. There was an epidemic at of coughing he Grand, Saturday night, that interfered to a considerable extent, in the production of the. play. Several times during the evening the coughing was so loud that the lines of the play could not be followed intelligently Kingston was vi ¢ snow visited by a severe Sunday night. The snow drifted quite deep in some places and people coming from' church had a ost unpleasant walk. The blocked up the street railway, the cars were not abl storm on snow and > to run on time during the fore part of this morning, KEEP OUT OF THE WAY. The Doctrine of Common Sense He Said. : Rev. George Jackson, B.A pastor Sherbourne Street Methodist church, Toronto, preached @t the ry gular Sunday service i Convocation hall, at Queen's. Prinei pal Gordon presided. and inspite of of atterroon the stormy weather, there as a large attendance. Rev. Mr. [Wackson of the temptations. that bes t his disowning Christ he said, came straight 'r, and of lemptations, In our path; we did not sevk them. but they came to us. These temptations were of our own making. To keep out of harm, our must Keep out of harm's way. Peoplé would do things they knew that they shauld not do, and still they would pray to be mac holy. This was only a me It was quite true that good and re mockery, a man would say that he want "to see life. and not be, tied 0 "his mother's apron strings all the Tie, as it were. That was al very well, bt he must take heed. This was pot the gospel of cowardice but of common sense, Peter had never known his weakness. He had been pat to a tst. To be a faithful Christian, it. was not neccs. sary for dne to shout his religion, or whens away on a visit (o fill a suit ease with religious tracts for dis. tribution. The story of Peter and his denial of Christ Should be brought home fo 'evervone. Who among had the right to be Peter's judge ? us AT THE GRAND, "Thorns and Orange Blossoms. ' on Saturday. And Orange Blossoms," a the attraction at Saturday, - matinee and "Thurns Paul Anderson appeared n the rdle of Lord Randoloh Ryners, end that of Lady Violet Ryners was aken by Mane Dale, both giving a fair representation of r parts The upporting company was up to the ave or Rev. Father Merial, nephw of the street lighting appropriation will Archbishop Gauthier, anc pees " 3 or have to be increased by a thousand dunined to 'the priesthood, Was € | dollars. If the lights were put into Leeds lodge. J digest it easily. men--if sick, romdown and miserdble-- ® 2 IMPROVED LIGHTING OF THE STREETS IS TO BE DISCUSSED. By Two Civic Committees To-Day --The O'Kill and Queen Strect t Sewer; Extension Questions. The joint meeting of the lire and light and the light and power cam wiittecs, this afternoon, is for the pur- pose: of discussing the question of im- proved amd: increased strect lighting. At present there are 141 street lights, an increase of twenty-nine in the past two years. There are still' many dark corners that require to be lighted and if there is to be a reduction in the lighting rates this coming spring several more street lights .can be wrected and maintained width the same street lighting appropriation as now. However, if the city council decides to follow ont the advice of Mayor Mowat and have the street lights burn on moonlight as well as on other nights, operation on the scheduled mooniight nights when the moon is not actually shining, but hidden behind clouds, that would be sufficient, but there sees to be no proper system of or- dering the lights on when '"'dark moonlight nights" come. Those who have the authority to do so have generally to be reminded. of it. The system in that regard to be improved street lighting has certainly Sewer Extensions. board of « works thinks it has The found a solution of the O'Kill street sewer extension difficulty in City En ginety Beckwith's plan to lay the extension pipe through a concrete pier 150 feet 'long. The Jong delay has 'heen - on, account of the cost, the-ten- ders for laying the pipe under water having been so large that the amount of the by-law for the extension would be excesded-by from 21,200 to 81,500. I'he engineer's sew 'scheme would re sult in a big impro¥Yement to thwwest end of Macdonald Park. It looks ux though the board of works will havi to accept the pier method of laving the pipe, no matter if the cost is large. The (neen street sewer extension is another To avoid an act ion for dampges the city will have to see that the nuisance in that slip is abated. Tat from the gas works and lamps of grease from a pork hous: are the sources of trouble. The ordinary does not seem to bh doing any harm. The tar and grease on the surface of the water disfigurcs the difficulty, age vessels. and prevents pleasure yachts entering the slip to coal at Craw for 1's wharf. It is there that the claim-for damages lies-- The board: of works seems to be of the opinion that if the tar from the gas works, which empties into the slip from a separate pipe, was diverted, and the grease or dered to be kept out of the sewer, the remedy would be effected Something has to be done by the spring, else the damnge ease will be before the high court sittitig' here in May. » ; at once THAT HARBOR SHOAL- Will the Government Remove It ? Cost Will Be Large. Whether the marine department will deem it necessary to remove the large shoal from Kingston harbor is ga question, as the cost 'will be. very large. It is roughly estimated that it would cost at least. $150,000 to blast it out to a depth of twenty feet, The shoal is about S00 feet long. Although it wonld be well to have this shoal blown to Jericho, it cannot be said to be a me e to navigation. It is only in justice te Kingston harbor to fay so. There is a good ship ¢hannel outside the shoal, and if the big steamers would follow the. ranges, no trouble coold possibly befall them Thé channel is deep and wide, and any vessel that gets into trouble is to blame itself. However, if the marine department decides not to remove the shoal, it can do something for the harbor in the way of properly buoying it. Kingston harbor has never properly buoyed. There is no reason why it should not be, in view of {he very complete soundings that have been taken. Gas buoys should be geed £0 as to be of service at night. There has never been a gas buoy" in- this harbor, been Every man 'has a right to keep his opinion to himself Constant Backaches ® 1 Gure Quickly My remedy goes right fo the épot. moves the back ache 'Bearing conditions that make vour and_drag. ] down pains, backache and draggy limbs are all caused by Kidney trouble. ! My pills, commonly : known as Dr Hamilton's, make the kidneys do their work. In doing so, they cure back- ache Good Fidney action megns ure blood and freedom from the a that make fife unbearable, By using Dr Hamilton's Pi strength and weight get a chanee to catch up. You store up a surplus of vital pow- cr that simply defies further danger from kidney weakness. You feel brisk, enjoy vour food and Color comes to the cheeks, circulation improves with tone Every organ is strengthened, ifelud ing the nerves, thecatise there is sth vient nutriment in the blood 2 You can't imagine the enormous gain in health and spirits from Dy. Hamilton's Pills; you mus use them to know how great is their ™ p and rebuild persen run down through defective kidney or liver action. becaus blood new restore any Dr. Hamilton's guarantee goes with every box of his' Mandrake and But ternut Pills, The aged find the voung womens or health ' and vigor await veu im 2D. "Hamlet." Convocation hall," fo ~ night, 8 o'clock. Be: per Sold everywhere in yellow boxes. Hamilton's Pills: they mean new life box, or five boxes for 81. It gives quick results because it re- e ls your 4 > RHEUMATISM few bours. Positively cures in a few days, a ie Giarase ts sloop but. drives Som the system ~MUNY OR. SOMETHING NEW AND WORTH SEEING NEXT WEEK, COMMENCING TUESDAY F. GOURDIER free exhibition « and in- ¥ seen in + will he sed to ation as to where they different vurposes for used. gn the collee- mative and imported best markets nd are + both skins selefted in Everybody Welcome * W.F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 or French Cray «4 New * Brushed with Exquisite- in y Tinted Silk. shades, pets or Pierced vers to match en- loose e with Metal ( Any special or color shades. may-"i parately ed and are sold s SMITH BROS. & Jewelers aad Opticians 330 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 3 YEARS IN 'BED WITH RHEUMATISM! NOW WELL It is simply marvelous, the effect Bu-Ju has on Rheumatism. It not mere- ly relieves the pain but completely rids the system of the disease. Bu-Ju, THE GENTILE KIDNEY PILL, does this, be- cause it cures the kidneys. UXBRIDGE, ONT. ARE: 3 1904 "Was an invalid for 3 years with Inflamma. tory Riieumatism, and was bed fast until about 6 months ago. when a friend left me some Bu-Ju Pills. I was helpless as an infant. I con- tinued taking them, and now I am able to get out of bed, dress myself, and walic without crutches. JOHN McCOLLOUH "soc a large box, at vour druggist or by mail And money hack if fail to cure. The Claflin Chemical Co. Li d, Windsor, Ont. @0 A Good Time To Stock Your Linen Closet; We are having a big run on Linens Sheetings, etc at -present, and notwithstanding the heavy advances in these fines, year's prices so long as our stock holds out. This will not be long. however, as the demand on our supply 18 very great, Bleached Sheetings, all widths, Unkleached Sheetings, all widths. ; Pillow Cottons, plain or circular, all widths. and up. , Bleached Damask. 40c.. a yard and up. Pure Linen Towels, 25¢. a pair and up. In fact everything i this line at rock bottom pricks. Call and Seg ; NEWMAN & SHIW . ome ne bd gic we will * continue to sell at last Table Linen, 25c. a yard The wear that you r of shoes depends ve: purchase them of. If You Got ° Are Bound t If they are not, you | antee of service in e is NO RISK | J. H. Suth THE HOUSE ( "GENERAL' Mixes and K neads Bread Thoroughly In Three \§ Minutes McKELVEY & BIRCH, RLLLLLLLL0004008004 BUTT Delicious Candy MINT Extra Strong, "A. J. REES, ENGLTS . Canada Metal N OUR DRESS IS NOW You will find everythin, Dress Goods, Silks and Tr New Cream Materials, Serges, Voiles, Panana: hairs, in 'plain and fancy ; New Check Suitings, ? in plaids, checks and strip plaids. er Shepherd Checks, in all wide, and all at popular | New Prints, Lawns, Mu and Insertions, Laces, Fini Muslins. No Trouble to show g« THE JAMES | : 180 Well *.