Now On. F 'Call and feo the great values now bee Ing given in Suits, Overcouls and . Trouders. Suit lengths sold by the plecs. Guods ust go at once tu clear up stock, Alex. Waggoner, * 188 Wellington Street. gree BE DYSPEPTIC iw forefl yeapiovd servico will bo, eight hours, that time there will be two Thucad " ' h Jar: [ronty "by des a lunch hour, or eight or Stade on whan on hours 'in ndance. for seven hours work fmgroved presses. {45g twent, service. The pay % this improve- petty result." 1t is dor which telephone girls i grateful, and they got the aid of the government's PENSE, ing Director. Dailp Whi. it with. © aii oe Subject Livening Up. : i », "meeting has done good, It . Case Of Who's Who. | bas 'caused the ® ork to do some There is a disposition to be panicky serious thinking, and they have come on the question of feds! and pro- | 1o the conelusion that cheap power vincial authority. There certainly is | and light are the things most to be no sympathy with the action of any | desired, A eundidute for the ma- corporation: or merger which hies to yoralty some years ago said there Ottawa for incorporation under fe | was no reason why the city should oral Jaw and for the purpose of es- | not go ahead, and he cited the power caping any provincia! supervision or | issue' as the one that should riceive restriction, The minister of justice | first consideration, It was the sanest does not sce the occasion for so much remark that had been heard in many alarm becayse a purely provincial con- "a day. Tt was repeated by Hon. Mr. com cannot get dominion incorpora- ! Bock on Friday evening last, and he FELRUARY 22. APPOINTMENT MADE yy x +9 JAMES STEWART IS THE POSTMASTER. Has Resided in Kingston Since 186¢--Sketch of His Career-- He is Popular With All Classes of the Community, tion, and a company whose interests are interprovineial, should not be ter- rified by the threat of the local gov- ernment to cancel its provincial char er. The proper course will be to have a decided understanding as to the juris- diction of the provincial and federal governments so that there will be no clashing of authority. The 'drastic measure" of the Whitney government may be impracticable. The operation or enforcement of it, and to the ex- tént of nullifying what has been done under municipal or provincial agree- ments, the forfeiting of the rights and powers so acquired, would lead to all kinds of confusion, and cause a seri- ous financial upheaval. " The people of Ontario are very jeal- ous with regard to provincial rights, but there is a reasomable course for them to follow, and it does not in- volves legislative pyrotechnics, The Hendry bill may be passed by the loéal house, but it may not come law. The governor-general * has the veto power, but will not exercise To ISTO BE MISERABLE - Whitney In A Rage. The very hest evidence that he felt | sore was shown by the premier of iF § Ontario when Mr. Currie, of Princo: ward county, moved for a return of | all the correspondence in the Gillespie ease. Mr. Gillespie was the sheriff of Prince Fdward, and was removed without a hearing, without oA mel oe sme | ting ih a defence for which he craved. The World says Mr. Whitney handled the mover for this return without gloves. He eortainly showed that he was angry and excited, and the way ho scolded was a sight for the gods. | Mr. Currie's great offence was in re peating something which he had heard about the speaker on a former occa: sion, and as Mr. Whitney thought of | he fairly boiled over. | He glared at Mr. Currie, challenged him to repeat the story, and essayed to member for Prince Edward with the fury he displayed. And yet Mr, Whitney admitted all that Mr. Currie - had 'charged: He took affice with the declaration that the spoils system would not be adopt- od, that no official would be removed without cause, and J he did not keep his word, The premier, in his storm, said that the ox-sherill had given oi- fence, that he had acted in a partizan it now KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. Ty N. STOCKDALE, Pradont | F scare the "Phone, 680. ---- TT -- FALLING HAIR STOPPED. Baldness Cured By Destroying the | manner, end that two of the judges Parasitic Germ That Causes it had refused to allow him to escort Baldness follows falling nuir, falling them to the court house. : hair follows dundeufi; and dandeafl is With this evidence available there the result of a germ digging ite way | should have been hesitation ft Sh a0 fhe 9 Laing he shrill what be demand © saps the ality v i ta A Las iia hair. To destroy « that germ is to |2 Arial. Mr. Whitney endorses the dis prevent as well ws cure dandruff fa'l- | missal. He also endorses every other ng huis, and, pr Shans. 1 Hue dismissal that has been made, and so is anly, afb prepathiic ownido do |, imsel iticism that that. Newbro's Heriot, an entirely SXposes himsclt to a er : bas hitherto been tempered, but will new, scientific discovery. srover it has been tried it has proven wonder | be tempered no longer, and no onc will care about the bluster. no in fully suctessful. It can't be othe: be- | ven * the opportutity of put |. "got the public ear at once. The subject may not be fully under- | stood by some people. It is hardly to be expected that they could master it without deep study. Many a one got nearly all he knew about it in the address of Mr, Beck, and an hour's talk eould 'not reveal all that is known upon the yuestion. The point is that the city cannot ignore the 'power proposition. It is identified with a movement which concerns many municipalities, and it must Le alive to ite interests. The western © eitics dealt with the matter practically. They called . public meotings and in- vited an expression of opinion. One side has not a, 'monopoly of informn- | tibn. The subject becomes of greater importance when the experts oxchange views, and 'the hydraulic commission has a staff whose members perform | thoi duty best when they proceed to | give their | reasons for reaching cer- tain results, The people' who us electric power and light will' welcome any procedure | which will have the effect of develop- ing publie opinion: "lucidentally, it may be : remarked . that. New York state is as actively employed as On- tario in 'seeking: $0 utilize its water power, and an dNority hae this vo say: "Tn the pe@bess al distribution of electricity , generated by water power 'there ties o largest possible commercial for. the least pos- sible exp Mr. Whitney is very proud of his official dismissals, He'd better be care- ful. The bye-eleoti other dismissals on. The prison labod¥ eontract has net- the Taylor-8cott combination | 875,000 in a year. Why not when pris- on labour was sold at 3c. an hour. Mr. Taylor, M.P., did not like the Disputes' bill, and wanted to shelve it, and then admitted that he really" had not read it. What do you think of that ? The provincial secretary snufied out in a few words the proposal that the license commissioners should be paid fees or salaries. The spirit of graft is spreading. Mr. Studholme is given to under- stand that he cannot fix the hours of labour in an institution chartered by the dominion, provinclal vs. federal laws again, It is proposed to bonus temperance houses, or rather give the municipali- tes power to bonus them. Is it not possible to make a hotel pay without the bur? Is that the idea? -- Toronto is moving to try what a ju- venile court ean do in the correcting wise, hecanse it utterly destroys the dandruff germ. "You Heatgoy the cause, you remove the act." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in Advantage To The Girls. The Montreal Gazette regards the result in the telephone case as '"'pet- ty." The word is a misfit in this con- nection. The result is all that cen be stamps for sample to The Herpicido Co., Detroits Migh, Two sires, 50c. and 81." G, W. Mahood; special agent. Star Corners Items. and saving of erring boys. Judge Lind- say, of Denver, in his late visit to Canad, gave the civic administrators j@n inspiration that is having ite ef- fects. Some people approve of personali- are pointing to 5 Star Corners, . Feb, 19.~A. Hunter is suffesiag fram a severe attack of sciatica. ard MoConnell hes re. turned from Toronto, where he went to soe his brother who was sriously ill; but at last reports he was much --r a improved, Visitors: Mr. and Mis, | Killorn, Erinsville, at A. McConnell's; { Mrs. Vallance, Lima, N.Y. at her father's: W. D. Mace, Winni- os Hiss Sohnston, Napmuce. and and Miss - iladelphia, 1 : , were at their homes on Sunday. Will Be The Vocalist. k musement sing at its Kingston hall. pany expects lo open tp in a week. i cut a channel fcr: 0 = George Hammond, the colored bari: | tone, who sang, last smmmer; at Lake | Ontario Park, has' been retained by : A couipany, to The com- The first Enghish temperance ball built in Bradford, Sorkshire, in used for improving Alex< 0 0 desired." A' strike. was on. Tt followed | 11° in parliament. They think that "he decision to alter ahd lengths the t e emptying of slop pails in the house hours of service. The employees had no | ** justifiable under 'certain cireum- light on the subject, Any one could stances, The large majority, however, have got the information, as to what prefer the atmosphere of our legisla- the company's aim wae by fishing for | tive bulls to be as pure as possible. it. There certainly was no systematic | 0 ait (hat the losal ovement attempt to enlighten the girls and contemplates passing a law by which conciliate them, On the contrary, when jie will'get ' a share of the value of A Strike was talked ol the COMPANY 1 0604 will when sales of hotel proper- tushed the employees into: an accept: |.¢, ory made. The good will lies in the ance of Oho. of: Lwo things, ugreetieny license, and the government should to take the new conditions or resign. { have all that it is worth. Better the A crisis ensued. The business was der the new Disputes' Act. Its over tures were rejected, The enquiry sue ceeded by order of the eovernment, and the evidence has been more or led sweprising. The company has earned more than it ever knew, or The Hackney Society, of Great Brit- ain, is giving a medal for the best Hackney stallion shown at Brandon fair, in 1907. Very old people need from a third to hall gs much food as when in their prime. ; government than that the grafters | sition that looked to the passage of paralyzed. The bureau of labour of should have it. a provincial prohibition law. Even fered to mediante, a% it can do now un- : the prohibitionists in the chamber POSTMASTER JAMES STEWART. Many congratulations are being ex- tended to ex-Ald. James Stewart, who has been appointed postmaster of Kingston, to succeed the late Alex- ander Gunn, This morning, he was officially notified from Ottawa of his appointment. Mr. Stewart was the inenimous choice of the Kingston Re- form Association for the position, and when Hon. Mr, Harty carried the re- commendation to Ottawa, it didn't take Jong to have it ratified by the goeranfent, as Mr. Stewart was sat- isfuctory to the department as well as to all classes of the city of Kings- ton. The new postmaster assumes of- fice at a salary of $2,200. Mr. Stewart is of Scotch descent, the fifth son of the late Andrew Stew- art, and was Lorn at Rosebank Villa, Howick, Que., fifty-one years ago. In 18969 ho eame to Kingston, and finish- ed hig education in the old grammar school. He then entered the employ- ment 9 the late James H. Henderson, in the forwardirg business. His broth: er, the late William Stewart, was manager of the business after the death of Mr. Henderson, in 1872. Then Holcomb and Stewart formed a com- pany. In 1889, Mr. Stewart was ap- pointed agent of the Kingston and Montreal Forwarding company. § From 1805 to 1898, he . represented Syden- ham ward in the city council, but had to retire on account of his company sending its barges to Coteau Landing in connection with the Canada Atlan- tic railway. He continued as repre- sentative of the Kingston and Mont- real Forwarding company until a year ago, when it sold its barges and went out of business. Mr. Stewart is a member of St. John's lodge, A, F. & A. M., Court Frontenac, T.OF., and Cataraqui lodge, No. 10, L.O.O.F. He is a past president of. the Kingston Curling Club and of St. Andrew's Socicty. In religion, he is a Presbyterian, a mem- ber of Chalmers - church. In polities he has been a life-long liberal, and al- ways a strong worker for his party. Mr. Stewart popular with all classes, and his appointment as post master gives general satisfaction. As soon as he masters the work of his office. the citizens will look to him for an improved service here, and will not be disappointed. An open lobhy on Sunday is very desirable, and Mr Stewart will, no doubt, see that this is forthcoming. There are other im- provements that he can undertake, and gain the aporoval of both the citizens and the staff under him, SPIRIT OF THE PRESS It Does Indeed. Hamilton Herald. In the light of the revelations made before Commissioner Starr in Toron- to, yesterday, Mr. Whitney's promise that the administration of the license law would be removed from political influences looks means and faded. is Hunt In Limits. . | Toronte Star. The C.P.R. woli-hunting party has returned to Montreal with only three wolves, It seems that the country full of office wolves, but these are pro: tected by the game laws, and there fore, cannot be shot. Did Not Work. Ottawa Free Press On the ove of another hye-election in Ontario the conservatives have resur- rected the alleged Spanish river tim- : ber concession scandal which first had its airing in the Kingston bye-election. Tt will acain fail in its purpose as a | Yor catcher as it did in Kingston. To Whom Credit Belongs. London Advertiser. If the Ontario government to-day shows a million surplus on the year's oberations, it is owing to the discov- ery of Cobalt. To-day the wealth of Cobalt would Wave been unseratched if the present members of the Ontario government had had their way three or four years ago. Scoring The Prohibition'sts. Mantre ul Gdzette. The Nova Scotia legislative assem- bly by 26 to 6, voted down a propo- voted with the majority. In the Unit- ed States the political prohibitionist is usually ready to stand up and be counted for his cause, no matter how few stand with him, 'and deserves peor ple's respect. In Canada he is often a veneered partizan with a multitude of vould know without the sifting pro- cess whigh the commissign adopted. \day only, Mexicans, Floridas and | The med evidence 'wils edpecially | navals, R. H. Toye, King street. important. in that it ad the telo-f For that rundown condition: Dr, phose business t6 be exceadingly trying Uhown's secial .. iron. tonic pills, are Special cale of oranges for Satur excuses for making his alleged de- sires subservient to some party's in- texeats,, He vets little respect, hut he gets amore than. ia. his due. "Best's Short-Stop."" the most po- 8 t the hest, 95c, : the nervots, systom. The financial. Kir FP eancix and soe d was the ts showed that tho emolu- frst Jow culled to the British jar § Sh always and costs hat pular couch cure sold. Tt cures all 15. ¥ ee for It. Two The "change of life" is the most critical period of a woman's existence, the anxiety felt by women as it draws near is not without reason. Every woman who ne- v care of her th at this time invites i and pai disease pain. : When her system is in a condition, or plexy, or congestion of any organ, the tendency is at this period likely to be- come active--and with a host of nervous irritations, make life a burden. At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their des- ie ite work. sia uch warhing sym as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back- aches, dread of impending he carn, patpitation of the e jon of heart, sparks before the eyes, i ties, con- stipation, variable appetite, weakness, inquietude, , and dizziness are promptly hesded, BY. intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be ex: X Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound wan pre) to meet the needs of woman's em at this of her life. It invigorates an ens the female organism and builds up the weakened nervous system. For special advice regarding this im- portant od women are invited to write to Mm. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., and it will be furnished absolutely free of chi The present Mrs. Pinkham is the hter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink- ham, her assistant before her decease, and for twenty-five years since her advice has been frcty give to sick women. Read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Com- fond did for Mrs. Powless and Mrs. n: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "In my opinion there is no medicine made for women which can compare with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vi ble Compound, and you have no firmer friend in the Domi- nion than Iam. At the time of change of life I suffered until I was nearly crazy, and was not tit to live with. I was so irritable, irrational and nervous that I was a torment to m and others. I surely thought that I would lose my reason before I got through,' when fortunately an old friend MIDDLE LIF A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many Dread Diseases--Intelligent Women Prepare Relate Their Experiences. ing per.od oi shrbngth- | 2 or -- AMERICA EX-CHAMP WRESTLE says. -- " After my great wrestling r J. Mellor, of Staleybridge, at | Palace, England, for the In! ip, | was covercd and bruises. applied my fav and in a marvello time the abrasions and cuts we and | was fit and well again. time | had a picce of flesh a completely off my arm above | anticipated being unable to d with the arm for a lonz tn delight, however, Zem-Buk the wound in two days. In it was covered with new skin, days after there was no tn injury. | recommend Zém-Be bruises or skin injuries of an Yours truly, HUGH L For all Skin Injuries & | (LL I took it for five months and then of on until the critical od had dit restored me to ct health. to suffering women is to youg Vegeta mpound, and they will not be disap pointed." --Mrs. E. Powless, Deseronto, Ont. Another Woman's Case. Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "As I owe my splendid health to Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, 1 am very pleased to write and tell you my expsc rience with it. I am the mother of three children grown to womanhood, and have safely the change of life, and feel young and as strong as I did twenty s ago, and I know that this is all due to your woman's friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's \ table Compound. I used it before children 'were born, and it greatly un m-Buk Co., Te boxes for #2.5 --Mrs. James K. Mann, 808 Bathurst St Toronto, Canada. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetably Compound did for Mrs. Powless 1 Mrs. Mann, it will do for other women at this time of life. It has conquered pain, restored health, and prolonged life in cases that utterly recommended your Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound G2000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 baffled physicians. Succeeds Where Others Fail. 4 $ some Spring Suits. } We know what Young Men ; of all Young Dressers. We've the very newest and Young Men's Spring Suits The Young Men are somewhat stirred up ever our hand Well, It's True, They Are Certainly "It." it our business to have the proper thing. Our Suits have that swagger look, so dear to Brightest Ideas From the Best Makers * & ° ® »>rBIBBY'S «ww ° , * ° ® * : 4 ® . & ® > 3 designs in the latest mat of J » prices that appeal to all. : for the label, very Ask your deale The Minerva Mfg. Co, | Toronto, Ont. Cure yoursel at home for 3 cents a day ha If you want in Clothes, and we mak the heart 9000000050000 00009000090TPO0RIVVC9000000¢ Lien oo , alterations. \ UNDE £3 DRE 4 - i ¥ Mr. Young Man, just step in to see e new spring cut % Coats, just the right length, cut chesty and shapely at the § : EE y back, lapels wider and longer, Trousers loose, with the fullness § No physician will; @ where it belongs. p< Ne ro} 4 $ bills, whether the) SUITS, $10, $12, $12.50, $13, $15, $18 and $20. # Be : i 3 Having caught a sever We've Suits that are everything the Young Man wants. : a CE dey: ® affected thereby, I was ind ¢ seein nn vertisements $ Sl anes: to try a box ¢ Pills, and an plea ed to te! 1 | s taking only two boxes of th 5 3 entirely disappe ared, and he D Bibb Co : troubled since. ALFR . . * oe A ; Bu-Ju is guarantee : Kidneys well and strong. : think, after a fair tral, | oll not helpad you, return th will refund your money. soc. a large box. At dn on receipt of price. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL WINDSOR. OF »CLOCI We have a nice of reliable Clocks from our' special Wi Tubular, Chime, at to. our Alrm $1.25. Every clack bas our Kinnear & d' 100 Princess 8 We interd reb¥iflding and require the room to make Everything at Close Out Prices 2