We 8-80 Brock St. I HAVE ids of Seed and Grain. ARCAINS IN FURS ---- W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER Candelabras In Bright on French Gray Silver, and New Brushed Brass effects, with EXquisite- ly «Tinted Silk shades, in loose effects or with Pierced Metal Covers to match en- tire piece. Any special style or color shades. may be ordered and are sold separately. "SMITH BROS. - Jewelers and Opticians 340 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Notice. > all his old customers come back gain and as many new, 6 ones. A stock of Flour, Feed and all > you buy. J.A. McFarlane 25 BROCK STREET. 'RENOVATION SALE out my stock so that can Le rgnovated in the spr nd wade ready to receive an entire new now ordered, I have decided at cost all lines of Clothing, Boots, Furnishing, ete, A. LIEBERMAN 30-41 Princess St. Nhitewear Whitewear ben, A beautiful range to choose om and at popular prices. If you prefer to make up your yrments © at home, we have ihe ecessary materials in large quan~ ' Excellent values in White Cottons Cambrics Lawns Nainsooks . Linens. Embroideries aces, Insertions, etc, The swellest range of Allover id Flouncing Embroideries ever own fn Kingston. 16 ONE refi." want to clear out all manufactured goods. Call and See the Bargains Phone 700 BOUGHT THE FLOUR AND eed Store of Wm, Tait. I will be glad Get my prices After Your Snow Shoe Tramp You'll be ready for sup- per, won't you ? You will naturally be fatigued and will require something to stimulate and nourish you. A cup of "Hot Bovril" will refresh and invigorate you at once. For "Bovril" contains in the most con- centrated form all the vital nourishment of the finest beef, just what's required bo tone and build up your system. 10 Red Letter Days For Cash Buyers Commencing on THURSDAY, February 14th, We Hold a 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale. 20 per cent off all Silks, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laces, Ribbons, Velvets, Carpets dnd Curtains. 10 per cent off all Wash Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Cot- tons, Shirtings, Linens and Whitewear, All Millinery at 50 Per Cent Off. Customers have the choice of Discount or double Cash Coupons on all purchases. Come with the crowd to Crumley Bros. You. The wear that you receive during the life of a pair of shoes depends very greatly upon the dealer you purchase them of. If You Got Them Here, They Are Bound to Be Satisfactory If they are not, you know we make good our guar- antee of service in every case. NO RISK IN DEALING AT J. H. Sutherland & Bro. GOOD SHOEMAKING FOR SALE: ENGLISH PIG LEAD ; Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Toronto, Ont. New Goods to Hand Every Day Prices away 15¢., up to 35e. yard. c., 20c., up to 45¢.' yard. 300 Pieces Crum's English Prints, the best print made, spots, stripes, cheaks, pin dots and figures, warranted fast colors. New Dress Goods, Silks, Spot Muslins, Chambrays, Ginghams, broideries and Insertions, Val. laces, Corset Cover Embroidery, Persian Lawns, Finishing Braids and Beadings. » ~ Our White Wear Sale continues all this week, THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE A30 WELLINGTON STREET. Em- OPENED | IN MAY DEATH OF AN AN OLD LADY AT CHERRY VALLEY. The New County Constables-- How God Answered the Prayer of a Former Resident--Some Personal Notes. Picton, Feb. 16.--Work on the inter ior of the mew Carnegie hbrary is bee ing rapidly pushed forward and the present anticipation is that it will be completed early in May. Preparations will shortly be made to make the for mal opening an auspicious event. 1he minister of education, Dr. Pyne and other distinguished speakers will like: ly be invited to take part in the op- ening. On Thursday night there passed away, at the advanced age of eighty- one years, Mrs. Sarah Batton, a well known octogenarian of the county, at the home of her son-in-law, Burley Rosseau, in Cherry Valley, The de- ceased woman was the mother of Wil liam Batton, King street. Many changes were made this week by the sessions in the list of county constables, The following appoint- ments were made! Picton--H. N. Babbitt, Abram Huycke, J. G. Brown, William Hay- cock, F. W. Adams, Angus Brisbin, Thomag Kerr, D. C. Hart, A. Hyatt, W. A. Ringer, James Pic kering, TA. it W. D. Lane, G. S. Smith, A. Worlintmson, E. Belch. Hillier--W. ' Burns, William Bedell, South Marysburg--L. Hughes, North Marysburg--T. Slater, E. Gor- don, W. Rolston. Hallowell-R. Cross, J. Higgins, Paul Branscombe, Z. Burr. Athol--T. J. Edmond, J. Moore, R. Lowery. Sophiasburg--Stephen Noxon, 4 Lansing, G. Barrager, C. F. Black, Clement, E. Varskiver, A. Uraw- ford, William Varskiver, Salvan, G. Farrell, E. Richardson. The town is being visited by Ed win L. Eggleston an old-time resident, whose character is sufficiently out of the ordinary as to attract unusual attention. Recently a letter from Belleville, N.Y., written by him, re- ceived publication and of special note was the following extract: "For fifteen vears had not heard from my son Sammy.On the 12th of January, 1 commenced to fast and fasted until the 14th. On the night of the 14th, 1 lay on my bed all night and prayed God ii my boy was alive, in prison, or before ten o'clock next day, Sammy drove from Adams and found me. mine many times." ed g grocery in Picton: he is a United company "E" an open air service of praver, a trip to Oil City, Pa. David Sex Toronto. Rev, W. L. ies day. GANANOQUE NEWS. feated By High School. team from the Crescents and Invinci to 4. John Fairlie, accountant on the staff marching orders during the past few days calling on him to report for duty in Ottawa in an advanced position. Un Thursday evening a farewell supper' was Fred. J. Skinner acted as toastiLas his many friends, presented Mr. Fair slight mark of esteem and good-will Mrs. J. E. O'Neill and daughter, weeks with her mother, Mrs, CC. Tay on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J wi Stone street, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. CC. A, They-are Lio Pills Ayer' s Pills je Rye liver pills. ly on the liver, more Liv An . This is why they care coo- Ask rea To XLS Pi. We not. If lie docs, then use years I had not seen and for two wherever he was to let me know, and have long known for myseli that God does answer, the fervent and sincere prayers of his people. He answered r. Eggleston many years conduet- States veteran, having been with 10th N.Y. Artillery from 1842 to 1945. During his stay in town he has made himéelf wonderfully conspicuous by drivine up and down What You Get iii mmm i Out of Liie Depends Upon i simi oe after a trip to Peterboro. The Picton Junior 0. H. A. team will play the scnior hockeyists in Trenton on Tues. J. de C, Hephyrn left. this week on smith. Edmonton is spending a couple of months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. G. Sexsmith. Rev, William A Brockville Hockey Team De- Gananoque, Feb, 18.--At the Maple Leaf rink Saturday evening a picked bles, of Brockville, tried conclusions with the Gananoque high school team in a wel-contested exhibition game ol hockey. The attendance as usual was large. The game was keenly contested throughout and resulted in the high echool winning by a score of 7 goals of the Merchants' bank here, received tendered to him by a number of his local friends at the Provincial hotel. ter and W. S. Sampson, on behali of lie with 4 handsome signet ring asa Miss Bessie, of Stone street, who have been spending several weeks past with friends (n Napanee, have returned home, Mrs. Stewart Dyer, of Shannonville, is with relatives and friends in town. Miss Lillian E. Hogan, corner Brock and Stone streets, spent several days during the past week with relatives at Tilley. Mrs. Lorne Webster, of Ques bee, who has been spending a few lor, Church street, left for her home son, of Deseronto, spent Sunday in town, the guests of Mre. Wilson's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Meggs, Mrs. S. E. Dawson, of Ottawa, ia Lewis, Church street. J. V.. Man- ning, of Toronto, is spending a Yew days in town with his daughter Mrs R. D. Keefe, Church street. Miss Janet Crouch, teacher in charge of the school at Ivy Lea, spent Saturday and Sun- Turn You fae : lute Dollars. | Many a Man das I Failed Because His Face Was a Picture of Calamity. It takes sunshine to produce 4 rose, a perfect rose. And so man, to be shee life which has it not, which has no health and no ol is sour, sur: ly, pessimistic, a failure. The world already has Loo many vinegar faces that breathe ill-will and stnfe. The world wants joy, comfort, sun shine, and will cling to the man who has it, who radiates gladness aud triuniph wherever he is and under aul circumstances. Some people have a genius for seek the bad and the ugly. These are the destroyers; they travel in schools they herd together for they love their kind, and the cheerful part of th world will have mothing to do with them. And why is it that <0 many peddle disaster knowing at the same time that if they do, their lives will he ruined ? Some people cannot help it, for pessimism usually comes from bod ily disorders, and this cannot always be prevented. The stomach, for in stance, is the most common cause of discontent, sour face recklessness, dis gust and lack of ambition A bad stomach--there ig the secret of many a failure. Anyone can have a good stomach, a strong stomach, 5 stom ach that ean take care of anything and everything that is put into it. no matter whether it is o very had stom ach now or mot. Then why not have it? Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do thie very thing. One ingredient of these lit tle tablets digests 3.000 grains of food, and no matter how bad is vour dys pensin or indigestion, these tablets will digest everything in vour stom ach, thoroughly and completely, and hotter and quicker than a healthy stomach can do the same thing Stuart's Dysnepsin Tablets will eure tion. burning Sensations, nausea, indigestion in their very worst forms No other little tablets in the world the world does, vou will think hapui be one of sapreme contentment, That auecese. Your face will bring von dal Tars. Trv it. Tt will cost vou in® 50 for a pockase of these wonde Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, at any drue store on earth Marshall, Mich. WHAT CAUSES DANDRUFF. Germ. pean al the vitality of the hair at the root HOTEL sublic: day William Crouch, Tanner street. ter, Mrs. McRea, has returned home. + Ask Grant Of $10,000. phone. The wh teribwd. Anthony Comstock Ill. also with pneumonia. ee aie" mimscioy ite. CONDENSED ADVERTISING OR SOONER, MEDIUM. ouse, Centrally looa cessful, must have Shpehine inside. The § stating rent, to Box 66, office. word. Minimum charge for orce | KY ia Positions open protected tersitory ; lines or under a Nak, Pe k Kove. 4 lines or under a month, ddress Box 288, Hamilton, Ont. JHELP WANTED-MALE, A GOLD WATCH, BETWEEN RIDEAU St. and Covered Rink, Thursday evening, suitably rewarded by leaving at this Office. ing out the disagreeable, the crooked, | TTT Best hand Sprayer made, automatic. Owner can receive same hy calling at with some experience 79 Clergy St. West and payiog Business worth $1,000 T_T -------- ---------------- SPRING SUITS TO MAKE: GENTLE- men, bring your own cloth and at . cheap up ra dats suit Sui wuaranteed. Presi repairing dos he Tailor, ET Brock street. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- , Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. Anchor in. Ahn TROT r Trade in 8 weeks, chant's Dank Building, and Wellington streets. ' WM. NEWLANDS, Mot College Meter Harber College, ce, second floor over Mahood's Drug HELP WANTED--FEMALE. EDUCATIONAL. 180 on street I------------ Saturday evening, 7 A GOOD COMMON SENSE COOK FOR Apply Hox 472 Belleville. PIANO TUNING. anickly loss of appetite. brash, irrvita- washing or ironing. 3 Fo 248 Alfred street. heartburn. eruetations, loss of vim and spirit, bad memory, and dvspepsia and , all work thoroughly hous Ne. VETERINARY. can do so much. Yon should carry Stuart's Dvspepsia Tablets around with von wherever vou go and take them after meals, Then only will you moved to his brick block, on DR. MeCARTHY; OFFICE LATELY occupied Br. B yan, promptly attended to. Recunss, | 51 rok Brod Tre EDISION TRIU MER, Bl PHOROGRAPH ; it in eity Thos. MoGiuties, 381 Division street. FOR SALE. will potions. Tymh A BLE, CAROM, NEW foot cushioh space. yo through Whig office. INOYCLOPEDIA, NEW volumes, at a discount, for spacial reason. Apply through Whig FRAME HOUSE, IN WEST END, 7 , wood cellar, shed and stable, Large lot $950. Apply Box "A, CG, pow 00, ARIADNE, OWNED BY Eves, 10 Market St,, Kingston. Any one wishing to purchase, apply to above address. FURNITURE, NEARLY new, will be sold at 50 cents on the For particulars, apply to Mos Cann, 31 Brock street. HEIFERS, TEN HEADS, two and three years old comine. in , ond some pure hreds, Apply to Fred, 8, Ferguson, Inver -------------------------- 7-ROOMS, goon out and 8 acres garden June, in hgh state of cultivation, within Umit of city. , For particulars, apply to 244 Victoria street, HOTEL, SHARBOT LAKE, furnished, good stabling aud accommodation. Well-known popular sumaner resort, good all-round trade, Apply owner, M. Doyle. TTT. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON building and contents than why other amine them at y offers. Sequin} s Insurance Emporium, Marks LONDON AND GLOBE Insurance A OW Aratintle the Stockhoidsrs; Form and Hs ath Da Before Tenew @ old or elvine new business get ru Strange Strange, Arents, realize what it is to eniov a meal, and what perfect digestion means. Your whole body and vour mind will foel the effects; your vim will increase, van will be more satisfied with what MARKS' BROS'. were net given their liber: There was a very the closing engagement rot the Marks' at The Grand Opera House, or and be happier and vour face will will brine yon sueeess and then more Acgording to their own stories, boys have been rambling around cause of laughter and pleasure, ( much amusement his father and mother are both dead. Send ne vour name and address to i dev and we will at onee send von by mail a famnle rackaon free, Addeace ™ A Steams Co. 51 Stuart Bldg. was killed in a railway accident ' Shilling also stated that his ir y a The illustrated song! and pic fut 'on another oo« parents wore dead, v denied thi statemont scored a success during the little about the lads as drawing for the 85 in gold took place Createst Furopean Authority on , 25 Upper William street Skin Diseases, Says It's a f 3 It ix stated that the : 3 from this institu The old idea that dandrufi is scales of skin thrown off, through a feverish condition. of the sealp 1s exploded Prof. Unna, Hamburg, Germany, Furo "Sleeping Beauty And Beast.' + taken on the staff hority on skin diseases, says dandrufl is a germ disease. The germ burrows under the scalp, throwing up i + arraigned before httle scales of cuticle, and sapping v, and it is probable + 10 ascertain some greatest of its charactor has exceeded all "Thorns And Orange Blossoms "A FINE CARNIVAL. Ihe only hair preparation that kills dandruff germs is Newbro's Herpicide "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Not only cures dandrufi, but stops falling hair and permits a lux uriant growth Delightful hair adress ing. Sold by leading druggists, Send 10¢c. in stamps for sample to The Her pivide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and £1 Gi. W. Mahood, speci Was a Fine Event at Napanee on and in point of scene has taken place Nopunee for many years was held Inst, BRITISH - AMERICAN eo novel and well represented, and made a gay and KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and YOUTHFUL VAGRANTS. Is now open to the travelling band played their choicest pieces usual gprictness which prevails around the police Khaver, won the special prize of Dolly Ww TELF ER Proprietor A French ( ale r, king on the Yo n town with ' her mother, Mrs. , in Nin good natural way Miss Jean Drummond, of Perth, who ha® been the guest of Mrs. Wiliam Bulloch. First street, for the past two weeks, has returned home. Mr. and Mis. Edgar Pascoe, of Oshawa, spent the past few days with friends and relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Louch, Charles street, the past few days with friends and relatives at St. Max's and London, has, returned home," Mrs, George Cowan, Maple sureet, spending the past wee k in Yrockville at the bedside of her dangh funeral of hn late Mrs, , who died in Wallace, a x ago, took terday afternoon, from "We have no place to go, of her daughter, Mrs. P. Gleeson, Enst and sit is very cold out," The lads registered as rane, aged thirteen, 3 , both of Montreal. Nesbitt recognized them as the two lads who had been given shelter at the Station a week or so ago, and as complaints had been ber of friends of In paned were in at- tendanes to pay their last tribute of ie, accompanied the The deceased lady wos high- The remains were friends in Napanee. i Roman Catholic ceme- is nothing wi } ensure a quick and satisfactory recovery as Peychine. Do not fail to get a bottle from your druggist, and protect yoursell against its attack, It is better far than a lifer insurance lodged against them. ET ---- THE $30 PRIZE. The Orange Meat Company, King: ston, Canada, are offering a prize of $30.00 to the person sending in the largest number of coupons taken from their 15¢ packages of ORANGE MEAT. This prize is in addition to the valuable articles they give as premiums for last William Thomas, » of the oldest and pected residents of Napanee, dies after but a short illness, Toronto, Feb. 180A deputation f prominent Brantford citizene, headed bw W. F. Cockshutt, M.P., waited on Premier Whitney, asking for a grant of £10,000 to help erect 4 'monument to perpetunte the memory of Alexander waham Bell, the inventor of the tele three ehikiren are left to mourn. project will cost $40,000, "The 1 k 'took alacs vester oo of which 89,300 has already been sub he funera place yesterday be mailed in different firing January, February The contest closes March soth, or and prize will be awarded New York. Feh, 18. --~Anthony Com- stock, of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, is serionsly ill with grippe at Sommit; N.J. It is feared that the attack may develop into pneumonia. His wife is danger ously ill from pneumonia, and is said to be near death. Her sister, Miss Hamilton, is ill in an adjoining room Parties using the Orange Meat which auy coupon sand who wish to enter the contest for the $30.00 prize, will be allowed to send in the boston of carton instead of cou tom part of carton, which -- have their private number stamped on it, will be counted as equal to Bottom of jing ey ho un . hatpin, How- Miller, twenty years old, died days ago he was sitting beside a wor on an electric car, turned her head as he en to have his head leaned toward her, and | chitis, eatarrh, chills, night sweals, wasting diseases, and consumption. At her hatpin accidentally scratched him behind Jef all druggists, 50. and 81. per bottle lar Dr. T. A. Slocum, limited, 179; Kis SY mee 1 or when the visind began to swell . minister of 2 The The Paragraph Pulpit REV. O. W. GABBON, OTTAWA ---- Dr. Symonds On Evolution. Dr. Symonds, viear of Christ church cathedral, Montreal, said in To- ronto a week ago : "There was & time when men thought the world Was created once and for nll, Now all is To-day no intdligent pero, with. even a smattering of scieneifie hnodcdige, believes or can believe that, that the creative fore is ou about us, crealing a re-chenting us, The whole trend of moaern scientific thought favors the idea of evolution in religion. Any con- coption of theology as something fixed and unchangeable is contrary to all , and finds wo support ia Christ's teaching." As a Unitarian 1 "Amen." Address Mr. Casson for free litera. re, ORDERED FOOTWEAR If you have any Foot Troubles, bring them to A.E HEROD 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Thousands of Grippe Victims Many Apparently Light Cases Terminating Fatally. epidemic of La Grippe that is ranging at present seems to be of a type, that renders it even more dangerous than usual, While / cases have not the very severe that often accompany it, of these appurently light cases wn only develop into penumonia failure, and fatal collapse. New York has 200,000 cases and Chi- , in which these charac teristics have been very marked, Out 10,000 or 15,000 cases been an unusually large » of deaths, The sume can the epidemic throughout Canada, which is very general. 1t is a wise course to gmard against taking is treacherous disease by building constitutions with Psychine, which is untjuestionably the hest pro- ventive on the market. If you are al- Fe of the disease, there break it up =o ppiiekly the sample bottle of Psy- chine you sent me, and find it helped 8 Yory much. My chest is much bets My wifo took the grippe when she was in Ottawa. She got a large bot: tle, and after using it hall fow days she waa guite wir § ka col and oo yeing it, and In etbing all id Jd think it one of the best mies on the market to-day." "R. N. DAFOE, "Northfield Farm, Que." Paychine (pronounced Si-keen) is an unfailing cure for coughs, colds, bron. a