BARGAINS IN FURS We want to clear out all manufactured goods. Call and See the Bargains W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Candelabras In Bright or French Gray Silver, and New Brushed Brass effects, with EXquisite- ly Tinted Silk shades, in loose effects or with Pierced Metal Covers to match en- tire piece. . oh a) Any special style or color shades. may be ordered and are sold separately. SMITH BROS. Jowelers and | pticians 350 King Strést Issuers of Marriage as being part of his body, and shar: ing the life of his blood, the doctor aflirmed the tremendous truth; that our whole being, including the body, par- took of the pure eternal stream of Christ's life incessantly, and | should and could be kept free disease. kept as from all taint he was bei of physical Ae It's the highest standard of quality, it's a natural tonic, cleanses and tones your system, reddens the cheeks, brightens the eves. gives flavor to all vou eat: Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea docs. Mahood's drug store. ry : Ssetacsetestuasactas) Near Elegance season. It Will ee the Range Waist Special To- ht end Monday med with Lace, has embroider- nd is tucked, a nice full sleeve sizes, 34 to 40. AP AT $2. EACH. Price $1.50 Each. £1.25 each. styles and roidery collar and cuffs, variety of New York each. 8 of Whitewear FEE ERR RRR PSS EERE RSS ER SER eR Ree cach. fine quality cotton, coidery, Boe. sleeves mand d with wide rows of lace and inser "hildren. | Brown or Mother Hubbard styles, RIPE ET RRP BERRY SODCUOUR ousers, 50c, - fast color gingham, 50c. - are beauties. See them early. DAY \t Day e extra good snaps in Linens, Flannel: Goods, Etc. & Shaw PREPS ERE Er -- ---------- Charcoal Stops Gas On Your Stomach Wounderiul Absorbing Power. of Charcoal When = Taken in the Jorm of Stuart's Char. coal Lozenges. i Trial Package Sent Free. Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, sorbs 100 times its own volume of gas. Where deos the gas go to? It is just absorbed by the charconl--the gas disappears and there is left a pure, fresh, sweet atmosphere, free from all impurities and germs, That's what happens in your stom- ach when you take one or two of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, the most Jowarfal purifiers science has yet dis- ab- re belch gas in company, some- times, by accident, greatly to your own humiliation. That is because there is a greatgamount of gas being formed Your stomach by ferment- ing food. Your stomach is not digest- ing your food properly. Gas is in- evitable. Whenever this happens, just take one or two of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges right after cating, and you will be pleased how quickly they will act. No more belchings; no more sour risings. Eat all you waht and what you want, and then if there is any gas going to be formed, one of these won- derful little absorbe rs, a Stuart Char- Soul Lozenge, will take care of all the al it will do more than that. Ev- erv particle of impurity in your stom- ach and intestines is going to be car- ried away by the charcoal. No seems to know why it does this, it does, and does it wonderfully. You notice the difference in your appe- tite, general good feeling, and in the purity of vour blood, right away. You'll have no more bad taste in your mouth or bad breath, either from drinking, eating or smoking. Other people will notice your bad breath quicker than you will yourself. Make your breath pure, fresh and sweet, so when you talk to others you won't disgust them. Just one or two Stu- tart Charcoal Lozenges will make vour breath sweet, and make you feel bet- ter all over for it. You can eat all the anions and odorous foods vou want, and no one can tell the differ- ence, Besides, charcoal is the best laxative known. 'You can take a whole boxful and no harm will result. It is a won- derfully easy regulator. And then, too, it filters your blood --avery particle of poison or impurity in your blood is destroyed, and you begin to notice the difference in your face first thing--your clear complex- ion. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges from pure willow charcoal, one but are made and just a little honey .is put in to make them palatable, but not too sweet. They will work wonders in your stomach, and make vou feel fine and fresh. Your blood and breath will be purified. We want to prove all this to vou, so just send for a free sample to-day. Then after you get it and use it, you will like them so well that you will go to vour druggist and get a 25c. box of these Stuart's Charcoal Lozen- es. Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you by Address, 54 Stuart Building, mail a sample package free. ¥ A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The present occupant of the Wash- ington plantation, in Westmoreland county, Va., is named George Wash- ington. Trestsscescscenesseese £Gold in the Guwilight} FIIINIIIIISI SITIO Mrs. J. 0. Hutton, University av- nue, gave a St, Valentine' s party, on Thursday, for her little daughter, Jes- sie, and. it was a dear de light to the twenty-five little girls present. Tea was the first item, the children all sitting about a large table, whereon were reminders of saint in every form. a cut gluss bowl in the middle, and from it rose a vase, also holding tulips. Bands of rod ribbon were laid on the cloth, and smilax, too, lace, over red, was the table centre, and the table napkins were gay with hearts. The walls, pictures, and every avail- able spot, were garlanded with Teen and with red hearts, and a ont the day and the Red tulips filled Hunt" was one of the games. Prizes were given for this, and also for the musical vhair dance, which were among the games played. Mrs. Hut- ton was assisted by Mrs. J. M. Boyd, Mrs. E. R. Beckwith, Miss Kate Gar- diner, Miss Mary Fer and Miss Olive Boyd. The first prize for the heart hunt went to Miss Isabel Hughes, and for the whusical chairs to Miss ireita Goodearle. - - - On Tues 7, Mrs. William H. Stev- enson, Di on street, gave the first of a series of small teas, and if the others prove as pleasant as the énitial one her friends who will come in for them have something very enjoyable to look forward to. On Tuesday Mrs. Stevenson assisted by Mrs. Nathan Dup wd Miss Evelyn Craw- ford. Her decorations were "pink ecar- nations and tulips, amd refreshments were served to the sixteen guests, at quartette tables. . .« Ce Mrs. enue, James Jolmston, University av- asked some of the of Mrs. Charles Martin, of Dorchester, N.B,, to come to tea, on Thursday, and meet her, and have a chat over old times. 'The tea hour was very pleasant with reminisconces, Mrs. E. J. lake and Miss Lake helped Mrs Johnston, in the tea room; and littl Miss Bertha White showed guests to the dressing-room. CI . There was a quiet and most pleasant little tea, with just a round dozen of guests, at Mrs. William Gill's, Uni- versity avenue, on Wednesday. Miss M. Spankje helped her sister, and the refreshments, served at quartette ta bles, were of the daintiest orde > nations and maidenhair fern me tables very pretty. . ee » Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Princess street, will give a young people's dance to wight. ei ee have been several little teas, this week, with two or perhaps three or four guests, but aii too small to mention particularly. There el Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harding enter- tained about forty of their young friends at their home on Rideau street on St. Valentines night. The | LH6r was beautifully decorated with red and white carnations, entwined with smilax, the arches being festooned with hearts, making the rooms look very cherry and bright. Dancing and cards were the features of the even music furnished bv Mec excellent orchestra. About o'elock valentine covers were laid on quartette tables, and a dainty ing being fain eloven ngs Cures Bronchitis and Catarrh Without Drugs ! Mother Nature Supplies Splendid Cure for Winter Ills. In such countries as Norway and Switzerland it is a significant fact the people are extremely healthy. Cold and eatarrh are quite unknown and this is largely attributed to the high medicinal qualities of the from the pines and balsam trees so abundantly fills the air. Even in Canada the dweller of the odor that pine woods is free from consumption and other wasting diseases, so it fol lows that the virtues of these trees if combined in essence and balsams would make a cure for. the throat and lunirs beyond compare. Years of scientific research resulted in the successful concentration of th vegetable essences in a form known as "Catarrhozons," which is now acknow Iedged' by doctors ms the bne true spe- a -- -- ---- cific for catarrhal, lung and bronchial diseases. In Catarrhozone is that great anti septic faand 'in the Blue Gum Tree of Australia, which fortified with other soothing balsams, has made a remedy 8 that destroys every trace of cold, ca tarth or throat trouble. ('atarrhozone is inhaled through a special + inhaler, and is enabled to reach every cell and passage of the breathing organs. The sore and irritated bronchial tubes are healed Phlegm in the throat is cleared away. The nostrils are freed of accumula easy So that even atarrhozone, and that no tions and breathing made delichtful and simple a child will take ( co certain to prevent and cure home should be without it Complete outfit for two months' use costs R1: small (trial) size 25c., at all dealers, or N. C. Polson & Co., Hartiord, -Coun., U.S.A. and Kinzston, Ont to use Si. FOR SALE: ENGLISH Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Toronto, Ont. 4 SPECIAL FOR TO-NIGHT PIG LEAD White Underskirts, made of thirteen inch flouhce, trimmed with six rows of Val. Insertion and frill edged, Ww: lengths, $2 value, Embroidered Wal Wash Belts, the kind TO-NIGHT, each 19c. Dresden Ribbons, able for belts, ly sold for 35¢. yard, S Underwear Bargains, \ 25 11 pi 10 pieces, Wool and Health Brand Vest and Drawers,' for for 30¢. 75c., for 55c. $1, THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 WELLINGTON; hi neck or h ribbons, 5 to 7 inc Pec fine Lonsdale Cambric, has ide, 39, 40, 41 and 42 dozen ay 25c. for later, all silk Dresden Rjbbons Suit- TO-NIGHT, yard 19¢ Ribbed Undepsear, Natural for . 50c., 59¢c. the g DAILY | supper was served, partners og chosen for supper with valentines. Mr. and Mrs. Harding, as- sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Cowles, waited on tables. After refroshments dancing was again resumed until the early hour of two in the morning, when the young people separated for their dif- ferent homes, voting Mr. and Mrs. Harding the jollic st, of entertainers. Miss Lois Sounders. King street, was hostess nt a luncheon party, fol- lowed by a bridge 'at the Country Club, on Friday. There were fourteen present. . - - - Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, asked a few girls to come in, on Mon day, to meet Miss Gertrude Conuolly, of Yarker, and have a game of bridge and a cup of tea. - - Miss Lettice and Miss Constance Tandy, Johnson street, are home from Montreal. Miss Laurmy Hopkirk, of Toronto, has been spending a few days, this week, with Mrs. George Mucdonnell, University avenue, on her way down to Lennoxville, Que. Mrs. John A. Gardiner, University avenue, has a houseful of friends with her--Mrs. "E. H. Rose and Mrs. D. Rose, of Tamworth, and Miss Ella Chant, o Newburgh, Mrs. A. G. McKinnon, who has been having such a pleasant visit with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner, University avenue, ®ill Toate for her home, in Oak Lake, Manitoba, on Tuesday. Mrs. Edward Mclean Ely intends leaving, the end of next week, for Willow City, North Dakota. Miss Winnifred Seale, who has been visiting Mrs. Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, intended returning to Montreal to-day. The Hon. Adam Beck has been the guest of Dr.vand Mrs. Edward Ryan, at "Rockwood House," during his stay here. Last night his hostess en tertained at dinner for him, among the guests being Mr. James Minnes and Mr. J. 8S. Turner. * * os Mrs. 'G. W. G. Grout, has gone to Oftawa. Mrs. Carlyle Porteous, of is the guest of Mrs. George Porteous, Alfred street, Mrs, Foster, Mrs. Car: Iyle Porteous' mother, spent. a few days here on her way from Montreal to Toronto. Mr. Norman and Mr. Gordon Gunn are in town, and are visiting their aunt, Mrs. George Porteous, Alfred street. Miss Jean Malloch, visiting Mrs. James street, will leave, on Brockville, to: visit her Revnolds., Mr. Francis has gone up to ton Mr. and Brock street, Montreal, who has been Lesslie, William Thursday, for aunt, Mrs R.M.C Hamil Malloch, of the Toronto and Mrs A. de B. Tremayne, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs J. C. C. Almon, Barrie street, will leave, to-morrow, for Montreal, where Mrs. Tremayne will pay a,visit; Mr. Tremayne going on to Halifax ¥ - - - - Mrs. Valentine Schuyler, of New | ork, is the guest of her father, Mr. Justice Britton, in Torento. Mrs. Joseph Walkem, Union street, will go down on Monday, to Brock- ville, to pay Mrs. Ogilvie Dobbs, a visit Miss Gwendolyn Hall, who has heen staying with Mrs. Francis Rogers, Gore street, left, on 'Thursday, for Peterhoro. Miss R. Penfold, and Miss Macken zie, of Richmond, Que., are the ouests of Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Fronte nac street. Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. T. G Smith, Queen street, received word of the death of her father, Mr. Thomas A Rankine, St. John. N.B. Mrs Smith leaves tonight for St. John Much sympathy will be given her in her bereavement Miss Flora Smith, Queen street, went to Ottawa, on Thursday, to vis it Mrs. Code. - . . * Mr. George Ransom who spent a years ago, is his brother, winter in town, some here at present to see derick Ransom. Mr. Knicht of Collingwend. who has heen in the down-towh hranch of the Bank of Montreal here, has been ordered to St. Mary's. Miss Mahelle Day. University avenue returned home on Saturday. after snending, a very pleasant month in Monnt Forest and Walkerton Mr. Frederick Hammond. Toronto has been spending Jaraes MoParinnd, Thursday, Mrs from New and an ex-cadet. few davs with Mrs Emily street. Next McParland expects a visitor York, Miss Whitton Miss Gertrnde and Miss Kathleen McParland. Emily street, whe have been paving Toronto a short visit have returned to town . 0 9m Miss Jessie Polson has postponed her going away, and may be with her reople. on University avenue, for a fo~tnight longer Mre. W. A. Mac of Toronto. who has snent the last six w & with her danshter. Mrs. W. 8S. McTavish. Queen street, to-day returned to Toronto, . Y The engacement is announced of Mise Hattie Bancroft. nf Newington to Mr. F. Brooks Hill. manacer of the Sterling Bank, Aultsville, Ont davchter of th Brantford, Ont., Are you "up to the Mark" ? Are Stomach, Liver and Bowels in the best possible condition for winter? Surely you know what will make those vital organs healthily active--and build .. up the whole 'system. It is the "Salt of Salts "-- Abbeys er: Salt Miss Nina Orchard, Orchard, late R. M vescznt 25¢. 22d 60c. ,,, At Druggists. 'BOVRIL Will build You up A run down condi- tion of the system is due to improper nour- ishment. What you need is a food, not a tonic. Beef is the most nourishing food these is and therefore the best for building up a run down condition. But the difficulty with beef is that many people fine it hard to digest. BOVRIL contains all the nourishing properties of- beef in a: highly concentrated form, easily assimilated by the most delicate stomach. BOSTON'S TIONS Board of Health Orders Steriliza- tion of All That Barbers Use on Customers. A special despatch from Boston, May 5th, 1900, to the New York Sun, gives new regulations of the Boston Board of Health as to barber shops : "Mugs, shaving brushes and razors shall be sturilized after each sepurate use there of. A separate, clean towel shall. te used for each person. Material to stop the flow of blood shall be used only in powdered form, | applied on a towel. Powder puffs are prohibited." Wherever Newbro's *"Herpicide' is used i » for fact cutting or sealp after shaving or hair there js nfee no danger tion, as it is Bntis p and kills the dandruff germ. Sold by leading drug pists, Send 10c in stamps for sam ple to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two size, bic. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent COMING! Prolif Dorenwe Toronte RANDOLPH Ov on Thursday, Feb. 28th rated HAIR GOODS STYLES will be at SY Ladie's Wigs, Switches, Pompadour otc Call and how quickly and easily he can trapsform your appeatance Hy o of his styl iV. grate and younger Apbearance are obixined GENTLEMEN /WHO ARE BALD should sce 1 TOUPEES and WIGS Perfectly 1 appearance. gi expression 40 «the face ) Securely fastened : over 75.000 in THE DORENWEND SCO... Toronto, 3 and 105 Yonge "St i Free. Come "Barly to Mr Harry Fowler, Toronto, the marriage to take place carly in March. Miss Libbie De C. Laurie, daughter of the late John Laurie, Fsq., and Mrs. Laurie, of Montreal: now of Ot tawa, to Mr. Andrew L. Ogilvie, of the Transcontinental railway commis sion, ¢ Miss Annie L. H, Hasington, young- est daughter of Rev. Canon Hanin ton, rector of St. Bartholomew's church, New Edinburgh; to Mr. W. | Wilton Moore, son of the lata Colonel Moore, of Carlinaford, ¥telahd. The marriage is likely to take place hortly, ( very PORTE USED TO THIS. Ultimatum to Be Presented German. Constantinople, Feb. 16.--It is un- derstood that Baron Marschall By von Bieberst, the German gmbassador, will present gn ultimatum to the Porte if satisfaction to his note demanding the punis shment of Fehmi Pasha be not given withih two or three days. Feh- mi"s offence, for which the German ambassador demands his punishment, was the high-handed seizure of the cargo of a German steamship, that was about to leave Constantinople for Hamburg. Traded Horses. Wilbur, Feb. 14.--T. : Sergunt's fam- ily is suffering from grippe. Robert Sproule, Jr., has been ill for some time, but i= recoviring. Willinm Boyd is suffering from an attack of erysipe las The people of --Lavant intend holding a box-social on Friday night, A. Cheatters has trhded horses with E. McFarlane, of Lavaat. He has a fine roadster now Jacob & Co., Dublin. Consignment of faney Irish biscuits just arrived at Gilbert's stores. Best assortment "ever hropght' here Call and look at "thein FB 4 U" have that 5 o'clock T. | First CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES BY MAY 1st, OR SOONER, MEDIUM. | FREB-YOU a IN TOLD : g sized house, centrally located. Apply future un mat oy, i ste, insertion. lc. a word. Faéh con stating rent, to Box 66, care Whig by America's = cminent Phil whet. mutive inaertion theroaftor'4e. a | © Astrologiey Site ayant : John, 13 word. Minimum charge for one in- Tn i ENLARGING OUR SOLICITING date and Stamp. Know ah if. sertion, 25¢. force ; Dermantnt positions open in ye protect territory : practical train- | vis A a SIN Advi. 4 lines or under a week, $1. ing given, requires education and ra ag w ans Advt. 4 lines or under a month, bustle ; no snap. Work means money. the ee WANTED--GENERAL. . PERSONALS. Address Box 388, Hamilton, Ont. Ahi aflection 3 ast tr ; | | BARBER REGULA- | { | | | { | hid . ARCHITECT, MER- new business get ral Strange ET - oy chunt"s Bank Building, corner Brock & Strange, A~sents. VETERINARY. A Wellington + streets. 'Phone, 212. ; ' DI. G. W. DELL, V.S. HAS RE. | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- MEDICAL. moved to his brick block, on Clarence fice, "second floor over Mahood's Drug street, just above the Post Office. store corner Princess and lagot | DR. MsCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY Calls Ww telephone or telegraph sets. Entrance on Baglt street occupied w LAN corner Mon- " promptly attended to. 'Phone, 60% treal apd D Jr. Ryan. _-- . " . -- EE WILL STRONGLY OPPOSE. AlL Carson thinks he will have to Th p h Pul it - take Ald. Gaskin to Ottawa, and 8 aragrap p : show him 'a few things about road Unitasian The Building of More Roads With | | ildine vo that the board of works | REV ©. W. CABSON, OTTAWA Limestone Macadam. chairman will be able to give some Alderman Carson says he will | Practical information to his commit Some Tests Of True Religion." Te strongly oppose the scheme of the | tee. The truly Wligious' Sak' learns as Loard of works to Songs fimentone ------------------ the rudin ta of hiv religious educa: - maradam road He declares that . tion that ninety-five cots roads of such material will not last CAN'T GET TEACHERS.- make a dollar, ee eo wat for more than thre or four years not weigh a pound, that a dollar in without ong Tepes Bont he | And Many Rural Schools Are ath ot icesmuriiy a dollar in 1 doesn't intend to vote away ie city 8 ~ night, that in ne wuflicie money in a fool scheme. He says that Closed as a Result. Jot Bogor Ry i -- 4 the city engineer does not favor lime From the north of Frontenac comes | not gol guarantee of the morally 3 stone macadam, knowing well what | a cry that the education of the young | right, that God 'will not receive any : the. result will be. Ald. Carson points |is suffering through the restrictions Lift from any man whose debts arp 3 | out that three years ago a piece of [imposed by the new school act. A Tnot paid, that all profits do net pro- maadam road was built on Princess | correspondent writes that owing to | fit a man, that praying to God on oF treet from Clergy street to above the | the scarcity of teachers who are quali one's knees does not atone for preying 5 Y.M.CA, building. Tt was guaranteed | fied undir the new regulations the vil- | upon one's fellows, that right is al- i | to prove the (nest piece of roadbed in | lage of Denbigh school is still closed, | ways right, truth is always truth, and % | the city. He himseli, was of a differ {though the trustees have advertised | a little lie is rather worse than a ig : ent opinicn, and his view proved to for applications for months antl are one a right, for in less than a year the | offering a salary far in excess of form- -- 3 road reouired patchine + ler years. The boards of three more Address Mr. Casson for free litera- ' ¥ Limestone macadam Ald. Carson | school sections in the municipality | ture, & ave. us too soft for road-making. It | have net with no better sucedéss. The - 3 I not wear long enough to justify |former type of toacher is no longts Denials At Vatie the expenditure upon it. On the other [allowed to teach Rome, Feb, 16. ~The vatican denies hand. a tar macadum road will last | "Soventy-five per cent. of the chil- | (hat the pope will igse an onoyelieal fur twenly vears with little repairing. | dren have now no opportunity to at- or other locument, Digurding private ¥ far macadam roads have been used | tend any school," intimates the cor worship in France. It also denies $ in Ottawa for ten vears and show |respondent. The present school act of | that the general of the Jesuits in in- 4 little sign of wear. He will urge the the Whitney government has very fow tervening in the conflict in France. » use of tar macadam, in the construc- | admirers outside of the men who abba Sinai yg < tion of roads here. The cost will be !framed it. The people in the rural | §. Cunningham, plane tuner; from ~ § only about twenty-five per cent. more | districts are strenuously kicking Chickering's, Orders at McAuloy's ¥ than limestone maeadam The board |¢ against it Vi ry ordinary tenchers book store. of works would be wasting the peo | would be better than none, and pro The genuine Herpieide is Hold at ples' money if it decided to constrnet | V'%0on must be made for sections like | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh . . . x FRAME HOUSE, IN WEST END, 7- MEN AND WOME? TO LEARN Barber Trade in 8 weeks. Graduates ho, Siar shed amd stable. earn $10 to 8 weekly. Help| Very handsome open Motor Laune 5 whi , priv Hox 1A sCure vositions 'Secured 10.000 law 28 ft. long 4 Nt 2 inches beam if ol oa year for our graduates. Untalogue hull of pine all copper fastened, witn ee free. Moler Barber College, Queen and mahogany decks, seats and trim- THE SLOOP ARIADNE, OWNED BY Spadina, Toronto mings cushions and all accessories John Eves, 10 Market St., Kingston, : This boat mew July, 1000. Boat and | Any one wishing to purchase, apply HELP WANTED-FEMALE. engine. in perfect condition. Nine to above address. ¢ power engine. Will guarantee han 16 miles an hour. Will AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY elivered to any point on the St HOUSE MOLD | LURNIT URE, NEARLY Apply, 180 Princess street. Lawrence River free of all charges dollar, For particulars, nts a, a ree for $800. (Bargain). Quigk sale. Cann. 81 Rrock street, TTY to Ne GOOD GENERAL SERVANT AT : - - - once. Apply 289 Ipvision St, cy Address : HO alt rivals, our birth date ahd 10. J, ra ox 267 Lachine, P,. HELP WANTED--MALE. LOST. ------ : | FIRST-CLASS GE ENE RAL BLACK- St. and Covered Rink, or at rink, smith, Awl Menor, Morven, Thursday evenine. Finder will be DWELLIRGS, FE. Out suitably rewarded by leaving at this ote. at MeCana's, 51 -- -------- 0 SALESMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY. BD TRIUMPH PHONOGRAPH ; Best hand Spraycr made, automatic. | FIVE DOLLAR BILL. BETWEEN @. Int t in city. 200 selections. toma Terme Sample Machine free 10 approved T. R. Station. and Corner Barrie St rate. Postal will. bring them. | agent. Cavers Bros., Galt. and Raglan Road. Finder Kindly re- Thos. McGinnes, 281 Division street. ---- turn to C, Apdre, Ainslie"s Meat MACHINEST, WITH SOME KNOWL- Murket FOR SALE. Sige a botler making. lea work. Ths Stoel Thomainy } : The eel Pr ugh and Machine Uo., FOUND. BILLIARD TABLE; CAROM, NEW rs . make ; Ux5 feet cushion space. TY Missy 'oF MONRY AT A SHOP Abply through Whig office, SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GENTLE- door. on Princess St. on 14th inst - men, bring your own cloth and get a Owner can receive same by calling at y AN F3vF cheap up-to-date suit made. Style, No. 79 Clergy St. West and paying ARBRICAN ENCYOLOPEDIA, NEW price and finish guaranteed. Pressing for this ady Special reason: AP y th eh Wh tor. and repairing done well. Galloway, - SH Apply roug The Tailor, 181 MHrock street. coor 00D COMMON SENSE COOK FOR iv A GOLD WATCH, BETWEEN RIDEAU FOR SALE. TE HEIFERS, TEN HEADS, two and three years old comine. in Choice rrade, md some I SAAC P. WISER = pure hreds. a hotel. Apply Box 472 Belleville. Ontario, Canada, Apoly to Fred. 8. Fern, Inver ary GIRLS TO WORK ON ROOM CORN P.O. Box 224. ee Apply Gould & Co., King St., near UNION HOTEL, SHARBOT LAKE Queen, well furnished, good stablin and -- -------------------- BUSINESS CHANCE. every accommodation! Wellknown A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH liming -- popular summer resort, good all-round ine. Apply ta Mrs. Dawson, 123 [18 yOU HAVE TWENTY-FIVE trade. Apply owner, M. Doyle. King street hundred dollars, ($2,500) that you Rat ree would like doubled for you in three MONEY SINESS A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT NO years and interest half. yonrly all Phe AND BU . washing or ironing Must be a good time, and security given Write Box plain cook Apply to Mrs. Booth 10, Whig office, Kingston, Ont. OU a ois VER NORE ON = 248 Alfred street at A, evmbany offers. Examine them at ws Se ---------------- ---------- « . TRAINED NURSES. A FEW VACAN- ARCHITECTS. Hoare, Utne Bupattdm, Mash cies to be filled in the Training | = ssn | school, fer nurses of the Buffalo ARCHITECT, OF- Homeopathic Hospital registered school Applicants must have one year High | HENRY © SMITH, ARCHIE Tr, which the policyholders. have for School mark or its equivalent. For Anchor Building, Market Square. security the unlimited lability of all information address Miss Frances hone, 345 the stockholders. Farm and city wro- Black, Supcrintendent, 74 Cottage ---------- Ll perty insured at lowest K possible Y St,, Buffalo, a high class nineteen years old, conducting a three-year graded course ARTHUR fice, Cor ELLI% Queen' and Bagot streets, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance i si ania assets $A1 187.215. In to rates. Before rehawing old or sivine POWER & SON, limestone mt a SHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY MR. COBALT INVESTOR | »e COLLR0000400008000880040000800040 A00A0EL04460040000040¢ macadam roads, he say We Buy and Sell All Active Stocks In Justice to Your- self Your Name Should be on our Mailing List Capable Men - 4 Winted to Act Agents, WRITE TO US TO-DAY. y {North Frontenac. there, EP "oe Write and Ask Us to Place Your Name on Our Mailing List And Receive FREE OF COST to You Official Quotations on Listed Cobalt Stocks. Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. 2. General Letters on Cobalt Market as issued from our office. 3. Special Letters informing our clients of *'Deals" and "Rumors of D=als." From GIGI IIIII IFPI SII I III I III III III 4. Information re i the worth of several recent Underwrit- Propositions. : 5. Information of several Meritorious Propositions it might be well to buy and of others it might be better to let alone. Investment Exchange Co EEL LEEEELLLLLELLL08 HIPRIY: tandard Stock & 4 Mining Exchange B 43 Scott St., Toronto, Can. tne Phone North 4 y Phones Main 7418-7419.