ISHED 1873 4 ANADA Toronto AN ACCOUNT posits of $1 and upwards are received, ent rate of interest is allowed. waking Withdrawals n Connection with all Branches. N BRANCH er, Manager AND BAGOT STS. CON & C0, | nto Stock Exchange AND IMENT SECURITIES orrespondence Invited King Street, TORONTO HERE EI I. 1ds and Stocks ought and Sold on Commission stment Securities 'and Unlisted. Information upon Request Members Toronto Stock Exchange > ONTO Bi Week 49 re selling a lot of broken Laced Shoes, consisting Calf and Patent Colt. y sold at $3.50 and $4. in Window eek Only 49 - SHOE STORE hy's AHASAAAAANIANN | CANADA AN COMPANY. FOR THE NAME » ANUFACTURING COC. EAL, P. Q. AIITED, TON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. ED EVERYWHERE. dv GENT, NEWBURGH. : ie Eh "The Perfect Food" A perfect breakfast is im- possible without it and it's just as good three times a day. you real nourishment and renewed It gives vitality. For Malta-Vita is rich in nutrition--every nutritive element of the best white wheat and The malt extract, malt extract, v finest barley mixed with the flaked wheat, converts the starch of the wheat into maltose, or malt sugar, makes it easy for even the weakest stomach to digest and adds a pleasing taste which foods sweetened with sugar, cannot be found in grain glucose or syrups. T Malta-Vita with cream or fruit, ™ "of All grocers, now 10cC. INDOOR SPORTS Men of sedentary habits require exercise. The inventive genius with the physicians knowledge has invent- ed. EXERCISES That will develop the muscles of almost any part of the body de- sired. For that tired, sluggish feeling, make a selection of some good Exerciser from our stock of Sporting Goods. ny ANGROVE BROS. 88 and 90 Princess St. RELIABLE FOOTWEAR FOR BOYS Just what you time of year. something stand the wear and tear. want for this that will Tuan't fail to see our Boys', bes fore you purchase. H.Jennings, King St. You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritions and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in }-Ib. and }-Ib Tins. « Appendicitis Less Fashionable London, Feb. 16.--To a jury at hi ston-on-l hames, last night, Dr. | the coroner, remarked that he was glad to say that appendicitis was now Ing out of fashion. Our Price $150 and $1.75 io TO PREVENT BRONCHITIS or CONSUMPTION Do not neglect a cold or eough no matter how slight as the irritation s ing throughout the delicate lining of the sensi. tive air sooner or later will lead to fatal results. If on the first appearanes of a cough er cold you would take a fow doses of oh Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup you would save yourself a greatdeal of un- necessary suffering. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup contains all the lung healing virtues of the pine tree combined with Wild Cherry Bark and ether pectoral remedies. It stimulates the weakened bronchial or- gans,allays irritation and subdues inflamma- tion, soothes and heals the irritated parts, loosens the phlegm and mucous, and aids nature to easily disledge the morbid ac- cumulations. : Miss Belle Campbell, River, P.E.L, writes: *' For some time I was troubled with bronchitis. A friend advised me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. So I pro- cured three bottles but it only took two te cure me." Be careful .-when purchasing to see that you got the genuine Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark and the price 28 cents at all dealers, --and all stomach Sto S and bowel disorders. Makes puny babies Est pron. Proved Colic 2 tos Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure =25¢c.~6 bottles $1.25. Natioaal Drug % Chemical Cou, Limited of Football Than of Mili- tery Work. Fonder Feb 5 Saturday The night, lord mayor at the an n of prizes to the Lon ve, and said that young fond of play ing football than they 'were of drilling Whether football like a real ficht or not he did not know, but. he iad a son who plaved football, he de IL ondot esided, or I' distributi m rifle br men no VE Were mo was more clared,, und he generally came wounded Hairpin Turns Into A Mole. London, Feb. 16. report od gt a meeting of the Mutford and Lottingland (Suffolk) Guardians that an inmate of the workhouse, known as the "human hairpin," because of lis "lat as e of a course of A member thinness in congo juen fare. extrema was now as an workhouse King Bdwards With An Interval. Cardiff, Feb. 16.--The Chester Con tory court granted a faculty, ves rday, to the vicar All Saints ter Thelwall, near Warrington, to taliet to record the building of town and fortress of Thelwall by King Fdward the Elder, in 923, and the oronation of King Edward Vi in 1902. Tweniy-one out of every 100 of Bel- gium's people are land owners. Few farms in that country exceed in~ size 100 acres Nations of the world annually pay £1, 117,532,000 in interest on. debts. INSURANCE COMPANIES LOOK ASKANCE AT A MAN IF HE CANNOT ANSWER THE QUESTION, 'HAVE YOU EVER HAD RHEUMATISM?" So you see how it b to prevent and cure -- the great South American is the effective means, ones' from such a cause may be co a4 3 anv sides in the to oneself, it is one of the many sides in tl 1 E Every disease has its symptoms--every note of warning; and it's for us te should take in dead earnest. I ailment that flesh is héir to has its heed or suffer the consequences; and wh - fever, chills, experience or observation ? - numbness, aching muscles, stiffened oy : 'Rheumatic Cure gives ease from the first dose . eradicates the trouble from the system. It and it gets there quickly -- most stubborn Influential physicians prescribe it as The great South American and it gently and effectually gets at the root of the evil cases cured in one to three days. WITH A GOOD HONEST ars happiness and comfort if you neglect the means "No!" Rheumatic Cure i: ." and while lack of provision for your * loved unted secondary to a life of suffering study of health that we ho does not know the signs by sweating, shooting pains, and swelled joints. the best and surest cure they know of. ALL DRU GGISTS AND MEDICINE DEALERS SELL IT, 8 PLAYED CAT'S CRADLE POPULAR SOCIAL DIVERSION OF PYGMIES OF SOUTH AFRICA. Interesting Discoveries Made by That Enterprising Anthropologist, Prof. Frederick Starr of Chicago Univer sity, During His Recent Trip to the Very Heart of Darkest Africa. --Cannibalism Practiced. The eminent scientist, Prof. Fred- erick Starr of Chicago University, says that one of the most important results of his visit to the Congo re- gion of Africa was his discovery that the natives of that part of the world play the child's game of cat's cradle. The learned professor was in earnest too. His journey of 22,000 miles was no joke, and he took his life in his hands when he went into the heart of the African jungle. He wndertook the trip to study the pygmies of the Congo region, and he spent 15 months in his quest for information about these and other tribes of the dark continent, yet the distinguished an- thropologist declares, without a smile, that he found nothing which inter- ested him more than the fact that cat's cradle is the popular social di- version in the colored society of the Congo. Just why the professor at- taches so much importance to this circumstance he does not explain. We must wait, he says, till he makes his report on the subject. It is known, however, that anthropologists have built theories of possible relation- ships between peoples or the mingl- ing of races by tracing the history of familiar games through the centuries or the variations in a central idea of a game in widely separated nations. CONGO PYGMIES COMPARED WITH AMERI- CAN INDIAN. The professor is not the first ethno- logist who has noted the popularity of cat's cradle among primitive peo- ples. It is even said that pious mis- sionaries while waiting to be chop- ped up and boiled for dinner by dusky savages whom hey failed to convert have observed these simple-minded people killing the time before the feast by playing with loops of string and making the cat's cradles just as the very little folks do in Canada. Apropos of cannibalism it may be remarked that Prof. Starr found it to be practiced to a limited extent among the pygmies of the Congo. It would hardly be fair, however, to call it cannibalism of the same variety as practiced by the more savage tribes, says the professor. The pygmies do not kill other human beings in order to eat them, but sometimes eat the flesh of children or old people when they die. Cannibalism in times of famine is not peculiar to the tribes of Africa, but is found among many people. The Indians of this continent, who were not cannibals, asa rule, often in days gone by ate the hearts of captives taken in battle, the prac- tice being more in the nature oi an act of symbolism than of a feast, and having to do with their religious ideas Prof. Starr deems the natives of the Congo to be bright and intelli: gent. He visited more than twenty- six tribes of them and, on the whole, had a fairly good time among both the big and the little people of the country. The latter are not so dark as the larger mtives, and he thinks they are unrelated to the ordinary negroes and belong to a race which for many centuries, if not from its creation, has been distinct from the surround- ing peoples. On the Kafai and Batua rivers, where he spent the most time, they grow the smallest, from three feet ten inches to four feet two inches. The professor explored many of the tributaries of the Congo river and was the second white man to ascend one of them, the Oiku river. For some months after his departure into the African wilderness nothing was heard from him, and it was feared he might have fallen a prey to the cruelty of the people he went to in- vestigate, but in due time he turned up safe and sound, with the young Mexican, Manuel Gonzales, whom he adopted as a boy and who acts as hig photographer. The adventurous ethnologist is a bachelor and eéould therefore follow the leadings of his scientific study without causing anx. iety to a wife and family during his prolonged absence in the depth of the Congo jungles. Simple Tests For \Files. To test two flat files for their rela- tive sharpness lay a small block of metal on the first, then upon the sec- ond, and try at what angle the file can be held without sliding off the block. The file which can be held at the greater angle is of course thé sharper of the two.--Metalarbeiter. Up to 1859 postmen used to be sent out with a bell to collect late fee lot ters. The special fees were the pergui sites of the postmen. g Godard's fire balloon, constructed in hat is poor and pale SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE makes blood ¢ rich AMERICAN, that means good health. "SOLD BY H. WADE." 1864, was heated by an éighteen-foot THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, FEB. 6 POPULAR DANCES. The Origin Or the Significance of Their Names. The names of popular dances have most cases a very interesting ori- gin or signification. The position taken up by the dan- the name to the quadrille, which is literal French for "a little square," while try dance has no connection with tic gymnastics, but is a corruption of the French danse, which has refer- ence to the tion of the couples op- posite to other during the dance The derived its name from the fact that this variation of the quadrille was originally improvised pany of lancers for their own Ahi while seated in their sad- les. . . The polka is a Polish dance, and its name comes from the Bohemian word polka, meaning half, and refers to the half step which occurs in this lively measure, of which the more graceful schottish is a variation, both names, like that of the national dance of Poland--the mazourka--being na- tive terms. ; The short aps Poeuliar to the old time favorite, minuet, gave the dance its name, the Latin for "small" being minutus. The waltz, , owes its name to its ch ¢ movement, the Ger- man waltsen, meaning to revolve, ex- pressing the eircling motion of the dancers. : The de Coverley is named after its originator, while the less fa- miliar dance known as the tarantella is so called because its vigorous move- ments were supposed to a certain antidote to the poison of a noxious spider at Taranto, in Italy, where the dance is hi ar. The evolutions of the dancer sui- ficiently explain the term reel. Jig is from the French gigue, and break- down is a term from across the At- lantic and refers to the final rout be- fore the breakup of a free and easy dancing party.--London Telegraph. Where Brides Are Hungry. How would a bride in this country care to fast on her wedding day until after the sacred ceremony, and this after enduring the hardships of a | farewell party given the day before? Yet this is what a Russian girl is sup) d to do. As the marriage, to fashionable, should not occur until evening, it may easily be imag- ined in what an exhausted state she is to commence her new period of life. Besides bridesmaids, there are bridesmen, these latter being obliged to present the bridesmaids with sweet- meats. A personage follows the pro- ogssion bearing an elegantly meunt- ed picture of rist_in gold and sil- ver, which is ® tioned against the altar. The biden do not all dress alike, and their umber is un- limited. --London Answels. The Rheumatic Group. When there is an excess of uric acid in the blood, ene of the group oi afiec tions is bound to appear Inter; Rhenmatisin, Gout, Lumbago or Neuralgia To expel any of these diseases fhe poison in the blood must be nentrad- ized and expelled and the disordered condition of the kidneys and digestive organs must be removed. If this sooner or Sciatica, is done the disease is cured and its return prevented. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure will do these neces sary things every time. Its action is prompt, certain and thorough Ten atment, price dc., at Wade's Store, days' tre Drug Practical Old Age Pensions. London, Feb. 16.--The Earl of War wick presided, vesterday, at the sey enty-fifth annual meeting of the Dun mow Fricndly Society, which claim to be the pioneer of old age pensions | to agricultural Inwborers. He aid | that if a society of the same kind had | been established in every district the | old age pension problem would never | have arisen The century Fairope Black killed 5 Jone ortality Furope and Asia is estimated at 70, 000,000, Negro! grav in South American are sometimes curiously garmishtd with the bottles f medicine used by the departed in their fi illness Brighton, Paris, Hamburg. and New York have the finest aquariums of any The tanks cities Brighton aquarium hax forty-one Always Uni orm Always hsiiable Everywhere Obtainable BAKER'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA have stood the tests of time and service for over 125 years p. 8. ot. Be sure that you get the genuine { with thetrade-mark on the package. { Directions for reparing more than | one hundred dainty dishes in our { Choice Recipe Book, sent free on | request. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Mase. 46 Highest Awards in Europe and America Branch House, 86 St. Peter St., Montreal, Can. stove that weighed nearly hall a ten. { would make up | with band | buttons | on | a perfect little pill. They please those | who use Ville may well he termed "Perfection." Wd of urine, Skin, their medicinal activity greatly intensified. fruit, a chemica. change is made to take place in which one atom of the bitter principle in fruit is replaced by one of the sweet. added and the whoie pressed into tablets, Froit-a tives act on the three great eliminating organs--the Bowels, Kidneys and They arouse the sluggish .iver.--enabie the .iver to give up more bile, which regulates the bowels and cures Constipation. (or non-action of the bowels) Fruit-a-tives strengthen the kidneys and induce vigorous, heaithy skin action. For Headaches and Backaches--for Indigestion and Disordered Stomach-- for Irreguiar Bowels--for all Kidney dnd Biadder Troubies.--for Skin Eruptions-- Fruit-a-tives are without an equa. in the worid. & box--6 for $2.50. does not have them. FRUIT.A-TIVES LIMITED, . PENNA EEA I TET a BK LA Ae Ir Sa y a br Nu : - 6 -- ® * Not one person in a thousand knows that Fruit is really a wonderful medicine ? Not rare fruits can buy in the fruit shops. APPLES act directly on the kidneys--inecréase the flow ) ORANGES are excellent fo PRUNES are splendid bowe! laxatives and liver tonics. There are two great difficulties in Sutin yourself of Kidney and Bladder Troubies -- Rheumatism -- C Eruptions, etc. by simply eating fresh fruit. First, the minute quantity of medicinal principal that you would get by eating a norma! amount of fresh fruit would be insufficient to do any real ff - good--second, eating excessive quantities of fruit would u the stomach, on account of the indi in all fruits, An Ottawa physician overcame these difficulties when he discovered the principle which brought forth "Fruit-a-tives," «FRUIT A-TIVES" are fruit juices--not as they occur in fruit--but with Afte. the juices are extracted from the SE Li Ay J SN gel, tou 3 but the common, evervday fruits that you gestible pulpy fibre found Then tonics and antiseptics are Sent on receipt of price if your druggist or desler OTTAWA, Om. perc rT) -- NPs NYTT bo NNR Re NAN NL Po FIGS and r the skin, onstipation -- Skin { §oc. (ATE ----- FASHION'S FORM, Model For Street or House Dress. check 1 illustrated, al pongee. or tafiety silk effectively after was trimmed Brown and black ed for th me though Serge Was rajah very bodice th desipr i he of tucking, brown crochet silk cord loose and tail A two inch wide hand of with w stitching heavy ecrd dace, embroidered with threads of coarse brown silk, outlined the small vole of thin lare, The skirt was cut in panels and had pointed see. tions of tucking let in as explained by the drawing THE MEANING OF A SMILE. We speak in many tongues, we men Who do the work that men must do With sword and spade and plough and pen My language you; I may not know when you complain, Nor comprehend if you revile; Your preaching may be all in vain, But we are brothers when we smile. may be strange to The Malay may not understand © When 1 explain to him my creed; The Mongol, all unmoved and bland, May think that I am mad, indeed; To them the words 1 use may be A jargon fashioned to beguile; But they extend their hands to me And know my meaning when I smile. We speak in many tongues, we men Who do the work that must be done, And if, when The first beam slanted from the sun, A savage faced Jou where you woke Upon the farthest Bouth Sea iale He might not know what words you spoke, But he would understand your smile, perchance some morning | The spoken word may not convey The .glightest meaning to minds, But from the coldest Lapland bay To where Magellan's channel winds, From Gangks to the Amazon, From frozen Yukon to the Nile, And from La Plata to the Don, There is one meaning for a smile. our Their gentle action and good effect the . svstem reelly make them them, Carter's Little Liver Singls women on an average live longer then single men. recor PT CL or £7 as held the World's 4 over sixty years. rh whet that means' Stik for A : "5 for Su entire} treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it I on cen week, or less than (wn cents a day, me your name and nt for your case, entirely free, in my book--"* WOMAN'S OWN M 2 women suffer, and how they can easi have it, and learn to think for hersel tion," you can decide for yourself, remedy, It cures ail, old treatment which speedily 0 « ly cu Trreguiar Menstruation $3 Young Ladi Pl $i herever you li eX can refer you sufferer thy. this Home T , plump and robust » tell ine how you suffer, if you lain wra 41 A ma ICAL ADVISER' with ex Then when the doctor sa en of i really Cures all woman's diseases a me your FREER TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFERS ING FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. am & woman, caused by Twant to send yon a free to ourself at home, easily, emember, that it will cost occu nd § will send pao. a will se - will also re ou free It will not Interfere with i" ly cure themselves at home, I "You mis r umpucss and heslih always result from i your own locality who know and 3 makes women address. aid the free ten days' treatment is 4% You may not sce Las offer ag: the . Write toda « SUMMERS, Box 1. 11 About thirty thousand 10 cent Cigars will be sold for 5 j cents each, or $5 a hundred Club House Special, The Toy, Lord Craines, (Reekies, Russel, Olymphia, Rothchil Tennyson, 10 cent Cigars for 25 cents. About 100 Fountian Pens cheap. cess street, and 354 King st Grant, R. V. Maritana, 4 of any brand of other ---- Orwell's Bankrupt Stock OF TOBACCO, CIGARS 'AND PIPES AT LESS THAN COST of i Duchess, The Diploma Grand, San Craven Penetallas, McKinley, Lord ds, La Premiads, Lenicos, Lord ROUTHEY'S, 173 and 175 Prin- reet, Orwell's Old Stand. JOHN ROUTLEY 3 i : A lot of Pocket Knives, Pocket Books and Razors, those goods can be had at JOHN | KINGSTON, ONT.