PP t at 7.30. ome "ducing, the early hairs rved come of the good things st week, and To-night will 30. , Good Quality ETA RIBBONS )LLOWS : id 'FETA RIBBONS id considered good value at it at 12 1-2¢. yard. Jlue, Pink, Navy, Brown, \FFETA RIBBONS be regular 25c. quality any- light at 15¢, Yard Blue, Brown, Light Navy, am, Myrtle. 2% rs Ladies' ASHMERE' "KINGS g leg and a quality sold at for 1.00. Night at 25c¢. Pair , 9%, 10 inches. 's Fleece-Lined rs (Only) re These are mill seconds, perfections, others are all s To-N ight >. Pair. THE HABIT! RING nd Shoes ) A Pair ing you these splendid Shoes. rear, and we can: fit all feet. it in. Glad to show them. Call in. t Shoe Store R SALE ~ YEAR 74. HE DAILY BRITI KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SAIL URDAY, FEBRU ARY 16, gaiety reigns supreme Nice, Jan. 26.--A few years ago I [andi shortly thoy, t that Nice was rapidly losing | blossom to he seen roputarity as a winter resort. 1 find Music lovers will find much to t \ at- that I was wrong. What has given it | tract them at Nice this season. There this new leaw: of life, I wonder. Three |are capital concerts at the Casino years ago the Promenade des Anglais | and also at the Jette Promenade, with was a howing desert, and the villas | fine orchestras to let facing this delightful Wwaik were | entertainments take legion in number. Now od. The sea front is crowded in the are symphony con carly morning, and again between 2 [to the Grahd Opera House, the matter of difficulty to approach the (every night. Popular comedies, su senda. and "La Duch des Falies-Bergere," Of course, most of the visitors are | are being given sat the' Municipal Ca English and American, and of the ' 8ino, while "Fred" is attracting big | latter there are more than the ordin- | houses to the .Jetee Promenade. ary crowd, for Nice has hecome gu fav- The races at Le Var have brought orite winter abiding place with the | enormous crowds to' Nice, and at the fair daughters and stalwart sons of | Grand Prix 1 am told that at least Uncle Sam. 6,000 people were present. Among » who have contributed to make What has caused this changed state of affairs? I am convinced that the | Nice gay is the Grand Duchess An municipality of Nice has pulled itself | astasia, of Mecklmbar together and sought to make its | mother of the Crown Prine beautiful town more attractive than | sia, and Countess Torby, wife of the ever. Grand Duke Michael of Russia, Mrs, Atadys preparations are heing mate | Almeric Paget, nee Miss Whitney, of for -- arrival of King Caraival, and | New York, is one of the Thadérs of the great stands and pavilions are in | American colo course of gonstruction in the Place de Massena: but of this more anon One maw ask : What is there todo . New Hotels. ot Nice? This is not a difficult cues- | new hotels have been added to the al- tion to answer, for one apparently ready formidable list. The most at can do everything or nothing. Tt isa | tractive is the Royal, which is on the busy yet a lazy vlace. Should one | Promenade des Ar want to be wp and doing. opportuni- | the Hotel Westminster; ty presents itself every moment { frontage, and there is should one desire to dulee-farientise-- | ter garden, too, Luigi, the former po to coin a word--well, one can sit ab- | pular manager of Riviera Palace at out and listen to music from ten in | Monte Carlo, is just about to open an the morning till midnight. and at the | other hotel at Nice; it is called the same time enioy delightful spring wea- | Hermitage, and, judgings by what ther, for at the present time it real | saw it, it should prove a fine and ly is spring weather out here | attractive hotel. Most neople - rise betimes at N the. bright sunshpe forbids lolling o'clock in the morning. and warm, ! day at the Municipal Casino; while at too; but not in the shade, and this | the Jetee Promenade there is mad must 'always be borne in mind | dening arrange wnt for losing your | money even more, quic kly than at At The Flower Market. | Monte Carlo. A long table is ar One thing I always do at Nice, and | ranged, with &paces set out and num- that is to pay a visit to the flower | bered up to mine: in the centre is market near the fine opera hous It is | sunk wood n « a sight not to be forgotten, for in one long line sit hundreds ofswom- | India rubber ball, which is sent spin on with baskets and stalls ore emmed | ning round and round by a croupner, full of the most lovely flowers, which | until it finally settles into one they sell at a price that would mu Covent Garden turn pale | This year there has not been any | that i great amount of frost, consepently | dances about you may buy great bunches ol | : : pink or creamy yellow roses for | tle down. off it goes tin to the oth an . ds 1 resting francs. There are more carnations for | er side, and there | : a z ting sale than I ever a soeing at | place. To appreciate this impish ba : ico--fime, 'longrstalked fellows of | it must be seen--one cannot describe sulphur yellow, bright crimson, rosy | it ; . fia ta a pink or flesh color. It is early yet for | Helder's restaurant, ind, i ot orange blossoms, but before long you good and popular as ever, and a emart Nice coc dinner. This i will be able to buy any quantity, ¢ anemones, t0o, oi almost every Si mignonette, they are almost given tall the delicacies in and out of away. 1 would advise those who wish'! son: the cooking is excellent, and de- to purchase flowers to go to the mar- | licious caviare may be obtained fees, ket ecatly, for mt noon a bell rings, | By the way. T heard with regret 3 at and the market is over for the day, ! young Rigo, the conductor of the ban | any Americans crowd info the popular resort and atterward. there is not a | in darkness was the [ of which * included the wom of at both; semi-classical place at ten all has chang | o'clock, and in the afternoon there In addition two and 4 in the afternoon, and it is a | Casinos have operdtic performances h wonderful shops of the Quai de Mas- [as "' Le Vieux Marcheur," "Hourcuse" Countess Torby that ons remembers so well a couple of yours ako. in London, died last year | press J osephine, "hy Fredesiok Hk Cran of 30 r three times a day w restaurant during the season. Since I was here last year several (lassena.qavenve.and, Public Garden, Nee =|BROADBRIN'S Letter From Greater . v i thew nover was any good w.l substantial reason. \ revelation of whe vs, and next to it has a fine charming win whek has been the Predident Roosevelt people rushed in to that plays in the gardens of the sharp detectives from Ncheidt was "rondy to "all are flying a brig United, States to keep , to which is pil we a little » if from interfer: {fon in an early sale of aut The shops in the Quai v old woman down ta the | There is far more gambling at Nice He ! declarzk that n | nowadays than there used to be, and bed: Tt is cheerful and sunny at 8 | crowds of punters are to be seen all wot] that he bad | gouh Bel they persecuted this paor old » a crowd watching a woman i . I spent an amus that fe now saw nothing in the way | of a peaceful settlement This ansouncement will bring WHY DELMAS WINS HE IS'A LAWYER WHO NEVER ¥ of the ques- |; deught r's skal] ry wretched old woman's he aL ond way you struck her?" Three choers and a th . surrounded hy poc- here | kets or holes for the reception of an | ame put on a little Broadbrim's Opinion on the Thaw Case and Sandford White--The San Francisco-yapan Episode and Teddy Bears. window and will be t ministration of justice ever permitted ; Z ' r i ment in every polite parlor in the city. green and purple; a Christinn land before ? then as this did not i i wn as this did nc * will be the vogue. 1 i les ore ine «| of the holes numbered up to n in rumored that the mikado of Japan with envy. | It is a fiendish ball, and I am certain t contains an evil spint, for from hole to hole, and | just as vou think it is going to set ant from the district attorney's Thik is important rid of such help the better for the pro- Jas 3 E , three cheery for Ted: As to the course I have pursued letters in regard to the sympathies] have crowd broke up and passed + eross-examination of a sarallele ur criminal courts paralleled in our riminal hat _sile, the. under dend, his lips were sealed in the grave disreputable characters, whose lives had been one long contin: dog in the fight. ts here 'for lunch and the restaurgnt on the As for mimosa, Roman hyacinths and | Place de Massena where one can get ' sen- with emeralds the » methods of conducting a criminal trial are represented in one Counsellor Délmas who is said never to have lost a murder case, . received a retainer ? at it ha a Financial va Politeness and decency of the world had never heard before, od 1 was glad when a friend to speak for ome who striking was literally were tied in knots and the ends finish- | Splendid Saving of Three Fishing Boats. Portemoutl; Feb. 16. ~The Seavivig- ough lifeboat crew were, lnat night, entertained av dinner by Lond Londes borough, who provides the crews with a dinner each timo they are life-saving. In yesterday's Wolondi] oe cue of the crews of three fishingtonts the first boat reached by dhe Fraps crv dohw | Owston, coxswain of the Scarborough | lifeboat, Let Health Sound Upwards. If youn"are run down start he ] up towards soit © health, means a loss oo portion. of Ie 3 self. Vitalicy megns Jute ew. HR, Haw jo ergy, fresdom from di Tle AT fran Ren Tonle Sis nah hoy np, ¢ the system and ood 1 # Jord sts a a Money back Wade's I tore. sot ats gold harp, with te nr was old for $1056 at M Simpson's rooms yes Order For Massacre For Sale London, Feb, 16.--~The original m useript order for the mysahott of coe, signed by Major Se ne | son, Argyle rogiment, and nain Campbell, of Slo Saprain by Messrs, Puttick & useripts, Death On The 8 » Feb, 10. Pronk tino : faa hall ah , Slat Thursday a comic To wet More Strength from Your Food. the Bowels decays thers, just as if stayed too long in the open air. Well, when food decays in the Bowels, through delayed and overdus aotion, what happens? HEN the Bowsls are flied with ed food we may bs & deal werhe off than if we were halt starved, : i Because food that stays foo long in it * - . The millions of litle Suction Pumps that line the Bowels and Intestines theh draw Polson {.om the decayed Food, instead ot the Nourishment hey wets Intended (6 draw, thousand dollars before can no Jonges speak for imei, od off with a large black, i consider the case. Michael Delohin: Delma AR khmer -- d by Mannott, The freak autobolile, use record, at Ormond Beach. His time of conducting the case tion of gracious suavity. low and sweet, he is as respectful deferential to a gate-keeper clerk nx he is to his honor. vet glove covers a clenched when she goes to gamble at | lo, is a bouquet of real violets, , for it begrs truth isi , there were two Stamford + a clear and distinct rein: enrmation of the others there was a Dr. Jeckel and a Me. a skillful architeet, + in diamonds in the centre, snnnse war clond for whose monnments The gentleman be- 1¥een forty and fifty, welcome 3 , versed in the usages of the best, whose gompanion- father or husband would he willing to trust his wife or daughter, that | Before « get said to have the largest illuminated fountain in the illuminating, power a tors canable of giving seventy in light effcets every = ia- + murdered in Brooklyn, who had iving 'with her mother, \. a woman of over eighty Hitcher, i: could enteen into his den ite a girl of sev- n, drug he¥ and ruin depth of human de- rhvity which has no paralld and be fore which | stand shocked, paralyzed was not 4 widow, science doesn't seem to be A wiley wer had bern man- able to cure it. One professor says one thing about it rnother professor says i id all the time people keep on suffering terribly. Now what's the use of wasting words the matter ? Why don't you get.some Hutch Tablets and try them ? Take v one after each meal. Outlits costing from £1,000 to #2, 500 are provided for our ambassaors mtire pro- Ee Of uy® entire pro goine to foreirm capitals, The sum re- Plenty of people ought to be proof enough that it will cure you, i unusnal medicine and thines. Jts a doctor for ten sents. 200 sent for $1. One gives relief The statue perched 500 foot in mid- as ny gke the arid. ball, is of William Penn, "and stands w thirty-six feet in height. This Poison gets into the blesd and; th time, spreads all over the body, unldss the Cause of Constipation iy removed That cause of Consfipation is Weak, or Lazy Bowel Muscles. When your Bowel-Muscles grow {labty they need Exercise to strengthen thern, ist "Physic" to pamper them, ercise for the Bowel-Museles. till you reach the exact candition you desire. How can one + Sympathis with either | One Cascaret at a time will ar a marderer ? cleanse a foul Breath, or Coaled Tonge. - » - Don't fall to garry the Vest Popkst Casoaret Box with you coristantly. All Druggists sell them--over ten million boxes a year. Be very careful to get the poe made only by the Sterling Remedy There's only one Kind of Artificial Ex- tts name is "CASCARETS," and its lustful, remorseless | price is Ten Cents a box, So, if you want the same natural action that a six mile walk in the country would give you, (without the weariness) take one Cascaret at a time, with intervals betweeti,