Weather ating that it often vithout our being 1 sedentary lives h exercise we of- apressed instead es a cup of nent, and stimul- a glow through me time with a ar taste as if you tea. 3 R THE NAME diam SATIN FACTURING CO. P. Q. Len, OTTAWA, §$T. JOMN, N. 8. CRYWHMNERE. al Life ada Waterloo, Ontario) increases over the from the following ~s BA --------------------a Gains over 5 1906 1905 092 $10,385,539 $1,080,447 518 2,072,423 115,905 001 1,203,378 249,377 954 46,912,407 2,712,453 pc 16.34 po. 1.46 pe. AT Canadian Business. istrict Agent. as CK TIN METALS eg - SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any even mumbered section ton ds is Manitoba or West, exc@pting 8 person the over 18 years of age, one-quarter ion, of 160 acres, more or less. A : Application for homéstead entry or in- spection must be made in person by the appijeant at thu office of the local Agent or iragent, Af application for emtry or inspection wade personully at ay. Sub-agent's oflice v ¥ A to the local Agent LY the agent, at the expense of the ap- nt, and if the lund applied for is . OL Fetuyt ol Lhe Wlegraio SU application is to bave priority and the land will be held until the necessary papers to complete the transaction are received by mail. in case of "personation" the eutry will be summarily captelled end the appli- cant will forfelt ail priority of claim. An applicant for inspection must be eligible for homestead entry, and only one application tor jnspection Will be receiv from an individual ubul that application has been disposed ofa A homesteader whose entry is ia goud standii and not Labs to cancellation, way, ject to approval of Lepartment, relinquish it in favour of father, mother, sun, daughter, brother or ter, if eligible, At Fo no one else, on fling de institution of the applicant for inspection will be en: titled to prior right of entry. Apphcants for insi tion must state ln what particulars homesteader is fio default, and il Subsequentry the state ment i8 found to Le incorrect in mater the apniicant i granted it may be summarily cancelled. Duties.--, th - { C "uti meer a reunited "to our | Cook's Cotton Root Compound, | hu L following plans :-- * (1) At least siz months' residence ur- on and cultivation nf the land in each year during the term of three vears. - mother, if the a homesteader upon a farm im the vicinity of the la entered for by such homesteader the requirement as to residence may bLe satisfied by such person resding with the tather or mother. (3) It the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned bY pim in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied bY residence upon such A Before meking application for patent give six months' motice in writing to the Commissioner of Do winion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten tion to do ®o. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands miay be purchused at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. Not more than 3830 acres father cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall Le collected, on the gross output. Quarts.--A free miner's certificate 'ia n yment in advance of $5 per annum for sa individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a company according to capital. A free miner, having discovered miner "i al in place, may locate a claim 1,500 3 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim 18 $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each yeer or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, upon having & survey made, and upon at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment 8! a royalty of 34 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry fee 85, Temewable yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for. s term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a drodge in oper ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles, Rentul B10 por annum for each mile of river le: . Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collected on the output after it ex- $10,000 . . W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this «Advertisement will not be vaid for. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed ""Ten- der for Public vilding, Owen Sound Ont.,"" will be ved at this office un- til Monday, yruary 20, . 1907, in- 1 for the construction of a Public Owen Sound, Ont and specification can be seen and tender obtained at this Depart ment and at the office of Messrs. Forster and Clark, Architects, Owen Sound, Ont. Persons tendering are notified that tens ders will not te considen unless made on the priyted form supj , and signed with their actual signatv Fach tender must Le ac mpanied hy an accepted cheque on a chartered bank made payable to the order of the Hon+ ouralle the Minster oi Public Works, equal -to ten per cent (10 p.o.) of the mount of the tender. which wiil be for- k party tendering miract w n © he fail to co . If the te » will be re partment dees not » lowest or any tender. By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secrotary Department of Public Works 0 ftawa, January 21, 1907. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it Without authority from the Department THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISNED 1863, President--Sir Richard Cartwright perties. Municipal and Lures. received and interest allowed. 8. C McGill, Managing Director Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. ; ¥ OR INSURANCE = If you want to %uy, Post Office. New Bogland Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. plage to get an ob shortest Dishes Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- County Deben- Mortgages purchased. Deposits REAL ESTATE or sell City Property, see GEO) CLIFF, at 95 Clarence street, opposite The best all round Lunch in the city. Neals of all kinds ce. English and Chinese y. 'Phons, ABS. The ldeal Laxative for Children Mothers cannot be too careful in what they give children to mvd the ho Calomel, | The Tidings From Various Points lively time i expected Friday pills, castor oil, and purging miheral waters irritate the bowels--upset the stomach-- and eventually lead up to chronic non-action of the bowels-- Constipation. Traine |. (on FRUIT LIVER TABLETS.) world for children. ones apples, oranges, prunes -- because creased many times. always in the house. The great Uterine Tonic, oid in three d th--No. 1, $13 CURE 3.x Headache aud Felievs sll the troubles dent to a billous te Dizziness, Nuusen, Drowsiness, Distress esting, l'sin in the Side, &e. While their SICK correct al disordars of the stomach stimu iver end regula the Bven com) thet ness doos notend CH do not. by druggists everywhere, or sett by CLOGS THE BOWEL clogged up. Bad blood, dyspepsia, aro all caused by constipation. stomach, bowels and blood. It acts which arise from it. It has been Easy to Maypole that weshes and dyes ai one operation, Made in England but old everywhere, soc. for Colovv--~r3c. for Black. Dublin, Feb. 6. Trish parliamentary party. in establishmént of the new fast i \ Blacksod Bay are the finest medicine in the Itis just like giving the Tse | ix visiting friends here. M gs an "* Fruit-a- tives ARE the juicesof these | land. fruits--but so combined that the medicinal action is ino- Fruit-a-tives are perfectly safe | bury. Mrs. C. for the children. - Keep a box ] no { Reynoldston, is spending a fow soc. a-box--6 for $2.50 Sent on receipt of price, if your druggist does not handle them. from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | here to Mountain Grove. A social is jay the : or forty-seven vears, and | . 4 eo offoctual Monthly | improving. on which women can | te of tho system, such as semarkable success Lag boen shown in curing weadache, Carter's Lite Liver Pills ate ¢ shoe rs. W Senda able tn Constipation. chring sud pre { Melinda Bebee, Git Mrs. "eating tuisannoying complaint, while they also { Mr. and latetbe | ('owan's; Robert Conner and daughter, if they onlp nately rgood: hares: Whoonvetry them vil ind these little pillsval> | Th. wood bev, for Rev. D. L, in so many ways that they will not-be wir | todo without them. Bat after allsick &e bane of #0 many lives that here is whore make our great boast. Qur pillacure it while | ver Pills are very small and | (1 easy to take. One or two ¥ make. Toy are strictly vegetables donot gripe & |... ( but by their gentle action please all why . \ Shem. Invialsat23cents; fivefor $l. Sek {dar for a while in the CARTER MIDICINE CO., New York, CONSTIPATION No other csuse produces so much sick- ness as constipation, and therefore it is dangerous to allow the bowels to become aches, biliousness, boils, pimples, and piles, Avoid all of these troubles by the use of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. nature's remedy for all diseases of the | Cloyne, where bowels and promotes their freo and regular { Cloyne, and action, curing constipation and sll troubles i" market for over thirty years so youare not | last wwok to visit his brother in using a new snd untried remedy. B.B.B. has cured thousands of others and will cure { hip, and as he is an old man, he is 0 you. Mr. B. Woodcock, Nashwaak Bridge, | expected to recover. N.S., writes : For prer two years my wife | | (ds working for a time was troubled with constipation. She tried | jore Windover, a several physicians but could get mo relief, | place for the purpose of buying lum but after taking three bottles of Burdock | ber. Moers, Critchley and Both have Blood Bitters she was completely cured and is to-day in good health. My wife and | Pickering and Cummings are doing a I cannot speak too highly of B.B.B. nag D ) c not only gives a fast, brillisat but makes home dying safe, pleasant, easy. No mess or trouble. Irs a cake of soup with Maypole Soap ------ | M nday afternoon. | -- The New. Fast Mail Service. | At a meeting of the | tunda, to-night, steps were taken to | introduce a bill to-parliament for the | GWHIG, WEDN DAILY BRITISH WHIG, VED ESD PICCADILLA ACCIDENT. | -- -- - -- --- : | NEWS OF NEIGHBORS ....... spe om one pestion . -- Close Hotels. Piecadiip, Feb. 4.-The farmers 'claim it is a very hard winter on WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL us stock especially calves, of which many have died in this district. A night In Eastern Ontario -- What m the ball. Pu) Ringston, of Raley bury, is visiting old nuighbors here. People Are Doing And What}, .. Linon, John McKnight and They Are Saying. Frank Haddock are home from Co S-- Falt. Ernest and Oscar Campbell, Sa- White Lake Tidings. muel Walker, Frank Hill and Frank White Lake, Feb. 4.~The icc is in ex- Leslie. have gone to Cobalt. Miss ccllent condition and the farmers ace Hill, teacher at Fermoy, has return- taking advantage of it, drawing wood | ed home, being too ill to attend her and logs to the village. There wus a school duties. Frank Hamilton, Win- severe wind storm, Saturday | nipeg, is home visiting his friends, Mrs. R. Johnston, Sr., whol A little son of John Salsbury, was has been sick for some time, IS ROW riding down hill on his sleigh, which seriously ill. Miss L. A. Johnston is | became "hm the sick list also. Herbert Lewis, [a bush. The who has been sick for some time, is] torn out. He was taken to the Gin recovering. Miss 'M. Soles, Kingston, eral Hospital for treatment. Arm- | James Gray's bee, hauling wood on Saturday, was well attended, but so many attended the bee that few at tended the meeting of agriculturists, {he Orangemen of No. 196 met in the }all here and some new members took the Royal Arch degree Afterwards they enjoyed oysters at "Leslie's strong, who has been visiting fri { here, has re urned to her home in 7ra- i r-- { Parham Notes. | Parham, Feb. $.--R. Howes and A. B. Howes have returned from Hailey- D. Godirey is visiting Hotel, friends at Sydenham. Miss M. Snyder, The Foresters met . davs | ing, end rome new members were add- A. Good- | ed. Night meetings have Reynoldston. A petition to do away fellow. H. W. Killins spent a few days " em with. the hotel in thi | at Ardoch, last week. Poles are being distributed for the telephone line from | ilo her sister here, Mrs. J. say they have lived near Pick Hotel | to be held in the LO.O.F. hall, Fri- " | day evening, in ai of the Methodist them no harm. The stion iy what v Howes is on the sick list will become of travellers if their tra vell ng homes are to be closed against them ? Mrs. D. Wagar, sick for some time, is m-------------------- HAS FEET, NOT "FINS." Atte | Death At Vemnachar. 3 Vinnachar, Feb. 4. Herbert Good rich has started to move his farm im - | planents to the farm he bought near | Castleton, Ont. William Goodrich is on the sick list. "A daughter of Mrs iW. Sweetnam, North Bay, had her leg | man colony of southwest Africa, ha { broken, while sleigh viding. She was | pyrrowly escaped a severe punishmen | a guest at M. Rose's, along with her | for impertinence to his officer on th | mother and siste rs. John Gregg parade ground. He wus ordered to pa |i on January Severe Sentence. arm between the wrist and elbow. Death came to the home of Stanley | Greg, on the 25th, and took away Death was caused from The funeral, applied to awkward feet The soldier replied that he fins, but feet, and was immediate | the mother | the effects of nantes scntonocrd to three vears' imprison large The funeral rmon was | preached in the Methodist church, by { Rev. D. L. Gunter The deceased was ed | juried by the side of her husband, | axth, 1905. She | was sixty-one years old and leaves five boys and five girls to mourn her loss, all of whom weve with her at the Gime of her death, except Mrs. Carman suffered from "tropical rage," disease which colonial Germans suff from. { ed J uary . . after | who died Januar Trovical rage is urged as excuse fe moss themselves brutality. | McNeil, Lansdowne. Visitors Miss Goodrich's; PASSED ALONG THE ARMY. Mrs. G. MJ Bebee, at John ------ visited at John Mclaugh- Journal | lin's, & , Crack, last week; also at | Mrs. G. W. Pennock's. Denbigh. Mr. "Apaches." as the hooligans are ca and Mrs. Simon Ball, with their son | Gh 0 Ce a paper of their own. George and Jennie May, are arrang- ing for a trip to Kingston this week. Gunter, well attended Sallans' Miss Annie, a: 'Apache' to another. boat | <n January 30th, was | with men, teams and W. H viachicns column' "Collars ties," says the journal, "'ave still |} tle worn by well-dressed ~entlem and the silk 'balloon cap' has been placed by the motorii = cap. Tattc awing machine Budget From Kaladar. Kaladar, Feb. 2.--G. Banker, of we, has purchased the King Ed | ward boarding house from ¢. God- Godfrey will reside in Kala- » house lately | oecupied by Peter Hughes. Messrs, Melivide and McCracken, Roblin, pass i through here on their way north, ving cattle. Mrs. Nelson Mcbride home from the North- St with rubber soles, are much in vogue The *'society column" contain ne of the various "Apaches," in the penal settlemen Battle In The Dark. has returned Finn & Woodcock failed to get their ing Aill back until Thursday of this week, {but they expect to be doing a rushing | live was surro | business by the first of next week. | with carbines, and the palice co i Card, Selby, have | missary, carrying a lantern and f S | moved their saw mill to Cloyn , where { they intend sawing for George Deline | Mrs Allport turned on demanded admittance | unmanageable, and ran into | little fellow's eye was | Saturday even- | started at | i townshin is bes | ing circulated. Some of the oldest men nd it has done Soldier Who Resents Insult Given Berlin, Feb. 5.--~In Detmold a soldier who had been some time in the Ger t © t Sth, and broke her | pig "fing" together, an insulting term | had not ¥ | arrested for insubordination. He was | ge " . 3 are OR 5 | frém her home, on January 28th, was ment, hut was released, as he was able to produce medical testimony that he the new } n all those officials who have signalized jn "Africa by eseeptional | Thieves and Thugs Now Issue Paris, Feb, 6.--The dreaded Parisian Al It is written_by und says the Human ite, and is "Tased" on Irom' on' it mn, re »o ing is still fashionable. Silent shoes. ws doings of well-known i= West, where she went on hearing news fight with terrorists occurred at | of her inther's death. Owing to the Okhta, a poor suburb of St. Peters i condition of the roads, Messrs. | burg,at three o'clock, vesterday morn wmded by police armed m ol lowed 'by a number of his men, then Monday | The door was flung open, and th ri from Flinton, Where she had been lantern was struck from the commis | waiting on her sister, Mrs. William sary's hand. A fusilade of revolver ampbell. She was taken with a | shots followed, aml two inspect stroke about a year ugo and died on {and two sergeants were instantly kill | Saturday, January 26th, Quite a 'od and the police commissary head- | her from here attended the fune ously wounded. The terrorists eset ral on Monday. The little son of Mr. ed ad Mrs. N. McBride is very ill, Mrs Morton has gore to Northbrook to spend a few days with her. niece, Mrs Rutten. Mrs. A | short visit here 'on her return from she has been with her Meeks, of a_i -- Sham Fight Becomes Real. Lieut. tenl, was tried Geneva, Feb 5 voung Swiss officer, court-martial esterday, and tenced to ten das Dafoe made «a on the | mother and daughter, Mrs Mrs. Thomas Wee They have both been very but are recovering. She has re Tweed. Charles Pickering Bon Echo his head manoeuvres during on the |, red to of the "enemy," and, forgetting b Kingston. He fell and fractured his down Ptes severely wounding the Jobert reecivie the $300 Charles Bon to Millbridge, where Theo- visited this gard has gone "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's in number of teams hauling lumber to Kaladar Miller, | Famous for over a century, Messrs. Of highest standard of purity, Station. | rushing business getting out | The drawing is excellent. School is in 7 | a flourishing condition, under the able | management of Miss Kennedy, Enter- {prise. F. Rolufs, Forget, Man, is { renewing old acquaintances in this place. Miss lizeie Abbott returned home after spending a' few weeks in Soap { Kingston. Miner Weds In New York. an, eldest daughter of James color - askan mines. Mr. Shewan 1 | rt sen ent | Burtch"s horse radish, for are, | fne. Ask your grocery for it. Have ng to-morrow for Europe, where { other: only 10c, . hopeymoong will be spnt. | H. R. Bedford, Deseronto, has been: eet to eet | appointed police magistrate for the Pr. Shoop"s Rheumatic {township of Tyendinaga, without wal- tary, Mre. William Jones. William street, lan old resident if Belleville, died on most reliable prescription known ie of rheumatic poison from The only complete and perfect food Woods Soll by alt dealers. | is milk. In it are flesh-formers' and the Ro- | heat makers in the right proportions properly balanced. ilk taken every morning and even- mail | ing in conjunction with Orange Meat on the | which, according to Prof. Harcourt's ! lax. determination, is 50% more valuable well, a youne hov When the British nation! debt as a food than bread, supplies the unclaimed. Ire- | most perfect and evenly balanced food 'that human can secure. Build reek | s food. tra " Ap n by Ron m self in the excitement of the moment, Joost and Jobert latter.' Pte "Three Swallows" lrish Whiskey, logs. Distillers to His Majesty the King. | Among the amusing features is the | and | Petersburg, (Feb, 3.--A desperate | A house in which the revolutionists | of | AY, FEBR imprisonment, (the | vol cost of th Pr ae damages amounting {0 for losing as? vear's annual | | The young officer fell into the hands | | New York, Feb. 6.--In the Hotel St. | Regis, this morning, Miss Nellie Shew- | Shew an. was married to Elias 8. Gifiord, |, : : i : 'i i * » village St. . p of Boston. Mr. Gifford is a hub brok- he village of St.-Agnes. He did not er. and has extensive interests in Al | vain fer him all through yestetday. is one roast | the jargest owners of dock nroperty in hvenertl iff at : 0 in) ¥ MN hen el t n ; : i beef, pork, and all kinds of meat. 1s | the world. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford sail | ith a cliff at 0 spot four hours UARY 6. People of Kingston PROCLAMATION A BY Geo. W. Mahood Whereas, the people of this city have been led to purchase so-called remedies from which they have received no benefit whatever, and having thus wasted so much hard-earned money, it has come to pass that they know not what to believe, Inasmuch as this unsatisfactory state of affairs now exists, know, therefore, all persons who are in need of a medicine for any of the hereinafter mentioned ailments, that we will supply them with Vinol, our deliciou a positive guarantee that if it does not succ entire amount of money they have paid out on the medicine, There is no one medicine that will cure everything, but there are some we know to be honest, reliable and of great curative value. Such is Vinol. secret medicine--everything in it is plainly printed on the label, every part of it and know that it should be a blessing to al from any of the troubles hereafter descri absolutely nothing if it produces no benefit for the user. Could any offer be more fair than this? You are ill; we offer you medicine which if it does not we will return to you every penny you paid us for it. If you are ill and need such a medicine you owe it to your family, your friends and yourself to try Vinol, which we guarantee to be a genuine cod liver preparation made | from cods' livers containing their oil, : : We could not afford to lend our name to the praise of Vinol as we have been doing in the newspapers if we did not know it to be an honest and valuable remedy for the ills for which it is prescribed. We ask you, our neighbors, friends and acquaintances, to accept our assurance § ~ that this is a genuine offer and that any and all persons who need a medicine of this character should feel a sense of security in our offer. we believe will benefit you, and s cod liver preparation-- without oil--on + eed in benefiting them we will refund the a without question or quibble. p Vinol is not only a real cod liver preparation, but it livers and their oil. the medicinal elements found in a cod's liver, as are many so-called extracts or wines of cod liver oil. Vinol contains not only The nauseating, useless oil extracted by the Vinol process--is thrown away. Vinol is deliciously palatable and ag stomach and contains all the goodness, the soothing, healing, strengthening and curaive elements of cod liver oil --actually taken from fresh cods' livers To the medicinal elements recovered from Peptonate (Organic Iron), made by chemically ¢ Peptonate dissolved in a very fine medicinal It is for these reasons that Dinol is fa emulsions in the treatment of coughs, the liver as well. persons to try Vinol on our " satisfa We stake our reputation on this offer be satisfact on or money back without question to all who purchase Vinol at our store. Remember you are absolutely under no obligation to us whatsoev: Vinol a fair rial for any of the above ailments, you consider that you have refeived no benefit. You have only to tell us so and we will cheer You see our faith in Dinol, and you must adm Therefore, when we tell you that Vinolis one of the most valuable cad liver preparations we have ctor and. a rebuilder of flesh and strength, appetite and from any drugs or harmful ingredients of any description, u 10 believe us. ke and agreeable under all conditions. ever known, and a wonderful tonic, reconstrt health. at the same time being absolutely free we are not unreasonable to expect yo Remember, Dinol is delicious to 1a Geo. W. Mahood Kingston, Ont. indigestion, dyspepsia, irritability, nervousness, chronic coughs pale, celicae' women and children, nursing and weak mothers, ction or money back guarantee." ing genuine and meaning exacily what we say-- | Vinol is not made up of drugs or active principles which are said to resemble | all the medicinal elements of cod liver oil--but those of I from which all the medicinal elements are Feeable to the weakest the cod's liver is added Magma of Iron ombining Iron Oxy Chloride with Beef st superseding old-fashioned cod liver oil and colds. bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles, and as a body-builder for old people, delicate children, weak and run-down persons and 5 convalescents. | We want all persons suffering from loss of appetite, tiredness. loss of flesh, loss of strength, and colds, bronchitis, sore lungs, also and all debiditated and run-down fully refund the entire amount of it that we know something about medicine. | persons who are suffering bed : and, unlike other medicines, it will cost represents the most scientific method of manufacturing such a preparation, and only by the elaborate process employed in its manufacture can all the medicinal elements or alkaloids be recovered from the cods' ES ---------- Itis nota "patent" or We are familiar with | if. after having given you have paid us. ---- = | I -- ---- | ALPINE CLIMBER KILLED. Englishman ° Attempts Perilous } Feat and Fails. Mentone, Feb. 5.--Mr. Wiedermann, {an Englishman, sixty years of age, ot out on Monday merping to climb the Aiguille, the highest peak behind { return, and search parties looked in | Peasants found his body, to-day, { walk from the Aiguille. He appears | he id have slipped. but whether he. died to with supplying lionor to Arthur Max- bout trn years age. He was {pun guilty, and fined $30 and $10 costs or 30 days in jail clean out and completely remove every the | of | was A peir of emeine driving wheels are od to last about; 67,000 miles converted in 1889, £7,850,000 remained | that he from his fall or from exposure is uncer tain. Mr. Wieldermann at one time Remedy-- | Feld Indic hay s OD hiully will Tench chrome yan Shig and difficult cases heretofore regarded | as incurable by physicians and is the | ------------------------ Coiner Attempts Suicide. Londim, Feb. 5A man who was arrested, last night, in a police raid on on~ alleged coiners' den at Gas- | coigme place, Bethnal Green, attempt TA. Little, Kemptyi'le, was charzed | od to commit suicide whea the police | entered He drank a quantity of nitrate of ilver, which, it is alleged, was © | in counterfeiting, and he was removed {o the London hospital. It is stated has only just completed "a | term of seven years' penal servitude. A woman was also areested, and it ie alleged that a large quentity of counterfeiting apparatus was seized, Les 2 » For choice of SWELL WINTER SHOES, in Patent Colt, Velour Calf - and Box Call FIVE DOLLAR VALUES McDERMOTT'S Shoe Store