ommended him to y and we fitted him n a Nobby Wenth- He was well pleas- new there was such { Men's High Grade Kingston.' hundreds like him. u're one of them. we want to say matter what price ant, we can do bet- than anyone we to $20 look at them ? No to buy, but a look e you that this is buy your Suit. . Bibby Co. ITS MERIT IS PROVED RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE A Prondnent Montreal Women Tells Mow Compound. ni The following letter is only one of I am strongest and look better than I did before I was married, and there is great rejoicing in the house over | the won our medicine worked." Mrs. M. \ , 732 Cadieux St, Montreal, Quebec. If you have suppressed or painful 0000000000600 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000090000000000¢ r ee \ $ ----= | for the hostess was assisted i end of the week. distance. The lower running cord is > PICKED UP ON THE STREET. |e by ber ar ny Marshall | Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Syden- attached to the pole about two feet --eem---- After thimblee and needles had been { ham street. is expected home from from the ground, so that there is | i = An Old Man in Intoxicated {plied for somo time the guests wero | Montreal, to-morrow. 2 plenty of slack. If ' were pla on Condition. given conundrums, and had to find | Miss Vera Allen, Perth, is the guest | at its full stretch She ir in 8 i re a a A I ay Last night, abont 7.30 o'clock, an their answers by searching over cur- | of Miss Mand Publoy, Clergy street. Ing would ol be safiod P85 : er. strated oh. | tains, chair backs, ete: This mived | 2 e . 3 : 'E IRONS oid mab win Sues st rotelind get un the everyone up effectually, and in this |. Miss Margaret Macdonnell is com- | & hopeless tangle The best. time 1 Princess streets, in an intoxicated sociable frame of mind people found {1D¥ down from Toronto for the science | catch the wildiowl json ya Mh ' condition. He wou helpless, his hands themselves in the dining-room where dance, and will be the guest of Mrs. known as the darks, Shay and dnd feet being frozen. When he wad awaited thom. This room is done |W: L. Goodwin, Alice street. _ | stormy nights with hig 4 oe. " sicked up his nose and forehead wer ft t the furmiu Miss Gertrude Hardy, Napanee, is | the wind blowing north and no ugh. % Pe up the pavement Hing of the "mission" pattern, A | Ureguest of her aunt, Miss Corbett, Quiet moonlight nights are bad, das ae Owi tol i hor _ | pillared archway leads ta a bay win- | 293 Kin . 3 birds flying low, see the net ane Tact hat there: were fow copie walks dow, and every feature of the room | Mrs. J.\Qoyntz French. formerly | avoid the snare by rising aver e ing about, Yhe 'was mot~<een, his yody | 128 atiractive one. Upon the polish- | Miss Effie } pnwick, helds her post- top of it. Of course with so large a v o--. ba aly oh th RS ine od surface of - the dining table stood | nuptial reception on Friday last, at mesh many small birds pass throug iid RH ng n 5 ; YM Ca eH golden daffodils, making a bit of sun- | her charming apartment at the Em- | without being caught, and, being of af : Pri : 65¢c ing "and " i to his home a J hine nid He etal Tn fs. | pike. Winnipeg. shin twine, often When & ange punch i \ found i liver Chown and Miss Marshail help- | Mrs. James Massie, 'Bagot street, § of ducks or geesg strike it, th aters. ce Set has quently been found in the Td ith the tea, and little Miss Foi wills ao Ae Faront, on rd "2 | Clean through it, leaving nothing bat Cutters, 26c Up | y & Birch ck Street, Kingston same condition and papers are in the '_h@inds of the hotel men, prohibiting them from selling liquor to him. 'Lhe license inspector should look into the in the penitentiary, for theit at Wind sor. An officer from that city arrived *o I50 different styles of Fan Parlor Tables for our BIG IM- PROVEMENT SALE. : No Attempt Was Made to Rob .. No order too large to fill, or Pedlar. > too small to have our prompt At the police court this morning, attention. Magistrate Farrell dismissed the case / AT in which a pedlac accused another man of attempting to rob him, the | . particulars of which were given in 1D. THE LEADIYG UNDEtTAKER tuesday's Whig. The whole aliair was 4 PHONE 147. merely a joke, and the magistrate dis and Durability Is Our Maxam here with the prisoners on the night train. They spent the might in the eclls 'at the police station, and at 9 | o'clock this moming, taken to the priscn in a cab The prisoners attempted to vob a jewelry store at Windsor, but were caught by the police while they. were getting away with their plunder. were cy CASE WAS DISMISSED. a -- Oranges cents per dozen. t 15 cents per dozen. t 20 cents per dozen. it 25 cents per dozen. 40c., 5Qc. and 60c. per dozen. A ---- 66 Princess Street FE IIFIFIIIFIFIIIIVIIIG ~ About Patent Leather Hides used for maki a . VJICTUS Patent Leather Tre Are selected i are. with the greatest 4 They must be soft, smo i orm Sand free trom detects Otherwise, they would s ack: split, Fre lose their making sh unsigh and uncomfortable. me nig INVICTUS Patent Shoes are made ill widths, $5. 3 Leather in, all sizes and Fa ER eee x = misscd the churge as soon as he heard the particulars. Tha blacksmith who was charged, "tated that he did not lay a hand on the pritoner, and that he made no attempt whatever to rob him. Henry James, passed away at his late residence near Roslin on Tuestuy morning, at the age of sixty-three years. Mrs. Catherine Jones, the beloved wife of W. C. Jones, Belleville, died on Tneaday, aged seventy vears. Floods at Belleville, Moira six feet, above ordinary, and fupnace fires on, Wegt_steeet put out. FERED river, Hutch Rests The Nerves. One cannot enjoy life with nerves which are _constantly. on. the jump. When the nerves are not properly nourished they keep one in misery. To have the nerves well fed it is neces- 'house, and many Miends went to wish many more awd, groom happy pair, and this phrase is true in its fullest sense, husbund wore a scarfpin, pearls and amethyst, given him Florence Elliott, saw to the guests up- wraps, and so on. Le happily remembered. Excl - - - with the color Chown did her share here, too, an |visit her daughter, Mrs. John Coop- sarlier task 'having being to show |er. uests fo their room. The kindest Mrs. Farquhar Robertson, Montreal, | sides DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FELRU nsmm---- a ARY 6. ! Victor Williams, Mrs. F. D. Laficrty, sg | Mrs. Ho R. V. de Bury, Mrs. Iva Mar- tin, Mrs. R. W. Garrett, Mrs. James Gildersleeve, Mrs. Waller Macnee, Mrs. James Cappon, Miss Lois Saunders, and Miss lacdonell, 10 MAKE ADVANCES Bold in the Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable p Me : s {UE rary b+ OwlGDE Bm Sot ey, Soy ---- avenu, asked about thirty people to a IF he fs good Lydia 'E 2 a pleasant little ovening party on So as to Make Up For the, Ad- Yo Com is doing_smong GEESE RE ET EREERIEECEEY Tweedas, and the guests enjoyed vances on Wages to Railway. women merica is attracting we themselves very much throughout the Employees--Eastern Railroads . : - t 0 x 9 W p uiteition of many leading ecientists, and (Continued from page 2.) evening. Are Concerned. thinking people generally. There was a happy recalling of a - ee - Chica Feb. 6. econ A y ! . . ARE go, Feb. 6.---The Record-Herald happy event of the long ago, on Sat-| Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, "Annan: | vg the executive officials of the are, when Mr. and Mrs. George F.| lade, av a dinner Party, last night, eastern railways, controlling more ilson, Colborne street, opened their | for Lolomcl a Ars, Aredene il | than one hundred thousand miles of son. The sts were Mr. and Mrs. Iva Martin, Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. James Cappon, and Major Burstall. years of joy to the bride of fifty years ago. The A received together, be- "es a On Monday evening. Major and Mrs. ing joined after her arrival, "about iv all of the manufe od © i hali-past four, by their daughter, | Norman Stuart Leslie entertained at at Th Pet cent ug sebured cuminecsi Mrs, Charles H. Martin, of Dorches- | dinner, Colonel and Mrs. Frederick | miniroum, which it is permit od to ter, N.B. The bride wore at her | Wilson. Their guests were Colonel and | load ito a car. All the roads initial: throat a beautiful brooch of amethyst | Mrs. J. A. Fages, Colonel and Mrs. {ly interested extend throughout the and pearl, given her by some friends | Victor Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. | territory east of this city and north who had celebrated with her the forty- John Bell Carruthers, Miss Phyllis | of Ohio, clear to the seaboard and nth anniversary, last year, and her also of in er. * Short, and Mr. Palm -. - * Cavtain and Mrs. de Bury gave a many thousands which are on file in the memory of the ns pletsunt os: | little 'dinner at the Country Club, on CATCHING BIRDS IN NETS. Pinkham office, and to prove beyond sion. At the tea table were Mrs, Wil- | Monday. pata question that Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- son's sister, Mrs. W. J. Mahood, who a. ow. Method Employed Along the Coast etable Compound must be a remedy of poured coffee and her niece, Mrs. {* Mrs. N. Wilmot, Clergy street, en Lands of England great merit, otherwise it could not pro- John E. Wilmot, of Ottawa, who | {ertained at dinner, on Tuesday night, ? of bnglang. duce such marvelous results among sick uk the tea. Fhe Kirls BESUN were | to mark the birthday of herself, her Gam rors parte of the country and ailing women : Miss Minnie Crothers, Miss Marion | daughter and her nephew. Covers i nets aie used on certain parts Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- Clark, Miss lsabel Mahood, Miss | were laid for twelve. : The company | of the coast ior taking birds during "Soon after my marriage my health began Pauline Sparling, and Miss Libbie comprised old friends and a delight: the nighttime, but those at Friskney, decline, My appetite failed me: I was Allen.' The table was centred by very! ful time w spent on the Wash, in Lincolnshire, have uhable ta sleep, and I became very nervous handsome lace over vellow silk, and tune, wa, SPp et become famous on sccount of their and had shooting pains through the abdo- | 4 cutglass bowl held a mass of yol- | 7 op X sks * size and the quantity of birds that mn and pelvic organs, with bearing-down a 3 Mrs. Herbert N. Robertson. Colborne ) pains and constant headaches, causing me low roses, which had been among the | ctreot, will mot receive during the | &72 taken in them much misery. The monthly periods many gifts of flowers sont with all the | month of Februmry, but will be at On this particular portion of the more and more painful, and 1 became a | love and kindly wishes which flowers | home the first Thursday in March. coast, says The London Daily Gra- burdes I , family Justead soem. best able to convey. Besides the | ie =. phic, the tide goes out for a very Vegetable Cempound cured me within three SO thurs po. * many Joautifal | Mis. Herbert Robinson, Bagot | long way. Next to the big sea bank, months. Soon after I began using it I felt wii nt in gifts : a) : yg mn ve | street, returned from her very delight. which prevents the surrounding coun- a change for the betfer, ahd at the time a o Ion . 3 ra a ; Tittle ful visit in Ottawa on Monday. try from being flooded, there is a of ny 3 eriod 1 Bo En inished Sie) 2 ie he M ol) ne Mi °| Mr. Hubert Ostorne, who is now large marsh intersected with dykes, LE waa Sl EB y girls, Missaiertha Mahood and MiSs oie), Miss Annie Russell, is expected and covered with glass wort, which | to spend Sunday with his people here, {on his way to Toronto. Our curlers had the pleasure of seeing him play, last night, in Montreal. Colonel and Mrs. Frederick Wilson off and putting od The day will long tairs, taking Se , ison, street, | _. ; } ' riods, weakness of the stomach, indi- -- E Ti. i will be in town till to-morrow. --George Braw, the old wildtowler, haa gestion, bloating, pelvic catarrh, nervous | yo ahont thirty of her friends, and . | Mrs. Buxton Smith and Miss Jessie | fOUr of 'the longest, consisting o prostration, dizziness, faintness, "don't | happy afternoon they had there, tis | Smith have cone up to Lachute, from eleven lengths, each length cl net be- care" and "want-to-be-leit-alone" feeling, ot ideal house jor. a tea the obv Montreal. Mrs. Smith will remain | INE 36 yards long and about six feet excitability, backache or the blues, these rooms opening nto each other at- | thre till the end of February, but deep, made of fine, strong black cot- are sure indications of female weakness, | ractively. Ta ED drawing-room which | Miss Jessie will return to Montreal in | on twine, with a mash six inches or some derangement. of the organs. In is gk ai See fra TO . | a week's time, and in a day or =o will | square Along the top and bottom euch cases there is one tried and true \o added a ow of warmer bv go on to Sherbrooke. 3 f the net runs a thin strong cord, remedy--Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable | "5 © (5 Gli. (ulips toned up | Miss Mildred Jones, King stivet, ox- | to attach it to a strong ash pole, Compound. { F* t {pects to go down to Montreal the | which is placed at every 37 yards scheme of the room. 8 and prettiest things are being said of | gave a card party and Mre. G. J. | cock, snipe, plover, ow bi the iropstess by the fortunate guests Paraud, a luncheon for Mrs. Stewart different species, both large and small, invited by her. Robertson, of Kingston, visitin i t in the toils. One has to visit , ert on, $ , Vis g in | caught in the . WILL SERVE FIVE YEARS. Fw : « eo ) | Montreal. the net at daybreak to take ost the i : | he + cadets gave a" very jolly ©» Miss M. Cornett, of Gananoque, is il, otherwise the gulls and the Two Prisoners Arrive Here From |ckating party. last night, when two \yikiting Mrs. C. W gg mere a Sucked crows make very short Windsor. { vanloads of girls from town were ask "Miss Fthel Waldron. "Arthur | work of the poor captives. George Baker and Walter Dutler, [rd aver to share the pleasures of | Place," is recovering from a rather In netting the ubiquitous and de- young men, will each serve five years | their rink, and their gymnasium. Be structive sparrow all that is needed is severe attack of grinpe . skating, 'all sorts of romping . games were played on the ice--tag, | ¢ football, and so on, and then the | The cngagements are announced. of party went indoors for a dance and In Brockwille; of Miss Alice Irene, some supper. Mrs. E. T. Taylor was | culy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles thw chaperone, and - Mrs. F. D. Lak W. Johnston, to Mr. Kimber Wilson, manager of the Union Bank of Cyna forty looked in on the fun for a short : time. The party broke up about hali du, at Hmboldt., Sask., eldest son past (eleven. Among the girls who fof Mr... J. B. Wilson. formerly of Smith's Falls. The marriage will take went over wer: Miss Ressie antl Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Mabel and [Place in the spring. Miss Dorothy Brownfield. Miss Pessic | Rev. John Mackay, Crescent Street Smythe and' her visitor, Miss Marie { Presbyterian church. Montreal, and Gilmout. Miss Lota Carson and her | Miss "Leila Sampeon, daughter of | the late W. A. Sampson, Toronto. The marriage is to take place in April. visitor, Miss Fes'e Watson. Miss Irene Swift, Miss Alice Sears, Miss Mariory Low, Miss Christide Cochrane, Miss | Miss Sadie Farr, daughter of Mr Mildred Jones, Miss Lilliun Kent, Mise | and Mrs. Joseph Farr, 328 Davenport Rathlcen Kirkpatrick, Miss Anna | Road, Toronto Junctien, to R. R. Davis, of Tully, N.Y. The groom-clect ix a journalist, having for a number | of years been editor and proprietor of Rigney.: Miss Phyllis Shortt and Miss Marie Carruthers. es . Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, | The Tully (N.Y.) Times. The wedding gave a very very jolly progressive | will take place carly in March games party, on Monday night, for Miss Olga Riddell. daughter of Mr. her visitor, Miss Marie Gilmour. {and Mrs. J. M. Riddell. Olivier ave Euchre, Jack Str: pole, pig easino, and other games were played enthusiastically, Miss Adelaide Ritchie and Mr. Karl Tandy nue, Montreal, to Mr. Wilford Forbes, of Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Miss Norah Sullivan, voungest daughter of the late Bishop of Algo s, fishpond, croki winning the prizes After supper the | ma, and Mrs. Sullivan, Toronto, to classicand nerve-racking contest known Mr. Harold Attlee Flint, son of Mr as a potato race, oteupied eve ryone's | Richard Flint, Woodstock House undivided attention, and the rivalry | Croydon, Surrey, England. of opposing sides was bitter. Among Mrs. Annie Maude, eldest dauchter the guests: were : Mrs. J. J. Harty, | of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGoldrick, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Nora | 8¢. Mare's, to &. A. Young, M.D. of Gordon, Miss Belle and Miss Kate | (leveland The marriage is to take Craig, Miss Marion Redden, Miss | place at Cleveland, Ohio, on February Frances Campbell, Miss Loretta and | 14th : Migs Irene Swift. Miss Beatrice Tandy, : . 80 Miss Madelon Carter, Miss. Gertrude The marringe will take place on Wilkinson, Miss Kathlepn McParland, | . . Nr. William and Mr. Afthur Craig, i February (th, at St. Georwe's church, Ae. Artie: Maeno, Mr. William Kent, | Montreal, of Miss Maud Hamilton. to a irae, Mr Cliws | Mr. A. Willd Bishop, of London, Betts, Mr. Halloway Waddell, Mr. | Baan of Miss Edith, eldest Ae he : » of Miss E , eldes Stuart Lazier, Mr. James Swift, and | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William sary to have a healthy system. Hutch will give it you. By assisting the di- gestion 'and soothing the lining of the stomach it promotes a degree of health which is wonderful in its strength. Proper nuture is given the nerves and a quiet feeling of rest fol- lows a nervous sensation irritation. Hutch is a doctor for ten cents. | Mr. F. McParland. r ePariand . { Horkman, to Mr. James S. Wheeler, C. E., of Montreal, took place at the {home of the bride's parents, Ridout street, Lindsay, on Tuesday, January wa | Gikeon's Red Cross Drug Store, | Heden, the Swedish. traveller, has ~t | just been heard from in the heart of Professor and Mrs. Willhoft. William street, asked a few of their friends to spend T y evening with them at "The Avormore."" lhe time was sperit chiefly in French conversation, and a delicious little supper followed. Physicians prescribe Red Cross laasl's: Iron Tonic Pills. Special price Bl --92 bottles, 25¢c., 'during February, at Miss Libbie Allen, Clergy street, will entertain at tee on Friday. ' ee - After the Woddiher. 1oamarrew Miss Kate Reid and Mr. F. Mahood, Chinese Turkestan. He has already ed aC ¢ Nre James: Red Earl street, will] explored S40 miles of territory aiid old a reception. and her daughter's | Hencvelrd id ranges, rivers ding wits will be an attraction to | and gold fields. 4 : can be cured without the use of drugs. | the i i | A Chinese rebel leader living at / ! The Japanoet cure does not contain a . . iw ; | Tokio is organizing a revolution, ~ single dn One isjust plain, | Mya Aether Flower March enter. | which he claims, will result within soda. others are justas | co.q- | three years in the fall of the Manchu harmless. Yet no drug can cure : dynasty. ) 'headache more quickly . Lhree pound s best round steak, 25¢.; roasts, 8c. per Ib; boiling he Sawyer ioe Store tH st ™ at the Country ? d wv. when covers wera {laid for fourteen. It and the bridge "which followed, jenjayahie INCREASING FREIGHT RATES lines, yesterday, took action to réim burse themselves i erease in the wage position to ine north into Can is locally known to this is a big strete following this a vast mud flat, fa- mous for its cockles eral men there who work flight nets a big rent in the net thers to teil*the tale. seen various ducks anc ON COMMODITIES. for the recent In- s of their employees, being taken on the the rates on near: vote is now 1 da as samphire; next h of sand, and There are sev- and a few fea- The writer has 1 gulls, wood- 1s, and many a special sparrow net, pocketed on two long, thin poles. The ivy on the house sides and walls and the stacks in the farmyards are worked all over by rais- ing the net as high as possible, clap- ping iton to the wall or stack, and then drawing it gradually downward. The birds, as they are disturbed, fly out into the toils. Beveral scores of birda may be captured in an evening 21,797 Die of Snake Bjte. inerease in the number of 5 human beings and' cattle, ed to leopards. It is sugges writer in Baily's beasts seek their than they used to hood of villages. licenses to possess in 1905 tha be noticed; but it h cognized that it ia impossi d ble to dis 2016; and h man-eating tigers were eral districts, A regular again killed in sev erusad most trou e. To the success doubt may be att crease in the num by wolves--in 1004 244, 158. Be it is worth noting Government in Septem a special rewa eating tiger wi sons last year Singbhum district. Th ward for a tiger is Rs. 40. e-------------- hich killed seven pe deaths, both attribut- ted by a Magazine that these rey more readily o in the neighbor- The fact that more firearms were held n in the previous year may as long been re- yenas, 554. well known st wolves kas been carried on in parts of the Central Provinces where these brutes are most numerous and of the campaign no ributed the great de- ber of persons killed in 1905 only fore dismissing this subject that the Bengal ber last offered rd of Rs. 200 for a man- in Goilkera Forest, e ordinary re- a HOW IT STANDS. Beet i The United States Industry. New York, Feb. 6~Though a com- paratively new industry in the Uni ted States, the manufacture of sugar from beets has progressed at a very rapid rate during the past four years. In 1900 there were thirty establish. wents engaged in the manufacture of beet sugar, while in 1905 there were fifty-one, an increase of seventy per cont. Their capital in 1905 was $55, 923.139, as compared with $20,719 in 1900. The average number of wage: earners was 3.968, as compared with 1.970 in 1900. The oxpense of run- ping these establishments shows an jucrcase of 353 per cont, while the cost of material used increased from 24,503,796 in 1900 to R14.486,876 in 1905. The value of products shows an increase of 1} per. cent, or from 7, 329.857 in 1900 to $24,393,000 in 1905. Over $11,000,000 was distribu. ted amongst the farmers in the beet raising districts in payments for beets while over $2,000,000 was paid for limestone, sulphur, coke and fuel. The Sugar Skirt Protector ¥ iS stich & Is;slie ned on flat over. 1 sav the fifty-one companies shown by the re- turns of 1905 were all owned by cor- porations. Michigan leads the states with the number of establishments, nineteen being in that state, with a daily capacity of 12,550 tons, while the. socom] largest beet sugar state is Colorado. with nine establishments. -- FTASHION'S FORM. Gown of Black Accordion Plaited Crepe. A very smart design for a gown of | crepe, thin silk or voile is shown in | the sketch, the model being of black satin-finish crepe, the skirt made with- out trimming beyond the sun-plaiting. | The bodice had a deep, square yoke of Chantilly lace, the sleeves being form: ed of ruffles, of the same lace, with a | plaited shoulder-cap of the crepe. | Two-inch wide black velvet ribbon, joined together by velvet baby ribhon, formed the decoration on the bodice, as explained hy the drawing. Tinv black silk buttons were used at each end of the straps ol narrow risbon. The girdle was of bourd and fitted, ALL YOUNG CRIMINALS, at Mercy of Daring Thieves. Feb Marseilles rob are day. b Marseilles, bers infest Highway the ts here, and becoming more daring Mn the wife of a well-known merchant, was robbed of her earrings in a busy street here yesterday even sir every Savon | | the wider ribbon, | nz. Another woman, Mme Angst, has been victimized in the same manner. The robbers work swiftly, and do not hesitate to tear away women's ear rings by fore Two or threo other thefts of this brutal kind have oc | curred The neighborhood Anglais is unsafe for passengers. Ving lixh veturn'ne to their ships at night froouently robbed in spite of police sailors Several travellers and tourists arrive ing by train in the evening have heen sot upon 1nd robbed receive only light sentences from the magistrates and judges and steamship passengses | are | | was of the Quy ~ othe Quai th | of Woodburn West, Wednesday evening, | January Oth, | | 1 The number of persons killed in In- | igilonee. The thieves "hold up" ear dia irg 1905 by wild beasts' was 2,064, | i ows and ron the oceupants. If the as against 2,157 in the previous year, || tter pesist, the thieves use their re and the number of deaths reported volvers. from snake bite (21,797) is also a little The centre of the city is almost as smaller than that of 1904 ymenfe, and the numerically weak | A feature of the 1905 returns 18 the | police are unable to nrevent outrages. All these crimes are the work of | voung men of from eighteen to twen tv-five vears of age. It is unfortunate | that even when they are caught they | *Y In Hildesheim, Germany, ix the most to | easionnlly will keen the children heal- cover any relation between the num- famous = rose-bush in the world. . oH ber of firearms in native hands and | blooms every summer ond is known to | the number of deaths from wild beasts. Ihe over a thousand years od. An of | During 1905 more dangerous wild {fer of $230,000 for it was refused beasts were killed than in 1904. The | The assessed valuation of Calgars official figures are: Tigers, 1,355; leo- | lest year increased from 87,781,921 pards, 4811; bears, 2,236; wolves, |812,503,796, till One More Week To accommodate ao great' number of latlien who desire a will made, fashionable skirt, and who were not able to see about it lost work, Wwe will continue our Skirt Sale for one week more. Hundreds of women have secured this Bargain in the last two weeks. The' cost will be lity has been advanced; but we are The price in rea the Skirts to you at same LO you, iw, his advance ourselves and give propured to weet t the old figure. Special for Thursday Remember, our special sale of Coats, Skirts and Hats for Thursday, Be oh hand early, for at the following figures, these articles will not long : ; 25 Luis' Coats, comfortable garments; well made: different sizes, dark colors, at $1.25, and 81.49. 30 Ladies' Tailored Skirts, different lengths and waist measures, dark and light colors, at 75c., $1, $1.96, 100 Untrimmed Hats, all shapes and colors, at 50¢. and The, GR 10c., Be.' We, 0s. ------------------------------ UMLEY BR er re are. FREE HELP FOR M which ef fvely cure Joal man the marvellous German Rem i Kohr, It iscontrolied in this counts Company, a covey hic! in The medlent Sor. Ts 'rea sof men Jouny and cid, remedies have failed, 1 [Yousrary eriog I of the generat nasvch #4 load manh ing aioe, havious bil a reme ton ood Blea, i. hy TT , - n sappear obi * In Tawofat cases: : we k's Patient, We withe the k a aure of returg yous mons Correspondence troate strictly treatment sent free with a book advice, Ov esl succesans have h er trenimentn. 'This regular) he French and German shinies, the soldiers in these countries sre models of + owe #ecurely scaled in plain wrapper. " Medicine etandi finetit housan the A a: Foam to tw and vitality, "Write for sampi. Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer L. 2241, Montrec: A PITTSBURGH WEDDING. | Marriage of Miss Maud Hutton and Francis McLean. A pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hutton at eight o'clock, when daughter, Miss Maude, murringe to Francis Me lean, of Eric. Miss Mabel Henderson of Brockville, acted as bridesmaid, amd Robert Gates ably supported the groom, while Mixs Hazel Hutton made a charming little maid of honor. Miss Sudiec McLean presided at the piano, Mendelssohn's wedding | march, as the bridal party entered the : parlor. The ceremony = Wis performed | by Rev. William J. MacQuarrie, in the | presence of a small hunter of the ha. thir youngest united GILLETTS LYE | rendering mediate relatives of the bride and Ready for Use In Any Quantity. croom. Afte mijoyable wedding SOAP. satter 'water, femov~ Pr. Ri bridal con beh for hele og see dial ing. sinks, closets new home at Erie, amid showers of anata 10 pounds Seb Soda. . | rice ond govd wishes. Many costly pres | sents were tokens of the high esteem lip which the young couple held. {Phir mony friends extend congratul ations, and wish them a long life of health, happiness and prosperity SOLD EVERYWHERE, EW. GILLETT £00 TORONTO, ONT. . : The average death rate throughou the world is sixty-seven a minute. average number of births during the same time is veventy, | tn | {A dose of Miller's Worm Powders oe For sale by 'W. 1. Medley, | thy. PN pr GOOD FOR YOUR COLD. e A noted specialist in throat and lung trouble, who established wo camp for consumptives in the Pine Woods of Maine, and whose remurknble cares there have at- tracted great attention from the tmlical world, says that one- half ounce of the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine mixed with two ounces of Glycerine and one-Nalf pint of good Whisky, and usd in tea- spoonful will heal and gtrengthen the lungs, break up a cold in twenty-four hours, and cure any gh that is curable. r- doses, Toronto Return, $3.70. By Queen's hockey excursion via that a modus vivendi on the chu questicn will shortly be reached, a that religious pesce is ass "if cures any Crosy Cough Syrup, two for. | phonon, Ge. per 1b. At Mullin's, corner 'Johnson and Division streets ; rock. remedios. at Gibson's ak home Take no other. ured. !* Gibwon's Red bottles, 25¢, } The ingredients can be secured from any good prescription drug- gist, at small cost. G. T. R. Special train, 11.30 am, Sat s Inauiry at the prescription de- wd . ¥ ' i partment of a leading focal drug- ArCays gist elicited the information that . a i » the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine ix 4130 bottles Red Grogs Blass In (4 put wp" only in hadlomos vials be. during February ale at Gib for dispensing. Each vial ix se- Soh Red Cross Drug: Store. curely sealed in a round wooden he feeling: in France at prescnt is case, with engraved wrapper, name Virgin Oil showing the of Pine (Pure)---plainly printed thereon. Only the cheaper Oils L are sold jp bulk, but these create nausea, and never effect the 4 mired results, Cha ch nd | 4 J 3 | ae- 3 . Ee RPE A :. A chasnpjon Aperican me taken first Honors 'at the West Virginia rino ram. = He and as ns que as Soipetest judges EC