Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1907, p. 3

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F YOU WAST Tis BEST GET SCOTT'S WHITE LINIMENT % Nothine better for Pains, Swellings, &e, Best because it is A Powerful, More Penetrating and is the largest bottle. SCOTT'S White Liniment Co., Ltd. hn N.B., Proprietors of Herners sia Cure, oo Sale at J. B. Mcléad's Drug SPECIAL UR SALE nly Gent's Fur-Lined Coat, with best quality Russian Rat, No.1 Otter Collar, . $125, for $85. adies' Electric for $32.50. Ladies' Raccoon . Coat 50 s long, worth $75, for $52.50. above are for Cash Only. I. F. GOURDIER XCLUSIVE FURRIER Brock St. Phone 700 Seal, worth Optical Work Carefully Executed Spectacles and Eveclasses rroperiv fitted. New and mountines. Eyes carefully examined. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 330 King Street "Issuers of Marriage Licenses. up-to-date Great English Femedp, = and invigorates the whole bility, Mental and Brain iV orry, Des- A Les Weakness, Nmissions, Sper hea, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses, 5% One will please, siy ggists or mailed fry a Pound of rs' move Mave Sausages unday's Breakfast, 60 Brock St. ------------ . 1broideries. Ve show the swellest range of BROIDERIES ! er brought into Kingston, the very narrow widths wide widths, for flounc- Insertions, in an end- variety of patterns and s, all at )pular Prices" ything in the way of TER GOODS | be sold at a big reduc- ) Price. « - 3 ol Underwear; nkets. iis reed Suits, rts and Children's oats, Re od | be sold very cheap. -- 5 MAN & SHAW 't Arthpr, Ont., a man named s.diod 'as the result "of a blow oad steuk by sis brother-in- e lat ; \ uk 2h 5 The effect of malaria lasts a long time, You catch cold easil becom ; down because of the after effects of males = _. Strengthen yourself with Scott's Emulsion. = It builds new blood and tones up your nervous ALL DRUGGISTS;: 50c. AND $1.00. RLLLLLLLLLLLLLL0L000000000000000000000000000 Save 20 Per Cent. On Cooking Utensils If your stock of kitchen utensils lacks completeness in any respect, you will never have a better opportunity to put on the touches, than that afforaed you by our Great January Reduction Sale. To this, a by no means small num- ber of well contented purcha sers will testify. Tais sale covers our large stock of . CUTLERY, ENAMELLED WARE, HEATING and COOKING STOVES Space will not permit us to give an itemized list. How- ever, we have sufficient room to say that no matter what you may need in either of the above lines, come to us, and we can safely say that when you leave our store, you will he happy and well satisfied, both as to quality and price. Remember, you save 20 per cent. on every purchase. NUGENT & GRAHAM 335-337 KING STREET. FHREVER RRS REPRR RRR PIISININIIINIIIIIINe FIVIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIY * $3.75 te' For choice of SWELL WINTER SHOES, in "Patent Colt, Velour Calf and Box Calf. FIVE DOLLAR VALUES McDERMOTT'S + Shoe Store Cobalt Development Company Own 5 Mining Properties and a Town site, 20c, PER SHARE J. E. Cunningham * Siarenee LOOK LIKE 30c. The Profits Paid By Some Companies. When Compared With The Royal Insurance Co'y COAL! The sudden changes in Jeathat ought . to gRest the wisdom ol putting in some. good Coal. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best money can buy, and OF ENGLAND. Shere 1a nono. better sfned: Business In Force $10,000,000 We deliver it to vou clean and Life Funds . .. .. 41,000,000 without slate, at the very bottom Profits Paid ... 14,170,000 prices. Profits, 1005 8,226,000 Expenses To Income 83 per cent. We Invite Your Investigation. W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St | JANUARY SALE Only 4 More Days Left N We are going to offer some very special prices or Se Be of the; week. All Winter Goods must be sold. Furs and Blankets at 1-3 Off prog eres THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE | ~~ 180 WELLINGTON STREET. § DAILY BRITISR WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 28. NTION FRANCHISE FOR WOMEN FAVORED BY LABORITES. James Keir-Hardie Says He May Consider if He Can Remain in Party. r Beliast, Jan. 28.--A resolution in favor of the extension of the franchigp to all adult men and women was car- ried at Satwday's session of the con- ference of the labor party of the Un- ited Kingdom by 605,000 to 268,000 voles pe oom This was an amendment to the ori- ginal resolution, which favored the extension of the right of election to women as well as the right to vote. James Keir Hardie, M.I'., who was an upholder of the original pr: 1, declared that if the resolution adopt- ed was intended to limit the action of the labor party in parliament, he would be obliged to seriously consider whether he could remain a member of the party. After the adoption of resolutions in favor of submitting arbitration for war as a preliminary to universal dis- armament in support of a national educational policy, which should in- clude the maintenance of scholars by the state, scientific, physical education and the intellectual and technical edu- cation of teachers, education to be under full control, and the whole cost of the system t4 be met from the im- perial treasury. the conference closed. ACTION REGRETTED. A Judicial Roast Burns. , Jan. 28.--Justices Darling and Phillimore, in the King's Bench division of the high court of justice, refused to commit John Burns, presi- dnt of the local government board, for contempt of court in publicly com- menting on statements made by a London newspaper for which it was being sued for libel by members of the London county council. The justices, however, said the speech was "very unusual and regret- able,"" and they, could not "recall a previous instance where a minister of the crown had thought it consistent with his public duties to take sides in a litigation before the courts." For John Evening Gown With Satin Coat. A lovely evening gown served as model for the necompanyving drawing, the little bolero-like satin coat and sash ends being a very attractive fea- ture of the costume. The design is practical for almost any thin mater wal, the mode! being'in ccru net with the cont of pale corn color satin, figured in little rose bouquets I'he coat was plaited into a shirred band of the mats , and large buttons of rhinestones and enamel were placel on each side of the back and front. The coat was made dver an under blouse of net and lace. Gold cord was usa! on the sleeves and about the lace frill, which outlined the decolle- tage. The skirt was trimmed with wide net lace flouncing and insertion to match, and the high folded girdle was of the net, over a silk founda tion. The lining was of white taffeta, veiled with cream chiffon A Conscientious 'Justice of Peace tt. Makes a Voluntary and Unsolicit- ed Statement in the Interests of Humanity. The following letter from a highly respected Justice of the Peace, receiv- ed at the Laboratory of Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King street west Toronto," some "time ago, speaks for itseli. It is given to the public for the benefit of suffering humanity : Dr. T. A. Sleum, Ltd. Gentlemen, ~I feel it my, duty to ad- vise you of the remarkable cures af- fected by your Psychine and Oxomul- sion, which have come under my per- sonal observation. Three men, well known to me, Albert Townsend, Haz- en Hipson, and John McKay, all of Shelburne County, were pronounced by the best medical men to. have consumption, and to be incurable and beyond the reach of medical aid. They used Psychigg and Oxomulsion and vod health. I owe to suffering humagity to staleh thesq facts for the benefit of other sufferers from this ter- rible disease. Yours very truly, LEANDER McKENZIE, J.P. Green Harbor, N.S. Mr." McKensie was entirely unknown to them, and speaks from a sense of duty. They have thousands of Tetters from a similar sense of duty to their fellow-beings on file in their office tes- tilying to the power of Psychive to cure all forms of coughs, colds, ca- tarrh, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and consumption. Psychine, pronounced Si-keen, is for t all drug stores at H0c. amd J tle. act oF conve Catarrh of the Stomach A Pleasant, Simple, But Safe and Effectual Cure For It. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. Catarrh of the stomach has long been idered the next thing to incu The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eat- ing, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gas es, causing © on the heart and lungs abd difficult breathing, head- aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid fecling. There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue, and if the in- terior of the stomach could be seen it would show a slimy, inflamed condi- tiom The cure for. this common and obsti- nate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. Yo secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary 'thing to do, and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap- peared. According to Dr. Harlanson, the saf- est and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Dias- tase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tab lets can now be had at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medi- cine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. R. 8. Worlgnan, Chicago, IH., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition result- ing from a neglected cold in the head, whereby the lining membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poison- ous discharge therefrom passing back- ward into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities pre- scribed for me for three years for ca- tarrh of stomach without cure, but to-day 1 am the happicst of men, after using only ome box of Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets. I cannot find appro- priate words to express my good feel- mg. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the sim- plest and most convenient remedy for any form of indigestion, Catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send your name and address to-day for a free trial package and see, for vourself. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 58 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich NO WOMAN CAN BE STRONG AND HEALTHY UNLESS THE KIDNEYS ARE WELL kidney troubles. They begin by healing the delicate membranes of the kidneys thus make their action re- gular and natural. They help the: kidneys to flush off the acrid and poisonous impurities which have and all the urinary passages. Doan's Kidney Pills are entirely vegetable, and may be safely taken by young and Let Doan's Kidney Pills do for you what they have done for "ovens of that is, cure you. Mrs. John Youn, , Harwood, Ont., writes: "I was trou with my kidneys for some time-and my back was so lame I could scarcely get around. After using two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I am completly cured. I find thers is nothing like them for the cure of all kidney troubles." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 sénts per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of piriceby The Doan Kid- sey Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. DEATH AT NAPANEE, A Young Lad Suffered From. Meningitis. child, a bright clever little boy of eight = years, on Saturday morning last: The tittle fellow contracted a cold early in January and this devel oped into spinal meningitis, and caus- ed death. The sorrowing parents are receiving sympathy from a largs cir cle of friends and relatives in this the hour of their sad trouble. The funer- al takes place, to-day, to the Eastern cemetery vault. Allan M. Praser still continues very low from a severe attack - of grippe. He has been confined to his bed since Christmas. W. 8. Benton has been ap- surance company of Toronto, Jolin Paisley is able to be out for a short time dach day 'after a month's illness of grippe. The ice races on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, promise to be quite an at- traction. Everything is in first-class condition on the race track and if the weather keeps right "nothing shoud prevent a lively and interesting time. To Build German Ships. * Berlin, Jan. 2B. --~Germany, it is in- nounced, will shortly have in .readi- ness five shipbuilding yards capable\of building battleship of over 15,000 tons. Tt is further stated that yards will be built at Kiel, with tha view to comstructing warships of . 25,000 tons and 780 feet in length. ---------------- Just Of The Press. New hymn book ectitaining over 150 of the latest solos and hymns. Ma of these sacred solos in no other hymnal Two sample books--words and music complete, will be sent upon re- ceipt «of ten cents. W. M. Potter, Pet erboro, Ont. ---- Governor Swettenhagy bas cabled to the sccretary of state that no mers | funds or provisions are required, | has forbidden: mny rebuilding, except | on plans approved by the city sur Vevor. Skating at Royal rink to-night. Se .| St. Lawrence collected, thus clearing out the kidne | bladder he Nasance, Jan. 28.--Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conger and carried off their eldest | pointed agent for the Mutual Life In- | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES / Firet ins Jasertion, ls. word. Saw com word. mum charge ' one In Advt. 4 'lines or wunder-a week, $1. Advi, 4 lines or under a month, Bovrybody in Kingston Heads the WHIG a A rh ------ HELP WANTED---MALE, ALESMEN LISTEN, ing live, good terms need apply, F. BE. QUICK SELL lors SPRING SUITS TO MAKE G wen, bring your own cloth and a cheap up-to-date suit made. Style, price and faish suaruitbed. Drostinu and ring done well. alloway, The Tator. 181 Brock stieet. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, in eight weeks, graduates earn $10 Tan NY ren Hel Canada and a ne c - GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS, Nickle, 180 Earl St., in the evening. @ | THE PEOPLE'S A ---------- WANTED-GENERAL. TO BUY GOOD HOUSE. FOR $2,000 Address Box 98, Whig office. iu ---------------------- QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR 8. S. HE a Nain; Djubieh, A, wid A Apply | KITCHEN, HANGER, Wrest Stating salary, to J. E. Irish, Secy.. tion, 'Will sell cheng ood Trees., Veapachar, P, O., Ont. Carson, 820 Princess st 3 100 CARS NU. 1 and NO. 3 TIMOTHY Hay, shipment, and Janu ary. Quote price on cars Your station for sach Quality. W. H. wyer Co., Limited, Trust Bud tawa, Out. ET ---- HELP WANTED-MALE. Sales Manager. Ix perienced specialty quired for Lipton's Baglish line of goods. Must be thoro ly experi- enced in the wholesale and retpil gro- oery trade throughout the whole of | Canada. Write Il particulars in confidence, stating, age, past trav. eling experience, whom at present employed hy salary required, ete., to "W. M." care THOMAS J. LIPTON, 89 Pearl Street, New York City. salesman re- A' GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ply to, Mrs. W. T. Connell, 11 Arch street. HOUSEMAID, REFERENCES RBE- quired. Apply to Miss University Ave. Brown, 1388 A FEW SMART GIRLS, TO WORK IN paper box factory. Good wages and steady work. Apply Kingston Hosiery Co., Kine street. GENERAL SERVANT TO COOK AND do housework, small family. Apply Mrs. Meyer, 196 Johnson St. bes tween 7 and 9 pum. A FEW SMXRT GIRLS TO WORK IN finishing room, to - operate machines. Good wagd v work. Awnly Kingston Hosiery Co. King street. MEDICAL. . DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY fed occup! bv Dr. Ryan, corner Mom- trenl and Brock streets. . DR. I. WOOD, DR. J. F. SPARKS, Physicians and Sur Corner Wellington and WHNRR streets. VETERINARY. DR. G:. W. BELL, VS. HAS RE moved to his brick , Cla street, Calls by telephone promptly attended to. GANANOQUE NEWS. A Man Fined For Cruelty to a Horse. Gananoque., Jan, 28 <-At the Maple Leaf rink, on Friday evening, the high school hockey team trimmed the last yea¥'s champions, Star-Bachelors, seven to five. Saturday evening the team went to Lans- downe to try conclusions with 'the Ramblers, of that village, and next | Thursday evening the high school will {try conclusions with the Ramblers. In the police court on Wednesday, Thomas Shipman arraigned, charged with cruelty 10 animals, by leaving his team standing unblanket- {ed on the streets for several hours, {with the temperature fourteen below zero. The magistrate taxed him $2 and costs. was The meeting of the patrons of the | Gananoque public library "drew out a {very small 'attendance." The election | of officers was left over till another meeting. The Gananoque branch of | the Brotherhood of Leather Workers on Horse Goods, after their regular session on Wednesday evening lust, had a bit of a "blow out" in the form of an oyster supper. | The management of the Maple Leaf {rink have made arrangements for | holding a carnival of a grand scale | mext Thursday evening. C. A. Watt, | Stone street, attended the session of | crand chapter of-Royal Arch Masons, i held in Toronto last week | Edgar Seale, Garden street, spend- ling the past few weeks with friends in Algoma, has returned home. Mr, { Craig, of the Corner drug store, has | severed his connection with the firm, land is leaving town for the west. J. F. Shields, Charles strect, has {gone to Fort William where ha has |sceured a position with King & {Co's grocery establishment. Before {leaving he was presented with a nice {ly-worded address: and a purse of {money by a numbiér of his sporting | friends. | George Gallop has tendered his resig- {nation to the Presbyterian session, as |organist and choir master of St. {Andrew's church, which position he { has ably filled for some time past. {He has accepted a simifar position in | Christ church. H. G. Chamberlain, {of Kingston, spent som time during | the fore part of the week with friends | in town. Miss Gracey, of the manse, is spend- {ing some time with friends in Toron- {to. Mrs. L. Webster, of Quebee, is {spending a short time here, the guest {of her mother, Mrs. C. "W. Taylor, { Church street. Mrs. T. Morgan, of Garden street, is spending a fow { weekm with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sauve, { Vietoria avenue. i 0 I~ | Division Oourt At Delta. | In the case of Mulville vs. M. Woods attracted considerable attention. It | was an action brought by E. J. Mul {vills, Wesport, for injuries sustained | by his lettir, Am Patch, in a ecolli- sion with Miltor'Woode on the Delta {fair grounds on Newhoro fair day last i September, while speeding in the ring. {The plaintiff was awarded $45 damages land costs. » | Another suit, Bulger vs. Gallagher, {afforded much interest. William Bul. | ger, constable, sued Albert Gallagher, Portland, to recover an award of $50 claimed to have been offered by the | plaintif for the arrest of the parties {who wére breaking into the summer | cottages at Portland "this winter. Mr. | Bulger had caused the arrest of one | Mich+¢l Hoban, afterwards sentenced ito Kingston for seven years. Judg ment reserved. . "Just three more days" you ean buy robber goods at bargain prices at the January rubber goods sale at ] 2d Cross Store, | Gibson's Red « ¥ company 8,008 acres of which ser Diadem, and the Seidlite to Paint part of the steamer'®as burned oyt. aged twenty-three from Depew to visit friends here, shot AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, sixteen at » Special reason. Apply through TWO SECOND-HAND CREAM SEPAF Store, dn. tod 'thepe, ait we rie cutters, D, J. re aMEbIC, Boo by byteri, M. street, Toronto. DOUBLE FRAME House, on t oO To be removed from lot April 1st. Tenders will "he "reasived noon of Feb. 2nd ~MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, 'LON N. Rl PON AND GQ WM. NEWLANDS, x floor over Mabood's Drug , A assets $41 187,215, additio Which the. ml have. ot ARCHITECTS. ty the umlimited Hablity ot Dry inured = pa ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF rates. Bef ving fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot strests. Zon business, sot rates from a tL 3 .. HENRY FP. SMITH, ARCHITEOT ate. Anchor Building, Market Square, | OUR POLICIES ove MORE oN siden Bs Ln AP rt POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER ot . chant's Bank Building, corner Brock ET TTT ------ and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 313 TO-LET. 3! ARCHITECT, or. | PWELLINGS FFICES, STORES, A LADIES' SILVER WATCH, WITH gold fob attached, on Saturday. Re Ward for its return to this Office. -------------------------------------------------------- A LADIES' SILVER WATCH, OPEN ace, with initials ""M. J. OC." on back, Subdav night, either on Prin. cess or King Sta. Finder please leave at this Office. A LADIES' SILVER WATCH, monogram on back, on Thoersday afternoon. Liberal reward for its re- turn to Temperance House, on Queen street. WITH WILL BUILD CITY, The Steel Trust Will Invest $75,- 000,000. Jan. 28.<The Chicago, United States corporation has purchased 2,- 300 acres of lagd i Gary, Indiana, comprising the remain. der of what ers' tract there, for a consideration of in the new town of is known as the Pack- $3,000,000. This purchase gives the land upon to build its industrial eity, whieh, when completed, it is said, will tepresent an investment. of $75, 000,000. A BURNING STEAMER. A British Cruiser Came to the Rescue. ¥ London, Jan. 28.--~The British crui- at Colombo, telegraphs that she found the North Germa Lloyd steamer Seidlitz on fire in lati tude 5.56 north, longitude 86.34 east. Fhe warship took off 105 passtngers mails and escorted the Degall. The fore All the passengers and mails are safe. A Black Hand Tragedy. New York, Jan. 28.--Nichola Marra, years, who eame ind killed agent. A an alleged "Black Hand" demand for 850 had been made upon Marra, he says, and when he refused to mand, he was set with a razor. assailant three times, comply with the de. upon and slashed He thereupon shot his Sixty-five cents buys a 81 fountain syringe. The end of the January rubber goods sale at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Ind Before a n scientist p terrible disease. a ) four hours. ing'd (Pure) is put up o Pp Oil of ine * . a tn ests eastern, 0! ete... at McCann's, ST Brock HOUSE, NO. 288 BROCK ST. 0C cupled bv Henry Wade -. Possession 1st of May. Mahon, "74 Weliigton sre" ME eesettemt oie A ----_--ntn EDISION TRIUMPH PHONOGRAPH Jargeut in city. 200 ¢ Sign moder hy. 'ostal Thos. MoGitmes, 281 is a ----------------e te et ee oe HE RE RESIDENCE NOW 00! 1 = tor. AN n m 1s St., heated with hot conven hy Anvie O, Livingston, Brock. modern Mav, street. tty ------ HOUSE, 86 BARRIE ST. FROM FEB, 1st, 30 May lat, with option of or N and u The Paragraph Pulpit. Unitarian REV. CO. W. CASSON, OTTAWA The God Of To-Day. God lives not in the past. There no past; it is but, the closed tomb the life "wad and inet, Tinie and Stuily Goblet, of Wy Wri tional "second we cull "now." The past is but a memory; the future is unborn and son-existent; the o timo that really is, is now. And God ¥ 4 lives in _¢ the now, if He lives at x all. He Speaks today, not by echoes from the past, but by speech in the present. God was never more a reality, and never will be more a reality than He is to-day. If you sock Him, you will find Him, hear Him, know Him, Where you stand gt Him, know Him, whero you stand at this moment. \ = . oh ddreny Mr. Casson for free literas A ure, 4 Dies After A Train Wreck. Bennington, Vt., Jan. 28.--Alter the = locomotive of a Rutland freight train had brokin away from its cars ged then had backed and crashed into the front car of train Saturday, engi y Dexter Farnham, was found pm. wt 'ous in his cab, and a few minutes pf ter he dicd. He had been stricken with heart disease. 8t. James' school Men's social, room, Tuesday, January 20th, 8 p. m, In aid of choir fund. Admission 25 cents, Heavy Snow In Spain. Madrid, Jan. 28.--~Railrond traffic in Spain has been seriously interrupted ocdentedly heavy fall of snow, ro Aa Ad 5000 LIVES SAVED YEARLY d BY MODERN METHODS IN TREATING CONSUMPTION ) In New York since 1881 there has been a reduction in the death-rate from tuberculosis of 40 per cent ; that means an nnual saving of 'some 5,000 lives. ease, it was considered the visitation of an avenging Provi- dence. Our fathers gave it uy as hopeless. Modern methods of @ treatment, however, have done much towards eradicating the A noted specialist, whose camp for consumptives in the p Pine Woods of Maine has attracted great attention because of the remarkable cures he has effected there, and whose methods have been indorsed by the highest authorities, says his treat- ) ment was very simple, consisting of $ breathing 'and Wétrishing food. Every four hours the patient } was given one teaspoonful of a mixture of the Pure Virgin il from the White Pine Trees, combined with Whiskey und Glycer ine, in the following proportions : of Pine (Pure), two ounces of Glycerine and eight ounces of } good Whisky. Shake well and take in teaspoonful dosés every This treatment strengthened the lungs J bronchial tubes. He. claims this formula will break up a cold in twenty-four hours, and eure any cough that is curable. The ingredients' can be secured from any good prescription gist at small cost, and can be easily mixed in your own home. Inqui at the escription department of one of our lead- . ts elicit Dr the FA nl hon that Virgih Oil of Pine u oe half-ounce vials Tor'dispensing. Each vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case, with engraved wrapper, with the name-- 'Virgin Oil of ly rinted a are many rank imitations of > cl are put out under various names, such as Concentrated Oil of Pine, Pine Balsam cept theve as a substitute for the Pume Virgin 0il , as they will invariably produce nausea and never effect at various places, owing to an unpre- discovered the germ of this dis- Q k 4 3 open-air _ exercise, deep 3 4 4 half ounce Virgin Oil § and healed the drug- Pure)" Bine ( yeaa , ete. Never ac desired

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