Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1907, p. 1

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your Cough female 10: question about that, Lou, nths why go to all the trouble aod re the inconvenience of looking him u re the then of having his prescrip; charge when Jou €an step into an, and the drug store 8 and obtain nesday, a bottle of . SHILOH'S CURE room or a , . ar in Why two to five when tment hy, Sofed Kings bottle of SHILOH will cype you | AR eb as i h. Yory thousands of [Sg 4 he past have o show done for the past thirty-fo.p rly~no Jere! let SHILOH be your doe Ey & whenever a Cough or Cold i i Lt or Bin HILOH will eure you, ang al wid hd back up this Statemeng go with a positive guarantee, f The next time you have 3 ot. Cough or Cold cure it with ned. R Owing sh off y French . and ted to now houses re and disre- aining se of rants. andise Sand s TO MIS MAJESTY THE Kine, a SirJohn Power & Son 1.44. op ESTABLISHED AD. 791. verage » » se is- "i 1 | THREE SWALLOWS g and © =" | | IRISH WHISKEY hd Famous for over a BE er century for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. It Is especially fecommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" In Russia the nobility enjoy freedom trom 3 dno Germany certain noble families pay no taxes at all. 's Disaster Pro- | The waman was Mme. Humbert made Mme de Thebes also predicted the Boer p Ed- war, the great charity bazaar fire in b is- | Paris, the' Servian massacre and: the the discovery of radium. She Madame Thebes has assisted the mme- French police in solving great mys > fig- | teries. "In more than one 'murder, I attle | have read the hands of the victim mons. | and of all persons connected with t* very | crime, and the results have heen ncial | startling. T have read hands in jn scan- | oms, in hospitals, in most of the iD | Courts of Europe. 1 have told more stria | than on» sovereign of Europe his eX" | weaknesses wnd good points." Alex 29 | ander Dumas fils, her godfather, «ail 19av- | to her : "You have wonderful naturil enter | gifts," and so Mme, de Thebes made Palmistry a profession, "I am a cli de | Yoyant 'with the hands)" she = sail meri- | "There are no silly occult tricks, how 1906 | ever. 1 seo g hand, a face, and 1 can refer- | tell at once what that person should Val- do,what he should not do, whether he is good, had or indifferent. It is the = Says | result of keen, - constant observation * do and the application of scientific prin- die. | ciples," : bi Parisian doctors often send her pn ino tients. '¥. examine the pulse, she His the palms, ist few the diagnosis. Madame de Thebes is a friend of even the medical profes- Hd sion, which is so quick to discouniten sty's | 20¢® the unorthodox. She was a Jor > sonal friend of Dumas, Adolphe Bris- so | on, Jules Claretie and Ernest Dau- died | det, while to-day the world-fanied ns very | tronomer, Camille Flammarion. fre- ghed | quently honors her salon. peci- | * provhetess, curiously enovgh. veil- Protests that she is anything but sup- in Sstitious. Indeed, her whple anpear- y | ance surrgindings run contrary aha to the traditional aficotation of 'the here | sorceress.' She is a handsome. woman - Is | of middle age, with the frank, oven PH countenance of an upper-middle-class a- wife, and she js stylishly dress Are fod, without o suggestion of ecoentri- nilar city. Her salon, too, is simply, though rivhly fu/nished. 100 INCHES LONG $7.00 UP John McKay 149-153 BROCK aT. KINGSTON DAILY MEMORANDA. City. Council, 8 p.m. 1 Hockey, 8 pu. Queen's II. vs, RM.C. Skating at the Royal Rink Good ice. "The War Correspondent,' House, 8.15 p.m. Zion, skating to-night. 'Men's and Boy's races to-morrow, prizes, This day in history :--Nova Scotia en- ters Dominion, 1869 - Streets first light- ed by eas, 1807; Sir Francis Drake, died, 1596, to-might. ' Grand Opera WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Bditoral Rooms. 292--Johbin~ Department. Embossine und Engraving a specialty. _-- FF 'Josiah Wedgewood We have some old Blue DINNER SETS of this celebrated m y very quaint shape, regular price $9.75. ~--NOW-- $7.25 Robertson Bros. Lag. ; Notice to Architects. Designs for New Departmental and dustice Buildings, Ottawa. Extension of Time. THE TIME FOR RECEIVING COM- petitive designs for the propesed new De- tmental and Justice Buildings at Mtawa is hereby extended from April ». 13 to July 1, 1% Bv order, FRED. GELINAS, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, January 24, 1907, Newspapers will mot be paid for this adverisement if thority from Secretary. they. insert it without e Department. SENIOR 0. H. A. Peterboro «VS. : '14th Batt. Hockey Club WEDNESDAY, JAN. h,.* Game called at 8.15 pum. é General admission, 25¢. Reserved Seats, gallerys Nos. 1 and 2 + No. 1 and side gallery seats, 50e. V. 0. Band in attendance. Plan opens for sale of seats on Jam. 20th. ? If you wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele graphy, and all com- mercial sul jects thoroughly taught by tomptent, experi d_ teachers. Day and night classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. HF. METCALFE, President. J. BE, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. ee ---------------------- eet Sharbot Lake and Bolton Creek Bridges. i sid A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY the, Fromtenac County Counch . will meet at Sharbot Lake, on FEBRUARY 7th, at 2 o'clock p.m., tq sell certain jobs of repairs to Sharbot Lake Floating Bridge and Bolton Creek Bridge, in the Town. ship of Oso. i Any person or persons wishing to ten der for the ®hole or any part of the work ghould 'inspiot the two bridges and meet the Committee, at Sharbot Lake at the time stated above. J. W. EDWARDS. County; Clerk W. J. FRANKLIN, Chuirinan and Bridges Committee Roads 14 Off We have a few boxes of ROWNTREE'S AND CADBURY'S Chocolates Left over from Christmas, which we are going to sell count o 250, This is a rare chance for lovers of fine Chocolates. y James Redden & Co. THE FRONTENAC, LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. © ESTABLISHED 1863, President--Sir Richard Cartwright loaned on City and Farm Pro Municipal and Co . 0. McG Managing Director. 8 87 il, strvet. Kingetoss NewYorkChinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. tofS.00 am. The best placy to wet an all round Aunch in the city; Meals of all kinds on shortest notice, English and Chinese wishes a specialty. + ENQUIRIES Are 'coming ju lor Tesidential ty to pu ast an ren Prior to May next. Let me aid Pe dispose of yours to good # adap tage. SWIFT'S nlena e and Agency HOME AGAIN spend eeks holidays, ah my movey. 1 want owe. ore rit are. TURK'S Second-Hand na 898 Princess street. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB. THE NIGHTLY _CLEB Win rr Sanco MON DAT evening, - which will be their last dance intil Baster Monday. A cordial weleo 3 axtndea to all members. Dancing, 8 e---------------------- at a dis- | PEPPLONPCL0000000000 04 - ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER } "Phone §77, - 227 Princess St HIS LIFE FOR OTHERS. Received Fatal juries in Warn- ing Gilests. Regina, Sask., Jan. 28.--The fatal Windsor tel fire of last November, has claimed its fifth victim in Don- ald Walker, aged seventeen, the hell boy, who heroically roused'the guests. He has succumbed to the injuries he received in jumping from an upper window. He was. the son of Angus Walker, Orillia, and will be buried here. Made A Big Purchase. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 28.-~The News- Tribune says: The Mutual Transit company, of Buffalo, has purchased the four steel steams comprising the "Soo" Line, for a sum approximat- ing $750,000. The four package freight- ers, which will bring the total of the Mutual's fleet up to twelve vessels, are the Minneapolis, St. Paul, Huron and William Castle Rhodes. Not one of thom is more than ten years old. Declines A: Pension. Ralkigh, 8S, C, Jan. 28.--Mrs. "Stonewall" Jackson has declined to accept a pension of $190 a month from the legislature and a resolution to that effect has been withdrawn. "Arabian paste" removes warts and corns at once, Costs 10c., at Best's: C. W. Adamson, son of A.J. Addm- son, MP. has been for the Rhodes scholarship for Saskatchewan. A COUGH CURE AND A TONIC The only one of its Kind. The onlygeough cure that acts as a tonic to the run down system. It cures the cough, soothes the sore throat and lungs, gives you rest at night and banishes the cold from your system. MATHIEUS SYRUP of Tar and Cod Liver Oil From, all dealers 86e¢. large bottle, esis Go- Fim. She For | Lawrence Island, where they were in- Qi The Skeletons Of Those Who Perished. WERE SEEKING F00D WHOLE TRIBE PERISHED IN VAIN SEARCH. Wasted Time in the Summer White Visitors Occupied Their Attention and They Neglected to Hunt Then. Dawson City, Jan. 28.--Word has reached here of the find of the skeie- tons of a tribe of natives who periah- ed from hunger and famine nearly twenty years ago. The find was made by a party of prospectors om St. vestigating some quartz veins. The one hundred and fifty skeletons bore grim testimony to the suffering which the natives must have endured at that time. The natives at that time had no firearms, and many bows and arrows and other primitive wea- pons were foul by the prospectors. A native guide whom they met at the village told them that the tradi- tion of the natives gt that place knew of the other settlement of natives far ther south, but = that the two tribes were not on' terms of frienffliness, and that there had been a feud between them for nearly one hundred years he- fore the terrible winter in which they all perished, The natives stated that a whaling vessel had come to the southern por tion of the island during the previous summer, and that instead of spending the open season in hunting and fish: ing. the dead natives had idled away their time. The catch of seal and wal- rus was very poor that year, and the tribe found themselves at the approach of the cold 'weather practically un- provided for. The winter was severe. One heavy blizzard followed another all through the season, and the natives were un- able to hunt or fish. Gradually they died off, and before the warm weather came around in t were al s Fhe ety Ev stite that the tale of the 'guide seems' to bb borne out hy thay discoveries they made. / The skeletons are scattered over a very wide area. with, in al most every instance, the remnants of bows and arrows and other crude im- plements for hunting and fishing. There was every evidence that many of the unfortunate natives had fall en in their tracks while they wore in pursuit of some animal with which to sustain life. The prospectors also made another interesting discovery in the form of an wninhabited island, some distance to the south from St. Lawrence Is land. The island has of being mineralized. One of the returned prospectors states that the natives of St. Lay- rente Island had not preyiously seen any dynamite. and when a charge was put in the ledge which they were pro- specting and exvloded, the natives took to their heels, and from that time hence gave the place a very wide berth. the appearance FROZEN TO DEATH. Tragic. End of a Farmer in Com- necticut. Waterbury, Conn., Jan. 28.--William Gleeson," a farmer, of Hotchkissville, was found in the road just outside his home frozen to death. The thermometer ter was twenty degrees below zero in Hotchkissville last night. Gleeson started to walk home from Woodbury, three miles from Hotchkiseville, about nine o'clock. Friends warned him that the journey was dangerous. "Oh, I'm young and husky yet, for all my sixty years," he laughed and trudged on. Exhaustion and stupor overcame him when he was in sight of his own farm- house lights, and he fell, dying in the snow. PREVEJTED WIFE'S RESCUE. Negro Holds Off Neighbors While She is/Burning. Gulf Port, Miss', Jan. 28.--At Seria Sh Willie Smith, colored, was last night arrested charged with having bummed to death "Pinkey" Tigg, with whom he lived. Neighbgrs were prevented from rescuing by Smith, who stood guard. The dead woman is thought to have been tied. She con tinued to scream for help uncil the flames reached her. Damages By Earthquake. Geneva, Jan. 28.--There was a se- vere earthquake at daybreak, Friday, in the canton of Crisons. The villag- ers, at Flims, rushed into the streets. Two men were swept away by an avalanche jhat = was started by the shock, One person was killed and one injured at Merincen, canton of Berne. A' great avalanche lies across the St. Bernard pass. Minister Called. Grimsby, Ont., Jan. 28.--Rev. R. J. Foreman, Grimsby! passed suddenly away on Friday afternoon. He bad not been very smart for the past four or five weeks, but 'during the past few days had been up and around as usu- al. and was walking around his room until about ten minutes before his death. He was conscious to the last. Blward will re-onen the British MON Many Workmen and Women Jump . Out. Dover, N.H., Jan. 28.- Ml No. 1 of the extensive plant of 1h» Uachecto Manufacturing company, was burned Saturday, causing 5 finaaeial loss es- timated at $600,000, and possibly the loss of life. The fire broke out after the five hundred operatives had gone to work, from a cause not yet de- termined. The flames spread rapidly, and a number of the workmen and woman jumped from windows in the upper storeys. Persons thus rescued reported that some had been over come by smoke in the burning build- ing and the firemen immediately be- gan search, ' which was without re. sult, until the flames drove them out- side the walls. MISS MARY R. MACARTHUR, Secretary of the British Woman's Trade Union Leavte is the idol of the Rritish working gil. She will visit this country in a short time to forward women's trade union Movements. PITH OF THE NEWS. Latest Interesting Notes From Many Places. The Elgin county council want the education bill. repealed. Senator John Dobson, Lindsay, died, 'on Sunday, after a long illness. Lord Strathcona and Edward Blake loft New York, on Sunday, for Bris tain. A Lo The-govesnment will send a detec: tive to investigate the Cayuga poison: ing case. wobert Ferguson, Port Hope, was frozen to death while sleeping in his shanty. Five Toronto mining companies in- corporated with capitalization of $4,- £30,000 France proposes to give gaming con cessions in return for ten per cent, of the gross profits, r Hugh D. Scully, B.A., Toronto, has been appointed: assistant secretary of the Canadian Manufacturers' Associa- tion, Dr. Charles W. Townsend, West New Brighton, Staten Island, was probably mortally, wounded, presumably by a burglar By a treaty with the Indians be- tween Sturgeon Falls and North Bay, 99,000 acres of land have been opened to settlers, ° A company with a capital of $10,- 000,000 has been organized, to carry on a gigantic meat-packing business in Mexico. Ex-Mayvor William 'Borthwick has been appointed, temporarily, market inspector of Ottawa, in place of the late J. H. Doherty, who died on Sat- urday. The congregation of the Methodist church at Netherwood, N.Y. are hav- ing the wife of their minister, Rev, Elmer Lakin, at as his substitute during his illness, ¥ Rev. G. F. Salton, pastor of Dom- inion Methodist church, Ottawa, has, under consideration an invitation to go to Central Methodist church, Stratford. His term in Ottawa expires in June next. Messrs. A. McMordie, of Toronto, D. L. Auger of 'Quebec, and 8S, Forest of Montreal, are in Ottawa, represent ing the Letter Carriers' Association. They, allied with Ottawa's letter car riers, are to petition the postmaster gerfral with a view to getting in- creased pay. They wish the maxi- mum of 205 raised to $85. Girl Gave Security. Des Moines, Towa, Jan. 25.-Dottie Morgan, of this city, agreed to let her body be sold to a medical college when she dies in order to get $10 from Moses Levich, a pawnbroker, to send to a girl friend who i8 ill at Council Bluffs 'and wants to return to Des Moines. Levich wanted to let her have the mdney without security but the girl would not accept it.that way. The money wag forwarded to Council Bluffs. f mag ------ One dollar fountain syringe dor 650. , for three days ending the January Tghhe goods sale at Gibson's Red s Drug Stow: * RAISE YOUR -- Own SALARY| § Raise your own sal: ary by gettinga better paying job through in state, on Fob 2th, A WHIG WANT AD. | DAY, JANUARY 28, 1907. THE ELECTIONS ONLY 209 CHOSEN WILL BE SECOND BALLOTS IN 152 DISTRICTS, The Stay-at-Home Voters . Were Roused Into Action and Turn- ed the Tide in the Elections-- The Chancellor's Position is Greatly Strengthened. Berlin, Jan. 28.--The results of Fri- ay's reichstag elections have beep officially declared in 361 districts out of a total of 397. The socialists lost twenty seats and gained one. The centre party lost four and gained two. The two conservative parties lost six and gained nine. The moder Ate radicals lost one and gained three. The national liberals lost nine and gained nine. The agrarians lost two 'und gained five. In the 361 dis- tricts only 209 members were elected, socond ballots being neccesary in 152 districts. Both the newspaper analysts and the party managers agree that the result of the elections was brought about by the arousing of the stay-at-home voters, ~ million electors did not vote in 1903, and it was to this class that the gov. ernment made a spegial Il. Chan- oellor Von Buelow's on with the emperor and the count is urded as having been greatly Toriel by the result of the elections, The chan- cellor probably will be able to fo before parliament with a degree of power which he would not have pre. viously 'possessed, He may select this period of his career, however, to re- tire, although his health al rs to bo excellit. He works with such ardor that it is understood his wife wishes him to give up his office and not invite another illness. ---------- THEY JOIN IN. Boards of Trade Wants Canal St. Cathar a meeting of trade, it was thé "Thorold board of decided to co-operate with Kingston, Winnipeg and Montreal boards of trade in their efforts to prevail upon the Dominion ment to enlarge the Welland canal. It govern- was pointed out that even if the posed Georgian Bay vessels could not use bér 1st, because it would be frozen up early in the winter, whereas the Wel- land canal" is navigable unfil Janu- ary. Unless the Welland canal, there- fore, is enlarged, the most of the big vessels will go through the Erie can- al across the line, which is being en- larged. The general impression here is that the only way to save the trade in Canada is to enlarge the Welland canal. pro- canal is built, it after Decem- HURRIED AWAY When it Was Said They Were to Be Captured. Windsor, Ont., Jan. 28.--The momot- ony and discipline of a soldier's life has led to ns many desertions from the United . States army post, at Fort Wayne, Detroit, and some from Mon- tuna posts, Steady work, at good wages, in construction on the Michigan Central railway tunnel, and a feel of security from capture, has brought them to Windsor. 1t is said that thero 'were not less. than 126 deserters here a month age. All have disap- peared within the past few days, how- ever, it having been. rumored that army officers are planning to capture and return them to the American side. ------------ SHOT BY BROTHER. Allegation Concerning Death of Claude Godfrey. Belleville, Ont.; Jan, 28.~It is now feported' from North Hastings thet Claude Godirey, the thirteen-year-old lad who was said to have shot and killed "himself - accidentally about three weeks ago was shot his ecighteen- year-old brother while they were play- ing bear, Each boy had a gun, it is said, and the elder did 'not know his gun was loaded. An investigation is being urged. Neither the boy wor his Parents appear to be worrying much. -- Made A D.P. A. Detroit, Mich., Jad. 26-A. B. Ed- munds, for the past ten years . city passenger ngentt for the Canadian Pacific railway. in Détroit, has been promoted to district passenger agent for the system, with headquarters here. Heo will have all of the lower peninsula of Michigan and al the line of the Lake Shore and igan Southern railway to Ashtabula, Ohio, as his territory. Previous to coming to Detroit, Mr. Edmunds was in the city ticket office of the C.P.R., in To: ronto, for five years, Croup can positively be stopped in twenty minutes. No vomiting--nothi to sicken or distress your child. sweet, vieakant, and safe syrup, called Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for croup alone, rémem- ber. It does not olaim to cure a doz en ailments. t's for croup, that's all. Sold by all dealers. Tee packs, drifting over the New foundland grand banks, threaten to obstruct the passage of the great octan Miners. A GREAT FIND Of Iron Ore on the Wiley Properties. Port Arthur, Ont., Jan. 28.--An- other rich find of iron ore has been made by George K. Taylor, in the Wiley properties in the Loon Lake roup, which were recently purchased )y a United States syndicate. Mr, Taylor has charge of the exploration work; and has been working all over the territory purchased hy the syndi- cate. Under a layer of three feet of soil hé came on a deposit of iron ore, which has proven to*be the most ox- tensive and highest grade iron ore found in that section. Samples of the red ore will assay sixty per cent. iron, ------ FUNERAL SERVICES Will Be Held in Ottawa--Flowers Sent. Ottawa, Jan. 28.--The funeral obse: quies' of the late. Hon, A. G. Blair will be conducted 'at his late residence by Rev. Dr. Herridge. There will be no pallbearers. The chief mourners are A. G. Blair, Jr., and Donald Blair, sons, W, C. Clarke, Dr. McCarthy, and F. ph, sons-in-law, and S. pson, Chicago, brother-in-law. Although the request was issued that no flowers be sent a large quantity have arrived some from the New Brunawiok government, St, ing John city council, and Fredericton board - of trade. -------- Judicial - Vacancies Filled. Ottawa, Jan. 21.-At o meeting of the cabinet the judicial vacancies caused by the resignation of Chief Justice Sir Alexander Lacoste, and the death of Judge Madore were filled, R. PT. Tascherean becomes chiof jum. tico of the court of king's bench, in to Bir Alexander, while h , of the Richeliou + is transferred to Montreal, to take the place vacated Judge Taschereau. Mr. Bruneau, M.P. is ap pointed judge of the district of Rich elicw. dnd C. Leboew!, who represents ed the province of Quebec.in the sit: lings of the insurance commission, becomes jiidge of the district of | St Hyacinthe in succession to the late Judge Madore, : The selection of Mr. Bureau, M.P., for the office of solicitor-general is authoritatively ' announced. ------------------------. Now Be Done. ¥ of sections hind been unsatisfactory government had found satisfaction amc the had decided to withdraw sory saldry clauses, and seek. in an other way to encourage but not en: force increases in this respect by pay- ing from the provincial treasury forty per cent. of afy amount over $300 Paid to each teacher, The gdvernment grant to rural schools will thug be increased by, over a quarter of a mil lion dollars. and when the there was dis- people they the compul« Was Committed. Ottawa, Jan. 28. --Paul Schultz, ex- Dominion policeman, accused of forg- ing a cheque for $02, on the Bank of Montreal, was committed for trial al the police court. This Cage was sup- posed to have been disposed of once and Schultz had instigated an action for libel aguiast the bank, The bank ro-opened the charge with the result of a committal, Lives Lost In Mine, Berlin, Jon. 28.--One hundred and sixty-five lives 'were lost in an explo- sion, to-day, in' a mine at Rhodon, near Essen, Later--It is feared nearly 250 lives were lost; 165 mutilated bodies »l- ready have been lifted from the shaft. It is kmown that 110 more are still in the mine, and, it iw feared, that all have perished. Man And Boy Perish. Montreal, Jan, 28.~dn a fire which took place, Bunday morning, in a sta- ble, owned by William Cook, 411 Elm avenue, Westmount, Julien Cormier, a stableman, and Mr. Douglas' little boy lost their lives by suffocation. They were sleeping in a room over the stable, Two horses were burned to death, Many Chinese Drowned. Hong Kong, Jan. 28.--A terrific rain squall broke over Hong Kong, minutes sank over fifty Chinese craft in the harbor, more than ove hundred natives being drowned. There were no casualties among the white popula- tion. Boon To Passengers. Ottawa, Jan. 29-8enator Davis amend the railway act to compel rail- way 'companies to stop passenger trains for twenty minutes at wm 4 intervals of not leks than six hours, to enable passengers to procure meals. tn cinnthciciisaar Approved The Note. Paris, Jan. 28.--Foreign Minister Pje- on informed "the cabinet that the owers had unanimously approved the ranco-Spanish - note, relative to the withdrawal of the squadrons of France >. What Will Ih px. rd =At a gath. | this morning, and in the space of ten |" Co! has introduced a bill in the house to |p i to Lose } 1 you would get the gre bargains of the season in dies' . " tha wear long and well and will a erwdit to the wearer and this store. pa skirts, colors. black and Models at $15 to $18. Tomorrow at ....... Shirt Waists Made of wali fy - y ® ed lustre thle y X i spot, front is § With box-pleats, trimmed pearl buttons, back is stite d pin box-pleats, stylish sleeve ds deep cuff. -- Regular price 2.25, % To-morrow $1.95 | No Exchange. Sales for Cash, BORN. : LAMBERT. ~In Kingsti J 1907, to Mr. and Sire: Wor. Earl . & datighter, GALLAHER AL sesauiy Ste. on an. is Li . EB. J. Gallaher an Mr, An] DIED. © Tt DOWNS .--In Kingston, on Jan. 1907, of the late Downs, in her eighty Funeral Tuesday, eh of Providence, t © dral, on fully' invited to at anc ul nv KNILL~In K oh an, an + Pitateth Kalil, native of Devons 0 m the residence of her nep 'oward, 227 University Ave. a 2 2 | OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT A Genuine Laugh Producing Show. A lish Military Musical Play a Bag Three Acta The War Correspondent By HOUGH and ADAMS, Authors of "Land of Nod," 'The pire," "The Time, * the Girl," WITH Mabel Mc The orchestra that" s in rani thy Mendelssohn hoi certs notable. 2a Pitts and Spain from the Moroccan waters. Willing To Tell Everything. Nw York, Jan. 28.--Mrs, William Thaw, the mother of' Harry Thaw, it is declared, to-day, is prepared to go upon the: pnd lay bare the innermost of the Thaw family in order to save her son from the electric chair. » "Old English horehound," in twist edsticks. 10. a half Ib, at Best's, Ta Sat.

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