Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1907, p. 3

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RHEUMATISM Price 26g, Mowyas: ats fe a few hours. Positively cures in a few days, does not put the diese to slesp, but drives i © the swstere ~MENYON. he Sale of the Season omes Only Once a Year 25 PER CENT. OFF All Manufactured Furs. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER -80 Brock St. Phone 700 Optical Work Carefully Executed Spectacles and BE) erlasscs fitted. rroperiv New and up-to-date mountines. Eyes careiully examined. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses, COAL! _§ The sudden changes in weather ought st st the wisdom putting Coal BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West £¢ Januar eductions --_--IN leavy Goods ; . . Ve have a few Sample Coats hildren's <izes that are speerally ed this week at about 33 3 rer off White Wool Blankets lightly soiled by dust, 20 per off Comforters hat were $1.75 to $2.00 closing out at $1.25. Ouly w left. ' DOL UNDERWEAR reatly reduced ia price. THURSDAY e will sell 100 yards TA- > LINEN, full 66 inches . good patterns, pure "linen, h easily 55¢, a vard, ' ursday, 39c. a Yard. Catarrh of the Kidneys Not Always Recognized. A Cold Settled In Kidneys, Causing Serious Trouble. Pe-ru-na Restores Health. ATARRH of the kidneys is a ve CAT2RRR io amy " It is not until the disease has a firm hold upoh the kidneys that the patient begins to realize that there is some de- rangement of these organs. lassitnde, and other warning symptoms of kidney disease are overlooked. They are not serious enough to detain the patient from his regular work. Even when he discovers that the kid- neys are affected, he does not recognize thedifficulty as being caused by catarrh. Catarrh is sometimes so very gradual in its approach and its earlier symptoms cause such slight discomfort that it is not noticed. However, when it is once firmly seated in the kidneys it becomes a difficult disease to exterminate. Indeed, catarrh of the kidneys is more serious than catarrh affecting some of the other organs of the body. In the kidneys it is liable to terminate in Bright's Disease or diabetes, both of which are recognized as very serious ailments, if not fatal, The thing to be done, when catarrh of the kidneys is discovered, is to take some internal, systemic eatarrh remedy, one that reaches the very source ot the catarrh and removes the cause of the difficulty. Such a remedy has been found in Peruna. 1t reaches catarrh, no matter where it may be PE-RU-NA FCR J located in the KIDNEY DISEASE. } body--whether in the more exposed membranes of the nose and throat, or whether in the remotest part of the kidneys. That Peruna is st once the safest and most reliable remedy for eatarrh of the kidneys is proven by the many testi- monials written by those who have ex- perienced its benefits. The testimonials given here are only specimens of the many testimonials on our records, pertaining to the relief af- | forded by Peruna in severe cases of kid- | ney trouble. i Kidney Disease of Long Standing. Mr. Samuel A. Paxton, 1118 Troost Ave, Kansas C ity, Mo., member | 1.0.0. F., and National Annuity As "I soon found I was getting better and day, ian, Weltey: <a i wel} Zan to | continued taking it for four months. It with catarrh and Kidney disease of long | cleaned out the system leaving me well standing when I first began using |and strong and feeling better than I Peruna. have in years." MR. Isaac ROSENZVEIG. Mr. Isaac Rosenzveig, 9 Dumarais street, Montreal, Can., writes: "About three years ago, I suf- fored with a bad cold. It settled in tke bladder and kidneys, causing serious trouble. "I tried several advertised reme- dies, but it was Peruna which finally cured me, and I had taken only a few bottles. : "I feel that it saved me, and it certainly restored me to such per- foct health as I had not known in years. "I have good reason to give your { remedy my highest endorsement." "Ask your druggist for- Free Peruna Almanac, for 1907." a. SOAS AAAALAAAALLALSLD LALLA SOE SOLLL00000000400000088800888 Save 20 Per Cent. On Cooking Utensils IIe Our doors are now thrown open to our duction Sale--a little late in the month, but, we are sure, none the less welcome. The stocks are now ready, and stand unrivalled in 'the city. Months of forethought, careful plan- ning, competent buying, good judgement and taste have been vishly expanded to make t hem so. And the result, we can afely say, will be just as pl easing and gratifying to our many ustomers as it is to ourselves. To fully enumerate the lines that have been combined to make this, Kingston's Record Breaking Hardware Sale, would be to simply monopolize all available apace in the Whig Therefore, we must content ourselves with saying that full lines of Cutlery, Enamelled Ware, Heating & Cooking Stoves and all sundries and kitchen helps that are to be found in the first-class general Hardware Store, will be placed on sale, and at prices that have been pruned carefully ahd without stint until every purchaser is assured A Positive Saving of 20% Can you afford to let this opportunity to replenish your household stock slip by unheeded ? If the answer is 'No !™ hasten to big January Re- cay Nugent & Graham 335-337 King Street. THE MARVELOUS SALE All Winter Goods must g o before the end of the month. No matter what they cost. MANY LINES OF GOODS AT 50 PER CENT. OFF A tow Children's Coats to clear. Prices $3.50, $4.76 and $6, your choice of any Coat, $1.75. FURS--Ladies' Fur Collars and Stoles, at Half Price. A liberal reduction all over the store. It will pay you to see the values at THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE PIPIIIPIIIIIV PIII III IP IPP IP IPP III PIII ITP III PII TPS I PIII TPT IP III (0000000000000 L00LLLLLLLL0LLLLLL044000004000000000000000000000000000 4 were » FIGHTS FOR LIFE AND IS PURSUED INTO THE HOUSE. Pet Animal of Chatham Township Farmer Turns on Him--An Hour's Struggle. Chatham, Jan. 22.--News of a ter rific fight for life between a man and a deer, which lasted an hour or more came to this 'city from Chatham township to-day. James Huson, aged sixty-eight, con- cession 6, Chatham township, has for years kept two deer on his place. Sunday morning he noticed that they had escaped from their enclosure.) He secured a pan of oats and whistled for them. The buck was in bad hum- or, and a moment later it dashed at him. He grasped its horns, and an hour's tussle ensued. When nearly ex- hausted and blinded from blood, Hu- son was being pressed against a gate by the animal. While in this position he managed to get the gate opened, and, quickly lettmg go of the animal e dashed through it and closed it ai- ter him. He ran for his house, hardly reach- ing the door when the deer leaped over the fence and sprang after him. The deer next furiously encircled the house waiting to continue the fight, when Huson emerged with a rifle and shot the animal. Huson's wounds, though ad, are not serious. Paragould, Arkansas Oit $ wd as a musical and elocutionary fer. Though only five years of age as appeared at comcerts and recitals as been praised in the press highly Colorado's Potato Crop. Greely, Colo., Jan. 23.--The potato crop of northern Colorado is estimat- ed at 9,500 carloads for 1906, being 500 carloads than that of last year, whose crop was only forty per cent, After the harvest this year's crop was estimated at $2,000,000, but shortage of cars to carry the crop, when demand and prices for it were high, will lose the community at least $250,000 and cut down the value of the crop to $1,750,000. Ninety-five hundred carloads estimated in sacke mean 2,375,000 "¥acks; in tons 142,500 and 000 bushels or enough to fill a refrigerator cars twen- tv-nine miles long or cover an arvea " DAILY BRITISR WHIG, WEDNESDAY a ------ Gatarrh of the Stomach A Pleasant, Simple, But Safe and Effectual Cure For It. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. Catarrh of the stomach has long been comsidered the next thing to incurable. The usaal symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eat- ing, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gas- es, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breathing, head- aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played owt, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue, and if the in- terior of the stomach could be s®a it would show a slimy, inflamed condi- tion. The cure for this common and obsti nate trouble is found in 4 treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the: stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary thing to do, and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap- peared. According to Dr. Harlanson, the saf est and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Dias- tase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tab lets can! now be had at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medi cine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. R. S. Workman, Chicago, 111., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition result ing from a neglected cold in. the head, whereby the hning membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poison- ous discharge therefrom passing back ward into the throat reaches the stomach, thus of roducing catarrh the stomach. Medical authorities pre scribed. for me for three vears for ea tarrh of. stomach without cure, but to-day # am the happiest of men, after using only one box of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. 1 cannot find appro priate words to express my good feel- ing, 1 have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the safest preparation as ps the sim plest and most convenient remedy for any_ form of indigestion, Catarrh of stomach, biliousness, stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send your name and address to-day for a free trial package and see for vourself. 'Address. F. A. Stuart Co., 58 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich. Gown Of Light Blue Broadcloth. sour three and a half miles long and three m wide if packed with sacks ter feet high. Thirty thousand acres were planted with potatoes this year and | the average yield was seventy-nine | sacks to the aere. The quality was the best ever grown. It has been cal- | culated that the eost of growing a | sack of potatoes thirty-five cents which makes the cost of producing the full crop $531,250 leaving the growers $018,000, Though many farm- ers cut down théir potato acreage, 'to give place to beets the potato acre age will be largely increased during the coming season. De. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy-- when used faithfully will reach chronie and diflicult eases heretofore regarded | as incurable by physicians and is the most reliable prescription known to clean out and completely remove every vestige of rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold by all dealers. When a woman has a grievance she developes a mania for taking every strange woman she meets into her confidence. . There are two kinds of gossips--the petticoated and the trousered. See What I Gan Dg Is Dr. Hamilton's Request to the Kidney Sufferer. rn You have used many medicines. Some helped: others didn't, and your kidneys are still sick. I can cure you. I have a remedy that has never fail- ed in kidney disease, My wonderful preparation is known as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. I guarantee Dr. Hamilton's Pills will restore the worst case of kidney suffering. Pain in the back, sides and Kips will be relieved, Dizzy spells, headache and reeling sensations will be 'quickly remediod. Distrescing - bladder complications, frequent calls, brick dust and sedi ment 1 guarantee will entirely disap- pear upder Dr. Hamilton's Pills, If ¥8ur rundown and languid condi- tlon can't be cured hy Dr. Hamilton's Pills, then vou are hopeless, But in thousands of cases Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills have restored health and mo-e; they have built up constitu tions that defied further inroads of Kifmsy disease. Purely vegetablevwemedy, free from injurious mineralei like mercury and calomel, mild enough for children to use, where can von find a remedy in efficiency to approach Dr. Hamilton's | Pills ? To be candid. you esn't | All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, in yellow boxes, 25¢. or five boxes for cn dollar. Refuse any substitute. The model illustrated was of pal blue cl6th, the fronts of the bodice being somewhat in a fitted Eton ef fect by having the stitched edge over lap the belt, with the fromts out down in little tahs. The corsage fas tened a little left with but of the cloth embroidered in shades of mauve. The "eollar and waistband were of mauve velvet em broidered in' pale blue and darker mauve, and at the points of the col lar were attached scarfs of changeabl pale blue and mauve silk, with ornaments to match at the ends. " sleeves' were shirred just above the ol how and were {rimmed with upstand- ing frills of 'Mechlin' lace. The point- ed yoke and collar were also of Mechlin. The skirt was gored and had wide bands of. the cloth set on, as shown in the dgsign, about the lower part. 7 to the tons ga Explorer's Gift. a Nok Jan, 23. --<Major W. Cook aniels, Colo., has presented to the American Museum of Natural History a large collections: of bones, skulls, ete., which he brought from New Guinea. Major Daniels who had been on an anthropological expedition for several years in New Guinea arrived in this country only a few days ago. In company with a number of scien tists he went to Australia, and from thers to the wilds of New Guinea, where the Sead hunters are. They chartered a small schooner, and for two years, Inaking it their headquart ers went among the natives. For the service he has done to sciente he was made a fellow of the Royal Geogra: phical Society of England. The collec tion will prove a splendid addition to the amthropologival section of the muscumy +. 'Mountain Grove Items. Mountain Grove, Jan. 21 William Fraser met with a very painful acei- dent] by cutting his foot. John God- frey did likewise. A. R. Watson is quite ill, and little hopes are held for hig recovery. Thomson's mill is rum- ning full blast. John Grey lost his house by fire. Visitors : Edward Mat- JANUARY 23. CONDENSED ADVERTISING HELP WANTED----MALE. SALESMEN LISTEN, QUICK SELL. 1K Hue, good terms, hustiers oul apply. F. E. Hate & Co, Spadina Ave., Toronto. : a 3 ~ SPRING SUITS T0 MAKE. GENTLE- men, bri cheap suit Vy price apd nish guaranteed. Pressing and repairing done well. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock street. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. sight weeks, graduates earn §10 ® | THE PEOPLES FORUM TO BUY GOOD HQUSE, Address Box 98, Toe an "am FAMILY Nasnixe TO PO BY THE ay * or taken : me. Apply 31 Upper William st 3 ny 3 QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR 8S. S. stating saiary, to J. Be Irish, Soy ® ary, . BE. s - Treas., Vennachar, P. O., Ont. -------------------------------------------- A YOUNG MAN ABLE AND WILLING, would like employment, understands care of horses and will make himsell wouerally useful. Address letters at Whig office. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS ARE RE- of the F rst Co ational church, all parts. Ap- ply to Mrs. J, ©. Villiers, 189 John son Canada and United States. positions. Barber Col in to $18 weekly. Bran thr Help free. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance ¥, Available $41,187,215 assets . which the policy y the unlimited liability of the 3'ockholdets. Fi ON any other at company offers. Exam Godwin's Insurance a ark: ot Squares OUR POLICIES COVER MORE building and contents than ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, oR fice, Cor, Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc. Anchor Building, Market Souare, "Phone, 345 POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER. chant"s Bank Building, corner Broek and Wellington - "Phones, 313, DR. I. WOOD, DR. J. Physicians and Su Wellington and William MISSINGMONEY $6,000 IN COPPER ARE SAID TO HAVE GONE. Tramway Company in Halifax, England, Deposits Copper in Town Hall---Tons of It Myster- jously Disappear. A strange mystery of lost money is/ reported from Halifax, Eng., where tons of copper coin to the value of £1,200 are missing, It ought to be in a great safe at the town hall, but it is not there, and the corporation is bestirring itsell with great emergy to account for the disappearance, The leakage--if that is what the trouble is--may have begun as long as seven years ago. At that time the lo cal tramways system started Ms oper ation. From the heginning it has been the custom of the tramway officials to take copper in quantities of a ton or more to the central office with a statement its No count was made to verify the various statements and the of value, money was deposited in the town hall's strong room. The copper accumulated. It assumed fuch proportions that corporation of ficials were reminded of their accumu lating wealth, and they. began to fear that the coin would take complete possession of the municipal buildings. It was decided that the money should be out in circulation again, and to this end the corporation advertis ed copper for sale in five-shilling par- cels Cheques began to arrive by the first post after the advertisement appear ed, but the corporation was not satis fied. It wanted cash for ation of money, One fine day it struck the authori- ties that theso tons of copper ought to be counted, and a special staff was assigned to this task. Shilling after shilling was counted, day after day the work progressed, and yet many days passed before an appreciable dif- its gecumal- erence was made in the bulk to be dealt with, But the task was finished at last, and then it was found that a matter of nearly theee tons of the coins were missing, The municipal premises were search ed high and low, every nook and cran- ny was examined, but to no purpose, Not #0 much as one stray halipenny was discovered. Of course, the tram- way officials were notified, but they could give no suggestion of a solu- tion to the mystery. Some persons are inclined to laugh at the matter, and there are plenty of purchasers for picture posteards re- presenting worried councillors look- ing for lost pennies. The councillors, properly enough, take the situation seriously. "and a special accountant has heen appoint ed to investigate the mystery. Mean sime the ratepayers are thinking, and waiting developments. Deer Pasture With Cows. - Hartford Courant. > Ira Mosher, who occupies a small 100 CARS Nu. 1 and NO, 3 TIMOTHY December and Janu. ary. price on cars your station for each quality. W. H, wyer Uo., Limited, Trust Ottawa, Ont. HELP WANTED--MALE. FOR SALE. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW Y x Xo make ; § Jeet. tushuon space, ee -------------------------------------- AMERICAN ENCYOLOPEDI ¢ sixteen volumes, at a A a " I reason. Apply through cts wo SPCOND-HAND CREAM SEP ators, in ~aod , also a num of cutters. D. 3. To be removed from lot om or about April 1st. Address dl . Newland's, Architect, te wm oW FRAME ROUGH-CAST HOUSE, ON Bagot and Jobmson streets.' To he removed from lot on or about April 1st. ress teader to W. Newland's, Architect. MEDICAL PRA CAL OTICE, WORTH thrivi wil from Toronto. Fine ilar = Pres byterian. . Macintosh, 51 McMillan treet, Toronto. 3 idences in the city: seed. Enquire at 90 ALL WENT IN WALL STREET. Clerk, Whose Accounts Are Short, Surrenders. New York, Jan, 2.--Charles Zim- mer, an employee of the Wells-Fargo company; who disappeared a few weeks ago, walked into the distriet attor- ney's . office, today, and surrendered. It ix alleged that a shortage of $14, 000 in his books was discovered after he had disappeared. ; He told Acting Iistrict Attorney Smyth, to-day, that ho had been in Newport News, where his friends ad- vised him to come back and face the trouble. "1 haven't a cent left,"' said he, "All tho. money went in Wall street." He was held in $5,000 bail for examinh tion, next Wednesday, on a charge of grand larceny, and went over to the Tombs prison in default of bail, BAILY SCALDED Fat--Couldn't Hand. An accident in a Toronto home the other day might have had very serious consegqiinces had it not been for Zam- Buk. Miss Martha Green, of 9 Clare mont street, in taking a pan of boil ing fat from the oven spilt it her right hand. "The boiling iat ran into the palm of her hand," she says, "and over all my fingers. You may well imagine the agony | suffered in consequence, | was almost wild with the pain. The hand became swollen, and large blisters formed all over the palm and along the fingers. For over a month I was unable to use the hand at all, IT tried several kinds of salves of liniments, but the wound seemed apparently no better, It was alto gether too severe for these prepara. tions to heal. About this time I advised to try Zam-Buk By Boiling Use over was I stopped us- ing all other preparations and ap- plied Zam-Buk instead. The very first applioation soothed my hand and seemed to draw out the fire and in- flammation: and as I kept on using Zam-Buk the blisters gradually dried up and disappeared. In a very short time the scald was healed completes ly." This is but one instance of the uses to which Zam-Buk can be so adven tageously applied- Tt is equally effec: tive for burns, cuts, bruises, abra- sion, sprains and stiffness. It also cures eczema, ulcers, sores, blood pois- on, ringworm, scalp sores, chronic wounds, acne, blackheads, pimples. cold sores, chapped hands. and all skin diseases and injuries, Rubbed well on to the chest, in eases of cold, it relieves the aching and tightness, and anplied as an embrocation. it cures rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, ete. All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50e. 4 box, or it may he obtained from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronts, wbon receipt of price. Six boxes for $2.50. tree! Calls by Sisphons promptly at to. The Paragraph Pulpit nit REV. C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA + + The Clouded Christ. One morning, when the mists hung low, saw nu sun-kissed mountain peak Rise unsupported in the glow Of heaven, hy some mystic . I marvelled, till the misty had flown Before the spear-points/ of the sun, Avd then, --a Wiser oad had known, ~~ 1 found that earth ¢ So, in the oh 3 & 3 When a Mankind X Above the clouds, with y " Men foll and worshipped, Now we've found That no man's face is Mn the skies Whose foot rest pot on common ground, Go, tell mankind to look, and rise. Address Mr. Casson for free litera~ Some Cat Superstitions. Napoleon Bonaparte showed a mor- bid horror of eats. The night: belore the Battle of Waterloo, a black cat pasecd near him, and at the sight the great warrior was completely un nerved. He saw an omen of defeat. Henry III. of France swooned whens ever he saw, and one of the Ferdin- ands of Germany would tremble in his hoots if a tabby got in the line of his Vision, Among the Romans the eat was a Syuibo} of liberty, The Kgyptians held the animal in veneration under name of Aelurus, a deity With a hu- man body and a cat's head. Whouver killed a cat, even hy accident, was put to death. Diana assumed the form of a cat and excited the fury of the giants, Living On Air, Loadon World. very distinct advantage about motoring is that it does not giveoms an appetite, Most open-air exercises sends one home as hungry as a hunt er; and if one eats largely in these days of strict regime and restricts diet, all sorts of terrible things are sure to happen--at least are promised by the doctor, It is pointed out ina daily contemporary that while all the good effects of working up an appetite are produced by a long drive in a motor, yet 'the' amount of food « quired to satisfy what seems to be one's huge hunger is actually very small. The air itself feeds one, and air neither upsets one's digestive wp- paratus nor does it supply one with adipose tissue, Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for piles~and it works with '@ertainty and. satisfaction. Itch- ing, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see ! Sold by all dealers. farm on the outskirts of the village of Noank, imprisoned four deer one night recently and was unconsciousvol the feat until the following morning. He owns a small herd of cows that is secured in an inclosure after night- thews and Miss Baldwick, at Daniel McDonald's; Miss Bell Conboy, at Alexander MeDonald's; Mr, and Mrs John Cox, at William Johnston Rev. Walter Cox, of Plevna, preached | in 8t. John's church on Sunday last. | George Yorke is home from Manitoba | for a visit. "William Cronk is visiting | friends here. { The world is full of superstitions | prople--otherwise there would be fewer | hair restorers on the market | Perhaps the popularity of football | i= due to the fact that the players talk but little and do things. le fall. and on the night in question the mmitrance was closed at a late hour, darkness preventing an inspection of the interior of the stockyard. On re leasing the we in the morning Mr. Mosher wa®™ surprised to see four sleek deer stalk forth with the herd and scamper away toward a patch of wonds. Many men hold ovinions-not con vietiohs What their politicos or re- ligion is to-day dapends on who talked o tham last night, ping Reeve in 1784. It had over governors, five cabinet America's first law school erected by the famous Judge Tap- were afterwards senators, fifty representatives, ministers \ 1,000 cpupils and among them A fo. judges, ten and two vice-presidents. : " 182 Clarence street, : ol DOUBLE FRAME ROUGH-CAST House, on t and Johmsom Sts. No re , © ton Sales Manager. 32d Ruan" Duensing ur Lots | \ Experienced specialty salesman re- containt " 3b ah 378 Acres. 'The ouired for Lipton's English line of farms will be sold separately or to= | goods. Must bethoroughly eXperi- he usual! farm builds enced in the wholesale and retail gro- ngs on the p there is a valud very trade throughout the whole of factory, on Lot 23 For Canada, Write 2 Parcloultry in forme ote. apply to Joseph By confidence, stating age, past rave » cling experience, Whom at alkom. Solicitor, Kingston. } employed. by, salary required, ete., to Ww. M., care LOST. THOMAS J. LIPTON, pms v : LARGE RLACK AND TAN HOUND, Bb, 39 Pearl Street, New York City. Brand on rhe hip ewe den word to F. Corkey, Coiling Bay. i TO-LET. y PAIR GOLD-RIMMED LADY'S SPEC. ; DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, tacles, Monday night, on Princess or 7 ete., at McCann's, 51 Brock street. Wellington Sts. Finder ploase leave ? -------- at Wh gr office. AL EDISION TRIUMPL PHONUGRATH | ' largest in city. 200 selections. Terms ANTED-FEMALE NT Postal will bring them. HELP W M * Thos. MeGinnes, 281 Division street rn m---- -------- GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS, THE RESIDENCE NOW OCCUPIED Nickle, 180 Earl St. in the evening. by J. J, Behan. Esq. 191 Brock St, heated with hot water. All | HOUSEMAID, AT GENERAL HOS. modern conveniences, posscssion 1st pital. References reguired, Apply Fr Mav. Annie OQ, Livingston, Brock from 7 to 9 pan. 7 street - SR A EE 8 VETERINARY. HOUSE, 86 BARRIE ST. FROM FEB. J ! 1st, to May 1st, with option of long= | DR. GO. W., BELL, V.S, HAS RE: i the most completes moved to his brick e wt J gs BW An gb Fa Spey We hy + wn ha

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