Every Underwear manufac. harer in this country has been reluctantly compelled to raise his price this season. Cottons are dearer. Laces are dearer. Fm- broideries are dearer. Labor is Jearer, and.there was no other alternative but to raise prices all around. We placed our orders last August before the bigger ad- vances went into effect, conge- quently we bought at pretty near last year's prices. You can buy here to the sami advantage. That's the secret. Ten minutes of comparison is worth a page of type description. owns this year's Nightgowns, and a 'ever bel re. Prices ange frcm 1.25. 1.30, 1.49, 1.65, 1.75, 6.00. vers r lace trimmed or embroid- --25, 35, 45 55, 65, 69, 75, 3 prettily embroidered with cial at 49c. nises vith shaped sleeve, trimmed ceves--special value at 33c. imported. nainsook, having ered yoke joined by small eves with fine-embroidery to al, $1.49. dren's Underwear and on up to Christening from 35c¢. to $1.25 each. m 2 to 14 years, from 12ic, from 2 to 14 years, from , from 2 to 14 years, from Dresses, from 1 to 14 years, RING SALE Stock, to Rebuild. Fancy Odd Parlor Chairs. e Price. ) THE LEADING UNDER- . TAKER. Packing 'and Freight Free. $L000400008880480008004 ranges rape Fruit - -------- 3 Princess Street EE | | 3 go ce isery. When and painful, ndency of the Se as the afflicted person grows defect is, ortu- ly applied to Pp the de- store an important member to the foot is i y : raised. | tmly supported, and $2.50 PER PAIR AR AAAS LL POV vYe a YEAR 74. NO. 19. Furs REGISTERED 120% HORT] Fur Goats This Month Write for Catalogue. EPP John McKay 149.153 BROCK ST. RINGSTON DAILY MEMORANDA, Skating at Royal Rink to-night. Board of Works, 4 p.m., Thursday, Zion, good ice, skating six nights week, Hockey, Toronto Marlhoros vs. 141h 8 p.m. * 'The College Widow," «rand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. "The Social Five dance, Whig Hall, to-morrow night, 8.30. Crosby and O'Connor's Orchestra. This day in history :--Spion Kop cap- tured by British, 1900; William Fitt died, 1806. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editoral Rooms. 292--Jobhin~ Department. Embossing and Engraving a specialty. Josiah Wedgewood We have some old Blue DINNER SETS of this celebrated maker, very quaint shape, regular price $0.75. --NOW-- $7.25 Robertson Bros. --------r BLLLLLL020000000000000 S * ' Dr. Brock's ERTiieng Female Periodical Pills are the best monthly medicine for ladies Sold only in Kingston at he BEST DRUG STORE. 1% Princess St-eci. Mailed on (fp receipt of price-- $1. > FPIPIPIIIINII IIIS RRe 14 Off We have a few boxes of ROWNTREE'S AND CADBURY'S Chocolates Left over from Christmas, which we are going to sell at a dis- 25% a rare chance for lovers colates. ; . An Honest Guarantee We guarantee our MILK to be ABSOLUTELY pure, put up in sterilized bottles. It 18 the best. . Try it. KINGSTON MILK DEPOT Cor. Bagot and Brock Sts. 'Phone 567. 0000000000000000000004 THE ARCALVADA M. & M. CO. Have Mines attached and sur- rounging Death Valley Gold M 4 4 4 4 and M. Co's. claims. Stock now ¢ selling at four cents will advance ¢ 4 < 4 4 4 to ten cents just as soon as first 250,000 shares sold. Jluy now from JOS. F. SWIFT Financial Agent P00000000060000000000 P0090 00900000 Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Cirriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sile o" Horees Every Saturday HOME AGAIN After spending two weeks holidays, and all my money, | want some more. Come, get the barwains in good Stoves, and Furniture. TURK"S Se€ond-Hand Store, 308 Princess street. Hockey Match SENIOR 0. H. A. Marlboros vs. 14th Batt. Hockey Club WEDNESDAY, JAN. 23rd. - Came called at 8 pm. General ad- mission, 25¢. Reserved seats, 25¢. and SOc. extra. \ OOOO AAALL LAA VVFVIIVIIevVIeeveIoeeee ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING $ 4 4 4 UNDERTAKER PIV IVIVITIeIIPOIIISIOYS EE -------------- A Cobalt Newspaper. Toronto, Jan. 23.-Cobalt will have a daily newspaper on February lst, when' Mr. Mosure, formerly of the sot hix Foronto World, propos to plant in ~The machi between ness with which the gov an agreement and operate the road A former governor of Idaho lays charges "of gross cruelty and worse inst the management of the Indian hat Se schodls in the wes cretary Hitchcock i disgracein]l conditions. A negro riot, created by Lane Dixon, to be a discharged negro Fort colored, said soldier from the 25th Infantry at Reno, resulted in the death of Mat Marshall, colored, the wounding several other negroes, and the arrest of fifty negroes. lard, hotter known Tosiah Flint," who has attained a wide reputation as au- thor and socialist, has just die Chicago, of pneumonia, while writing a series of articles exposing He was a son of Francis Willa brother. At Rochester, N.Y., wrought up toa pitch of excitement over a discussion of Christian Science, Fdwin Dabell, seventy-five years of are, of 14 Am- herst street, shot his daughter, Miss Emma Dabell, and Miss M. Tabor. The quarrel and shooting occurred at the breakfast table. Dixon, and by his pen name, Bocy T PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The C.P.R. will ba double -tracked Smith's Falls and Montreal, s voting in Russia shows the sovialists ave still leading. A number of United States army tents, from Cuba, have been forward- ed to Jamaica. Workmen in Lodz and St, Peters- burg struck, on Tu oration of Red Sunday. Another shight carthyuake shock was felt in Kingston, Jamaica, on Tuesday afternoon. ; The governor of Trinidad will pre vent any gathering of military forces for an invasion of Venezuela. Seven persons were killed and thir- teen injured in a collision on the New York Central; rear *Afbany, N.Y; Tuesday. The friends of the Hon. G. W. Ross in thé senate and in the house of com- mons will banquet him on the evening of The second d sd ys LY anuary 30th. The London Globe appl e rights of his sover tion of peculiar difficulty. The viceroy of Mukden and the for eigm consuls have been unable to rehch on the opening of Muk den to foreign trade, The dispute . volves the whole commercial control of Manchuria, J Rev. George Edwin Talmage, pastor of the sond Reformed chuich, Sche nectady, N.Y., has been appoirt=d state insurance examiner { © salovy of 82,000 » year. He will he locate in New York. ¥ In consequence of the action of the f'oronto street railway in tving three of the prin i Josiah Flint Wi And when you hear a man boast of his ancestors it's a safe bet that descendants will have no occasion boast of theirs. When you finish your first ( bottle of * \ \. you will have but one regret--that you did not use it months 0. The way' ABBEY'S SALT makes you eat-- and sleep--and feel--will surprise and delight you. in commem- auds the firm nor asserted mm and flag in ipal routes in the i city has appealed to the municipal railway board to tike over gambling rd's only his r---------- bbeys we Salt ROOT'S TALK At The Canadian Club's Luncheon. °° OFF FOR CAPITAL BUSINESS CURTAILED HIS SHORT VISIT. No Feelings of Jealousy Over Canada's Progress--How to Regard Difference--To Live in Peace With Each Other Was His Wish--McLean's View. From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, Jan. 23.--Elihu's Root's conclusion yesterday afternoon. He left for Washington by way of Montreal, and will arrive at the Ameri An capi- tal this morning. He had not intend- ed to leave until to-day. His return to Washington was rendered impera- tive on account of the Jamaica com- plication, but his visit would have becn curtailed in any case, by the sud- den illns of Lady Victoria Grenfell, the eldest daughter of Earl Grey, who 15 now on a Visit to this count Ye is ill of typhoid fever, and this has upset the social arrangements at ki; deau Hall, Mr. Root was .ntertained at lunch- eon by the Cangdian Club, vesterday, just before his departure. During the course of his address he read without comment the telegraphic despatch of thanks sent 10 him by Governor Sweettenham, of Jamaica, and pub- lishad yesterday. This was greeted with loud applause and after-the" luncheon was over the Whig correspondent asked Mr. Root if he had anything to add to the tele- gram which he. had read. "Not at pre- sent," was his reply. It was a kindly begi speach in which thes was intensely optin * regarding the destiny of the two nations of the North American continent. "Alove all things we see," he said, 'a people trained and training themselves in the act of seli-government, In that discussion and consideration of all bublic questions, not only in. the igh seats. of government, but in the farm house pnd in the sh p, that dis cussion which lies gat base of mo dern.civilization, that dis among the plain people furnishing the basis for political and social svs difierentiates our latter tion from all the ¢ past, and must g to the civiliza tion of our time gq perpetuity that non: of the past has had." : Dealiny with the modus vivendi Mr. Root said: "T have hee n much pressed by the thoughtful, temper and statesmanlike quality which } been conspicuous in that delbate 1 an n which day ci a lizations of th sure, and indeed no one who reads the debates can doubt, that whatever conclusion your parliament reaches will be a conclusion dictated by sin cere and intelligent and a right mind ed determination to fulfil the full duty of your representatives to those pec ple whose rights they are bound to maintain and protect." "1 speak the sentiment of millions of my own countrymen, in g that al and spirited progress of Canada, with no feeling of jealousy. But with admira tion and with hope and with grati fication. 1 count myself happy to he we look upon the great materi one of those who cannot indiffer ent to the glories amd ¢ evements of the race from which they sprung. And with my pride in my own land, with the pride that it is part of my inher tance to ke in Fngland, is the pride that 1 feel in this great, hardy, vigorous, seli-governing people of Ca nada who love justice and liberty," Mr. Root pointed out that differepe- es would arise between the two coun tries, "but let us school gurse teach our children," he said, lieve that whatever differences arise, different understandings as to other facts on different sides of the hound ary line, the effect of different envir onment, are -different points of view rather than intentional or conscious unfairness are at the pest differ .s In 5 glowing peroration he called upon the two nations, pursuing tie same ideals of liberty, and justice tn do "thix work side Ly side for peace and righteousness of the world in peace with each other." The secretary of state was compeli ed to forego his visit to the houses of parliament. He missed an interesting statement regarding Sir James Swet- tetnham's attitude "towards Admiral Davis at Kingston, Jamaica, made in the House of Commons by W. F. Mac- lean, M.P., of the Toronto World : "For myseli perhaps {or many ° of my fellow-Canadians, 1 regard certain incidents of the Jamaica earthquake, us a distinct loss to imperial prestige on this continent, a thing all Cana dians take pride in and feel. British naval stations on this Atlantic coast are no more, There is a lesson in it for us; intimations piven sometime w have failed to apprehend. though. a= distinct as the fan of the cast, and that was to have a care for ourselves, If we are to be continental in our as pirations we must have the means of expressing ourselves, oven as our neighbors have. We may yet find noed of a more Canadian flag on a Cana- dian strip in seas that are as much ours as othsrs." Except for a few minutes of this the hose spent the day on the tariff eche- dules, pickles being a feature. Pay water rate and save discount. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. 1907, meee , ATTRACT OF COUNTRY. visit t6 Canada came to an abrupv| Ryan, has managed to get from King Lec old, of Belgium N ' € . a tract of coun- state in the union. mahogany, rubbé pal, and other valuahk of SOME 1,500 PERISH. The tidal wave, Dutch. East Indian Islands nounced on January SHH EEK Island of Simalu, ing to the latest tion received here has almost disappeared. It HAHA fifteen hundred continue to We felt daily, ™ 3 SMH A HF HEARN Anerican Horses For England. Horse Show, at the Olympia Building June 7th and 13th, was George Classon, , to be won outright EHR AARNE VOLCANOS ACTIVE KEK x¥¥ been felt in Sicily and are * considerable alarm. Etna, and Strom- boli-s continue FEFEFEEEREREE fell for hours here. EHEEFERF ®Ex AHRRSBINEhIOSL Apple Picking Device Invented. ner, of Lockport, N.Y. and letters patent have been applied for, It is on the extension plan, able ip or clutch at the extremity s the apple and lets it drop into a chute bringing it upon, ion that prevents if from hein ed on the trip. Preparations hackers believing it them. a fortune a vice is a simple damage to the trees. Cauliflower Farm. anliflower raiser and will begin planting oar! The Trouble Between Gover- nor And Admiral. HE WAS NOT ASKED. TO LAND AMERICAN SAILORS ON THE ISLAND. Archbishop Thinks Action Put People in the Light of Ingrates ~There is a Difference of View as to the Governor's Conduct ~--Many Approve of It. Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 23--The rT between Governor Swettenham and Rear Admiral Davis is still the subject, of general discussion here. 'The governor's friends excuse his act ion by saying that while a hard-work- ing and zealous man, he is impulsive and dictatorial by nature and train ing, As evidence of this, he shows the same disposigion in dealing with the local endeavors to furnish relief. The governor always has been unwilling to admit there was any necessity for outside relief, : When interviewed by the correspon dent, Governor Swettenham denied there had been any friction between himself and Admiral Davis. He de scribed the last paragraph of his let- ter regarding the robbery of a New York millionaire as a jocular parallel f the safe robbers here which was mentioned in Admiral Davis' letter. He had not asked Admiral Davis to land sailors, and referred the corres- pondent to the admiral when asked if he subsequently endorsed the landing. In an interview, Archbishop Nuttal expressed great rogret that any offi- cial action had been taken which pat the people of Jamaica in the position of ingrates. The Jamaicans heartily appricciated the good feelivig shown by Admiral Davis and the United States people. Though the archbishop en dorsed the ore rs of Governier Swetten- ham, the object of which was , to make the Jamaicans self-reliant, he said, a_great deal was to be done, and he seemed to think that the Ame. ! Fioape would have rendered the much- assistanoes, The Scotch Presbyterian clergymen expressed strong approval of , the governor's action. Jamaica, they said, was not Spanish territory or a Latin American' republic. The United States had ng right to land troops there. Made Stern Protest. New York, Jan, 23. American fmgees, re- from Kingston, arvivipg here on hoard the steamer I'rinz Eitel Freidrich, which sailed from the stricken city on Thursday afternoon, the third day after the "earthquake, Were unanimous in condemning what they termed the "inactivity and utter in>fliciency,"" of the English authori- ties on the island during the first days following the disaster. Up to the day the Prinz Eitel sailed, ens wa® no semblance of order nor had anything definite heen done in the matter of relieving the sufferings of many of the wounded, The protest of the American refugees was voiced at a mass meet. ing, held on board the Prinz Eitel Fredierich, on Monday, when tresolu- tions were passed expresding emphatic condemnation of the conduct and be- haviour in that period of certain of- ficinls of rank specifically Captain Parsons, commander of the British steamship Port Kingston, lying in the harbot of Kingston, with Sir Alfred Jones, his superior and other officials aboard. ------------ Should Have Known Better. New York, Jan. 23.---David Gahl, a hutlder in attempting by the use of a lighted match tof locate a gas pipe leak in the cellar of a newly-constructed threa story double flat house in Brook- hyn, vesterday, eaised an explosion that wrecked the building and injured seven persons, Uahl suffered most and will probably die. The others were ro moved to an hospital, having sustain- od broken limbs and bruises, -------- Enlarge The Preference. London, Jan. 23.--~The tariff reform commission has issued an instalment report dealing with the Canadian ta- riff. It says the opinion of home manufacturers and merchants is that the most cfiective method of inéreas- ing Britain's share in the Canadian market lies in the enlargement of pre- ferince along the lines of the resolu- tions of the colonial conference and the declaration of the Canadian min- isters. A. B. Boak Dead. Halifax, N.S., Jan. 23.--The death occurred yesterday. of Andrew B. Poak, head. of the wholesale dry gods firm of A, B. Bonk & Co. Ha He 'was one of the best-known meroh- ents in the province. In the shah's palace: at Teheran is a tuelveiinch globe, upon which the parts of the world are set out in jesvals of varions colors-- England with rubies, Indin with diamonds, the wea with emeralds, and so on, There ix nothing more unsatisfac- tory to ordingry men than the "opin A monster petition is basing prepared by the Protestant alliance of Creat Bri asking for the government inspéction fillers Compound Iron Pills, only 25. for fifty doses. For sale by W. H: Medley. A woman doesn't greatly ohijset to confessing her age if she doesn't look it. A man who nover éarties a pistol never shools anyone, WARDENS OF COUNTIES. Results of Flections By the Var The newly elected councils for the various counties of Ontario met Tues lowing are those who Brant--Wm. Oliver, Brantford. Bruco--H, McDougald, Amabel. in--T, Tolmie, Aldborough, Brown. Kingsville. Huron--J, T. Currie, Wawanosh. E. Poover, Walpole. Lincoln--J, F. Greene, Niagara. Lambton--....Donnelly, Alvinston. Lanark--). McLean, Lanark, Lennox and Addington--I. lagher, Ernesttown. Oxford--W. Holmes, Otterville. Petérboto---P, McNulty. Simeoe--W, A. Boys. Barrie. Wellington--J. W. Wentworth--W. C. Van Sickle, Welland-- 'G. W. Sutherland. Middlesex--J. H. Hodgins, London. To-Morrow Owing to the very and severe cold which we think has kept . many of our Friends from attending this We have decided to continue it TO-MORROW i < MIGHTY CLOSE SHAVE, his family, have returned only an exciting experience during the earthquake, but a thrilling escape from his office on Port Royal street, when the shock came in the shape first of a low rumbling, He ded not think much of it atat the first moment, but walked from rear of the building to the front when be noticed that the whole clerical staff of the office had fled, the front entrance he were falling from the building he was in, as well as from others and he im- into the street. Mis first impulse was in the direction of a house, but before he reached there the wall fell into the lane and ho turned up: the "treet when he was caught by a pole. He managed to escape from its entanglement and got to a place of safety. thirty-five dead | around hit, CARS ARE RUNNING, But Upon the Old Routes falling telegraph Toronto, Jan. 23.~The railway municipal board, to-day, ordered the street railway company to restore the the threo routes, yes board in regard to the matters in dis Ten minutes after the order was given the cars were running. They are, however, back on the routes as chosen by the street railway, not the routes attempted to make the The city is also en- joined from interfering with the opera- tioh of the cars, run on yesterday. morning, and was much disgusted with | PPPS FW the action of the railway board, orders for busses, which were to cover the routes, have beeh countermanded, The city will have to wait the deci sion of the board before it will know just how it stands. OUTSIDE CLEAN, -- But Other Places Where Filth Washington, Jan, LAST EDITION, WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont., Jan. 28.-~(10 & Five and very cold today and on -- hy a mo i be -- Be CD -- Thousands of Ends Have been cleared out--in the past two days, but there are thousands here yet for your choosing, at Hall Price and in many cases less than Hall Price. : Remnants § In every section of the store, in nearly every case, ends &f materials of the past | fall season. > deb a DR ge om Econo: oof 4 MORROW will be Steacy's Remnant Sale ALL SALES FOR CASH. BORN. MACPHERSON.--On January 1907, to Mr. and Mrs, CL A.M Phegson, a som. BIBBY. On Tuesday. Jans 22nd. 1 a son to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. B MARRIED, DONNELILCLARK.~On Jan. 24 by Rev. W. H. Sparling, Agnes Lu y daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clars, this tity, to Johan J. Domell, TH ronto. 2 inns brag of the cleanliness of their The local authorities issue quent orders for control of the morals of the people. The poster "in not permitted to display chorus girl, unless skirts reach her hoot stranger who spits on the sidewalk is linb¥ to arrest and fine. mission of the department of agricul ture, investigating the places in Wash- discovered conditions Sanitary arrangements there are So bad were the con- ditions discovered that only a private should be drightened into starvation. ARRESTED FOR THEFT. Edward Davis Accused of Steal- ing Sum of $8. Revere Hotel, King rtrect, was placed under grrest to-day by Constable James Bateson, on charge of stealing 88 from David Me Murray, a boarder at the hotel. prisoner will be arraigned before the court, He has confessed to the police that he stole the money, McMurray put his money in a trunk it was on Monday that he noticed -that it was missing. Constable, Bateson worked up the case, with the result that Davis was plac ed behind the bars. The prisoner has only been out in ; DIED. : EVES.--~In Kingston, at 68 Oharles St Jan. 20nd, 1907, Lawrence Eves son of lute Samuel Eves, : year and nine mooths Funeral private, Thursday at 2 o'clocky to Cataragui Cemetery. 2 (Watertown and Alexandria Bay paper please copy.) TONIGHT HENRY W. SAVAGE'S spl ductipn of the Great Laughing THE GOLLEGE WIDO By GRORGE ADE, with the best 5 ever secon in this Remarkable Play, the same superb production that del ed thousands for one whole sesson New York. 3 Curtain up at 8.15 Carriages at 10.80% Prices, ., S0e., T8¢c., $1 and S1.5(4 Seats now on He THURSDAY, JAN, 24th, SPENC ER : and ABORN'S Big Beenie AT THE WORLD'S MERCY 7 Great Scemes. 4 Big Acts. A play of Ever Day Like, with Splendid Acting Compahy. Carload of Special Scenery: § ine Prien 26-35-80 "gone Seats flow on Salé. wi extna Scotch Night EXTRS FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 25th. 1759~Robert Burns Anni Sweely, Shipman & Cos the Auspices of THE EONS LL SBOTLAND, = Writing Paper To Be Increased. Holyoke, Mass., Jan. 23.-It is an- nounced that a ten per eomt. advance in prices' of fine writing paper soon will be made, Newspaper grades will not be affected. The increase, due to increased cost in materials wages, is expected to be asking at Gibson's ot: Jessie Maclachlan "The Queen of Scottish Some, whl * Her Celebrated Sompany Prices, 250. Sbery 50e., ' Seats now on Sale. » 4 Sat., Jana. = ETOSCO MOVIN RES. x