A Dyspeptic, Use Hutch.' t a foul smelling, nasty tasting ' but a palatable, appetizing cor- r of acidity, heartburn and wa- ash. It washes away fermenting rs, and the tough mucus that the dyspeptic's stomach, leaving an, refreshed and ready to di- proper food. It's a doctor for ten . If you can 200. By mail from Woodward ical Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. e Sale of the Season nes Only Once a Year 25 ER GENT. OFF All Manufactured Furs. a W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 0 Brock St. Phone 700 , Optical Work Carefully Executed Spectacles and Eveclasses vroperly fitted. New and mountin~s. ".JEyes carcfully examined. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 330 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. up-to-date (A RL ed BydgrrCasan, f., ~ RRA The grea: Uterine Tonde, and ponly eafa effectual Mon Iteguini+ on which women oun del Aldine fve d « StECHRLS. a & . finely » Ra Bol Y Irngg = or sont yr rapa © cer price. N 0 Tong y ALT) Tr Pipe dra Tog MEN LD WOMEN. Use Bij @ for unnatural discharg e.inflarirat ong. irritations or ulcerations of mucous branes. Prinlace, and not asteioe ent of pois: Sid by Cragglsis, or sent in plain wrrpper by 2pm %. prepaid, 'or $1.00, or 3 hotties #1.75. SME oa rence. ventory oale | s st Il attracting many cash ers to this store. Lots of ps in all departments : en's Underwear omed 3} Underwear ildren's Underwear avy Wool Hosiery ool Blankets mforters ildren's Winter Coats ool Toques ool Dress Goods Etc., Etc. . N g Discounts All This - Week. EWMAN & SHAW ees, load at mum at 2632 degre degrees, wax at 149 626 o8, and spare $1 you can > which kill beauty and youth. the following : to go to work. and straightway semt out for a bottle. glad to indorse it. strength | cordial invitation to write her for advice. For choice of SWELL WINTER SHOES, in *Patent Colt, Velour Calf and Box Calf. FIVE DOLLAR VALUES McDERMOTT'S Shoe Store JANUARY SALE PROGRAM Our First Sale That Takes in All Departments Whatever your home or family needs in Dry Goods, Tuesday buyers will have the first choice. Sweeping reductions are all over the store. Every department has reduced prices. This is positively the greatest Bargain Sale we have offered. Many new lines of our.new Spring Goods are in stock, and are included in this sale, THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 WELLINGTON STREET. WM Gain Strength for Work QD In office and factory, shop, store or kitchen girls are at work all over this land, and, alas | far beyond their strength. Young women who work are especially liable to female ills. Too often the girl is the bread winner of the family and she must toil unremit- tingly, no matter if her back does ache, her limbs and abdomen throb with dull pain and dragging sensations, and dizzy spells make her utterly unfit for work. These are the sure signs of female irregularities Tydia E Pinkhamis Vegetable Compound builds health and strength for all women who work and are weary. It creates the' vitality that makes work easy. From the thousands of grateful letters written by working girls to Mrs. Pinkham we quote Dear Mrs. Pinkham :--Overwork and long hours at the office, together with a neglected cold, brought on a female trouble until finally I was unable I tried change of scene and climate, but found that I did not regain my health. I'then thought of afriend who had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when her health was in the same condition that mine was, 1 finished that and took two more before I really began to improve, but after that my recovery was very rapid, and when I had finished the sixth bottle I was well and able to go back to work again. I certainly think your medicine worthy of praise, and am indeed Mure. ALMA ROBITAILLE, 78 rue St. Francois, Quebec, Que. Oh, if Canadian girls who work would only realize that they have but one life to live, and make the most of their precious health and Mrs. Pinkham extends to every working girl who is in ill health a Such letters are always kept strictly confidential, and from her vast experience Mrs. Pinkham prob- ably has the very knowledge that will help you--and may save your life. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail EI At CASI h DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 21. IL 9, 'Wood's Phonphodine, The Great English iE duet Tones and invigurates the who! nervous system, makes Blood in old Veins. Cures Ners us Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Sexual Wealknes Hwiosions, maton haa, and Fffects of Abuse or Excesses. per box, Spall Sragy gn will pleaso, sty AIR 2, Pri wl ae Bel ruggists ov mailed vlain pig. on rece co, New pamphle: pan hes The I res pen Co. (formerly Wirdsord Toronto, Ont, Grand Uiiion Fotel Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up An encelles yuide-book and map of the City of New York nt 0D receipt of two cents in postage. "Significant and Inter- esting to Prospective Assurers." The Blue Book for (1905) Shows that "The Canada Life As- surance Company" paid by 'way of Cash Profits to its Policybolders in 1905, £1,194,689.45. While in the same vear 21 "Canadian Companies, 14 Bri- tish Companies, and 16 American, in all 51 other companies operating in Canada, paid by wav of Cash Profits to their Policyholders, $1,022 80502, which shows that "The Canada Life Assurance Company" paid more to its Policyholders than the other 51 Companies put together. The Canada Life, for each 5 years of its 60 years experience, has added a Bonus Addition of $1,000 to every- $10,000 insurance in force, Full information how a Policy would shape for you cheerfully given at the office, 18 Market street, Kings- J. 0. HUTTON, Manager Telephone 703. J. R. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St., Special Agent. DSURANCE AND FINANCE: = Mcintyre & Mcintyre BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET, KINGSTON] G. A. Bateman CUSTOMS BROKER Correspondence in Montreal, New York, Paris and other places. All business receives prompt at- tention at 69 Clarence street, Kingston. Negotiations between the Grand GANANOQUE TIDINGS f A COUNCILLOR [OR HAS REGAIN- ED HIS: SEAT, Because Another Was Given a Position =e Coveted--Hockey Matches--An Appeal on Behalf of Snug Harbor. Gananoque, Jan. 21-On Friday '{ evening the Tigers and the high school team were hockey opponents, William Phillips refereed. The Tigers won by 11 goals to 5. On Tuesday evening the Tigers and St. Lawrence teams try conclusions, and on Friday even- ing, Star-Bachelors and high school, Councillor Thomas Dempster, elected at the recent municipal elections, has resigned his seat, feeling hurt over having Ex- Mayor W. N. Rogers ap- pointed as chairman of the roads and bridges committee, which position Mr. Dempster has held during the past two years. Mr. Dempster has made a good impression while he has sat at the council board, of being a capital councillor, and a hard worker for the interests of the gemeral public. Frederick Arthur, who was clected, a year ago,-as a member of the Board of Education, has since removed to Montreal, and it is understood has tendered hid resignation to the hoard. This will render the election of a new trustee a necessity. The Young People's Association of (race church, held a well-attended and successful so~ial at the residence of Mrs. C. B. Rogers, Stone street, on Friday evening. J. M. Walker, a well- known representative of the press, gave an admirable address on "The Value of the Public Press; Its Influence and Power," at the men's meeting in Grace church, Sunday morning. Mr. Pound, of Kingston, agent of the Seaman's Mission, of Snug Har bor, preached, ' Sunday morning, at St. Andrew's church, making an ap- peal to the people for support of this much-needed work for the sea-faring men. In the evening he filled the pul- pit of Grace church. At the session of the Sabbath school in Grace church, during the afternoon, he made an ap wal for the school to furnish a onl for the use of sailors, for which a special collection will be taken next Sabbath. Rev. Henry Gracey, pastor of St. Andrew's church, filed the pulpit of Grace church Sunday morning. Rev, William Timberlake, pastor of Grace church, left, on Friday last, for Mor- risburg, to take part in a church re union held there that evening, and also to preach educational sermons there Sunday. Ww. spent a few days, last week, with friends in Carleton Place, is Mrs. J. Arthur Jackson, Miss Bessie (Neill left, spend a yah with friends in Co bourg. L. Rock, of Ottawa, is spend- ing somo his sister, Mrs. A. Marshall, street. Mrs. J. B. been spending several weeks in Brock- ville with her daughter, Mrs. Elliott, has returned Nome. First street. Hat Of Light-Colomed Felt. The sketch. ing of biscuit color felt, the plumes a the left side being of tan shaded to warm brown at the tips; * The ribbon used to muke the twist anc loops across the frat was of shade velvet, in pale orange, tam and ligh brown. across the back and side of the unde brim. Em -- A noted authority on diseases of the throat and lungs, who es- tablished a camp for consump- and whose rersirkable cures there | have from the medical world, says that his entire treatment con- sisted of fresh air, nourishing food and the Pure Vigin Oil of the White Pine Trees mixed with Whiskey and Glycerine, in the following proportions : > Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) } Glycerine ... ... v2 Good Whiskey " 8 oz, " four hours. It is claimed that the above nitxture will heal and strengtaen § the lungs, break up a cold in twenty-four hours, and cure any cough 'that is curable. The ingredients ean be secured from any good prescription drug- gist at small. cost and can be ensily mixed in your own home. Inquiry at the prescription de partment of a leading local phar- macy elicited the information that Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is put up only in half-ounce vials for dispensing. Each vial is se- curely sealed in a round, wooden case, with engraved wrapper, with the name--'Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) --plainly printed thereon. Only the cheaper Oils are sold in bulk, but these pro- Trunk agd the Temiskaming railwavs may result in an improved service to the Cobalt district, duce nausea, and never effect the desired results. 'Thomson, of Strausburg, Ont., town. Miss Jackson, of spending a short time in town, the guest of Mr. and yeste rday, to time.in town, the guest of Garden Cowan, who has depicts' an attractive model for mid-winter wear, the hat be- e bow of Brown maline/ Was ruched in ISSUING, ) VALUABLE FORMULA. 4 4 tives in the Pine Woods of Maine @ | nial forthcoming ?"' attracted great attention § Used in teaspoonful 'doses every CONDENSED ADVERTISING] ere wastes semace. FOR SALE. RATES pi we ETO pip alerances req y oply 0 COWS. APPLY TO H. BAB First msertion, lc. a word: Bach cons . secutive insertion therafter dc: a WANTED-GENERAL. BILLIARD mars ABLE, CARON, NEW word. Minimum charge for ope ine cushion space, . Jork foot Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $1, Adve. 4 lines or under a month, $8 TO BUY GOOD HOUSE, SOR $2,000 Whig of Address Box 98, QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR 8, 8S. No. 8, Den TWO PHOTOS, ON JOHNSON OR Clergy Sts, near the Cathedral. Please leave at 187 University Ave. INSURANCE PASS BOOK, CONTAIN. ing notes bearing owner's name. Re- ward for fits return to Iroquois Hotel. SABLE MUFF, ON TUESDAY, BE- tween St. George's Hall and 200 Queen. St. Reward for return to 51 Brock street, bigh, A and A. Apply, stating sulary. | to J Irish, Secy.- Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG Stating qulary, to J, W, sith, Sen HELP WANTED--MALE, ADDITIONAL MEMBERS ARE RE. Loum gh ng O01 ul a N SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GENTLE-{ ply to Mrs. J. O: Villiers, yr A men, bring your own cloth an t a son street. De | ox 3 zt N03 TINOMIY price a fini Fuaran' ng and repairing done well. Galloway, 00 AR , a 3 o ey The Tailor, 3 181 Brock street. ary. Quote at price on _ cars your for eath iit . H MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, wyer Ov., Limited, Trust Buliding, oight weeks, earn $10 tava, Oit. to $18 weekly. Bi as Canada end United States. Help HELP WANTED-MALE, secure ositions. Catalowue ------ Mole Barbsr College, Queen and Sn -- Sales Manager. LOST, Experienced specialty salesman re ouired for Lipton's Baglish line of goods. Must bethoroughly experi- enced in the wholesales and retail gro- cery trade throughout the whole of Canada, Write full particulars in vonfid stating age, past trav- whom at present salary required, ote., J. LIPTON, , New York City. eling experience, employed - by: to W. M,, care 39 Pearl St PAIR RIMLESS GLASSES, WITH gold chain attached, on Saturday, be- tween Brock and Queen Sts, on Clergy St. Finder will be rewarded by returning to this Of MONEY AND BUSINESS. ee ------------------------------------------ LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance , _ Available assets $61,187, ae) addition to which licy holders have for the policy security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest possible rates: Before renewing old or miving pew business get rates from range & Strance, Avents. pee ee ------ OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON building contents than any other company . Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark: ot Square; ia STANDS IN DANGER KING PETER WANTS TO CHANGE SUCCESSION, Plans to Have His Second Son, Prince Alexander, Given the Throne. Belgrade, Jan. 21.-King Peter is casting about for a means to extri- cate himseli from the circumstances which threaten to extinguish the rule of his house, His majesty appreciates the strength of the conspiracy to bring about his deposition, and also realizes that in ihe event oi his voluntary abdication there is no possibility of the harum- scarum Crown Prince George succeed ing him. For this reason he has formulated a decree to regulate hig family affairs in a manner which he hopes will save the situation. He proposes to divide his relatives into two categories. In the first are the king, the crown prince and his younger brother, Alexander ; Prince Arsene, the king's brother, and his majesty's "nephew, Paul, The sec- ond category is to comprise the king's cousins, Princes Bojedan and Alexis. The object of the decree is to confer on King Peter the power to transfer any member from the first to the sec- ond category, In this way his majes- ty hopes to dispose of the crown prince's claims and to get the studi- ous Prince Alexander accepted as his successor, But this proposal was condimned by the lawyers to whom it was submit- ted, and the Stampa has pointed out that it clashes with the fundamental laws of the Servian constitution. "Tampering with these," says the journal, "is risking the interests t] of, the dynasty." It is not thought * | that the king will now proceed with this -project. | There have been wholesale confisca- Il tions of issues of the Stampa, Pravda t | and Beogradski Novine for comment. ing on the large grant which it is al leged is to be made to the king from the new loan. Among the questions which are asked daily are: "Shall we let pass the misappropriation of n sum to he wrung from the nation's blood and tears ?" 'Is it true that the signature to an infamous state blloan is to be paid for by a large grant to one who has more than en- ough already ?" and "Why is no de- r Among the economies lately intro- duced by the king at his palace is the unlimited cops of black coffee ] which were hitherto served to the aides-de-camp in waiting all'through the day. A Serb would sooner forego his din- ner, or even his cigarette, than his { frequent little cup of coffee, so the officers on duty have purchased a spirit lamp and coffee, which they grind and prepare themselves and par- take of the King Peter's ante-room. A { Wedding At Brockville. | At high noon; on Wednesday, 16th, a 5 {wedding wns celebrated at the home |of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Taggart, | Brockville, between their eldest daugh- (ter. Myrtle, and J. Arthur Kennedy, {of Winnipeg. Only immediate relatives were present. Rev. Mr. Sellery, of {Wall Street Methodist church. officia- ted. The bride wore a travelling suit of wine-colored broadeloth. Among many gifte to the bride was a fur. Jined coat, with mink collar and rovers from the groom. After the ARTHUR ELLIS RCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen aot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, CHITECT, etc. Anchor Building, M Sa tFhone, 3465. -- POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, M chant"s Bank Building, corner Brook and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 31%, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, Lo fice, second floor, over Mahood's JETERINABY. DR. Gy BELL, V.8., = BAD RE- | moved o 'his brick block, Claren street, just above the Post Of by telephone or telegraph promptly attended to. SRY FORMALLY INDICTED. For Misapplying Funds of the > Bank, JOHN R. WALSH. Chicago, Jan. 21.--John former president of the Chicago No R. Walsh, which as closed by the government in December, 1005, was formally indicted, last week, by the federal grand jury, on the charge of misapplying the funds of the bank. w tional bank; A Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mes. Garret Vanalstine, Clarksville Road, near Napanee, cele brated their golden wedding on Mon- day by a gathering pf their ghilieen, Mr. and Mrs. Boyes, Cornwall, and Mrs. A. H. Davis, Picton, oe the members of the family residing at home were present and had a very Measant family reunion. Mr. and rs. Vanaletine vecoived gifts of gold pieces from all their children except- ing the son in the west, who sent a cheque. Prevost, Brofk street, will give a choice of $18 and $20 suiting, made- to-order for $15. Good fit and trimmings, a genuine bargain, Damage to the extent of over a mil- lion and a half was done by the storm, on Bunday, in Buffalo and vi- omity, -------------- NO PERSON Would Make Such a Proposition to the People of Kingston, as Has Our Leading Druggist, George W. Mahood. Did you ever know or hear of a person who would offer to return every cent you paid him if he could not build up and create strength and vitality for old people, weak, sickly women and children and the convales- cent; create an appetite, cure stomach trombiles; make those who are too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. Or cure hacking coughs, chronic colds, throat and bronchial troubles ? This is exactly the offer 'our well- known and reliable druggist, Geo. W, Mahood, makes to every person in Kingston. Mx. Mahood says Vinol is simply the most valuable and deliciofis prepara- good tion of cod fiver oil known to medi- cine. It is the greatest known strengtheereator and health restorer It makes the blood rich and pure. It tones un the tired, weakened diges- tive, orpany. Jt strengthens very or- gan in the to do its work as luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Kennddy took | the afternoon train for the west, where { they will reside. Jaurge site Jeit $22 for $15.50 cash. W. {Carroll & Co. Four different [skateme of shorthar nd {are in common/use in this coubtry, We have some dandy black and bluse [person in Kings nature integded, nd .wherever it fails AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW discoun TWO SECOND-HAND CREAM SEPAR« sixteen yolumes, at a oflice. Poly ators, in of , also a 139 Clarence street. 8.3." Bay, DWELLINGS, ete., at McCann's. 51 Brock street. STORAGE SPACE FOR FURNI. Jute. ect. W. G. Frost, 209 Queen HOyS®, 84 BARRIE ST. FROM FEB, = to May 1st, with option of I One of the most com uosurpassed. I a JR Barrie street. y; » wT oh DR. JeCARTH OFFICE LATELY Ryan, teal and a 'streets. DR. I WOOD, DR. J. F. SPARKS, Physicians and __ Surgeons, Corner Wellington and William streets. The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian REV. CO. W. CASSON, OTTAWA Dare To Doubt. Dare to doubt. Refuse to accept any statement as truth until you have given it thorough test by your own thought. Test it, analyse it, question it, doubt it. It is your right n- » rations! being. Insist upon rights. If it fails to approve it ir ps you or cannot stand the strain of © test, reject it. It is not truth to a It has no claim on you. You have no claim to it. Whatever : ive the doubt" Te 1 tat boo, gn B, Pod destroys 8 ly the brass of falschood, and only proves the reality of the gold of truth. Dare to doubt, b-- Address Mr. Casson for free litera- ture, ETE IER AN OLD SAYING. Showing How Cause and Effect Are Never Far Removed. It is an old saying 'Where there's honey there's bees"--not less true is one which science has coined more re- cently, "Where there's Dandruff there's germs' --~and--to push the inference still further we may truly say "Where there's Dandruff cured Newbro's Her- picide hus been at work," The reason of Herpicide's isolation as a genuine cure for Dandruff lies in the fact that it attacks and destroys the root of the whole trouble 5 para- sitic germ which feeds upon the ma- pein which nourishes the hair fol- cle, Other so-called remedies are not'di- rocted at this true cause of the dis case. Accept no substitute, there is none, Sold by leading druggists, Send We. in stamps for sample to The Hers picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent, Frontenac Business College Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates, ™ ¥ Fiodiain, "Phone, 680. a ---------------------- LOOK LIKE 30c. The Profits Paid By Some Companies. When Compared With The Royal Insurance Co'y OF ENGLAND. $10,000,000 000, Profits - 14.170,000 Profits, 1905 000 Expenses To Income 81 per cent. We Invite Your Investigation. Business In Force Lite F he will give back he money paid him for it. / We advise eveps ih sick and ailing to try Vinol on guarantee to return Remember you get Mahood, Mr. Mahood's money if it fails. it ut the store of Geo. W. druggist. W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston And Cape Ferry, Until further. notice steamer leave for Cape Vincent at 11:30 am.