> 265,000 people today, who really "Fruit-a-tives" to did remedy. 1it-a-tives" were an unsolved of 'one of Canada's leading r of a million of Canadians 'they are--a positive cure Kidney, \Bowel and Skin 'have cured stubborn' cases on-- Chronic Rheumatism tion -- that defied" ordinary e cures of Biliousmesss, Indi- laches, Pain in the Back, nd Irregularity of the Bowels d by the thousands. "Fruit- the bowels just as fruit moves es them healthy. are fruit juices and tonics in tablet creased medicinal action made mical change which takes place combined. At 104 LIMITED, - OTTAWA. box--6 boxes for $2.50. ent on receipt of price. CANADA N COMPANY. N\ le] TIT [a ME iy A FOR THE NAME : a ---- NUFACTURING CO. AL, P. Q. Lmiren, ON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. 8 ) EVERYWHERE, © . Ussuer, Puaveair «Martens Oobalt Stocks Bought and Sold ~~ On Commission We have personally inspucte.! many of the best properties in the Cobalt district and are prepared to furnish reports upon same to our clients. TRADERS BANK BUILDING, TORONTO Long Distance Telenones Main 7450, 7481 3 " You've tried the rest Now try the best." SCOTCH. Its mellowness suits every ra ate ard Its wholesomeness (3 unparc!iiclcyq, 2 Prettos Distillers, Argyleshire TT > ING FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. T am a womail, i know woma:1's sufferings, t have found the fue dit < will mail, free cf any cl m By ment with full om a 2 women's ailments I wantio tell this cure -- yutly m7 peader, for y daughter, your méiher, or your slater, tell you how to ture yourselves FREE TO YOU--MY SISTER en's sufferings What we women know from Placomenter fe Wore or Pail Festi pret, also bearing down ng up the spine, melancholy, dc eo to cry, kidney and biadder trou! aire free to prove to you that you f at hon FREE TO Y.5U AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER- home - any sufferer from women aboul yours=if, ypur I want to at home without the Lielp of a doctor, - Men cannot understand wom pe we knots better than any doctor, | know that my home treatment is a safe and 'sure cure for Leucorrhoea or Ov: 'umors or in the head; back and bowels, gs, nervousness, creeping ek 0 bles ! 'weariness, y where canscd by weaknesses peculiar to our sex. Iwant to send you agomplets 10 days' treatment can cure @ surely. x ourse Tei Tn Sulckly a emember, that it will cost you nothing togive the treatment a complete trial and if you should wish to rR cons & week, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with Just send me your Name an s, tell me how you suffer, if you w treatment for your case, entirelv free, ou Raia wra=ner, by return ma of cost, my hook--** WOMAN'S UWN MEDICAL ADVISER' with egplanatory ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at Tome, E have it, and learn t . Then wlio the doctor says--* You mi tion," you can decidefor yourself, Thousands of women have cured themse remedy. It cures all, old or ng. To Mothers of Daush treatment which speedily a Trregular Menstruation in oe WwW er i < 3 horeve ek oa refer Jou to ladies of your sun locality who kuow and wil gladly | for shipment. Some parties here saw | in financial straits. Those make Jor hai Feally Cures all woman's diseases and makes women | a crow to-day. Does that indicate | tunate were able to leave early = Sun- robust J me your address, the frée teh days® treatment : A) dica una re 4 } aR Joey, 21 0 way re ia er Address: a h that spring is at hend? The Salva- | day moming, while others were forced . y HHI - VSR - NDBOR, Onti" | tionists will hold a business meeting | to use the: telegraph for<the where- GOLD MEDAJ. AWARDED, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900. eaqoes Fi And Invalids, 0 , The Aged. Nearly 80 Years' Established Reputation. DR. BARNARDO our Homes (Rabies Castle and the Village Home), and I have no hesitation in saying it has proved very SAYS I gtisfactory."--July 27th, 190 Manufacturers: JOSIAH R. NEAVE & CO., FORDINGBRIDGE, ENGLAND. For "W: have already used Neave's Food in two ot ne; it will cost you oily about 12 ar Work or occupation, nd I will send you the 1 also send you free 1lustrations shove woman shoud have an opera: with my home whters, I will explain a simple home effectually cures Leucorrhicea, Green Sickness and Painful or Plumpacss and health always result from jts use Wholesale Agents--THE LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto, and LYMAN, SONS & CO., Montreal. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. hpr------ The lidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario -- What! People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. From Allen, Wolfe Island. Allen, Wolfe Island, Jan. 14.--Some of the farmers in this section are busy pressing their hay. The ice in the-ea- nal is not in good condition foritra- vel. Miss Katie LaFleur, who has been visiting his parents here for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Chicago on Saturday. Mr. Adams, of Cape Vincent, N.Y., has purchased several lots of ~ hay in this district. William Digman left, on Monday, for Kingston, to attend the business col legé, Mrs. P. Quigley is on the sick list. James Murphy was removed to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Monday, suffering with an atfack of Ppneu- monia. His friends are glad to hear he is improving. Miss Nellie Hogan is visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Lillian O'Rielly, Marysvill®, spent Sat- urday and Sunday with Mrs. Terrence Murphy. s Gertie McDonald is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. George Rattray, Marysville. . Doings At Long Lake. Long Lake, Jan. 14.--~The recent snowstorm placed the roads in better condition. Some are getting in a sup- ply of ice for the summer. The mines are closed down for a short time. A. R. Watson is quite ill and little hopes are held for his recovery. Last week a few of the ratepayers met and dis- cussed the necessities of a hall, and £200 was offered for the same, and steps will be taken at once to pro- ceed, The township councils of Olden and Hinchinbrook will ask the privil- ege of placing on the highway from Mountain Grove to Parham, via Long Lake, a telephone line. This, is grant ed, will be ready for use about the first of next June, The builders of the line are 'D. J. Cronk and 1. L. Benn, of this place. Powley Smith and wife, Hemlock, Mich., have returned home, after spending three weeks with rela- tives here, and also with relatives at Westbrook. Eight years have passed since he was here. To Build At Dead Creek. Dead Creek, Jan. 15.--Mr. and Mrs. ". M. Penny have returned from Co- balt, where they have been for the past nine months. School was re- op: ened on the 3rd inst, with Miss Vio- let Bebee as teacher. There seems to be considerable trouble in this settle ment over the choice of site on which to build the new Methodist 'church, owing to one or two parties wanting to have it built off on a byrroad. J. A. Newton has purchased a timbered tot from the Rathbun company, and has a gang of men engaged cutting 'ogs for his mill. Teams are busy hauling lw r to Ardendale Station im Dead «Creek school house, to-mor- row evening, to arrange for the erec- tion of new barracks here. William severe illness. Stuart Babcock has re- turned home from Kingston hospital, where he was treated for typhoid fev- er. He is improving nicely. Township Of Kingston Council. Jan. 4.--John Aylesworth (reeve); John Purdy. deputy reove: and Byron Gordon, William Reid and William Spooner; councillors, qualified. The Ontario Municipal Association asked the council to petiticn the Ontario legislyture to municipalities from a portion of their heavy re sponsibility for the non repair of high- ways. Moved, JHiordon-Spooner, thyt all persons whose taxes remgin un- paid after February 1st be charged two per cent. per month, and the rate be doubled for every subsequent month until paid. Yeas: Aylesworth; Gor- don, Reid and Spooner: nay, John Purdy. Moped, Spooner-Purdy, that a old resolution repmrding fees be re- relieve Long Distance Telephone in 5200-01-02 Commission Orders Executed on All Exchanges TORONTO eee eee Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission Investment Securities Both Listed and Unlisted. Information upon Request Members Toronto Stock. Exchange CLL00000088408008000000000088088008000000808 Useful Presents What would be more useful for a "Xmas Present than one of the following articles: t Meat and Food Choppers, all sizes. 'Fancy Agate Tea and Coffee Pots. Fancy NicKle-plated Tea and Coffee Pots. Carpet Sweepers. ' Carving Sets from 75c. to $10.00. Rogers' Silver - Knives, Forks and Spoons-------- "And other articles too numerous to mention. ELLIOTT BROS, 11 PRINCESS STREET. | seinded and the following be substi- = Jtuted : To the deputy returning offi- cer, #1: to poll clerk, 83, and for nolling booth, 83. Carried. The rail ng on Day's hill to be looked after by Mr. Spooner. On motion, Spooner- Purdy, J. 0. Ellerbeck appointed as sessor; Salary fixed at £70. On mo+ tion, Gordon-Spooner, John Long votod $20 for damages to a. horse and hueay going over a hill at McRow's mill, pwine to a defective railing. On motion, Reid-Gordon. J. F. Leather- land to make' and have on hand 100 sewer pipe tile for township purposes. E. Christopher be refunded $2.24 and Oliver Fairbanks, $2, for road work. One Of The Saddest Stories. First it was a cold, neglected, of course, and catarrh developed. Noth- ing was done and consumption follow- ed. Watch the little cold, keep it from growing by using '"'Catarrhozone." Nothing simpler than inhaling the germ-killing vapor of this grand rem- edy. Colds and catarrh flee as before fire. Every trace of throat and bron- chial trouble yields immediately. Ca- tarrhozone is "scientific and absolutely guaranteed for preventing and curing catarrh and' kindred ills. Two sizes, 25¢. and $1, at all dealers. These Painful Ailments. Rheumatism, neuralgia, locomotr ataxia, etc., are due to morbid, pois- oned conditions of the blood. poisons pelled and the blood enriched in order See the Shoo-Fly Regiment, To- main permanently undiscovered were Brooker is recovering slowly from a - The must be neutralized and ex- One Million Night. Vaudeville occasionally brings to light genuine merit that might re it not for the field fertile in oppor- tunities that is offered by the variety stage. A forcible example of this is found in Cale and Johnson, the clever colored authors and composers olor the Manhatten Amusement com- pany will present at the Grand, to- night, in their original musical creg- tion, "The Shoo-Fly Regiment." Johnson is a delightful baritone vo- calist and accomplished pianist, while Cole is the cleverest negro character comedian of his race, The musical comedy in which they star is an en- tirely new idea of negro life. {The College Widow." George Ade's irresistible "College Widow." with her merry crowds of rollicking students, pretty girls and rich galay of campus types--ombel: lished in the typical Henry W. Savage environment, comes to us at the Grand, on Wednesday, January 23rd. The Object Lesson Given in a Huot's Coffee... Pure * Condar ustard, with ail ih nO an Lo Toa or 2 Ibs, of either Tea at your choice 1h 1b, 1h, AMERICAN CIVILIZATION. Kentucky County. Times are lively in the old Ken- tucky home. Breathitt county--'"Bloody Broathitt"--a volcano of lawlessness, has broken out again, The trouble is caused by the trial at Jackson of the notorious Jim Hargis, former county judge of Breathitt, and former Sheriff Edward Callahan, for the mur- der of Dr, Cox, four years ago. Judge Carnes, assigned by Governor Beck- ham to try the case, fears for his life ond has requested a compuny of mil itia to protect him while in Jackson. The jury has not been selected, as it hat been impossible to secure twelve men in Breathitt who have the cour- age to serve. The name of Hargis, the most powerful citizen of the coun- ty, still wields a maleficent influence, and the court will be obliged to go to another county for a panel of jurors, The trouble started with the murder of Attorney J. B, Maroum, four or five years ago, for which crime Curtis Jett is serving a life sentence. It was Cups of "Madame Huot's Coffee." Such is the amount of this famous Coffee sales: you can see how delicious it is? All our other products areabio. guaranteed extra-choice. Ask our asiortment from your grocer, of che from us directly. He ST. PAU INAUGURAL MEETING Of the Council of Portland Town- ship. Harvowsmith, Jan. M.~The ine ancural meeting of Portland township council was held, Monday, 4th, J. T. Truscott (reeve), O. Bb. Henderson, Zara Reynolds, William Shellington and James A. Wallace subscribing to the declarations. The reeve and Councillor Reynolds were appointed to investigate the claim of Mrs. Cole for damages. On motion Shelllington-Henderson, J. McKim and James Forsythe were appointed audi- tors, and a by-law be passed to ocon- firm the selection. The local option by-law having been carried in the township by a substantial majority, the by-law was given its formal read- ing. D. Graves gave notice of his in- tinticn to appeal against it. H. E. Wright re-appointed caretaker of hall, On motion, Henderson-Wallace, the town hall to bd rented for dancing. On motion, Wallace-Reynolds, Timothy Griffith appointed to look after the boardwalks in Verona, at 25 ents per charged that Hargis and Callahan with the prestige of many record Wo ¢€ implicated mm ti ilng of Mas marks : cum, and last year Jett confessed that : 'the former county judge of Brethitt "At The World's Mercy." There is said to be some delightful comedy in. "At the World's Mercy," Owen Davis' latest and most success ful play, which Spencer and Aborn have given a most claborate and massive production, scanically, me chanically wand electrically as well as in regard to general excellence that the stage has seen in "At the World's Morey" the Grand on Thursday, in the cast, recent years. comes to January 24th. Burns Night Attraction. Miss Jessie Maclachlan, who is known throughout the world by the title bestowed upon her by the late Queen Victoria" 'The Queen ot- tish Song"--will be heard in thi city on Burns' night, Friday, Japuary 25th, at the Grand. bd IN FINANCIAL STRAITS. Which Dolly Varden Jompany Appeared in Kingston. The Brantford Expositor says: The Dolly Varden company had troubles of its own im this city, Saturday night. Notwithstanding a fairly house several members of the company were withal to get out' of town. The com- pany, which is a fairly good one, has been running in a streak of hard luck. Their Rheumatism Vanished. In the long period during which Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure has been made it has thoroughly cured thousands of cases, These cases have been of every variety and degree of severity. The treatment has been effective because it strikes at the root of the disease. It deserves a thorough trial by every rheumatic sufferer. Hg action in any case must be beneficial because it purifies and enriches the blood and builds up vitality tnd energy. Its ac tion is prompt and benefit is progres sive until the cure results, Ten days' treatment. Price 80c., at Wade's Drug Store. "had hired him to assassinate Marcum. Last summer . Hargis was tried for but was aoyaitted, He is now on trial for the murder of Dt. Cox, one of Marcum's sympathizers. The little town of Jackson is crowded with arm- od men, some on the side of Hargis and others on the side of the men proscouting the case, The three at- torneys for the commonwealth, assist- ing in the prosecution of the case, have, applied with Judoe Carnes for military protection, as that should a riot break out these would be the first men picked off by the Hargis faction, ------------ An alligator has the most powerful being estimated at three-quarters ofa ton. AB -- Gaired Both In Strength And Weight Another vase That Proves The Merit of FERROZONE "I was im poor health nearly all winter," writes Mrs. Cross, ol last Wakefield, Ont. "My appetite Was varighle, I was wepk and anfit for work. I suffered a good deal from nervous prostration and palpitation ob the heart. My digestion was gene: rally out of order. By springtime 1 had lost flesh, color, and had. a bad cough. The doctor didn't help me very mach, "so 1 decided 'to try Ferrozons. It did me ever so much good in «no weak. 1 gained strength, looked gnd fol a lot better. When I'had used six boxes of Ferrozone I weighed my- self and found a wan of fifteen poursls, Ferrozone rebuilt my ec neti- tution. gd muggle me 4 new womgn. I consider Ferrozone worth its weight in gold to every wegk woman. It cures quickly and saws big doctors' bills. (MRS.) R. CROSS." No tonic so certain, so helpful, so Paris spends £800,000 yearly on clean'ng and maintaining its streets. tr Ferrozone yourself, 5c. per shox, at all deglers, safe | D.roTHY TENNANT participation in the Marcum murder, ! jaw in the world, the crushing power | week, after April lst, and to gather up all township plank lying in Ver { ona, and make report; also to place { the new towhship wheelbarrow in the { town hall ! On motion, Reynolds-Hen- i derson, jobs of repairing roads, $10 or over to he advertised and sold to the lowest bidder. Dr. Lockhart was re-appointed medical health officer, and Henry McMullen, a member of the lo- cal hoard of health for three years. On the request of Shark Shay for £1.50, balance on job on Bellrock rond, Moved Reynolds-Wallace, and re- solted that there be no action on this or any similar case. as the lob in question was already well paid for The appointing of assessor and road commissioner was left over for more applications, Voted, $20.50 to Thomas Dowker, costs in court in getting Henry Bennett, a lunatic, into the asylum. Adjourned till February 18th, | Justices Of The Peace. Napanee Beaver. H. M. Deroche, K.C., clerk of the peace, informs us that the following named gentlemen have been appoint ed justices of the pence for the county of Lemmox and Addington : HawleyEgerton Russell, James R. Myers. Hayburn H. Rikely. Sandhurst Thomas Gurren, Parmar--Ephraim Fitchett, Selbw---Cyrenus Nelson Lucas, ward Turnbull Anderson. Kingsford--Alexander Hewitt, Bath--Thomas Bain, Robert Mott. Stel Henry Filson, William Sienry Moutray. Odesse--John Kenney, Benjamin Al bert Booth, Robert Bennett Collins Bay----Stephen Fairfield, Asselstine--Thomas Ashton Amey. Wilton Clark Walker, William For syth. Napane---John Craig William Charles Jenkins, James T. Loyst, William Ed. Carscallen, Palpitation of the heart, nery. ousness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood nerves and complexion, For penknives the steel is tempered at 470 degrees, for table knives at 530 degrees, for raws at 500 degrees, Twelve per cent. of all human hoings have the right arm distinetly longer than the left. cee L ST., MONTREAL, Canada. : rt i iF Hi oth ; F TORONTO, ONT. Carriage Painting Neatly and promptly done. Come to us for good work at reasonable prices. Qur work is sure to be satisfac- W. G. FROST 299 pucen St. Telephone 524 Big Storage Warehouse in Connec- tion. Moderate rates. An Honest Guarantee We guarantee our MILK to be ABSOLUTELY pure, put up in sterilized bottles. It: is the best. Try it, KINGSTON MILK DEPOT Cor. Bagot and Brock §ts. 'Phone 567, to cure. Wade's Tron Tonic Pills do the things necessary to cure and to cure thoroughly. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. ! Aluminum, though everywhere, is daiefly olite, a mineral brought from Green- land. France grows 1,000,000 tons of ap- ples yearly, and makes 240,000,000 gallons of cider. Germany's army bills have inereas- present ed 160 per cent. in the past thirty | i | | almost | made from cry- | | 1 | ment. ship. most work, M:. 5 ApeLiNE DuNiLer & MR LAuvrRANGEWHLAT In"Fre GorteaE WiDow/ © Ind, Ladies! Wa invite you to You will be delighted with the Su ts, . Skirts and Coats tailored by "us. We combine the most careful faction. goods, or secure t Our urices are moderate, ed, if not satisfactory. The Ameriean Ladies 261 Princess Street. most exquisite designs, "the _ graceful models and the result is beantiful and attractive, We guarantee a perfect fit, art stic latest styles and Somipiete satis. st can supply their own from the Company. The Athepacum Club, established was, originally "Society. visit our establish- "Tailoring Co . *Phone, 556. known "as the.