met in Ottawa on Thursday Night--The Total Assessment of Dramatic Competition. Ottawa, Jan. 18--The outside ser- to a ban Ral pained a quet, it, by t of- ficers and members of the Ottawa cus- toms department. One hundred - {seventy were present, minister of customs and of the House of Commons estified to the po Mr. Paterson wi 'minister in repl owing account of Can there might be two reaped - greater 've mada, but he thought : certainly the dom- | - "Everything was venues than Ca inion stood third 1 60c. AND $1.00. ab. I. EDITION 3! Mat Is Going On In the Business World--The Markets. gong would say, but it must he was but the custodian of the country's money." Messrs, Allan, Calgary; H. Graham, St. S N.B.: Sidney Port, Co. Smith, Windsor: Marchand, Vancouy- er; 3. R. Farrow, Ottawa, and others companies already en- Earl Gi afateur and dramatic competition, on January 28th to Feb- roary 2nd, are the Univers; syndicate L000 for a wo mine claim at $20,000 was bid for a eat rent Stock xchange, There has resigned as presi t. Mary's Dramatic Club, Club, Winnipeg; and the Margaret Faton School of Literature, Toronto. The j ected for the competition numbers, George - Whitefield director of the New Eng- rvatory of Musie, Boston. theatrical competition, Mrs. Riggs, bettec known as Kate and Langdon Elwyn erican playwright. assessment of Ottawa for exempt property is $60.- by the Steel Som nny. wrence, who Was Reid i) Me par n Io brokerage firm of Alex. Fotemon &' "The Ontario Railway and Municipal | | i board be aR isd Mitchell, the Am The Th 50, and the exemptions $19,.- 300. The pP Peso great astivity in real estate, operty transfers in 1906, of property have per cent. ir five overcrowding of ears, construction of 'mew "1In one ward values officers gay | Inereased sixty-three ; would not up- years. The city's population is offici- Of the Canada Nosth. | 8'Iv given an 67,545 have decided to pay : ot tries for the Cntral Canada Rae- par value or i h30 nD Association, on Febru 'known entries already tron, Honest Joe, veras, Red Popper, > Stevens, Major B. 0., Ginger, Jubilee, I.ook- ng Alma, Carrie Nation, Cleopatra and Blackbird. 0 government anticipate two hun- and fifty thousand immigrants to Canada this year. Febru- will see the becinning A large number will sale of St. John's church and site have heen concluded. The govern require it for the seat of the new departmental blocks, A deputation of Canadian tobacco manufacturers, to-day, asked the gov: ernment to abolish which they allege is inferior brand by the public. asked for an increased duty on and an excise duty on the green stamp, ------ PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Quebec city reports the coldest wea- ther experienced in fifty years, | No Frost Where They Came From. &! cucumbers, cauliflower, | J dottuoe, looks, parsley, rhubarb, rac spinach, shallots, salsify, Spanish onions, tomatoes, ripe man, was killed at Moffatt's Crossing. Forty new locomotives have been or- dered hy the Canadian Northern rail- The report that the erican line steamer P ashore off Plum P. and ovster house, / WANT ENLARGEMENT. Also That the Annual Grant Be rinz Waldgmar is oint, Jamaica, is de- Roosevelt has said would like to see the deputation from the School waited upon the Untar- he buildings be enlarged and the annual grant, which is ) creased. Consideration was promised, Governor Steptsolf ed at Tver, Russia, to-day. confined in prison since April 7th, he was not identified. Licut.-Col. Hurdwan was chairman of the Ottawa public school board, after thirteen years' continu- ous service on that body. N. H. Buchner, of , has accepted the position ing editor of the Sentinel, n of the Orange order, Toronto. E. Jenkins, Watertown, N.Y., from Howell L. Best's "Short Stop" is a perfectly harmless cough cure. 'ing more clfective made. It cures all : J sule continues to the St. Thomas anuary continu € | draw hig buyers. 20 pe. ie the small- ! Lof the local postoffice, of which de- (otased was master for so many years. Dr. Macgillivray had charge of the seeking to recover Ostrander, Theresa, N.Y., the amount of $25,000, for alleged breach of pro- Thomas Edward Parkes, son of | ice-cutting in the harbor, are to be os, London, Ont., was [stricter this year than before. Those phiis, Tenn. He was a allowed to out ice for. their own stor- cigarmaker, and went south last No- |row purposes must sign o Hond that Thomas G. Park as acainst 903 killed r 'the preceding year around the Jakes, has chased by Cant. Wil ch, ¢ All entries for the Amateur Skat- | Jun. 91. know aring ve e-- Ey We 'keep the "Puritan" and "Pen Quinine for eriope | pigle" underwear. See our splendid assortment. We make a specialty of Cross Drug Store, Wilf Frome! Jot stitute, to-night. aney overcoats, 33 1} enkins' : . Final Notice. ¥ REY Saturdar_is the "lyst. dav. of the span) g sale. We have a good selection of 'high grade suitings still left, and ints purchasers shonld not owetlook the date, Saturday, January 19th, Crawford & Walsh. I -- --------. How Do You Do? Ring up the "phone, ur come down to Camovsky's when you want pine- apples, pears, pomegranates, kum- quats, grape fruit, banangs, Spy pples, navel oranges, ripe lemons, grapes, Seville oranges, crgn- berries, ete. A Challenge. The Ki Business College hoe- key team have challenged tho religious sd of Princess Street Methodist church, to a game, to be played on the latter's rink, for a purse of £10, on Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock. Married At Port Hope. The marri of Capt. Johm J, Jar- rell, of Port Hope, to Miss Lucy Lan- der, of that town, took place, Weines- day afternoon, the Rev. G. W. Hender- son, pastor of the Methodist chureh, officiating. Capt. Jarrell is the genial commander of the steamer North King. L MISS GLADYS DEACON, Anierican wirl once reported enraged to Germanyjs crown prince, now said to he no longer a friend of the Duchess of Marl- borough. Have Goods Stored There N. €. Polson & Co. manufacturing druggflsts, of this city, have a lot of stock stored at Kingston, Jamaica. They do not know yet whether it has heen destroyed. Polson: & Co, have established quite a trade for their goads in Jamaica. Civic Committees. The civic committees will meet this vear on the same days as last, viz. : Water works, Monday; light and pow- er, Tuesday; proverty, Wednesday: board of works, Thursday; fire and light. Friday; finance, Friday; parks. printing and industries at the call of their chairmen. ------------ The Lady Curlers. On Thursday morning, at the curl- ing rink, Mrs, Richard Hooper's rink, Julia Lyman and Miss 1. Tandy, won from Miss L. Dalton's rink. Playing | Kirkpatrick, Miss Helle Craig and Miss Marion Redden, whBo took Miss B. (Tandy's place. The Next Postmaster. It is generally understood that Ex- Ald, James Stewart will be the next postmaster. He has been a strong lib- eral worker and is popular in all cir- ton manager of the Kingston and Montreal Forwarding company, which at that date went out of existence, The Funeral To-Day. The funeral of the late Alexander Gunn took place, on Friday afternoon, from the home of deceased® sister; Mrs, George Porteous, Alired street. handsome wreath from the employees services, Very Strict Regulations. The board of health rules rogarding they will give away or dispose of none usand (969) persons |of hat ioe. Al other ice for cooling, 2,108 injured: during | as well ae domestic purposes must June iar last, on |eut outende the limit hnes. The board Now York state, of health is taking all precautions and 1,061 injar- [hele in the interests of the peo- Age, well: been pur- oughby and Rich- J. Cor will' be put. in fetamis : Schedule Drawn Up. Jan, 17, St. Jame¥' vs. Thistles, dan, 22, KB.C. vs. FRC. Bt, James' ve. KB.C. at | (Jan. 2M, Thistles vs. P.B.C. guaran- | Jan. 9, St. James' vs. F.B.C. » Jan. 31, Thistles vs. K.B.C. 5, Thistles ve. St. James'. Feb. 7, F.BE. ve. KB.C. Feb. 12, K.B.C. ve, St. James'. Feb, 14, FBC. vs. Thistles. Fob, 19, FRC, ve. St. James, Feb. 21, KBC. ve, Thistles. | no par. hosiery, underwear and corsets. New York Dress Reform, Mentholatum anid Porter's Dil Htvast bites. Sold at Gibson's Rel ross Drag Store. ; composed of Miss Maud Betts, Miss under the latter were Mrs, Stafford o games, cles. Until last May he was the Kings- The body reposed amid a bank of flowers coming from relations, and a The schedule of the Junior City 3 Hockey Leagué was drawn up, and | R05% daughter of the late Sergt.- erm Porter's Healing OI a sure eure for frost bites, 2o., at Best's. No cure, for f Drug Stare, Se ps a fia overcoat at Jen- ' JANUARY 18. HAS. A SNOW] STORM THE COLD WEATHER MOD- ERATES AT MONTREAL. » It Was a Record Breaking Cold Snap--Revising a Schedule Be- tween the Carmen's Organiz- ation and the C.P.R. Montreal, Jan. 18.--Alter yestert dav's record-bregking cold -snap, when the temperature was twenty-seven de- grees below zero, the weather condli- tions have moderated very rapidly, the thermometer reading now being several degrees above zero, with the tendency still higher. In the wake of the cold snap,a snow storm is now in re committee of the Canadian Pacific Railway Carmen's organization, which has been in session in this city for the past week for the purpose of re- vising the schedule, under which they and the company have been working, . conelud their labors, last night, their deliberations resulting in an all- round ten per cent. increase in wages. rete Notes From Bath. 4 Bath, Jan. 17,--The Epworth league made p change in their usual = pro- gramme ou Wednesday night last, A spelling match was held which was very instructive , There was quite a large attendance. The body of Ernest | Instant, drowned while grossing from | { Emerald to Bath on the night of Dec. { 28th, was recovered on Friday after 'moon last near the same place where f the accident happencd, The funeral {was held on Saturday. "The deepest i sympathy of our villagers is extended to the families afflicted by the sad bereavement. Miss Ruby Nash left on Wednesday for Wellington, where she has secured a position as junior teacher in the school in that village, Miss Pearl .Nash has recovered from an attack of typhoid fever and return- ed to her position in New York hos- pital on Saturday last. Master Hi,- {old Simpson, Cataraqui, visiting at his uncle's, Dr. Northmore, for a fow days, has returned home. Mrs. S.L. Nash has so far recovered from her recent illness that she is able to be up. At last the ice is in good condi- ition and the islanders are {now with horses, Crossing ar m-------------- Concert Last Night. At the regular meeting of Court Frontenge, LU.F., last night, after the business Was transacted, an informgl entertainment | was given, consisting of songs, violin end piano solos, those contributing being: J. R. Forester, Mr. Finlay, John Murr, y nd Percy Marshall, who were gall heartily applauded. A communica - tion was received from the supreme chief rancer offering to give an illus- trated lecture with stereopticon views from Australia and other foreign countrips. Arrangements were made to hold an entertainment in the City hall, on February 7th, the proceeds of which will be given to Foresters' Orphans' Home fund. J. C. Morgan, a prince of entertainers, and ° other celebrities, will take Part in the affair. Curling Last Night. There were three curling mat thes played at tae rink, last night, two of which ended in a tie, which was play- ed off in each case. The curlers were: T. Hughes, R. J. McKelvey, H. Ap- grove, A. W. MacLean, skip--15. H. Me¢Brighton, W. Jackson, J. MN. Elliott, H. Youlden, skip--14 A. Warwick, Dr. Waugh, J,031. | rell, A. Strachan; skip--15. E. 8. Bail, R. M. Asselstine, R. J. Reid, H. Wallace, skip--I14. i Ww. Driver, J. Hoaper. R. J. Hooper, W. R. Sills, skip--10. W. E. Manhard, Capt. Conger, W. H. Wontgomery, E. Lyons, skip--15. |! Last night's matches were by far the most interesting of this season's Far ---- His Home Likely Destroyed. A. G. Curphey, a final year student at Queen's Medical College, belongs to Kingston, Jamaica, and fears that his home has heen destroyed, as a church just oposite the place where he lived, is reported as having heen demolished, Ar L. Magill, another student, liv- ed half a block from Myrtle Bgnk hotel. He cannot get word to King- ston. He says his mother is in Ame- rica now. He had two houses in the burned disteict. H., H. Bond, another Kingstonian, says his home was near to the parish church. Ome or two other students hail from Jamaicq towng close by. -- The Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Kingston Old Boys' Association was held on Thursday evening in the Dominion Business College rooms, Toronto, The following officers were elected for the £nsaing year: Hon. presidents, Sir Henry M. Pellatt, Justice B. M. Brit- ton; president, G. W. Gaden: first vice-president, George RB, Sweetnam; second vice-president, W. I. McRae; treasurer, W. H. Hiscock: secretary, R. Marshall; auditors, George McKay, 'BR. J. Stevenson. H. M. Mowat, K.C., delivered an instructive address on the early history of Kingston Alderdice-Coyne, The , marriage took place, at St. James' chapel, on Wednesday, of Miss Major Cawne, of "A" battery 1 James Alderdice, also of Kingston. Rev. Father Hanley officiated. ------ It's Not Often. That you can buy such high grade furs as ours at such little prices. Ti will a You to take advantage of our clearing sale now goi 3 Campbell Bros., the store of on Ton Lieut, Saves crossed the English chanel to France in a collapsible boat which was only eight and a half feet long. ot Curly lettuce, leaf lettuce, Bost I y on heated Tattnce, every day, ab Carnov. sky's fruit and ovster house, .- NIGHTGOWNS neck with embroidered yoke, joined by small beadin UNDERSKIRTS White Undershirts rors oe Oe. Se TOO I 1.39. 1.49, 1.69, 1.75 and on uct & For Ladies, warm, comfortable Indian Moccasin $11 buys all $18 and $20 at Jenkins' sale. a" reroute Fresh Huyler's and McConkey's high class candy at Gibson's Red Cross *® ® eo A Stirring White Sale. Our Annual Whitewear Sale has grown to be an important event with us, and the coming of which is looked forward to by hundreds of Kingston wo~ men. The rapid growth of this department compels increased buying, which means advantage in quality and price not otherwise possible. Make comparisons and see for yoursell. It should not be necessary, but let us cordially invite you to come and spend as mulh time looking over this dainty display as you wish, always remembering there is no obligation to buy unless you wish. High Quaiity CORSET COVERS 25¢,, 35c., 39c., 45¢., and on up in easy stages to $2.75. Speccial Values --~ON= From 75c. Up to Hf i $6.00 With popular numbers Ki 9q: at 1.00, 1.25. 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. DRAWERS Scores of designs, either lace trimmed or with CHEMISE Fine Cotton Chetise with shaped Fancy Chemise of Fine Imported Nainsook ALL REDUCED IN PRICE Any person can afford to hav S. Men's Sizes, 6 to 11, $1.00 Ladies' Sizes, 3 to 6, 75c. Girls' Sizes, 11 to 2, 65c. Boys' Sizes, 1 to 5, 75c. Children's Sizes, 8 to 10, 50c. All good and sold at Jess than cost, The Lockett Shoe Store broidery, some hemstitched, 25¢ , 35. , 45c., 55¢., 65c., T3c., 8c. Oc. = on up to 3.00. with sleeve, trimmed with lace around neck and sleeve, Special value at 33: , having French g. Special $1.49, w +e. to 7.50. Hh Gore: Gentlemen, Boys and Girls PIPIVIIIIIR IP € a pair of these v IPI IIIIIPIIIS o é YEAR 74. L0LL0000000004 JANUARY FEBRUA FURNIT Good Silk Parl pieces, Mohagany for $18. 5-piece | "pieces, Mohogany ) I $30 for at Hat Rack at tion, i ---------- ROBT. J. The Leading U -------- nother Canadian 8: 8 Tins for "Books at Pric: Bibles at Half Pri Prayer Books at H McAULEY'S BO Buy now and save Eo we very liberal patrona last month. Yours Res T GRANT TUESDAY, J Queen's Glee Singers Orchestra, assisted by Adamson, Violinist, g Royal Conservatorium o Germany. Prices 25c., 35¢c., Plan at Uglow's. Open Thursday. Jan. Kingston and Pemt Compa i NOIICE TO SHA THE ANNUAL MEE Shareholders of this ( held on WEDNESDAY February next, at the Company in Kingston a.m., for the purpose tors, and transaction of The Stock Transfer B New York on SATURI February, 1907, at 1 will » Fhonened on T ruary. 90¥ ARCRIBALD Nex cretarv Kingston, January 1: NOTI THE ADJOURNED , JET Se Public ar, Room, on MONDAY, at 4.90 pm. er pre re eee AUCTION At No. 119 King till TUESDAY: .m. All must be so am J. A. SALTER HOME A{ After spending two and all my money, I t the bar~ain and Furniture. TURK Store, 308 Princess st ------ THE' CARNEGI One Man Gets . one ard { Pivtsburg, Pa., Jan ' ' and cight bronze mex 210 In cash, were awe annual meeti of ti Fund commission in 1 "Ac bronze medal awarded to Jeremiah N.Y, a silo was efop ie, and in a trem cued six men from kon. The cash award cause Donovan supp mother, three sisters : 100. | Xap. Meritang, Mar oP 3 Julia Y-oints, 5e., for do. st " =