[able Walters" tant, mildly stimulating the » the habitual beverage of it, rheumatism, or excessive Notes vw going on. They're ears. They're notes » hear any day. THEY SAY "Isn't that r made." o" Trousers ? ny purchase," etc. ir just such remarks of the good things ? y Sweaters Discount Bibby Co. 9000000000000000000¢ T RECEIVED AND PIC LEAD RICES lilliam St, oronto 'Phone Main 1729 EE -------- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA Lr Feet nd Dry ershoes vergaiters in all these lines. a ------------------ HOE STORE WYork Chinese Restaurant 83|Princess Stree Pen from 10.30 am. Y0Be00 4m to'wet an all round of all kinds and Chinese )PERA ooi2 ORGHESTRA THE BUSY ONE. tof-Town ehgagements accep n, Viola, Cello po Setructint te « H. MERRY. City: Co -------- n. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST, C Ta Cte. See of Homes Every Saturda 55 Sydenham Fy remake WOMEN WHO CHARM HEALTH IS THE FIRST ESSENTIAL Resa It Helps. Women to Win and Hold Men's Admiration, Respect and Love. itn, Woman's greatest gift is the power to admiration, inspire Pa love. There is a peanty in more attractive to men py regu- larity of feature. To be a successful wife, to retain the fove and admiration of her husband, should be a woman's constant study. ill-health, painful or irregular peripds, headache or Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and begin its use. Gillis, Windsor, N. 8S, describes her illness, and cures, in the At the first indication of backache, secure Lydia E. Mrs. T. E following letter : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "When I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was suf- fering with weakness and womb trouble, headaches, backaches, and that worn-out, I have only taken the Vege- table Compound a few short weeks, and it tired feeling. has made me well, stror believe that Lydia E. Pinkl and robust, bles." Women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, bloating, (or flatulence), inflammation or ulcera tion, that "bearing-down" feeling, dizzi- ness, faintness, indigestion, or nervous prostration may be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. HONORING AN IRISHMAN. Who Took Part in Insurrection o 1867. Patterson, N..J., Jan, Augustine E. Costelloe, the riot and 18. uthor of Irish Liberty," will be entertained to vanced. a banquet, to night, by the Ancient ---- i ---- Order of Hibernians, There will be 2,500 persons pre loe has had a rer arkable career. Whe the Fenian rising took place in lre- 3 fhe \ =n N rch. 1867 Pe band Junetown, last week. 8. L. Hoge Lirnainianipi side dda a boom, who went to the Brookwille "of compatriots, chartered a small : : 3 ER N i hospital, for treatment, is fast im brigantine of about 200 tons burden 1 home and fitted her up with 5,000 stand of arms, and 200,000 cartridges. He had with dae lost. School © is pro him generals and lieutenants of the hdd hiv rior the. man Americon army who Er en Sie Mics Frown. Miss Hattie Grey, of charged after the war. When they | Poo Oo (he guest of her cousin, landed in Sligo, Bay, the insurrection was suppressed hut twenty-five of then who made a landing were tried for treason, felony and convict ed. Captain Costelloe was sc saced to twelve years in an English but: his trial nearly precip between America and Eng denied the right of English judges t try 'him he being an American citizer After being in prison eighteen month he was released throu gh the interver arrested 1 awa A ant lor, Maloryvtown, preached tian of the United States government. lin the Methodist church on Sunday After leaving his English prison Ces- 1} «ct, Mr. Sproule having a severe telloe returned to New York, and was cold. Miss Nora Kincaid, who has emploved on the New York Herald, | heen ill, able to be out again. Miss and other newspapers, but during the | Alice Tennant has returned to her past few years has spent all his time | school near Toronto Miss Eva writing Irish and American history. | Powell is on the sick list. Electricity At Anaesthetic. Harlowe Happenings. London, Jan. 18.--Before the Royal Harlowe, san. 16.--Mr. and Mrs. F. College of Surgeons, to-day, Prof. | (gle, Arden, were the sts ol Mrs Stephane Leduc, of Paris, explained | Scott last Tuesday evening Elias two new to surgeons. thod which he discov d for adminis- | laney were recently at A. lanoy's tering drugs by electricity, the scien: | hogd Creek, where Miss Lo Clangy is tific name of which is ionisation. To | very ill. Mrs. Clancy - will remain prove his theory he shaved the back | ihre for a few days. Misses A. of a rabbit and put a compress of sulphite of strychnine on it. Ih poiscn did the harm, but immediately after the pas ing of an electric current the rat died, the current having introduc the \poison into his system. The prc fessor considers the prove extremely useful of rheumgtism, ataxia and paralysis. ed ¢ iment with electricity an angesthetic. He put a rabbit t sleap by means of the R eutic eu violent riatica, locomotc rent, under the influence of which the cut off with- kept the animal's limbs could be out pain. He an'mal ip for ten minutes, the stop} wd the current and it opened i sat up. Prof. Leduc co eves and giders the n place ohloroform and ether, and of immense importance to medic, science. «Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Phree Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for, over a century, Of highest standard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. -------------- A convict sentenced to five yes penal servitude can, by obtaining masimum quantity of good mark cover his liberty in about three and nine month A POCKET BOOK M IARGIN Every Orange 15¢ packkge This means 5¢ saved every patkage. And th chance you have of Dollars - free. Orange getting Thi Meat gi Thirty Dollars for the largest num- ber of coupons taken from the packages. t be m ailed or deliver Coupons mus! 3 * delivers ed on or before March ¢ reach the office of Fr M ingston, before April oth, when i be awarded. th which is 1am's Vegetable Compound is without equal fur female trou- 'aptain | it Irish pat- "Footprints of ant. Captain Costel- a cargo of three field pieces, twison. | for he inventions of great interest Ho illustryted the me |hig animal no |week. J. system. should in the curing He also show: | jor sw anaesthetic will re Meat package con- tains one-third more than any other more you eat the better @ = ---- THEY ARE INDICTED MEN CONCERNED IN LON- DON BRIBERY CASE. Grand Jury at Toronto Brings in ' True Bills--What the Charges Comprise--The , Trial will Come on Soon. > Torento, Jan. 18.- this moming, brought|in a true nll n the London bribery dgses, the de- fendants being John Oliorman, M. Milloy, Daniel Wiley, Gedrge M. Reid and KE. J. Sifton. The ovde nee be fore the grand -ury lasted for and a large number of witnesses wer examined. The genoral . charges are that be tween 1904 and 1905 the dtiendgnts, in Toronto gnd London, conspired to give, procure and promise money to voters in the dominion awl provincigl elections; * that they paid moncy to certain persons with the intent that it should be used in bribery: that they conspired at polling places and else where to get informgtion as to the candidates for whom voters voted at the elections. The indictment covers twelve of foolscap. The trial may the latter part of next wee is an impression that the The grand jury, pages come up k, but there 3 will be traverscd to the next se ms, Judge Mabee, in high court, this morning, gave an order directing County Judge Doyle, of Huton, tu give Judgment according to' the find- ingof the jury in the egse Leiper, contractor, agamst John Storey. a farmer. The plaintifi clyim- od $150 from Storey for work done, gid the jury found in his favor for S128, Judge Doyle, however, has not het given cffect to the finding of the jory. The, succ James swsion dues' department has Muir avenue, what the company two houses. The is deel: ant lot, charged with giving ¢ rigage on were the however f mort «I, was in re and Glover, lity upon a 18 a result, is stealing the amount ad Tidings From Caintown. Caintown, Jan. 15.--Mr. and Mrs. P| Richard Read, visited Mrs. J. Clow, proving, and will soon retur urton Poole. attended the League convention in Ath mn Miss Leone Estella Dickey, gue ost of her cousin. Christopher Connolly has re turned to his studies in Toronto. Mr Jame are spending 5 ng frionds at Finch. Bur flying trip to Sunday last. Miss Lyndhurst, was the guest of Miss Nora Kincaid. Wil Downsley, last week. Miss Yonge Mills, Miss owson. o | r raham made a Ian on o Jessie Wood, Myers' Cuve, spent Sunday at home here. Mr. and Mrs. 8S Pressley and Fleming, Northbrook, is | visited Mys. C. Miller one day last White made a trip to Plevna Messrs. +). Miller and H ast week. Black are drawing lumber from De, ad xd | Creck to Arden. A wee boy has come » | to make his home at T. Jackson's Mrs. C. Bott has returned bome from her mother's, Mrs. A. Clancy, Dead x | Crook. Mrs. C. Scott, Arden, is at mother's, Mrs. Benny, who \® very ill. J. Critchley, Myers' « © spent Sunday at his home here. M T | Magee Cole, Arden, has come to spel the winter with her prand mother, Mrs. Scott. Ezra Thompson is a veoular caller at A. Bott's. H. Vanness has purchysed a saw mill. ts | Miss S: McCansland is spending a few N- |days at her sister's, He, H. Black. Messrs. G. Connors and J. Gray made a business trip to Arden to-day. m al Cardigan jackets and sweaters, pc. off at Jenkins'. Have vou a chamois vest? The 1 rice $5. / : warm. It pays to buy tnem at Gu ja few days. i twenty-seven eases . ou he : 10x4. 1 sgular $1.15 pair. 89 MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE-LIN son's Red Cross Drug Store. There have heen ten etm e------1 On Sale ... per pair, ... ... ~ "Special sale of flanneleite night | of insanity in the Bavarian rotal fo | yEN's MUSKRAT-LINED REAVER (lie hap SHIRTS AND DRAWERS-- af. 0s. ap. New York iy trim g the Jot atte buneie ~ TOP COATS--With genuine Otter | 1 on ; RE Miu nh Brow, Tn 11x4, regular $1.35 pair. Regular 50c. and 60c. per Drees Reform. n_ employer 0. !.erma # 4 and Persian Lamb collars. cota, Im _hiue 4 ld 1H On Sle'... per pair, .... 99 arment. | Trier 3 gud fo sein quintet How | Regine pris 365 10 £35. | owsior wri itn 80. fof} Se pr J gM friends as to John Foster, orme or 8 On Sale. ns eaivienes 5 Ca * | hotelkeeper at Toledo, but more re -- - cently on a farm About the Tth inst. Hanley, of him since. and contents of Mrs. Amelia Asse stine, situated TY | dist chufch at ves a evening, Andrew Gray, who made his Herron, Brockville, on Thursday. vat, }sixc Lyn, 15¢ sudden expired Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ul A Reporters on Their Ve: Boys Refers and oviwooats, 33 13 p.c. off at Jenking', Chamois vests well made, frost roof, $1.50, at Hest's, Bath towels, Sel each. Corrigan's. Last day of sale, Saturday, Janu { ary 19th. Crawiond & Wylsh. i Special lecture ly Capt. Donnelly, | at Old Collegiate /Institute, to- night | Saturday, the 1 th, is tho Igst day | of the special vafie sale at Crawford | he & Walsh's, | "For frost ' camphorated oil. | sold Drug Store. ronto, on Thursday night, at %y, Deseronto shut out Napanee, by 9 to 0. Chilblain ointment, 10c., at Best's; guaranteed to cure, Edwards & Jenkin, for Sale of housemaids' and The strong Red. Cros hi i oysters, | S¢ Kitchen | oa \prons, to-morrow, at 167 Wellington | _Eiovino is the Italian, who some street. next Merchants Bank. | time ago shot and killed another Ital- Prevost, Brock street, will give a ian, while both were cagaged in a choice of $18 and $20 suiting, made- A game of cards at Port Arthur, to-order for $15. Good fit and good | The Italian was placed on trial, trimmings, a genuine bargain. found guilty, and sentenced to pay the Residents of Wolfe Island were 'en- | I* raged all day in building a runway | te 'rom their dock, Clgrace street. to the ice, for the convenience of those | after the trial, however, his sentence lisses Effie and Bertie English, vho drove to the city. { of death was commuted to life im- | Pittsburg, left on Monday for Ot- Special Dip Hip corsets, 65c. Seo | prisofiment in Kingst m penitentiary, | tawa, Where they \ill_xesmine their our splendid black corsets, all sizes, aud t 80 ar ned that the affieors course in the normal school. 2 New York Dress Reform. | from Port Arthur arrived in mgston ---------- Edwards & Jenkin for oysters. Open | With him on the very day that he A Snap In Marmalade. sen ngs. i would have had to walk to the scaf-| 200. white pots of Golden shred By Howe Island council F. Duffy | iold, had mot the authorities at Ot { marmalade (sugared), made in Pais nnd E. Lachance were point i au- | tawa given the decision that they did | ley, Scotland, and sold by us last ditors; M. Cox, assessor. Councillor a decision that would mean so mich | week at 10e, or 3 for 25¢. Now we are P. Kane gave notice ng the commutation for statute la- | hor at $1 per dav. ° The great clothing centre just is Jenkins. The jimior city league series opened | at the Royal rink, last night, with a | 8 "Good morning, officers; When Michael Eiovino, an aged thirty-thece, was led at Gibson's | ell, i ing, after having spent the night be- statement. A i with the facts of th | have believed that about to January 18th, of aby-law fix for | closed his eves for a few DAILY BRITISA WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18." ,,, LIFE SENTENCE |AN ITALIAN ARRIVES HERE - FROM PORT ARTHUR: chael Giovino Sentenced to Death on Scaffold, But This 'Was Commuted to Life Im- prisonments. SO you are re after me again, are vou Italian, from his at the police station, this morn: nd the bars, he made person the above unacquainted ¢ would never prisoner was enter the penitentiary to rve a life sentence. But such was the se. malty on the sen d. He was sen- meed to be hanged at ¥ am to-day, Some the Italian. Eiovino trembled in his cell, at eight 'clock, this © morning, whens he now | thought of what might have been. He spent a very restless night, and only me. He ate a hearly Friday, time | Mrs moments at a breakfast, 20 | 0.c. off, keep out the cold and keep the body | in the North-West. he left his home- stead situated about sixty miles from and nothing has beeen heard The explosion of a lamp resulted in ont { (he complete destruction of the house opposite the Metho- on Wednesday an elderly gentleman, od home with James A. Ha Pht all the ochers. rnd tht He was aged seveniy- buying a stock .of horses as he intends a to run a livery. W. A. Rogers return- | | tye on y \ c----h-- - d after visiting friends for the past 13 : : : : hn he prisoner is fond of emok- month at Brewer's, Joyceville, King ther one. of officials " tak 4 Genuine Bargains. ston. ond all along the beach, James | "go Havana to smoke while in the | In fine furs at Campbell Bros," clear Ralph has rented his farm ond is go- | C45 on his way out g sale, hson firm rs 'has leas- ng on the road for the Gi f Gananogue. D. E. Ro, d Sand Dennies Pit and furnishing sand for the cement works. Charles Yellon's famous racing horse, "Dennies » : ; | Pepper," ran away while being exer | RSE, cised by the owner, and had hoth | : : quarters cut off. J. Rog#s lost a Edwards &' Jenkin, for oysters. thoroughbred collie. answering fo the | { name of "Moses." The finder will re ada and the United St night," "good-bye" at the station a ©3 * {elosid matters connected with the es rame between St. James' and the | however, and befor the officers came | Talk About Snaps ; Here's A Few. | tate of the Ite J. McCausland, To- | Thistles. The game was a good ex- | to take him to the pen, he appeared | 3 Jarge tins tomatoes (new), 25¢. ronto, an 1 result, the provincial |hibition of hockey and ended in a win | quite jovial. He is of the opinion! 4 tins of peas (new), 20e. I } te richer by $21,600. The | for Thistles by »n score offour to two. | that he will be given his liberty after 4 large tins tomato soup, 28e. ® date back to the time Simian -- he has served two cars, and he is | 5 bottles catsup, or the act exempted from dues es- Cedar Valley Varisties. | building up all his hopes on this His | 4 packages constarch, "950. tates to the value of $100,000. The . . . | health is good | 4 packages laundry starch, 25c. exeeritors of 'the Mel nd estat Cedar Valley, Jan. 16.--School has | yy, (wo Italians, so it appears, had | 4 bottles Worchester sauos; 25¢. l {put in the value [ this 4t $77,000 on opened hy Miss Eager, for 1907. been drinking and there was some | At Mullin's, corner Johnson and Di- - FArbitrition followed and © the gross ] he railway surveyor chief wanted to trouble OYeE. 8 Eni of cards. | vision stroots. - | value of the estate was finglly fixed |", the Cedar club house for a side | jovino claims that h h in sel ro a SIRO. which emits colle | Stetion here. 10 dhe society sell they ['dofumen: "Ho says that before iw pul-| Very Few Lounches Bullding. tien of duties at two and one halt per | Will build closer to the beach next | gq pig" povalver to shoot, that his | in" the o cent. «ng net value of £56,000. time. Dancing parties have been the companion had threatened to kill A marine magn, who was in the city Herbert Glover, a carpenter order of the evening. D. R. Rogers | ji" A pevolver whe found near the today, stated that there were segree- rested, this morn ng, at the insta has invitations out for a house recep- | 1 man after the row | gasoline launches being built of the Union Trust company. The lat- | on on the Cabbage Patch, January Fiovino is unmarried. He was on 0) nyton, Alexandria Bay and other ter claim that some time 'ago Glover | 17th. Miss Estella Ralph is able'tobe | cured as a laborer in Port Arthur, [ROMS among the Thousand Islands. secured a loan ol $1,576.16 on two | out again. J. Lapointe has rented the | nj has four brothers. It is eleven { Lust voar, the building was brisk. but houses, which he claimed to own, on | bans on the Keystone farm, and is | Coarse since he left Sunny Italy, and | this svason things have changed. It I of this time he has spent in Can "I'll be able said all right t« as he constable police wl stopped into the to u ab. Jpen evenings to the big prison, said PERSOJAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Messrs. Henry and Howard Foler arrived home from New York yester- dn H. W. Richardson grain merchant, {left yesterday on «a busimess teip to 1 Winnipeg. | Harry Baxter, of London, Ont., was mm the city to Montreal. Charles Huvstead,' travelling repre- sentative for A. J. Smgll, Toronto, is in the city on business. Harry Lawson, of Ottawa, arrived in Kingston today. He will visit with friends for a fow days. Miss Lulu Rosovear, Queen street, has returned to the city after a plea- sani visit at Harrowsmith and vicin- ity. Rev. W. H. Sparling and Rev. J. J. Rae. of Picton, will exchange pul- pits on one of the Sundays of Febru- ary today. He is on his way . We Quayle, formerly tof Kingston, and latterly of the Ottawa (Tizen, has pulled up and is removing to Cal Farv. The following left for Cape Vincent vesterdav : H. J. Bristol, J. Black, W. Williamson, Arthur Gray, and A. Stevens. | instructed by the firm who shipped it to us to run the balance off at 5 pots for 25¢. Put the pots in boilin~ wat- » jer, and it is O.K, Take advantage and lav in a supply, as it wont' last long. Gilbert stores. would seem that the gasoline launch craze had reached its limit. Gibson's Rad Syrup. It cures any | "It has no equal," Cross Cough "| congh. "1 ladies' sweaters, worth $1.50, for Ey Knitted underskivts, $1.45. New { York Dress Reform, Morning or evening it's a pure healthful d Te pe Double Strength, you can prove it, on oy Sead 10 cents for trial can. FORMER RESIDENT'S LOSS. GIVE GOOD REVENUE. Home in North- West Destroyed By | Netted the State About $150,000 Fire. Last Year. Augusta, Me., Jan. 18. Official fig ures show that skunks annuall this state between $126,000 and $150, double the revenue from the honey- making industry. Nearly 25,000 gallens of skunk oil, which is said to have curative pro- perties,' are produced annually in Maine. The wholesale price is 85 a gallon. One skunk is supposed to pros duce a quart of oil, Skunk skins also ave valuable. In New York and Pennsylvania there ate skunk farms, where light colored ani mals are kept for breeding and dark ones killed for their fir, Horace | Attwood, market scavenger, to-day, received a post card from his son, William Attwood, at Winnipeg, telling of the misfortune met with of | 000, a former Kingstonian, Alfred Perry, who was for several years superinten- dent of the London Life Insurance company, here, und who is well known in this city. Mr. Perry is in the insurance bhusi- ness at Winnipeg, but his family lives distance further west, where his son is engaged in cheesemaking, . The house caught fire, the other night, and was almost totally destroyed, At the time of the fire it was forty degrees below zero, and the members some of the family suffered a great deal : from the cold. Ome daughter, aged If you are constipated, dull or bili sixtetn, was budly frozen, but it is | O'%, OF have a sallow, lifeless com plexion, try Lax-ots just once to what they will do for you. Laxele are little tothsome candy tablets nice to eat, nice in effect. iping not thought that the result will prove Serious, Mr. Attwood's son is eigaged in the insurance business with Mr, Perry, ° " ; no pain. Just a tle laxative Only meagre particulars were received t about the affair, that " Jieatin ly diablo. Handy for i Lox meet every desire, "Seal. The best values 1 ever saw in rub- | ers. ber goods, | said a lady in Gibson's | The first matches over: used Red Cross brug Store on Thursday. pieces of wood about six inch 'This is an opportune time to buy the | lest furnishings for men at Jenking' tipped vith auin} wR caught Sold by Delighted customers are going away from Jenkins' sale, January sale. Pdwards & Jenkin for oysters, Black mitts, two pairs for e., al Corrigan's. ceive a reward if he returns it to the Miss J. Rogers has heen visit- n mds in Toledo. Visitors: W. 't, of Minnesota P. Millen and sis- Mills: M. Healy and Miss Ivey. Elein Ottawa; Mrs. Fleming, A Srap In Marmalade. 20¢. white marmalade (sugared), ley, Scotland, nds veck at 10e. or 3 for 2 ALY instructed bv the firm who chipped it to us to run the balance off at 5 pod for 23%. Put the pots in boiling wr er, and it is O.K. Take advantage and lav in a supply, as it wont' Gilbert stores. shred made ip Pais 1 by us last pots of Golden Now we The One Road. Lippinecoti's. A wood road, and a good road And a road by sand and sea A hich road and a by-foad SATURDAY WILL BE A BUMPER DAY |: In some cases the price inducements displayed by the January Sale Tickets ar2 on goods you'll need T ¢ i e in goods you need every day. sufficiently large to induce the buying by every economist who can spare the money. Saturday will be a day of 0090000000000 0000000¢2 later on. In most lines booming business, becau the opportunities are se of many exceptional price-cuts, Saturday's Whitewear Specials Let the prices do their own convincing. What we want to emphatically emphasize is that every garment is faultlessly and generously made, In every case the saving offered are Come ! i (Anda oud Ty Plain and lea ; LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS---Made of | LADIES' CORSET COVERS--Fine And a rood hy heavy cotton, pointed neck, yoke | cotton, row of lace insertion, edged A deap road finished with four rows of lace in- with lace on both sides, beading and sertion, frill of lace" on neck and | ribbon, lace frill around arms, good Lengths, 56, fitti All sizes The way that | -- | A Big Reduction. | { In fine furs at Campbell Bros." clear ing sale. Eliot F. Shepard, New York, a grandson of the late W. H. Vander bilt, has been Fresnes awrdoned from +. after serving nine sentence which | imposed up- | Prison, in Fran lave of the six weeks' was part of the penalty ;n him because his automobile Killed | Madeline Marduel, in October, 1905 The pardon cost him £2,000. He al ready had paid a fine of R120 and 24.09% damages to the gi parents. sof and bitter oranges. Edwards x ~nkin, the Red Star. There is little doubt but that L Cook, of Tiny townshio and his tw sons, Charles. and William, have per ished in the waters of the Georgian Bav. They left Penetanguishens in a wilboat on November 27th. Min's suits 25 p.c. off, and some 50 Jenkins'. A great shortage of coal and coke has caused the smelters at Nelson. B. to close. The Trail will follow in Sy ~Eczems, Eruptions, Pimpler--are surly cid Re he gmt l- TRADE MARK REGISTERED, Piles," writes ome -, th Tech J wes (roubled we 7 i", pa = wan whose add ddress we wll Fhe I used A ly ula ded Sh (44 thes ne 50. he - 18e, ot for 20c. best grade Austrian at Jenking' sale. | Joed Touic and Tablets mests rel A drone Toro: ITCHING PILES { + used all fhe atues owl thmedies, 7 ever heard gular price 81, Saturday LADIES' UNDBERSKIRTS fine cotton, clusters of tucks, edged with wi Saturday "Sure to Sell" 58 and 69 » Made of two frills of lawn wi | price 65¢, cach, On Sale Saturday ADIES' CORSET COVERS AT 206c. Regular 19 a . Fine cotton, six rews of lace in- ertion down front, six clusters of le tucks," edge of lace on neck and around arms Saturday . Under frill of cotton. g rms. Sizes 32 to 42, price 81.95 te Regular price 40c, Sale S arian On Sale S - ein int <x Prices on All Lines : Clothing and Furnishings LADIES' DRAWERS-Made of heavy | LADIES' JAPANESE MINE STOLES cotton. Umbrella frill of lawn, with --Regular $10 and $)2 1 3 ne fd two hematitched tucks, and frifl of lace. Regular price 60c. per paar, 35 Un Sale Saturday, per pair... * On Sale LADIES' RUSSIAN LAMB JACKETS --Rogunlar 865 to 375. 19 00 cae : " ALLE EMBROIDERY RUSH FOR SATUR. DAY-Cambric Corset Cover FEm- broidery, 16 inches wide, work 4 to FASHIONABLE WINTER 6 inches wide, in beautiful patterns, COATS Latest makes and patterns, Row of beading. Regular odd lines, ranging in prices price 53. yard. 29 from $12 50 to $15 = On Bale wii. ivi aie On Sale Saturday, per yard. of Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' HEAVY SKIRTS Tailor-made, WINTER WALK |" N'S OVERCOATR "10.00 dy lines, hea- of vy winter weight, MEN'S ALL-WOOL CAN. FREIZE WORKING PANTS Regular BOYS' OVERCOATS-- Winter weight, made of English tweeds and beaver Scotch tweeds, Regular price price X15 to SIS. cloth. Regular price 86 £1.75 to $2 pair. £5.50, £6, $6.50 and $7.50. 3. 48! On Sale ar and 87, . On Sale'... per Pair, i. se All to go at . ee en | On Bale 0.6 wae iin -- ui Noe \ MEN'S HEAVY WINTER SUITS -- " LAE 3 1 NDE RWEAR atira Odd lines, in Scotch nnd Faplish oth VLC Ps xs . . woul. tl aehomed, Megoe | cd. er vid $12 a | ARAL Mh ha ee | TRL rb JY) ER 30 tv id 75 ey i va RIBBED Regular 75e¢. LADIES' Wool mixture, On Sale UNDERWEAR CANADIAN FRIEZE Dark shades, PEA- =iy On Sale . ular price Bs | to Ha 50. On Sale SHAKER FLANNEL BLANKETS-In Grev and white, The best proof we on the price-tickets, advizabla, 180 O08 ob 090009909 OTITIYY ALLO OOHO can off-r you, that the values obtainable in this great Sale are exceptionally good, is printed On Saturday many of the values are so extremely good that morning Sop 3 Princess St.--180. . The Montreal Bankrupt Stock Co. Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. el dA ddsodtots 09000 P9PCPOIVIOIVIITIEY ata S404 050040000000040408940¢ 3