™ Beattie, Portiend Mixed--For Renfrew and in- | headstyong people. Diplomacy wins, op ving TB a. 5 Boston, 7.830 'At K. ap CPR. t ., aud © Gai wry, EE, voluts. Tralos Depot até pam. F. B. Q. Ry., Kingston: themall ony WINDSOR TABLE perfor able sb, | Daily Whig. ofl Great Labour Leader. Th: labour party in Canada will have occasion to remember D. J. O'Douchue gratefully, He was before it for many long years, an intelligent, active, aggressive leader, and never wearied in the advocacy of reforms which he believed to be for the ad- vantage of his fellow-men. He was occasionally misunderstood, misrepresented, maligned, but he was true to his ideals, and won many over to his way of thinking. He did not plish all he had in view--who haw done this ?~but as a member of the legislature, secretary of the On- tario labour bureau, and wage officer for the dominjon, he 'had many op- portunities for useful service, O'Donchue, (like John Mitchell, the mining leader), lost some friends and Supporters - sometimes because he could not see eye to eye with them. Mitchell just reports that thousands Ren | 6f miners have left , the union. Why ? It is not stated, hut! the secret is por- haps that he has not'heen violent en- ough to suit some indisereet and however, when demands fail. The lesson of O'Donohue's life is ines that intelligence; reason und enorgy combined command attention and re- Speet. His death, says Mr. Mackemio King, his chief, was caused Ly over- devotion to duty. It is somothing in public service which excites both tite regard and admiration of the people. The Clothing Tax. A friend has shown The Weekly Sun, of Toronto, a lot of samples of cloth done up in packages, received from a firm of old country tailors, fn each package there is printed, in dollars and cents, the cost of an owroont, ®t, or part of a suit, made to order. There were sent with the samples full directions for seli- measurenwnt, so that the receiver could send his measure, pccompanied d 27 with the price, and have the goods shipped to his address in Cynada. "The prices at which these made-to- order suits are offered, free on board 'n Fnglend, vary from $1.76 to early £10.50," sqys the Sim. "The cheapest of the cloth gives promise of excellent. service, and some really choice sam- les gro offered at $6.72 for the suit. A complete outfit could be selected down here, with freight and thirty per cent. duty paid, would not: cost more that 5 ready-made suit of equal s | unality purchased in this country, If symples, such a8 are in possession of The Sum, could be distributed to every farmhouse in Ontario, farmers would reglize even more clearly than théy do now just how much the cus toths tax en clothing, imposed by the dominion government, costs them." The farmwrs of Canada are not pg- trons of the sweat shop. we hope; at legst they do not revel in the fact that the oxigencies of trade compel . | fome pecple to work fofif o less than "living wage." The average man, in "Jeity or country, wants to buy a8 cheaply as he can. He realizes that , | the prices of the things he must buy are going up, anc he has to hus. band his resources in every jay he can. ? But he does not want to grind any man or woman, amd it would depress him, if he saw the wretchednoss and . misery of those who depend on the clothing trade of London for sabeis- tance. Fngland's business is said to be wory good, The report' does not warrant the manufgeturers in mak- 'nz a slaughter market of Canada. The Loss In Putpwood. ' Industrial Canada strongly advo- cates the imposition of an export duty on pulpwood, one that will have the effect of keeping the wood in Can- ada, and of converting it into paper. It took the experience of years to Convert , Ontario from 0 id rt pine to be shipped out. of it and made into lumber in Michigan and other states. A stiff export duty had | the effect of causing the pine to be sawn into lumber in Canada, the op eration involving a large investment of capital and an annval expenditure of enormous sums in wages and ex- penses. Industrial Canada estimates: a | similar effect 'would Tollow the {sition of an export duty in pulpwood. Now, cach cord of wood out from private limits and shipped abroad, repeesénts a value, in freight and 1 from the samples offered, which, laid | r "number of men, ad- ditional work for the railroads, in- creased enarkets, of would come. It is to be hoped the Dominion gov- ernment will at this session of parlia- ment take steps to vreserve for Cana- da this great forest wealth." . The case does not admit of much argument. If the export duty on pine timber was a good thing and justifi- able the export duty on pulpwood is defensible. "Canda for the C 'ana- diane," implies a care for: local inter ests, which is hot. complete, and can not be made complete, under present circumstances. Editorial Notes. Dr. Richardson is understood to re- present the labour party on the board of education. ---- The Kingston labour party will re- call the visits of the late D. J. O'Denghiie and the counsel he gave them at evemtful times. ---- cruelty ending in the death of an immigrant Jad, was gddvessed us 4 Christian. . Was © the title not misap- plied ? Licerise 'reduction must be determin- od 'before the 1st of March. The tem- perance people--or rather those who voted yen in the recent referendum-- purpose to press for getion at once. Every young mem who goes into hockey nowadays wants to earry an accident policy. He will also have to carry a coat of mgil and helmet 5s heavy a8 those of the knights of old. A certain hotelkesper is sdid to contemplate 5 jubilation at an egrly date. Tt is suggested by something that happened in the recent municipal election. What was it ? Give us a tip. : Mr. Spotten, on his first visit to the city as an inspector, offers exalt- ed views respecting the enlargement and improvement of the institute building. "This may be costly, but ~hang the expense. A farmer in the Hull district will spend seven years in the penitentiary 'a% a punishment for neglect anid cruelty which led to the death of an immigrant boy. There is a moral in this case which will not be forgotten. The Canadian manufacturer soarifies those who meddled with the tariff, who should have left well enough alone, gnd miserably bungled ani plundered in their demands on the government. Now this is really com- forting ! The Manitoba legislature is going to see what it can do to make the railway serve the farmers in getting their grain to market. The farmer has a great deal to try him, but he onght to be exempt from conspiracies and holds-up. | Shouldn't Wonder. Guelph Mercury. They say the recording angel is suf- fering from writer's ceamp in his of forts to keep tah on the misdoings of the Smart Set in New York society. Carrie Out Of Date. Onaws Bros Se 1:the amilton ergyman used t word = damnable four times in one sentence in denouncing people and gov- ernments who countenanced the liquor traffic. Carrie Nation has been out- classed. -. Date Labels On Cans. Montreal Star. 'he consuming public would feel better if all cans of food were dated. Wo may not know which is the best: but we will learn. What we protest against now is beine t in ignor ance. We do not know ih old a can of meat or fruit or fish may be: and #0 we cannot possibly judge the effect of ave. Tanners ought to take wus into! their confidence, Montreal Gamette, The New York state commission 'on taxes hay recommended a graduated inheritance tax, an ingrease taxation of corpotation i fax of 1 A FRIDAY. JANUARY 18. surty, but some will be given to the counties to enable them to reduce the' taxes levied on real estate. Canada is not the on country where the loeal fini tions d ree as the prover source Tong supplying the public exchequer. : : ES -- - I ------ Pure, Healthful, efreshing the employ- The man who was convicted of SPIRIT OF THE PRESS = Ross And His Victories. London Advertiser. It is misfortune for the province that the opposition forces in the legis- lature are not numerically stronger. Why should not another unit be added to the government's ' bloated ministration, but the public interest will suffer il the opposition, which has will be no fear of this if the liberals of West Middlesex rally around the is historically liberal. Tt has been re- presented in the legislature for nearly twenty-five years by Hon. G. W. Ross, one of the ablest of Canada's sonms. The liberals of West Middlesex have, the riding fell out of the liberal ranks. gr i JUSTICE JAMES FITZGERALD, Who has been appointed to try the case of Henry K. Thaw, in New York, DOINGS AT NEWBURGH. Two Marriages This Week--Several Meetings, Newburgh, Jan. 17.--The village council held its inaugural meeting on lay. Owing to the slim attend- ance, the annual meeting, of the pub- lic library was postponed until next Wednesday evening. On Wednesday evening J. Service Yeomans, one of Newburgh's popular young men, was united in marriage to Miss Brown, of Deseronto. Mr. and Mrs. Yeomans left for - a honeymoon trip to New York city, and on their return will reside on Mr. Yeomans' farm here. Simond Shane, Desmond, spent a few days this week at G. F. Hill's. The congregation of St. John's church were much disappointed on Sunday, when it was learned that Rev. ¥. 1. Woodcock, Brockville, could not he with them. A very interesting literary meeting was held by the Epworth League on Monday evening. 1D. A. Nesbitt, B.A., will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist «church, on Sunday evening next. Rev. J. H. Chant secured four firsts and P. D. Shorey two firsts at the poultry show at Napanee, last week. Both had fowls which took the V. H. C. ticket. which is equivalent to third prize of former years. The annual meeting of the Napanee Water company, was held in Finkle's hail on Monday. Messrs. BE. W. Benja- min and B. 8. O'Loughlin, Yarker, and W. T. Gibbard and R. B. Dafoe, Napanee, wero in the village attend: ing the meeting. Another habpv event was solemnized at the Roman Catholic church, Centre ville, on Wednesday morning, when Miss Stella Finn, of this village was united in marriage to Mr. Guina, of Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. Guina left in the afternoon on their honeymoon trip. La grippe is prevalent in the village and hardly a home has not re- ceived a visit from this disease. Miss Mary Vanness, gttending the high school, ill at herfhome in Colebrooke. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dunn. « EE ------------ APT ILLUSTRATION How George W. Mahood Showed the Difference to The British Whig Reporter. A reporter of the British Whig was talking with George W. Mahood, lately, discussing a very interesting subject, hen Mr. Mahood said : "See here, I'll show you mow just what I wean," He went out and soon returned with a bit of board and two bottles. Rest- ing one end of the board on the coun- ter, he supported the other end with his fingers, and poured on the board from one of the bottles a drop of thick, oily substance, which slowly oozedk down the slope. Then Mr. Ma- bood took the other bottle and pour cd out just a drop of a clear, detici. ous, dark red liguid. This drop shot down the incline in the twinkling of an Te: "This first bottle," said Mr. Ma- hood, "is the old-fashioned cod liver oil, er emulsion, as it is called. The second hottle contains Vinol. Sce how slowly the emulsion creeps along the board. Tt is thick, siuggish, unwhole- some. But the Vinol dashes tn the bottom at once. These two substances act like this in the human body--the cod liver oil is so thick and clogging that it merely upsets digestion, and its medicinal value is lost, while Vin- ol goes at once to the seat of trouble ond corvects the difficulty by Creating an apretite and Wilding up the strength and general health. "*Vinol. you know. is a tod liver Preparation. and, while it © contains all the medicinal elements which have made cod liver oll famous, it con tains not a drop of oil, and is delic- ons to the taste. We cannot guarantee old-Iashioned cod liver oil or emulsion but Vinol is guaranteed to the limit, and if it fails to give satistaction it foste nothing. We stand the loss. But bank [it won't fail. Try it on our cuarantes ond see." George W. Mahood, drug- majority ? It is not needed hy the ad- a vital duty to perform, is further weakened by the loss of a seat. There choice of their convention. The riding therefore, » distinguished tradition to maintain. It would be a sore rebuff if "The Queen of Table Walters" APOLLINARIS is a digestant, mildly stimulating the acid secretions of the stomach. APOLLINARIS should be the habitual beverage of those suffering from chronic gout, rheumatism, or excessive uric acid. : Notes from our sale now going on. They're very sweet music to our ears. They're notes of comment that you can hear any day. HERE'S WHAT THEY SAY: "Best suit bargain I ever made." "Isn't that a dandy Overcoat for $10 ?" How are these for $2.50 Trousers ? 'I saved just $3.50 on my purchase," etc. All the day long you hear just such remarks as these. Been getting your share of the good things ? Sale of Fancy Sweaters 20 Per Cent. Discount The H. D. Bibby Co. 000000000000000000000¢ 'LARGE SHIPMENT RECEIVED GOOKSON'S ANTIMONY AND PIC LEAD GET OUR PRICES Canada Metal Co. Fou Toronto 'Phone Main 1729 Se ------ ) ia A Ay Keep Your Feet Warm and Dry | AAA Wear Overshoes | Rubbers Overgaiters | $ Our Stock is complete in all these lines. $ THE SAWYER SHOE STORE |} daughter. Miss Hawley apanee, spent, | Sunday with Miss Leng Madden. ss Amna Sutton, left on Sore. Nixa NewYork Chinese Restaurant Yeah shoal at Hichbotne. : iss Gertie Files has been appoint- Open od assistant Postmistrese, Mis' Gortse The om ¥ Conway 1% attending business college Lunch in the pron bd at a a oud in Kingston. Mes. E. 0. Clarke, Odes- | on shortest motive: English reid $a, oprnt Sunday: at JB. Avlec. | dishes & special > = ; 'worth's, Mrs, Oldham, Yarker, was in se SNCF AL RON the village on Wednesday. J. 'w Yoo. mans js spending the week 3 ORCHESTRA west. Miss Anna Gandier, } novae od to her duties ns nurse after spend. | THE BUSY ONE. ing her holidays with her parents | yQut-ot-Town Rev. J. and Mrs. Gandier, | Viol, { OPERA at Sutton | as return. | i 'hgagements accepted. Viola, Cell Instruction. BE, H. MERRY. 155 Sydenham St. City: On Sale Now. Wo will sell 25 dozens oh Bath towels | at Se. each; good sizes, bth tow adi orrigan's. | Wm. Murray, Auctioneer Yorkshire ai oo ion' tong rion 27 BROCK ST. of - | New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, The Tanenshive ang Way carries twelve mill; and coke line, 3 More than a third of the or its 567 miles French | crown jewels have heey bough rench | ete. for sale. Americans, toby Apollinaris : A Few Notes Men's Admiration, Re Love. Woman's greatest gift is t mirati on, respect, There is a beauty in healt more attractive to men than larity of feature. To be a successful wile, 1 fove and admiration of h should be a woman's con At the first indication o painful or irregular peripds, backache, secare Lydia E Vegetable Compound and | Mrs. T. E. Gillis, Win describes her illness, and following letter : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "When I commenced to | Pinkham's Vegetable Compo fering with weakness and w headaches, backaches, and t tired feeling. I have only ta table Compound a few s has made me well, stro believe that Lyc . kha Compound is without equal fi bles." Women who are troubled or irregular periods, backa (or flatulence), inflammati tion, that "bearing-down" ness, faintness, indigestion prostration may be restor health and strength by E Pinkham's Vegetable Co HONORING AN IRL Who Took Part in Ins 1867. Patterson, N..)., Jan, Augustine E. Costelloe riot and author of *'l Irish Liberty," will be « a banquet, to-night, by Order of Hiberni 2,500 persons pres s had a remarkal » Fenian rising took land, "in March, 1867, he "of compatriots, charter brigantine of about 200 and fitted her up with 5,000 stand of arms, thr and 200,000 cartridges. him generals and lieuts American army who w charged the wa landed in Sligo, Bay, th was suppressed hut twent who made a landing tried for treason, felony ed. Captain Costelloe wa twelve years in an E but: his trial nearly preci between America and F denied the right of Eng try 'him he being an Am After being in prison ei he was released through tian of the United State After leaving his Englis telloe returned to New ° emploved on the New and other newspapers, | past few years has sper writing Irish and Ame Electricity At An: London, Jan. 18.--Befc College of Surgeons, Stephyne Leduc, of Pg two new inventions of to surgeons. Ho illustr thod which he discover tering drugs by electric tific name of which is prove his theory he sh of a rabbit and put a sulphite of strychnin violent poiscn did th harm, but immediately ing of an cleetric curr died, the current hav the \poison into his sys fessor considers the prove extremely use ful of rheumatism, sciat ataxia and paralysis. wn experiment with He pu of 1 e influcne animal's limbs could bi out feeling pain. H an'mal leep for ten stopped the current an eves and sat up. Pro giders the new anaesth plac chloroform and of immense importan 8Ci¢ nee. ! "Three Swal Sir John Power & So "Three Swallows™ I Famous for, over a ce Of highest standard Distillers to His Maje a -- A convict sentence penal servitude can, maximum guantity cover his liberty mm a and nine months. OCK Every Orange Me tains one-third more 15¢ backly: This mu very patkage. : And. the more yor chance you have of Dollars = free. Oras Thirty Dollars for | ber of coupons taki ackages. P ons must be 1 ed on or before Mare reach the office ol ingston, before Ap ) je awarde