' A Re TR Ry LI 0 ; DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18. ; : - -- iB wo Reducing Stock Before |! PRA HE PEOPLE'S FORUM OF THE LATE REV. PROF.| . NICHOLSON. i Inventory = | Guests Graduates Harbor the | CONDENSED ADVERTISING WANTED_GENERAL. Fox SALE. Tenderest Recollections of the : : ie cats S 70 BUY GOOD HOUSE, FOR $3, . ; : Little Professor oi Classics. . RATES "7 Address Box 98, Whig office, $2000} rwo COWS. APPLY TO H, BAB HEED . An appreciation of the late Profes- | First insertion. lc. a word Bach com | ------------ cock, 64 Charles streets : sor 'Nicholson of Queens, appears in secutive insertion therafter dc. a QUALIFIER D TEACHER, FOR 8 : ia afew hows Positively cures in a few days, ast aad West, from the pen of Mrs, Minimum charge for ome in o 8. Denbigh, A; and : A. App BILLIARD ALE: aon, NEW : Sha , ey % x ing salary, to J %, sh, S - cushion space. es mot put the disease to sleep, but drives i Lillian Mackinnon, of Halifax. It is | Adve. 4 lines or under a week, $1. Treas: Veuoachar. Po oot Apply through Whiz office, he system. --MUNVou. thus introduced : Advi. 4 lines or under a mouth, $a 5 : It was the hour for junior Latin, | Byerybody in Kingston Reads the WRIG | AppiTiONAL REMBERS. Ais. ic Sale Oo the Season . a. old aris building the ire she n were | -- grega tional church { nes Only Ones Yoo. Ever Known to Retail Merchandising. hastily _ congregatiog to the orion | HELP WANTED--MALE, & Vitiers, 180 "fo J 3 Sixteen volumes, at a discount, ly to Mrs. J. special reason. Apply through Whie - office. \ 7 street, and up in the dim third storey of the parts, for the choir of the First Con- AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW call, 'Now, ether, don't jostle 1 There is plenty of time to walk in | 100 CARS NU, 1 and NO. 2 TIMOTHY Welli { oly. Le e ladies pass first, | SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GENTLE- Hay, shipnent, December and Janu: | TWO SECOND-HAND CREAM SEPAR- 4 : ellin ton N 9 1 politely. Let the loc Pass In : ox MoE VOR ary. Quote lowest price on _ cars ators, in ~ood shape, also mumber i 25 . 8 180 Wellington gentlemen, and don t stare at them ! an ed Boe vour station for each auality. W. H, of second-hand cutters. Db. dn Hay, 3 Strect ou've sce them often en h, and | price finish euaranteed. Pressing Dwyer Co., Limited, Trust Buliding, 182 Clarence street. 4 . Street. you may hope to see' them every day. | and rearing dome well, Galloway Ottawa, Ont. -------- a . in my time ladies weren't such. a | The Tailor, 181 Brock street. EAI - : i 3 ER GENT CE a HELP WANTED MALE. | PHISAT, PRACTICE, BONE ig 5 - no & e i: le man in prod sso wt | { | . m . : ~ n a ---- Fi, ROR Fine chance for Pres 3 N GARD 2) YE 0 a al Sh standing on pladorm of fue in 30 JS BARY BARBER TRADE: btarjan, M. Macintosh, 51 McMillan ur stocks must and' will be reduced, that's our determination; and, if low prices|the old latm room, was uttering | {6 Si weokly. Branches, thrauehout Sales Manager. Strut. Toro: : - o ™ ot otc Canada and nit ta . elp ~ N o . N are any factor, we shall not be disappointed thes words ; in a an voi | sccure positions. Catalogue free. ] Experienced specialty salesman re v La . amusingly at variance v his sta Moler Barber College, Queen and | Cured for liptons Knish Line NF [eae rrorertyY, IN THE TOWN: . \ : ture, He thunder] 1 at the | Spadina Toronto. RO ih Te whelesals am rot ao ship 3 Storrington owned hy Witon All M. f t d . . . wwii Supa of freshmen who pitch: | ss . em rm ed I i throughout the whole of an hy dam Dutt, | onsising of Lots anuiacture t 10 B D 3 B i ed into the room, even while his eyes | Canada. Write full particulars in - 23, cossion, t 4 A , i LET. . A lon.ce. stating age - t . containing about 375 Acres. The Furs iis uying ays emain € ore shone with frien pe for the TO ns ob Bho Jo aoa farms will be sold separately of tos . hy freshettes 1 « ther ex- | s ks 4 a employed hy, salury required, ote. Ko hor. Desides the usual farm builds tool. in | DWELLI OFFICES, STORES, SM. one ngs on the premises there is a valus able chevse factory, on Lot 23. For THOMAS J. LIPTON, terms, ey wp A to Joseph By i alkem, SoMeitor, ingston, | STORAGE SPACE FOR FURNI- 39 Pearl Street, New York City. | mmmc---- as, etc., at YeCam's. 51 Brock street. 1 his was begin term at old Queen's, an a new That Ev 1 Stock-Taki en W. F. GOURDIER t Eventful Steck-Taking Day ung, hi ppear Y its 1 arative th MRE "bas ¢ . a. . ance of each sueeessive las: | ture, ect. W. G. Frost, 299 | Queen | -- - an ---- -- BRCLUSIVE FURRIER Savi And its imperative that our stocks be in ship shape condition by that time | {i nds within the Plas | surest. MONEY AND BUSINESS. ARCHITECTS. Brock St. Phon avings averag ar ] 7 ' : Y 3a ; 5 i ut | Soe ey e 700 s average one-quarter to one-half. You cs | resse rit upper room whince had emerged so | ------T"--"" v velresc fore 5 i I ou can't fail to be impressed with the special I dal | wOusE, sa nap ST. THON Fp | OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON | ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITECT. OF. -- s offerec Wo 3, 86 IRIE ST. FR Mn. wilding and conte any © 0 oe ed to inspire the grave p ri 1st, to May 1st. with option of long- company offiers. Examine them at ice, Cor. Queen and Bagot strests. vith the joy which with new | er period. One of the most complete Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark. and up-to-date residenc discovered territory. in the city et Square; HENRY 'P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, aL mor cl y nSurp . quire 00 i was easily first in h Neither | Jocatic NSIT assed. Enquire at %Of ee -- ic Anehior. Building, Market Square; ' the Sanskrit lectw he i LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE ea Carefu iy . y the unique honor of « ' -------------------------------------------- Fire Insurance C "ompany. Avaliable * 2 4 bn a ao assets $a1 187 in addition to | POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER« L di : Vv classes in final honor Latin, where he LUST. which the ley nolders have fot chant"s Hank Building, corner Broek - so elogue y 1d forth took hall s security tha unlind fability of a W . « A 12S ests { Men' S Shirts ; aden. | Corsets > Br Sop ney he o r a o a 0 -- the stockholders . Farm and city oro- | aq Wellinaton stress. "Phone, 314, . Swiss Ribbed Vests and Draws nl M Wor Shirts. mad i Sa 30 vairs Watch Si P oti. nya grasp of. Prolessor Nicholson 8 . > . . n perty insured at lowest possible white or grey. Rewalar price ; ' A 8 Hace of Ba 34 pairs Wates J , orsets, an fyfiections as did terial [STAR-SHAPED PIN, CONTAINING rates. Before renewing old or giving | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. ] 10d or 19%.: 35¢. for F na | 2 or | in « or Stripe nd grey. Mad French Cows | which came fresh cach pearis and turquoise' Kindly leave at mew business wet rates from Strange Bet ny Boot One Me tood's Due 2 SHe. for for or d it 3 1 h price Sale price fvear. from all part i the Dotninion TO Livingst A ve & Stran~e te. store, corner Princess and -- we goad =n Dic ; wh - a) a al pa E t : Wa aah . ENT iat A ---------- -- - Wireets. Entrance on Bagot street. . { Wond Y thi flection was 'hone, 608, Carefully Executed Ladies' - ECE y reciprocated Ever wn ol D LOCKE T ON MONDAY, BE eCAN MEDICAL. B LATELY t 1 l « « fillamaville, | DR. eC T OFFICE LATEL - - - Natural Wool Vests iY 1 1 . White Clouds class unanimouw nd uslv Hh wn . at and Xi Ta navill » a g 2 de return to Whig office. secupled by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- the Pen-Angle 1 Al 5 ankets : sleek d him br ich nt of their ' . . treal und Drock. streets. eo JETERINAXRY. X 2 Pa te & ¥ ol vin itl wubl hex { hild re n's White .Clo de 0 n h an honor which h no by EE ------ TT -- - ---------- ---- DIL." GQ. . ELL, Vv.S. HAS Le Spectacles and Eveclasses brated. Health ¢ ) 1 « rR J i Ea hi x o 3 vroperly fitted to shrink £1 for HY iy h.} borders. Just he i Sale price, 19. each. 50. qus eli ng an wt Robe l. 22RD AND ROOMS. DR. 1. WOOD, DR. J. FP. SPAR KS, ' A "ust brick locke Thos Dien New o uality for 7 . S X ¢ wa v for lar ecture, ividua 00MS AND BOARD, DOUBLE ANU Physicians ane Surgeons, Corner by' telsphone or telegral a ane 0d » Wimiowate ay r Te. Lo £4, Sale pr ) {freshman held as kh friend single, 98 Narrie street. Wellington and William streets i attended to. i. \ mim m-- -- this professor who would come book Eves 'cars A \ Ti . I » co -- cmap Ln yee sarelully examined, Sweaters Ladies' Waists less to class rather than see a puph! : | } PRL: + Qicillinn Kae cant of one. an wld often join | W of Bidok Tusyre, Siellinn Sg) 20 want of gue, amd would often join 1] The Paragraph Pulpit] » y 1 ' Final clearance of Children's Vests M in red white, n bor Ph I lined 1 Flannel. Worth from S12 x | wality" for "Se 2a ' rth ir 2 up Eala pric Use. each, Othe to give a cheering word of encourage Unitarian 82 and 2 Sle. * price 10e. and 25¢ lines at 6Y¢. cach ment about the work REV. C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA Jewelers : {= ? Sa "Nick «d him the D srespectiul as the m seem, A Pr o' Pulpit 35 h I z ee Pulpit. 0 i Sues ron Flanneletie Underwear [it neverthsloss cartied with iW a >is { Xo slave ever stands in a Unitarian ssuere of Marria adios mere) oe oh : ; . J of appreciation and respect, accorded | ulnic. Xo minister in its fellowship Liconses. ge Hose. All os = a th x } Dan Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawer py in the University. For he ha pulpit, Bd i A Jw fellow ey : oe i i = Skirts, a wa comiy ver en o w reget it i 3 ot en pa n Sah for 89, 81 for 5c. Tie. for Stk Bn of Bis. el hod rT Thee | i he a Pe : Fy Yu Sho ll - - -- ieee 1 50. for 33e. 25c. for Ie, tations sympathetically, vet trying in | x B ; er The wall of po ho ? i 3 Savings on Wool Gloves Wrapperett S-------------------------------------------- ~~ his 'own bright, irresistible way to | nay ot w S ------ For choice of SWELL G €S it ye give them the better point of view, | with 1 iction in deference to the ITER TTT -------- Ladies Goli Gloves, white fancy 20 pices Faney Wrapperettes in a Children S Coats to open out before them further vi prejudices of the | 2 He may not al WINT ER 8HOES, TiRtares. Worth up to 40¢ al assortment of colors, and seid Your Choice of any Coat in the | tas of thought : His tirele = real for | ways sp nk the exact truth, but he Patent Colt, Velour Calf ourse Bu-Ju Will You. price 19¢, pair. Children's 10. snd 12le. yard. 8 store for 81.70 be getting: I nowle his intrepid cour § oer expr. sox the honest opinion and | Cure | yar. fail: it lage, anf, woxt' of aN, hase and Box Calf © pri Sc. yard -- \ 1 i} y 3 | impertin 1 Judgmnent of a free mind, | ou 'are suffering agonies m-- -- ee ' ing Lindliness and humour, evoked un Vou may be certain of the sincerity of ith Men's Underwear ; dduirat ral "new | E aatism. Sciatica or gouie wi : D G ns A admiration from cach n rinn service, even if you do | algia-- ress oods * i . IVE AR ALUE ry re so affected Be inch all Wool Tweed Bath Toi.eis Scotch Lamb's Wool Underwear, Na But ts are filing past, ar 8 fully with everything ex-| F DOLL v S ns roug! 1 09 weeds Ti mi 1 A 1 tur Wool Ww " Lined. Wort sr Stuaentis abo 4 ng a and 1 3 small of the Dg the, hips and an 2d de wk sha R reys. A he dozen Bath Tow oni hey i $1 the 2 ont. Sal : price. 19 : ele nded. The © ss Mr. Casson for free litera- | 3 et. in spending soc for Het nd 3 le pric Ha Jai. X w in Kingston, at HH , < garment. Sale pres, sich them | Cc ' -Ju, the Gentle Kid ------ en Ce pim nih smile on his | They ill o ney Pill, rn ---- ---- -- mma : 2 \ 4 wi iil get such relief from the first Shaker Flannel be note it now, but lat ished personality than discontinve. mir old persuade Flannel or | SiChildren' s Gauntlets 'Table Napkins member the spnrifle oul, that Mr. Gr Shoe Store il cure 5 ove come [ {res ery en's, who so fea ly saves you endless suffering." wide. Sold | In Bl han. Some sma 10 dozen Bleached Tab re, th \s freshmen jub tudent phlgrin pletely removes every trees Sot "ps i, te {es lot. R rp 81. S price size. Regular price 81.75 hailed born joke { their journe) Retin ad Kidney Trouble, If bs 3 oon! S119 dozen. 8 ly tl encerest | - gu BO pI with ---- { | PITH OF THE NEWS. - es -------------- a, o The Claflin ies' i > \ : | il wie | AT THE G | i al Co., Limited, W Vindsor, Out, 50 Ladies' Skirts, made of Tweeds, Panamas and Venetian Cloths, worth | wpe | The Very Latest Culled From All BAND. | An Old Proves With a New Ap- 3 - { memb 00 dav of | i. 3 | up to $5150 each, for this sale price, $2.75 each. on a b 1 100 th 3 ro | Over The World. | Cole and Johnson's Fine Pro- The . wood P leation £ Hed!™ bi recon tthe] qu. town of Oban, in Stotland. ex- | duction Ee Ret of =o-ealiet crifice n ! | . Ni rhe \ Ed . remedios for Baldness, All the Furs we have leit will be sold at 1-2 price during this sale. Ques what it is, | [orioned X ht carthquake shook, | fy presenting these well-known com: | You may call anything in ore&tion a 1 in no more homored, |! 3! Ryan a" Ohio af edians and composers of negro melo: | remedy, but to usé them is like fook- 4 a" | : nh 3 --_ | ica at the Grand un Saturday, Jan, {ing the stable after the horse i { ' y want |juth, matinee and night, an entirely | 8t 1 } WECT | i 4 | n field he pened to the colored elne i t | 4 i E Yt company' ew field has opened to r colore t we and Dandruff are caused by «3 SUB { From Chicken pox b. To i - Pan I | performers, Hitherto the satirizing | & germ--if you don't kill the germ the There's nothing in the world we're so = - } strosed 1 oS lies R300.000. 3 | of the current fads and fancies has | germ will Kill the hair, >» much interested in as Coal at this time Rt ili | Ks TF ; To Cholera tropes NY wa ht 400, been the speeinl perquisite of the in| Reientists have labored with the I Th a LT To i iN i t : 0 i i { il t \ i ts Je an S fi heat her J r a1 re dlected | | artist, but in =their latest offering, | Problem of a preventative for Bald: en' speak of coal buying and selling as a | | C 0 8 o i 6 ii re it t 1 a : it an : lid Avenis "Phe Shoo Fly Regiment," Cole and | "O0% for many years cpt Baptist church Sun school, ¢ I : science, but that's what we've made it I | Cure-Alls No Longer Tolerated I ap Slay sehot), | Johnson have boldly entered the arena Newbro's Horpicide is the product Two important discoveries we have || BARRISTERS | Je « nd © In earl s every barber shop ¥ oh kaich 1 legitimate musical farce comedy. of a modern idea, and will cure Dan eavy G made are that complete satisfagtion to || Se Siti _oiiegting rou sig the foun PAs ; gz oh gn an government 8 | : drufi and prevent Baldness hecause oods our customers pays best, and 'that the | | MONEY TO LOAN | We cad for your wipn resorted 1 ng as h g ae gd ase Or lense * 3 "The College Widow.' germs cannot exist when you apply way to win business is to deserve it hh A air and deliver re cure ! nts from chic: | afl the mn ng ol Ther own | Henry Wi Sava splendid 1 Herpicids fi ENG SIRES. FANCHION Sa geld } AG & It enry Savage's splendid produc eyicide 38 a value hie ; r Bu . Booth & Co. || Ey il a om wean | glar told a London, ~ on 'of George Ade's vomedy master- | ad tous dialect a nell aa 00 O. aturely. | recently that he commit pices, "The College Widow," with its] cure for Dane AR, 88 Wel ad yers 0 ¢.OF WE = i] G | Kipeas 3 d Folate K fire 1 bs ry a. of mraiite 1 io. get. money wherewitl | faithful prototypes coms to thel Sold 4 piu dois. Sadia EST ST, i A. F m to Canada. { Grand on Wednesday, Jan. 23rd iin a 4 ose large mic to ' 1 = » AN sta s for & ot wide ; ! Phowe 133. i . : Bate an [i 100 Erinosse Street: --. aide 'in | scie 3 Henniker H n cables from King f tho who are not planing therein oh C ap mpl T Fhe He pickle fit CUSTOMS BROKER i of n th t Jegst Rinety-sight ning of a Nasure are thos Oa ron, ) wo sizes, ble LL the in ywiedpe of gpweeific \ a ninctyv-eigh per | pleasure are those | and $1. G, W special I . L : y .d peaial agent, | a ea discuss. hiro ' of t ho in Kingston are | Who have not even remotely been' in > clear fo; I ce om. ox | : a gt bevond rere | fouch with recent stage history. LOOK LIKE 30c. il All business receives pr t t i Bi b R dy 1 11 nl | o anil Foolish | Wilfrid Laurier is in communi | The Profits Paid By Some ||! tention. at 69 Clarence street. [Il | 15 Lv clo i pepsin. So prevalent hes it {Cation with the governor of Jamaica | THE CITIZENS' LEAGUE \ iy , Kingston. become that | thousamis suffer with it jon th hivet of re for the suffer. | i Companies fi | k |i ahcol sk : from the eartl : . . ¢ . NCONSCIONE consider the symp ro! Ie carthq e. | Will Seek "tio i p Dc When Compared With The on S ates i ns Natural 10 he physical con- | Sheriff Proctor, of the counties of | Seek Regnet} py of Jiques p-- - t . +. | Northumberland and D » | 4 fom. 'Louncil. -. 3 {stitution and resign themselves to n and irham, has aj . : L Royal Insurance Co'y 4 COME EARLY AND GET BE | pointed George Spence, Cobourg, turn There was a brief session of the y» worth $1.75 OF ENGLAND. THE FROKTERAC A BARGAIN. naedy Tor dvapepsin, | key of the new jail at Cobourg Citimms League at the v M.C.A, Jast Iv paises Tu Force gicg000000 || LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY le ented amon | Couto Tackett, Womilton, bas |i, vi: elle, who wa sah v's blended, JAfe Funds 41, YOO » lor phy sicion 1 S100 for surgical instru } avi stitlinw, who was unable y Profits Paid » 2 < y Is lets have stagd"] ments for new Alexandr z to be present, Rev. C. B. Manning oc Manitoba Spring Wheat Flour CE, $1.25 Pros, 1005 ad ESTABLISHED 1862. Strachan's Hardware |): et he set {ects for, the nc" Alesse wing at | ool" spec ' is rich in gluten takes up water IS 7 We Twit Aid 34 Der sens President--Sir Richard Cartwright of sufferdrs. eted ta | The corporaticn of the city of Lon It "was the general opinion that a {fl Sotase tands up in the oven. special on mvite Your Investigation. Morey loaned on City and Farm Pro- overnn p in Europe and |don has decided to entertaih the | deputati na should wait upon the ona at Fat nem bs Fo 30 W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston perties. Municipal and County Deben- BRITISH - AMERICAN | { i wrion and alone bexn found | colenial premiers attending the colon | ty council at its next 'session, in re- | | stron but makes ideal cake CENT. OFF r-------------------------------- ge L, gs tures. Mortgages purchased Deposits | to conta he el ich natur {ink fre nee to un banquet in Guild Ieee to he request for a reduction nd. pastry } : ND FLEECED ~ ---- | 8. C. McGill, Managing Director - Phas put int il ch for diges- | Hal . ] Mpl th i i ang ld ¥ decided Be. ; D DR AWERS, H. JERV B10 Princess Street Ofies, 87 Clarence strat. Kinrstom HOTEL = ~ Nu, othe Ta | atch n : is : porte or cose . h I'he league will hold gnother ~ Ir 3 . 9 Next or to Opera House -- 1 wm . i ; nua before the next ses fo i a p! : Stuart's Dyspey T: blets relieve | nd the we ter i= 'ranging z ext session of conneil and bl Masih. i 1 At one pri Home- Metts Fresh Candies. Mixtures, 3 ot ¥ fr 4 make fingl are q i hs is a blend of 5 Cc ; : RC - - to +» stomach an n i foct- | from twenty ws to forty desrees : al arrangements for the de- if all Wheat i NT price, oe. iv. 3 1 ase." Al Ladies' Tailoring |KNCSTOR ONTARIO | - wa In ne them do | below zero domree® {mtation. + in just the right "proportions of om 20¢. Ih. to 50. ) ean i vark. If t weak | Stems for a porial to} wed | - _--_-->-- ch to make the most w : AR 15%. SEE | ripest of Workmanship, Upto-| Has undergone alterations and 1h work 1 he stomerh be eek | SUE STL Mon cA oh te make he eet D Prery rastrie nies, Stugrt's Tablets my honor of the late Hon. Raymond Bed-Time Verses. the whi 5 ERW inks. Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar- ; s he duicdomee. 1 . . wolontaine 'a nm shi) , i ra whitest, lightest cake and 3 EAR at -- or 8s now opan 'to the travelling | up the doficiency, If the muscles gre | Prefentaine has arrived in Montreal ure Press } | Pastry--and yield th \ SHIRT . - anteed. 7 : nective, Stuart's Tablets invograte | from. the United States. The stone !Y hen ib grandma went to bed, each hh d the MOST of S AND ; 36 Uni itv A gublic. | th m. Stuart's Dysoepsin Tablets di | W ighs thirty-two tons and is thirty- La allow candi for per' had [ Woo im er 5 2 niversity ve. A "ws jest every form of food entering the | twa. feet lomg by three and one-quart- Its light go weird and dim. AT ALL GROCERS. . , . ining Ww 1 ELFER Proprietor | i stomach. one gryin of the getive pri n 1 er feet square, And whet inl 2 ron % Dealers, write for prices on all VN, mill ends} FOR SALE [ciple of thea tablets being. capable of | eerie Agi when my srandmn wout to be, ade oF Ciel raion an | s IR < . {digesting 3,000 grains of meat, gos Denies The Report. PA lamp they gave to her. which shed \ = I. IL. Taylor Co., Limited, 3 Cc. 6 ET: z SE i Pp Chatham, Ont ©. OC, and OFFERS WILL DE RECEIVED BY ew ng all nese . [ed other foods, They are hot en- 1 T° J. Polley, of the " A bright vet wavering ight. hh 7C.. : the undersigned u y the 1st day of ¢ . ) o . of the Kingston milk * February ne se of the thartic pills: their, action is simply |depot. denies thé report that he is | And when ny mamma went to hed A whole of ti and Cord- estauran 331 King Street that of a digestive. la . f business. Mr. Poll The 1 ve little lam 3 C. YARD wood. on tha y t 8, Con Stuart's vebsia Tob . his SG OLY 1 she tor teh nd athe). she said d. o : i \ Whiz representat hat' 1 k de 1. she said, 4, Elevir, Tc Hastings County. {| Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. thir i PRS IY aL TT light the gas about 150 ac nothing but g rv firm had been lool : north of t The best place to get an all round ' sour stomach ng at bi iilding. but that it was [A~" n n 1. paiama-clesd sides of riv r. | Lunch in the cit cals of all kinds If vou have any Foot resulting from the ikelv 4 hoe, H : Fave bi thom all. "wood-night." é ! " tc on =horte 3 3 "suiting " } vnlikely the d buy The busi i" a ! x Lr 38 side : | Brann Fost hotier. pb os nines # } {of food. these diseases tl - [ness of the Kingston milk depot i in ore ob hy At os, 5 11 Taoviitien ve llr y; bi Troubles, bring them to tively: cur iinet mvs Nr mon Ie lant, tlood i old Veipe. : cash nee cd ser cent. in- A ARR : 1 A NOuTIsng Comipigh oH : wid when. some gay, a girl of mine ous Debilily, Neato @ in oo cash. balance on Ue, at t Bee Pent. in | We will gladly send vou & tril | Polley Ard me day. on wir g ondbemew. ves val I calmness, fomisniont -- vears in Which is to be cut and re Try a Pound of : A. E H E R 0 D | package lo prove the truth of our m---------------- : o bi Hum & Coa pet od Apoctar Abuse of fo woved will tb owed. Apnlicant to (¢ claims Stugrt's Dyspepsia Tabletd In every thousand men. in the Brit Will drive av. the whoo ion re fy alt drugisis or i h ch lot_is to ean be sot , ¥ £ at He. |i irmy there are eighteen over si ---- ei-- . oe, New sate gun rsdn shed lle to 12 | Myeps" wows wavs Sausages 266 PRINCESS ST. an be gotieraf alk Meri, of eh heen ove an Town mine days" | Pi oon Ss Gad Medi s G2 oy A. Stuart Co. 69 Stuart Build Ont nae atespted. Address the owner, THE HOUSE NF QUALITY i Nich. Sn met towels, 5e Corsigan's work yearly through illness. ormarty Wirdsor) ~~ JOSEY H JAMES, Actinolite, Ont. > Fer, Sunday's Breakfast, 60 Brock St. | 3, rehpll, Mich. $ { at! ' gn 3 3 @ / - Wh * a ad