YEAR 74. Sit Seectesscsssstasssnsss JANUARY AND FEBRUARY . Special For Next Week In Good Silk Parlor Suit, 3- pieces, Mohagany Frame, $25 for $18. S5-piece Suit, good pieces, Mohogany Frame, $25 regular $30 for $18. Hall Seat Hat Rack at big reduc- tion. ROBT. J. REID The Leading Undertaker "Phone 57% Ambulance VIVIPIIIIVIIIIIIINIIIe 'Books at Half Price Bibles at Half Price. Prayer Books at Halt Price, at McAULEY'S BOOK STORE Buy now and save one half your money. Thanks to the Public for their very liberal patronage during the last month. Yours Respectfully, T. McAULEY. Cooking Figs We imported this year a very large quantity of choice "Cooking Figs And 'are selling them at the markably low price of Sc. the Pound James Redden & Co. REPAIRING Jew ele ram ing Ge We ca. for your clock, pair and deliver it and see that it runs to time. Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street. GRANT HALL JANUARY 22nd ies' White tte Nightgowns , 95c., 99! 1.25. 1.75. mmed, some with lace h flannelette embroidery. le Fiannelette a Drawers . 49c., 60c , 65¢,, 75¢c. 'm Knitted Underwear ol Vests and Drawers, 5c, 99c,, 1.25. 1.49. d White Wool thers in both. JOOL TIGHTS WOOL TIGHTS of sizes. 2rstockings d, all sizes. verstockings leg. and tops very r the boots. re- Going Fast we 8 ed the room for. re building, -- sing out our large stock to ¢ moving it. wuteh and Clock our snecialty. are re- Brass and Iron Bedsteads Springs and Mattresses to fit AT K SNAP erything to close out at sale PACKING AND FREIGHT FREE. Glee Singers and Symphony Orchestra, assisted bv Miss Lina D Adamson Violinist, graduate of the Royal Con ous servatorium of Music, Leipzig, Germany U er Prices 25c., 35¢., 5 Plan aT Uglow's Open Thursday, Jan. 17th. nut Glaze rincess Street The North American Telegraph Co., Limited. THE ANNUAL GENERAL ing of the shareholders of the American Telegraph Company, Limited, ie Bie-ore-te + will be held at 118 /Notre Dame. street West, Montreal, ~on THURSDAY the bea ---- eth tae re -- 21st' day of Febuary, 1907, at 12.80 0 y A Wm. testtsssestonen r W. BAMPRIELD, Secretary. Kingston, January 15th, 1907, ) FELT SLIPPERS ing and the Warmest. 1 $1.50 to 1.20 $1.50 to 1.20 either kind. Hockey Match SENIOR INTERCOLLEGIATE. "VARSITY vs QUEEN'S FRIDAY, JAN. 18th. Game calied at 8.15 pu. mission, 2c. Reserved seats 50c. Pian opens on Jan. 17th, of seat P. S--No telephone messages ac- cepted for seats. KINGSTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE Ren General ad- 25¢. and for sale Socks, you Put on for 10 th on. W. BDNISDAY , Jany, fit at &30 e, in City Solicitor's fice, « City feet, prevent chilblanes, Buildigigs. Businces : Receiving of Secre- tary-Treasurer's report, election of direc- tors, ete. G.S. OLDREIVE, L BMAN A. GUILD, "Treas. President. just received. High and d at Sec. Pleasant Affair DAILY MEMORANDA, Board ~* Trade, 8 p.m. "The Villeee Parson," Grand Onera House, 8.13 pan. This day in history --Ontario alien labor law, 18W : Zion, Band and a s Ra Sen to-night, Turkey, ete, Masquerade Frida WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. --BEditoral Rooms ~--Johbin~ Department. Embossine and Engraving a specialty. passed Josiah Wedgewood We have some old Blue DINNER SETS of this celebrated maker, very quaint shape, regular price $9.75. --NOW-- $7.25 Robertson Bros. : from Trapper ToWearer AMCK AY Furs Jb fesreaco Fur Goats This Month Write for Catalogue. te John McKay 149-153 BROCK 8ST, KINGSTON ANNIVERSARY TEA. at Brock Street Methodist Church. tog of the Brock was held last The Strect night, affair. Ten was serw anniyersaty Methodist chy and proved a very pleasant There was a good attendance. 1 in the Sunday school room from 0 o'clock until 8, after which an adjournment was made to the church, wheres 4 short musical wogramime was carrind out, and ad- dres ven by Rev Dr. Crummy, mto, who preached on Sunday, and were Por 0 at both services C. E. Manning + ladies of Broel wld the str recora et. church for giv last night's af to hold their provided an ex tables were nicely ladies did noble the wants - of have alwa ing fine fair, good record for collent spregd. arranced, and work in. looking all present. Robert Meek was the chairman the evening, and in opening the pro- ceedings made an appropriate ad- dros The pastor, Rev. Dr. Eby, was pre nt. snd handed the programme over to Mr. Meck Rev. Dr. Crummy delivered his ad- dress gpfter the musical programme, which consisted of solos bev Miss Mit- they The the after of chell. Mrs. Evans. Miss Ada Rosevear and William Mhnhard. The solo of Mrs. Evans was exceptionglly good. t Mrs. Knonn presided gt the organ. Quinine wine temic ie sold at Gib son's Red Cross dru store. Tt is reported that one of the Que- bee city members of the Quebec legisla- tire is going to move for the abolition of the bar in the provincial parliament buildings. Pen-Angle Under wear is form-knit 80 it can't help fitting your figure, --it's made of long - fibred wool so it won't shrink --and it's guaran- teed besides. The HOME AGAIN 3 whole idea is to =. At spend idays, ns \ and yi? my oney ST want some, more. make it so good wood Ves, ord he Parte: ht 8" "Second-Hand you Sm t i hoe S Store, 898 Princess street. not to buy by the re One hundred men for railway eou- struction work chave left Lewis for Canada. Es <u seIeees Jtrademark (in * red). (EATER FUSS Out Of The § Ross Rifle Contracts. THE MOST EXPENSIVE The Defects in the Rifle Had Been Remedied--Efficiency Must Be the First Consideration--A Point as to Daniel Gillmor Senator. From Our Own Correspondent Ottawa. Jan. 15.1t looks as if the opposition intended to create a scan dal out of the Ross rifle contracts. At aly rate many questions have been asked this session regarding that im- plement; and yesterday they culming- ted in, Col. Worthington bringing the matter up in the commons, vesterday, in the form of a motion for an order of the house for 4 return, showing : "Reports of commissions, boards of inquir- inspections, of indi- vidual officers, to the government, or any member thereof, including reports from the comptroller, commissioner or any officer or member of the North West Mounted Police, the Dominion Rifle Association, any member AISI HcK SENT FOR TRIAL. reports or Woodstock, Ont., 15¢%+xMrs. Elmira Bates, was sent for trial on the charge of attempting to kill her son and daughter with an axe while they were lying in bed, on Sun- day morning. FAOIOIIIIN Jan. | FHEFEFFEEEHI ER thereof, or the iecreot. ov: the tonencrdaat. member of the Bisley team, rv the efficiency of the Ross rifle. Col, Worthingtcn severely criticized the Ress rifle. He described it as the most expensive in the world. and cast or any arding doubts upon its efficiency. The tests showed that it lacked endursnoe: © North-West Mounted Police had ceased using it, and the Canadian tea at Bisley had gbandoned it. rally had no faith in it, vested that the overnment conduct searching pub! The read from showing the incorporation of th Rifle company, with , o of 1,000,000, and People and he some colonel 1902 Ross stock Thomas Nicholls, talists as directors. estimgtes of Toronto cypi- Sir Frederick Borden explained that the company had never been organ ize], and there was no Ross Rifle-con pany. The government dealt sole I with Sir Charles Ross, Bart, as an individual, As to the Ross rifle it had been thoroughly tested by a com mission, headed by Colonel, now Gen Otter Some few defects hyd been pointed out, but they had since been H. Bergeron was inclined to doubt if Sir Charles Ross had ever in vested anv large sum of money. He had received large advances from the Dominion government, and very large bonuses from the city of Quebec. In reply to nuestions from Mr geron, the minister militia that the government paid $28 for all rifles, delivered, "anl had also advanced to the comryny estimates for ritles $221,000. Mr. Bergeron thought that the mil- itia was too expensive "What," he asked, "becomes of the old rifles ? Surely the militia were all armed be- fore the Ross rifles were being made. But if ten thousand new rifles are sued every year, what with the old ones ? larged every Ber- tated of on progress not vet delivered, ise Jone militia en to absorb is being Is the year in order the growing supply of rifle &, or are the old rifles thrown away Sir Frederick Borden was not quite clear on this point. Some old rifles were given to the cadets at schools and colleges. Hon, George E. Foster and Dy Daniell were in favor of home indus- tries, even at some slight increase in cost, but contended that the rifles is- sued to troops must first of all he of ficient. tion. The resolution carried. An interesting point will be raised in tonunection Sule Daniel Gillmor, Char- lotte county, N.B., one of the new senators: It seems that for vears Me. Gillie has been domiciled in Mont. real, retaining his connection with Chorlotte "county by keeping up sim- ply a summer home. Under section 23 of the B.N!A. aet, no person cai be appointed to the senate unless he be a resident of the province for which he is appointed. The legality, therefor of Mr. Gillmor's appdintment is called That was the main considera ited Statbs at Niagara Falls, with resvect to the agara River. and the waters of Royal Commission. Winnipeg, Jan. 15.--It is learned that the government will appoint a roval commission to enquire into the operations of fire insurance compan: ics in the provipee. - Venge Madrid, Jan. | school at Barcelon: kens, editor of the who are cliarged w the attempt to kill majosties were after their marie last, tion to secure thei scem to have large are .. expending that if all of the the Spamish royal hatched. in London. crooks by means of Clinton, Ind. and three ation was dif identific Should Steel Wo Windsor, Ont, from Harvey, ing for a si will ostablish plant if the United pany carries out w to be intention Sandwich. The Har to sav what be, put it is know of plant using stool. They are ally, with John acre tract. is Just la A Tax Put Up London, Jan. cently brought in a county Wales Miners' belonged, amount of a levy u to defray the expen and maintenance of parliament. The mi the decision of the the result that the have decided that legally make such members, court Hanged At Winnipeg. Jan. provincial jail. the murder of named this city, a Romanelli, last sprir manelli. plications to fill drockiville, Jan. fon, "Wav, i : tlers of South Crosby. mn question. : . followed the the evening session, vesterday. | put for some yoa A. Lancaster moved for opy Of | mada' hi honw all corre spondence ete. rw a to n a} twa dn the interests of Canada in the bound- | en ory line between Canada and the Un- Brockville, Jan inn conoregations Oxford Mills have Rev. B. D. Millar. | Radolph Koradi. years Swiss consul at Philadelphia, dead, aged ecighty-t said to be the world in point are carrying on roel MRS. E. M. An expert in erimiy the Boston detective: Jan, injured miners, Jan. Hlinois, te on which they suv a big their C 15. lian, was hanged in the yard at the here, this morning, for ocennhg tion pci Acts ance. 5.--The A, Mg ith King Alfonso on May an active release. age, ar 1 funds, jv. It family is HOLLAND nology who s how finger prints, victims ifficult. TO REAR PLANT, rks Be Loca at Sandwich. 15.~ are here t manufactur States Ste hat it is to build vey people industry 2 to In rge gagntities for urry a WAS QUITE LEGAL. on the ' Federation. 15.--A Welsh miner re- an unsuccessful aetion oe against the nade hy ses of the a local member ner county eourt, justices of aj trade unions a levy on Winnipeg. Macri, the . per _ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1907. SEEKING RELEASE. There May Be Further Fo a friends of Senor Ferrer, director of an ang archist Na: 3 atin, complicity in and Queen Victoria, with a bomb, as their returning from church 3st agita- hey which they is alleged prisoners are\ demmned they will be avenged by ther acts of violence report that a mew conspiracy against be! on- fur- Newspapers hore ing showed to gr ade POWDER EXPLODED AND CAUSED A BIG MINE DISASTER. Seven Dead Men Taken Out Along With Three Injured Ones-- Bodies Were Badly Disfigured and Somg Not Identified. 15.--Seven dead of an explosion, were taken from Mine No. 7. here, yesterday. The search for the other dead is continuing, but itis believed that all of the twenty men that were in the mine at the time of the explosion have been taken out. It is believed a miner set fire to a g¢ of powder by a spark from his d lamp, and the explosion ignit- as in the mine. The bodies of the dv al min were found badly burned and disfigured and in several cases ted Promoters look hey my 1 com believed near declima will some kind of negotiating condition 1.200. Miners' uth Federation, to which he to recover four shillings, the the union election { ol appealed from with il \ nw theie Ita- fellow-countryman, on st ng, Y onge until the the hangman's re the final appeal for a reprieve having failed. Ro far as can be learned, Maeri, denied having cansed-the death of Re The sheriff had a score of ap- last, The Late William Harrison. 15. ~Willigm Hgarri- Mr. in Portland. ghiors FUPTIVY >The 1 Kemptvilld extengled a venerable resident of Portland, aged nimetviour years. His parents were among the first smat- Harrison of a far rs had retired. mer and Four Call To Rev. = D. Miller. Preshy tor and a call to of Hawkesbury. for more than He wo years. oldest consul in of Fouts fifty in was the and service. WAS OPPOSED Chicago Wanted To Change Current. 10 GET ITS SEWAGE ---- Met Opposition at a Hearing ue fore Secretary Taft at Wash- ington--Would Reduce the Level of Waters Clear Down to the Ocean. Washington, plication to: re Calumet river, with a proper met opposition, hearing Jan. 15.~Chicago's ap rse the current of the to provide the city system of sewerage, yesterday, -- before Secretary Taft. The American Civie Association and the Lake Carriers' Association contend the proposal, if granted, would make a substantial reduction 'in the lével from the had of Lake Michigan to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Secretary Taft, Brigadier-General Alexander Mge- kenzie, chief engineer, and, Brigadier Gen. 0. H. Ernst, a member of the International waterways commission, took the matter under consideration. oh ™ * ¥* MANY SUCCEEDED. m wo * "$ London, Jan. 15.--Ac- -§ #¥ cording to a ublished W statement 1,171 children ¥ # were sent to Canada, in ¥ ¥. 1906, from the Barnardo ¥ 3% homes. Out of a total of & # 18,645 sent out 98} "per ¥ #¥ cent have succeeded. * * ~ HSOIIIISISISIISISIIIIIISIIION: BEGGAR YET RICH. Leit a Large Legacy to Diocesan Schools. Buda Pesth, Jan, 15.--~Buda Pesth's , ar priest" is dead, and the cap- ital '1 mmus a picturesque old man was a habitue of the boule: vards for five or six years, wearing the garb of a Roman Catholic priest and endeavoring to do little services for "those passers-by who were in the habit of handing him a contribution. He had a regular round of houses where he used to take his meals. Late at night he went to the general tele graph office, exchanged his copper for silver, smoked a pipe and then lay down near a radiator to sleep until morning. He was offered a home re pratedly by patrons and earned en ough by begging to hire a room or go to a lodging house, but he thought himself safer in a public office, "Here they won't rob me," he used to say. Of late he was too weak to pursue his usual life and the police persuaded him to go to an hospital. Yestorday he called for a notary and deposed what follows, giving documentary proof "Name, Dr. of theology, of canonical law. in grand mass there. Francis Gerlach, doctor philosophy and of For fifty years prelate Celebrated golden Then retired and came to Buda Pesth. ' Was airaid to touch his capital and became a beggar. Earned more as a beggar than as a prelate and was able to send a goodly sum to the pope every few months." The doe tor turned over to the notary deposits in banks and mortgages Anetnting to I diocese, 200,000 francs, all of which he od to the schools in his old diocese. Next day he died. NAIL IN THROAT. Child Worn Almost to Shadow, is Recovering. New York, Jan. 15.--A two and one- which had been con- ecvaled for nine months in the bron- chial tube of a two-year-old boy, has been discovered by means of Xsrays at Beth Israel Hospital, .and has been successfully removed. The child, Isi- dor Berkowitz, was seized with a chok- ing fit nine months ago. Doctors found the throat clear, and specialists to whom the child was taken could discover nothing to account for convulsivg choking sensation which he continually sul The child, worn almost to a #ha- dow, was given up as lost until, Beth Israel Hosmital, an X-ray ture disclosed the bronchial tube, Since the the nail, the child's recovery sued. half inch nail, from is James Ingraham FEavenson, one the leaders in the litigation for The Standard Cil company, Be vou nearly omt of coal? Try Swift's thie time, and vote the differ: ence, Rusvia's provieiohal | budget shows a deficit of over $120,000, 000, . The | V1 the at pic- nail in the right removal of as- of the £20,000. 000 Ingraham estate in Eng- land, died at Philadelphia on Sunday. its sub: sidiary eOmpanies and principal shave- holders have been indicted at Findlay, ths Colorado river to keep its chan- SANE GIRL IS PRISONER. Immured By Relatives Who Re- sented Latter's Favoritism. Paris, Jan. Bo -A oung domestic of Dijon, after ne tin, an asy- lam_for over wr s, has been recognized as Sp sane rw) set at liberty. It wars that the young woman, Clementine Humbert, became a great favorite with her mistress, who made her numerous presents, This mace the relatives envious, and thev. it is alleged, had the girl taken off to an asylum. On the way, however, she succeeded in CSCapang. A ig days later she was sent for by the maye: of Dijon, and while her mistress and legal adviser, wha ae- compgnied her, were closeted with the mavor, Clomentine was seized and conveyed. to the madhouse. After two months' confinement she - war liberated, but ordered to leave Dijon immediately, under threat of in- aoain arrested as msane. Mile. Humbert has decided to bring an action for illegal detention. FAST SERVICE. -- If Government Grants $1,000,000 Subsidy. Ottawa. Jan. 15.--Robert Bicker dike, M.P., speaking with respect to the proposed fast service between Halifax and Blackshod Bay, Treland, says that every thing depends upon the government, There is a statutory of: fer of $750,000 annually for a twen- tv-knot service, and if this is increas. ed to one million dollars per annum the syndicates hove to have the line in operation within two years from next spring. A GREAT PLUNGE. A TRAIN JUMPED A VERY WIDE CHASM. With Full Head of Steam En- gineer, Feeling Earth Slipping "Loops the Gap," Saving Lives. Stoubenville, 0., Jan. 48.~The ner vy action of Engineer Charles McCabe of the Wabash railroad, saved much y and human life, on the West , aide of the Mingo With a full head of stein on, and engine wheels, he rushed his train swiftly over a big slip of earth. All but the caboose and six cars got over the hill, and one brakesman, who was in the caboose, was injured by jump- ing. When his engine, going west, reach ed the pit where the slip was starting he felt the earth give. and knowing something was wrong, he opened the throttle, gave the danger whistle-- and a race to cross the space was on. The «lip is 700 feet long and Hity feet high. The ground was a fll on quicksand formation. So much eakth had fallen that it had filled up West Creek and. forced the coumse of stream out into a cornfield. days will be required . to repair slip. the May Succeed Mr. Ross, London, Jun. 15.--Ever since it was announced that Hom. George W. Ross was to go to the senate, there hys been some speculation in West Middle- sex regarding the choice of a' libergl candidate for the riding. Severyl names have been mentioned iheluding Messrs. Alexgnder Stuart, K.C., of this city; Duncyn « Ross, Strathroy, son of the exspremier; J. C. Elliott, of Glencoe, and Malcolm MeGuigan, M.P. for South Middlesex. Mr. Mc- Guigan, it is said, can have the no mination if he desires it, but he pre fers to keep out of politics. The Elks At Hamilton. Hamilton, Jan, 15.~The local lodge of The Elks has gone out of business and the furniture and pargphernalia has been sold. The announcement has caused a surprise, as the organisation seomed to be flourishing, and many prominent citizens were among its members. It has been in existence about two vears. The prime egquse of disbanding the lodge was the fact that officers could not be secured and interest fell away. Wanted Her Uncle's Wooden Leg. London, Jan, 16.--~A woman applied to the Eton . Union guardians yester- day, for the wooden leg, which was worn for years by her uncle, who died in the workhouse, - Her request was granted, and the waman took the leg home with her. From Palace To Cottage. Essex Needlework ven ittle Essex. girls London, Jan. 18.--The Halstead (Essex) grammar school for boys has just been 'closed after = 300 years of useful work, Junction |. while the earth was slipping under ite | the | Four , London, Jan. ¥6.~Two pink woolen petticoats of beautiful erochet-work, made by the Princess of Wales for the Guild, have heen as Christmas presents to twa. at Havering-atte-Bower; pe a Jan, 8. arr EE RE ie Last week we were sell Ladies' Coats at prices that have made great h¥les in this section. : We are going to do even better on Coats for Hh little ones. ; We are strictly within the confines of truthful assertion when we say the values in this sale are better thap | ever. We continually strive to make each slo better COATS up to $3.75, at, $2. COATS up to $4.50, at $2.50. COATS up to $5.50, at $3. COATS up to $6.50, at $3.25. Inspiring Values, Call and see them: SALES FOR CASH: ~~ ~ DIED. ib on pL ade beled TUS A he tela GARDE. ~In ere Ja 1907, Benjamin Francis ade. ef a ong § ness nephew of 4 John Ward, Johnson and Syd nha »! (Montreal napers please copy.) ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER ) "Phone 577, 297 Princess =n TO-NIGHT WEE presents . The Beaut Pastorial Drama The Village Parson Original New York Cast. al wis! 16-26.36-50 ¥gthine at, Seats an Sale Saturday, Jan. 19th COLE: AND" J SON' 00." Bible Society A, MEETING OF 7 Sodiely will he held church, tormorrow, WE evening at 8 o'clock. Hassard, Field Secretary, ich il be E. 0; Si Sat. The Y.M.OA. buskness. boys " Dashate' ball games last night Toulteg as, follows : Cra in favor of McCullough by score to 9; Abernethy vs. Eonar, The officials - ie 39 counts i z - won by default: hie, on wy cunts, (« are already | Eighty-Three Years In One House. | Roferce, H. Warwiok; umpire out in British Columbia, to help con- Manchester, Jan. 16.--An inquest | Bews: - timekeeper and scorer, tect the provincial elections in forty- | Was held yesterday at Walkden. Man: Coward. three constituencies, * | chester, on Mise Aon Grundy, eighty. rE An R500 ton steamer for the upper three years old, of Dack Salford, British naval and. tary experts luke trade is to be built for the Ham Walkden. who "had lived in the same {are Aryiny a scheme: ilton and Fort William Navigation house all her life. Her death was caus- | agains poe Sompant. ih : aif ed by:a fall. Sadia ATE or og for /fnenaces. President Roosevelt has asked con- grass to spend $2,000,000 in forcing School Closed Aftér 300 Years.