Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1907, p. 7

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REAKER Jth ver offered you such store a general over- em, but 'we would Il other other goods ear Le ' ack Cheviots, . and ercoats, latest style, lar $8.50, $9 4.95 nd $12.50 Overcoats, nd dark tweeds and made fitters. "6.95 of Fine Overcoats, rmonts, perfect in Jur regular $16.50, 3.75 5 of the highest Rt 1 00 or some person-- one dyed Wombat ld for less than the prices. | Overcoats wrmot linings (dar'. otter Sollazs, all- i raver shells, h $42.50 29 d XE) : Du want one, anufacturer's prices. TUESDAY. JANUARY 8. ------ an a-- _DATLY ARITA Wire, a NewYork Chinese Restaurant AT cave viwoEwT. | ge sy 83 Princess Street MIGHTY PROJECT, w the Carleton eton Toland Mayor | Open from 10.30 a.m. to 2.00 am. The best plac to wet am all round Lunch in the city, Meals of all kinds on shortest motice: English and Ohinose Wishes a specialty. H. JERVAS, 220 Prinosse Street Home-made Fresh Oandy every day special for Christmas and New Year's. Nite Mixtures, 10c. Ib, 25¢., and also Candy Iba | Chocolates, 20¢c.. 40c, Ganong's | and Lowney's, in boxes. Come and you'll be satisfied. New Enzland Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street i 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. | best place to an all round Lane in the city. eals of all kinds on shortest notice. Fuglish and Chinese Dishea a specially. 'Phome, 655. 10% Discount to Students Razors, Razor Strops, Hones, Shaving Brushes and Knives a Specialty Strachan's Hardware "Significant and Inter- esting to Prospective Assurers." The Blue Book for (1905) Shows that "The surance Company" Cash Profits to its Policyholders in 1905, $1,194,689.45. While in the same | vear 21 Canadian Companies, 14 Bri- | tish Companies, and 16 American, in | all 51 other companies operating in Canada, paid by wav of Cash Profits to their Policyholders, $1 022.895 02, which shows that "The Canada Life Assurance Company" paid more to its Policyholders than the other 51 Companies put together. The Canada Life, for each 5 years of its 60 vears experience, has added a Bonus Addition of $1,000 to .every- 810,000 insurance in force. Full information how a would shape for you cheerfully at the office, 18 Market street, ton. Canada Life As- paid by way of | Policy given Kings- J. 0. HUTTON, Manager| Telephone 703. JR. URQUHART, 1353 Alfred St., Guih oy Special Agel, LL Agent. aval When You Buy COAL. From Montreal Herald. to maintain its supremacy against the Cp W's vigorous and aggressive pol- icy minister of authority for a ronto, from Port Unioh to th Wednesday, Canadian will also be considered. ada. | one. per cent, distance | in rear. | in operating gate mentioned is not far short of $10,000,000. The route runs along the lake shore at the foot of the blufis until the line strikes Munro Park. There it goes inland for about 400 feet and continucs at that distance from the lake through Toronto's Do- minion Park. It sweeps along south of Woodbine, along the 150 foot road- { way on the north of As shbridge's Bay | | and across the Don at the present Yougetgenuine Scranton as hey | handles nothing ? : : i P. WALSH TRTLTRSTRATLTERTRT RETR ® Kingston Business Gollege (LIMITED) Queen Canada, devoted to higher Comn- Evening time. Individual instruction. Dav and sscs. Enter at env Rates. moderate, Attend Head of street, Kingston, mercial and Shorthand education. the best. All Commercial subjects taught. H. F. METCALFE, Prin. A IA Bonus of $750.00 | of $750.00 i gineering staff for | work under his direction, (per $10,000 ASSURED) was added to life and endowment policies for the five years ending 31st December, 1904, and it is noteworthy that this rate of Bonus has heen maintained unbroken for the long period of 40 YEARS. > For particulars 3 a Life Insurance Policy, apnly to ROYAL INSURANGE €0°Y (of Liverpool, ENGLAND.) W.J B. White, Agent, Kingston AUCTION SALES Book at once with the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS "BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and is mow open to the travelling oublic. ~ TELFER Proprietor THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SQCIETY. - ESTABLISRED 1863. President--Str Richard Satwrtgnt Money loaned on Sity gpa Fu a LE | after spending '| young men, B. HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN BY| G.T.R. CO, $10,000,000 Scheme For the Im- provement of the Main Line Between Montreal and Toronto | week, about 125 being present. --Will Bridge Part of Lake Front. The Grand Trunk is fighting grimly in Ontario. The company has submitted to the railways application for deviation of their main ling between Monten) i To- Don, thus avoiding the heavy rdionts of the present road mear Scarboro Heights. The minister will hear the application at a public sitting on the 16th in&t., when the ' Northern's proposal to build a line from Toronto to Ottawa The Grand Trunk project is the boldest and most gigantic piece of railway building that has ever en- gaged the attention of railway man- agers in the older provinces of Can- The G.T.R. main line over Scarboro Heights has an ascending gradient of from Port Union for a of five miles, and from' the rump of the hill the declivit- stretch- es all the way to the Don. This means an enormous loss of power. Heavy trains have to be hauled over the heights with engines in front and It is true.that the difficulty the system has been | greatly reduced since the double- tracking and levelling down of the steepest and most troublesome pro- tuberaiices some years ago. What the Grand Trunk now propose is to build a dooble track line along the lake shore, right under the bluffs skirting "the coast line in part and crossing the arms of the lake on tres- tles in other parts. It is held to be one of the most dar- ing schemes over conceived by a rail- way engineer, but it would give the Grand Trunk a double track, practic- ally on a dead level all the way irom Port Union to Toronto. As to cost, some sections would in- volve, it is said, an expenditure of $1,000,000 per mile, while the aggre- rand Trunk tracks near Cherry street. it goes through the beach district track will be laid on an embank- and where it crosses the city strects it will be car- ried over on bridges. In this way the Grand Trunk means to maintain®its supremacy in Ontario, bidding defiance to all competitors. The plans for this colossal under- taking have been prepared under the direct supervision of F. H. McGuigan, fourth vice-president, who has an en certain kinds of apart from the \ ment sixteen feet high, that of the chief engineer. Mr. McGuigan is at present in the western part of the system, but it is reported that for a considerable time he has given this question the most careful consideration. It is the big gest thing the Grand Trunk has had in Kind for many a day. tet. Watch Rheumatism Go. The action of Dr. Hall's Fheumatic Cure is direct and 'positive, and. re sults are similar in nearly all cases. First. a lessening of the symptoms are noted, there is less pain and soreness and more freedom of the muscles. Then comes a gain in general hee alth. The sufferer knows he is getting better and feels he will be cured. Time re quired to cure varies according to the duration of the disease and general condition of the patient. ' But those who use the remedy faithfully will have constant 'improvement to cheer them and will soon know they are be- ing made sound and well. Price 50c. Ten days' treatment at Wade's Drug Store. -------- Burridgs Breezes. Burridge, Jan. 5.--A party was held at E. Madden's New Year's evening. A large crowd attended a bee cutting wood at Mrs. T. Crozier's. Dame Rumor says a wedding in the near fu- ture. Messrs. Teddy and T. Mulville the holdays with Mrs. P. McCann, have returned to their positions in Ottawa and Kingston. Visitors : Miss J. O'Connor, at E. Hickey's; Miss E. McAllister at E. Goldens; T. Golden at S. Hickey's One of Burridge"s most esteemed Badour, has returned from Cobalt. The choice of royalty candy, Mec- Conkey's, is sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. R. A. McLean, son of A. B. McLean, South Elmsley. has been appointed to the staff of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, Mr. McLean is an honor graduate in classics of Queen's Univer- sity. E-------- Does fit Doesn't shrink Doesn't itch. Made for men, wo- men and little folks, of styles, and prices, a fabrics 'dates and to avoid . Was Elected. i Cape Vinoesnt, N.Y., Jan. 5.~The | {Odatalows hela a ball on New Year's | | night. Aside from hard colds there is | but little sickness in the village. 'the | | Koresters held a very enjoyable card | party at their rooms 'I hursttay of last | rrank | Wagner won the first prize and Ward Dunning the booby prize. | Benjamin Jackson was elected may or | of Curleton Island on Wednesday of | this week. 'there were seven candi a tie the names | were placed in a bat and the last one | drawn out was appointed mayor. Ma- yor Sackett, of this village, was de- signated to do the drawing. The elec- | tion was held in the store of Burdick | | & Anmstrong. ! The supper given by the King's Daughters at the Firemen's hall last | Friday evening attracted about a hun- | dred children to that place. Captain Harvey Howard, who has | been in command of the steamer Rut- land for the past season, has returned | to his home in this village. Daniel W. ig of Kingston, is at the Cape. L. i . Mance, of Watertown, spent Tues- | Ny with Cape relatives. D. M. Rice | spent several days last week with re- | latives at Watertown. Miss lLaella | Bodette has returped from \uams, ! where she spent the holiday racatisa. Fred. Strong, of Watertown, syent | Sunday with his mother, Mrs. V Strong, in this village. Not finding it a paying "venture | Richard Kesler has closed jjis-store in the Grappotte block. January Ist Attorney J. W. Cor | naire, of this village, succeeded F. | T. Evans, of Carthage, as special county surrogate. Walter and Char! les Allen, who are employed in Water' town, came down from Watertown to! attend the Oddfellows dance Tuesday evening. The annual meeting of Cape Vincent agricultural society will be held at Jerome's hotel on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 12th 1 Attorney George R. Grant, of Bui- falo, is spending the holidays with his | parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Grant, this village. . Mr. Grant has for his partner in the law business. Leonard | Webb, well-known in this village. About the first of last October C. A. Collins purchased fine pullets of the brown Leghorn variety that have pro- | duced since that time 125 eggs. Mr. Collins says that at the present he is | getting from three to five eggs a dav. Miss Mabel McEvoy, of Brownville, | who has heen the guest of Miss | Georgia Merchant, has returned to her | home. . t FASHION'S FORM. Advance or Model For Serge Linen. The gown wcmeted was of cream white serge, the guimpe and under sleeves being of batiste embroidery and Irish lace. The bodice had the backs and front joined at the shoul ders by straps of the cloth, edged with a row of narrow soutache, a silk crochet button being placed at the end of each strap. The "form" about the yoke and armholes was of the serge braided with "cream sou tache., The sleeves had wip of the serge, under which were frills of the batiste and lace. The skirt was laid in a double box. plait in the middle } of the front, over each hip nnd in| the middle of the back. News From Fhilipsville. Philipsville, Jan. 7.--D. P. Alguire and wife, of Westport, are the guests of his mother and sister. Mrs. E. A Whitmore spent a few days with her brother, W. L. Phelps in the general hospital, Brockville, where he has | been for the past eighteen weeks, un- der treatment for typhoid fever, The farmers are very busy hauling wcod logs, heading and getting out manure. The Philipeville dheese factory made cheese for the last time for 1906, on Friday, January 4th, having had a very prosperous year Mra, William Tapping, presented her husband with a fine boy a few days ago. Fdw:rd Wood will work Mortimer Brcwn's farm the coming year. John Schofield has purchased what is known as the Jacoh Day farm, near Chantry, and will take possession in March. Charles Blackman will move from the Stevens {farm in March, to Seeley's Bay. Wil- liam Stevens will take possession of the old homestead. J. V. Philips is confined to his room with a heavy cold. Hiram Lamming is under the doctor's care with typhoid fever. Miss Dora Carr, daughter of Nathan Carr is under the doctor's care and his son Malcolm, has heen in bed for the past two weeks. Mrs, H. M. Brown lost one of hér valuable team, through in- flammation of the stomach. Twenty-five cents for a bulb syringe during the January rub- ber goods sale at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, opposite Whig office. . J. Dempsey. Calabogie, and Alex anrler Morris. Pembroke, after the shrievalty of Renfrew. A big bottle of cough syrup, posed of wild cherry and tar, a cure for coughs and colds, only 20c, are com- at Wade's Drug Store! fifty cent - ERE RESTORED Below is given the testimony of a famcus artist whose health has been restored. by if you are ail'ng to-day, scores of preparations claim your attention. Why should you prefer Bilea s? There ar? several reasons. First, because they are specially compounded} from rare vegetable es ences. Then because they act directly on the most important organs of the body tte liver and :tomach. Bec.u.e they are mild in operation. Because medical] practitior ers, art's's. nurses, housewives und men and women of wide experience have proved over} and over again that Bileans permanently cure all liver and stomach diso-ders. Because Headache, | Indigestion, Bitiousness, Female A'lments, Const'pation, Piles, etc., all originate from a certain orb d condi ion of Lhe liver, digestive system and vicod. Bileans cure these and other ailments by getting right back at the root cause and correcting matters there. Now note Mr. Hand's experience below :-- Mr. Arthur R. Hand, of W oodgreen Place, Toronto, the well known artist and teacher of --I was! very ill some months ago with acute Indigestion and Attacks of pain followed food. There was a constant feeling of nacomfortable full. ness in the stomach, pains in the chest and under the shoulder blades and rifting and belohing of gas. I had constipation so badly that no medicines scomed to have any effect on the bowels. 1 dieted a great deal, but the slightest food brought the same distress. "You can well imagine that as I§ + did not digest my food properly my strength rapidly left me. Bileans were brought to my attention but I determined to give them a trial. doses I got a little relief and I persevered with the remedy, giving it a fair trial. 1 left off everything else and in a short time found a wonderful difference. end Bileans cured me completely, Bileans. Liver Disorder. Indigestion, Cured are in cass of Indigestion, Constipation and allied ailments. the following experience of a British Columbia man and his wife shows their value in cases of kidney disease. When the kidneys are diseased, impurities are forced into the blood which should be expelled from the system, and being carried to the head by the circulation cause sick headache, nausea, dizziness, ete. ; W. B. Haines, of Shortreed, B. C,, snys:--My wife and I have been taking Bileans for some times. They have cured me of Kidney trouble and my wife of sick headache. I bad had kidney trouble for 20 years, but now believe that I am entirely cured. Please find enclosed $2.50, for which send me six boxes of Bileans, I believe they are a splendid family medicine." tive disorders. a box, or frou Toronto, for $29 50. mailed you. I ¥ NXW Nt O oS RR NN :Q NPR a NS . rs R i 4 7 : + A 3 y ARCHIE 4 MIXIOTA Le xwann puto ; on GAZeY we crmeess VIRMN Baw woo Whar as go), di iy RESTON SIFTON | SE [ovina ev mood Somes weeny o* CAMERON |p ® FT es Dia OO Fen $183 | » freed 7a fusrie ROBLIN 4 PRCSS DEC 221906 painting on glass, china, ete, says: Bileans Cure constipation, Kidney Di:ease and Sick Headache Completely piles general debility, anemia, omale ailments, rheumatism, blood impurities, liver and Just as the foregoing case shows how effective Bileans ~~ Kidney complaiut, headache, dizziness, wind, oolds and chills, *'those shivering feel' ings," and all liver and diges. Bileans are sold by all druggists at 50 cents m Bilean Co, for price, 6 boxes FREE BOX Send this coupon and 1 cent stamp to Bilean Co., Toronto, and free trial box will be SR J ° Now my food digesta very nicely and my bowels act. ** Boforo I took Bileaus my food did me no good, and | was losing weight, mouths, through the use of this valuable remedy, increase, too, is not useless fat, but sound, healthy flesh." | Sd 1 LIOUSNESS IE BILEANS I was very weak and emaciated when From the first few Each day I got bettor and better, and in the ite tually. ty. a few my weight increased from 19510 165 Ths. This =" FOR oem EAE WEAN PIMPLES ES AND ALL LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLES . The Telephone Vote in Manitoba ! This map shows the result of the vote in Manitoba on the pro- posal for a Government and « Municipal Telephone System. The white spaces are the muni. cipalities which carried the Tele- 'phone By-law. pghe shaded spaces are those which" rejected the By- law. Carried by 55 Municipalities. Rejected by 68 Municipalities. * GANANOQUE ELECTIONS. Harry Keyworth, of llion, N.X., al ter spending the holiday season here For Councillors and Trustees-- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Key- : . worth, Osborne . street, has returned. Skating Incident. George A. Whitmarsh, who has been dan. R."lhe municipal six councillors and three took place yesterday. Gananoque, cleotions for school trustees a couple of weeks with his Dr. Bedell, of Merrick- has returned to town. spending daughter, Mrs, ville, seven candidates were in the field for the council and five for the board of When The Next Cold Starts education, Considerable intercst: was : : . manifested and a keen fight made. The | Procure immediately a package of result of the vote for councillor was : Wade's Cold Care Tablets (Laxative). Ex-Mayor W. N. Rogers, 371; John This remedy will cure the cold in 12 Mundén 365: W. J. Gibson, 344; James hours and leave you in better condi Donevan M. McParland, 7; 7p. | tion than before the cold began. The De 'a00: W. Y. Bovd, 283. The | remedy is also a positive cure for La empster, SU . . ya, Headache: Sonotipa tion, Nn last named drops out. For the board of education the vote 25¢. Sold only at Wade's Drug tood as follows : A. H. Mabee, L.D.S Store Money back if not satisfac- Loo as « XR « 2 » sD, * A. Watt, 419; W. F. Latimer, { 'O . 317; W. J. Reid, 2H; E. X. Belnois, 70." The two latter drop Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store has 0. i The town will therefore be represen- the only real January rubber goods ted for the year 1% bv: J. A. Me sale. It pays to buy rubber goods da Britton. ros there. Cammon, mavor; (. E. Britton, reeves i iW . $ : r Pest co W. J. Sadler J - sputy-reeve; W. N. At the residence. "oF: Sa Y 3B. McMurchy,' deputy. reeve Renfrew. on December 27th, D. H. John Munden, W. J. Gibson, M. McParland and T, ! Rogers, Melellan, Frontenac, and Winnie E. James Donevan, B.., voungest dg aughter of W. J. SBad- Dempster, councillors. A. Mabee, lor. wata united in" marfiage. LDS, C. A. Watt, and W, F, Lati- | _ mp mer, trustees. . C.E. Britton and J. B. McMurchy If A Dys tic, Use Hutch. represent the municipality at the coun tv ecoungil board "Not a foul smelling, nasty tasting dose," but a palatable, appetizing cor- On Saturday afternoon, while Miss | rector of acidity, heartburn apd wa- Hazel Wright and Mr. Harper, of the | ter-brash. It washes away fermenting Bank of Toronto, were enjoying a | matters, and the tough mucus that skate between Ormiston's Island and coats the dvspeptic's stomach, leaving Miss Machar's cottage on the main | it clean, ' refreshed and ready to di shore, they broke through the ice and | gest proper food. It's a doctor for ten got a ducking. Fortunately the water | conts. If you can spare $1 vou can was not very deep and they managed | buy 200. By mail from Woodward | to get out without assistance, |e bemical Co., Bridgeburg, Ont, A As we intend our show raoms. large stock, we are going to sell it off at "ost. A chance for everybody to get something that will last a life thon as our Furniture wears likeiron. ; : ad And not wishin J The* Leading Undertaker, Ripe Pineapples Ripe Fst) A. Jd. REES, 166 Princess Street. BIG IMPROVEMENT SALE DIO DIO IO HO +O +O GLO GIP enlarging and maging extensive improvements to, g to be placed to the expense of removing our AMES REID "Phone 147, Freight and Packing Fr New Cocoanuts

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