Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1906, p. 4

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Bonus of $750.00 A Te $10,000 ASSURED Lu MaSUR) ih ied i Sve Years ending 31st December, # it is noteworthy that this rate Bonus has been maintained RS for the long period of 40 "pa of 1 ering ho Life Insuratice i ROYAL INSURANCE CO0'Y (of Liverpool, ENGLAND.) W. J. B. White, Agent. Kingston mouse ORCHESTRA : THE BUSY ONE. Out-of-Town engagements accepted: iolin, Viola, Cello Instruction. : By H. MERRY. City. 'Telephone \L's wore we pay Attention or | : : & z 3 2 COTTAM 82 Bathurst most g! beautiful and attractive. wi faction. ; CURE BY THE Rov, ~CUTICURA REMEDIES : Sem-------- "i Se leis oF a 2 and a few i whioh roduoed a severe ching irtation, and it deal of anno; i i E siEF ; HE it s & 5 3 > : = 5 g i i g F § £ ft F i E THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE grt are ah Sidney und biad. + surfaces--tones frritated. up the and caresall troubles. Cures Rheumatism Too. Tue Crarum CrmmicaL Co, Lumen, Wmoson Gwe. * & Naw Yom "That Dyes! POLE 'jthat's the name the maki succemsful dyeing RO Sanp that males si ul, safe. ~ The colors are fast and brilliast. It dyes to 0 streaks. No mess or h NN tronble, Give i" . 4 ypole real feast (reat with cleanly * Maypole"! Made in Ragland, dul sold ever a oc for colors. s3¢ for black, WINDSOR TABLE SALT won't cake. It is PURE--clean, dry crystals that disolve ingtantly. Perfect for the table. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION hd buying. 5 BIRD SEED St., Loudon, Ont. Ladies! Wa invite you to visit our establish- You 'will be delighted with the Kirts and Coats tailored by us. e the most 1- workman- the most exquisite designs, the rdceful models and the result is ° ran a perfect fit, ork, latest styles and complete satis Ou can supply their own , or 'secura them from the Company. art stic . Our orices nra moderate. Money return. od, il not satisfactory. : The American Ladies' Tailoring Co jl 261 Princess { F. A. METZ, » 'Phone, 556. bv and | Designer Hon. R. F. Green. chief commission- of lands and works for British Col- umbin, has resigiiad shis-portiolio, for 3 1 hoe w : 24 .- EC n-day: stamps or cotn. Address Attached 1s one of the best Job Print- ing offices in : rapid, Joh pelt, cheap work ; nine improved presses. Tae British Whig Publishing Co., Limited EDW. J. B, PENSE, 3 Director. Daily Whig. Intercolonial Pension Scheme. The government is about to estab- lish a pension system for the benefit of the Intercolonial - railway * em- ployecs. Some of these have been for a very long time connected with the road, and are advanced in years. They have, indeed, reached the period when they should be retived, and the minjster in charge of the railway, Hon. Mr. Emmerson, has hesitated about making changes which would entail serious personal inconvenience. There is a superannuation scheme in connection with the civil service, but singularly enough it does not affect this railway, which has always been a public enterprise or utility. Now it is proposed to adopt a plan by which every old servant of the government, on the Intercolonial, will be provided for when the age limit outlined in the proposed law removes him from active service. The proposal iF The more ne- ceptable in that it will clear the way, without any hardship, for the reor- ganization of the railway force so that certain economies so long anticipated by the minister may be carried out. The pension fund will be created by sontributions from the men and from the government, and in such sum or sums as will guarantee substantial aid to those who require it. The scheme is one which has been carefully worked out, and will, in practical op- | eration, give the highest satisfaction. {t should receive the hearty endorse- ment of parliament, Women In Politics. Women have been the faithful help- meets of some of the men who have seached political distinction. The wives of Disraeli and Gladstone con- tributed to their = success more than any one can realize, though the pens of their biographies have not failed to do them justice. The leaders in parliament have their own cares and trials, and they can appreciate the sympathy, "yea the encouragement, which they find at times when great courts are transpiving. The men ine British public life whose names will live in history owed much to their wives and the inspiration which they rave in many a political crisis. The press of to-day is giving to the veople a glimpse into the private life of Gambetta, whose political career in France was so very brilliant. There was a woman with whom he talked over the incidents of the day, before whom he Jaid all his worries and vexations, all his trials and triumphs, to whom he indited letters and in them depicted with graphic lines the smotions of his soul. Who can read these letters without realizing the adoration he paid to her, and the in- fluence she had upon his life ? It is a woman who has affected the life of another public man, this time willy. Hon. Mr. Green, commissioner of lands in the British Columbia gov- swnment; has gone out of it, and for its good. He gave to this woman in- formation regarding .the Grand Trunk Pacific terminus that enabled her to get an option on Kaien Island land, which the company had to buy. She fortune by the deal. As lobbvist in the legislature she has had her powers felt, and a contem- porary qrestions if she will not prove the Nemesis of the McBride govern- ment. Women in politics become, then, an teresting study. They are not good or conducive to good. be a marvel if they were. made a a all It would Substitute For The Council. The object of the Ontario Medical Council is to keep out of practice those who are not qualified foryit. The college is exactiig enough in its tests and is supposed to guard the profes sion from the injury one could work upon it by inefficiency and unfitness. The collegm graduate, is, however, oc- casionally found wanting, not because he is uneducated, but because some questions strike him oddly and he does not do himself justice in the answering of it. Thus the medical council, by an independent examina- tion and examiners of its own, certi- fies that those who pass it are capa- ble of the service that is expected from them. Incidentally the licensee of the council is bound to observe cer- tain etiquette that will guard snd protect the honor of. the profession. Since the medical council, as in the Crichton case, is disposed to act im- prudently, to reach conclusions that are not justifisd by the facts, would it not be advisable that the govern- ment its functions, appoint its examining boards, and have the licens- ing' of .physicians done by an inde- pendent and impartial system ¥ the Crichton case. It is a serious thing to drive a man out of business, to deprive him of the chance 1c make living by the calling for which he is destructive 'would satisfy the average man who is both sane and just. Notes. What did you get in your stocking ? A million dollars went in Christmas presents in Montreal. How much you think was spent in Kingston ? do Do you favour ticket scalping ? If so Mr. Maclean, M.P., would like to hear from you. He stands practically alone on the question. Aldermpn Hoag has not yet ac counted for the manner in which he dodged the votes on the license ques- tion in 1904 and 1905. But he is cer tainly the artful dodger. St. Thomas is paying off" some of the general municipal indebtedness with the earnings of the electric plant, Isn't this rough on the electric power and light consummers ¥ The teleph: scheme has been re jected in a majority of the municipali- ties in Manitoba. Which is the result of trying to turn a purely municipal question into a political one. = The Mail says the liberals of Mani- toba opposed the public telephone sys- tem. Oh no. They simply opposed the efforts of the Roblin government make the question a party one. to -- The department of vital statistics, in Toronto, has offended the doctors by providing that the death certificates which they sign must be countersigned by the medical health officer. What is there wrong about that ? Accounts agree that the 'Christmas trade this season was the best many years. "The times," said one merchant, who is usually an authori ty, "were never so good as now, and never before have so many of the people lived on Easy street." in The Catholic Register is after H.C. Hockin of the Orange Sentinel and a candidate for the board of control in Toronto. The Register persuaded that. no Catholic can vote for a candi- date who is so inconsiderate of them usually. Time will tell whether the Register possesses the spirit of pro- phecy. is Patrick, the murderer, who had his sentence of death commuted to im- prisonment for life, has had an awak- ening. He is dissatisfied with the 'clem- ency that has been shown him and wants to go to the electric chair. He ought to have his wish. He doesn't deserve the consideration he has been shown. Cement Convention. The National Association of cement users has held two conventions, in 1905 at Indianapolis, in 1906 at Mil- waukee, and will hold its third and greatest in Chicago at the great building formerly known as Tattersalls and now the army of the 7th Regi- ment having 25000 square feet of floor space, during the week of Janu- ary Tth to 12th, will be assembled ex- hibits of the products of the great cement mills, cement machine manu- facturers, and kindred industries. Ma- chines will be exhibited in operation, making building stones, bricks and the other things in which cement now leads the world. Each morning and evening, in the banquet' hall of the auditorium hotel, the best posted men in the country will read papers cover ing. such subjects as the best in- gredients for concrete, the hest me- thods of mixing, making sidewalks and pavements, of waterproofing con- crete; how to make cement castings, how to get artistic results, Every architect, engineer and contractor could with advantage to themselves and the people at large, take a week's vacation for this convention. The rail- road passenger associations make a special rate for the round trip. The secretary of the association is W. W. Curtis, 334 Dearborn street, Chicago. Power Of The Press. The Woman's Home Companion, New York, took up the cause ot child labor reform and 1 cqoperation with the National Child Labor committee plan- ned a series of investigations, with the idea of first telling our readers the truth about child labor and then en- listing their active support in reform measures. A corps of trained investi- gators was sent to every important industrial centre in che country and the results of their investigations have appeared. Feeling on the part of readers led to the formation of the Anti-Child Slavery League, which has attained a membership of many thous- and earnest men and women repre- senting every state. The league is now an integral part of the National Child Labor committee, and the Woman's Home Companion, is the official result of publicity is seen through the the tremendously increased interest of the people in child labor. President Roosevelt announced in the January number where hestood on reforms, pnd also has made an earnest recom- mendation to congress, that steps be taken to abolish the evil. Principal Rainy Dead. Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 26.--Rev. Robert Rainy, principal of New Col- lege, "Edinburgh, died here. He was born in 1826. Rev. Robert Rainy was one of the most prominent clergymen in Great Britain. Seizure Of Unfit Meats. London, Dee. 26. London's medical health officer reports 1,901 tons of meat seized as umfit 'for food in the various eity markets during the vear There must not be a repetition of «nded yesterday. : SPIRIT OF THE PRESS trained and ochicated. Something less mouthpiece of child labor reform. The | : Prince Edward's Kickers, Toronto Star. When tory. members ment talk of - Prince. Edward scoeding it reminds many a man of his boyhood days when he threatened to rin away from home because they wouldn't give him two picees of pie. rh Look Out For Squalls, Ottawa Free Press. bremier Whitney and his ministers purpose asking the legislature to con- sent to an increase of their silanes. Had their predecessors in"office done this, how it would have been told and retold along the back concessions by very men who are now hoping to benefit from the increase. The Boss Again. Hamilton Times. + In St. Catharines dhe tory member supporting a liberal for the mayoralty and the Standard, the tory organ, reads him, out of the party." Is boss rule in municipal politics becoming de- cadent ? Sir Charles' Foresight. Brantford Expositor. Sir Charles Tupper sees annexation to the United States in our intermedi- ate tarifi. This is the same Sir Charles who saw ruin to Canada in the liber- al tariff of 1897, Sir Charles is great on foresight, but he has no hindsight. A Man With Ideas. Winnipeg Tribune, men whose ideas are almost invaria- bly scoffed at by the "safe and sane" public men and newspapers and then stolen in their entirety or in part by the scoffers. A Pukle. . Winnipeg Tribune, Hon. C. H. Camphpll, the attorney- general, told the municipal union. at its meeting in Portage la Prairie that the province at large, though it would guarantee the municipal telephone bonds, would not be liable for them. Every municipality, he said, would have to meet all the charges of its own system, Hon. R. P. Roblin, Hon. C. H. Campbell and a great army of "ex- ports" declare that the municipalities will not: be liable for the telephone expenditures which will be met entire ly by the users. Hon. R. P. Roblin, ete., ete., declare | that the telephone users will only be liable for the amount fixed in their contract for the use of a municipal telephone. This rate is to be very low; only abomt one-half the present Bell rates. 'In the country places it is not to exceed $12 per annum. Puzzle : Find the parties who are to pay any deficits that nay acerue in the operation of several score of small mannicipal systems. Burn The Accursed Things. Brussels, Dec. 27.--A petition has been presented to parliament asking that every motor vehicle in the coun- try be burned in one great bonfire be- fore 1907, the resultant scrap metal to be sold for the benefit of those who have' been maimed by the accursed automobiles. W. F. Maclean, M.P., is one of those f= Shah's Strength Going. : Teheran, Dec. 26.--The latest infor- | mation from the palace shows that | | i the shah's reserve strength is gradual- ly failing. His majesty no longer rallies when stimulants are given him. | 4 -------------- | Catarth of the nose and throat should lead you to at least ask us for a frée trial box of Dr. Catarrh Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, actual test-- and Dr. Shoop to prave this, ear- nestly desires that we let you make | that test. This creamy, snow white healing balm, soothes the throat and nostrils. and quickly purifies a foul or feverish breath. Call and investi- | gate. All drypevists. A resolution passed by the Toronto branch of the Navy League suggests | that Canada should take part in the | naval defense of the British empire. Railroads ; in Canada have spent, this year, about $62,000,000 in struction work and improvement. Sir. William E. Howland, Toronto, | ninety-eight years old, is critically ill Rebellion in Ecuador has been pressed and a new president elected. A commitiee has been appointed to revise the laws of Cuba. Wonderful Power In My Constipation Cure Mine is a marvelous remedy. There are others, but not one pos es the peculiar merit 'so prominent in mine. con sup- | se With my remedy 1 guarantee to | cure constipation. { 1 also guarantee to prevent it: others do not: My preparation, which is in ' pill form. wives tone and regularity to j the bowdls that quickly rids the sys | tem of effete mgtte 'hile and other inj | costiyeness. I call my pills Dr. Hamilton's. am sure they are safe because Composed of such health-giving vege | i table extracts as Mandrake, Butter i nut. ,Hyvoscamus and Dandelion Mv pills are not harsh or drastic. Th catise no Pain, no distress; they are vrescribed by physicians he {cause of their 'mildness and certainty to cure. : For women and children I know of no better medicine for keeping the jsvstem healthy. For men they are | perfect. I have proved their merit in bilions ness, constipation and headache, and | can stronelv recommend them in thesq | troubles, ™ Mv personal guarantee standc hind every box. of Dr. Hamilton's Pills: and this means much to you in selecting your remedy. : | | EServ 'dealer sells Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mun ifuke and Butternut, 5c. | rer, box or five boxes for 81, and the result IT guarantee in sick, bilious or constivated headache, sick stomach and other complaints that arise when the system is clogged and constipa- | ol. { Better try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. umulations of rious results Why We Analyse Orange Meat Would you ever . buy for the table ? We tested thany Orange Meat fo, more Waddell, of Queen's Univer. made test after tog Orange Meat--qpg ORE wheat sugary than any other cereal in the world Oraage Meat is the food that bail, up healthy bodies and active i amalyze fooq yoy 15¢. and Be. ag tall g 15¢. packages contain cour good 1 premiums. 25. size contains 2% times the quantity of Orange Meat to hie anal size, Write "Orange Meat," Kingston for premium catalogue, alley 00000000000 000000000000¢ »> BIBBY'*S «ww : ---- Black Suits No man should be without a Black Suit. It's a wardrob necessity to any and every man. We have Black Suits in uy finished Worsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, ete., Cutaway, Sack or Prince Alberts. . No better tailoring and no better fabrics can be put into swits than the makers have put into our lines of Black S, $12.50, $15, $18 and $20 See the Suits--that's the anly way to judge of their worth its However, we want to suggest that you Have a care in buying your Black Suit, for there's lots of opportunity to You'll make See our special $15 Worsteds. gO wrong. no mistake if you come here. The H. D. Bibby Co. THE OVERCOAT STORE--78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET VOPIVCPOIPOPOPPGPIPPICIPOCPOIPPIPPCPPOPOPPCOEC0000000000000 0000060060000 0000 Shoop's | Tr | | | | i | | Silk and Lawn Waists --suitable for both dress and informal wear-- afford an admirable choice to conservative women. / They conform strictly to the latest, most correct =A § styles. Materials and modelling are absolutely 5 top grade, combining individual style with the od ability to stand the maximum wear and tear. Ask {,, yi | Ss your dealer about them, and look for the label, 5 Wy) SINERY ¥ he Minerva Mig. Co, Lit Christmas Gifts Uteltul Suggestions What to Buy Ladies' Fine Evening Slippers--81.25, $1.50, 82, $2.50 and $3. 75¢:;-81 and $1.25. 81, Warm Felt Slippers--30e., Gentlemen's Slippers--75¢ $1.25, $1.75 or $2. Overshoes--$81.75, $2, $2.25 and $3. Low Overshoes-- $1.50. Patent Colt Boot--$3.50, 81 and £5. Hockey Boots--81.50, $2 83.50 and $3. Boys' Hockey Boots----$1.25, $1 50, $1.75. Rubbers, Moccasins. i > - The Sawyer Shoe Store Wishing You All A Merry ' Xmas We have made many a cheerlul Christmas to our. many patrons by the useful and pretty giits which comprises our holiday stocks Wishing you all A Merry Xmas and a Prosperous 1907. YOURS, JAMES REID Laarmeaarmananrmnnrrn Mrs. Mois Parizeau, 8 "I hardly know how "I suffered five years #0 bad I could hardly bea ««] coughed day and r tended through my body 2 Everyone thou ""My husband heard "This treatment virt one who Is suffering. «| thank Dr. Hartma NEGLECTED cold the first cause of ca 'Women are especially ] These colds occur more f ing the wet, sloppy wea and spring than any oth Yea WOMEN SHOULD § are BEWARE OF | seri CATCHING COLD. ly rt in such a way as to on symptoms, while the more deep-seated and ithe awakens to the fact that developed case of catarr] By reason of their deli the lungs are frequently cold, especially if there i weakness of the organs. of catarrh of the lungs i: ficult and discouraging t! any other organ of the b. It would be wise, there against it by every preca "Ask your drugg INSURANCE AND Emme Mcintyre & M BARRISTE | MON EfYAFTIOn KING STREET. EI G. A. Bat CUSTOMS BR Correspondence in Mi York, Paris and othe All business receives tention at 69 Clar Kingston. OR INSURA If you want to City Property, see C at 95 Clarence st: Post Office. THE FRONTE LOAN & INVESTMEN ESTABLISRED President--Sir Richar Money loaned om City perties. Municipal and tures. Mortgages purch: received and interest allc 8. C. McGill, Manag Office, 87 Clarence str New England Restaurant 3 Open from 10.30 a.m best place to g¢ Lunch in the city. Me on shortest notice. Ingl Dishes a specially. 'Pho AUCTION Book at once Leading Auc JOHN H. N 14th Ban Orches for Mandolin, Bandmaster. Wm. Murray, | 27 BROCK New Carriages, Cut etc., for sale. Sile of Horses Ev Avesssessenen Dr. Brock's 0 Bol «a i i 8 s

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