-- ------------ ES{Dr. Scott's Liniment Is the best for Tan or beset. IN As a HORSE 1s, LINDIENT for ay | St i gs Sprai ns, Serato ete, it ge Arie. § ais bottle, 2 cents, and Sealp Cleanser - "If not for sale at your dry Sol Always be procured at Joo ft James' B, Dr. Scott's hits Propr's., S ) Liniment ford, Masa. "O00 NB. "and Chey? FURS Come here for "Xmas We have a large stock to | { | i nee | i | | Presents, rip | from in ] Shoo ad MINK th ALASKA SABLE | CHINCHILLA BEAR < or 1 HALF SEASON ERMINE 1 PERSIAN LAMB o BLACK AND BLUE THIBET | SABLE MARAMOT ch, "| And several other nice lines ith | | Fur Jackets of all kinds. > =k. | Men's Racoon Coats to order Ave | from $45 to $60. : kn} We sell all kinds of Furs ang vee | Fur-Lined Coats Only. ine + W. F. GOURDIER r | me EXCLUSIVE FURRIER ust | 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 ner nly ------ re- | | | all & | ht | Ne- | ht. 56. | | the | Fine Umbrellas combine | at onee a useful and 4 well chosen ive ' ul XMAS GIFT be ng | We have many exclusive hig | handles and all thor na- | oughly high grade. ( op- : Our Special Gent's Um- re | brella is a patented idea ti and rolls to as small a p- | circumference as a walk- en | ing stick. ng | ~ ffl SMITH BROS ur- hd Te | Jewelers and Opticians 1 2 | 350 King Street 5 Issuers of Marriage oh | Licenses, WHEN AND WOMEN. Uee Big @ for unnatural dischargs. inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of muceus membrane, . Painless, and not £ent or poison Sod z ng in i ais wrappee, tha or othe Dreveid, dof lar vint on request - HOLIDAY - G0ODS sl elem, | Have you a return : present to make?' a | Ora friend whom a you overlooked ? If "I+ so, come to this al store, where every- | thing will be found hi at prices much below % the regular. Ir A SSIS | t Greatly Reduced Prices Did You Forget Any of Your Friends Special Prices on all 'Xmas Goods For The Remainder of This Week bd JAS. JOHNSTON 180 Wellington [Street. 4 AA AAAS IIS Covered Rink The rink office will be opened for the sale of Season Tickets a kera. oo Dec. 10th. First skatine, on TUES- DAY EVENING, Dec. 11th, with Band in attendance. A Season Ticket is the best Xmas present that you can buy your Boy or Girl. Season Ticket Rates : Lady's le . - - 3 Gentleman's Single . Children's Single (under 16 years) anne Family of Family of 3 ... Family of 4 or 5 Family of 6 or 10 on PNW pw - 10. allowed to PS.--No one will be Practise Hockey until they have their Tickets, W. BE. BONTER, H. W. RICHARDSON, Manager. Sec.-Trous. Teacher Wanted Immediately male Principal, for St. Mary's Roman Catholic Separ- ate School at Kingston, Ont. Must. hold 'at least second-class professional certificate. Address, stating qualifications and salary required, J. J. Behan, Secretary- Treasurer, Roman Catholic Separ- ate School Board, Kingston. * Books at Half Price Bibles at Half Price. Prayer Books at Half Price, at KcAULEY'S BOOK STORE Buy now and save one half your money. Thanks to the Public for their very liberal patronage during the last month, Yours Respectfully, T. McAULEY. Sessa ssssssseasseas When You Buy SOAL From P. WALSH Youget genuine Scranton as he handles nothing else Teast essestssacsssese NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. t0.8.00 a m The best plac to met an all round Lunch tn the citys Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. Fuglish and Chinese shes a specialty. - H. JERVAS, 220 Deor to Princess Stent Home-made Fresh Candy every day Special for Christmas and New Years ice Mixtures, 10e. Ib., or 3 I's, for 2Be., and a Candy for 10c. Ib. Chocolates. 20c. - 40c. 1b. Ganong's fad Lowney' S, in boves. Come and you'll he satisfied, It takes a woman to observe every action of a man without appearing to notice him. © is a poor lawyer who mistakes the will for the deed. ove is poetry; matrimony is. corn beef and cabbage. ETS Ss li ECTION 5,000,000 "they are all alike. Each biscuit fl 20 TS | " PERFECTION as light as if made by fairy FERTECTION hands, 12] Baked to a golden russe brown. MONEYS | So hil > PERFECTION D Rest and crisp, and tempting, that just opening the box is teasing the appetite. And you find 2a new delight in every one you eat. Yon get perfection when you get Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas © (VER "CURE Headache and relieve sll the troubles inch po to a billions state of the systom, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side &e. While their most #emarkabio success Las been shown in curling SICK sadashe, yet Carter's Litt to Liver Pie are equally valuable in Co: nd pre- oy also mi imulate the alate the boweis, Teen if they ouip Ever and WAS LIBERAL WITH HIS PRESENTS THIS YEAR. Made His Rounds to Kingston Homes in the Usual Way | Christmas Eve. | Iwas the night hefure Christnias And all through the house, Not a creature was stirring--not Even a mouse.' Monday night thousands of children had recalled to them that enchanted piece of poetry, which starts off as above In Kingston, many little heads tossed, about--on the pillows in vain endeavors to keep awake, and steal a peak. at old Santa Claus, who travels over the housetops, driving his fleet of reindeer, and bringing with him a load of toys and many things dear to the hearts of the little ones. And while the little heads smuggled warm on downy pillows, Santa Claus came in the piping cold, without &8is- turbing the stove pipes in the least, leaving his. wonderful bundles for the children. The older folk allowed their thoughts to stray iar back into the past when they, too, tossed about on pillows gwaiting the arrival of Santa Claus. They thought of the time when all their minds tirned back to the many happy Christmas morns they had spent Although the stores in Kingston had been kept very busy all last week at- tending to the needs of Santa Claus, this was not sufficient, and carly on Monday night old Kriss Kringle 'gath- ered in his last supply. Everywhere business was brisk, and it was after midnight when some of the tired clerks wended' their way homewards. dear was joy In Memory Of Father O'Gorman. Rose Johnston A sahle od flotilla calmly glides, O'er nl id St. Lawrence glassy breast Neath the shades of good St. Philomel, is sadly laid to rest shore, a fresh green A sainted priest Un Howe Island's ground Will be lapped hv St. Lawrence wave For there, the shepherd of a much loved flock Chose on this I lv spot his ouiet grave Nw of the cross let his r of the waves sing « sweet lullaby How fowdly bemmncd thos: Irish eyes of index of a loving Irish heart ; preaching from God's pulpit ; in our pew We drank the words of life he did im part With a true avostle's love his nourished flocks he ~ HEAD Behe they wonld boa suffer from taisdistress nately theirgoodnoss do celess to those whe plaint; but forts ad here, and those those 15ttls pills valve mn wars that thoy will not be wia Rg tc do without toe om. Dut after allsick head ACHE #the bane of so many lives that hee Is where 8h benef boast. EY hae Abecs a o not. Liver Phils ere very small and a. Ono or two pills makea dod. able and do not gripe oF joaction please all why cents ; fvofor $1. Sly or sent by ma NE CO., New York, CARTER BED AL Nd de Go Peg GILLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CILLETT'S cogts no more than the inferior aduiteratad goods. Z RCFUSE SUBSTITUTES. T COMPANY E.W.GILLE LIMITE ort T. BRITISH - AMERICAN|' HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations land 19. NOW the travelling sublic. ¥ .TELFER open to Proprietor |! Gold Cuff Links at $2.50 No Man's G is more aj preciated than Solid le pair of Cuff Lind al Solid Glold Cuff value in the city Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street. NOTICE We Are Agents For Class Scissors and Pocket Knives. Also Table Cutlery, and Forks and Carving Knives very cheap Hockey Sticks 'and Skates. NUGENT & GRAAN'S KING STREET, t= [ice bridge Dispensed the Dread of Life, that bulwark strong Ar I about our hear.s, that greater love for God he cherished ; end shun to do thu right I sent one hero more | Satan back from this weary o'en salvation's oad vineyard where labors lay his With untiring zeal he preached his Master's laws And taught with patient toil the "marrow way, Sowing such ly the wayside es ! might tr us thither o'er the path he claimed a pastor, téacher » guide his flocklings home vd vineyards where his him at the yh i i « ine on before a sate o'day Tear Father, words can ne'er express { | { | | The debt we oWe you, pastor kind and From our inmost core wo can with a friendlier aid filled er sought et cheer is fare so full of k was with wwe for every living v dumb mute too, might scek t Chr standard ist"s May He meet thy spirit on the Golde Rockport News. Rockport, Dee. 24.---~Kenneth of th t izen staff, 1 wding th his par Mr. and John Carnegie 1s are boing for a Christmas entertainment, in the school the 25th. Miss Root is spending the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Abel Root, Star Island. Mr Mrs. J. F. Fitesim attended the funeral, at Mal lorvtown, of Thomas Tennant. The 1 between here and Alexan arly completed; only a narrow space of open water remains lohn F imanons and Ida Fergusofi, i Gananoque high school, are spend ling the h idavs with their parents here Mis Martha Davis, of rt, Sunday last with the vs with Mrs made Propara house on Edna and mons dria Bay is n Poole's quick relief from Dr Ointment. Remember for piles--and it works with certainty and satisfac- tion. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by it and see ! All drug- Piles get g Qhoop's Magic it's made alone gs use. Try ists Divide vour order with ue this time We'll v to vour good judgment f of vour next order rds t. of Saskatchewan, i and the doctors are improving. sanguine of his recovery. Cures Your Rheumatism Abbey's Salt certainly does help you to get rid of those Rheumatic attacks. It neutralizes Uric Acid in the blood--reduces the feverishness--and corrects Stomach, Liverand Bowel A roubles. Abbeys Elfer- S alt vescent Al Bruggists, 25¢. and 60c. a beltle, of the IT Every sm liver, the digestion of it belongs, Such me They she take care acute indi scal, ete. preparatios and theref No matt ach may | digest give the a a rest, an the worn Brain w Dyspepsia tense the them in 1 be had by 71 Stuart have not Madxi 15c0r2f 21s best f, the w gw his outfit reported made at years Place vour grder with us for Swift's Serantor. coal, and be done with your PXPOTienora others arg contented i= ng sant unple . Been reaROn increased. why ISN'T THE STOMACH. ually put on the cigar hard workers high pressure and high dranght, and it doesn't tgke a great deal to disorder the stomach or render the liver torpid. use some tried and reliable Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, aid nature and not force it the chance. food il you prefer a free trial pac dress today, F. A ft parfoetly over « Too Wares of T their colla They wear lonter than othe wollars. TOOXE Sfowy Bread + Light Pastry Delicious Cake come to every home that uses Beaver Flour. Is the greatest help any % home cook can havs -hecause it ic always the same -- always ihe Beaver isl blend of Manitoba Spring Wheat and Ontario Fall Wheat, Combines winter wheat, with the strength { and ne Crreala MADE THE FIRST TRIP. thick. The an earlier date OLD SANTA CLAUS His Cigar Doesu't Taste Right|| And Yet It Is the S the Same He Was Smoking with So Much Relish Alter Dinner, Last Night. Out Very Same Box, Tod THE (IGAR-IT'S oker has experienced this peculiar condition of the stomach and result usually of imperfect f food. And the blame is us- and not where n are usually mentally, high uvers, living under ould make it a practicd to remedy like that will and will of the attacks of gestion, sudden The use of these tablets is not to be confounded with the patent medi cine, habit. Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are not a patent medi cine, but are composed of the very elements which nature provides the healthy stomach to do the work of digestion--pepsin, diastase, golden There et in their n--they are absolutely pure all the world uses them er how disordered the stom pe, it will right itseli if given Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets where the stomach can't bused stomach and intestines d offer renewed strength to out glands: and muscles orkers can rely on Stuart's Tablets. no matter strain. All druggists carry he fifty cent. packa or ore how can and ad Stuart company, Building, Marshall, Mich. sending your name ollars and Shieta wuble putting on or 1's taking of na! ex and two qu ar 25¢, and 20c or 3 for 59 BROTHERS, MONTREAL. Limited. or all baking. Flour hitencss and lightness of g food properties n wrile for prices on all uf Feeds, Coarse Grains and T. IM. Taylor Co., Limited, at Swift's dock, The jee is to be four and five inche first trip this vear was than previous vonie discontent should he CONDENSED ADVERTISING "RATES Firdt Imsertiod, lc. a word. Each con secutive insertion therafier je. a word. Minimum charge for ome in sertion, ~25e. Advi. 4 lines or under a week, $1, Adve. 4 lined or under a month, $& fro ------ DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY CON- strect. © Hotel, King ress ve MORE GIRLS TO WORK ON roam, Sern. pply to J. A. Gould . Co., KimriSt., near Queen. WANTED-GENERAL. tr wairrin Pasay. 4 refer one who reneral experience. Apply Fiving ao, experience, refuroneds, ete Work is wm another city. Box 77, British Whig. red general jobbine Work, has had MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, in oilght weeks, graduates earn $10 to $18 weekly. Branches throughout Canada and United States. Help secure positions. Catalogue free, Moler College, Queen and Spadina. Toronto. I LOST. PEARL NECKLACE, ON NIGHT OF conversat. Good reward for return to Whig offiee. -- eee Ne A GOL nD BROOC WH. TWO BIRDS SET in pearls. Finder will be rewarded by returning ta to this Office. ANSWERING v body in Kingston Heads HIG | FUR FINISHERS. APPLY JOHN Mo Bveryhody in Kings Heads thie WHIG Kay, 1m Brock street. HELP WANTED--MALE. a T0 BUY GooD HOUSE, FOR $2,000 GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR| Address Box 98, Whig office. overcoats made to look 'like new, pressed and cleaned, or turmed, Sew TO-RENT, OFFICE FOR ABOUT work guaranteed to please. three months. Would buy desk right. Galloway, the Tailor, BH table and chair. Pn 4 Box 196 Broek street, Whig office. JOB PRINTER, EXPERIENCED ON] TO RENT OR BUY. A GOOD HOUSE, about 8 or 9 rooms. within reasol distance of Vie Sehool. sion Frente, May 1st, 1907. . "ttinper, 481 Broek Posses- Ad St. 100 CARS NO. 1 aud NO. 2 JIMOTHY Hay, Shipment, | December and Joan ye Wi. H, ding, Your Sn for each a Pwyer Co., Limited, T Ottawa, Ont. TO-LET ade ROOMS, MODERN SOR IN IENCES, at 285 Alfred street City. ROOMS AND BOARD, DOUBLE AND single, 98 Barrie street. DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, etc., at MeCann's, 51 Brock street. "MEDICAL. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied bv br. Ryan, corner Mon- treal and' Nrock streets. DR. "The Man Who Thinks He Must Pay Big Prices i der to get satisfactory Stanfield's ra, Underwear AN IRISH RRIER STORAGE SPACE _ FOR FURNI to name of "Like." Suitable reward ture, ect. W. G. Frost, Queen il returned to 506 Princess street. street. A CHILD'S COON_ COLLAR, ON|STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ha 'rincess St. betpfon Sydenham and in the Stearns Build 200 King ngton Sts. Roward if returned St, clean and dry. McCann, OL 829 Earl street Brock street. A BL AC K HAND SATCHEL, CON-| FIRST CLASS SITUATED, AND taining a sum of money between constructed brick house, rooms, Lemmon & Sons and Revere House. modern {mpro Finder please return to Whig office. ached, antosite treet way, : ------ Ea A a oil a White White GOLD WATCH ET WITH ° ONE ext mun may Diamond and Chatelaine Pin attach , 196 Union Yereet West, ed, between William St. and Market Square, on Kine St. Reward if re- ARCHITECTS. turned to 20 William street ----------------------eeeereen | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, on FOUND. ce, second floor over Mahood's Drug A GOLD BRACELET, AT QUEEN'S A Sgro ¥ on pans. street. Coaversat Owner can have same by "Phone, G08. for this advt, Information at hi HENRY SMITH, ARO BP NITROT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square, Phone, M8. ARTHUR ELLIS, dee, Cor. Quean ARCHITECT, or. and Bagot streets. | 'CHRISTMAS AT BARRACKS, Soldiers Dine Together--Have Pleasant Time. Christmas day was a day of enjoy. ment for Tommy Atkins at Tete de Pont barracks. It was a holiday ail day long for the soldier boys, and it was cortainly a fine time that they had, The dinner of turkey and plom pud- ding was served in the mess room at one o'clock, and ample justice was done to the me spread. The mess room was very prettily de corated with evergreens, bunting and pictures, for the occasion, Live Stock Market. Montreal, Dec. ~About 600 head of butchers' cattle, 25 milch cows, 100 calves, 200 gheep and lambs, and 100 tat hogs were ottered for sale at the It is made by Canadians-- for Canadians-- in sizes to fit all figures--and weights to suit all Canadian climates. And it does not cot much, either. Jult ak your dealer to show you STANFIELD'S - the Underwear that won't sheik. Every The gre: a U terine Tonle, aad only safo oil tual Menthly Regulars von which women can ¢ "oid In three degroes 1 1, % Xe 3 tronier, 3 No . ASO, $5 per box. druggists, or seat rece Add of prion. POMS Toner " to od Doctors THERE ARE GOOD DOCTORS AND AD DOCTORS THERE ARE GOOD MEDICINES AND BAD MEDICINES with the good Doctors 11s Pure Marmiess snd cures a8 Stomach Troubles Te a -- William Card's Horse Travels YOUR HAT Over Ice. ! For several seasons past William | May Be a Stylish One, But It Card, liveryman, Wolfe Island, hs | Makes Trouble. had the honor of runnine the first A men usually buys a hat that's sleigh over the ioe iron Wolie Island | "in style," but the modern hut for to Kingston. He again achieves the | men has lots to answer for honor this season. Early Christmas Bald heads are. orowing more nu morning the first trip over this sea: | merous every dav. Hats make exvel- son, was made by a horse owned by | lent beading places for the paragitio Mr. Card and « n by William ms which sap the life from the Boyle. a light sleigh being used for | rote of the hgi f the occasion. Mr. Bovis landed with Wh on vaour hair beging to fall out full of dandruff it is countless grrms pl vour se ign that these aln is rons & ial | K. D. C. vanes ts Stane | Kast tad Abattoir to-day. | here were no extra cattle on the market, and trade was dull, as the butchers had bought most of their stock on last week 8 market. Prices are without material change. Prime beeves sold at . to near 4fe. per lb; pretty good eattle, 3jc. to de, and the common stock, 2lc ta do. per ib. Milch cow® sold at from $30 (0 3% cach, There were about seventy-five lean grass and straw-fed calves which sold at from 2¢. to Jo. per |b; good young veals sold at de. to Ble. per ib. Sheep sold at de. to de, amd lambs at Be. to Ge. per 1h, Good Jots of fat hogs sold at about Ge. per Ib. { Toromto Junction, Dec, 26.--At the {Union Stock Yards the quality of fat cattle was fair, trade was fair, export prices ranged from $4.50 to $4.- 0, the bulk selling at $1.60 to $4.75. Export bulls sold at $3.75 to $4.40; butchers' prices for picked lots of choice ranged from $1.25 to $4.40; {good, from $M to $4.25. medium, $3.60 to $3.90; common, £1.76 to $3.50; but {cher cows, B2.25 to ¥3.30, canners, $2; | fod re, from, $3.25 to $175. Veal calves sold al 34.50 to 86.50 per 100 | pounds; mileh cows and springers, at {810 to B57. Export ewes from $4.50 to [#4 80; bucks, $31.33 to $3.75; vearling lambs not quoted; spring lambs, ate £6.25 to $6.10; hogs, selects, sold gt | 86 15; light, 85.95; sows #1 to 85 | stags, $2.50 to $3.50 per one hund- red pounds Long Point Locals. Dee, 26-Miss Danby is | re-ongaged ax teacher for 1907. Several (of the young people attended the party 'at F. Booth's near Morton on Mon day: evening last. Messrs. D, and. T. Slack attended the Christmas enter tainmint at Charleston school house night. OC. J, O'Connor, Water: N.Y. is home to spend Christ mas with relatives here, he, F, J, | O0'Connar, Kineston, is_sxpected home {to spend the bholidavs with his par- i Long Point, ; Friday town, ents, MY. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor. Mrs. H. H. Bovine, has been auite ill, but is reported somewhat better. J, Nevins has been visiting at friends at j Ellisville the past week, Isane Larose { went to Athens on Thursday for his {daurhter. Mise Caroline. who is at- { tending the high schoo! there, Further Punishment. 81, Petersburg. Dee. 26. Liout.-Gen. Subbotich, ex-governor-penéral of Fuekeion, by an imperial order, hax ven discharged from the armv in i sre | at work further pmishment for all round lax. | There is but on "wav to overcome ns displaved by him as governor | the trouble ard kill the eermw--that [genern! of Turkestan, from which lway is to arly Newbro's Herpicide vositicn he was. removed on October to the, soalp--it will kill the eerms 20th wealthy hair iv sure to resalt i { and & ® leading druggists. Send | Furnaces, hall stoves, base burners, 8 in stamps for sample ota The {eookins ranges, or doe stoves. We've { fHorvdcide Co. Detroit, Mich. G. W [Mah qd special agent. ' a "ire for enchoat Swift's conl yards furn Swilt's Scranton coal. . Toric oon an Havh ivi Sims pratt bili the rarm and fy an ates, Before uF Poin ot rates from Stranee The Paragraph Pulpl REV. ow TASOON. OTTAWA . ---- The Religion Of Life. You are your religion, expressed in terms of tor, It ja by your assertions, by vour t vou are judged. That Trinitarian or Unitarian in lief counts less than that you are good mgn in life. Rel is not abstract philosophy, t a living foree, It is not dogma, but decd. Tt may be fostered in a church, but must be fulfilled in a a Don parrot your belief-who cares what you believe ? The world is going to judge your religion. by you, and by you only. Se -- Address Mr. Casson for free litera. ture, tre. Try a Pound of Myers' sows uavs Sausages For Sunday's Breakfast. 60 Brock Stre ot 10% Discount to Students Razors, Razor Strops, Hones, Shaving Brushes and Knives a Specialty 'Strachan's Hardware HAVE YOU POWERS OF RESISTANCE? Vigorous Vitality. If you are wibject to coughs, colds, chills, eatarrh, bronchitis, plourisy, pocumonia, loss of appetite, lack of proper assimilation of food, beware | These are but symptoms of very seri- ous trouble. They are evidences of an absence of your powers of resistance againet disegse of the most insidious and fatal nature. These powors of re sistance can be speedily restored, abd thess symptoms and diseases abbos lutely banished by the use of Psy- dhine, that wonderful remedy which is revolutionizing the old theories re. garding the curability of consumption and. all its forerunners. "My wile was under treatment of an eminent throat specialist for a most dangerously diseased condition of the latynx and weak heart. After having : taken three bottles each of PSYCHINE sand ONXOMULSION she was perfectly restored. : . RICE, Red Desr, NWI" Pain pronounced Si-keen, eter © enle at all drug stores, or at Dr. Slo onm's Laboratory, west, Toronto, 3 Importance of Strong and 179 King steset x ¥. * 5 a x