For Hockey emai, Sticks, Pucks, if you want coal that's Q right, at a price that's right, come right to us. J 3 Corner Bay and 4 Wellington Streets i | "iiWe wish Our Customers "and - Priends a 'Merry Fe (hristmas! and a "Happy ew Year."! We have © Oranges, for 1R2c., 15c., ¢ R0e., 25c.. and 80c. per dozen. . 0. H. Pickering, "Gor. Pine and Patrick Sts. Phone 530 -- - ore, Wo pay attention d okd Jor any auantity "of | Coal--exg. chestnut, \easy-burning have you call, of "Iphone will bring Glad to ut the $5. ANGLIN & C0. § Be The Unique Grocery, is: «| leads to F with a fine York gns 3 Heart Trouble: can Surely Secure Heart Health at Syreagth havngh Dr. Stowp's i the pain when oa 1s ull lots the rve the cause of the trouble as well as For sale and recommended ALL DRUGGISTS. You cannot ibly have a better Soa 3s EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the em in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. by COCOA in }+Ib. and }-Ib Tins. FOOTWEAR TO ORDER THAT WILL FIT, REPAIRS It don't matter where made or "bought, for first-class work, A.E HEROD 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY overcomes the result. remove Brandon. Mr. 0. H. H. McBride and family from Renfrew to ker for u hardware house, Pp' See owr window of perfumes at hall price. Chown's drug store, os and or Scotch sh of lemon | {1 ol Your club, favor- 3 |it for you. Demand it by. name. rk Springs| Dry Ginger Ale | is better--yet costs no more. Pride hps seeured 4 position as travel DA P i thenp work : vine improved | | Tae British : EDW.'J. B, PENSE, Managing Director. A Waste Of Time. its. educational value. The nationa its executive offers and thers are are required to perform. decisions are supreme. , Three men, better than the twenty-two that now constitute the city corporation--if chosen for their knowledge and experi- ence, and given city's revenues and city's machinery. They would have to Be continued in office for a considerable time 80 as to give the city the full benefit of their experience. ' The commission Yas been establishing a reputation for itself in connection with the educational and power is sues of Ontario. If municipal govern- ment could be committed to a com- mission of trained men the cities and towns would appreciate their labours und they would produce efficiency and economy. gs they cannot be had under present circumstances. But there is ho possibility of the change and the talk of men from Washington and elsewhere represents a waste of time and energy. ° ------ A Nerry Christmas To JA. The Christmas festival being an es- sentially sgeligious one it was made the subject of special study or special service in the churches yesterday. All the incidents connected with the birth of Christ--the manner in which the joyful news was conveyed to the world, the manner in which prophecy had been fulfilled respecting it, and the manner. in 'which the believing people had Deen aficeted in' the sues ceading centuries--were brought out most impressively, These services have been the wel come accompaniment, of a preparation - for the 'anniversary which comes on the morrow. On the eve of this glad day the whole Christian world halts, lays aside its cares and anxieties, its burdens and its bickerings, its strain and stress, and enters into the spirit of the angelic chorus, "Glory to God In the Highest, and On Eayth Peace, Good Will Towards Men." 'Christian ity has brought many virtues into practice, and thero. are none 'more worthy of exaltation than those which find their fullest expression at this particular season. , The world is supposed to grow het- ter the older it gets. Men and wo- men, and children, too, are expected to develop in grace, in goodness, in usefulness, in character, in power, and when they fail to do this there is something amiss with them, and with their environment. Charles G. Ames, puts it very succiently, when he says, "Matters do not stand with any of us as they did a year ago. Our life has grown richer or poorer, deeper or shallower. We are better or worse, more under the rule of truth, or less. God is where He was. We have changed. We have come nearer to Him, by the rising quality of our life, or we have gone away from Him by sinkine into lower habits and under the lower principles." The fact; wherever it is, ealls for seri- ous meditation. The Whig has greeted its readers af- foctionately during the many years of its publication. It has gently incited them unto such benevolence as the season, has suggested or the times de- manded. The year just closing has been marked by great prosperity, and in the hope that all will have shared in it and have, therefore, had occa- sion to appreciate the sentiment, we wish them® "A Merry, Merry Christ mas." dominion of Speculating On The Result. The municipal election this year is making more than the usual commo- tion, and Because of the opposing in- terests which are affected. It would be an easy thing to decide who should he elected to the mayor's office or the council were the only question at issue the personal fitness of the can- didates. The business of the people is complex enough, ordinarily, and those who are called to manage it should Le qualified by educatipn or experience or training for its direction. A man cannot ufiinage very drug or hardware or grocery stom who has no knowledge of its dotails Occasionally there is an exception to EE, 'Attached Is one of the Job Print ing offices in' Canada : rapid sto and Whig Publishing Co., Limited ailp Whig, A member of; the | Washington civic board has been visiting Toronto and lauding his ideal Torm of government. Washington's experienct is quoted for governmens desired the city, in which legislative halls are located, to be free from the defects of the Ruicipal system as it is generally, understood, Hence its ap- : Jotimission whose mem- pt | ted because they are peculiarly fitted for the pervice they They have complete control of civie affairs. Their f or five, in Kingston, could manage the people's business full charge of the successfully ga. kA AS SL tunity for the' study of ita affairs, Paign. Mr. Mowat went further than ings whith were doing more than any- the council or to keep them, out of it. Mr. Hoag is understood to eschew po- litics in his appeals. Dr. Richardson stands on the labour platiorm and uses the labour party's mottoes. The attitude of the candidates on the license. question is attracting wide at- tention. The parties that are concern- ed in conditions as they exist, and as they may be affected by the vote of the People, are interjecting into the campaign an amount of vigour which is making itself felt. The situation is the more ardently canvassed now that the aldermen-elect will be called Upon to exercise a judgment which would have been' absent or wanting had the question gone to the polls as it was Suggested by the league. Had the people said "Yes" to the enquiry, "Are you in favour of reducing the number of licenses by twenty *' that would have been the end of it, for the Present at least. But the council has ordered that the people be asked, "Are you in favour of reducing the number of licenses ?"" and if the answer be "Yes" the council will determine what it should be, and in doing so will un- dergo, it is presumed, some agony of spirit, Various, then, ard tions which the elements are pressing upon the voters, and in Consequence there is not a little lation us to what the result will -- ; Editorial Notes. Santa Claus comes to-night. - -- Now you are quite syre you will en- joy Christmas ? Have you forvotten anything or anybody ? the contending considera- specu- be. The mayoraity candidate is sure of one thing. He may not be elected, but he has the acquaintance of » larger number of people. ; ---- Canada has been talked of as the granary of the world. Presently, with another Cobalt or two, it will be ad- vertised * ag the land of the richest mines. \ ees Nothing wilt challenge attention so much abroad as the statemént that the right to scrape the bottoms of our lakes is being sold for millions of dollars, The Manitoba government hak abandoned its demand that the schools flv the Union Jack daily after Janu ary Ist, 1907, or lose the public grants. The glory of this flag business was very short lived. Lord Lansdowne is in favour of a school system with "variety and elas- ticity." If h& were in Canada he would be a devoted advocate bi the separate school system which some people are forever condemning. The cost of the Hamilton street railway strike has been figured = at 8100,000--1this intluding the loss to company, the employees, the people and the council. It will he some time before Hamilton hankers for anything S0 expensive again. : Chancellor Day defends the men of wealth, and regards their success as conducite to the buccess of the work- ingmen. "He is earning his retainer," Says ofie, referring to the grants which have been made by certain rich men to Syracuse University. Oh, that's it ? The grand jury at Toronto--the same which took a shy at so many other things--complained that civil litiga- tion was too costly. Wasn't the Whit- hey government going to make law, and the application of it less expen- sive? It is time something was done alone this line. Whitney's New Idea. Montreal Herald. The Whitney government is said to be contemplating setting its convicts to work at farm labor. There are suveral good points about ° the idea, but none of them are likely to appeal with much force to the communities among which a settlement of crimin als is deposited to spend its period of regeneration under the comparatively free and unguarded conditions that are essential to farm work. Whatever other merits farming may have as an coiployment for convicts, it suffers under the great disadvantage that it cannot be done by gangs. Ii super vision is to be adequate it will be ne- cessary to have about as many guards as convicts, and the resultant contri- bution to provincial economy is not likely to be great. Like A Thief In The Night. That's how pain comes, We sit near an open window, get stiff neck or sore back. Perhaps cool off too quickly af- ter exertion--rheumatism develops, Spend what you. may, but money can't buy anything better than Pol son's Nerviline, Its penetrating power enables it to reach deep tissues--that's why it cures aches that all else can't touch. For outward application we guarantee five times more strength than in any other liniment. Inwardly ! it's harmless and as sure as the here: | after to ease at once. Don't accept a | substitute for Polson's Nerviline * Wera_ the "election a political one there would be more ground on which to caloulate results. But polities are conspicuously absent from the cam: any man to put an end to the bicker- thing else to drive good men out of T Welcome News. Toronto Star. } ty. minister of militia. His pie ture indicates that he has a mous tache which will maiutain all the tra- ditions. It Certainly Is. Guelph Meifury. Separation of the church from the state is all right, but separation' of the state from all religion is another and more serious matter. A Needful Institution. Pittsburg Dispatch. Ottawa is to have the manufgetur- ers' convention next year. Perhaps such a gathering will be needed after the clay men of the opposition have been shattered. Artless Finance In Germany. Ottawa Free Press. _ 'the Krupp company has decided to increase its capital stock $5,000,000, and will keep it within the family. 'this shows how backward Germany is. Over here they would increase it $500,- 000,000 and do their utmost to unload it on the public. = Why She Left. Philadelphia Public Ledger. ,"Yis, ma'am," said Bridget, "1'll be Favin® ye. 1 don't like thot snip of a dude that does be callin' on Miss Ma- bel." "The idea I" exclaimed her mis- stress. "He doesn't call to see vou, as what--"" "I know he don't ma'am, but+1'm afraid some o' the neighbors might think he does." Won't Be Bluffed. Moutreal Gazette. The influence of the maritime pro- Vinces in parliament is weakening and is bound to grow less, for a time at least. Under the circumstances it be hooves maritime representatives tw stick together and work together for their 'common interests and to impress themselves upon parliament, not by extravagant claims and wild threats, but by active, sober effort, and argument appealing not to sectional prejudice but to national common- sénse and lair play. Prince Edward Is- land, if it persists along the \line of policy adopted by men like Rev. Fath- er Burke, will some day win whatever it is justly entitled to: but thig silly red flag. secession talk will not only accomplish nothing but will injurious ly. prejudice its cause. Organized Labor And The Farmers New York Outlook. The American Federation of Labor and the American Society of Equity have joined hands in a fraternal al- liance. The former represents the or- ganized wage-earners of the country, and aims to regulate wages and work- ing conditions by controlling the sup- ply of labor. The latter represents the organized farmers, and aims to regu- late : the price of farm products by holding back the supply. Both or ganizations have expressed their 'con tempt for the law of supply and de mand. The newly formed alliance con Sists of a mutual pledge that each side as far as possible, shall™mee the Products of the other side to the ex- clus'en of all producers not in the al liance. Impractieable as this scheme may ap- Pear at first glance, there are hard- thinking men on both sides who be- lieve that it is an epoch-making event. That the spirit of organization has taken a strong hold amoung the farm- ers there is no doubt. The American Society of Equity has a membership now of 208000, and it is growing rapidly. This membership is scattered principally throughout Kentucky, In- diana. Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota. and Nebraska. with some members in by Kansas, Oklahoma and Michigan. In the south-west the farmers have _& strong union., especially in Texas. working on the same lines. although indevendent of the American Society of Equity. In the state of Texas alone there are 1,000 organized farmers. who main- tain their own warehouses in distri- buting centres where they store their cotton and hold it until thev can get what thev believe to be a fair remun- «rative price for it. The farmers in Texas have for two vears been work- ing in harthony with the labor unions | there exchanging fraternal delegates. | and jointly maintaining a lobby at | Avstin durine of the state legislature. Thev have pooled their in- sreste and demanded legislation in the interests of hoth. Plans are now hein» discussed for bringing ghont an amalgamation for the wniong of farm- | ers in the sonth-west with those in the | states already mentioned. The import- | ance of such a movement can hardly | ee overestimated, sessions German Mink Throws, $15 quality; tonight, $10. Steacy & iit) Steacy. -' SPIT OF NE PRESS Lieut.-Col.. Fiset 'has been appointed : : ¢ . i 8 : ues ~ . Because your system is exha od and $ your powers of resistance weakens "™ N .. Take Scores Emulsion. It builds up and strengthens your entire ¢ It contains Cod Liver Oiland H hites so prepared that it is easy to take easy to digest, re . ALL DRUGGISTS: 0c. AND $1.00 ph 2000000000 Christmas . We send yeu our heartiest wish that may be golden with Christmas cheer remembrance be bright with pleasure the years to come. every moment and that each te-day and in May this be the Best Christmas you 'have had, and the worst vou ever will have, ever A Merry, Merry Christmas, and many of them to you and yours. { ! E The H. D. Bibby Co. THE OVERCOAT STORE--78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET 900000000000000000000000 & 0000000000000 0000000000000040004002s40a 000000 0000000000000 000tllldlddda Gen. Picquart, the French minister of war, is about to make a yisit Algeria. { ------------------ Hutch Rests The Nerves. One cannot enjoy life with which are constantly on the jump. | When the nerves are not properly | nourished they keep one in misery. To | have the nerves well fed it is neces- | sary to have a healthy system. Hutch | will give it you. By assisting the di- | gestion and soothing the lining of the stomach it promotes a degree of | health which is wonderful in its | strength. Proper nuture is given the | nerves and a quiet feeling of rest fol- | lows a nervous sensation irritation. Hutch is a doctor for tén cents. Kingston Business Gollege (LIMITED) Head of Queen street. Kingston, Canada, devoted to higher Cor- mercial and Shorthand education. All Commercial subjects taught. Individual instruction. Dav a Evening classes. inter time. Rates wmonderate. the hest to nerves i { { | | i | | Artans i which is the one great household pan- acea of today, H. F. METCALFE, Prin. + VOVTPIPITIPIIPIIIIIIIIIIIINIIPPIO0OO0OOPOIV + +» GO VS BHO GO SH HHO GIS HO . 6644. TTT VV VEVVVOTOOTIP0000000000000000000000000 GHP %e 3 ------------ While wishing you this, we would say that there is real enjoyment in bathing in one of our Enamelled Bath$ Tubs--It's easy to keep § them clean. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : McKelvey & Birch 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston FLO00000000000000060006000004 000000000000 OOo Christmas Gifts Useful Suggestions What te Buy Ladies' Fine Evening Slippers-$1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. 95 Warm Felt Slippers--poe., 75¢c., $1 and 81.25. Gentlemens Slippers--75c., $1, $1.25, 81.75 or $2. Overshoes--$1.75, $2, £2.95 and $3. Low Overshoes--$1.50. Patent Colt Boot-$3.50, 84 apd £5. - Hockey Boots--$1.50,'$%2, 82.50 and $3. Boys" Hockey «Boots--$§1.95, $1.50, $1.75. Rubbers, Moccasins. The Sawyer Shoe Store : G+ LOTS OF FUN Tom Smith's | Christmas Stockings A. J. REES, 166 Princess street Crackers or Cosaquis' naw designs, containing Hats, Caps and Toys, from From 10c. to $2.00 each 15c. to $2.00 per dozen. oo SYNOSIS OF CANADIAN HYMESTEAD REG " nitmberud sec A ada in Manitoba excepling person the Head of a ver 18 years of age, to Se aaarer section, of. 1 - . \ ication for homeste Apt must ve made it Aicant at. tie ollie ot .* Sub~agent y 'Ap application for entr pe any may be Wired to the loe Sub-agent, at the expen plicant, and if the land vacant on receipt of the application is to have We tend will be held un summarily cancelled ee will forfeit all prio: An applicant for inspe pir fica a ication lol 'from an individ omestender ; ding & not Lube atte subject to approval relinquish it in favour of son, daughter, brother eligible, but to no one el claration 'of abandonuwent an entry is sum or voluntarily abandoned {nstitutién cancehiat the applicant for inspect titled to prior night of ¢ Applicants for imspectio what particulars the bo: default, and iM Subsequ ment is found to Le ine fal particulars, the apv any prior right of re-ea land Lecome vacant, or i granted it way be sumn Duties.--A settler is form the conditions und following plans i-- (1) At least six montbd on and cultivation of the during the term of If the father (ur is Gecuded hy of i upon a farm in tn fond entered for by wu the requirement as to re satisfiod by such person 1 father or mother. (8) If the Settler Ae idence upon farming nn in the vicinity of the requirement may residence upon such land Before making applic the settler must give six in writing to the Comm minion Lands at Ottaw tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANA WEST MINING REG Coal.--Coal lands may" $10 per acre for soft co anthracite. Not more 1 can be & uived by a company. Royalty a pri per ton of 2.000 collected on the gross ot Quarts.--A free miner granted upon payment in per annum for an indivi 50 to $100 per annun according to capital. A free miner, having d al in Silage, 00 feet. he fee for recording a At least $100 must be . claim each year or pak recorder in lieu thereof. been expended or paid, t upon having a Survev no complying with other chase the land at $1 pe The patent provides fo a royalty of 23 per cent « Placer mining claims g feet square entry fee yearly. A free miner ma¥-ohta dredge for gold, of five 1 term of twentV years, r discretion of the Ministe The lessee shall have may locate ation. within one. season Of the lease for each fiv $10 per annum for eac . Royalty at the cent colletted on the out ceeds $10,000: Ww. a of the Minister RE unt uthorioed pul advertisement will not b Hear the We Sing, Laugh, Cry, wonderful speeches, greatest music, give keenest humor, and best of everything duces through. The Columbia 6 Winners of The Grand at The World's Fair, S FOR SALE Angrove & 88-90 Princes: For Your Li ance Gall a The-- 1. Canada Life As: Office, 18 M: end get an ANNUAL DIVIDEND POLICY. For your Accident Insurance, For your Fire Ins: For all Cobalt St information ther For North-West an --CALL A 18 Mark Telephone 70: J. 0. RUTTON 10% Dis to Stuc 'Razors, Rasdr St Shaving Brushes a Specis Strachan's |