the morning if desirable things. § velvet, made with sailor WRABE eon iin ernie § ume STEA ' THE 5 2.0. EDITION Yuletide Suggestions } Watches for Men. Watches for Ladies, Watches for Boys, Fine Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, Purses, Card Cases Bags, 3 y Ebony Toilet Goods, Jewel Boxes. Toilet Sots, Manicure Sets, Photo Frames. Brooches, in endless variety, Necklets, Collurettes, Brace lets, Hat Pins. od Si Rings M Signet Rings or Ladies. is at reasonable advantage of see- § and Ing th goods in your home town. { Spangenberg Jeweler, King St OPEN EVERY NIGHT. 'Furnished By J. E. Cunningham, 40 Clarence St. Toronto, Dec. 15th, Division Of The Cost. If the Perth toll road was purchased by the county council, the munici- palities would be assessed for about the followin, amounts : Kingston to h 8,672. Pittsburg, $1,250; Portland, ; Storrington, $845; Wolfe Island, ; 8760; Loughboro, $635; $320; inchinbrook, $300; Olden, $150; Portsmouth, $135; Oso, $125; Howe Island, $125; Clarendon and Miller, 850; Palmerston and North South Canento, $75; Garden Is- nd, $75; Kennebec, $70; Barrie, $35. New Figs. Fancy table , extra large, 15c. Ib; fancy figs, a size, 124c.; choice stewing figs, 5¢. Ib., at W. R. MoRee & Co. the Golden Lion. -------- The Johnston Tailpring Co., G7 Princess street, are having a big suc- cess with their new up-to-date ladies tailoring department. Drop in and sve the latest novelties in ladies' wear, made to order on the' shortest notice. We have the best men's hockey boot wo have ever shown at $2. Strong and light. The Lookett shoe store. For muality and price 'our razors loaders. Strachan's hardware. -1 000 ed the crowds--shlespeople will will probably be dissatisfied leave your buying till the you to come to-morrow--in possible. We are showing 'many ior children and the best of the ¥'S COATS AND ULSTERS - , box cloths ete., R ; : ¥ CHILD RED ¥ S § em an charmingly trimmed with braids, well tailored and worth dow, from... $3.25 to $6.00 ! COATS warm anil stylish, made with pricé marked £1.90 to $5.00 MOLESKIN COATS collar . w and belt, extra value at | oe $4.00 Eb SEE COLUMN OF CHRISTMAS ITEMS ON PAGE | CY'S COMMERCIAL MATTERS. to That Is Going On In the Business World--The Markets. The acreage of woods in the United Kingdom 1a" 3, 088 ations The American Sugar Refining company was fined $80,000 for accepting rebates, The Japancee have "taken to canning sardines. t year 2,000,000 cans were mouths shows net earnings of §5 ows earnings of 607,049, aramst $3,875,403 last year. 7 The T) wold output for Novem ounces. This includes reserves extingu 9 It is said that the Niagara, Se ga th- arines, and Toronto Railway wil) take ves the Hamilton, Beamsv lime, thus ex from rn grouties to rae 'anadian of Commerce has Just made its annual bonus distribution 1p the men and women in its eluploy, Everybody from the general manager down received a bonus in proportion to their salary. It is stated that an American syndi- cate has offered to nurchase the Sun Life Co. hoMings of Illinois Traction common Stock Sa offer was refused. It # assert the syndicate offered $3.500,000 in cash. In Lancashire alone there are 5.000. spindles. The signifiance of these res way be better appreciated when it is known that in the whole of France there are about 6,600,000 in Gormany 9,000,000. REFUSED REQUEST. -- Plans For Medical Building to Be Changed. The dominion government has refus- repest of the medical faculty of Queen's to supply the stone for the for four spindles, and medical laboratories buildin~ from the penitentiary. The building committee of the faculty has, therefore, instruct- ed the architect to alter the plans so as to reduce the expenditure by $8,- 000, No cut stone will be used in its construction. It is also unlikely that anv further work will be done in the laboratories for the povernment with- out adequate payment. Fancy Sox For 'Xmas. Fapbroidered cashmere, embroidered lisle' and embroidered silk, in stripes and neat patterns, for 25¢c. to $1.50 per pair, at Jenkins'. Was Seriously Injured. Tokio, Dec. 14.--Gen, Nogi, the Jap- anese commander, who captured Port Arthur, was thrown from his horse, to-day, while returning home from the palace. He fell on his head and became unconscious, His condition arouses ap- prehension. Hand initinled linen handkerchiefs, 81.50 per half doz, in fancy box, at Jenkins', Sale of three-inch silk ribbon, colors white, pink, blue, brown, navy, cardi- nal, green and black for 10c. per yard. New York Dress Reform. Jenkins' tie boxes cover the dain- tiest fabriés in ties. The pure wool Jaeger slipper for ladies and gentlemen at The Lockett shoo store. 25 domen nmockties, Tour-in-hund, worth 50c., for 25¢. Livingston's to- morrow, New Grenoble walnuts, the genuine article at Carnovsky's. Soft and stiff front shirts Jor men at Jenkins', $1. ' : A Man's 'Xmas something they can =) Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Shi Shirt Stud and Cuff Links, or 850 dozen Neck Ties, worth ome to a man's What most men want for Christmas is wear I -- rts, Underwear, House Coats, Pressing 'Gowns, Bath Robes, Suspenders (in fancy boxes), Night Robes, Mufflers, Umbrellas, Collars and Cuffs, Dress any of the numerous articles that you can select so well from our Huberdashery department. 50c., to clear at 2c. storé for a man's " RAILWAY. PROJECTS BUSIEST IN YEARS, there will be more rauway construc. tion in Ontario and Quebec during the than m given out shortly alter » and, in fact, it is that contracting firms have al- ready been asked by one leading trunk on certain pieces of In the first place, a cablegram was received from London a or two since, stating that the Ottawa Val- ley railway enterprise had been suc- fmbully § Hoaled in the British metro- polis, t Mr. Hogg, the company's licitor, would leave for home at once, and that on that railway ex- tending from Montreal to Ottawa and westward to the lakes, a distance of over 300 miles' would be put under jeontract immediately. Some fifty m'les of the Ottawa ior out of Mont- real, have already been located and the idea of its promoters is to have [a Targe portion of the Montreal-Otta- wa section completed within the next twelve months. It iv also an open secret that the Canadian Pacific are about. ready to ace under contract the double track- of the main line from Vaudreuil to Smith's Falls, the culverts and bridges having already been * widened with this end in view. RK may be said, however. that one of the most important of the C.P.R's immediate projects is the paralleling of the Grand Trunk between Montreal and Toronto, taking in most of the towns on Lake Ontario, from Kingston to the Queen City. It is understood that the location of this road has been: approved of at headquarters, and that the work will be put under con- tract in early spring. Although the engineers may have de- cided where the new railway shall lcave the main line running west- , | wards to Kingston, the public are vet in ignorance of this fact, The building of this road furnishes one more rea- son for their double track to Smith's Falls, for when the new Toronto line is completed, both this and the old Montreal and Toronto system will use this double track in getting into the city. Another important road is the pro- jected Grand Trunk branch from King- ston to Ottawa. This short cut will give the Grand Trunk railway an ep- try into the capital from the west, and its construction which has been on the cards for some time past, will, it is understood, be got under way early next summer. The Canadian Northern or Macken- zie and Mann system, has also most important projects to carry out in the vicinity of Montreal. It is said in the first place that their projected termi- nals in this city will cost $5,000,000, and this sum will be expended on the Island of Montreal. Their line down the Ottawa Valley is almost complet- ed to Hawkesbury, and the remaining fifty miles to the Baok' River, within four miles of Montreal, has heem as good as located. The last section will be put under contract during 1907, and when the Canadian Northern the Ottawa Valley are completed there will be then four competitive lines be- tweem the commercial and political capitals of the dominion. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. King Oscar's condition, to-day, showed considerable improvement. The Allan steamer Sarmatian, for Glasorow, sailed from Halifax, on De- comber 12th. A little son of John Cray, Ingersoll, was run over by a sleigh and fatally injured. Kate Hyde Pearson was arrested in Montreal, at the request of the Tor onto police authorities. P. D. Ross has been pressed to em- ter the field for mayor of Ottawa for 1997 but has decided to declime. The trial of the cases arising out of the recent railway strike riots in Hamilton was begun this morning. The Lyceum thegtre, London, which Sir. Henry Irving made famous, was sold at auction. It brought $397,500. Petitions will be entered to uneeat Messrs. J. W. Baker, and William Gar son, newly-elected members of the Win- nipeg hoard of control. The Hamilton board of trade has nominated eight candidates for next year's council. Four are liberals and forr are conservatives, i Upon the application of W. P. Bull, a creditor, a winding up order was nted,. to-day, in the case of Me- a Electric Gas Motor company, of Toronto, The jury disagreed. in the case of Nelson Bros., proprietors of the Ros- sin House, accused of stealing elec tricity from the 'Toronto Electric Light company. Knox church congregation, Peter- boro, has received an unsolicited do- nation of 85,000 from Messrs. Richard Hal! and Charles MeGill, as executors of the Nicholls estate. Clifford Hooe, the Pittsburg negro convicted . of perjury for statements mate before the trial of the Hartie divorce case, was sentenced to six years in jail and King Crown Prince Olaf, of Norway, left London, to-day, for Germany. They will spend a couple of days with Em- pevor William, at Berlin, hefore return. ing to Christiana. Seasonable. Sweet! Marjoran, thyme, sage. sum- mer savory, garlic, leeks, cranberries, chestnuts, currant jelly, ete., at Car novsky's. ; § The voung non all adutive Jenkins 4 ios. | Sale' of silver belts, worth 50c., for 150. New York Dress Reform. WILL MAKE NEXT SEASON |tuce Ottawa Valley Line, Double Track | fined 850. Haakon, Queen Maud and |$ DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DEC OITY AND VICINITY, 4. -- Hot House Vegetables. Mushrooms, Boston lettuce, leaf let: , gieen - ONIONS, pars ley, ete., at Carnovsky's. ------------ Back Warmers, Nothing is more comfortable sin a Re Parluing TE. Je a ov Ee Ne -- YeAccording 0 the Solaris ay, a in pound opinion of the . leading contractors, packa There is no better raisin eb Beautiful Holiday Books. "When in doubt" give a book for a present, and you will not make any mistake. Just toke a little time, and go through R. Uglow & Co's stock, and you will get plenty of ideas for suitable gifts. Is The Award Valid ? It is said that the Perth Road com- Pany; has been adwised by. its solicitor that the expropriation award is null and void as the arbitration exceeded the time limit specified for bringing it in, rbe---- Y.M.C.A. Notes. Two games of basketball were play- ed at the Y.M.C.A. gym. last night, The first game between St. James' and the Maple Leals resulted in a victory for the latter with a score of 37 to 30. The second game between Brit- annias and Wanderers resulted in a victory for the latter with a score of 22 to 42. : Bourassa Coming. Those wishing to procure tickets for the after-dinner proceedings at medi- cal banymet, Grant hall, Tuesday, De- cember 18th see plan at Uglow's at once. It is expected that the gallery will be filled with those wishing to hear Mr. Bourassa, M\P., and Hon. Bad Graham, M.P.P. Doors open at Died At Cleveland. Mrs. William Newman, Brock street, has been notified of the'death of her brother, William Dehaney of Cleve- land. He was an old fireman and had enjoyed but ome year on the pension fund of that city. He yearly visited Kingston, Mrs. Newman has gone to the bereaved home. Sincere sympathy will be extended the Kingston relatives in' their sorrow, A Fine Collection. Samuel McCullough, caretaker at the armouries, has a magnificent collection of old coins, paper money, ete. Among his most treasured possessions is a £25 county debenture issued at Brock- ville' on October Mth, 1862, and en- dorsed by A. Campbell, on December 17th, 1855. This paper is in good con- dition. There is also a Nova Scotia twenty-cent. piece of date 1875, no larger than an American nickle. An- other fine piece is a wedallion of John Graves Simcoe, governor of Upper Canada. ---------------- Confectionery. We have a very large stock of con- fectionery, which we are selling at as- tonishingly low prices: 1 lb. mixed candies, 8c., or 3} lbs. for 25¢c. 1 lb., mixed candies, 10c.; 1 lb. cream can- dies, 124c.; 1 lb. molasses kisses, 12¢.;' 1 Ib. chocolate drops, 12¢; 1 Ib. fancy assorted chocolates, 25¢c.; 1 1b. box choice assorted bon-bons, usual price, 40c., we sell at 25¢c; fancy as- sorted bon-bons, 30c., 40c., 50c. box; Fry's imported chocolates, 10c., 25c., 30c, box; Fry's Christmas novelties for children, 10c., each, at W. R. McRae & Ca., the Golden Lion. ODDFELLOWS' EVENT In the City Hall---A Fine Imper- sonator. Kingston Lodgéd, No. 59, 1.0.0.F., gave a social event at the City Hall, last night. The first part of the pro- gramme consisted of a play entitled "David and Jonathan," given entirely by Newton Beers, who took a list of fourteen characters himself. One of the largest audiences ever gathered in the City Hall, were held spell-bound, except for constant bursts of ap- plause from start to finish. Mr. Beers showed himself to be an impersonator whose peer has not been seen in King ston for many years. Mr. Beers took his audience back to the thrilling times of David and Goliath about 1065 B.C., and so true, thrilling and irealistic was his acting that it was easily imagined that the armies of the various rulers were in plain sight: The second part of the programme was a dance arranged for the special benefit of the young people. though many of the older lodge members re- mained for the first of the proceedings. About one hundred couple danced to the excellent music provided by Crosby and O'Connor's orchestra, un- til an early hour in the morning. The committee in charge of. the entertain ment and dance were: Messrs. Ball, Sloan, Crozier. Stafford, Hamilton, Derry, Craig. Patterson, Birch and Lappen. Art Goods. Beautiful pictures. and art calendars in new designs, all shbeialle selocted for holiday presents. sure to visit R. Color & Co's, and look through their Christmas stook. ---- California Products. Ripe tomatoes, ripe pears, oranges, pol tes. prunes, navel Lima beans, cauliffower, celery, otc, at Carnovsky's. Tooke's. Crescent and W. G. & R's soecial Christmas shirts at Jenkins', 1, \ In 1860 the libretto of a whole play occupied four and a half columns of the Times. It was printed as an ad- vertisement. Ont-of-town"' orders for MeConkev's or Huvler's high-alass candy should he in early to ensure shipment. Sold ohly at Gibson's Red Cross drue Stare, Children's mitts, black, red, and navy, 15c., all sizes. S ings, spe- cially strong, 20c. and 28e. New York : orm. The newest creations found at Jenkins'. Phe remytation of Jenkins' 'provincial, in ties gre ties is * 1 the girl's will, AGAINST - HER WILL A MAN ACCUSED OF HUG- - ING A GIRL. Remonstrated and the Act Re- pedted--A Negro Found Guilty ~TIried to Rob and Assault Parties. : Sandwich, Ont., Dec. 14.--Jt cost Henry Martin $12.85, in the police court, for huggi plaintiff said that when she stepped from the car she was accosted by Martin, who gave her a regular bear hug. Temonstra- ted and Martin thereupon repeated the act. Martin attempted to ove he was home feeding the baby a the time the plaintiff was hugged, but he was not believed by the court. Walter Mitchell, one of the negroes extradited from Detroit on charges of robbery dnd aggravated assault on the steamer Premier, while in Cana- dian waters; on June 16th, has been found guilty on each of three counts, and sentence was reserved until the conclusion of his fellow prisoner's trial. The evidence showed that the Mitchells attacked Smith, the com- plainant, with a chair and beat him over the head with a revolver, at- tempted to rob him of a roll of $50 and almost succeeded in throwing him overboard. There was no defence. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Livingston's headyuarters for Christ- mas neckwear. Fancy flannel shirts with print ouffs. Miss Annabelle Beatty, Toronto, is visiting in the city. padded squares at Jenkins', New, fancy mutters, and oblongs, at Jenkips % Capt. P. C, Teller has gone to his home in Owen Sound. Ramsay Pennypmoker, Philadelphia, is a visitor in the city. Only four travelling kits left at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. They are real beauties. A. T. Phillips, of Ottawa, is spend- ing the day in the city. ha cider, clarified, 30c. per gal., at McRae's, the Golden Lion. Handsome manicure sets at $3, in sterling silver motits; at Best's. All orders for Christmas candy will be delivered Christmas day from Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Suspenders, in fancy boxes. ston's. Children's toques, white, navy, car- dinal, regular 35¢c. for 25¢c. New York Dress Reform. A few Enclish penny postage stamps' for sale or exchange at the Whig of- fice. Jenkins' pearl grey and white fancy mufflers are exguisite. Living- Capt. A. Milligan, of the steamer Westmount, has left for St. Uathar- ines, Harrison Co's. stores offer unusual inducements to wise buyers of durable sensible gifts. ' Capt. John Wood, of the steamer Rosemount, has returned to his le in Port Dalhousie, Jenkins' French silk handkerchiefs for men are charming. The county council, this afternoon, decided to leave the acceptance of the Perth road award over for next year's council. White or cardinal clouds, splendid size, 25¢c.; overstookings, 25c. New York Dress Reform. Miss Susie Bawden has accepted for the present, a position as domestic science teacher in the Y. W. C, A. Peterboro. Bovs' mufflers, 25c. and 50c., at Jenkins'. R. J. Free, Division street, a resi- dent of Rideau ward, has been request- ed to offer himself as an aldermanic candidate and has consented. See Livingston's house coats aiid dressing gowns, special Saturday. Leave orders for Christmas candy early at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Joseph M. Winburn, who has been mate on the steamer Turbinia, run- ning between Toronto and Hamilton, is in the city spending the winter with his father, Capt. Robert Winburn: Pearl grey, silk-lined gloves, £1.50, at Jenkins'. Warm. house and bedroom slinpers, all kinds, at moderate prices. The Lockett shoe store. Airs. James Bennett, who bas been visiting her soms, Alexander and James, in Walla Walla and Seattle, US., for the past four years, has re. turned to the eity, and is stopping with her son, Thomas, Wellington street. Flannel cuffs or double cuffs and soft, separate collars. Jenkins'. Nothing makes a more suitable Christmas present for: your wife or sister than a swell coat or costume, made to order by the Johnston Tail: oring Co., 107 Princess street. Hand mirrors, ebony and rosewood, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A most fascinating play is promised next Thursday at the Grand when "Queen of the Convicts," by Theodore Kromer, will be presented with an un- usual quantity of gorgeous scenery and bewildering electrical effects, Perrin's gloves are qualities, at Jen- S. John C. Smith, B.A. honor gradu: ate in classics, of Queen's University, 'and a departmental specialists in classics of the normal college, has been engaged as classical master of the Wingham high school, and will assume his néw position 'at the beginning of the new vear. Ald, Givens says he had no sus. picions of misdoings in regard to the stock of the power committee. He said he was asked by Manager Campbell to make the recommendation to the com. mittee that an outside audit be made of the stock and he suggested the matter to the committee. 250 dozen ties at Jenkins' to choose fram. Each 30c. tie placed in a small box. Christmas candy, Huyler's or Me Conkev's, pnoked, all readv for ex. pressing at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Quaker brand seeded raisins in 1 1b. package: s all ready to use are sold uf 12¢. per kage, at W. R. MoRae & Co., the fol »f a den Lion. Jenkins' sells fancy sox in all colors, be: and up. Miss Menin against | -- Saturday Shonping | Hi ft 1 0ff All Our 3 Cloth Coats HERE have been Clearance Sales of Cloth Coats, and there will be more of them, but we. doubt if any could be more popular, or have more to ap- preciated, than this of our's. The prices we had marked at the open- ing of the season were decidedly low for garments of such good quality--every fair judge admitted that--and now you may come and * choose from all we have left, and ray only two-thirds what they would have cost a few days ago. Surely we need not urge you to come=and to come at once--if you or your children have any need of a new winter coat. Here are a few hints of the values: 3 only, Ladies' Invisible Stripe 4 only, Ladies' Black Fri Grey Tweed Coats, three-quarter i Cog double-b: ted ats, and loos length, trimmed over shoulders 42 inch long, lined og with straps of dark grey .broad- sleeves, overlapped s, oo cloth, fancy shawl collar trimmed mented with sclf tah times with velvet and braid, fly front, ~~ with buttons, self collar od two plain full sleeyes with neat cuff, cuffs. Regular price, 89.75 ang 1ouise Hartie and John lined throughout. Regu- Clearance Sale price, to 6.50 will remain with their 1 lar price, $7.50. Clearance mOreow ....... » entire cost of the proceed sale price tomorrow ,..... V* 7 only, Ladies' Black Ei lish Beg. ed on Mr. Hartie, and 3 . . ver Coats, of finest quality Beg divorse. filed by his wife, 4 only, Tweed Coats, seven-cighth ver, 46 inches long, iul| | ~ when it is reached in the length, in mediuny shade of heavy ble a eps 100 back gh, 3 double-breasted front ney self der. reversible tweed, full box back, strap forming Wi fin front, velvet collar, full ahd" front. rag ) ' g » coat collar and Patti's Richest S sleeves with nobby cuffs, and reveers,, full sleeves with ne oh Toronto Blobs lined body and 3 50. stitched turn-back cufic. ge. the last two songs eu Cl a = Prices aloe 4 % lined body and sleeves. Rogy don by Adelina Patti' be afance Sao J 1 . lar price $14.50. Clear tirement from the IMOXTOW yoviuy ies sides ance Sale price, to-mor 967 "Home, Sweet Home," o > 3 2 J, Children's Light Grey Tweed Coats, TOW triers natin, * Thrdugh the Bye. Need with pleated fancy yoke back Children's Invisibly Striped Green reason, of course Dis 1 and front, buttoning close to Tweed Coats, with fu vokes, : of : ' neck, faney collar with velvet, collars and reveers. and gi a uudisten understoo full sleeves pleated info cuffs, piped with satin, full back with recen 3 with steel buttons. Regu- side-pleats, double-breasted and 3 he hi + nts Yiew X lar price, 85.95. Clear- lined throughout. Regu dollars ighest fee was hon 8 io EOP ar 'Price. Bh 95 : a night for tw ance Sale, price, to-mor lar price, $1.75. Clea . . 3 row : . avice Sale price, to-morrow V* seasons of sixty nights e hs pivisnan Nimans pissin ; \ tevideo, in the A he . -- ' : : 5 All Ladies' Cloth Coats, in the latest Piles wick relief Shop's Ointment Tweed, Black Beaver and Black Frieze i's "made "alone for pi ! i works _ with certainty . a Eflets. Regular prices from $2.50 to tio. , painful, pr o each. I Clearance Sale Prices from $5.00 to 9.67 All Children's Cloth Coats, in a great number of styles and shades. Regular prices from $3.50 to $7.50 each. Clearance Sale Prices from $2.33 to 5.00 Sample Xmas Cushion Covers At One-Third Regular Prices 9 MAS shoppers should more than enjoy this extraordinary sal#, for, while these Covers were shown to many Ontario stores by the traveller on the last trip with "Xmas goods--they are just as clean and fresh-looking as they S13 Handsome | could possibly be, and, because they werg RI! 8 styles, st samples, we got them at from one-half bill § Rich Patte to one-third of what the covers ordered Sie and $18. from them will be sold for. Note the hour. $ See ur Sy 180 only, Fancy Tapestry Cushion Lil . Re 1 Covers, about 20 inches square, neat, | EIS Genteel Silk U slaty ! bright, new. designs, regularly worth olla and 815. from 30 to 45c. each. Yours to ] 5 SU 45 Each morrow morning after 9 o'clock (we C. k Comfortyble . expect the lot will last about 15 | s with large minutes) each only .. See our £10 No Mail or 'Phone Orders for these Covers. PRELLELLELLLLELLLMLAMLLLLELLLLLLLELLELS - COLLLNL00000000000000000000000000000a0snrttts > MOCCASING| For Everybody Ladies' and Gentlemen Grosv overcoat, coats anywh |] tures, etc. $15 and $18 a ------r 1 ¥ ll It takes a : J ¥ prize a Rair f rr x useful in fin BE ------ ) S materials ax See our $12 | | all the sma Greys, Fav It's a bea Top Conts-- fur coat, § Leather Con : Lamb Line Boys and Girls Ea. s : 4 Frieze and oY Children and Babies | $7.50, : 4 See our $47 Ks We Have The Best To Be Had 4 1} Gentlemen's sizes, 6 to 12. : $1.5 4 | Ladies' sizes, 3 to 6 Loo J 4 Bays' sizes, 1 to 5... Lo Girls' sizes, 11 to 2 Te it Children's sizes, 7 to 10... dni. 85 | Babies' sizes, 3 to 6 oe. 0 | -- ~ Lockett's Shoe Store | FIRIIIININIIIIIRIIIIII IY SII II FIFRA