; 3 .- » Scott's Linimen! Is the best for man or beast. HORSE LINIMENT for +, all reas. ves fa ruins. Large bottle T5 cents. Excellent (Hair Restorer aud Sealp Cleanser If not for sale at your drugy always be procured at a Ales § Scott' s White Liniment ¢ pre a: St. ohn, N.B., and Che! me FU RS Large assortment of Ruffs and Mufis of all kinds W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. Phone 700. Umbrellas useful Fine al once a well 'KMAS GIFT We have handles oughly combine and chosen many exclusive and all thor high grade. Our Special Gent's Um brella is a patented idea and rolls to as. small a citcumierence as a walk- ing stick, SMITH BROS, Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Marri Licenses. Issuers of Kingston Business Gollege | (LIMITED) Head of Queen street, Kingston. - Canada, devoted to higher Com- ercial and Shorthand 'education Il Commercial subjects taucht Individual instruction. Dav and Evening classes. bnter ac time. Rates moderate. Attend the heat H.F. METCALFE, Prin. PRESENTS For Every Person Good useful articles for or old to to found here in grea rariety. For Ladies' We show Handkerchiefs of ever: 'onceivable style and make uj $2 each. youry Waist Patterns put up in pretty boxes from 75c. up. Kid Gloves, best in the land, at $1 and $1.25, all shades, all size , For Gentlemen Fancy Suspenders put up boxes at 35¢. and 75c. Excelda Silk Handkercl with dainty colored border special 2 for 25c. Gloves, Scarfs, Mufflers, Neck Ties, etc. For Children Red Toques, Sashes and Over stockings to match and all at popular prices. Colored Handkerchiefs, 2c. each and up. White Handkerchiefs, tials, 5c. each with ini- Hundreds of other articles ---------- NEWMAN & SHAW ------------------------------ Specials For Thursday = - : . m= ! Table Linen = 64 inch Bleached Table Damask, All Pure Linen, would be good value, at 50c. yard. Special TO-MORROW, 35¢c. yard. 72 inch Bleached Table Linen, several good designs, the $1.25 quality, TO-MORROW, 89c. yard. Linen' Huck Towels 50 dozen All Linen Huck Towels, | the | large sizes, 35¢c. pair is regular price. Special MORROW, 25¢. pair. Table Napkins 20 dozen § size All Pure Linen, always value at $1.75, yours TO-MOR- ROW, $1.23 dozen. TO- «Wool Blankets All Wool Blankets, double bed size, the $4 quality just a few | pairs left for $2.98 pair. Xmas Novelties Come in and look over our 'Xmas Novelties, you are sure to find what you. want in 'Xmas | Collars, Belts, Gloves, Hand- kerchiefs, Ties, Fancy Combs, Neck Ruchings in boxes, Eancy Waiscings, in(Silk and Wool, Furs and Coats. Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street TO THE . ELECTORS OF KINGSTON : Your vote and cordially solicited for J. McDONALD MOWAT for Mayor for 1907. MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN TO THE ELECTORS :-- Your vote and influence 'are re- spectfully solicited for the office of Mayor, for 1907, by THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. Ald. Frank J. Hoag Frontenac Ward TO THE ELECTORS -- 1 have been requested to offer myself as an Aldermanic Candidate for this his toric ward, and have agreed to do so, 1 and iniduen working respectfully solict your vote me as an independent 1907-8 and 9. ROBERT T. SPENCE. elect man for Hear the World Talk Sing, Laugh, Cry, Shout, make wonderful speeches, render the . Table Napkins, | good | influence are | } -- hen you fnishye your frst bottle of Abbeys wom Salt you wit Have but' one i regret-- that you did not use it months ago. The way 'ABBEY'S SALT makes you eat-- and sleep--and feel--will surprise and delight you. %Be.and 6c. ., Al Druggists. Maypole Soap Made in England, but sold. 0c. for Colovomiss. fov Black, | Cook's Cotton Root Compound, The great Uterine Tonic, and jonly safe effectual Monthly slate ron which women can de cand. old in three degrees al of Sirength--No. 1, 81; No. & w) um ogrecs tronger, No 2 - I eis NEES, per . or Sol6 Fy eat oe eal Tepa or receipt of price. reo wor rhisr Address : mer ly W RL ex Memicing Co. Tora. For Indigestion Try Chocolate Coated K. D. Cc. THEY ARE PURE HARMLESS AND CURATIVE Tablets Try a Pound of | Myers' nowz xaos Sausages | For|Sunday's Breaktast. 60 Brock Street. DOES YOUR SCALP ITCH ? | Are Your Hairs Dropping One By One ? li your scalp itches 'you are doubt less sufiering trom dundrufi. The dan- | drufi germ is digging up your scalp-in {little flakes, called dandrufi, and sap- ping the life of the hair bulb. No hair preparation that is a mere hair stimu lant and tonic will cure dandruff, be cause it won't kill the germ that caus es the trouble. Newwmio's Herpicide is the latest scientific discovery; and it will kill the dand germ. Destroy the cause, and you remove the effect; kill the germ and vou will have no more dandrufi. falling hair or baldness. Sold | by leading druggists, Send 10e¢. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co Detroit, Mich. Gi. W. Mahood, special | agent rink office will be opened for the sale of Season Tickets and Lockers, on Dec. 10th. First shatine S DAY EVENING, Dec. 11th, an Band in . { is the best 'Xmas that yo puy your Boy or srl asoy Ticket Rates Lady's Single .- weeiee 3 3 Gentleman's Single ......... 4. Children's Single (under 16 years) . 3. Family of 2. 6 Family of 3 ... 1: Family of 4 or 5 . «8. Family of 6 or 10 only seseusais 10. P.S.--No one will be jallowed to Practise Hockey unfil they have their Tickets BONTER H. W. RIC HARDSON. Manager Sec -T The Wisdom of Solomon Exemplified w. BE Mother and Son Happy and ! Grateiul For Restoration. greatest music, give vent to the | keenest humor, and pour forth the best of everything the earth pro- duces through. The Columbia Graphophone Winners of The Grand Highest Award, ot The World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. FOR SALE AT Angrove Bros. 88-90 Princess Street The Home of the Safety Razor a have all the new kinds that makes having a luxury. an is nothing nicer for a Christmas Present Ever Ready, 12 blades, $1.50 case Star, 1 blade, $1.50 to $5. Clauss, 12 blades, $3.75. Gillettes, 12 blades, $5 to $12. Plain Razors, set of from 20 6. in single or in Every Ragor-guaranteed or money re- | funded. wn Soads exchanged ot satisfactory, MITCHELL'S HARDWARE "| after Christmas if Yesterday a happy and grateful mother told the length in the following story at much laboratory of Dr. Slocy { My son was in greater n, 179 King street west health. We went to two le who both told him his lungs were badly aflected. Did not think he could live Prescrib- {ed for him without effect. take Psychine. poor Wing doctors, long. Was induced Improve Tangs be- Commenced | by friends to | ment was slow, | came gradually but steady strong Persisted in the use of to gain flesh. Psvchine. In a few months was well, healthy and robust. Had same doctors lungs Said they and strong as they had Asked what he them he "Using remedy in the world-- "Well, when examine his again, were as sound ever examined.) had been doing for said : the greatest The doctors replied, to the fact that you vou were a very sick Psychine we can certify we last saw ate sound and well. man: now you This tells its own story. All forfhs of throat, chest, lung and stomach trou quickly to the all-conquer bles yield Psychine {pronounced ing power of ; Si-keen). For sale at | 50e. and £1 per bottle. all druggists at ; there will be a surplus gf proba- bly 85.000, In other words, be 0 | estimated, "densbury Monday, A SAVING 0 OF $5,000 ON THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE EXTENSIONS To the Light Plant--Most of the Extensions Completed--A Vote of Appreciation of Ald. Toye's Good Services. The civie light committee met yes- terday afternoon." In attendance were Aldermen Toye (chairman), Givens, Bassam and Gaskin. A statement was submitted by Man- ager J. M. Campbell, showing the ex- penditires upon the gas and electric extensions. The statement of the year's receipts and expenditure in connection With gas and electric distribution was not ready, but Chairman Toye said that the receipts were greatly in ex- cess of those of last year. The extension statement showed that after allowing for all work vet to be done, provided for the expenditure c 000, whereas, only $80,000. % Of the new gas mains. all bd 400 feet on Brock street, and 1,100 feet on Lower Bagot street have been laid The estimated cost of . the mains was 221,120. The actual cost will be £500 less. The gas holder was estimated at 000, and will cost only $19,000. Services, however, cost more than but these will vield a re venue. There were 211 new gas ser- vices put in during the vear. The foundations for the generators cannot he put in until the present ma- chinery is removed. Regarding outside electrical distribu- tion. all of the new fewders and mains of the Edison system have been erect- ed, with the exception of a small line on Sydenham street. Very little has vet been done in re-arranging the dis- tributioh for the alternating current and arc lights. It will take the preater part of next summer to complete the work. On the suggestion of Ald. Tove, Ald. Gaskin moved .that the first work in the spring be that of completing the gos mains on Brock and Bagot streets, This was carried, Ald. Toye brought up of future extensions. At ing of the committee, asked that some by-law ND, the extensions will cost $25, the question the last ment. Ald. Elliott be passed in this regard. so that there would he some definite rule to follow as to ser- vice extensions. Ald. Tove revarted that there was no similarity betwaen the licht and water departments. The matter was left over for next year' committee to deal with. as Alds. Ga kin and Givens deemed it too late now to consider. Ald. Givens should he claimed that there some one outside of the plant officia's to report wnon the stock on hand. The same should be done on the waterworks. Some Lind of audit should he had on the stock. Tn reply to a question. Al. Tove said that there was abovt 817.000 of | stoe' on hand. Stack-taking could not be done til January. Ald. Givens moved th in connro- tion with the city audit." some moons be adopted to check the spock of the plant. Ald. Bassam said that the auditor didn't know the difference between a coupling from a brass tap. and, there fore, could not take stock. Some ox pert world be reauirved. . Ald. Givens added to his motion that the auditor be given any local expert assistance he requires. The mo- tion was agreed to. The chairman reported that six new arc lamps would be required for new street ercctions." On motion of Ald. 'Gaskin it was decided to purchase the required lamps. This being practically the last com vear., Ald Gas mittee meeting of the kin moved a vote of apprec iation of Ald. Tove's services as chairman dur- ing the year. He said that Ald. Toye and most atten The light had been courteous tive to his onerous duties committee had more work to do this vear than all the other civic commit tees combined, and to the chairman was due in a large degree the success of the vear'd undertakings Ald. Givens seconded the and paid tribute to Ald. Toye as a capable chairman. He had performed his duties with unfailing courtesy, and had made things easy for the commit tee members hy his thorough knowl: edge of every detail Ald. Tove. in thanking his con frerea for their vote of appreciation and confidence, stated that he had been well backed up by the committee in the large undertakings of the vear. I'he committee had worked well to rether. At the beginning of the vear, Mavor Mowat had asked that politics be eliminated from civie affairs, and he was safe in saving that the light committee had followed out the may or's desire in this respect. A most prosperons year had resulted in the livht department, and the committee of 1906 could well be prond of its work. résolution, Death Jf G. C. Gridley. George C. Gridléy, general passenger agent of the Rome, Watertown & Og division of the New York railroad, died suddenly on aged fifty-six vears.. He re «1 to Watertown from Syracuse in | The funeral occurs at Water town, N.Y., on Monday. Mr. Gridley had been connected with the affairs of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg division of the New York Cemtral for Central over thirty years. He took pride in doveloping the Thousand Island re gion and he lived to see the resort section of the St. Lawrence river pa- tronized by a larger summer colony than the most optimistic hoped for twenty-five vears ago. Warden John county, gave sixty of his Morrison, Crown At Rev. W. | evening Edward fifty or On Friday Mallory, Prince a spread to some friends, embracing Judge Sherifi Gillespie, County tornev J. Roland Brown, Armitage, Messrs. A. E. Wilson, of the Bank oi Montreal, A of the United Empire Bank, and a number of other leading citizens from Pieton, as well as the members of the county council, a large contingent from Ploomfield, East Lake, and other lo calities Ser Bibhy's $5 Leslie, boys' suits, ___.__ DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1% I ---- Strength Comes, | Not From What You Eat, From What You Digest. Most people eat most foods ithuat; discrimination--it majters little { Few stop to think what that food dos | for them. This is the'first turn on th road to dyspepsia. Reckless at i of the proper choice of foods, rapid eating and improper mastication, are | the unquestioned causes of all stomach | disorders from the slight ache to the | malignant cancer, { There is nothing more revolting than | a dyspeptic stomach, a very vat for | putrefaction, sending forth its poison | thioy, hout the entire system, depress ing e brain, beiouling the Af in Eh the taste, deadening the cles, incapacitating the liver neys for their work, delibity heart, choking the dnd ging the bowels, All of these disagreeable find dang- erous conditions are due to the im- proper digestion of food and the con seyuent assithilation of poison. What else can be expected * 1i the food lies in the stomach, if the system is consti- pated, fermentation is the natural outcome, It shows itseli in sour wa tery risings, belchings, heartburn and painful breathing. There is only one way to relieve this condition. If the stomach refuses to digest your food put something into But lungs clog it that will. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are nothing but digestives, They are not a medicine. They work when the stomach will not Each tablet contains enough pepsin, diastase, golden seal and other... «i gestive elements to reduce 3,000 grains of ordinary food to the proper econ sistency for assimilation into the blood. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are abso lutely pure, There is nothing harm ful in them as shown in their endorse ment by 40,000 physicians in the Unit ed States apd Canada ion of Stuart's Dyspepsia 1 if he is honest toward you he will state positively that they will cure Your stomach trouble whatever it may be, unless you have waited too long and have allowed your disorder to de velop into cancer. Tablets and Act to-day and begin to end your suffering. A free trial package will be sent to your address se upon request The 50¢, size packages are for sale at your druggist's, F. A 67 Stuart Building, NM shall, Mich MARINE INTELLIGENCE, -- What is Going on About the Harbor. The steamer Rosemount from Buffalo, N.Y, M. T. company, Capt. John Houson, of the Rosemount, has re in Port Dalhousie, The steamers Haskell and the Rutland line, are Ogdensburg, N.Y, Ogdensburg is to have a dry doek and a shipyard carriage large enough to handle any vessel that can pass through the 'Welland canal. The work of unloading the steamer Rimla at Richardsons' elevator whs completed yesterday, and the vessel left for Garden Island, where she will lay up for the winter. The George Hall company, burg, N.Y., has appointed Richard Fitzgerald superintendent of has arrived with coal for the turned to his home Averell, of to winter at Ogdens ol) repairs to the company's: fleet Capt. Coons, of the steamer Indian, wat in the city to-day. on his way to his home at St. Catharines. Cant Coons says that the past fall was the worst he had cver experienced during the thirty vears he had. heen The htia had a most i however, and met with no serious mishap. The last just a few davs ago sailing. successful soa trip was ended CITIZENS' LEAGUE. Ii Needs Be Will Have Aldermanic Candidates. Last night's meeting of the Cit zens' League developed into a commit Meeting. It was well attended by representatives of the committees in the various who presented their work which indicated that there was progress all along the line Various committees appointed wards, weére to further canvass the different wards and to report next week. Considerable time was spent, last night, m aestion sion it condidering the candidate and, after a lengthy discus wag decided that nothing be done 'for a week vet Wil the onli dates were in the field, Thon these are to be approached and if a satisfac tory understanding canhéit be arrived at then candidatcs of the league will be put forward, It is that this last recourse to be taken however, will not have hoped, A six pound work basket is one of the most beautiful products of Ger many filled with Melonkey's high class candy. Nothing so elaborate is being shown in Kingston. See them at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store David J. McCarthy, Prescott, on Tuesday moming He ager of the Grenville brewery. He fiftv-threel vers of age, and married, He was well-known in Kineston died was man was It means a saving! Get Swift's Seranton con! W. P. Hamilton, died at Saskatoon His romaine were taken to Smith's Falls for burial. His sisters reached Suskatoon to visit him, only to find his lifeless corpse, RHEUMATISM . risk 253, Lent = seldom fails to relieve Paina in joints Is & few hours. Positively cures in & fow days, It dows mot put the disease to sleep, but drives from the tysiom . ~MENYOR. Ask your family physician his opin- | Stuart Co, { ee -------- steamer | Captain | repairs, and next season Captain Dan Hourigan will sail Onptain Fitzger- | ald's present steamer, the John Ru gee. The latter will be in dharge of | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lc. a word. Each cons secutive insertion therafter jc. a word. Minimum charge for ome in sertion, 25e¢. Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $1. Advi. 4 lines or under a month, $3. ---- § ybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG TE HELP WANTED-MALE, TWO CARTERS, WITH horses and sleixh: Swift's Coal Yard THEIR OWN 5s al once, at SOME ONE TO MANUFACTURE AND sell op Royalty, my underwater ex. haust for Naptha Launches, Patented. Apply Fred J, Gowing, Sacketts Harbor, N,V, GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR : overcoats made to look like pretsed and cleaned or turned. New shatantaed Prices right. loway, ae Py is AP J BPR ATTY Soe QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR S. 8S, No. 1, Barriefield. Apply to H. Murray, Secretary, Barrietield. TO BUY DETACHED oe ONE, IN good locality at. $8,000. te par- ticulars ""Mac.," care Whig office. QUALIFIED TBACHRR, POR 8, 8S. No. 7, Hinchinbrook, Protestant. Apply to D, C, Snider, See.-Treas., Revnoldston Ont. ¥ Te -------- ey A CUTTER AND PAIR OF ROBE: Apply ut 243 Sydenham street. EE ---------------------------------------- A SARRIACGE HOHSE. APPLY ED J.B. Peuse, 49 King street. ELECTRIC MOTO! EIGHT HORSE, paver, now OR in Whig Press ALL EI Xi pS OF CITY. PROPERTY, Cann's Real Estate Fr 1 Broek street. hii ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR, chy onwtegational rived dress statine qualifications, salary, ete, 2086 Bagot St., City, ---------------------------------- A TEACHER FOR 8S. 8 NO = Hinchinbrook, male teacher preferred. Apply. stating salary, to the Secre- tary, J, N, Smith, Parham, Ont. o ---------------------------- pe. A QuaLIRIBD TEACHER, FOR 8S. 8. 11; (Union), Olden, for 1907. Th stating salary, to Mrs. Foster, Secy. "Treas, ' McLean P, 0. Addington C. ounty. 100 CARS NO. 1 and NO. 2 TIMOTHY Hay, shipment, December a Janu. ary. Quote lowest price vour station for each Panty wi \, Dwyer Co., Limited, Trust Building, MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, in eight week n $18 weekly, . throughout o 01 Canada aud Un States. Help RELAX Moler Barber College, Queen and Spadina, Toronto. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW make feet cushion space, Roy hronsh Whi office, AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW : mech al reason. Apply through al A -- MEDICAL FRACTICR, ORTH A , in hriving Jv 45 mi from Toronto. ne ha for Pres- byterian. M. Macintosh, 51 MeMillam street, Toronto. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. DWELLINGS, AT $6, $8, $11.50, $13, $20, $23, at McCann's, 51 Brock St. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- Ply Mrs. MacGillivray, 119 Earl St. MAID, FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK, three in family Anly in the evening to Mrs. Hubbell, 108 Bagot street, A WOMAN TO GO TU THE COUNTRY STORAGE SPACE FOR FURNI- tupe, ect. W. G. Frost, 200 Queen street, Ottawa, Ont. FIGHT HU NDRED AND follara will huy a house Dati a Mug owner is leavi city. For further rticulars, TOES BOX "T."" Whis ofica.- roy ROOMS, MODERN CONVENIENCES, 0 > pC Oity, THE PRORERTY, IN THE TOWN- owned by Wilton Lots 21 and 22, in t hi contain about 875 Acres. farms will be sold separately or to- ther the usual farm Paid ngs on the remises there | Ea - "Lot '2. bg © ROOMS OVER WADE'S, COR KING and Brock streets, ted by hot Apply to MeCann, 51 Brock three miles fuin eit Woman w one aad' + ye ow st lortable ome" i "right part viv Whig off) " STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, C., em ete scmebgbemehmisin in the Stearns Building, 200 King THE ELIZABETH GENERAL HOS.| St, clean and dry. McCann, 51 pital Training School for nurses, Brock strvet. JXeive miles from New York, has a CW vacancies for young women, three years course. In addition to main-| FIRST CLASS SITUATED, AND tenance. nurses receive $8 per month Constructed brick house, 11 rooms, first _vear, $0 per month second year modern irovements, Somtd nurbhy and $10 per month third Year. After detached ne HY treet pale, being or adunted employment may baw: Ha Haptist art, J ter readily be secured at the rate of £25 t | per week. Diplomas from this Hos bread, 196 Union street West: prtal ars recognized in the State of | cnees---------------------- Néw York. For toformation, apuiy Silsabeth General Hospital, Eliza- VETERINARY. a DR. G. W. BELL, V.8, HAS RE moved to his brick block; on Clarence street, just above the Fost Office. 2 » % ® BUSINESS CHANCE. * ¥ ------ ¥ ¥ I will guarantee ten per ¥ ¢ cent interest on two thous- ¥ and dollars for three years 3} good security given. Ad- ¥ ¥ dress Box "A.," Whig ¥ ¥ office. » * * i | | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters on Their Rounds. "As You Like It," to-night. The weather to-day was much mild- er, and more congenial. Henry UCunmingham, tuner, from Chickering's, at MeAuley's book store, Fire Chief Elmer picked up a small sleigh robe on the It awaits an owner We are still agents for the famous Clauss scissors. Strachan's hardware. Queen's has asked for a same with the Invincibles, of Belleville, in holi- dav-week, fi pointers--Clean coal ! Coal of quality, ton coal. "Well worth inspecting.' ful display of fancy class tandy at Gibson's Drug Store. Queen's You last night to supber street, coal ! Dry Swift's Seran- The beauti boxes of high Red Cross Dramatic Club put on "As Like It." at Rockwood hospital. The blayvers were treated afterwards Heads of great men all remind wus, If we go the proper gait We may get up of a morning With a bead that's just as great "As You Like It." to-night. The board of works is simply al lowing Contractor Tait to store a large quantity of crushed stone in the city yards so as to have it ready for | use early in the spring. The stone will be paid for as used Prevost, at the New York clothing | store, Brock street, has made a great reductich in price, in the order and read: also made clothing department; the gents' furnishing. PE will | be offered at a great reduction in price. The stock is 'well assorted, with new goods in every department. "Travelling Kits," and shaving kits in real leather, Beautiful designs at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. it pays to go there Julien Gordon (Mrs Van Rensselaer Calls by telephone or promptly attended to. telegraph ARCHITECTS. ETT ray WM. NEWLANDS, RC Bon, Roos! SAR "tll OF. Hore rests. "Hranen Frineess and POWER & SON chant's "Bank and Wellington --r---- ARCHITECT, 'M Building, corner I streets. 'Phone, 313, HENRY P. SMIT ARCHIT ete. Anchor Poin, Market HL Phone, 845, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot rR EE ------_-- MONEY AND RUSINESS. Co Mr: GANANOQUE NEWS, The Sudden Death of Mrs. Sarah Johnston. Gananoque, Dec, 12.-Mrs, Sarpgh Johnston, wife of the late James Johnston, passed suddenly away on Sunday night at the residence of her son, William Johnston, King street, Deceased was about sixty years of age, and was apparently in good health during the early part of the evening, but later was taken ill, The ral will take place on Wednesday afternoon to Willow Bank cemetéry. The Royal Scots Concert company played a return engagement at the Colonial theatre last evening, drawing a good house. Leeds' Formers' Institute held a ses- sion last evening in the town hall. Quite a large attendance of townspeo- ple and those from the surrounding township, availed themselves Of the opportunity of gaining the most up. to-date technical knowledge in the line of scientific farming. During the past week considerable inconvenience has heen catised to the manufacturing establishments of the town, by ice forming in the water wheels, On several different occasions the blockade necessitated shutting off the water from the canals, and clear: ing out the iev. J. J. Moore, corner Charles and Brock streets, is dangerously ill, and small hopes are entertained for his re covery, eb William Callow, who has spent the past six months in Manitoba near Morten, and for the past six weeks, bas been confined to the hospital with v this 'Xmas ? Cruger) contributes the leading story to the January Smart Set, and 1907 begins auspiciously for that brilliant periodical. Than "Broken Statues," no finer piece of work' has come from her pen. She knows "the world thor oughly, and her people are real be ings. The greater part of the scenes are laid on shipboard, and the author enriches her story with touches of exquisite humor Sunday the cook kitchen of the Hotel blew up, causing and setting fire About midnight ing range in the Terumseth, Picton, considerable damage, to ihe building. 0. Hubbs has been awarded the con- tract for earrving the mails between the Picton station of the COR. and the post' office Picton citizens hear of the advance. ment of W. A. Bog to the position of second agent of the Bank of Montreal, New York city, David MeCormock, Bongard's, has just completed a very large, up-to- date barn for E. J. McCaw, South Greenbush Rov. and Mrs. Walter G. Cook, Cape Vincent, have arrived. Mr. Cook is the new rector of St. John's church ee Ribby's fur fined coats. $1750, Special please him. Silk or Satin, 25¢. and 50c. each. Collars 12jc., 15¢. and 20¢. each. Boys' and Girls' Toques, in red, quality wool, collars, pany of Godwinle Insurance Famport et Square, LOST. A SABLE MUFF, TUESDAY AFTER, in a Princess St, Store, or on LIVERPOOL, LONDOR AND 295088 Reward for ita return to thin | secete Barres A TE le sadn xe which the policy holders have fot the stockholders: Farm and city pros MEDICAL. Perty dumired at. lowest | Dyssiole DR: McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY «Before renvWing old or ving Ryan corner Mon from The Paragraph Pulpit 'REV. ©, Ww CASSON, OTTAWA The Religion Of Jesus. The Unitarian church has as itd kim- ple covenant, "We accept the religion of Jesus, believing, in accordance with his teaching that true religion is summed up in love to God and love to man." It accepts fully the religion of Jesus, thougl it cannot acoept fully the theology of Paul. Between these two there is a vast difference. The message, simply spoken, is| one thing; the meaning, theologically mangled, is quité 'another. And the Unitarian chooses the message as Jesus phrased it, and endeavors to oxpress it in its original purity and power. Although compelled to reject most of the theology evolved from his | words, it believes fully in the religion | of Jesus : -- Address Mr. Casson for free litera ture, typhoid fever, has returned to town to recuperate at home. He purposes returning to the spring opens. ---------------- A travelling man bought one of the beautiful jewel cases at Gibson's Red Crosk Brug Store on Tuesday evening, He said he had not seen anything to equal the French designs shown there anywhere on the road, See Bibby's Hockey sweaters, $3. west as soon as Men's White Linen Collars and Cuffs, "As You Like It," to-night. Men's Neckwear How about some nice Collars or Ties for the man of the house We can show you something that will be sure to Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, light or dark shades, fancy or plain, latest Cuffs, 20c. cuts, all sizes, and 25c,.per pair. 'Xmas Umbrellas An Umbrella makes a very suitable and either Man or Woman, and one which will give satisfaction all the year round. See our stock before buying. 3 Toques and Sweaters Now the skating has arrived your Boy or Girl will need a new Toque and Sweater, nothing' more comfortable or handier. ~~ o q . acceptable 'gift for white, and blue, nice fine 25¢., 35c., and 49¢. each. Sweaters in blue, white and red, with plain and fancy striped c., 60c. and 75¢. each. CASH COUPONS. Crumley Brothers w