Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1906, p. 5

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one ee venir & Magrexs 8 Bought and Sold pcte! many of the best properties in the red to furnish reports upon same to oyr Hi eleinones Main 7450, 7451 o-- EE --------.. Now is the time to make a sole ti for "His" Christmas Gift--ang this the store where you will be most to find it. Man or Boy--we'ye things suitable for his Christm as | : : : This whole store is a veri Christinas tree of gifts, EE ------------ ; HANDSOME SUITS, * $10, $12, £13 to $18.50. $ * | ELEGANT OVERCOATS, $10 to $20. g, FANCY VESTS, dainty $1 to $4.50. 1.25. NOBBY"S TROUSERS, $3, $3.50 to $5. . n New WHITE VESTS, es, 50c. $1 to $3. BOYS' OVERCOATS, akiers, $3.50 to $8.50. BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS, WEAT- $2 to $6. BOYS' REEFERS, 19. to $1.50 to S450 E NEW- BOYS' THREE-PIECE SUITS, $4 to $8. S 80c. CARDIGAN JACKETS. 75c., 90c., $1 to $3. Fancy re s, ~ Pa- Don't miss seeing our dis- Flay of 'Xmas Neckwear D. Bibby Co. E--78-80-82 PRINCESS STRELT 90000 "Famouns" Seli-Basting Roast Pans THREE SIZES, 14, 16 and 18 in. This Pan roasts everything to the proper brown, and leav juicy as juicy can be. ey & Birch ock Street, Kingston POPIPPPINIP0P0P00000000000000000¢ * 96004 90 OHO VIO BHO GLO BO T IMPORT | isk Delight, 25c. Ib. a Princess Street : TO OHO BHO BO+O GLO TIO ts Secure them in time, Skating Risk will be open in a lew days s; $1.50, 2 and 2.50 (Invictus) Mule Hide Hockey lack or Tan, $3.00 GRISIS OF GIRLHOOD!R sick and needs mothe; DIES FROM SCALDING. banner in anv one wa Railway Engineer Killed in Blow: | snares pnd whiskey wre Winnipeg, Dee: 10.--While freight train was proceeding es engite blew out. The, man; and engineer were in the cab at Backus, of Havelock, Ont. was badly are darened. sand many times thirtv infived~gfid i® now in the hospital Engineer Frank vieme escaped by stepping out. on the side steps of the engine, We will éontinue to give them all next week with ties, 50c. and over. FE. P Jenkins' Clothing Co Body On Barb Wire Fence. Sydney; N.S., Dec. 10--0n Friday, the body of Angus MacInnis was found hanging over the barb wire fence that $f Penman's underwear at Jenkins If Christmas candy has been in store for three or four weeks before Christ mas it would be a shame to send it to any one. It could not be fresh. Gib son's Red Cross drug store will w ceive McConkey's and Huyler's this 'through the exercise of the power George Weller, one of ten people Jured"in a collision on the Montr street railway, on Thursday, -_ TR ---- EV. PRESENT puTY, He Advocates . lives of beantiful young ve been j : 1 ood jest = the Ideal Condition. ripening or displacements have | Rev. C. Ek. Manning preached i day morning, i ject "Whis sent Duty." "He stated that it would be him to take a text since what he purposed not suggested by any p; ture. He read some very istics showing the cost trafic to Canada, and fects on those drink. His scrm. follows : The cost of the liquor nada, direct and in firect, 150,600,000 annually. erage of $30 a head or $150 for the entire population. The total national debt of the bunfon was, in 1904, £361 96 the maney wasted, annually were applied to our nationa eould ip two years and five the unique spectacle of out a debt. Our total exports in 1904, saying on was, in_part, trying out pain 'months abroad, whiskey costs I have for years, and I owe 225,887, tn hearts and statist reat advising sick women free of charge are butch red: © more are tam ever had in the fie A writer ts us the Sut. every gx of our bovs man, brake- : - : which bov would be the fated sixth time. Fireman George Cornley "UH today." save the same writer was so badly scalded that he died on "'ninfntaine the. averase. thon: at loact the way to the hospital. Brakeman lened hy the rall ht the resalt hearts are sark d ath. And this carried on in Kinston, contributes its share tor this awful eondi | Xmas Boxes Free. A very sicnificant omestion i= "What | We have 1,200 of the prettiest tio [are we goine to do abont it ¥ You ever saw to give away. The Citizens' Lea one means of lesser temperance in our ------ ready anpeared in ree den and Printford as the Jeaove proves ol ver runs along the Sydney and Louisburg | licenses ars canceled ot the end of thi railway in a' terribly 'mutilated: condi- | year wrewill still have mare hotel tion. The man was last seen Monday hore Wetter. ie sald in rion evening 'near where the hody was avy Jlooal~tion then Toronto Yon found. The" theory i$ a quarrel. Mac [dan and Rrantiord Innes had considerable money when he Fhe proposal to redice the number leit home, but only £1 was found on of \fisinser dst approved of by. 'may his person. men who are not prohibitionist \ Tr emien Some think we ou~ht to wipe out all | their opinions. The ide; eli-control, but whore this power Ladies' black mitts, 124c. Corri- | lacking it may be the duty of those | {who are strong to surrender their iberty, with a view to removing temp» il | tation from their weaker brother A prohibitory Law is not possible the general hospital. This is Kingston now. All we aim at fatality in that connection duction in the namier of hi Get boxes while von can with vour Th ould easily be aired of at tes at Jenkins'. The supply will run not for the part oli has in life of this city. Why it should have Wiping Out Nation. al Debt With Money Spent on Liguor--Power of Self Control E> In oydenham Street Methodist: cnarch, taking as hig sub- Y, tolitics and ths Pre. at the outset a mere formality for from the Bible, assage of Serip- striking stat- of the liquor its terrible ai- addicted to strong traffic to Ca- is at least That is an av- a family 512. in liquor I debt, we months see a nation with: ' RAIFI2,235, enourh to pay the whis- Miss Emma Cole of Tullahoma, Tenn., | key tax for seventeen Writes : every dollar we get for goods sold Dear Mrs. Pinkham: us seventv-one " want to tell you that I am enjoying bet. ruts The public and high schools of { Camvda cost in 1904, the sum of $25 - itall to E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cor- Liouok costs us six times as poun wuch. ; Canada spent last ve, 'When fourteen years of I suffered al. | MWe. ; Canada spe nt last year most constant pain, and iv ral 001.636 "on the splendid postal system dars, I had soreness and pain in my side, | and veceived eadaches and was dizzy and nervous, and doctors all failed to help me. good value in services rendered. She spent $150,000.000 in the "Lydia E. Pidkham's Vegetable Compoynd liquer traffic, and YeceiVed 5.000 was recommended, and after taking it ny | COrspes. 10.332 prisoners, thousands of health begin to improve rapidly, and I think orphans and tens of it saved my life. 1 sincerely hope my experi- \ i ence vill a help 1 Sher girls who are A ASS] m girthoor 0 woma iC 0 . h ing your Compound na Sood, Jot that "in Canada five thousand be done to death each If you know of any young girl who is that is approximately one hundred erly advice ask her | week, ft en a day. one avery hour to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, and | and a half. dav and night, vear in she will receive free advice which will | en yoor out. In ten years a multitude ut her on the right road to a strong, | lar er' than the popula ealthy and happy womanhood. Mrs | and nary as Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has thousands kened homes n has told year by lionor j purity and sacrodness of family life to | The writer of an article m of Tondon : that of Otta wa and Hamilton, is s'ain. In twenty vears three hundred and fifty thousand then Pri under her "The saloon s one out of Whose hor shall it Le? Yours or mine ? Five oa cape, but the sixth hov falls To what "DORE | hearts would breads when if looking Whitemouth, the crown sheet on the into the denthe of those bahy PVP, pe thoy langh inta ours. we could read thirty hodies lie vaburied, thirty homes fortv-eic ht hovrs: The Hauor trae | they allow. Tito, y « evils of in The nreacher then quoted statisties which have a rd to the sood effets from licen-e reduction in Ton | the bars by passing local opticn. This is a matter on which go! men differ Some are oprpesxl to prohibition or (principle, and one ought to respect condition is for everv man to he temperate. formula will break up a cold in twenty-four hours, a that is curable : Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), one-half ounce -aspooniul ounces; good Whiskey, a half pint. Shake well and use in teaspo Health Officers Seck Physicians' Help in Fight © Against White Scourge x sas State Board of Health has made a new move against tuberculosis. Letters are being mailed to every physician asking. for in formation about all cases of tuberculosis which have come under their observation, apd requesting their co-operation with the State Board .in the fight against consumption Dr. Crumbine, Secretary of the Board, has issued a pamphlet contain: ing the following rules : ' ' \ A ro POS ely forbidden to 'All persons in State and County employ ure positively f spit upon the floors. : a a : eal . and "Rooms, hallways, corridors andlavatories shall be freely wired ane i working hours. effectually cleatied at Teast once a day, and not during wérking hour "Dust wiust be removed as completely as possible by means of damp ened cloths or mops.: It should never be needlessly stirred ap by h broom ar duster, as this practice only spreads the dust and germs. These are. wise instructions and should be observed by every one, as consumption 3: much casier prevented than cured Colds should. receive immidiate attention, as they leave the lungs in iarke receptive' condition for the tubercular germ : i ity rouble says that the following simple An eminent authority on Jung troub! 3 ollowiag. sine Glyeerine, two + + exercised] in securing pure every four hours. Great care should be exercised in i 3 1 Pp ev she i i . ingredients, and, to avoid substitution, it is hest thas. ¢h a bald bs purchased rately and the mixture prepared by yours The vk Oil of Pine ( ) can be secured from any good prescription drugg v original half-ounce vials, as purchased for dispensing Eack' vial is securely sealed in a ronnd woodén case, with engraved weppper, with She name--* "Virgin Oil of. Pine (Pure)"'--lainly printed thetean Ro rs a Many rank imitations of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), which ie, ot under various names, such as Concentrated Oil of Pine, Pine of Pine. un Never accept these as a substitute fcr the Pure Virgin : a . Lin the some time, pays a like amount 5 a i cor effect the desired result. will 'invariably Pudoduce nausea and never effect t 'ga -- ' & ne A ang wllii Span mE 4 am at a loss to know. It is not « ne- {sult ¥ cessary that wither purty should bé in | cil and at best only a few men can |and nrobably uncdueated. share in it. If, for their sake, - we | Christigh men and wo {vote for the candidate endorsed by [revenue Be ra ignore the claims of 19,000 citizens | men andehikirn ¥ Nover ! whose interests should be a first con- | There wed be no o they never vote against their party's | ereat army of honest to candidates. T i {main in power from. generation to |B Gladmonr, of England, jerneration, and all history proves | Hon. Jose | that this wotld be a misfortune. 1t |of his speeches {of the country that no government | had a sober people. {should have a long tenure of office. | bo reduced bv m The salvation of nations has often { We would sc jails and depended upon a change of govern- {emptv. We should sce more who brings this about. He holds the |sumed "in » century balance of power, and has often prov- |sava~e war." od the saver of his country. The duty Many will ask, will a reduction of the hour is to ignore party lines, |the number of licenses, and unite in 4 supreme effort to fur- | amount of drinking' We cannot ther the moral welfare of this city by | what the result mig reducing the number of liquor licen. | The experience in other Bes. | letter to the city press, : : | will bear repeating. A reduction In Bethel church, last evening, Rev. G. A. Mackenzie preached on *'Ideal Citisens end Idea! Cities." His text was . "He looked for a city 'that hath foundations whose builder and maker is God." Hebrews xi, 10. Abraham was t | and the following year the | from 1,086 in 1890 to 671, in the number of 305. |ing September 30th, 1905, the new ideals, left all to make real in {with the smaller that they: hap for has so far been | of hotel licenses to will vet follow. | Were 16,000 in number. Soon after this In the careful choice of a wife for |" by-law was passed cutting off 493 Isaac we sx his recogmition of the | licenses, party substantial number. the realization of cities and a citizens | the Montreal Witness ship such as he looked for. In ~the | that at the en teachi of Christ this conception is | perience, though the fultilled and nally established. Man | ¢ity had increased hy 170,000, is differentiated from lower forms of | number of drunks had falle life by conscience. When Jesus insti- | just one-fourth of tuted that comparison hgtween man | was before the reduction iy and' a sheep, in Matthew xii, 12, he ber of licenses was made. expected us to answer it with an in- ence of these two cities hatte distinction in our minds. The {ine, Lot Christian men an i*hvsical lite of man does not always | Kingston assert their influ n.s favor. | our city by demanding 1 of thirteen ye vield that distinction in mg Many a sheep behaves more wisely, More cleanly, more kindly and more acooptably than many a man does CIDEN" 0 an) S. IN TS OF THE Burns © and Byron, Vee and Shelley, | DAY give proots that rare intellectual on {reduction of Keensed bars, dowments do not always deliver men, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By n-some-of ther aetions, from a tack | RePOrters on Their Rounds. ol sell-restraint that mihitates agmanst Jenkins' tie boxes are hummers their best interests. It 1s : sphere of conscience--nebulous con- | Shon. early and curry home science--that this high and eternal | Varcels Lace V's, worth 7be. and $81 | distinction is mde Possible. 'there |, SY A °l, for are men of seared conscience worse {39. Corrigan's. : than a sheep, us was Nero. There are | Writing Paper, taney in holiday boxes mei of the excusative comscivnce no | TOF Cinistmas, ot Hest's. better__than sheep in many practices Twanty per cent. coats at Jenkins'. Get your fruit cake ready. seventeen days more. Wa are s in George Kinott s 15 to some a tamiliar illus- tration of this fact. They are those of the gecusative conscience Ike Dimmes, the "OMoiy, Massychusot ts minister, of Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter." It is | only when Leginning with the "purg ed' conscience made clean by the pow- er of Christ, and proceeding 'to the sors. Strachan's hardware handkerchief for 10. « orri "pure". conscience of St. Paul's ex- | Reserved seats 3b5c. and Se. to any rerience: "Il do exercise myself always | part of the house, to have a conscience void of offence Delicious chocolates, in fancy boxes toward, God and man," that we begin | from 35¢. to 8 a box, .at Best's 10 prove to society the infinite differ- The best oveMoats wade in Can ence in moral value between 4 man | on and a sheep. This is the man who is | kins'. the ideal citizen--the citizen of those The meeting of the executive of the yetto be citivs, "whose builder and | Citv Hooks maker is God." {might last. was postponed until to The ideal city is constitutediby the | morrow nicht on aqeount of the ill environment and social organism of {ness of members League called for Frida a community of ideal citizens. like | "Fancy bottlex of cologne" for the Holy City, New Jerusalem, ijt | Christmas. Gibson's Red Cross will be a prohibition city. Without will | $tor be kent all that worketh abomina- | Shaker flannel Se. yd up. Corri tion or maketh a lie. The lust of | gan's. covetousness will be as hateful as the | A Gillette safety razor for a Christ mas present is one of the most useful hood which ns Ruskin has it wreeks a | Presents you could give Sold at Gib lust of excessive indulgence. The fals ship through a lying link in an |%on's Red Cro anchor chain or kills with fever a family with lying lead in a drain pipe drug store Ladies' und men's umbrellas at Jen i | kins' for Christmas presents i will be as intolerable some day as | The bells went wrong on the steam those other plague spots which pre [OF Wolfe I<lunder, on Saturday night, richtly attacked, but only more vig. [and the craft humped the Garden ls srously attacked because more ovi- land wharf with considerable momen lent : { tum, but luckily nn' damage ensued den t wo The ideal city will be yet the only cladie . Swiss handkerchiefs, 10 real city on Ged's earth, "All power orrigan's : to Me in heaven and in Candied fruits and erystalized ging = givvn unto Me wa er at Gibson's Red Cross drug store arth." is no mere Jesu platitude, It Fen hore] significs a consummation of centuries of | Jenkins' um retin for men and lad fEiving, "Thy Kinodom come Thy [18 are worthy of your attention will be done on: earth as it is in Althourh there were large expendi b as a nited by Christ Him- | tures this vear by the civic commit heaven ome If, one destined to have a full ans- | 18 and inc charitable grants self, one des o he 4 ! the city coumeil of 1906 will close the wer. Not vet !' hut sooner perhans 5 oe th : i Your with a substantinl cash balance than in our despair we are wont to | imavine possible. It will come to be so in the city of Kingston hy and bye { Patrons of the street railway a hile in comvassionate and mo complaiming ahout the temperatur Ye nexpv. Jot vu. each nf WWE Lop ety this: cole wa the rea small to hesten the time takin i stoves have proved useless. There lalso complaint that the schedule {not followed at Best's to anproximete tor the mdeal citizen in our own life with at least sn cmal (nergy to thet emoloved in . . ¥ . 3 * » insisting upon it in the lives .of | the city huildings' tower, last others nicht, and the city clock was un | lighted. It is honed by the end of the First Baptist Church. {month to have eleotricity installed for a the lighting of the elook. The pastor's theme, last evening, Ladies' and children's mitts, 124¢ wat hr City's Need of Christian : i Corrigan's Pariotism." He made svecial reference | to the movement initiated by the new i lv-organized Citizens' league, to gi "ti i on wer of eure a reduction in the nom linuor licenses. The broad platform MINING STOCKS of the league is, the city's good. It Red Cross drug store, known no polities or partyism of anv, | Furnished By J. E. Cunningham, kind. It furnishes a means by which . 40 Clarence St. all well-wishers of our city may join Toronto, Dee. 10th, 1906, 1.55 p.m hands to secure needed reforms. It | Asked Vid mav be worth while for us to ask, | HBuftalo $400 $1310 ph : 4 ter 2.85 2.70 who ove the $15,500 license fees, col- nen Meghan 1.r0 1.46 lacted from the Shirt one hotels doing YeKiniey n 2.00 business in the city ¥ The money cer Nipissing 13.75 tainly does not fall from heaven in Deterach. 1ake 8 some mvsterious way. In short the fiver Queen 2.49 ratrons of the hotel bar pay the Ii Silver Bar 0 cense fee. The hotelkeeper simply col Arethiowsy 5 2.08 ects it from his Winy customers. | Hemond Vale 33 Suprose a wageearner in the course | VR NE-------- of six months pavs to his dry-goods | Something for everybody for Christ merchant 3150, he has as a result - a | mas, at Best's. comfortable home, well-clad, happy | Men's fardined Gaps. at 20c,, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10. _-- SE ------ A ---------------- . - any influence n municipa! affairs x lover the hotel bar has, what as a re . A bemudslled iain, A ditoazed body, the majority in our city council, but la weakened manhood, ill-clad wife and WHISKEY, POLITICS AND {it is imperative that 'good and en- children. a wretched home. Tn order |pable men administer the affairs of | that he may he'p pay the revenue his {this city. There is very little pa- | wife mist sarn her living at the wash | ronage at the disposal of the coun- | tub, his children go shoeless, ill-clad, { Are men willing that sed thus at the expense our party. we favor perhaps less {of moral demradation, home happi- {than a score of office-scokers and | ness. of ruined wen, of suffering wo- Scott's Emulsion nourishes baby's' Exactly what baby needs. ALL DRUGGISTS: S0c. AND $1.00 No never! . 3 oncern about re- sideration. * Some men boast . that | venue: when the money earned by the | ilers is spent is often a great ve: | to procure: family needs and family {proach.. Were it hot for the i fepen- (comforts. A sober People will tak {dent voter the same party wowd re- {care of the rovwnue xaid the late W. and the ovth Chamberlain said in one "I desire for strong {18 necessary to the highest interests | drink cowld be eradicated," i.e., if we "our taxes would iilions sterling a year, workhouses » lives sav- ment. and it is the independent voter | ed in twglve months than are con- of bitter and reduce the predict ht be in Kingston. places is as- | suring. G. M. Macdonnell, RC, in a i gives the ex- Ideal Citizens And Cities, { perience of London, Ont. His facts {nineteen licenses was made in 1591, number of | drunks before the police court fell a reduction In the vear end. | i ' a nuny 2 forerunner of the {ber had fallen to 351. The people of Pilerim Fathers and Willem rar (he | {ontlan Were so well pleased with the a hiro ool seizing upon 4 of Sixteen years experience, number of licenses, consrete civic values, and new national | Shut aly 5 the present year they lifa their true significance. If much 1 Po%sed a by-law reducing the number twenty-six, and the dream of a Sir Thomas Moore's | shoe Ticenses to four, Liverpool, Eng | "Utopia," much has been accomplish | Inne adn .+imilar pe riente. Hw od by their faith, daring, and more | drunks before the police fourt jn 189) Hockey Boots This :eason finds the ¢ House of Sutherland' assortment of Hocke found in the new line tublished in in 1904, states PATE OX podulntion of the the n to 4.000, what the number nthe num The experi is entourpg- d women of nee to bless a substantial with a very fine y Shoes--all the newest kinds usually 8, are here--prices to suit all, MEN'S--$2, 2.50, 3 and 3.50 BOYS'-$1.50 and 2 Jd. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOEMAKING $2 Rasore and Strops af Also Safety. and Corn- Razors very TWENTY PER GENT. off Heating Stoves for cash at bought, for first-class work, A.E HEROD | 280 PRINCESS ST | THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Holiday Books, Et Fami in oi SY Et eae Bi with or without aids or Trae Lata entra a end Manin Bindines, a GSA BOOKS FOR BOYS, : BOOKS FOR GIRLS i { an ners. wm the | Ladies' new collars, 10c, Corrigan's. | your | i discount on over- Excuse me, but wouldn't It is just some fellows "wes Il agents for the famous ome fellows wer Like It," Opera House, evening, December 12th ale; twenty per cent. off, at Jen drug advisable to seciire Investor, Read "This! on the mining flouted, there fv a doult as to whether or not safely hidden in the ecllar when you got the tip which induced you to come in on the oround floor, a proposition of a Company founded on rook. with It is one & fow of us formed, to do in + sure and. careful maaner, prospecting, developing and marketing on a large scale, backed by what the small, grubstoking, prospecting local companies have struggled to do for plenty of capital, «ome thme, with varying success. Some of them have {ound prospects, but lack of funds and perhaps minin- knowledge, has tied them up. We purpose, on Liberal terms, following ap isch prospects with a well: equipped---stalf of prospectors; "minting ngineers and miners, is anything in them, to market the same after This Company has no bonus or wats their stock vou will require to should you come in with us, We free from should Send for our Cobalt & New Ontario Prospectors, Developers & Investors, Limited, Manning Chambers, Toronto, proposition, A being placed at = 50 SOme BO OLN AS. Pos. Ask your grocer for "Silver Mot 45 to Students Rasors, Rasor Strops, Hones, Shaving Brushes and Knives Strachan's Hardware Ladies" Tciloring Finest of Workmanship, Up-to- Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar 236 University A consi en----. Wm. Murray, Accticneer 27 BUCK $1 New Carriages, Cutters Harness. Sale of Horse: Every Saturday New England Chinese ~ Restaurant 331 Kiog Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. What could be -nicer a Christmas Present HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET following Handsome chony hall sets, (brushes), i= The gas wouldn't work in the pipes Extension Top Fresh Turkish fig paste at Gibson's Agitation In The Transvaal. 'ape T let. 10. ~The Europeans Cape Town, Dee e European ov A. ahd great excitement over the fate of theie ordinance for the re Asigtion, from whith-roy The Furopeans maintain that if Transvaal be orensd immigration, the skilled trade and re tail bommerce will ing from the whites, ands fifty years the population will resemble that of Indig or Marritius. Europeans will be anything but a small . at rife and ehikiren. His neighbor, whe, {J¢ Kins, _ --- 2. Solita. Flour Bin Sifter Attached. Tea and Coffee Canisters ' And Sliding Shelves. *" JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER s further immigration ishment of at the same greater privilege to Asiatics glready entitled to dwell If "taken at the sneeze stage" pre candy tablet-- will surely and quickly check gn proaching cold or la JFrippe. you first catch eold--or feel it Dr 's Preventics, and the prompt, effect will cértainly sur ! | he. Draverbial prevention." 8 place to get an all on shortest notice, Dishes a specially, THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISASD 1883 President--8ir Richard Cartwright da nd Farm Pro or rigages ls received and intérest allowed . street. Kingstoms AUCTION SALES Book at once with the : Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS MoGill, Ma Office, 87 Clarence 4th Band and Orchestra Address Bendmaster Plans are being laid to cor cana! from Ottawa by way Nifegon and Albany river to James ¥: X SN Christmas shoppers at Gib: cui's Red "ounce of for the 8 d in 5 _oeft and 25 1 wstruct a ot a entics, sure.

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