Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1906, p. 8

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prescat | cxgwd was not as large as ite Gertrude and Mise 1a Nebo. - King street, ret rom bi oy months' Sint to Detroit. [ni-hit's | perl uch | church at ten an open question; in fu- the Pron may nd is enlarge, the scope e Qu way, with Sta eminent colleges throughout the - nent, find herself on the acereditid list. N---- p-------- CIDENTS OF THE DAY. 3 , Picked Up By Newsy Paragraphs ) P Reporters on Their Rounds. Hee Bibhy's 50c. fancy hose. < Shaving mirrors, all styles and pric es, at Best's. » Oddiellows' entertainment, City Hall, the poor | But He can do his earthly citizens, Bibby's $1 fancy shirts. An of boys were skating near ng. ne at O'- Gorman's, King street, Tie Portamonth cumei will hold ita final 'meeting of the yoar on the 15th. Pp Tang of th worth $1 for 6Bec. ce Bibhy's $1 fancy shirts, 'Queen's Dramatic club will put ) the opera house instead Excellence is an excellent thing, ox Phe ly in tea.' You get it when vou Purity' tan. J. Cra ce "The i between Garden and Wolfe Islands is vite stiff, and strong ot | ough to be walked upon. Military brushes (ebony), in leather case, complete for $1.75, at Best's. The K, & I. market train wae well this but the a week Mayor Mowat is still very much in oth at the Yacht Club the municipal cam- mornine ign. Pun Bibhy's $1.50 neck scarfs. Chalmers sale of Christmas novelties, December 11th at 4 o'clock. Home made table; tea served in Japanese tea- room, 100. 1 guess you can go to church hi y The preachers will keep things warm with license reduction, | i even ¥ the janitors fail in their du. ties, / ; Christma souvenir china at 0'Gor- man's, King street. The Hotel Dien will benefit by last lormance of "Zephra" to $75. The Xixkpmtrick fountain fund wns benefited last we by the sum of $370. . : Handsome gold mounted pipes in fancy cases, at Best's. : Todav was ohsorwd as a holiday At Tete de Pont Barracks, it being the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. There was a pavatle to St. Mary's o'clock, Your ideal will be thorourhls real ged in Purity tea. J. Crawford. Last night's cold woather did con- siderable damage to water pipes around the city, this moming. At Me- Gall's cigar store. Princess street, a pipe broke upstairs, flooding the se- cond storey. A hole had to he put through the ceiling to let the water out. where least damaie would be one. See Ribby's "Xmas neckwear. A branch of the "Alliance Fran- caise,"" has been organized in King- ston with Prof. Lancs, of the Roval Military College, as ident, The members of the - German Club, whi has been in existence for some vears, ong alsa to it, Ihe wo clubs meet: ing on alternate v evenings. The first ag of the "Circle Yon: cais" was held last Tuesday evening at Miss Malonc's, Brook street. RL -------- . Died In Ernesttown. N Beaver. Bs Bi Babar, ane reitans well-known most respected rosidents, passed N away on r last. Deceased had been in Tuesday * [delicate health for a number of years, t with heart trouble and »-bu was able to go about until a few days before his death. He was a man of Joright character and Thi pT So othe: st, tics, a staunch conserva tive. Be his wile he loaves two brothers, James, of California; A, J., Napanee, and three sisters, Mrs. Doller and Mes. MoGuin, of Napanee Mrs. J. W. Denves, of Williamsport Mrs. Charles Kellar deceased; and four hall sisters, all of Toronto. He Jas bom and lived wl hig life on. the "on which he died. same farm on S---------------- Just Arrived. | A new lot of fancy silk and velvet embossed Christmas cards at 0'Gor- man's, King street. | Our stock is now already pan i Th pear: th see the display. 'oye, King street. k sodas 25e.; 3 Ibs. boxes > 1 alot md Waitt 3 Western 011 And Coal. rx erence share for $10 bearing i ondin as a us "on -- Why isn't this a good in- vestment ? For further particulars apply ta Thomas Mills, Clarence street. XELRHER s § 3 i g : EEREEL HAN NER 'yes' or 'ino' # the proposed redu licenses What People Aré Saying. We are told that , our showing of Alaska sable scarfs, collars, stoles and mulls eclipse anything ever shown in Kingston for variety, styles, and superb 'values. Tt > pay Jom, to investigate Campbell Bros'., the store of in el in fine furs. Died In Pittsburg. Charles L. Donnelly, who makes his summer home in Cobourg, died, on Friday in Pittsburg. Ne. Donnelly had just - finished a fine now house in 'ohouwre and his Kingston friends oe » the news of his untimely death with expressions of the deepest sym- pathy for his family. Leased The Quarry. Mr. Gordon has purchased the ry on the farm of the late P. Wiake: Pittsburg, opened "up by the late C. F. Gildersleeve, and has leased it 10 Robert Wailace, 380 Bar- rie street, who will work it, the stone being taken to Toronto for use. The Navaweo customs house and post of fico are built of the granite and show remarkably fine wear. The stone will be taken by boat to the Queen City. Of Decorations. Chief Elmer, of the fire department, has received a letter from the Cana- dian Fire Underwriters' = Associntion, drawing attention to the dangers to life property from Christmas de- coration displays. These dangerous de: corations are not allowed in buildings without a' special clause in the insur- ance gotier. The underwriters give due warm to people to avoid using in- flammable materials in tions, their decora- ---------- Used Fine Rails. The strenuous weather has affected the employees of the street railway. The cars 'are not overly warm at best and, last night, the men on 'the depot car, ran out of fuel and stopping their car on the way to the depot these good-natured officials took a fence down and piled the spoil on the front platform. * The depot car was the warmest on the line as a result. Y.W.C.A. Notes. Sunday at 4 o'clock.--"Studies in the Life of Jesus." Every woman wel- come. Tuesday, 7.30 to 8, punetually, "Studies in the Life of St. Paul." It will "help you to join one of these circles for Bible study. urstay, 8 p.m.--An open s-ssion of gymnasium work. Everybody invit- ed, 10¢. admission, 3 Last demonstration on Christmas candy, Tuesday at 8 o'clock; 10 cents admission. A Paying Investment. A young man who graduated from the Frontenne Business College, Clergy. street, informs us t in six months from the day he leit college he had renaid every cont expended on his course. and hed as meh again put bv for a 'rainy dav." young women are doing the same. A: practical, high. grade. business education never fails to give good returns. Day and even- ing classes, Call, write or "phone 680 for catalogue and beautil calendar for 1907. T, N, Stockdale, principal. _ Uncle Tom's bin. Return of the old favorite, Al. W. Martin's biggest, newest and latest revival of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," will be sven at The Grand on December 15th: From all reports Mr. Martin has oveatly improved the play this season, and it will live forever under his mangeement. The piece he has rewritten: the scemery is all new; the olectrftal effects are the grandest ever séen in this play. The company 'is composed of fifty, all white people. No street parade is given to tire out the people, so they can't give a good performance. lee ~ Welting paper in fancy boxes: novel Christmas designs at 0'Gor- man's, King street. See Bibby's silk Handkerchiefs, 25¢., 50c., ¥8c., 81 and $1.95. Wo rnarantee avery pound vou buy of Purity tea... J. Crawford. ® the Although advimece of with-+-th Sound and parrowly serious Ottawa' sXp I one of the cold: 1 Ottawa experienced one ¢ est nights in many months last night. The mercury dropped to twenty-five below zero with a north wind. Hi; , one of the jurors at the i in Hull, Quebec, died Friday ohne in the court howse. He was fifty-five vears of age and be- to Eardley. The sul is anxious to keep Dr. Bier, nn i an him during his re- cent illness. near at hand in case of a return of his trouble, and has ap- pointed him on the permanént staff of the State hospital. At Valdosta, Ga., Rev. 0. G0. Raw- lincs and Alfred Moore, a negro, were hanged for the murder of William and Carrie Carter. in July, 1905. They stopped upon the scaffold without a tremor. and fell {ogether. The steamer E- I. Ireland, stranded near the Apostle Islands, Lake Sa perior, during a blinding soow storm on Thursday night. Her mate and & part of the crew reached Pay- field frost-bitten and nearly exhausted. During a northeast gale and heavy snow the steamer Golspie str in Burle Bay, south of ~ Michipocoten, (nt. The vessel is lying on a gravel breach broadside to the sea, and is out two feet forward. The captain says the boat can be saved if a wreck- ing outfit is sent at once. The entire town, of Wilkinsonville, New England, will be sold at auction, Rvere 'house; store, mill and water privilece is going umder the hammer to suit. thd bidders. The town has been in a state of stagnation sinee 1897, Tt i€ om the New York, New Haven end Hartiord railroad. Tis history dates back to 1X15. BOARD OF ENQUIRY. Hearing Evidence as to Army Service Torps Shortages. The enquiry into the local Army Service Corps rtages in connegtion with the Cobourg camp supplies, last June, began at the armouries this morning. The board "of enquiry con sisted of Lieut.-Col, Williams, {chair man), Capt. Reid and Lieut. Dean. The reason of the investigation is this: At the Cobourg camp certain supplies were given the Army Service Corps of which Capt. Waugh was acting com- mander, aio White being attached to the staf. The books show the amount of supplies served out to the camp, but some. of the balances can not be accounted for. Where did they go? That is the reason why Capt. Waugh, and Lieuts, Gillespie and Har- vey were summoned to give evidence. As the corps was without its com- manding officer, Major White, there may have been mistakes made. The board of enquiry jw trying to find this out. It is likely the: corps will he ve- organized in any event. rr-------------- Got Back His Money. Brockville Recorder, ome weeks ago John A. Webster, Gananoque, and well known here, was fined $10 by the Dominion government for enclosing a note in a parcel which they claimed he had mailed. As ex- plained at the time, Mr. Webster wish ed to send some factory blanks and a note to the cheesemaker at his fae- tory at Springfield. He handed it to Mr. Sherby, who drives the mail wag- gon between. Gananoque and Seeley's Bay. By some mistake it never turned up at the factory, but was afterwards found posted, haviag a two cent stamp on it, and as written' matter had 'been enclosed the government fined Mr. Webster $10. He appealed for a re- fund, claiming he had never mailed it or ordered it mailed. Now the money is refunded him, he having received it on Monday. The mystery still remains unsolved : "Who plaged the stamp on the parcel ? Dr. Macdonald Dead. The death occurred, in New York, on Friday, of Dr. A. E. Macdonald, for- merly of Quebee, but for many years head of the asylum on Ward's _Is- land, New York. He retired from this post last spring; and has since been living in New York. He was taken ill while attending the meeting of the British Modical Association in Toron- to, end had never recovered strength. Dr. Macdonald intended visiting his sister, the late Mrs. George Ferguson, and Rev. Prof. Ferguson, in Napanee, this summer, on his way home from Toronto, but his sudden illness pre- vented this. He leaves a widow and two children, \ MINING STOCKS ---- Furnished By J. E. Cunningham, 40 Clarence St. Toronto Dec. Sth. Cle Nipissing $14.95 Foster . R00 Buffalo | apes Su i898 leat... SR 21 Peterson rae 798. Green M. 1.50 Trethewey | 207 Twenty-five years aos November 30th, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hutchison ry United in mariage, About twen- v . relatives riends gathered at eit "hone. Gdrow Gore. Hallowell . celebrate their silver wedding. 3 Ibs. raising 9%e.: 21 The. cleaned teurrents Me: 1 Ib: best cocoanut Be. i3 bottles flavoring extract Be: 1 Wh. t at no one of you'll pay a very smal ruff away until "Xmas, if you so desire. 14 only, Colymbia Sable Ruffs, 50 inches long, at ends with six, and at neck with four long sable tails. only Knitted Corset Covers Nor more than once or twice a year could such an offer as this be made ~-lor, as with the collars herewith, itis the result of taking all a maker had left of this particular line. 200 only, Ladies' Pure White Knitted Corset Covers, long sleeves, worth regularly from 30 to 356. Yours to-{g night after 7.30, each only ) most attractive designs o! handles, and sold cach. Your choice of this lot while it lasts SABI ORIN serinncnninn sninniniias me Are what the ' P robs' say. You need a vou, are what we have most of--aand demand than ever. attractive : we re glad cloth, fancy shawl collar trimmed with velvet front, full plain sleeve with neat cufi, and Very exceptional value for to-night, only .. ADIES' BLACK ENGLISH BEAVER COA and braid, fly lined throughout. -- back and front, coat collar reveers, full sleeves stitched tumn-back oufis, lined body and sleeves. 16.00--extra-special for to-night, only And 9c. Laces and Insertions . WE are unable, at the time of writing, to tell all we'd like about this lace sale. But it will be extraordinary --both as to the quantity 'offered and the greatness of the reduc- tion on the regular prices--of that we are sure. The lot will be on display in a show-case near the centre of the store on Monday uatil twenty minutes after nine. Sale sharp at half-past nine, Hundreds of yards of Torchon Laces and Insertions, different widths and patterns, the regular values of which would actually be 5, 6, 7, 8 and Se. a yard. Your choiee after 9.30 o'clock, Monday morning, only efi our Store Open Till Ten O'clock To-Night Some Of Our Fine Sable Ruffs TH: is an unusual 'offering for us, we will admit. 'Buf wb habe! Gall ¥ special lot--fourteen only = of those popular Columbia Sable Rulfs that we are tired having conflict with regular lines--and we'll not begrudge the entire Jos of profit, if they are cleared right aut--as they surely will be. uy v amount, as a guarantee of good faith, we will Tay your exceptionally serviceable, being very broad and of the double style with fur on both Regulaely as an extraspecial value at 12.50 each. Yours to-night after 7.30, each Fancy Stock EE them in our witidow before you buy. Besides saving nearly hall the regular cost, you can escape lots of worry io choosing 'Xmas gifts for some of your friends at this sale to-night. 400 only, Fancy Stock Collars, of Silk Applique, with fine Chiffon trimming, ) 19 J . latest styles, worth from 30 to 35c. Yuonirs, to-night after 7.30, each only... Another Lot Ladies' Good $2.25 Umbrellas Yo "Xmas foresight will see the seasonableness of this sale, and your natural thriitiness will show you the sense of buying when you see them. 60 -only, Ladies' Umbrellas, with strong frames and good "Victoria" covers which keep their color and wear exceptionally well, all with the latest and regularly at 2.00 and 2.98 after 7.30 o'clock to-night, Coat, surely, Just what kind a one you get depends on yourself--though, of course, we don't mean by that that you can come here and choose from as large an assortment as you would have found one month, or even one week, ago. Stylish, dressy. black Coats, we candidly tell of it, because they're more in Amongst the Tweed Coats, the following special is the most LADIES" INVISIBLE STRIPE GREY TWEED COAT, in the popular three quarter length, trimmed over shoulder with straps of dark grey broad- of finest quality beaver, 46 inches long, full back, double-breasted front, fancy seli strap forming yoke with neatly A coat worth 14.50 One Of Our Greatest Sales Monday At Half-Past Nine. Regular S, 6, 7, 8 BJERE'S the fourth (and the- last this year) of these mo; Po lar sales in our history--and bY. & curious coincidence, we in have just Aid extra-specials £ the number of the gl, there been such attractive values off able; no doubt of that; and at e ul they will make such splendid "Xmas silty, Lin ter Supper ' sales, have d All of th ie FIT. 'Reduced way, il sides, finished sold + 9. 30 1.50 You Still Without a Coat? Come and Choose From Our Showing To-Night ; A GOOD old-fashioned Canadian Winter seems to have this' country well in its grasp now--and intends to keep it there for some time: at least that's a» x "3 i» bl - Rr hit LA t-te tr fiir LASER Erte] Po bs 1.30 1 -- = fir ger RE 173 8 TI RTI OON pL] Ak. Got =F Men's Fine Red Romeo Slipper Men's Fine Chocolate Romeo Slipper . Men's Fine Bla#k Romeo Slipper ....... Men's Fine Chocolate Romeo Slipper Men's Carpet Faced with leather Men's Carpet Plain, splendid wearers Men's Good Strong Leather Slippers .... We also have' a splendid assortment of mixed neel 150., and eash coupons, at Mullin's. one, » ws Men's Low Cut Opera Slippers, in black kid, 1, $1.95. $1.50 Men's Low Cut Opera Slipper, in' chocalate ....... ......... Men's Imitation Alligator Slipper, good soles, comfortable comfortable Felt Slip- pers, from 50c. to $2, including the . celebratod. Dr. Jaeger Pure Wool Slipper (name on Very pair one od | as warm. L ¢ | The Lockétt Shoe Store ); bone as good nor. . Just a Christmas Reminder For Those That Shop Early ~ 1.50 IN SOUTH- EASTERN AFRI Gigantic Schemes That Will velop Immense Mineral R sources of Rhodesia ani Bring Forturies to Promoters. London, Dee. 7.--Great schemes afoot for the opening up of Cent Africa by a railway system from west coast that will eventually 1 up with the Cape-to-Cairo route develop a vast area of mineral we The Benguella railway, the first tions of which are already opened traffic, - has * its const terminus Lobito Bay. the finest natural hat) in South Alrica, and already a 1 lar port of call for the Union Cas and other liners. The railway, wh runs in an easterly direction thro Angola, will form part of a new hi way that in a few vears' time shorten the journey from London Johannesburg *by 3,000 miles The originator of this strik scheme is; Robert = Williams, the m aging director 'of 'the Tanganvika c cessions, limited. Mr. Williams is of the early pionesrs of South Afri and an intimate ' friend of the k Cecil Rhodes, he Tanranyika eo ESO od, was registéred January, 1899, to take over a cong sion secured by: Mr. Williams in Nor: I -- A GREAT COAL FIN 55,000,000 TONS IN MIN ABANDONED Also Rich" Ironstone Or n mous Deposit of clireclay WN Discovered . and Ballycas uistrict Promises to Boom. London, Dec. 8.--There is a touck romance, in. the discovery of the mense seams of coal in North Antri Ireland, which should bring gn prosperity to: that district. in I' Huoch Boyd obtained from the Ear Antrim the right to all mines fr Fairhead to Knockladye, a distance sever miles, with a wide sweep inlay A large output of coal followed, | with Boyd's death the prosperity the Rallyeastle district - coased. T Two years ago Mr. Brande, a min expert, visited the district. He th invited Prof. Cole, of the Geologi and Survey Department of Irela which had previously reported tl the coal .was exhausted, to make survey in his private capacity. Pr Cole confirmed: Mr. Brande's estima that there was at least 555.000.( lons of goal of good quality the The boring revealed black 'hand ir Stone, estimated to be at least 15 000,000 tons, the ore beino one of 1 richest in the world. A third disc ery was of an enormous deposit fireclay, the walue of which can *timated when it is said that fi bricks are now. delivered in Balfast a cost of eighty-two shillings thousand; whereas. they canbe del fred from Rallyeastle for a little mi than sixty shillings. A company. w privately subsepibed capital. has Ix formed to work the deposits. We puarantee every pound you-b of Purity tea. J: Crawford. Of Andrew Carnegie, who has pl Kings

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