Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1906, p. 3

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Bruises, og Shas Scott's Liniment d od nto ThA a, Large bottle, 25 cents, 0t for sale at your drug ways, be Pprocored at pis. 2 Scott's - White Liniwent 3, St. Jobn, M.B., 'and Cheol ---- URS arge assortment of Ruffs and Mufis of all kinds V. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. hone 700. FOR CHRISTMAS Nothing ; we are -~onfi- dent; will be more appreci- ated (his season than A Diamond Ring Set either single, double or three stome styles. When bought DIAMONDS prove cellent investment. Our prices for HIGH-CLASS GEMS You will find very reasonm- SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 850 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses right, an ex- ore his. royal highness at joy there will be, ought at this store. sensible presents :- lies 1 qr black, in all sizes lack or popular colors, hiefs, © Fancy Collars colors, at $1 and $1.25 en a special at $1. $1.50. and prices, rns, 2 for 25ec. Ble. eaves, to $1.50 ildren Hoods to match, at men, . Girls or Boys, ve in and see our dis- Shaw 4 dies' ere plain or ribbed, Pure Wool, in all sizes, 84, 9, 9} and 10 the guality, special TONIGHT, 19c.. pair. Men's Underwear Men's Scotch Lambs' Waol, Under. wear, Shirts and Drawers, 75¢. quality, for 69¢c. garment. Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, 85¢c. value, for 45c. the garment, ° Children's Under- wear, Children's" ~~ Underwear, ribbed, slightly fleeced, some odd sizes, were 2B¢., TO-NIGHT, 15¢. each. Hose Supporters Ladies' Hose Supporters, with Satin Pad, in all Colors, 25c. quality, fO-NIGHT, 19¢c. each. Collars, Belts, Eto. Fancy Collars, "Belts, "Handker- chiefs, Combs, Silk and Chiffon Ties, Silk and Fancy Hand kerchiefs, all at close prices. Jas. Johngton Store 180 Wellington Strest. ~- TO THE 2 ELECTORS OF KINGSTON : Your vote and influence are cordially solicited for "J. McDONALD MOWAT for Mayor for 1907. . MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN T0 THE ELECTORS :-- Your vote and influence are re- spectfully solicited for the office of Mayor, for 1907, by THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. Ald. Frank J. Hoag INDEPENDENT LABOR CANDIDATE For Mayor, 1907 FELLOW ELBCTORS :-- In accepting this nomination, I ap- peal to you to set aside the Bondage of Patty and to support the princi- ples : out No Party Politics in municipal gov- ernment, . Brual Rights to all classes of cit zens, and ° A More Prosperous Kingston. William Kelly If You An Endowment Take Out Policy NOW ASTRE Imperial Life Assurance Co. or YOU WiLL a NEVER need to worry about the future, or leave your family to suffer Want, nor be afraid to live up to your incomes, nor he dependent on others in your old age. 4. B. Cooke, Dist. Mau, Kingston ae ee ---------------------------- REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE 4 I you want to buy, or sefl City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, At 95 Clarence . street, opposite Post Office. ee e-- Purity Tea, ty Tea. Superior to other , and costs no More, in trunks, 30c., 40c. and 50c. 4, Crawford, * Maa EY Oey ------ Burnt log ther novelties, book cov- os, Memorandums, posteard albums, ae. all prices, at Chown's drug in and see' the large _assort- Hilo wees vosn. 1 bave been brisk, 188 40 3 The: weather this week has f more fasorable for the a en Jac the resalt that much more produce has been oliered for sale, and the sales The price of pork took a jump from per owt., the first part of the week, and the 'same price is quoted. has been brought in- to the city and some of the local Lut- chers have bad some difficulty in pot. ting an ample supply. bealers quate the price of live hogs to-day, at $6.25 and dressed hogs (seloota), 88. Fresh eggs have been rather scarce, and have been selling = at 30e, with oggs for Mg purposes at 5c. there has a good supply of hut- ter, with the prices at = 28c. and Sie. As in Kingston, naw laid eggs ure fcarce in Toronto, quotations runn'ng as high as 40¢. The egg mariet in Montreal continues fine. new laid epys sell at Ne. Good lots of fat hogs sold at je. to 6jo., at Montreal this week. Fhe de- mand for packers was not so keon ss it was a week ago. Althotigh the supply of 'turkeys has not been at all large, the past fow weeks, it is believed that there will be poultry of all kinds for the + hrict- mas trade. There is good demand in Toronio for dairy butter. Cheese is auoted hy grocers at 13}c. for whole and 1%jec, for twine, It is estimated that 600,000 pounds of turkey were used jn the Chiraco Thenksaiving dinners last week. That in equal to thirty earloads. Still, this meant turkeys for only 60,000 out of the 500,000 families in the city. Even in these nrosverous times there is a vast multitude to which luxuries are unknown. ------ The harvest of 1906 has been a great success. There was a bumper crop, ac- cording to = returns prepared by the Ontario department of agriculture. Of wheat there was 600,000 bushels more; a million bushels more of barley ; three million more bushels of oats, three quarters of a million bushels more of potatoes, and three million bushels more of recently the harvest has been better. There are 'two common mistakes made in feeding cows; first, not feeding liberally enough; second, feeding a ra- tion not properly balanced. It has been found by experiments that about six- Ly per cent. of what a cow can eat is neGessary merely to maintain her with- out nroducine any milk or ~ainine in weight. This being true, it is evident that it is not economy to feed only a little more than this sixty per cent. needed to keep up the cow's body. As grass forms the best ration, so one must pet as near to that as pos- sible in food elements. See to it that the mancers, feed boxes. ete.. ere free 'rom all refuse remaining from the "revious feed before givine fresh ra- tions. You will feel more self-~-sueet- 'nz yourself, beside 1 ang tue uni mals more comfortable. Put vourself 'mn their plage: would it be comfort- able or pleasant to eat from the same vlate, * unwashed for thee or four days or a week ? Carelessness is fhe canse of 'tmch downright cruelty to animals many * times, Keep the cows confetads.# the contented cow is a rrofitable one, gs a rule. The Cgrnwall cheese board handled over 21,85 cheese this season. The average price received was 12.01 cents. | James Alexander, Montreal was the | heavier buyer. €. Wilton Sears, London, England, was interviewed in Toronto, on the hog situation. He is aiter the Cana- dien trade and handles much Cana- dian produce. Ol "The great thingsin. Canada," safd he, "is for the farmers to breed more hogs. In Denmark thay strike the hmp- py medium of breeding a uniform hog all the year round and get a medium figure. So in Canada it is up to the farmers to stay with the business all the time. Same packers hope to drive competitors out of the field and the good supply of hogs here will have a tendency to check that sort of thing. "The United States are no competi- tors of Canada, generally speakine. In the north of England, where fat meat is wanted, they do compete in some | measure, But Canada by. virtue, of her quality of bacon, has secured a, place indeed enviable. If you ean get your becon delivered to our customers it is as good as any. The Panish bacon is a litYe softer and more toothsome, corn. Year by year | G. B, ity . for pure breads, in that nearly every {armer is usk re-bred stock himself, ey 2 ---- Business continues brisk isi the grain trade with no change in prices . . them in mo- del condition and they will yield bet ter. Keep your h clean, feed then on pure and Taste food, and you will not be very likely to have any disease ariiohe them. : Use a loose check when Hounehing t is very disagreeable to have a hotse all the time valling its head down to the ground whem at work. A stock check will make it more pom- fortable for the horse--and the man, too. Produce And Prices. Kingston, he following prices prevailed in city to-day : Flour © and fesd--Flour, bakers, strong, $2° to $2.10; larmers, $2.10 to $2.30; patent, $2.30 to $2.50; oat and rolled oats, $4.40 to $4.50; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65; bran, $19 to $20 a ton; shorts, $22 to $23 a ton; straw, $6 to ¥S; hay, loose, $7.50 to $10; pressed $12 to $14. E-~s--Now laid, ' 30c. to 35¢c. per doz.; held eggs, 25c. to 27c. per doz. Grain.~Oats, 38c.; wheat, 75c. and T7e. (difiercnt grades); buckwheat, 48¢,; barley, 60c. to 55¢c.; rye, O0cg J eas, Bec. Butter--Choice, , Be. to Ac. a dbx farmers' butter, in prints, 2c. to 27c. a lb; packed, dc. Meat.-- Beef, carcase, $1 to £6.50 owt.; choice, cuts, 10c. to 12§c. per Ib.; lb; cuts, Gc. to 10c.; by the carcase, Be. to Te. per lb; cutlets, 12§c.; hogs, live weight, $6.25 per , cwt.; carcase, fish; 7c. to 360: a 1b.;* halibut, 20c. a lbs fresh haddock, 10v. a Ib; bull- heads, 10c. a lb.; red herring, 15¢.. a box; mackerel, 150, a Ib; white- fish and trout, 124c. a Ib; , 30c. a doz.; frog's legs, 40c. a Ib.; ciscoes, 15¢. a Ib; oysters, 40c., 50c., and 60c. per quart; bluefish, 150. per 1b. butter- fish, 15¢. per Ib.; lake - herring, 10c, Ib; Atlantic salmon, 30c Ib. Poultry--Fowl, from 50c. pair; young chickens, pair; young ducks, 75¢. to $1.25 a pair; turkeys, $1 to $2 each; wild ducks, Tc. to $1 a pair. Fruit--Lemons, 25¢. to 30c: ado; oranges, 30¢. to 60c. per doz.: banan- | es. 20¢. to 25¢. a doz; Malaga grapes, {15¢. to 20c. per 1h. | Veootables--Potatoes, 60c. to 0c. | bushel new cabbage, 5c. to 10c. a {head; celery, 106. a head, or 50c. a | dozen; parsnips; 25c. peck; turnips, | oe. peck; beets, | 20¢. peck: turnips, {20c. peck: onions, 35c. th 400. peck. John Mchay, Brook street, reports the following 'prices for hides, 10c. per ih.; dairy skins, 85c.: veal skins, 12, ner lb.: wool, washed, 25c. to 26c. a ilb.; tallow, rendered, de. per. 1b. LETTERS (0 THE EDITOR. Education Bill in Parliament. Brockville, Dec. 6.--(To the Editor): Will yqu please correct in your next issue, a' most extraordinary statement in your leading article, in the issue of Tuesday, November 20th, in which you gay that one of the three phases of the agitation with rigard to the education bill in England, is the Arch- bishop of Westminster, (correction, Canterbury), on "teachers selected by the bishops." Whepe™¥ou got your in. fermation for stich an ertraordinary statement it is difficult to imagine. It must have been in the fertile brain of the writer of article, What they are fighting for is religious tests of the teachers applying for schools. Under the, bill now before the house no reli- gious tests are to be allowed. An in- fidel may be engaged and no nuestions can be asked, by "not the bishops," who do not engage teachers in Eng- land, but the school authorities who act in some capacity as school trus- tees in Canada elected by the people. Your article is written to teach people to believe that the fight over the bill in England is the Church of Enc¢land. which is a gross mistake; the ficht is for religious education of the children of the common schools, ac- cording to the wishes of the parents, to be paid for by the parents but out of the public funds. but the teaching must be in school hours, Each child is to have the religion of its parents taught it. and in school hours. The present bill calls for un- denominational religion, taught to perhaps. "The farmers tainly int-lligent formity of their market. "If Canada would land her bacon | minis the borax that is used for rre- | sexvative nironsss, the meat would be | lwdter. One horse of Montreal has | tried the exreriment of shipping meat in bales. and not in boxes. with little borax, and it is pleasing our evetom- | ers, I feel sure that Canada has al great future, and the incregsine ex- cellence of her bacon exports will sure- ly warrant constant production by the | farmers." | | of Dewmark are cer- | men, and the uni- | their output has made | | ---- Tn Tilia "1HEFEYS a 'co-operative ice house serving: four or five farmers, which. was erected at a cost of 875 and | is. filled dack yea with. fifteen to twen- ty tomy of ice. is 18 a simple and valughle system of co-operation which might*be casily applied to Ontario. The pure hregids are in good demand. | | the records office at Ottawa would ke speak a profitable trade. The demand for boars has been good this year, as pure bred sires are being used r.ore | thie year in the eastern and northern |r parts of Ontario. animal they can cet. The Yoekghie 1 hreed rs all report big sales. Berkshire wen wre well pleased ~¥ner- breeders sreak of |! end bons. Sore It alow sales this vesr. but on the whole hates gt Strachan's" hard reports are favorable. The Tamworthe iS | Living Age, contains an article signed {by "Francis, Archbishop of Westmin- | which must be | schools, 'and Uatholic oversight of the religious teaching and influence which shall prevail | quented by such children." | Most of the producers report big sales | is indicated by the following extvact this season, and the number going into | from the letter in question : This is commend- | catarrh, A rdin able, and breeders will doitheir viein: ineeds attention right now. ity a wood turn by keeving the best [per lead is to use a The surpasses all others. Sure, because it does reach the 1 | ally with the demand for' brood sows [Bo drugs to lake, ¥ou breathe its heal- every child at the public expense. The ficht is for religions liberty against compulsory state-aided relicion as or- dered hv the government.--Yours ete., F. DEALTRY WOODCOCK. Editor's Note.--The Whig is not writing or quoting fiction on this sub- ject. The December number of Little's ster," (not Canterbury, observe'. in which he sets forth the several things provided for before the now before the imperi- al parliament, will be acceptable to the peers. or a majority of them. These thinos are eseentially, "Catho- lic schools for the children of Catholic parents; : Catholic teachers for these education bill, in the schools to be fre- That the teachers shall be acceptable fo the "bishops" (mark that word). No Linimeut Can Cure It That pain between the eves isn't penralgin. Many think so, but it is plain ordinary catarrh that Your pro- ozone." as a cure that Jostors recognize it trouble; safe, because ng vapor direct to the course of tha rable, and ore is guaranteed. Two odd of | Soaks of 4 slow Yamane a righ veal, by the quarter, 5c. to 8c. per wy tke S-- cond For the Human in Health hd 4 eh ---------- oT " CONDENSED ADVERTISING is far move an a TWENTY MEN WAITERS, FOR THE spoonful of the erude sulphur. Pe nights of Dec. 17th 45d Asth, A ply ». the disease, and cannot compare with ---------------- tit MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, in eight will recall . Em ---- Tha. mation or Sulphur _ RATES FUR FINISHERS. APPLY JOHN Me- our mothers and grandmothers gave | First insertion, 'le. a Word. Each coms Fo. -- - us our daily dose of sulphur and mo- | secutive insertion thorafter dc. a] WORK OF ANY KIND, BY TWO ENG. lasses every spring, and full. : word. Misimum charge for ome im] lishwen. Apply Ne: 1 Rideau St. 1b the universal spring and fall | =~ sortion, 28c. , HED "blood } iifier, tonic and cure-all, | Adve. 4 lines -or wonder a week, $1: To Suv pas S000. Cor ax and, mind -- this old-fashioned rem- Advi. 4 lines or under « mouth, $3 ticulars "Mac." care Whig office. ith out it. J : st Sa ------------------ | "Fhe iden was' good, bat the us T-- oT nan or Aner ing aL wan weude and Cufifalatable, and 'a Sverybody in Kingston Roads the WHIG | ilxh.. house-keoping. Apps Bok large quantity had to be taken to get 4 ; "Re Whig office, y eblect, : ws we get all the beneficial HELP WANTED-MALE, ba gh an Ad affects of sulphur in a palatable, con- ) dress statine qualifications, salary. centrated form, so that a single grain ote, 206 Bagot St., City POSITION IN A STORE OR OFFICE, teen 3 In recent years research and expbri- Devlin, STi Vain Hotel Ap in Book: phe fon mlicnal we in that ph | APVERTISEMEND WRITERS | ARN]. Snhe. CAudree" CW Lu = ur for irom . i : 8 tai Jaleium (Calcium Sul can learn quickly. Send for infor- -- - = y - n- mo pri Jom Cu in By stores under | ion atopia You HW A Nor aT Unto Olden on i or. ONELMARE AND COLT, ONE 7 ; the same of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, | 70 TO% ~~ Apply,' sting' soins' to : rR eh oo They are small chocolate' coated pel- | CALENDAR SALESMEN, FOR KING- Foster, Secy.-Treas, clean P, 0. Clarence street. * . By lets and contain the active medicinal | ston and viduity, one Sd Addington County. eee, at principle of in a highly con | Stiered: The Scott. Calamdar Cox | 100 CARS NO. 1 ang NO. 3 HY | MEDICAL, PRA 3 mm centrated, effective form. 180 ror s Toronto, Hay, shipment, December Janu-* 500 , has NORTH z Few people are aware of the value ary. Quote lowest Drice on cars Bro chance 4 of this form of sulphur in restoring | GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR Your Motion for sath wy W. H. LR I h, 61 Me) and maintaining bodily vigor and overcoats made te look naw, Dever 4 + TH, s ullding, t, tg. 7 health; sulphur acts directly on the er teed to please. Prices TORE BR a liver and ghia nts organs and' puri- right. 'Oulloway, the ~ Tailor, a1 TO BUY NEW AND OLD USED Fan ARnKED + AND" a fies and enviches the blood by the Brock street. Feather, Beds. No matter how Jone fotlas Rt primi Dew. prompt elimination of waste material. | = CIEETT ORS SALESMAN FOR herbal ae rice, baid.1 eity. Jeroen, Our grandmothers knew this when Kinxaton to sell High Class Nursery Eoather Oo. 877 Princess St., or at bu they died we with mip wn mor | BIOS ed's Copal NO | GR li ; TTA ; ih Jal, hut the right man. on liberal terms. Apply crudity and impurity of ordinary flow- at onge. Stone & Wellington, Toron- ors of sulphur were often worse than to, Oitario. DOLE, re Hooks. oa. + A Mrs, A. Strachdin, 98 Bagot street. Dr. R. M. Wilkins, while experiment: - - ing with sulphur remedies, soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was superior to any other forni. He says : | small family, 189 University Avenue. Stuart's Calcium Wafers. in patients the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a Propr tary article and sald by druggists and the back, on Frid er please return to 18 8: and receive reward. ly in all forms of skin diseases as this remedy. MAID TO DO GENERAL WORK, INA No washing. Apply at ay afternoon. Fiwd- ydenham St, i "$1 N ONVENIENCES, he a the modern concentrated preparations uates earn $10 ER ¢ s ! Bo 5 ber Qui; vu, 124¢. do, 180. | of" culphur, of which Stuarts Calon | 1 siaht wes ranches throughout | 4 35 A tity Fish--Salmon trout, 12jc. a Ih.; | Wafers is undoubledly the best and | EER A Rina le DWELLINGS, AT $6, 88. $11:50, $18, whitefish, . 12§c.: pike, 10c. a Ib.; Chin. | mOSt widely ; Moler - Barber College, = Queen and |" go; "ga5 tt "McCann's, of Brock St, ook mon 30¢ a ib . smnelts 200. Thoy are the natural antidote for Spadina, Toronto. 4 Arad i liver and kidney troubles and cure con- : in % Be ty Phere 2 ti, Youth stipution and purify the blood in 5 | HELP WANTED-PEMALE. STORAGE SPACE | FOR _ FURNI salmon, 30c. a Ib; salt 'cod- at heh surprises patient and A UENERAL SERVANT. APPLY streot, ROOMS OVER WADE'S, and Bi » suffering from boils and pimples -and three miles from city. Woman with! upon CLASS SITUATED, even deersoned carbinelc, "1 lave | gia GhG Bot shiziomitle, Ogu | PSE, CLARK, SILOATER. repeatedly seen them dry up and dis- piv Whiz office. N Boden impro . appear in four or five days, leaving | seses---------- : SUNBURST OF PHARLS, WITH for that rcason taboocd by many doe omtre, on Wed ¥.| MONEY AND BUSINESS. physicians, yet I know of nothing so Reward for its return to this 'Office. ony safe and reliable for consti pation, "POLI liver and kidney troubles and rir PEARL CRESCENT, WITH NAME ON buiMing and Juin MAD, Son, Jens tL hy y water. Apply to WE 51 Brock street. TL ay 12 "St, ad PROF'S CARL & RO} reliable, Comvisi . i, Foretell your ture 'and birth date, Chicago. % DONT ANSWER RIMONIAL ADS. "For live:, kidney and blood troubles, | vo 17 a Sepang or liver, kidney a ood troubles, | youNG GIRL ABOUT 18 OR _ . especially when®resulting from consti YOURD of axe to take care of Dahy. STORAGE i Eo oR pation or malaria, 1 have been sur- as vey night, Apply St. clean und dry. McCann, 61{, Yi prised at the results obtained from Brock street' ------------------------------------------ - - - ¢ FREH YOUR FORTUNE 5 future and past rovealed, ------ f by America's nent A ERE YOUR RE Teri Ae Tk At any rate people who are tired of ¥. Al Stuart Co., 57 Sthart build: i ine. Marshall. Mich. ' 3 promptly attended to. faith. This duty they discharge by the | examination of - thos. owho 'are to GE ee teach, so that they may be satisfied | The Paragraph Pulpit © Unitarian REV. C. W.CASSON, OTTAWA as to their knowledge and capacity ; | by the periodical imspeetion of the | schools: and by préscribing the cate- | chisms to be taught, and the amount | i of knowledge to be acquired atcord- | The Religion Needed. The world needs a religion of kind- I | in to the age of the children. These are thing which, according to the dis- ' ; | cipline and' tradition of the Catholic | ness. As Mrs. Wilcox so finely says : church, are all of them outside the | "So many gods, so many creeds, : competence of any lay or civil auth- | So many paths that wind and wind, ority. Yet the intentions of the gov- | While just the art of being kind ernment place us in every one of these | Is all this sad world needs. matters absolutely at the mercy of The best kind of religion ix the re- the local authorities, who will be free | ligion of being kind. One's form of to usurp functions which are in our | faith is worth nothing if it does not eyes nooesserily and inalienably al- | inspire one to deeds of kindness. The toched to the pastoral offce." | sap of sentiment becomes of value on- More could be avoted from this [ly when it is boiled down to the article of the Archbishon of Westmin- | syrup of sympathy or the sugar of ster to show that thers is n great deal | service. If 'you are kinder than I am, beside the one point in the letter of | your religion is better than mine. our correspondent, which needs / res | x: vision, but it is not necestary. Mhere is no eround for the assvmption that the Whic has regarded this conflict in Faeland as one hetween the Church of | England biellops and the government, The Whig said nothing in the article referred to which could justify that | Of the Season For His Worship conclusion. | The Mayor. | Mayor Mowat said that this would Purity Tea, Purity Tea. {probably be the last morning be s jor to other tea. and costs no | Would enjoy a dive from the Yacht Synerior 0 eo 30c., #0c and 50c, | Club wharf into the harbor waters more, - rans, de. an. OX | until next spring. Yesterday morning, J. Crawford. said the mayor, there was a thin . x i sheet of ice on the surface of the In this age of adulteration it jis re- | water, and the feet of the mavor and ireshing to find the quality of purity { Mr. Stewart's froze to the wharf nin | ture. ey THE LAST DUCK ard ne of the stro ; a put forward Bs One re ng they were walking back to the dress points of any Arve e - hie 've room. This morning 'there was largely into home consumption. | quite a sheet of ioe on the harbor. is the salient feature of "Salada" | Ceylon Tea, which is packet in sealed | lead packages. { Brush and comb sets and manicure sets, in ebony and stagware, all prices, at Chown's drug store. There is nothing mats. shifable for A J Christmas present thon a pair of | A -------------------- ske' ol irachan'e pardwiire. | Purity Tea, Purity Tea. Its flavor and strength surpasses all | Surerior to other tea, and costs no others. Purity ten, in tins, green, |more. in trunks, 30c., 40¢. and 50¢. black or.mhixed. J. Crawiond. [J, Crawford. x Onee in a great while a cook gets | contrary end refuses to quit. No man is ever too busy to polite. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists refund m if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 20c. | Special sale of children's mitts, 18¢., be | stockings extra strong, 20¢. to 2e.. toques, cavdinal, white or navy, 25ec. The more sunshine there is in some |New York Dress Reform. men's lives ithe Tess hav thev make. | Put up in useful, a well as orna- Just alittle bit--better- than some | mental tin "boxes, - * Pubity ton; groom; coal. A whole lot' better than other | black or mixed. J. Crawford. coal, is Swift's Scranton eoal. { There are lots of less ubeful things Put vw in useful, as well 4s orma- | to give for Christmas than a load of mental tin boxes, Purity tea, green, | Swift's Scranton coal. ; black or mixed. 4. Crawford, Oysters, 40c., ., 0c. quart, "The Sweet oranges, . large' astortment. | Red Star," 274 Princess street. = Fdwards & Jenkin, 274 Princess street : Wink tg sale from ita strength and izes, We. and $1. Sold everywhere. | Address Mr. Casson for free litera- | i i » INTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH ro Coa tt Sts Co | Bt hed bg | Rl SOON, AFD (010) ha " He i Waders, a far safer, more palat- Yrine Tor return to this Samia he Dales no and effective preparation, » y Send your name and address to-day VETERINARY. a ab the Farm and or a ffee trial Package. and see for | DR. W. BELL, VS, Re. ore Tol mest or vonrsolf, | moved to his DAE Diack, + oy Clursmos Baw business, wot' rated from Bir & Stranve, Agents. 8 WARCHITECT, = "Anchor Buildin, Market . Tha achat = ina FOUND , HOROSCOPE. Puno SURE he unchanging a olutely . : AO Sv { WED- | FAMOUS JAPANESE ASTROLOGER, Y consistent attitude of the Catholic | A gig SUM oF MONEY. dn telling your fortune from the cradie ARTEUR + uss. ah er Sate church on the 'question: of religious same by paving for advertisement to wrave matters of HUSINERS, 10V0 | o------------ a i i . 43 vi 3 , . and marriage made clear, Send teaching receives 'mo, ition at and anvlying to D. Egan's Cigar 8 : a ] oe he ; A Pr a pe birth date ond 10c. M. Gordon. Box | preremes all. With us the bi the div- Store, Mnosss 3uredt, 33 Mile-End P. 0O., Montreal, Que. % inely appointed guardians of such ---- -------- YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE $2 AND UP chi . Gop a ! MISCELLANEOUS. daily. Business takes but little time, teaching. It is par€ oftheir pastoral | MERCHANT. AMERICAN, NO CHILD MEDICAL. no experience, Sauvassing or y duty to prescribe the Satter and the | wh. Wealthy but lonesome. wishor s J DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY Snvone anywhere, Full: pares 3 manner 'of the instrughion, of Catholic | congonink wife to bron his homo occupied Df. Ryan, corner Mon El cents silver. one Maker, Lock children in all that pertains to the Box 425, St. Joseph. Michigan. trea) and streots. « Box " ngwville, ' . | hull price. We have a special { we are clearing out at the { | { i « exactly what size you should Big Interests to Check Speculation. Toronto, Dec. 7.~The unsettled con- dition of the principal Cobalt stocks in New York, has prevented buoy- ancy in other issues. Innumerable rea: sons ave put forward for the break in the Nipissing stock, but the one which finds the rendiest belif in that the big interests at New York found it necessary. to check speculation in the Cobalt stocks and other: shares dealt in on the New York curb, t more attention may be paid to the stocks 1evularly listed. . For. the time being the only purchas- the : -- Doubled Up With Cfamps. Stomach feels, like an infernal ma: chine , gow want relief. mighty yuk J an reli Halt %o~ ®oon ak Polson's Nerviline. Why it kills the pain instantly. If your bottle is empty get another to-day. Nerviline the doctor 'bill small because it cures litthe ills before they grow big. Nothing for hwligestion, heartburn and cramps like Polson's See Bibby's $2.25 derby hats; | flavor, Purity tea, at Crawford's. * , Nerviline. Large bottles for 25e. GREAT SALE OF HATS | At Almost Half Price 3 | Wo do not intend keeping one hat over to next year, © Of course this means a big sacrifice to us and a great gmin to you, We have reduced every hat in the store to almost CORSETS = | Be sure and come in, and have a talk with the demon: | strator, for the Bias Filled Corsets, next werk. She will td] pwove your figure. Fitting and consultation free. SOMERVILLE CO. "iifes ad" sly a J. Crawford, POWER & SON, ant mask Buildine, 'comer Brose BENRY FP. SMITH, ete. } § i { ¢ line of velvet turbans, which low price of $2.50 and $3. wear and what corset will im- High floss es on the standard Cobalt stocks at Toronto are from straight investors. Trading brokers and outside specula- tors have ceased to keep up the oper- ations of a couple of weeks avo. The 5 statement given out by the local gov. ernment that the shipment of car- louds of ore for November totalled forty-four cars, is convincing as to the growth of the legitimate mining. A party of local financiers, accompani- ed by New York bankers, left tonight to visit the Trethewey mine. 3 Interesting, but not mew, that Purity tea is the best in strencth and flavor. J. Crawford. la nothing mors suitable for o istmas present than a pair skates from Strachan's hardware: Malaga grapes and chestnuts, at "The Red Star," 274 Princess street. See Bibby's $2 sweaters, sal ce Edward Island is to have an experimental farm near Charlotte town. Fiftv cents will buy a 81 hot water: bottle (two quarts) at Wade's deng store, J. 2 Purity tea, in tins, the fipest ten - |srown at J. Crawford's,

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