Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Dec 1906, p. 7

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d gducing com it. mpl or brain wor Es I80 very num rous, ste in the mouth in a pale and sallow ne cause. Bi stor and will also assist PERIOR. ot only for indiges joy t disorders. It pp on dutal wit mercury, and other h ful temporary effects, But io. | produce such effects ax 1; Als ure entirely different [ any such harmful ingred * of any harmful seccor Ro oo TICOAT) THAT IS CC \RANTEED -- FOR .00 a SILK PETTICOAT, get ire cheaper. Accept only the ntee label on the waist band. In Black'and 40 Colors ibstitute. Send your measure, S.H. &M. GUARANTEED send it to you, EXPRESS "OMPANY, LIMITED ents for Women t : TORONTO FRSC Ti AOA BE CH es Coughs i i YRUP docs that one thing ceil, Tt'sne™ £ 11 throat and lun # ks i A A 4 ess effective because it is kf Ke, 25 cts, battle, anges ESC. poz. cess Street k A ial will convince 3 {or {o any other tar hat money can buy, 4 mater we are Aulol introduce © REY and inm offers to Boys id, a set of four 1st. Name your Grocer. sessassarean -- = Is rich in th natural war Try it for breakfas :. elements housewifein Canada that "Reliance Bakin hus ever used. It is prepared from rym hd Ar urest, ny. J. dndes thedirect tion of an Synor manufacturing chemist, uaran: Jo tol Powder" are maki we rie. If interested drop us a postal. FREE seaniruL peruse post canes FR EE fo-any user of baking pow powder ar te HII Sadly sen icture Fortify your body against the wa ting diseases of fall and winter by esting food that is rich in tissue-building, heat-making elements. SHRE! Wik dy Ansoiutel re post card Eh aransage in Pant colors. Simply a us, answering the following ein 2nd. Name this Paper. { International | Food Company, Toronto, Canada. Purple Package." 2 VIVLVVVVVIVINS o that supply th-and vigor to the body. It contains all the strength giving materia' in the whole wheat prepared in the most easilydigested frm. Keeps the bowels active and healthy. Made in Canada of Canadian Wheat. t.-- At all grocers. LE Powder" ¢ ¥ Satisfaction. In order Lo ing Sondertully attractive I 2 S. HENDERSON, Agent, rm nature's/ nerve restorer. OE ------------ NOTICE We Are Selling $2 Rr Also i cheap) TWEEN Heatir and Strops at £1.25. and Cora Razors very PER CENT. off Stoves for cash at Sw & GRAHAM'S _ KING STREET. all THE Uymyia Restaurant LUNCH ROOM n for Business Now at.53 Brock Street Near Market EW, the 1 uuick and correct servide, with Hid po. thet. offers at cheapest poss Every thing first-class. PATERSON & COLLINS, Props. te There's Health in its And Strength in its Flavor-- Blue Ribbon Tea It' te enervated ; and a delica te tonic for Black, green, mixed --25c. to $1 a 1b.--All grocers honey savor, s a sti § TNE STARR B DaaTmouTy, N.S. ulant for all. Note the special under the front. brackets under BE of Starr ---- for 1907 Book *REX and MIC MAC. t ty, Hockey § ha iC ks,' ° ARUFACTURING CO. Lid. CANADA BrancH OrrFice : Toronto, ONT. Dordt ® Christmas or al Mel'enk drug store. pay thi . from Gibson's Red Cros ink of sending candy at unless you send the best buy. That's : Mul r's or | MADRID EXCITED, OVER THE POLITICAL CRISIS THERE; 2 Noisy <roups, Carryiffg Red Banners, Gather in the Streets Police Out and Troops in Readiness For Outbreak. Madrid, Dee. 4.--The city is much excited over the political crisis, noisy gLo aps, carrying red nanners, gather p= od lust evening, in the neighborhood of the senate chamBer, and shouted threateningly, The police scattered them, and" "drrestod several persons, but the crowds gathered again, and their 'numbers constantly increased. As the even'ng advanced the crowds foousedgin the, Puerta Del Col, outside the ministry of the interior. At a late hour. a great force of pol- ice was out, and the governor was holding troops in readiness in case their services were necessary! Never theless, it was hoped the night would pess without a serious outbreak. The bulk of popular felling in the capithl, seems to support the king in his endeavor to keep the liberals in power, but it is impossible to predict the final outcome of the crisis. M. SANTOS The noted aerial navigator who states that air machines will control the traffic if the world' in the near future DUMONT, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled Fromm All Over The World. W. D. Morris is a candidate for the nayoraity of Ottawa. Hontt 8S. Hyman is reported to be seriously ill, and to have fifty pounds in weight, J. Colin Forbes is painting a por- trait of Sir Henry Cavipbell-Banner- man, the prime minister, Iwenty million peoplé in Russia will uffer from starvation this winter un- 1ssistance lost over is forthcoming. The keel-plates of a battleship to be larger than the Dreadnought, wer * Jatid at Portsmouth on Saturday. Mutthew Jones, Brantford, dropped his purse in an. hotel; when he. recov~ ered the + 83,800 was missing. 1 The Jape steamer. Toyowia, with 300 laborers, from Kohe for Manza nillo, Mexico, is thirteen days overdue. The dire s of the Zoo at Barmen, near Birlin, are at their wits' end to fi.d a dentist able to fill an elephant's aching tooth. An enquiry steamer Forento into the wreck of the Resolute was concluded in oft Monday, and judgment vill be given next week. Nix hundred thousand dollars of Canadian money, "it is estimated, went to the support of Nipissing stock, n the New York market on Monday. I'he Canadian governinent has -heen nvited to participate in an interna tional exhibition to be held in Mann- im, Germany, t Octo- ber I'he Winkenweder don, Ont., drinking dead frogs. red. With the hope of checking the docreasy in population in St. Pierre the French ¢overnmem castor g tarifi of the opening in nex family, near nearly wiped out by water contaminated by Five deaths Lon- were well have occur- rapid Minuelon, the and 8 revising islands. In the case of the collision hetween the Bay State and ' the Universe, in the harbor of Montreal, in Septem- hor, last vear, judgment was given against the Bay State. Cochrane, aced sixty-five, de spendent over the charge laid against him of burniner a barn. in Cavendish, ed into the Otonakeee, near Pot Joha woro, and was drowned. lexander Crowe, a ticket-of-leave man from Kincston penitentinry is on trial, in Ottawa, for stealing a small sum of money. If convicted he vill have to serte out his term. An ex me: mber of the Ontario eali net. is leavoring to boom a rat no'sn manufactured in Torontn, in London. He wants the Indian ecovern ment to purchase two thousand tone of rat poison at. present in siorage at Romi v7 z Vollaks, of shots and stones wera ex- handed between thespolice and a wot of sawente thousand reons in Ovor tr The troible Wa¥ ""mver the rxpnl- sion of tho republican members of par- liament who made am attack on the kin+ in the chamber Mode incane hy her hushand's eruel- tv and nérlect. Wr, Elizateth lar mora, Cold rook, Wase.. and formerly of (har'ntte eavnty, NB. Killed her sx chi'den and attemoted suicide. ge time fen Cars in an sevtmirhas mental ba! ance, haroed. rest rad Yor to} and che hag besn ¢ Penalty Of Blood Poverty. Blood is the life. Life sets its crim- son signal in the face. Ii vou lack the ruddy hue of health you lack life, yon are itinr digeqgs. Ti the face is nole: if >the hands and feet are contin: lly cold or thire is any other sigm ficient circulation use Wade's Tron Tonie Pills, They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. Tn boxie 25c. at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not entisfoet ry. -------------------- Now i4 the heet time to huv weather stripe. Come and mee our assortment MORE Women Cabbies May To Vogue in saris A Paris. Dec: Ade nthe oteupa- tion hit csaored to men is ng: the gentler sox. A woman soon to bo a liv | ine fact Wm Paris. | Mise. Delaut.: whose husband is aw | experienced driver of a taxameter, and another woman hailing fram the country. have entored: their names as | stodents in the classes organized for | the teaching of humane driving. Mme, Dufaut has already had mans lessons from her husband. There is little | doubt that she , will mass the neoos: | cary tests, and in 8 short-time take | her place dn the deiver's box of 3 Paris cab. The other aspirant has notun to the present recoivid am nraetical instruction in the art of driving, but she 8 a cowitry girl, with a ood sxperionce of horses, and she has no fears as to her future suc cosR Roth these women hope to be well | ratronized by their own sex, for. as they sav, women would be more like Iv to trust themselves ton woman | than to an insolent cabman, who would probably drive carelessiv in' the Paris stroefs, They are going to wear a costimme: in" Keeping with their occuphtion. consisting of a bolero, a dark ~rav skirt and j@vercont of the same material, ornamented with brass buttons, and a flatglared hat, like that worn by the present cocher. Our No. 1 is just the size for Strachan's hardware. No wonder the wal of the gressor is hard when oni the amount of travel thereon. PECULIAR WEAKNESS house use. trans IN MANY WOMEN | Is Promptly Overcome By the Regular Use of Ferrozone. Many women suffer untold torture from nervous debility arising from dis orders of the femining orcans, Day by day they grow worse, A false sense of modesty prevents them using a good remedy like Fervo- Zone,--and it would cure them ! Every pale sickly woman can be cur- od and' nourished bagk to health by Ferrozone, Think of brought back, New. vital energy is supplied. The blood is not only purified, but is properly throughout the body. Impossible for any woman who uses Forrozone to he seriously ill, from: weakness, irregularitios tional derangements, "because Ferro- one. acts directly --on- the -oreans that maintain the balance of health. Because free from Alcohol. Ferrozone can ke used by voung or old with ab solute safsty, It causes the soirits to rise, supplies ambition, cheerfulness and new of strenoth that adds much to the pleasure of life. Prepared in the form of a choeolate coated tablet, Ferrorzone is sold hy all dealers, &fle. per hox or six boxes for $2.50. it, lost nerveforce is circulated to suffer or fune- sense ARTISTIC Toilet Ware ILET WARE in artistic abundance is pictured in the pages of our Catalogue. Whether your taste turns to Silver, Ebony or « Ivory, it will find ample variety from which to choose. From our own factory comes the richly chased Pompadour Pattern in heavy Sterling Silver. A six-piece set--consisting of Cloth, Velvet and Hair Brushes, with Mirror and Comb ~--is unprecedented value at $30. Pieces are sold singly if desired, so that a set may be added to, year by year. Drop us a fostal cavd and we will send you free of charge our large illus. brated catalogue of Jewelry, Silverware, NERVOUS ni WEAK COULD Not SLEEP AT NIGHT To the thousands ef people all over this Iand who are tossing on sleepless pillows night after night, or who pace the bedroom floor with merves unhinged, and to whose eyes sleep will not come, MILBURN"S HEART AND NERVE PILLS » offer the blessing of sound, refreshing slumber They restore the equilibrium of the de- ranged nerve centres, and bring back the _ shattered nervous system to perfect condi- "ion. | Mrs, Wm. Richardson, Pontypool, Ont., | writea: 'I take great pleasure in recom. mending Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. 1 was tronbled at times with my heart, felt weak and nervous and could not sleep at night. I have taken several boxes of the pills and am wonderfully improved. I have recommended them to others and they have found them just what they needed." : The price of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 st all dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbuia Co., Strachan's hardware. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Universal ricat chopper | considers | enriched and | Paris | EXHIBITION OF NERVE. ! Police Chief Quells | Mob. Dee. 4.---M. Lepine, the cour prefect of police, = is the hero {of the hour in Paris, Sunday morning | 1,000 workmen and shopmen, after in | fammatory speeches at the labor ex- i a Dangerous | Paris, | ageous change, decided to march on the Hotel | de Ville and demand a Sunday rest, { the Slaw to be put into instant opera tion and shops closed immediately by {foree, But the municipal palace was | guarded by a strong force of police, and =o the angry manifestants resolv led to address their grievances to M. Lepine in person. The excited and ges- {ticulating -erowd, -* shouting, "Down with the municipal council !" © and "Long live the law !" therefore tum ed their backs on the Hotel de Ville, but when they arrived at the profec: ture of police an ait of official calm pervaded the building, and on the | pavement M, hands in the pockets of his topcoat land smoking a cigarette. there being ino sign of police or soldiers, As soon | as the excited crowd came up, the ringleaders surrounded the prefect and {commenced shouting, 'Vive Lepine!" The prefect immediately told them to stop outing and to get off the pave- { ment, They attempted to remonstrate, {but the little, lithe wan, with fire in | his eye, ordered them to do as he bid, {and himself pushed them hgck step by J step until the pavement was complete. ly cleared, The prefect then announced {that he was willing fo reecive a de putation, and after a few words of paternal advice the vast crowd, con | verted from an angry, dangerous temp {er to a reasonable, pacific' mood, | broke up and went home. ---------- | Hard or soft corns cured with three | anvlications of Peck's Corn Salve. Guaranteed. Money back if not satis factory. In boxes 15¢., at Wade's Drug Store. Now is the best time to buy weather {stripa. Come and see_our assortment, Strachan's hardware. MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN | TO THE ELECTORS :-- Your vote and influence are re- spectfully solicited for the office of Mayor, for 1807, by THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. Ald. Frank J. Hoag A WARM SUBJECT There's mothing in the world we're so nuch interested In as Coal at this tiow Of the year. It may sound queer ic speak of coal buying and selling as science, but that's what we've made it Two important discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to Jur customers pays best, and that the way to win business ia to deserve it, Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE If you want to buy, or sell City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, at 95 Clarence street, opposite Post Office. novss ORCHESTRA "THE BUSY ONB." 8 1 Rates for Weddings, "Not-Out'" Parties. E H MERRY, Leador Violin, Viola, Instruction. Bapil of Mollenhauer, Noston. 155 Sydenham =t., or Theatre, Teas and NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 1C.70 a.m. tol3.00 a m The best placu to get an all round | Lunch in the city; Meals of nll Kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty, 2 @ Lepine himself stood witly Ask for \ s . . gy x The Superiority of Corticelli Silk Corticelli Spool Silk wears well in the garment; the seams don't rip, and each stitch holds secure. We guarantee Corticelli Silk is smooth, even elastic and strong, and that every spool is * full measure.' ¢ Corticelli costs YOU little more than common silk, but you get more silk, better silk" and stronger silk, when you buy " Corticelli," which has . held the world's record for superiority for over 67 years, Think of what : this means! For Art Needleworkers. We also make Corticelli Silk in every size best adapted for fine art needlework, doilies, centerpieces, sofa pillows, ete. Look for the it Corticelli B. & A. Asiatic Dye name on the label of every skein off . Corticelli Filo Selle, Corticelli Roman Floss, Corticelli Mountmellick Silk, Corticelli Rope Silk, and Caspian Floss, etc. CCRTICELLI SK MILLS, ST. JOHNS, P.O. CANADA. ta QIEDRTIL ORRIN HE I LC (TT ES & S-- ~ Christmas Christmas For the geason, which ix now fast ap- proaching, we offer our trade the most practical and the most sensibl of all Christmas Gifts, P ootwear nceeptalle Christmas Members of the Family conld make a more the Older ranes for i 1 pair' of our Fine Shoes, a pair of Choice <lippers, au poir of good Winter Rubbers or Are- Liew ? Wa've nu aplipdid showing of every good style, dtnble for every purpose What wenld please the Younger Members of the Family more than Shoes, Slippers, Leggings or Rubbir Boots ? Hemnember Baby, too, with a pair of our cunning little: Slippers, Bootees or Maccusing, s We've Christmas Footwear, (Galore! You can't, if more aeenptabl rensible than vou trv, minke more Lifts or Christmas Footwear. Come, see our splendid Holiday Display. SHOE STORE Abernethy's LARGE SHIPMENT RECEIVED COOKSON'S ANTIMONY AND PIC LEAD -.. GET OUR PRICES" Canada Metal Co. To at 11 Toronto * Phone Main 1729 No

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