Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1906, p. 2

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evening 4 First Baptist church-Rev. Douglas Laine. s ih, at, both services. 11 On a Real Betate investment. Tt turing 'three' dwellings, ' (one » and a double), 148, 150 and street near Frontenac 0 fotia. Col. Street, Methodist churdh there, will take the university serv- oe, to af i vo: if i: last 3 the magnificent Ww! ' {said of ol igi of the : 'for the child. i : d lp Gil i i Fx i ------ Football Notes. 4 Moocer team defeated an ork team in New York by 2 fe by President Barr, of RFU. The average weicht of it Plovers is 164 pounds; of oi ers took in Sout Rates this season expenil- about $1,000 on travelling and other' for the two teams. De- hear in many oper spite 5 '| ters that the lub made money. The gate with 'Westmount totalled sum of 834. Hockey. " who played such a the Ottawa Capital team during' the summer months, is. + to Pittsbur- to play hockey. As soon as the International league teams learn that a plaver is barred by the O.H.A., thev start after him, t seems to be the only guide they oe, . Quebec is likely. to be weaker than inter, and the same may Ottawas, who will Smith and the ank ¥ Belleville . Inte that ° H, lose redoubtable lligencer : It is re ported arcy Brown, of this citv, will play with the Kineston seniar O.H.A. team this season. He is There is a mistaken impression cur- rent that the Stanley cup is a trophy for amateur teams, pure and simple, savs the Ottawa Journal. The trophy is simply supposed to represent the hockey championship of Canada. and nothin~ is mentioned in the deed of pift as to the clubs being amateur. : P-- General Sport. Otto Madden, the English jockey, has ridden 1,300 winners, Old 'coun- try riders last loncer than on this side of the water. The National Sporting Club, of , reckoned badly when it thought it could get Jack O'Brien to t Jus Gunter Moir for a $5.000 purse. ladelphia has turned down the offer. ib Juck gh > weight, is making an efiort tol brea into the hpxing game in Encland. A a aa a--_---- L.A Start Young To train a child into good habits. There is no habit that will add so much to the ood character, the general ppiness and thorough con- tentment of a life as the good habit of saving. The best way to start this habit is by opening an account with us now on the road for a Kingston fim. the Chicaro middle oon, in cation hall, jat three o'clock. Ss. 's Cathedral --8 am. Holy Communion; 10.15 a.m., mat- Communion. cher, Canon Starr; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Pitla class; 7 p.m., evensong, preach- er, Dean Farthing, Bethel Congrezational Church.--The pastor will preach morning and even- ing. Morning sublect, "The Science of Spiritual Evolution." Evening subject, "With Christ at Sea." Being in part a memorial service for our shipwrecked mariners on the great lakes. Cooke's Presbyterian church. Brock street--Pastor, Rev. W. 8, MacTavish, PhD. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed at the morn- ing service. W, J. Watt, Queen's, will conduct the evéning service. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 pm; Presbyterian Guild, 8:15 p.m, Stran- «ers courteously wel A Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- 11s and Earl streets.--Pastor, Rev. M, Macgilliveay, DD. Services, 11 a.n.. "Ordination of Elders": 7 pm., "Fol- lowing Afar Of, and What Came of It." 'Sunday school and Bible clase (missionary Sunday), 3 pm. Prayer meeting and preparatory communion service, Friday, 5 p.m. Strangers wel- comed to all the services. First Congreational church, corner of Wellinghon and Johfison streets-- Divipe worship, Sunday, at 11 a.m. . Sundav school at 3 pm. wv. J. Charles Villiers, will preach to-mor- row morning on "A Praver For Help And What Came Of It." Mr. Anglin, a Queen's student, will conduct the evening service. Seats are free, and a cordial welcome is given to the straner, . : ¥Y.M.C.A. Supday Notes. ; To-morrow' afternoon at the 4.15 men's meeting, Rev. C, E, Manning, pastor of Sydenham Street church, 'will speak on "The I Situ- ation in Kingston." Mr. Manning has, for months, studied the temperance problem of our city. At seven o'clock, the morning watch wil be held, when John Dunn, boys' tment ' secretary, will speak on "Unbeliel." A book club for the jumi- ors will be organized after the meet- ing. 'INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Oysters, fresh, at "The Red Star." Special heavy knee pants, special for to-night, 75c. Livingston's. Remember the Christian Science leo- ture, opera house, Sunday, 3 p.m. William Swain, piano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's book store. It will pay you to see our stock'of furn ture ore purchasing your Christmas presents, R. J. Reid. The members of '09 medicine, sat for secting rooms of the medical college. The usual weekly dance was held at Rockwood Asylum, Friday night, and as usual, was a most pleasant affair, leoture, afternoon, opera house. A new weekly called the Breeze has been started at Prince Albert, N.W.T. It ought to have no difficulty in raising the wind. : . As a sign of a hard and cruel win- fer a southern contemporary merely points out that coal dealers and plumbers have thicker skins than for- merlv. The Scotohmen of Kingston are subsoribing towards the rebuilding of the famed Brig o' Ayr, which has-been falling into decay, and has to be re- stored at a cost of $280,000 by pri- vate subscription. Sunday Dog Hurt By Bear. A fine cocker spaniel dog had one of its legs broken as the result of an encounter with a bear in one of the hunting districts of the county the other day. The canine showed plenty of nerve when it saw the bear'and en- deavored to bite Mr. Bear. The 'lat- ter would not stand for such an in- sult, however, and struck out at the doe with its paws, with the result that one of the legs of the dog was broken. ' The farmer who owns the dog' could not 'account for the mis- hap to his dog, but on mukin~ an in vestigntion found the tracks of the bear w the dog had been, and came to the conclusion that its in- juries had boen received as a result of the encounter with the bear. Must Pay Up. New York Tom, the Chinaman who refused to pay for a half cord of wood he had received from a local dealer, will probably make a settlement. If the Celestial does not pay wp, pro- ngs may be taken in the court to make him do so. : da Campbell Bros." To-Night. For nobby buts and fine gloves. i fol ting, 11 a.m., choral celebration of the | the Holy their photos this morning, 'in the dis Come to hear the Christian Science, gineer showing that it is possible to geet tha more Stalls in the centre of No. 2 station, so. thidt one. extra team of horses on an engine. Thus three, instead of two teams, at® pnt, can he put in onmisioy pC oh station. of structural chanees; would cost $150. Ald. Carson thought that it would be well for the committee to consider enlarsement of No, 2 station. Rake it a central station, and sell o. 1 ne , Ald. Ross said 'that he would not be a party to f elay in improving the fire service The service needed im- provement, an? he' ind Mayor Mowat had ample evidenod of it on several oc- casions when i a couple of hours to get the ( i} engine out 'to a fire during if. Ald. Ross said it was unwise th delay longer, Ald. Carson baid he wae certainly satisfied thot a nge was needed, but, as to whether + grrangement sues gested in the plan was the best, he was uncertain. He wanted to be sure that the extra t*am of horses wonld have enough roond ta come out. Ald. Ross said that there was plentv = of room. Ald. Carson ssid he would sup- por; the structural changes if the bed- ding stall was removed and nut in the rear, and have just six stalls, On motion _of Ald. Augrove,' the committee decided to reco d to council 'the adoption of the chances jn the stal's. This will involve the chang: ing of the Chatham engine from No. 1 to No. 2 station, the 'purchssing of on extra team of horses and the ap- pointment of another. driver. The commitind decided to re-nrrange the location 'of the men as follows : At No. 1 stations Assistant chief. second encinéer. tWo firemen - and ene callmen. Ome of the firemen will be made foreman, to net in the ab- sence of the amlistant chief. At No. 2 * station--Chief, first enai- neer, six firemen and two callmen. 'be kept there for use |™ | Kinoton Fur Store" 19 More Shopping > Days Before 'Xmas You haven't any time to lose now in buying your Christmas presents--cer- tainly you won't find shop- ing a very great pleasure ater|on during the "Christ- mas rush' --so"do it now. Furs are recognized as ideal gifts--they're useful as well as ornamental and its just at the Christmas season when furs are indeed a lux- wy of luxuries. If its for your Mother, Fath. er, Sister, Brother, Sweet- heart or anyéne else a fur is very appropriate and ac-. ceptable--all the more so if 1t comes {r- m**Kingston's Famous Fur Store," for what "sterling" means on silver the hae "George Mills & Co." means on furs viz.: a guarantee of quality, Here's a few of the many appropriate "Fur Gifts" : FOR LADIES. Alaska Sable Muffs, $10 up. | Alaska Sablq Ruffs, $6 up. 9 Isabella Fox Muffs, $10 up. Isabella Fox Ruffs, $9 up. Mink Muffs, $25 up.. Mink Ruffs, §18 up. Grey Squirrel Throws, $8 up. Fur and Fur-Lined Coats, $25 up. FOR MEN. Persian Lamb Caps, $6 up. Otter Caps, $12 up. B "Persian Lamb Gauntlets, $14 up. Russian Lamb Collars, $5 up. Persian Lamb Collars, $10 up. Otter Collars, $15 up. Fur and Fur-Lingd Coats, $18 uw. for Fire- man Stratford was his choice. The latter was at present foremen, and the salary was made known there would not likely be any outside ap- plicants, ot the type of man Ald. Car son sugges 'Lhe salary was $600. iy Milian's motion to advertise was ost, Ald. Nickle declared that if 'the fire brigade couldn't furnish an assistant chief from its numbers, then it should be cleaned out, and a new lot of men appointed. He moved that Henry Stratford be appointed assistant chief. The motion was carried, Alds. Car son and Millan voting nay. On motion of Ald, Millan, W. J. Smith was appointed permaneat fire- men. He had acted since the late as- sistant chief took ill, . and was found most capable. F. Milo, of the waterworks depart ment was recommended for the va- cant position of permanent eallman. The committee found it hard to dis- criminate between the nine applica tions for street lights, the council hav- asked the committee. to decide which lights were most needed. After some consideration it was decided to r d the lights in the following order : Corner Albert and Princess streets; corner Bay, Sydenham and Balaclava streets; corner Chatham, Pine and York streets; corner Barrack and Ontario streets; corner Rideau and Corrigan streets; outer Union street, opvosite Hillcroft; corner Brock and Nelson streets; corner Brock and Fron- tenac streets. The finance committee will be asked to provide funds for the erection of as many of these lights as possible. \ ---------- CITY AND VICINITY. ---- To Issue A Mandamus. Some of the county' councillors of Frontenac are arrangine for a man- damus to compel the warden to sub mit to vote in open session the pro- posed change in the clerkship. Repairing Bridges. After several gccidenits had occurred on public bridges and the lawyers had levelled two suits for damares at the Lennox and Addington council, the work of repairing set in. On Bran- don's, Mink's and Kaylor bridges $412 has been expended. \ Wednesday's Event. Save your pennies and get the best Sth. Dolls, prize oranges, and really desirable. Christmas gifts will. be fea- tures. Promenade concert, with ice cream, in the evening. Tickets, 15¢. A Big Increase. More and more is our store becom- ing the fur centre of Kingston, and the immense fur business we are mow doing is the best proof of the saperi- ority of 'our values, Get our prices on fine neck pieces and muffs. Ask for our catalogue. Campbell Bros., the busy fur store. Visiting Old Boy. Charles Butlin, who for munv years was a driver for the Canadian Ex- press opmpany, in this city. but who for some years past has been residine in the western states, is on a visit to the city. He has many friends * who will ~ladly welcome him back to his old town. Citizen Makes Suggestion. In view of the fact that some of the electric lights are being rearranged, a citizen suggests that the light at the corner of Earl and West streets, be Placed twenty-five feet further west, y so doing it is stated that Clergy street west would be lighted up. Per- haps the civie light committee would look into this suggestion. Soft Toot, Toot. Belgdam railway engines are fitted with two whistles, one producing a soft tone. To spare residents' nerves the "soft" whistle is used when the train is passing through towns and railway stations. ' Here is a basis for agitation by the Kingston Board of Trade, and the east-enders might vet rise up. and call them blessed at Sm" { Municipal Elections. \ In all cities, townships, town} and villages, the municipal nominations will take place on December 31st, and the polling on the following ' Monday, January 7th. This is the latest the nominations have been for several years. The act says the nominations must be held on the last Monday in December, and the 31st is the last Monday. v The New. County Councils, The county council hereafter will be made up of reeves and deputy-reoves. The reeve of every township and vil- lage becomes a member. To entitle a township to a deputy-reove it must have the names more than 1,000 on the last rovised 'voters' list of the municipality; and a second deputy- reeve if they have more than 2,000. In townships and villages the number \of members of councils is not in- creased, remaining a reeve and four * value for them at St. George's Church | Woman's Aid/ten and sale, December | Tts Last Production WilliBe This Evening--Everyone Who Has Not Seen it Should Not Miss This Shanes, bir 'lot of "yg » another Bg irs Opa House, last ag, The leaders gre becoming more to | their parts and play with more cer | tainty. From start to finish the en- tertainment was interesting' and if half the comic operas on the road to-day had as much handsome scénery, the public would be much "plewbed. The singing of Misses Hinckley and Lieher- man WHY excellent and the different thé leaders in the treason plot, all play their parts like finished; actors. Favoura comments could de all* over the house, among _ | others how beautiful' the scenery and the wonderful way Mr. Booth gets the production to move along without de- ay. The la audience was entirely | satisfied with the performance which | from prologue to grand finale is one | of splender, and displays a plot that {is stirring in many particulars, and | ki up the interest. ~The different drills were put on with accuracy as well as despatch. Never before have Kingstonians attempted to appear in a show like Zephra, with such short training, and they have succeeded wonderfully. Those who have not been fortunate enough to see the show should not miss the last performance this afternoon and evening. --en WIND IN THEIR FAVOR. -- | Escape of Crew on Queen of Lakes . 'Was Miraculous. The wreck of the schooner Quden of the Lakes has caused comment around the city, and when the particulars be- came known, the general. opinion ex- pressed was that the 'crew had a miraculous escape. The sds was very high when the crew put. off from the schooner, and one member of the crew stated, yesterday, that had the wind not been in their favor, they would certainly have perishedy "It would have been all up with us sure, if the wind had heen apainst us," was the way in which one of the. erew put it. Samuel Cannem, the cook, who Was an board the ill-fated schooner; has figured in several other shipwrecks. ------ Declined To Go. Thomas Donnelly has gone to Col- lingwood to hold a survey 6n the steamer Winona, on Collingwood dry: dock. The cost of repairs will be very heavy, The owners and the un- derwriters of the steamer Winona re- quested Capt. Donnelly to vo up to the Duck Islands on the fated steamer * J. H. Jones to superintend the salvage ofk on the steamer Winona, but fie Positively refused to #0 up Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, on the steamer at this season of the vear. The Jones was lost with all hands. { Marine Notes. { There were no arrivals artures | reported at the M. T. 3 depart to- | day. The company has been busy the | past few days getting their barges in- { to_ winter quarters. { Swift's: Steamer Dundurn, down, | this morning: steamer Aletha lay" in | shelter, at Swift's last night, and left | this morning for bay porte. To-day | the Aletha will likely make her last | tripe ' ¥ | The steamer City of New York has arrived at Richardsons' light from Quebse, and will clear to-day with grain for Montreal. The trip to Que lec was a fine one, and on the return the steamer made remarkably good time. The schooner Mary Ann Lydon has drrived from Charlotte, The vessel was in port there the same time as the Queen of the Lakes. They made the trip without any mishap, but some of the other schooners that ventured out at the same time had to return for shelter. To Cure'A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2c. Newman & Shaw's ~ Astronomers assert trying to signal us. If it is a distress signal 'the astronomers should find some way of informing Mars that we are having trotbles of our own. Doping A Cold | Doesa't Care It. The average cough mixture doesn't cure a cold--it "dopes' it, or, in other words, temporarily holds it down, {and bottle after bottle must be taken | before a cure is effected. | Meantime vou must suffer. and your | noor stomach be enied bv the in- | divestion that invariably follows con- | tinual dosing with syrups. i Bl your bowels were kept oven and {the eliminating or+ans stimulated your cold would soon disappear. Dr. Hamilton found that his Man- | drake and Butternut Pills were more { valuable ~ in colds 'than anv coush | cure, A While you sleen=at night they en- liven the kidwevs, -Jiver and bowels, and therd» carr off the cold and all effects. : its evil z y Instead of deadening the stomach {like courh eures, Dr. Haniilton's Pills | along his, aren the oreatest assis. | tance hy gt it tome, sti | health ation urs ang One or two pills -is sufficient. Take them just before retirino. Next mornihe vou feel like new. The cold is broken wp. your system [eaalated and cleansed and no time 5 old use of Dr. Hamil Ro is ati i for | atic ills is tient. Ged some five boxes for pecntise drills awere all that could' be desired. | The costumes too, are excellent and led, when Can step into an drag store fn C y oie ur SHOE' SE tWo to five dollars wenty-five cent will cure you- » as hundreds - 1 8 of 'Canadians Fo your: ot SHILOH vayods whenever a. Cough or Cold H will cure , and all ¥ Back up this states: time or Cold carey wir" * SHILO Large assortment of - Ruffs and - Muffs of all kinds W. F. GOURDIER Exolusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. Phone 700. About Amethysts Some people object to the very large Amethysts used to- day in modern brooches, For those who feel this way, we are showing . The English Idea Consisting of *Lacy Designs' in 15k. Gold, in. which the "Amethysts"' appear, small, dark," and ' exceptionally ° bril- liant. We show a rich example of the English Pin at $14 Our Amethysts are all import ed stones, and first quality. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Just Think r 25 Dozen White Handkerchiefs With initial thereon. night special Five Cents Each Another make in finer qual- ity, with initials, worth 15c. each. To-night, 3 for 25c. To- Underwear Ladies' Elastic Knit Under- wear, vests and drawers, the 3sc. quality. To-night asc. a garment. 'Ribbons See the line'of 15¢ and 17¢. Ribbons to be sold to-night toc. a yard. Do you spprecite wh splendid tonic you hav Les Sa You can depend on; take away the bad ef of fatigue, brain fag, | b.ood and build up a | down system. 25¢. and 60c. Dollies. At br i ------ Two Good Things to T: A holiday and FERROL, t possible, but if you canno a holiday you can at leas FERROL and that is by f more important. If you are overworked, | and generally run down day will, no doubt, temporary relief. In like FERRO! will effect a permanent cu restore normal condition holiday is LFERROL i<| the two taken er ar ply irresistible. FERROL, a scientifically prepared co ation of Oil ith Iron and orus, supplies everythin, RB aceded to restore lost . renew flagging vim and e and build up the system ally. Everyone can take Fl in summer as well as in and it never disappoints. Medical vars. Lis used in promis Geo. W. Mahc Cor. Bagot and Princess A -- kal Canadian Sk; for Canad skaters, Used 40 years by leading players, different styles -- hard and medium ice-- light and heavy teams. All np-to-date dealers have "Starr" Skates. Write for 1907 Skate Bo It is free, e THE STARR MARUFACTURING CO., Lig. OafvmouTH, N.8. CANADA. BRancH Orrice: Toronto, ONT. to Jirdy in all parts of Canada 1 Cottam Bird Se 32 Bathurst St., London. On em ------ Did You Ever Dine Bachelor's Apartme ; and notice how complete was his ply of table w In giving such a presents you choose nothing t than .« 1835 R. WALLAC SILVER PLA" Our supply of excellent table ware is mos tractive. Call set it, If your bachelor friend doe fequire any SILVER PLATI are sure he would = appreci Nice Safety Razor, the kind 3 shave with in a hurr, and well," too, Then' "there are our P Knives, beautifully. finished perfect steel, easy to carry, o bleasure to use, oy : Now. js the time to make tions, E McKelvey & Bir 89-71 Brook Street

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