Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1906, p. 2

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i s fF i 55 Cal one . Frame, slot, in good condition, Brick, 7-rooms, niversity. i. x = i i fi wsg' if; Hamilton O.R.F.U. The United States College rughy i ip "was decided on Sach Harvard t Haven. Yale won by 6 to 0, ore a touch and goal in the first onship day when Yale "5 ill 4 ip i fy k } i : to work again, and final 7 : he ? i gE 2 3 g i Hi is fs F £ i if 5 iF HH E 2 & 4 i i Er ; Intermediate Champions. II take _the intermedinte onship. In Toronto, 0 wv defented Argmnauts match by 23 to 0, « h Jem are victors on the : Hockey Gossip. Trinity College, for the first time on Junior series' of re for the last ty, Who has captained the intermediate hockey team Toronto and will play t son. Morrison, of Toronto, is seid to have accepted the terms offered him by: umet. He was counted on to make of the Toronto Hockey Club's teams. : It has been decided at McGill that it. wi'l be impossible with all or am States coll to was secured from Kingston. who requested games ville's new by 100 feet wide an ice sul feet wide, All seats are amphitheatre rink is 212 feet long foet rface 190 feet long and and centrall train w thrown off the track, and a most seri- ous accident might have resulted, or oven had it fa coaches it might have been more seri- ous. > | 3 i i g 3 i cE Hamilton Tigers FH : i game for -the Canadian # ored sports of Baltimore, Wednesday t, nigh : he Chicago Nationals, Chicago Am- ericans, Des Nom Grand Rapids, and Columbus, were the only pennant winners last season who won ninety is given in three acts, and is brimful of fun from start to finish. It is the sort of play you cannot see too much of, and many who attended on the occasion engagement a fow weeks ago, were in attendance again on Saturduy. The cast was the Suitia as on previous engagement, and the members of the company showed marked ability in their various parts, "Charley's Aunt" will always be warmly welcomed by Kingston theatre- goers, -- A Treat In Store. No higher form 'of recommendation fun be given than to quote from an inglish critique, culled from the Whitehall Review, which says : "There are no more talented. musicians in London than the 'Scarlet Mysteries,' and there is no more delightful renter tainment to be found, than one of their performances' At the Grand for two nights, Mon y_ and Tuesday, November 26th and 27th. AN ODD ACCIDENT. Sinn. Telegraph = Pole Knocks Of Engine's Smokestack. During a 'heavy wind storm, the other night, the evening train over! the K & P., from Kingston, met with a mishap which might have prov- more serious than it did. The wind was blowing a heavy gale, and when the train was nearing Sharbot Lake, a t graph . pole fell over, knocking the smokestack off the en- ne, and making it unfit for use, al- ough the rest of the trip was made bot Lake, when a new engine It was a very odd incident to see the smoke pouring out of the engine Without the smokestack. The engineer naturally received quite a scare, but the SSengers were not aware of what had happeued un- til the train stopped and they were t Had the pole fallen on the track, the d probably have been on one of the ii 'was quickened by inventions, such ag printing, and the revival of learning cal i spread." Savonarola died a - | martyr i t thought and conscient ent. For thirty-six ears | Wi the black pall of orance superstition hang over tland; t would its darkness pale lore the ing star of the Scot- . | God' and holy things, day with freight for Picton. yesterday; Aletha, down and up; to- day. a week has not yet cleared. ston, Saturday, Fort William to Montreal. mount will lay un here for the winter upon their arrival here in a few days from Fort William. down the. river yesterday is the last of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation company's boats to go. inte winter quarters. The steamer Belleville has gone into winter quarters at Toron- to, and the Hamilton and Picton will winter 'at Sorel, Que. The R. & 0. | have had a prosperous season in | every branch of their business. ws. in the service 'of praise. Miss Miss Knight were the and bject of Mr. Craig's discourse Ohurch of 400 Years Ago, "Others have labored tered into their labors," out that what the church first century of our era-- moulded by its author's hadi sufficiently explained to us in New ay To find that church in its nization, faith and loyalty in the ath century, is difficult, There were signs in the fifteenth cen- tury of a new state of things from that which had existed for centuries. Nations were asserting themselves, Distinct national vs were form. ing. Poetry and prose were indicating a change. Lr 4%; hist America, matters in church and state were fast approaching a crisis, which thr i Europe. Brave voices were heard ¢rying out for liberty. Evangeli- 'atrick Hamilton. The reformation\of the 16th century : ting in a new world ty. Four hun- had but one Bame, To-day it Jina : y, and each learn some thing fr the others. Io there be fair emuldégion and abounding "liberty to pNppare the world for welcoming ite cosy and king. Re This theme, the speaker said, wothd men assembled as a society at their annual service for than Scotland, "'the land of your sires," no land. took more prominent part in the struggle for liberty, no land more firmly welded her religious belicfs into the everyday life of her people. As loyal descendants of their Seottish forebears, they should ever walk worthy of their heritage. Let their intense love far the father. land, constantly remind them of high duties and 'privileges in this new land. Certainly, if they were loyal to Scot. nd they sould not be false to Can. the bone great > Jesson of Scotland's history is love of country, home and kindred, and reverence for Let Scotland pe Your pride and b t And claim her ed bean. v birth or race own ordering w. But do you ow ot yours, lear before Him f, fa With Whom all bev is. Fnenediately afer the service, the sone met in the chirch hall and passed votes i thanks to the chap- lain for his excellent sermon, and to the choir and church officials. ------ MARINE INTELLIGENCE, -- What is Going on About the Harbor. Craig's : Steamer' Watetlily, res- terday from Montreal. | Ta "pe The schooner Laura D. cleared to- The schooner Maggie L. will today with grain for bay ports. Swift's : Steamers Picton, down, | clear The schooner R. Macdonald istan- heds. The steamer Plummer passed King- on her way from The steamers Fairmount and West- The steamer Picton, which passed ------------" ---- "Bingston's Famous Fur Store" || enthusiasm but we notice our ments on our. + have a good || of enthusiasm in our hats. || They say they are "pretty" and | "sensible" and * moderately priced." Let's hear what you say. bought the occupied . es, Egrl street, and will take pos Minnes, ® 2 incite to His Majest Pd hoe n Columbus sailed for 8; far to the clarionet and is said a place locally called Springfield. | September Mr. Webster sent by the stageman, Sime, Milk sheets, enclosing i K ~ i a note to the cheesemaker, to his fac- loading hay at the G.T.R. freight tory. Nothing was heard of the pack- The schooner W. J. Suffel, loaded j age for some time, Mr. Sherby, mail- 3 * arrier,. stay an, and neral freight vith feldspar, for Charlotte, now for shipper, Er ra he Sid with it. A month later Mr. Webste was notified by Inspector Merrick that he was fined $10 for enclosing cor- respondence in a bundle of printed matter. Some one unknown, put a two cent stamp on the bundle of milk theets (and the note to the cheese- maker) it travelled about till it land- He has also appealed fine. {not attend court, (quested, and he | magistrate, that he ho4 judged {time by the clock ay S he { church. and that when }e men friends. ju ing by com- | but. Jones paid up. , and now & Co. The front of ¢ cluding the plate glass and doors, was .° VENBER 26. | CITY AND VICINITY. Bought The House. W. Mahood, druggist, house - at New Year's. "Three Swallows." John Power & Son's x "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of standard of purity, jesty the King. "Cans," Not "Cows. " In giving the cause of several Syphal. Secor, cases; in _Saturday's is- sue, the statement was made that dairymen washed thelr "cows' with rain water from eave troughs. The | correct reading should have been "washed their cans." The error was one of proof reading. Next Week's Events. Some good attractions are coming to the Grand next weck, "A Message From Mars," is pocked for Manda, December 3rd; "Kyrle sw in "Bri- gadier Girard," on Tuesday, December 4th; "Behind the Mask," on Wednes- | day, , December 5th, and "The = Eye Witness," on Thursda Spring In The Air. We notice in the list of post offices, there are siz dulled Swingfield, 2 Springbank, 1 ine Bay, 2 Spring Brook, 1 Spring E oulee, 1 Sprinodale, 1 Springhaven, 5 Spring Hill, 2 Spring Valley, 2 Springville, 1 each Spring Lake, Springmount, Spring Roud, Springside, Springtown Spring. yale. How The Taxes Stand. At this date there is just $3900 of this year's general taxes uncollected. Those in arrears should try and pay up so that the city council may econ- clude a record tax year. About $90 remains of the 1905 street watering | taxes, while about one-third 'of this year's. street watering rates have still to be collected. To Buy New Instruments. The instruments of the 14th Regi- mental band are being put into good | FELL INTO A HOW H. H. ROCHE LOST HIS Foon LIFE, He Was Shovelling Snow in Car. | berry, Man., When the End Came--The Remains Havy' : | i Reached Kingston. | Carberry, Man., News, Nov. 27%4. 3 | About 9 o'clock yesterday morning, | H. H. Roche, local manager of the | Spear-Stevenson drug business, drop- {red dead while shoveling a. pati | through a snow drift in front of their | store. The unfortunate man was seen | digging the path by many who passed | by. None, however, seems to have seen him drop. He had almost completed (his job when he fl dead, his body {falling in the trench he had just [shovelled. When noticed the body was | lying on its back. W., I. Smale was | the first to reach thé man and on | ra's'ng his head life was extinct, death | having been instantaneous. Dr. Wangh { was hastily summoned, and pronounce: ed it a case of heart failure. The body was removed to Davy's undertaking rooms, { The deceased canie to Carberry on | Wednesday of last week, to assume the | management of the drug business re- cently disoosed of by A. E. Pirt. He | was a native of Kingston, Ont., where | his family reside. Mrs. Roche, who | came west with her husband about | two months ago,accompanied him to | Carberry, and to her the shock is better imagined than described. The breaking of the news to her and her | viewing the body of her loved hus- | band, will never be forgotten by | those sympathetic friends, who wit | nessed 'the scene. Mrs. Roche was tak- {en to the parsonage by Mr. and Mrs. | Wilkinson, where she was visited by { many svenpathetic ladies of the {own, all anxious to show their sympathy { in her distressing bereavement. From Nrs. Roche it was learned that | through business reverses the family | were in straightened circumstances, On { this being made known an appeal to the citiens reswlted in a response | that permitted the widow to return east with the corpse--sufficient funds shape again in readiness for the com- | having been contributed to furnish ing season. An oboe player will ar rive in the city in the course of a few days, The oboe is an instrument simi- produce a very sweet sound. be at least interesting to the Scotch- "Presented With 'Wight Stick." Uanstable Megarry, of the Kingston police "orce, was presented with . a "night Swick" by his friend, Consta- ble Spooned~ of the Cleveland police force, who haf\ been spending his vaca- tions in this citw. Constable Spooner formerly lived in' Kingston, and has been spending a momt pleasant time with his many friends. e will return to Cleveland on Thursdaly. -------- Why Progress Is Slow. Rev. C. T. Scott remarked .that 85,- 000,000 a year was spent for chewing gum in America, a thing almost Worse than useless. That money, if rendler- ed to God, would go far to bri about the time when every tribe an kindred on earth would kmow of God. The slow progress of God's kingdom was due to lack of money. Fwery de sire and wish was gratified before « That you mv stand with conscience God was recognized. e, The Cathedral Memorials. Workmen have begun to-day to put in place the architrave over the main door of St. George's cathedral. This is a memorial to the late Dr. Walkem. | The tiling of the sanctuary is expect- od to be finished this week, and the mttine in of the memorial reredos, which has been completed, will be be- | "un at once. In consegpence of the work goimg on in the cathedral, the usual St. Andrew's day. service, held there, will be held in St. James' church. Who Stamped It? to transportation, pay the undertaker's account, and wnermit the ecollectors-- | Messrs. G. B. Murphy and W, I. Smale --to hand the widow a substantial | sum, | The deceased was forty-five vears of | age. of a very affable disposition and unblemished character. A widow and seven children survive him, to whom the sincerest sympathy of the com- munity is extended. The remains of the late Mr. Roche reathed the city this morning and burial occurred this afternoon. {local druggists have subscribed a | goodly sum for the expenses ee Any donations for the benefit: of = the family will be received hy Dr. A. P. Chown and acknowledged. A TAX COMPLAINT. By Ernest Villiard--The' Collect- or's Explanation, \ Ernest Villiard writes "to the Whig, Complaining of wrongful street water | ing ytax charges. He says that early in | Septhmber he received: a bill for eighty\ cents for the 1906 tax. When he paid it, Collector Bartels altered | the year "to 1905. A month later he received a 'pill for-81.60 for street wa- | tering for 1% and paid 'it.. Then Mr. | Villiard say "On Friday, November 23rd, in walks r. Clark, the \bailiff, and his lienten- | ant, Mr. Taudvi p, into my home, and | made a demand \ for $1.30 for street | watering, 1906. After a very pleasant | seance, the nature %f which the gener- {al public from i Ba experience, | may understand, I pid $1.30 more un- | der protest rather § than get into trouble by forcibly Puling those two faithful public servant® out "of my John A. Webster, Gananoque, owns | matter out, I want to in the dead letter office. Now Mr. Webster has paid hix_ 810, and is look- ing for the man who licked the stamp, against the S---- -- PAID FOR HIS RIDE. | duplicate payment, above referred to i i Bicyclist Who TUseq Sidewalk Was Fined. Cornelius Jones, who was summaoned riding his bicycle op Colborne stre-t, of Princess street, on a charge of he sidewalk on pleaded euilty, and costs. Jones did Saturday, as re Xplained to the and was find $2 t. Andrew's : Y arrived X | the police court he wag too ha at | | court was ower. : Nag | In imposing the fine the magist : bd He . rate , [said © "There is a By-law , at rid- 5 _ ing bicycles on the sidewalk, and it : : {you run the risk of ridip, The fur part of the business | walks you also rum the Phd pe taken a good desl of our || in: the fine : The ovtion was ten days ip jail, nme 'TARRED AND FEATHERED Vandalism Perpetrated By Malic; | ously Inclined. A Bancroft despatch says : "A most act of vandalism was per a the hours of Sotur. Say Nivhe ond Sandy morning on the Hy erected Ewen by T. E. ied by Dobensky building, in- with a coating of tar, with In to-date tax' collecting." ! | { | The law requires that | were billed. Tn September last, T | tenant 'paid his bill, and last m { Mr. Villiard paid the street water z : appeared in the police | court this mornino, ps | | teen cents. mixed in." : home. Now, while I inte to see this mike a public a cheese factory, near South Lake, at | protest against these met} ods of up- Tax Collector Bartels whe asked for an explanation of Mr. 'ilfard's grievance, and gave the fo) owing : both Wandlord and tenant receive tax bills, sind ac- cordingly, Mr. Villiard and his top tax on all his property for 1906. J t the time, it was not known that hi tenant had paid. When the entry was noticed, Mr. Villiard was given credit for the duplicate payment. Regarding the demand for 1905 street watering taxes, the collector says that Mr. Villiard came into the tredsury de. partment on November 17th, and showed hfs receipts. These receipts were for the taxes of 1906 and not for 1905. He was given credit for h and asked to pay the balance of eighty cents on the 1905 bill. This Mr. Villiard refused to do; and Col lector Bartels says he invited 10 send along his bailiff. The collector says that the bailiff is never sent after delinquents until good and sufficient notice to pay has heen given, : him EY Prevost, at the New York clothin, store, Brock street, has made pi reduction in price, in the qrder and read made clothing department; also the gents furnishing. Everything will be offered at go great reduction in orice. The stock is well assorted, with new goods in every department. ere ure some awhil mean peopls in the world. The Salvation Army Re Burns, Cuts. Bruises, Chae, : 'Bte., Use Dr. Scott's Linimen! AYE gy, sions, saturate « vine o An Excellent Hair - Res and Scalp Cleanser ie ' Large bottle, 25 cents. "If not for sale at your druggist, jg can always be procured at J, McLeod's, me B, Dr. Scott's White Liniment Co Fropra. St. Jobin, N.B., and Chelny ~ Furs! We Sell the Best Quality Furs We Sell the Best Fur Lined Coats Why? e Manufacture Furs We make our own cloth shells We make just as ordered Fit and Quality Guaranteed W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. ESTABLISHED 1835 3° Pe Prrescrion can only be reached by a continuous up-hill cfiort to excell. With this in view we want you to offer suggestions about our stock for Xmas Shoppers If you are particular it will please us, because we are a little inclined that way our. selves. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuer of Marriage Licenses. LIFE ASSURANCE May be obtained at a Minimum Cost In the ROYAL INSURANCE CO'Y OF ENGLAND LARGE PROFITS, ECONO-' MICAL MANAGEMENT For Particulars apply to W. J B. White, Agent, Kingston Getting Ready forthe Holiday Trade We need every inch of space and intend clearing out all bulky goods with a rush. adies' Walking Skirts this Fall, beautifully all ne tailorgd, and at one-third . less thian regular prices. Child en's Fall oll Winter Coats.\ A sample lot to be cleared} at 25 per cent. off regular} values. nderwear Uinderwear tribution bo he K > 1 ic .} ; G i bration box at the K. & P. station This is} the place for big one cent. There were fourteen cents in- the urday, and when . the funds box on Sat. | Values ith all kinds for men, counted to-day there were only thine women gud children. There will be another meeting of the Citizens League, on Tuesday, night, at the YM.C.A. Women voters are asked to attend as well as all men interested CR Blankets Wool Hlankets, Comfort- ih lucing the number of liquor ers, Flalnnelette, Blankets, Etc, al} at popular prices. A ---------------- fate Breas The best linens'in the city CiresaColdinOne Day, 2 Days and at gopular prices. every NEWMAN & SHAW pr: Goods 500 Yards All Wool Henrietta. 46 inches wide, guarante all pure wool, in all ti pestshades of Nav Brown Cardinal, Ali Blue, Old Rose, Green and Black and white, 5 value for 42¢ a yard. $1.00 Venetian 62¢. Your choice of any color our $1.co quality Vinetian, Cloth in eve thade ; to-morrow, for 6 'a yard. $4.50 Blankets for $2.8 35 pairs Wool Blanke large size, pink or bl borders ; to-morrow { $289. THE Jas. Johnston Sto 180 Wellington Street. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISRED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwrig Money loaned on City and Farm I le i d County Del Dore Mor iraos. purchmsed: > Dopo received and interest allowed. B.C. McGill, Managing Direct. Office, 87 Clarence street. Kingstos A Se -------------------------------- 14th Band an Orchestra Music for all Occasions, | Tsktruc oa. Military Band Instruments ; | Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Ba Address Bandmaster Wytson H. Wal wouss ORCHESTRA 'THE BUSY ONE." Special Rates for Weddings, Teas #Not-Out" Parties. E H. MERRY, Leader Violin, Viols, Instruction. Pupil of Mollenhauer, Boston. 155 Sydenham St., or Thes ) New England Chines Restaurant 331 King Stree Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a The best plage to get an all ro Lunch in the' city. Meals of all k on shortest notice. English and Chi Dishes a specially. "Phono, 655. -- 0% Discoun to Students Razors, Razor Strops, Hones Shaving Brushes and Knive a Specialty Strachan's Hardwar Wm. Murray, Auction 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Har cte., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Satu Try a Pound )/of Myers' HO! ane JAUSS, For Su 's Breakfast 60 Brock Stree rr ------ INSURANCE AND FINANC ' Melntyre & Melntyre BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET, KINGSTON The business of the late O. Oliver, will be carried on in! office, 79 Llarence street. 13. A. Batema CUSTOMS BROKER Who for the last five years | been associated with Mr. Oliver Alting Jobstirs ie sometimes | There is one in the University M a Oxford which is two feet long TR

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