Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1906, p. 3

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lor. «+. APPLY... Also, An "If not for sale at your : alw, ¥ drugyi Saga be Prod YI + Scott's White i | Propr's., Linimen or Manat ohm. No. "ana We Sell the Best Qual; We Sell the ty Furs Why? e Manufacture Furs We make Fit and W..F, GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. just as ordered IRRITATED in LBLAs Scott's Liniment a Lo. + and Chelmg: Best Fur Lined Coats e make our own cloth shells Quality Guaranteed ESTABLISHED 1835 PERFECTION | ---------------------- -- Prrrecrion can only be reached by a continuous up-hill effort to exeell. With this in view we want you to offer suggestions about stock for "Xmas Shoppers If you are particular it will please us, because we are a little inclined that way our- selves, : Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuer of Marriage Licenses our FOOTWEAR TO ORDER THAT WILL FIT. REPAIRS It don't matter where made or bought, for first-class work A. E HEROD 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 0- Night | Big value in Ladies' lack Kid Gloves at 6c. a air. Other lines at $i id $1.25. 25 shades in Ribbons r fancy work, worth up 8c. a yard. on sale to- ght at 3c. a yard. See the beautiful White: mbroidered Handker- iefs, 2 for 25¢. 2 15¢., 20c. and 25c. Col s for ladies--Silk, Lace d Embroidered, to-night 10¢. each: Beautiful White Silk aists for only $1.98. Ask to see our Saturday ht specials in Back nbs, Chiffon Collars, lies' Cashmere Hose | Men's Worsted Socks 5C. : Best values ever wn in this city, = WMAN & SHAW oF se ing better . : Anglin's Scranton fot drivin out told Sr Ca ey 38, 0 to-night Sontigle 19 Ribbons All Silk Ribbon, 34 to 5 Weide, all shades, worth the address in reply to the speech | ine tor, por: yard fas stasis 0c. | from the throne. yesterday, was meagre " 3 of oratory and devoid of brilliance, It sot 3 Snaps : for $4 and $5 Tweed Skirts for $1.95 and $2.69 Tweed Walking Skirts, in mixtures, made with pleated finished with self strap- ping-on exceptionally good style, Yell made and offered Monday at an extraordinary bargain price-- Regular $4 for $1.95 Regular $5 for . $2.69 $4 Blankets, $2.89 An exceptionally fine quality, thor- oughly scoured, pink dr blue, bord ers, 60x80, made from clean, well corded, smoothly spun yarn, only 35 pairs; Monday. morning, per : pair .. 12ic. Wrapperette, 6ic. 450 yards Printed blue, green and stripes and fancy, regular 10c. 124c., for, per yi Jas. Johnston Store fomen's dark gores and fH $2.804 Wrapperette, black, ved grounds, spot, and "| The From Our Own Correspondent. bad bean 19 session promises to be a one: in framing the policy of Canada's FROM THRONE Claims of Agriculturists Should Be Predminant--The Use of the Devil's Fire on the Two Parties--Pronouncement on the Tariff. Ottawa, Nov. 24.~The debate on ed forward to,-for this momentous immediate development, but it fell flat. The truth is the speakers seem afraid. The problem of the day is the revision of the tariff, the hardest task any nation of men has been set--the regulation of the protection of the staplé industry of our country, agri- culture, and at the. same time our ménufactures. But the leaders of both sides fought shy, skirmished around it, and dragged out the formal open- ing debates with side issues. Tt generally speakino. however, the debate was poor, there was one re deeming, feature, tha speech of Mr. Pardee, the voung member for West Lambton. Last session, he made one of the great efforts that marked it, in his defence of the expenses of the trip of the 8.8. Arctic; this session in mov- ing the address he made himself con- spicuous by olearly overshadowing such valiants in debate as Sir Wilfrid Laur- jer, George E., Foster, and R. 1. Bor- den. Cradled, one mizht say. in poli- fis, Mr. Pardee possesses all the as- tutenese of his worthy father. More over. he is earnest; and, if one might he critienl. he lacks only a little pol- HOUSE OF COMMONS: THE REPLIES TO SPEECH facturers wagt is a "tari that will procs them from everybody else" Referring to the new electoral laws which seem to be on the govern- ment's programme = the member for for clean election. struggles. "Both sides have made laws, and both sides have broken them," he said. He urged that leaders of bath parties make from now onward a determined stand to put down the slightest attempt at cor- ruption in politics and elections. 1 that were not done, he warned the house they would simply undermine our free institutions, ,As regards the iosurance investiga- tion he argued that some measure should be mtroduced compelling every insurance company to be so inspected that it would -be known exactly winet- its income and expenditure was. ] Before sitting down he congratu- lated Sir Wilfrid Laurier on attaming his sixty-fifth birthday, and said seme pretty things about the premier, Sir Wilfrid blushed like a schoolboy and nodded disclaimingly, "A clean and uasulfed record," said Mr, Pardee. Thereat the liberals cheered, and the opposition looked as if they would like to also, but political dignity for bade, it. There were two or three points iu the speeches of Mr. Borden and the premier that 'were of outstanding in- terest, Chief among them was the po- sition of the Hon. Charles Hyman. The leader of the opposition touched upon it very gingerly, his desire evi- dently being to "draw" the premier. He mentioned that on the eve of the last London bye-election, there were shouts of victory, and crepe attached to a ribald note had been attached to his and other conservative. doors, "Who is wearibg crepe now?" de- manded be Sir Whtia took up the challenge, He declared he was proud to say that during the London trial not one word had heen said inst Mr. Hyman. The minister of bh works, however, had ish in address, which. is_ sure to gome with years, He is courteous and -eon- ciliatory, vet emphasic as to his views, and is a warm favorite on both sides of the house. Tle bids fair to ocempy a very prominent place in Canadian nolitics. "Thie hein» an aoricultnral coimtrv the claims of asrienlturists oneht ta be predominant," was Mr. Tardee's rronovmcament unpen the tariff ques- tion. and he advised the government to appro-ch it with the erentest pos wil 1a enution, . We had measured' un, 180 Wellington Street, avidently, the demands of the mann- factmrers and said: "What the monu- You Run Insurance Company--sou Tor every $100.00 liabilities on the Government Standard, the London Life has $113 50 in assets; 85% of these assets ave first mortgages-- chiefly on property in Western best sections of Manitoba. You run no risk by insuring in the London Life est earnings and econotnical management make a policy in the "London Life "as SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL No Risk. Ontario and the nd investments, high inter- Good as Gold. IN English Art Gretonne we happened on 'a some rich design in gold, extra wide, 44 price of this is 35c a y "This would sell for far more money, ourselves, and we always pass the good things right to our customers, SO here you are, Just received 275 yards heavy English Revelrsible Art Cretonne, this has a beautiful blue back ground with a hand- but good buying chance crimson, black and inches. The regular ard-- Between Redden's and Boeing -- . fro y FEV y m 7 to 10 o'clock...... THE MONTREAL BANKRUPT STOCK CO. : 180 Tracer Cents per yard 15 180 Crawford's Grooeries taken the matter very much to heart, and. after several weeks of grave ocon- sideration had declared that honor de- manded his resignation. Besides re signing his seat Mr, Hyman had with- drawn from the cabinet, but the pre- mier thought he was going too far and had asked him to reconsmder his decision. "lhe matter is now before him and I expect to have an answer from him before long," added the prime minister. Sir Wilirid evoked laughter from Loth sides of the house by saying in an aggr eved tone of voice that "the tories can always use the devil's fire. They seem to have been made for it, but if the poor misguided grits use the devil's fire, they are sure to burn themselves." Mr. Borden, after noting that Mr. Pardec's views on electoral reform had | received -less--applause than the other matte: of his speech, mentioned the fret that he had introduced a bill dealing with this question last year, and he promised support if the gov- ernment would bring in a revolution ary measure this session. His idea was a -------------------------------- What Sulphur Does For the Human Body in Health and Disease. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. The mention of sulphur 'will recall to many of us the early days when our mothers and grandmothers gave us our daily dose of sulphur and mo- lasses every spring and fall. It was the universal spring and Jfall "blood purifier, = tonic and cure-all, and, mind you, this old-fashioned rem- edy was not without merit. The idea was good, but the remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a large quantity had to be taken to get any efiect, ° Nowadays we get all the beneficial effects of sulphur in a palatable, con- centrated form, so that a single grain is far more effective than a table- spoonful of the crude sulphur. In recent years research and experi- ment have proven that the best sul- phur for medicinal use is that ob- tained from Calcium (Calcium Sul- phide) and sold in drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, They are small chocolate coated pel- lets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a. highly con- centrated, effective form. Few people are aware of the of this form of sulphur in restoring and maintaining bodily vigor and health; sulphur acts directly on fies and enriches the blood by the prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this when they dosed us with sulphur and mo- lasses every spring and, fall, but the erudity and impurity of ordinary flow- ers of sulphur were often worse than the disease, and cannot compare with the modern concentrated preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers is undo#Btedly the best and most widely used. They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles and cure con- stipation and purify the blood in a way that often surprises patient and physician alike. Dr. R. M. Wilkins, while experiment- ing with sulphur remedies, soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was superior to any other form, He says : "For liver, kidney and blood troubles, especially when resulting from consti- pation or malaria, 1 have been sur. prised at the results obtained from Stuart's Caloinm Wafers. 1h patients suffering rom boils and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles, 1 have repeatedly seen them dry up and dis- appear in four or five days, leaving the skin cleat and smooth. Although Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a proprie- tary article and sold by druggists and for that rcason tubooed by many physicians, yet I know of nothing so safe and reliable 'for constipation, liver and kidney troubles and especial ly in all forms of skin diseases as this remedy. 3 ? At any rate people who are tired of pills, ecathartios and so-called blood "purifiers" will find in Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers, a far safer, more palat- able and effective preparation. : Send your name and address to-day for a free trial package and see for yourself, « F. A. Stuart Co., 57 Stuart build- © DAILY" BRITISH Mrs, Cora B. Miler West Lambton made an earnest appeal | Says She Will Now Give Away | value the liver and excretory organs and puri- wH16, SATURDAY, "i+ Makes a Fortune $10,000 Worth of Medicine to Women. Until a few years ago Mrs, Cora B. Milter lived in & Manuer similar to that of thousands Of other Very poor wotueh g the average small town and village. now resides in her own pglatial brown-stone residence, and is considered one ol the most suCCessiul Lusiness wWo- wen in the United Slats. Several years ago Mrs. Miller learned of a mild and simple preparation that would reathly cure femalc diseases piles, After curing herseli and many of ber friends she Was besieged Ly so many women ne thos treatnrent that she decided" to furnish it to those who nright-catl for +t. She started -with-only a few dollars' capital, nud the remedy possessing true and wonderful merit, producing marvelous cures when doctors and other remedies failed, the demand so rapidly she was scveral times compelled '10 larger quarters. She now ocoupies . one of the city's largest fice Sides, Which she owns, and al- most one hw clerks and stenvarap- of hers are reguired to assist in this great business. Million Women Use It. More than 'a million women have used Mrs. Miller's. Soecific, and no watter whens you live, she can refer vou to ladies in your oun localitywho can and will tell any sufferer that this marvelous remedy really cures women's disoases. Desnite the fact that Mrs. Miller's busi- n(ss is very extensive, she is always will- ing to give aid and advice to every suf- fering woman Who writes to her. She is a generous, @ood Woman avd hes de- cided to ~ivg awa to women who have never Wi her medicine $10,000.00 worth absolutely FRE iv 3 rrew Fivery woman | § ing with leu- corrhoea or Wh tish discharges, uleer- ations, disnlacements or falling of the womb, profuse, scanty or painful periods, uterine or ovarian tumors or growths, also vains ip the head, back und bowels, bearing-down feelings. nervousness, creep- ing feelings un the svive, melancholy, de- sire to cry. hot flashes, weariness, or nilea from any cauge, should sit right down and send her name and address to Mrs. Cora B. Milles. Box 2,560 Kokomo. Ind. and HiReigin hy mail (free of charge in plain wrather) a 50-cent box of her marvelous Specific ; also her valuable ook. Rememier, this offer will not last jonw. for thousands © and thousands © women who are suffering will take advan- tage of thig sencrgus moans of getting cured. So if you are ailing, do not suf- fer another av but send your name and address to Mrs. Miller for the book and medicine before 'the $10,000.00 worth is all mone. to establish public prosecutors, who would be beyond the reach of either political | party. He made an attack upon Mr. Fielding for having employ- ad as his scrutineers in the recent hye- election two emplayees of the govern- meant. 'the premier warmly defended the minister of finance for this, saying that when he had to sign for hund- reds it was impessitle to tell what the employments of all were. As to the growing outlay of public money swhich is now about seventy millions a 'year, the leader of the op- position commented that it was far too large. He quoted from J. M. Courtney's Toronto speech to the of fo't that "Canada is spending too fast," The premier retaliated that .they were quite alive to the expenditure, and they kept it well within the re vente, which was more than Mr. Fos ter did when he was finance minister, for then the expenditure was greater than' the revenue, There was a ' constant cry on the part of the conservatives, said Sir Wilfrid, that they had mo great public works to show for their expenditure. His answer was: "Look, around." There were railways and canals open- ing up the country and aiding its de- velopment, a Quebec bridge, the larg est of its kind in the world, and pub- lic works in abundance to show for it. In the duel botween the two leaders Mr. Borden challenged a pronounce- that the government was embarrassed by the demands of the farmers and manufacturers. "Who taught these gentlemen to make these demands ?"' he. asked. Yet the premier had once said at Quebec that protection was the sole bane and curse of Canada. Further he had once said: "When the liberals are in power they will at once give a measure of freedom' of trade.' Pefore closing he condemned the action of the prime minister in passing over Mr. Haunltasin whem Saskatche- wan was made a» provimes. He poked fun at Mr. Aylesworth for describing the result of the Quebec county elec tion as "digging the grave of British institutions," when. it was but a lad of twenty-four that had beaten the government nominee. He asked what had been done with W. T. R. Preston. He hoped some measure would be ad opted looking to. a better mode of dealing with riots. Sir Wilfrid Laugier. decharcd that the election law was" good. in itself, and he could not just see how it could be improved, though he thought the penalties should bé made more severe, What they really wanted was a solid public opinion, which would be severe upon any attempt to interfere with the ballots. But the less said hy the conservative party as to the breaking of the election law the better, The premier approached anger when he stated how he had been accused of dictatino to the lieutenmnt-gpvernor of Saskatchewan, as to whom he should take into his council. He de- nied emphatically ever having had a word with the leutenant-gevernor re- garding that matter. What he did feel was that when he saw Mr. Haul- tain assuming such a hostile attitude toward the autonomy bill, he felt it would not be wise to have him in power. Personally, 'he would have preferred to comtinue under the old system. Sir Wilfrid paid an extraordinarily warm tribute to W. T. R. Preston, the late immigration commissioner in London. For moré than twenty-five years that gentleman had been in public life and during that: timgghad asked no nuarter and given none. Ho had been subjected to bitter attacks, but to his credit nothing had ever been proved aeainst his honesty or honor. Out of the examination into his conduct of his affairs, Mr. Preston had "come ont triumphant. The only eriticiam 'that could. be made was that he might have been imprudent, or inconsistent with what was the best policy. The government conclusion that Mr. careful public ®ervant, which state ment - wasn signal for a burst | of laughter from the econgervative "henoh- had come to the Preston was a Everybody in Kingston Reads the WH ment upon the tariff. He pointed out Vy | c------------------------ ee en > Yoo CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Hiseftioh, 1¢. a word. Each con- secutive insertion therafter 4c. a word. Minimum charge for ome in- sertion, 2be. Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $1. Advt. 4 lines or under a month, $i A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, AP- 'ply to 182 Earl street. 2 LES FO ROOMS, MOD OM es BRN Alfred street City. OBNERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING. Apply Mrs. Macpherson, 162 Flarl St. RR ST SY 0 Mrs. A COMPETENT GENERAL SERV Small ily." Good . Apply Johnson promptly. fam Hueh McPherson, 198 street. APPRENTICES AT van's, MISS 285. Alfred apd mantle making GA St. First-class mak ANT. done STORAGE, SEACH MEd Bs RE Be COMFORTABLE ROOM, IN PRIVATE 1 . dollar per woek, iy Box "A. Whig of b Cann, 51 Brock water, Apply to HELP WANTED-MALE. A WOMAN 10 GO TO THE COUNTRY ETT er To iio fie a er, cukciionabin Cou INTELLIGENT BOY, 16 TO 18, TO one no bi b learn shomneking. Good chance ito fo home for right partys Ape learn trade. Apply A. B. Herod, Div office. 2806 Princess street. " DETECTIVES ; SHREWD, RELIABLE man for profitable secret service, to | OUR cov. MORE ON act under orders ; Ho Sxperience neces: by 0 an any other sury. Write H. UO, Webster, Indian- "som Ho "them at apolis, led. Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark: GENTLEMEN TG ear : HAVE THEIR like 4. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE NO. 807 BARL ST. COTTAGE, ---- A op closet, hot ae Phy a -------- COMFORTABLE home, whore there are students. Anply at once "F. D.,"" care Whig office. to or double). Write Box - 831, wi office. BUSINESS CHANCES. Factory, with Frame Stable, in =~nod section of Country i -------------- ROOM, IN PRIVATE no other Box 800, 2 Houses at $2,000 each, (single " EE ------ TET Dwelling and r To tury readings above all others, vours free, with special forecast for addressed Thursday oveninw. ee -------------- YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD FREE. my 1 will send prove the superiority of -------- this year. Sed a Tver, . a pnvelope hi « FOR MAY 1st, 1907, IN CENTRAL Sivolupe aig ie AN jocality, tor cash, House, about $3, Drawer 7532, Chicago. LOST. A TORTOISE SHELL LORGNETTE, Satur@ay morning on or between Reward n to Whiv office. n Alma Zyto, for Jife wot re pressed and cleamed or turned. Fire Insurance Company, Available Fe - work teed vl . Prices . assets 861.187.8915. * tion to | SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NG. 44 right. Galloway, the Tailor, 131 which tha pali Dy idars have for Und St., near IHvisi Steg All Broek street. _ secufity she nlion ability of all u convenidnces, also 5 the stock cider, erin and city Di Sluctrie fem + hot tea 3 es GENTS -- 810 X. RTICLE pert, es nl west ossession, or Jun, 18 1 x without 0 AML 8 in ARTIULE och 8 ore renewing old or giving twelve dollars a month. F $n bination serubsbrush, mop and wring. pew business pet rates from Strange the premises or to F. Crumley, 61° er. Women buy at wight. Ixclusive & Strance, Avents. Union street. oh Ng : {arditory, Dent. 18 XL Works, 23 Whitehall St., New York, AROHITECTS. AT ONCE, CITY SALESMAN, FOR ~ EEE ER Kingston to sell High Class Nursery A A a ELECTRIO MOTOR, EI HO fis Stock for Canada's Greatest Nurser: store, cgrner P and fomer, now aia Whi Brees es. permsgonen tuation or g A b. a right mon, off libepal terms. Apply ' oes. aaranes on Bagot street. 00mm, ut once, Stow elington, Torons v mg + Ontario. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE, COM. eee POWER & SON ARCITECT, MER si NERAL ERD city broke. The Wri, MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRAD 3 an! a + goruer Davies' Co., Ltds 5 in eight wenks, eradutes CRARIG| wma Wellington strests. 'Phones. 313. v ; to 8 weekly. Branches throughout -------------------------- Bn a nited, tates. Hep | HENRY, ©. SNUTH, (ARCHITECT ALL KINDS OF secure positions. Catalogue ree. ote. Anchor' Building, Market Square, . Mojer Burhet College, Queen" and "Phone, B48. rat Office, 51 Brock street. : Spadina, Toronto. " y | BILLIARD TABLE, ' CAROM; ARTHUR ELLIS; ARCHITECT, OF York make: 9Xb feet cushion Space. fice, Cor. Queen and Hagot streets, Apply through Wh ofMce. WANTED--GENERAL. : pPIy thr ig 8 PERSONAL. - cam AMERICAN, 1 NUYCLOPEBIA, N FUR FINISHERS. APPLY JOHN Mec | PROIVS CARL & ROLLIN. TRUTHFUL, six volumes, » in Kay, 151 Brock street. reliable, convincing Clairvovant special veason. Apply through c-- -- Foretell Bu fy dune, staup . 2 y YOUNG MAN WANTS INSTRUCTION, and birth 'date, 490 N. Tia Rd Sh cine in Junior Physies und Chicago. CHEAP, COMPLIEIS y OF = Mathematics. Address * Le BM Victor Huea'y arke,. i ps Wont Whig office. FREE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD dition, Apply Hox: "a CU." te future and past revealed, surprising, office, * ¥ & SALESMEN--WOULD LIKE TO aie by America's Eminent Pl er, ; a into coumnunication With a first-class Astrologist, Clairvoyant, Se. dra, ONE NAIRE AND COLT; ONE TW specialty salesman. Axdress P. O. 12 Sheldon St., Chicago, Send bir year-old Colt, and one three-year Box 482, Towa City, la. date and stamp. Know Thyself. Jersey Melfor. D.o J, Hey, 133 Clarence street. BARBER SHOP NOW by Fred Reid, ply on promises, ng, Cor. 'Princess CONTUCTED MEDICAL PRACTICE, Nort. 500, in Hrtving village, iit from Toronto. Fine chance for byterian. M. Maclutosh, 51 Me street, Toronto. 3 HUNDRED AND FP » y ey Ta Str. Aletha and Keelpy's Brock St. | FIGHT TWO LICENSED HOT ELS. DOING Please return to Whig office. dollars will buy a house nearly | good busi Sad et eet Myst be us owner in les ores. will wel Stock and, lose of | SMALL BROOCH, SPT wiTi PEARLS | S00. 4%, Sle oli, > ' 3 Oh and emeralds, near ra House, or i Country ; Blacksmith Shon : Cheese Te De ' THE PROPERTY, IN Also Separator, well Peterboro, Ont. for DR. G. W. BELL, VETERINARY. MEDICAL. moved to is brick block, DR: McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY street, Just Tabove the Post occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon Calls. hy telephone treal and Brock streets. promptly attended to. -- ---- The Pa REV C. W CASSON, OTTAWA. The Grip Of Truth. The Unitarian principle concerning truth is that it is not something to hold, but something to be held by. No man can truly believe until the truth forces itself fairly upon him. Belief is based upon the inability to deny. Truth is not a toy to be play- od with, andl cast aside at will; it is master, commpnding a stern obedience. If your nossession of any truth depends upon your grip of it, let it go! Hf it be truly truth, it will retain its firm grip of you. Aec- cept nothing, therefore, but the unde niably true, too much quarreling with the staff, and such matters, and so they had come to the conclusion to remove him to another sphere, and send him as commercial agent to. Japan and China. "A §ood, honest and efficient officer." Sir Wilfrid described him. After stating that the buklget would be brought down next week, the pre- mier concluded by saying that thourh there was hard work before the house, they would probably be able to go to their homes when the robins came in the spring. 3 These were the principal points touched upon, and they were elabora- ted upon by Mr. Foster, Ww. F. Mae- lean and others, Ll. Mr. Foster struck a higher note than any. ond in one of the most statesmaniike of his , speeches areued for she total abolition of the patron age system. More will be heard of this during the session. The premier's announcement that the portiolio of public works was still a closed door for speculation, and that possibly Mr. Hvman may retain it, has not diminished the belief that Mr. Hyman is out of politics for good. It is freely stated here that My. Sifton will become minister of piblic works. Despite the fact that the member for Brandon has put in more time in the house during these two days \than he did during any month of last session, there does mot soem to be amy real foundation for the rumor. Mr. Sifton stated nositive- ly last session that he would retire from politics at an early date on ac- count of the accumulation of private business. ------------ Our No. 1 Universal meat chopper je just the size for house use. Stinchan's hardware. ing, Marshall, Mich. es. There had probably been a little FT Bibby's for mine, ragraph Pulpit Solid Tbe. up Our stock in this both in Solid Gold A very 'Scart Pins Gold Filled, Boe. Cuff Links line is very and Gold Gold, $3.50 up, Gold Lockets tasty present Our stock is now complete, so why not purchase Now, when you can do so with pleasure and com- fort 7 Your selection laid aside until desired by. paying.a small dep or telegraph : Christm V.8., HAS RE on Clarence whip of Storr) We or Willian y ommting. ot Cheese and Butter making. List of b- : fixtures. rice amd full particulars TO.RENT. 31 and 33, in tle Third Concomion; on application, Cit~ Houses and 1 ots MASON & RISCH UPRIGHT GRAND contal wit rg Alves he from = 8800 to $8,000. Tmprow Piaho, nearly new and in good ocon- Besides the on ton toly ine farms, convenient to City at reason dition. Apply to Box ONL T, Whi : . J: able © prices. J, T, O'Connell & Co. office. . . 2 misty thera In ue : » Lot or terms, oto. apply te Joseph B. Welkom, 'Soleitor, Kingston. : ROOMS AND BOARD, © \ Office. Wo have a fine selection, in the new: ost creations and pearle. Solid Gold, $1.75 to %20. to #2. large, Filled, Filled, for a lady and gentleman, We have them, stone-set or plain, square, round, oval and oblong, Solid Gold, $5 up. Gold Filled #1 up. osit. Kinnear & d' Esterre . 100 Princess Street as Jewelery from JCinnear & d'Esberre : ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, Modern conveniences, 43 George St. oA Rings Our stock is large and varied, ranging f:om Baby Rings to Diamond. Rings, All our rings are Solid Gold, and we have them in every combination. Brooches Amythests are very fashionable this season. We have them mounted with Pearls, in Solid Gold and in Gold Filled, Amythest and Pearle in Solid Gold, 85 up. Amythest and Pead in Gold Filled, $1.25 up. ~ i APRON PATTERN Ero BORN. FPITZMARTIN --~At Newburgh, oo No X7th, Mr. ang Mrs. NS. FP, Fitzmart a son. LS; 58 GRAHAM.--At Napanee, on Nov. 16th, to Mr, and i James Graham, a son. 3 McCUMBER.--At Na AR) N 16th, td Mr ri ng VY John _ Ve n, ov. a Me~ Cumber, a daughter > SMITH. --At Napanee, om Nov. 14th, to r. and Mra. Wm, CO, Smith, « daughter. i ------ i 3 ROBLIN--EYVEL.--At Napanee, Nov. 20st, Dyam A, Roblin, Adolphus- own, to Helen It, Eyvel, Napanee. = SAUL--~LINSDAY --~On Noy. 20th at South Nopunee, Hough Sa to Miss Saul, Bertha Lindsay, daughter of Seymou Litdsay. g BRISTOW--WOODI At Picton, om Nov. 20th, Cecil Ralph Bristow, to Mabel Gurirude Woode, ull of Nort N.~~In Toronso, R. Cox, Detriot, Helen May Norman, A © HIGGINS en i. Nie, Osha, v Noy. i i to Miss cide Jackson, Murray.

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