Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1906, p. 15

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w =e ey de Her= "pe Cr ~AY ~gre Group rength, = r other cereal, brain-building B.A. D.Se., ne in health, in was nickly popu- ge contains a Meat, King- Fe of Cli." comparing it t is found to 3g yleshire. d Stocks n Commission Securities ormation upon Request rs Exchange - 3or 10 pay, at atake.- re of take that our NEW Weak Parts, Kidney r write for Question a You rum no .- wr ri 5 [HO ) RY Ee rrr 1) TN | : [ORT 57S | *, PERFECTION After you have tantalized your. appetite with a promise of Mooney's Perfection don't disappoint it. There never was anything so tempting, that came out of a biscuit box, as these dainty, crisp squares of cracker goodness. | DONE ~ YOUR NOON-DAY LUNCH What shall it be? A jumble of indigestible stuff, or a food, that is full of. nutriment 'and easily digested. THE PERFECT LUNCH WAFER IS TRISCUIT The shredded wheat wafer--contains all the rutriment of the whole wheat in condensed and digestible form. Try it as a Toast with butter, cheese or marmalades. CRISP TASTY NOURISHING MADE IN CANADA OF CANADIAN WHEAT YOUR GROCER SELLS IT CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Toronto Office, 32 Church St. It's Millions of Consumers say so -- Their increasing re-orders say so-- Blue Ribbon Tea Is not only the best Tea IN CANADA, but also the best of all TEA. Delicate, delicious, invigor ating, resting, wholésome. Black, green, mixed --25c¢. to $1 a 1b.--All grocers tna Worth A Family Receipe kein Is a combination of a pair of hands, a few tools, and a grain of ingenuity. This will be found a very useful and a convenient com- bination, that will save you much expense in repairing the wear and tear. We can furnish the tools, the finest grade manufactured and many other things that are handy about the house. Ask to see the 20th Century Wrench-Brace The handiest tool ever invented, is Twelve Tools in One. McKelvey & Birch iL . 89-71 BROCK STREET -------- in aes) So WE MAKE--BRASS, BRONZE OR ALUMINUM 'GASTINGS--QUICK SEND YOUR PATTERNS Canada' Metal Co. William St, Toronto' Phone. Main 1729 A VERY FI NEOUTPUI TO THANK SECRETARY ROOT FOR HIS WORK. Shipbuilding Improvement is Pre- dicted By Admiral--United States May Equal Old Record Made in 1855. New York, Nov. 2.--A great im- provement in shipbuilding in the Umi- ted States for the coming year was predicted) by Rear Admiral Francis V. Bowles, president of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers, in an address at the annual he said, 'thé United States built and documented. 1,221 vessals, including canal boats and barges, of 418,745 gross tons. Steel steam ton- nage increased 118,300 gross tons, while the other forms of construction together show a decrease. On the Great "Likes forty large cargo-carry- ing vessels were built. 'It is probable that the output of merchant vessels, almost . wholly ste: am, | for the year 1907 will exceed the | greatest amount ever built in one year in the United States, namely, 1855, when 583,450 tons were con structed.' Rear Admiral Bowles was re-elected president for another term of three years. A resolution was adopted to name a committee to thank in a series of resolutions. Secretary Elihu Root for his stand for ship subsidies. THOMAS KINSEY, Purser of the American Line steamship St. Paul who has completed his 901 vova-e across the Atlantic. This is the record. Holiday Economy. Philadelphia Record. When the holiday season approaches, the retail merchants--those who ad- vertise--add to their armies of sales people and expand all branches of their service proportionately. But suppose the storekeepers should withdraw their announcements from the newspapers to-day, and suspend their efforts to gain publicity until af- ter the first of the year--don't you think they would save a lot of money on their pay-rolls? If you want to save money on your pay roll, don't advertise. It costs a lot of money to handle the new business that newspaper publicity brings to the merchant who offers meritorious wares at reasonable prices. No Cough Experiments. Don't lose time and invite danger by thinking any cough cure will do. Get the Diamond Cough Remedy and vou can know that you have he | best one made. For coughs, colds, sore throat or hoarseness it Rives prompt, positive results. Wade's drug store. What He Got. A teacher. had been trying to make clear to her class in reading the meanin- of the word "heredity" and its fellow word "hereditary," leading up to the word "inherit"' and em- phasizing that it meant "what we wget from parents." Feeling that she had used up enough energy in the effort to clarify the significance of the two words, she asked a boy of mode- rate biightness to give a sentence con- tainine the proper use of the word "mherit. Quickly he answered : "| inherit hard spankings from my father and easy ones from my mother." There is a community of dwarfs known as Namos, in the Valley of Pe has, in the Eastern Pyrenees. 'BABY'S BIRTH A TRYING TIME Made Easy if the Mother Srepares Her System With a Bracing Treatment of Ferrozone. Women imyneghiately experience a re al | gain in power and strength from us- ing Ferrozone. It is a true nerve and blood tonic and effects permanent cures, unparal leled in the history of medicine. Ferrozone supplies the essentials of lifa that are exhausted by overwork, worry, indigestion or high living. It contains just what every rundown woman and girl requires. By instilling new strength into blood Ferrozone benefits the body. Digestion improves, the eyes sparkle, the cheeks glow with girlish beauty. Normal powers are restored to the regencrative organs, the nerves are re- char, with energy, proving that direft benefit is resulting from Perro- zone, There is no greater boon to sufi ing women than Ferrozone. It fills the system with the snap and fire of youth, builds up firm tissue, rounds out the form amtil perfect womanhood and vigoroi® health is attained. Ferrozone is the one safe tonic for ladies to use, because it contains no a'cohol ar dangerous drugs. Growing gif®®, young women, expectant moth- eret--overy female wild derive ungues- tionable ~ bevefit from this grand re storative. Prepared only in tablet form, 50c. for a box of fifty tablets, or six box- the whole pes for $2.50, at all dealers, the fiscal year "ending June : : ORGANIZATION prospectors, all alike, are uniting in Business men, mining engineers and one and the same aim, namely, to ex plore thoroughly the vast mineral District and New Ontario, to examine prospects for marketing, buy and sell mines. all for the shareholders' ac- count. The Company Is Strictly a Co-Operative Institution applying its energies, methods and aims solely to what the records prove to be the safest, surest and best paying enterprise in mining. - Amgen region within and adjoining the Cobalt claims, take out options, develop' THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24. ter (at least) ah 700,000 Trethewevs took out of Trothewey - (at least) 700,000 The University crowd got over . . a on a 1,000,000 Lhe Timmons and McMar tin, La Rose, ete, are worth out of Cobalt .... 10,000,000 The Jacobs would not se'l for :. 2,000,000 --of similar 'work in Cobalt and . HOW TO SHARE vv..IN THE VAST.... & OBALT RICHES Cobalt & New Ontario Prospectors, 4 Developers & Investors, Limited, Is an Incorporated Company of Business Men and Mining Experts of First-Rate Commercial Standing and Tried Ability, Planning and Carrying on Co-operative and Systematic Prospecting, Developing, Working > Owning, Buying and Selling Mines and Stocks PAGE FIFTEEN (Extract from Toronte World, Nav. SOME COBALT FORTUNES FOR CANADIANS ------------ The first owners of Nipissing (they were Canadinns) sold out for - : 3 Canadians have made (at least) out of this mine......2,000,000 The Fosters took out of Fos 250,000 The Lawson 8 held in Can- ada. and is worth Canadians made in Foster | The Temiskaming & Hudson Bay tharchalders have already made over £1.000,000, and still hold a very valu able and large claim, This T'ttle list totals over $20,000, 000, and if many of the other small er deals were included in the com- putation the total would run into many millions. 2,000,000 1,000,000 Since issue of above three offers of £3.000,000 are said to have been re- fuged for the Tawson mine, and the O'Brien mine litigation hat been set- tled, the vroperty being conservative ly estimated as worth $10,000,000, Remember that this takes no ac count of the far greater fortunes made by Ame-icans and others as a result New Ontario to that of the Cobelt & Near Tp WHY MISS Your proper portion of like fortunes, when to secure your own share all that is needed is for you to join hands - with the Cobalt '& New Ontario Prospectors, Developers & Inves- tors, Limited ? Practically only of two town- ships in the Cobalt District havs been | explored. With : co-operative com- pany sending out oarties of under expert supervision and with first-rate equipment. The Best Results Ae Inevitable Every shareholder is a part of the or- ganization, on equal footing with the others, and all unite to one greatend with assured success and profit £0 hm Our New Prospectus Will Convince You. LESLIE : URQUHART Gets the Albert: Medal Gallantry. Leslie Urquhart (his majesty's vice consul at Baki) had the honor of be- ing received by King Edward Buckingham Palace, yesterday, his majesty conferred upon him Albert medal for gallantry, which thus described in last night's Court Circular : "During the disturbances at Baku, in September, 1905, four Englishmen were surrounded by insurgents at Zabrat, the headyjuarters in Balachani of the Baku Russian company, and were in imminent danger of losing their lives. The four Englishmen had already been isolated for some time when news of their perilous position 'reached the British embassy at St. Petersbure. and Mr. Umphart, ac commwnied bv two Cossacks and seve ral Tartars from the village of Mushtagee, started to relieve the be- leacruered men. "The district was full of armed Tartars, and in such a state of un- rest that when upon his expedition it was not ex pected by the remainder of the British colony in Baku that he would live to return. "On the night of his departure Mr. Urquhart proceeded to a farm which he wvossessed in the neighborhood, where he hoped to be able to get help from his own farm hands, who were Tartars, and also to collect sup- plies. but, notwithstanding that "the narty was stopped and fired on from tithe to time, the supplies were col- lected, and a st\rt was made early the next morning for Balachani. "Mr. Urquhart's courageous and spontaneous action was rewarded with success. He got through and found the four - Englishmen in a dreadful condition, especially on account of water, and alter Teeding them he persuaded them to go with him in' carts which he had brought, with as many Armenians as they could take with "them. Immediately afterwards the whole of the buildings were car- Jried by storm, axl everyone found | therein, put to death." when the the Shareholders. For at | is | Mr. Urquhart started, Ontar'o Prosneéctors, Developers Investors, Limited. Each and All Alike. He En we | FISHERS' | DEFENSIVE ARMOR. | Many Ingenious Weapons Protect | Them. | Los Angels *Times Two fairly well defended creatures now hefore me serve to explain that # fish are generally seized as prey from above because nature invariably puts the armor where it is most needed. One of these is the horned shark, which: has two defensive spears, each high up-on a .cparate dorsal fin, and the other is the trigger fish. In both cases the bayonets are | pointed for the enemy, as when a bat talion receives the order to pre pare to receive cavalry. But the trigger fish has a sort of pocket knife attach ment for his It folds down into a groove which reaches slong his back, exactly as the blade of a penknife may be turned down when its use is not re- quired The trigger fish is a huge head pro- pelled by a short, broad tail with no intermediate body ta speak of; and in this questionable shape he seems as unlike a true product of nature as the animals of the heraldry office. He re- his name when muskets were of an ancient pattern, and when he is at' full cock he isnot to 'be trifle with. ceived ---- The daty on imported saccharin is le. 3d. per ounce. 2 Hutch Induces Sleep. contains a lot of impurities these impurities are ab- sorbed by the blood. The blood in turn carries them to the brain and they produce unnatural conditions which destroy one's peace and rest, One suffers from hallucinations, night: mare, wild dreams in which horrible goblins try to tear you to pieces and all sorts of sleep destroying visions, By cleansing the body of impurities Hutch will remove all foreign matters from the blood and consequently re lieve the brain of all these disturb. ances, Hutch, induces sleep in which the organs of the body are built up and sirenctihenc). 3 Buteh is o doctor for ten oma, When the body Authorized Capital $500,000, in Shares of Par Value of $1 Each. Shares for Sale, 300,000 Shares of Par Value of $1 Each, at 50c. Per Share. SOMETHING UNIQUE | Every $1.00 Paid In is $1.00 in the Treasury of the Company, to be Used Solely for the Benefit of No Stock Bonuses to Proihoters or Others. Cobalt & New Ontario Prospectors, Developers & Investors, Limited MANNING CHAMBERS, TOR ONTO. Railway fare paid from any point in Ontario POSIT Canadian School of Telegraphy Queen and Write for It at Once. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Address: oo, " Special Offer for November to Toronto. IONS GUARANTEED. WRITE FOR FRE® PROSPELTUS rE Yonge Sts., Toronto. Oldest Telegraph School in Canada: Grand Union Fotel Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION Baggage To and From Station Free F tena An encelles: wvide-book and map of the City of New York ron Cc Cook's Cotton Ret rox Mesene Co. T i Re 3 KINGSTON ONTARIO Eid fecial case, r box, ay all drugs a Day and Evening Classes Fred pmghel Ada Tn Moderate Rates. THE FRONTENAC Monky loaned on Cit, pertise. alunieipal a Mortgages rchased. fosetved and iatereet allowed. 8. C. Office, 87 Clargnce street. The tower of ville, 350 feet high has an plane to "the top can ride. safo effectual Monthly lator on wnich women edn AL Pn iin 4 degree stronger, A Superior Business Tr. Institution Business College Root Compound. Uterine Tonic, and 7, N. STOCKDA 2 Naa RALS, "Phone, 680. B® and Farm Pro BUTE 1006 Discount to Students Razors, Razor Strops, Hones, Shaving Brushes and Knives the cathedral of Std . ineling} up which horsemen

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