Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1906, p. 8

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Her 5 f fr il : 2 H ff ih i g : £8 i: fil 5 IF ¥F i i a vo Two factories board. boxes : all colored ; 1lic, bid : boxes sold, PITH OF THE NEWS. atest Culled All pot t, The Vaiy Ia % Salad Som Ta ll be submitted for Toronto exhibition "dn ' -- withthe announce ent made in a previous session, ¥ will bo asked to consider -q bill Le © revision of the customs tariff. The . sanction of parliament will be ta give legal "to September Yih. . For the first time Chinese have been orbadiion to and in Eoolund. or your approval. om Mroducts nd, manulsctures of anata own recent tena. tional exhibition, held in the city Milan, Moved a greut attraction, and as a result it is confidently believed ue trade with Cuntenl jd Southern The naval authorities, havin relin- the use of the dock vard at by dopuptiadt cof marine and fisher as a by or ing * Operations, in 1061 With 10 'mavication. = Mune Immigeanis having in recent "1 years uced to come to Canada United: fitin Rice i" fie GU 'fitingdom, at request of the | minister of labor a clause has been | added to the merchants' shipping bill, now before the nherial parliament, for | the punishment of any person who {may "be found Suilt of that offence, | Gentleman of the House of Commons : accounts of the past yoar will he laid before you. 1 am glad to say that the SHevenlis has Shown 8 large expansion and has 'not only provided . Tor ordinary jaexpenditure, but has a8 the rink is ready other players, | also to a' great extent provided among whom are Powell, Ashley and | for the outlay on capital account. . will be induced to get into | The estimates for the coming year will practice. A meeting has been called for | be laid before you gt any early date. next Tuesday night to elect officers Honourable Gentlemen of the Senate; and attend to business in councetion' Gontlemen of the House of Com- h i team. mons: Whe forming of « 4 An united application haviog been received by 'ministers from the govern- ments of the several provinces asking dor an increase in thé provincial sub. sidics, a conference was: recently held when the reasons for granting ad- ditional aid Were fully set forth and discussed. Resolutions, based on the conclusions reached by my govern- ment will be submitted for your con- sideration. Bills "will be laid before you amending the election act, a bill for the move effective supervision and | inspection of Canadian . canuved food - ; Jeoducts, heuts and fish, a bill re- Major E. W. B. Morrison; of the | Inting to the sale and manufacture of Ottawa Citizen, has sold his mining | Patent medicines and also o bill to from { claims in Cobalt to a Toronto syadi- | Make _bettor provision: for dealing cate Tor $250,000, 5 {with juvenile delinquents, Sometimes we are a bit tardy in| It is hoped that the report of the deliveries owing to stress of busi i ted to ing into Swift's Scranton coal. Calvert's earbolic tooth powder and Paste at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 10 6. bib LE y San Francisco, Cal, Nov. 22.--The ~ THAT WILL FIT. California Promotion compuny has ; 3 sent out the following statement More than $6,000,000, said to be sent to San Francisco, tame 'in small sums. Of the entire amount sent only two sums went astray, ome a package of currency containing $1,085.50 from Searchlight, sent through the Bank and Trust Company of go Angeles, hy express, -- othor package of J , sent by mail from Baltimore, 0 app 0 the working of insurance companies will shortly be completed, when it will be laid on the table. The subjects 1 have mentioned, - will, T hope, reccive your best consideration, and the mea- sures to be submitted for your ap u ; ; : proval will, T trust, tend to the well ECIAL [Brits ¢ 3 dominion. ws 3 . y HYMAN RESIGNS. Values m Custom Clothing He Will Run Again in London, = i y Ont. i Business Suit postews, Nov. 92dion. Cherie Lodi X 2 viman, to-da* resign 1 as member A In Extra Doable br is Bre usted Style, $18,920, $22.50, $25. for_London. Ont. He will run 'gown, The Materials used in these Garments are a pecial Line of understood. up-to-date exclusive The Skating Championship. rer in Britian. Montreal, Nov. 22.---The Canadian Black Worsted Suits {5a TL ST Ah ; : Eo nk, Montreal, February Belwarp and Blenheim Worsteds, and Yolsman poe pg, in the ope will 4 5 ' 0. a. novelty. wilt- will be d i ; Cheviots, ete. Special value, $18, $20, $22, $23, hich ia 3 } He 3 : v! the centre Space of the rink, which is EL gy : surrounded by the hall mil i J all mile speeding 2, $35 and § 98, made from Imported Tweeds, n and Meltons, the finest ever offered lor ing. - Call and see wy : 5 patterns, -- Asylum Burned. Jackson, Mich. Nov. 99. --_The Mis sissippi asviom for the blind was on- tively destroyed by fire early - this morning. The inmates are accounted : 3 i, SEL £55 -- CMR te I n S for infants as for adults, It codes al coughs always and costs but IBe. i diy, fined the New oly Settral & ; v R18 000 , groceries, coal ete." Mrs. Laok-of-thrift.-- "I never know i best. In fact I do not i thought, etc." is the type of a house keeper that is going to be behind in | Matthews, of Mount Vornon, TIl., whe | - andience is peacefully transported to fairyland, and the myth country, where Queen suprome. : The "fresh i Wr of childhood' roams often amid such scenes, but to the grown-ups this pretty opens up long forgotten vistas. To this end is Zephra, to stimulate and 'freshen the imagination, to take ore whore the brecses 'ave fresh and the flowers bloom, and to coax back cher- ished memories of "@hildhood. As the curtain falls on the last 'beautiful transformation scene, the home of the Fairy - Queen, it is with a desire still to linger among the benutiful scenes of this dreamland, that the audience will bid good night to Queen Zephra and her gorgeous <ortege. etre oe. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Invalid rings at Dr. Chown's. John Sowards went to Oswefo this morning. English and Canadian chestnuts 15c. a pound at Carnovsky's, Dr. Chown's special Iron Tonic Pills build up run down systems, 25¢. and 500 G. R. German and wile, Camp- bellford, are visiting friends in the city. J. A. Baylis, ' Bell Telephone com- pany, Montreal, was in the city to- day. ' The H. B. Irving company arrived in the city late this afternoon from Ottawa. English seidlita powders, fresh, in a tin box, at Gibson's Red *Cross drug store. : The unfavorable weather nrovented a large 'attendance at the market this morning, E. H. Mclee, Montreal, is in the City on business 'in Connection with Bell: "Telephone company. "What a delightful cheery fice ¥" Blue Grass Lumps foes it in your te. Swift's coal s. i you tried Beats "Short Stop" for that cough ? Tt 'cures all coughs al- wavs and costs but 18c. 2 Many Kingstoniane are going over to a hop at Wolfe Island to-night, the steamer making a special trip. For 'rheumatism and' lombago take Prescription 24,000 at Dr. Chown's store, "The Scarlet Mysteries" will be ° at the Grand on November 26th and 27th. They are decidedly funny, tanta- Iyzing and mysterious. When you get glasses at Chown's drug store you are guaranteed a pei- fect fit. % Wa Any véung man considering the ol leged cheap system of assessmentism would do well to study the advertise- ment of the North American Life As- surance company on another page of this issue. . . This is the weather that wives colds, Gibson's Red Cross Cough Svrun cures | courhs and colds. Take mo other. Fined $18,000. New York, Nov," 22 the United States circuit court, to- Hudson River company for bating freight charges do the Ameri- can Sugar Refining company. * A ----------------------. Chamois vests and chest tectors. Bux them at Gibeots Red Cross deag store, i pe hi he & BE + & g i 'ER | WAS DRIVEN ASHORE] | William Lesshio, | Whig this Mr Tosslic volored 6 his having air method ; Rating the Bavarian, the same ekh- {| which was stranded off 'the Newfouns. Holt, of |. -AGROUND i ii The Crew of Thirteen All Saved-- Her Tow Drifted Away--Crew 'of Eight Probably Lost--An- ~other Grounding. i , Ont, Nov. 22_ This about - five olclock, the a » Was by a fierce storm, here, last night. The erew were all saved. : loaded with pig iron from ue, Mich, for Buffalo. It is wn sand, sd is Sxpocted to Pieces soon, It is owned J. , Detroit, and sailed by Capt. i Another barge went aground at Point Pelee. The crew of twenty-two were rescued by the Point Pelee life saving exo, The name of 'the last boat has not 'yet heen learned. -- Four Men Drowned. 'Grand Rapids, jch,, Nov, 22-4 message, from Holland, states that four men, who were caught on the crib work of new pier, by the storm, were washed away during the night and drowned. An unknown barge and CAPT. LESSLIE 1S HOME. Arrived in City On WwW dnesday ¥ . Night. who performed the feat of Hoating the varian, arrived in King- || y night, and to-day he was a very bust man, receiving the Congratulations of his many friends, He is suffering from a severe cold, and it was with much difficulty that be chatted with a representative of the he said that he had used when he the steamship Scottish King, shore. A great many 'of the ex- ys expressed the opinion not succeed. In fact velioved that it was foolish" iden. Needlegs who had so expressed PHI EE hers Mea \ ni 4 Friday Shopping ig 4 &F ' bs Splendid "Xmas Gifts We haven't a bit of fear that we'll be. contradicted whe, "a claim that they really offer the best value anywhere at [;, : seventy-five. - And we're pretty sure, if 'you kaow much ab ik underskirts. you'll willingly agree that they fully equal 1. usual seven-dollar garments. As Xmas gilts, they are perfect--_{ "know, it is becoming more and more popular to give someth; ful, something to be worn, if possible. The perfect styl & wy of their design, the exceptionally good quality of the iy ---- » of manufacture, and the very economical price at which we or you offer Scone to make them truly ideal "Xmas gilts, See them Fri ay. These skirts are 'made of extra-qual- ity, soft rustling Black Taffeta Silk, A Skirt nice and full, with a 12-inch flounce A of pleating having six rows of shir Worth ring, and extra silk frill at bottom $5 5 $2.00 trimmed with narrow hemmed ruch- . ing, protected by near-silk under flounce and dust-ruffle. A 7.00 skirt elsewhere in this eity, our special onl More Linens for "Xmas Giving Two Lovely Designs in Tray Covers At Half-Price To-morrow Morning ALMosT any article of linen makes an appropriate "Xmas gif. but if anything, Tray Covers are the most favored--of 1}. smaller variety, anyway. ese Covers we have for sale to-mor- row at such a ridiculous price will solve the problem of ** what 1, send" for many wise readers of this paper. They are all one in. porter had left of their individual lines, and in clearing them out t, us he simply forgot their cost to him and the profits he hal intende] to make. - Ordinarily, they would sell for at least double to-morr ws price. Come at halt-past-nine, f120 only, Linen Tray Covers, neatly hemstitched with fancy drawn bor- . der, size 15x22 inches, regylarly sold Regularly at 30c.; yours to-morrow after 9.30 o'clock, each only ..................... wet 120 only, Linen Tray Covers, fancy 15¢, 30c. drawn border and neat design 'work- ed in each corner, size 18x23 inches, regularly sold at 30c.; yours to-mor row after 9.30 o'clock, each only A. fot. r. Lesslie will retirn to Quebeo in a few days to look after some mait- tors of interest. ---------- INDOOR BASEBALL. Results in Sergeants Trimming the Y.M.C.A. An interesting game of indoor base- ball was "played at the armouries, last night, 'between renrosentative teams of the 14th sergeants and Y.M. C.A. The game was close up to the seventh innings, when the seroeants broke away from the Y.M.C.A. team. The teams and positions were as fol. Jows : Y.MC A Smith, o.; Saunders, p.: W. Henderson, 1b.: King. 2b.; Sud- dard, ss; Pound, 3b.: C. Moxley, r.i.: F. Moxley, ef.; F. Henderson, LI. 14th Ser-gants--H@milton, c.: Rob inson, p.; Holland, ¥b.; Haslett, 2b. Ludlow, ss.: Coyle, 3h. Vanhorn, r.i,; Lemmon, of; Linton, 1.£.7 umpire, T. McCammon. So far this season the Sergeants have, nots been defeated, last nisht%s game ending in a win for them by 11 runs. At the end of the ninth innings the Sergeants had twen, ty-cight runs to Y.M.C.A. seventeen. ---------- A TRAIN WRECK On the B. R. & P. At Colden, N.Y. Buffalo, N.Y., Now. 22.~Fourteen persons were killed or injired on a wreck on the Buffulo, Rochester & Pittshurg at Colden. One of the in- jured, Joseph Kirkpatrick, of John- sonbure, Pa., is expected to die. Dur- ing a fierce gale the west wall of the New pumping station, at the foot of Hammshire street collapsed, carly this morning, buryine several thousand dofars worth of machinery and en- tirely cutting off the water suriyv in the eastern and northern sections of the Yvity. Althonsh a score of men were at work in the unfinished stroe- ture at the time of the collapse, only one man. Phillip Brown, an en~ineer, was injured: . C1 -------- TOLLS SUSPENDED. Road in Leeds County Not Re- Paired as Ordered. Brockville, Ont., Nov. 22. Some months ago the Ontario overnment inspector of toll roads condemned the highway from Forthton to Athens, vontrolled by the Farmersville Plank Road company, and fixed a time in which repairs should be made. The redairs have been incomplete and wn- satisfactory, and notice has been ser- vod by the inspector on the two toll house keepers that tolls be suspended. until such time as the répairs ordered by him shall have been full- com: pleted. Drivers are jubilant over the action of the inspeptor. ------ No other cough ture is "just as good" as Best's "Short Stop." It cures all coughs and costs but ide. J. NM. Pearen, postmaster at West: on, is.charged with the theft of $199 i A Crawford a aad by 3 toh. | = J Holiday Goods Are coming in now, for the best assor.ment .and first choice shop now. of Here are some of the nice things we have: -) Grate Fenders and Fire Iron Sets Coal Hods, Coal Boxes, ia Brass, Copper and Iro: Table, Kettles and Stands. | Hot Water Plates and Platters, Chafing Dishes. Fancy Bread Boards, Serving Trays | : and Coffee Cookers. These are just a few suggestions, come in and see the other goods. | CKELVEY & BIRCH 09-71 Brock stroet BONDS AND STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission Investment Securities Toronto Slook Eathiare Commission Orders Executed on all Exchanges Both Listed and, Unlisted. Members B Wed : Long Distance Telephone Main 5200-02-02 . TORONTO ee ------ ® comtoranie House Slippers Good to wear all day long : "Light, Flexible Soles, Low Heels; cclor Black, Brown, Red and Green, $1.00 a Pair A better grade, Fur trimmed, with Hand Turned. Soles, soft a nd light, $1.60. The best material of its kind that you could get in a Shoe is found in our $2.00 quality, they are the genuine Dolge Felt Slippers, wear for years, ; -ALL KINDS OF WINTER 600DS AT The Lockett Shoe Store \ rn x , --- ; Our Special 5:75 Underskirt; EAR 73. NO. 274. We are offering for Christmas the Ngwest Line of Carpet Sweepers In ali'the Different Woods, $3.00 4.50 Soverign - 4.00 Nickle Plated . 3.50 comfort use a BISSELL Sold in Kingston by MITCHELL'S HARDWARE 81 Princess Street "SEND FOR 'The Doctor' By Ralph Connor HeAULEY'S "en SALE e are still sticking to our Bible Sale. We bles mext week. Cloth Bound Books Now is your chance to For pleasure, and satisfaction expect to sell a raft of Bi- ait 10c. each lay in a stock { books ol [ix . English Church Prayer Books, hali "1. McA uley Pearsall's Millinery We have a fine variety of Dressy Silk Velvet Hats, in styles that catch the eye of the severest critic. And also a large variety of Children's Toques, Tams, Bonnets, Hoods and Coats, all. of Bear Skins, at tempting prices. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess Street It you find it difficult being fitted with Shoes, come to us and it is changed to a pleasure. WEAR ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 82 Brock Street Sign of Golden Boot Imported Cheese We have received This Week the following lines of Imported Cheese Camambert, per box... 35¢ Pineapple, each............ 75e. Gorgonzola; per Ib........ 35c¢. Roquefort, per Ib........ 45c¢. James Redden & Co. The Home of Good Groeeries S-- O0TWEAR TO ORDER THAT WILL FIT. REPAIRS It don't matter where made or bought, for first-class work, A.E HEROD 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove come and see me as I have the largest Stock 1 have ever h ; also a lot of Furnitare and Carpéts. Everything cheap, TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE rincess Street. : For Rvery Variety of REAL . ESTATE AND INSURANCE Enquire at SWIFT'S ARE BeeeR" ANC ' Record Of The Storm. Detroit, Nov, 28. -- Eighteen known rowned, and possibly a dozen others the record of the worst storm that ut sweot the lakes in many vears. Many ships "are ashore and several others overdue, so it may be a day T two before a full list of the casual- ties is known. iis We fave a few eranks on our list of Mtomers. They are satisfied with the coal at Swift's Try Bibby's: for men's hosiery,

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