Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1906, p. 4

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AL INSURANCE G0'Y ~~ OF ENGLAND MICAL MANAGEMENT _ 'Wor Particulars apply to JB. While, Agent. Kingston ¥ ] POCKET COMPASSES -- Tessd . ones--$1.00 w $3.50, Drop ws a postal card and we will wend you free of charge our large (line WEAK HEART SYSTEM WASRUN DOWN * When the heart is {OUR SCRANTON COAL Looks Well and Burns Well | S. ANGLIN & CO. eit t---------- - Special Bargains . IN i For Saturday only. Up-to- Date Meltons, Beavers and Fancy Tweeds, $4.50, $5.50, $7,50, $8.35 and $10. The best of lining and latest effects. Remember--These prices are for SATURDAY ONLY. 5 J netivity. The manufacturers have been Labour On Its Netile. one. The government candidate and for which ecpt the city $75,000, and the contracting for prison labour which comes into competition with free labour are called mistakes, but {the government must not be con- demned on their account by the gov- ernment press or politicians. Had the vacancy in the representa tion of East Hamilton been anticipn- ted neither mistake would have been made. The city which has been so true to the party, which has recog- nized the machine in every election and every form of répresentation, was ontitled to the respectful considera- tion of the government in any event. But it acted on the presumption that the party would stand anything, even the "theft" of the Normal Colleve by the faction which is promoting To- ronto's interests. The chairmpn of the board of educa- tion scolded a while and then sank into silence. Anything must be toler ated rather than that the government should be injored. The Whitney can- didate in East Toronto and Hon. Mr. Hendrie will "fight for Hamilton," and in doing So may use strong lan- guare, but they will not censure or express want of confidence in the gov- ernment. The advantage lies on the side of the labour candidate, who says he will not only express his dis- satisfaction on the college and prison labour questions, but will vote that way as a lesson to and reprimand of the government. The liberal party has acted wisely in leavin~ the issue, at this juncture, to the labour and conservative can- didates. The labour element has been used heretofore' in buttressin- the cause of conservatism. The time has come when the conservatives should buttress the cause of the labour party. Result Of Bye-Elections. The twa, Montreal. bye elections have gone in favour of the government, and by substantial majorities. The evi- dence is thus afforded that in Quebec there is -no weakening of the Laurier party. Quebec county save the eritios a chance to © talk, and the prophets to indvle in their pariiculir pastime. The liberals were divided, but the re- sult was simply the preference of one iteral against another. The comserva- tives were not even visitle, Mr. Bourassa had an opportunity to air his independent views, and when the candidate whom he sunvort- ed was elected he was glorified by his personal friends, and that was all he wanted. Montreal offered an opening for the tories to show their hands and also strength. In St. Ann's division there was a diffrence of opinion as to who should be the candidate of the liberal party. The discussion was such that the opposition pushed a candidate into the arena, and H, B. Ames, with the aid of his card index system, un- dertook to redeem the constituency. The union of the liberals, however, settlid the fate of both Curran and Ames, The one has besri wounded and the other has been badly torn. In St. Mary's the labour men sought to elect a candidate and failed. They would have done better had Mr. Bour- assa and Mr, Lavergne kept out of the' fight, These are not workingmen, and precious little interest théy have in the labour questions. They were looking for glory, more of it, and they have got what they deserved. Ald. Martin is the new member, and the labour party will not suffer at his hands, He has been one'of the best friends this party has ever had. Lastly, where was Mr. Borden, the leader of "the. opposition during these elections ? He was not heard of. He had not even a message for the faith- ful. The Telegram was justified, in view of his performance, or lack of it, in asking if Capt. Lesslie, the suc: ewasful wrecker, could not pull him off the rocks ! ; atk On The Tariff. The finance minister, speaking at the tomplimentary banquet which tendered to him in Montreal, intimat- ed that there would not be much seri 'ous change in the tariff. Perhaps this Wobkd of counsel, though nonicommital, is timely. The tendency towards panic of alarm. id very evident, On two sides there has been intense was condueting' a vigorous campaign on behalt of a higher tariff "More prd- tection" Was been the slogan, and it has been heard more in the east than | the west, The farmers have "dle that they have been practically combat, or trial of heralded their "stand for a tariff revision people's bur- come, in Mr. Field- when the west will ex- of sentiments, but for the the. agriculturist interest tarifi. The schedules must perforce be changed meanwhile, but only in some particulary. He could not be more de- finite for time being, but he suid enough, '%6' indicate his trend of thought when he added : "It will be our aim to have such rates or duty as. will give a reasonable degree of encouragement to the industries of the country 'without imposing unrea- Sonable burdens upon the consuming classes," = The British preference will remain, The degres of preference may be varled but the principle will stay, Then there will be the schedule which ap- plies to the countries that desire trade with Canada as compared with the countries which put up bars against it. y On the whole there is not to be the exciting time which some people ex- pected. It is easier to destroy a tariff schedule than to prepare it, and the number of persons who would like to aid in the one without being able to lend a band in the other is very large. Editorsal Notes. There is considerable tvphoid fever in the city and ite vicinity. Is the board of health quite clear as to the cuuse of it ? ) The man who kas been mavor of Ottawa for two assessment years now becomes commissioner and secre- tary of the electric light department. He ourht to make a good official. Mr. Whitney accounts for the in- activity of the power commission by eavin~ that he cannot compel' the municipalities to act. To be sure, and nobody asked or expected him to do this. -- Some aldermen in Ottawa have been the aftgr permanent auditor, and now he is after them. He has re signed office, and will run for the council in order to make public ex- posurcs, ns Mr. Bourassa, in Montreal, savs parliament, wants gugme. independent men. He favours the "bour candi- date. He should go to Hamilton and give the working: there a hand. Would the Spectator stand for that ? The little local 'blimderbund the coterie that, would . have the city's mamicipal affairs rum' by 'the conserva- tive machine--is in meditation. In political parlance it has on," and should hatch out thing soon. now "a hen some- -- ; The Weekly Sun says that the ¥on- servatives could very fairly call them- selves © tariff reformers. But they won't. They are shouting for two thinos--*'higher tariff and a lower taxation'-mnd they couldn't get both. ---- the He says it 'is not so important to know how much the mumicipulities can secure electric power for, as what it is to cost to the consumer. The peonle, not the councils, cannot at this sca- A writer in Toronto has raised question of greatest moment. son of the year. Headaches And Neuralgia From Colds. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide cold and grip remedy removes cause, Call jor full name. Look for signature E. W. urove, 25c. By naming his ten children after as many states, a South Carolina valley farmer has proved his patriotism. His six daughters are mamed Carolina, Virginia, Ceorgiy, Florida, Jersey and Idaho, while the boys are known as Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Missouri. There is a good job waitine for men and women with brains. They must hustle all . the time. Why not become a hustler by taking Hollister's Rotky Mountain Tea? Tea or Tab- lets. 350. Mahood's drug store. The buildings of the Seraclio at Constantinople can accommibdate 20 000 people with case. A new stand on the Blackburn Rov- ers' joothall ground, Ewood Park, is'to cost £4,500. NOVEMBER 22. Hay; steamer This Is A Charge Made By . The Crew AGAINST R. E. PEARY TREATMENT WORSE THAN HORRORS OF NORTH. Food Scarce and Men Were Living in Squalor, Declared Joe Shortall, a Member of the 'Crew in a Letter -- Peary Wouldn't let Men Leave Boat. Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 22. Charges of mistreating his crew on his famous dash to the Arctic regions are being made against Commander Rotert FE. Peary by J. Shortsll, one of the Roosevelt's crew, in a letter received by a friend here. Conditions on board the Roosevelt were far worse than the horrors of the frozen North, Shortall declares, Shortall's letters were written at Hopedale on October 22nd. Conditions then were so bad that the mate, four sail vs and four firemen refused to ro further on the ship, feanine it would sink, There was little food and the men were living in squalor. Several want. ed to leave the vessel to return on the Virginian Lae, the steamer which brought Shortall's letker, but Peary refused to allow this, ; ---- FOR SICK HEADACHE. And Wind Spasms Bileans is a Certain Cure. It is not the food you swallow, which does you good. It is the food you digest. When the digestive appar- atus becomes deranged, only part of Your food is digested, the rost simply decomposes. This causes gas which in- flates the stomach, causing belching, Pain and sometimes (by pressing upon the het) palpitation. The foul gas | 80 generated fills the blood 'with pois ! ons, and is carried to the brain. Headache, nausea, dizziness, and some timrs blurred vision results. Now Bileans correct all these evils They stimulate the gastric flow, the stomach is thus enabled to | digest all the food taken. They gently open the bowels, so that accumulated | Impurities are expelled. They purify | the 'blood, clearing it of poisons, eto, | H. S. Sharkey, Petrolea, (Ont), | says ! "I suffered severely from sick | headache and dizziness, and had a constant mist before my eves. A friend adi ed me to try lileans, and a short course Made me feel like a new being. 1 shill always keep Pileans handy, for they are & splendid house hold medicine." B. Haines, of Shortreed, B.C. says: | "Bi'eans cured my wife of siok head. ache when other' remedies had foil ed." Bileans are purely vegetable, and entirely superior to older medicines conteining mercury, bismuth and oth- er mineral poisons. They also cure liv er and kidney troubles, eonstivation., viles, anaemia, debility, rheumatism, fmale allments and irregularities, blood impurities. They tone up the system and enabls it to throw off colds, chills, ete. All druceists sell at 50c. a box, or post paid from Rilean Co., Toronto, for price, (1 boxes $2.50. ------ and THE HARDEST GALE. Waves Rolled Mountains High To-Day. Mariners says that, last nicht, and | this worring's hurricane is the hard. | (st gale for sonie y In the har | bor the scene was one o grandeur, the huge white capped waves rolling from nice to fifteen feet high. Across the harbor at Point Frederick, nothing can ke seen but spray. Navigation to-day is at.a standstill, no vessels ve ntning in' the blow. There have been no re ports of any vesse's being wrecked as vet, but in a blow like today's, it will go hard with 'any vessels caught crossing the lakes. The A Tug Damaged. The Montreal Transportation com- pany's fine tug Emerson, left King ston, Wednesday afternoon, with four grain laden barges for Montreal. In the vicinity of Clayton, N.Y., the anchors were dropped as it was very dark, Soon the wind began to blow a hurricane, and the tue was dragged on the shoal at the head of Round Island. The Fwerson le't her barges ! anchored, and, this morning, at ten o'clock, arrived in port and will be put on the dry dock for repairs. Last night, members. of - the erow say, was the wildest on the river in years and to make matters worse it was very dark. The derkness was giv- en as the reason for the tug and barg es anchoring, as it was. unsafe to pro- ceed down throuch the iglands. The crew consider that the wot. off lichtly, under the circumstances, the only wonder being that the were not damaged. barges Marine Notes. The schooner Mary Ann Lydon clear ed light for Sodus. The steamer City of New York clear ed from Richardson'. for Quebec, with 20.000 bushels of oats and . barley. Ths el seter at Richardsons is pret- ty well crowded at present, The steam: ers Simla. and Ames have yet to ar rive with grain. The schooner W. 1. Suffel .is loaded with feldspar for Charlotte; hut -was unable to put out this morning «owing | to the severe storm. Swift's: Steamer Picton, down. to- Aletha, down and up, today: propeller Cuba, up, to-day; proveller Persia, up, to-day. The steamer Black Rook arrived at Richardsons' from Chicago, with 66 - 000 bushels of wheat. She to-day, with coal, .for the west. Several pieces of lumber were notice ed coming down the lake this wen ine, which anpeared like wreckage. ! However, no reports of any mishaps have been recrived as yet, % WAS QUEL Sores Sur rio TO THE FINEST JAPAN TEA GROWN. ---- Sold Only in Sealed Lead Packets at 25¢., 80c., 40c., 50c. ang 60c Per Pound. By. All Grocers. ' » Af Tr mms TT ------ i: will clear American Wrec'ing company to take measurements of the Bavarian to find out ii che can be placed in the levis craving dock, Capt. Saunders, Tlovds surveyor, from New York, sent to pe- port to the underwriters, states 'that the Bavarian will most assuredly sail »> BIBBY'S + pa SEE OUR SPECIAL $15.00 Bannerman Overcoats If you live a hundred years vou'll never seo: better Overcoats sold for fif teen dollars, These beauties and Oxford Beavers! are built of Black Cheviots, Meltons and Our Overcoats cut and tailored to live long and to hold their shape as long as they live, Come! See These Beauties! NAPA PPPS PPPS PP PIIS are The H. D. Bibby Co. a THE OVERCOAT STORE78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET sm------] AN OVERGOAT FOR YOUR STOMACH. SHREDDED WHEAT Gives natural warmth in a natural way by aiding digestion and supplying the body with good red blood. Health and strength in every shred. A natural remedy for all stomach and bowel disorders, Made in Canada of the best Ontario Wheat. \ TRY THE BISCUIT FOR BREAKFAST Send for the 'Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid. CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO.. Limited. Niagara Falls Oat. Toronto Office, 32 Church St. ES ---------------- There's One Test That Never Fails-- How often do you repéat your orders ? Blue Ribbon Tea Stands the test best of all, Re-or de reach into the millions yearly. Its fragrance and flavor win universal favor. Black, green, mixed --25¢. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers Succeeded In Escaping. oxsgovernor of Elizabethpol tally wounded here, vesterdr unknown man, who succeeded in coping. - S-------------------- ' 1a Messrs. Davies, of Quebec. have w- | the ocean again, and he has hopes Shaving supplies of all kinds coived inStructions from the North | that she can he repaired here. + Chown's. | i ) ww Tiflis, Nov. 22.~Gen. Golochtkaro™, was nw bv a FIT 228400 « 234 » FORNEY S | ETT aah + (uy EE 0 Each biscuit § a = as light as if ADORE S | made by tary * PERFECTION ERITUIN y Baked to. a | " Bs 125 FIOONEYS | golden russet brown. So. fresh, and crisp, and tempting, that just opening the |, "box is teasing || the appetite. And you find a new delight in every one you eat. Yon get perfection when you get Does Your Stomach Bother You? . Shoop's Restorative Cares Al By Stomach Troubles Through the Inside Nerves. As you value your health and happiness don" glect to care for the slightest stomach pain=- ont it go. Al the {irs} sign of distress us Dr. cop's Restorative 'and end all thes troubles. " "These aches are signals--théy an symptoms of coming disease--is it wise to ignon them?! You who Dever eat 8 hearty meal with out a sense of fullness 4 i by a perio of lassitude or -- bew of these symp- tress after 4 food aie HP ¥ IIE strengthen the inside' Ng Poe stomach nerves -- shake off fo evidence of disease. Put" the digestive nerves i condition to act as nature intend they should Don't drug. don't force--just give the inside perves nataral force, gentle tonic, nature's help Dr. Stivop's Restorative should be taken to d this--it is the only prescription which builds up or even attempts to restore the inside stomac] perves. Sold and recunmended by "ALL PRUGGISTS.¥ A PERFECT Fi YET YIELDS TC EVERY MOTION Underwear that pails up ea your srm or leg every time you stretch is mighty stull to disagreeable | wear. You know that your sell. UNSHRINKABLE® UNDERWEAR is" manulactured in a special way whi +h gives every garme | elastic- ity of kand-ma le goods. Without: being loose . y and baggy it yields to every motion of the body: It will never get out of shepe or | become hard in washirg "and is | Yr.» | absolute ly guaranteed net to she ink. | Insist uncn seeing this § trade mark. If Cecice is not all we claim take it back and your dealer ov will replace 1t. All "Rg wo leading dealers have it THE C.TURNBULL €9. Lto. GALT, CANA TEED ea * a cree N% 27 A S SCIENCE SCORES AGAIN. A Preparation That Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ Discovered. Finally the scientific stadent has dis a certain remedy for dandruff irst bgcame known that dan ult of a ge rm or para digs into the scalp and sap: the vitality of hair at the root, caus Ing falling hair and baldness, biolo ts sit to work to discover som I ation that would kill the germ After a year's labor in one laboratory the dandruff germ destroyer was dis covered: and it is now embodied i) Newbro's Herpicide. It prevents bald ness, stops falling. hair and speedil rad dandruff. "Ik ny th » You remove the effect." Sold b deading druggists. Send 10c. in stamp for samble 'to the. Herpicida Co., Ik troit, Mich. G. Mahood specs agent. Hes cans Grand Union Hote Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE L STATION and Arthur Stapl ton, mine workers of New Martin ville, W. Va. narrowly escaped a rhy xintiong The men's hands, inju ed in their strpos to pet away iro the ~as fumes, will have to be ar Potated, - Now i¥ the best time to buy weath Strips. Come and sopir assortmen Stravhan's hardware. ea George Wilson

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