Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1906, p. 1

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Touretts Shocaing opping In | rly noid he due the calen- that there are onl ly or re eeks back--months, we might ay. estive things from which to choose we have ever had before. Novel. rend of the holiday demand of the more varied stock of, the uselu| pid to show, suggest, and if y ge treat you right roya lly -- as 'start your 'Xmas shopping a d better place to shop, than the on laking Your ks "of Ribboas, Wools, omplete state--to serve 12s Gifts. To-morrow ct in these lines which ot be so hard, though : TING NEEDLES, all 5C. a pair. - ER KNITTING NEE- and 20c. a pair. ES, covered thickly t wool--children's size, size, 25c.; men's size, ERS--beautiful new ef- ly priced, lete stock of Cushion 'ushion Forms, Satins D WADDING, for use where white would mar pink, blue, yellow and and 35¢.. a yard. 9F CENTRES, of pure eer or mediom weight, zes, at from 8 to 25e. N_ SILKS, in very s specially "chosen for y work, 1.25 a yard. BED SILKS, fine qual- all shades, excention- for the "Xmas work, and 35¢. ayard. Neckwear, . ve have, but merely as splay. Better see all 3 HANDKERCHIEFS, oard, boxes containing d oly 490. ja hox 3 HANDKERCHIEFS, h boxes containing only 99¢c. a box, { HANDKERCHIEFS, linen hemstitched, i in ty gift boxes contain- t 1.75 a box. \DKERCHIEPS, em- hemstitched, at 124, y 33, 35, 40, 45, 50 and KERCHIEFS, ia bean- h and Spannish Lace 1.25, 1.50, 1.65, 1.75, and up to 4.25 éash. \DKERCHIEFS, pure emstitched, at 10, 124, . egich. 3 and FANCY WORK ny lovely effects, fine trong new clasps, at and 2.95 cach. 1:50 We are always in the lead in Shoes at this price. Our stock and our os sortment is large and up-to-date giv are as solid as the money will bu Pin Dongola Kid, Blucher Cui Dull Top, 3 to 7 nx Dongola Kid, Laee, Patent Tip. Back Strap ci suse $1.50 Fine Dongola Kid, Lace, } Kid Tip, sizes 3 {1.50 Also a spleadid tine" (all sizes) in a Letter frase Done gla Kid, Hig y- Patent ip, Back Strap eine uein. oon oes B Shoe. Store | ED JARGRR PURE WOOL SLIPPERS YEAR 73. TE Furniture Specials NO. 273. This is Saint De 4 Patronal Day of RY, the EINE $ vil'a Xs Limestone Lod, $ AOUW DRESSERS AND STANDS-- 3 meets Thursday 8 at : In Oak, Mahogany or White En- The "Seeial Five" Dance, City Hall, amel, large stock, prices from on night. Orchestra $0.50, $7.50 up; some beauties at ,Sale Sof Farm and Stock, qt W. I Macfarlane's, Pittsburg, at noon! to-mor $14. row. . . - . Read W. J. Fair's Compariso ife RNS] 5 omparisons of Lif TRON BEDS 3 Insurance, on page Six, which will Make White Enamel and Br ass, |men think, strong and durable, $2.75, $3 This day in history '--Sir Henry Huve- 3 IE Al : * WO 1 Jock, died, First maiTioge in 3.50, . Quetice, 1617 Sallie born, 1643; SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES hard Giiva da, W2i Hercules, the best made, $3.50 and WHIG TELEYHONES. £5. Some cheaper lines at $2.50. 248--Business OfMce. 229--Rditorial Rooms, 202--Jobbing Department; HBmbossing and Engraving a Robert J. Reid Leading Undertaker 230 & 23014 Princess Street 6 Doors"sbove the. Opéra House Telephone 577 Ambulatice Call 577 DO YOU KNOW As a matter of fact that McAuley is selling Books at half-price ? D0 You that you can save money hy Realize buving vour Christmas gifts now at McAuley's ? Do vou know that McAuley keeps his shop open until 9 pam. the public and himself ? for the use. of If you don't know, it is time you did Did vou tain Pens yet? get one of those 81 Foun- We have a few left. T. McAuley Pearsall's Millinery We have a fine variety of Dressy Silk Velvet Hats, in styles that catch the eye 'of the severest critic. And alse a large variety of Children's Toques, Tams, Bonnets, Hoods and Coats, all of Bear Skins, at tempting prices. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess Street E endeavor to make the best Footwear that can be made. Try a pair for this fall's use. WEAR ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 84 Brock Street Sign of Golden Boot ROBERT J. REID .THE LEADING UNDERTAKER "Phone 577, 227 Princess St Sherriff'sdellyPowder win be demonstrated in Our Store for week, Nov. 16th al invitation is one and a extered to every- body to call and try it. to 22nd, Wo alse have a full stock of Sherrifi's Pure Fxtracts Sherriff 's Scotch Marmalade Sherrift's Homemade Marmalade James Redden & Co. The Home of Good Groceries { Br. Brocl's gum best, 'monthly 'med on ladies. Sold Ron, Aves xe BL DRT on recelp! of price "PAKE NOTICE For a Vall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove come aiid see me as I have the largest stock 1 have ever had ; also a lot of araitase and Carpets. Everything TURK'S SECOND.EAND IAKD_ STORE 8.18 p.m. sets at 4.29 pom. PP DAILY MEMORANDA. The Careful buyers Come to Campbell Bros® H. B. Jrving, for Furs at Grand Opera House, The sun rises Friday at 7.03 a.m., and specialty, We are at present showing the most complete assortment ever displayed. "No only in the city but anywhere in Canada. Come in and examine the pretty China. You dont need to buy, it will please you to see them Robertson Bros. Of course; include those made of Mink, quite a popular skin this year. We have a number of Sets made up in this . "material. Stole and ff to match. All other #2. of Furs at varying prices, all well made and de- signed after the best models. Furs are things you don't often buy, get them do make a purchase. We guar- antee every article that leaves sour store. nence you want to genuine when you JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK STREET KINGSTON Reliable Footwear For Boys want for this Just what you ; time of year. Something that will stand 'the wear and téar, $1.50 and $1.75 Large Children's Slippers. H. Jennings, King St. il ee range of 'For Every Variety of REAL ESTATE WLLL INSU RANCE -- Witte's return to to vent Count " - No. 1 Tnivorsal meat chopper is. just the wice for house wse Strachan's hardware. Get coal, Swift's Scranton coal, the First Attempt To Exclude LIVELY LITTLE WAR to China! China! ||iwtion of th of Thirty-two Monday, refused permission to land, the immi- gration support' themselves. the immigration 'board. respondent of 'the Express savs: the ituation is exeeadingly serious. ee and Spain have agreed to com- bine and force Europe's terms on This means another will be ° rumor was current in the lobby of the Fashionable ime i tom i a. he T that James Bryes, the anthor of. "The American Commenwealth." and now chief seerctary for Ireland, pe urs is likely to be selected to fill the vacant ambhssadorship at Washing ton. No confirmation of this rmmor can be obtained, and it is helieved girl. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 33c. Mahood's drug store. 4 K vou have always dealt with Mr. Prevost, at the New York clothing ----f.r vour coal, don't change until store. Brook street, has made 'a great you want something better. Swiit'sa reduction in price, in the order and | Scranton coal. a made clothing department. also Ki pts are being made in Russia | the gents' furnishing, Everything will Chinese. WHEN EUROPE'S TERMS ARE FORCED ON MOROCCO. James Bryce the Man Likely to Be American = Ambassador -- Salvation Army is Bringing Out Many Immigrants. London, Nov. 22--The first exclude Chinese attempt from landing in now occupying the immigration board. Chinamen, from Hone arrived at Gravesend, on en route to Liverpool, wera Kono. who officers 'basing m the Chinamen their refusal lacking means They to appealed to Lively Little War. London, 'Nov. 22.--The Tamwier cor Morocco, and inorder to do this they will have to land troops and = fight. little war. which and serious while it the outcome is cer- lively ts, althourh James Bryce The Man. Londen, Nov. 22.--An interesting the government has not vet even de cided the matter. ---- In Pitiable Condition. . Londen, Nov. 22. The liner Volokia arrived from Liban. with 500 emi- erants bord for Camada. Tt is sta ted that their condition is pitiahie, as many had sold their all to pay and were mosteinagleonntely att Fifty Nestor. Christians 'from Per for "1 Saskatchewan, and seventy- seven British emigrants sailed from Liverpool, for Canada, v un der the auspices of the Salvation Army sia, vestery COBALT MINES. What is Going on in the Stock Markets. Toronto, Nov. 2l.--An impending deal with the Trethewey property has to Cobalt promoter of stimulus McCuaig, given a smart stocks,. J. C. the company, went to New York, on Saturday last, and it was announced on Monday, that two large financial control stock. In fly since houses prepared to buy or a large block of the Trethewey stock an advance of ¢snts a share have heen made Monday, or 25 per cent. increase. The Green Mbchan shares' put on the market have not shown any enquiry, ' as there was a misunder- standing regarding the capitalization. A statement issvad hy the com pany this morning showing that of the capitalization of $2,500,000 5 mil- lion remains in the treasury for pur- chasing other properties. This chang ed sentiment in regard to the shares and a much better demand appeared The prices of other active firm, with the exception which is showing softness. This is at tributed to many selling out their Foster to buv smaller priced stock. The exuberance of the mining market to-dav overshadowed the local stock market and practically 'cut out specu lation in other securities. were was i=sues was of Fosthr, ALARM GROUNDLESS. So They Say, But They Send "Along Troops. Nov. 22.---Senor of mariné, announced in the chamber of deputies, to-day, that alarm over the situation in Morocco was groundless. He added that war- ships already at Tangier would be withdfawn when the Infanta Isabel, Pelavo and Maria De Molina amived there. Moreover they were sent only to ensure the carrying out of the Algeci ras agreement, Despite this statement the arfxietyyis not allayed. The war- ships ecarry(500 troops, and it is stat- ed 500 morp will follow shortly. It is also reportdd that France is preparing to despatch 500 'wops to co-operate with the Spanish/forces, Madrid, Alvarado, minister It is one of the most wonderful tonics for developing the figure, mak- ing bright -eyes. red lips and rosy cheeks ever offered, to the' American a great reduction in stock is well goods in every be offered at The with new price, assorted, cure for marked | department? A big bottle of cough syrup. vom: posed of "wild cherry and tar, a sure coughs and colds, only 20c., GERMAN RIPPER CRIMES In a Small Village Community. Berlin, Nov, 22.-Two terrible crimes hive been eonmmnitted by the seme per son mear Schandan, a Title village on Elbe. The wile of a quarrvman - was carrying her 'husband's dinner 'when she wos waylaid by a man who de manded her purse. When the woman hesitated the ruffian knocked: her down stabbed her several times in the breast and then proceeded to mutilate her body in am unspeakable fashion. The horrible butchery was witnessed by two Saxon cgstoms officials on the op- posite bank of the river. "Phev were, however powerless to. go to the une fortinate 'woman's assistance. The same cvemimg, and not far from the same spof, a ttle «irl twelve years of age wag attacked by the miscreant who felled her to the ground and cut her throat. Startle. I -- een PRINCE HENRY OF REUSS, . The most accomplished and talented of German Princes at present United States. COST A LARGE SUM THE ESTIMATE IS MADE AT $125,000,000, visiting the Georgian Bay Canal Next En- gineering Work Canada Will Undértgke--Says a Minister of the Government. Montreal, Nov. 22.--The Georgian Pay ship canal, from Georgian Bay to Montreal, is a thing of -the near fu ture." This statement, made a day or two ago by the Hon, Rodolphe Lemieux, may be regarded as significant, and, taken in conjunction with the an- nopncement thyt the field survey work in connection with the scheme, which has been under way for the past two years, has now been completed, will doubtless have the effect of reviving interest in one of the most gigantic plans that have ever occupied the at tention 'of the Dominion parliament, ga scheme which ranks in magnitude be side that of the Panama canal and channel tunnel projects. The scheme is, briefly, a canal from the Great Lakes to Mon to construct treal by way of the French River, Lake Nipissing, and the Ottawa river The firgt project was for a fourteyn foot chabnel, which it was estimated would 3,808,000, soon. superseded by ia proposal for a twenty -foot channel, the estimated cost of which was set down at ¥ 2 but thik was cost 672,000, According to this scheme, there would be fifty locks in the total distance of 130 miles, giving ®a gradu al ascent from Montreal to Lake Nip issing of 621.5 feet, and a descent from Take Nipissing to Georgian Bay of 60.30 fee This scheme in turn, was supersed ed by the pre sent proposal,: which is to make a twenty-two foot channel, at a £o8t of about §125,000,000. The mag nitude of this proposal will be under stood when it i pointed out that such a sum is almost-eqnal to the total au thor zed capital stock of the Canadian P would save seventy-two hours in traffic irom the Great Lakes to Montreal, and 500 miles in dis tance, if TWO VESSELS COLLIDE And Nine of the Crews' Are Missing. Cherbourg, France, Nov, 22.----A des Bate bh received here reports that | the North German steamer Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse, which left Southampton and Cherbourg, for New York, vester day, has bean in collision" with the Royal Mail steamer, Orinoco. Both vessels were severely damaged Four members of . the crew of the Naizer Wilhelm are. reported killed while a number are injured. Five members of the ers of the Or- inoco are missing, and are supposed to have been. drowned. The Orinoco 14t Southampton, yesterday, for West Indian ports, and-New "York. On Monday night Father Keboe will be presented with a purse of gold and an address in St. James' chapel, ator Sullivan will read the address, A big sum hat been subscribed, citizens submerishig S800. Sen- If vou once try' Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache, biliousness or constivation. vou will pevgr be with out them, They are purele veritable: empl] afiil easy to taker- Pont forget this. Huvler's Washington Toffee, fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, RE ae soal that has quality, at Wade's drug store. four A meeting of the committee for com solidating the by-laws has been called | by for Fridaf afternoon at four o'clock Calls Hon. Dr. Pyne A Gramophone. ASSAILS DR. SEATH HE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR SUPERINTENDENT. Inspector Scott, Renfrew County, Takes a Few Rounds Out of the Education Department -- Has Also Something to Say of Premier's Utterances. Eganville, Ont., Nov, 21.--The state. ment of R. G. Scott, public school inspector, Renfrew, that incompetence reigns in the department of education, that Hon. Dr. Fyne is not qualified for his position, and that Dr, Seath is not a suitable person for his present posi- tion, has caused considerable comment here. Mr. Scott makes his allegations in his annual report to the county council, He says the people of Ontario should call a belt and consider where they are at in educational matters, That a re- medy can ever be got from depart- mental sources is, he declares, mani- festly absurd. The people alone know what the people need and they alone ean provide satisfactory remedies. The insufficient supply of teachers he blames upon the Ross-Harcourt re- gime, the abolition of the old time primary cortificate and the taking of the power to deal with these certi ficates from county boards of examin- ers. When came, the chgnge of government the inspector continues, instead of the advent of an energetic, able minister of education, "a more incom- petent person could not have been se- lected." He knew "practically no- thing about educational matters or the workings of the public school sys- tem of the province." "From what has now developed," says the ifspector, *'it is evident that he never intended to be the real min- ister of education." Mr. Scett continues by commending the legislature of 1871 for placing the public school "system Free ible and competent mipister," and adds : "The premier instead of seleet- ing such a man as minister of educa- tion adopted a widely different course; he created the offiee of superintendent of education and clothed that office with powers and functions which prac- tically make the holder of it the real minister of oducation, without being responsible to the people, and result in making the nominal minister of education # mere gramaphone of = the one who'in reality exercises the func tions of the minister of education and does his work. At best the plan is ex- pensive, circuitous and uncertain. Un- der a minister of education who is really fit for his position: there is np room for a superintendent of educa tion. If a minister of education is not fit for his position, why should he be there, above all. places; if he is fit, why should there be an expensive of- ficer for the performance .o6f services that are not required, and for which there is no room." The creation of the position ol su- education is alleged made to ~ mike atone: unfitness of the minister: " Mr. Scott perintendent of to have been ment for the "The prese nt incumbent, Flies: 'has not been a public school teacher or ingpector. He was not edu- cated in the' public schools 'of the country and knows practically little of their working." The: appointment of Dr. Seath as in- spector of high schools, immediately succeeding his arrdignment of Hon. G. W. Ross in 1884, was, he says, "equal ly' disgraceful, both to Mr. Ross and Mr. Seath." JA The minimum salary «enactment is provision is wrong in this country is evident. That is is plainly very wrong in a country like this where thirty per- mits have to be given to teachers without any qualifications, in order to keen the schools open, goes for the | saving, and proves conclusively that | Mr. Whitney's pre-election utterances about our public schools greatly standing in need of something to be done for them were very cloudy and Hazy locubrations." Mr. Scott urges that power should be given to inspectors and local boards to 'supply schools with « third . class teachers. The recent appointment of a provin- cial inspector of continuation classes is characterized as "absurd and un- necessary." Complaint i= also made that the special government 'grant was not ap- portionsd among the schools accord ing to attendance, but was, bv diree- tion of the department, divided equal Ive gamong the schoolé: of each town- hip. Mr. Reqtt sums up what he deems is wanted to improve the teaching in the schools ar follows: "Te remove the prekent administrators from power and do away with a vseless and irrespon- sible superintendent of education," and to enlarge the scope and powers of the local bos ards, relegate matters to them. and have less departmental meddlesomeness in the details of schools." ; bs number of men housed in a ding at Toromtg," heideclares, "are not competent to arrange and at the city hall. | boat, described as "the first taste of a bur- caueratic ov departmental system wherghy the freedom of the contract | is takdn away." He adds © "That the turning to London, Nov. 22.- man, Harold Carroll, of military life, has pular sympathy. C abilities and ficer's commission in of two years. He soon found that of a second which is e~pivalent t suffice to maintain "an officer and below 81.80 a day. auit the serviee, vately, another regiment. mystified eyessed what might have enjoyed ranks of his new regi tunately he confided t he Hi had that he was immedint await the decision Lieutenant Carroll having been dismissed vice for being absen This means that he arme In an interview, 8 said bitterly : "1 spects, influential relatives tc 1 can do now is to States and join the love the military a soldier in some oth nied Tha wind may how coal in the furnace. HAS FOU Zhe Deseronto--The 22.- by Toronto, Now. Resolute, owned contractors, gap this morning: reach ore in a 8 the crew "were lost. T John Burns, firema Nels The Resolute, I ozke, with was from been lving off the w two o'clock, vesterds ing for the weather as to get into At John Sullivan, in ee en and determined shore in the boats. ( men WAR upset drowned. Those on were saved and were livan, Capt. John Hicks, wheelsman; M. zig Callaghan, cook. The body of Top chore. The Resolute has to picves, but the Le the gale outside the All that is in sig craft is the top of a canvas floating last company. The storm on the manner, Toronto, Nov. 22.- genernl manager of t the banks of Canada in a period of twent last ten of which we ampled prosperity, af monstrated to be esse Our No. 1 is" just the 'size isfaction at Dy, M nday and The . kategt Eon "The Scarlet nivhtly Seats on Sule Nov, 28th, 20th, "" manage the affairs of the country," COULD NOT AFFO RD IT. Irish - Soldier Dismissed For missed from the British arme undee circumstances which have ardused po- industrious study, won his way from the ranke to an of Rangers in the unusually short period liewtenant of the position of n a gentleman." with all the coonomy he could exer- cise he could not reduce his expenses other income and was not willing to | and re-enlisted as a private in his fellow officers, but none to an officer in the new command in which he was serving. Ws of the war office. This has now been given, and Second in any capacity. have now no pro- 1 haven't a penny. serviee, home will he comfortable with Swift's THE STEAMBARGE RESO- LUTE WENT DOWN, Six of the Crew Lost Their Lives in Trying to Reach Shore -- Barge Laden With Coal. foundered off the western John Harrison, chiof engineer, De- soronto, Thomas Topping, second engineer, Teseronto. David White, deckhand, Prescott. Harry McGregor, fireman, Bath, England. Neilson, wheelsman, Erie with coal for Rogers & Co., and both vessels Toronto harbor, 4.50 o'clock this morning, the Resolute was likely to try and from ney and Miller Phrthabéd the ill-fated spring, from the Rathbun was one of the worst experienced, the waves lashing the chore in a furious The wind is still very high. To Bank Shareholders. Scotia, in a letter to the Globe, calls the attention of bank shareholders to the fact that twenty- of external inspection, ence in the western hemisphere has de- Universal meat chopper Strachan's hardware. Trusses the kind that give you sat Chown's.; IN (GRAND (OPERA JHOUSE ) TWO NIGHTS ONLY wazand NOV. 26 and 27 { route to Atmolutély the greatest' coinedy treat ever witnessed in this oily. Entire change of costumes and program Prices--25c., 35¢. Ranks. =A younr Irish- a keen devotes Res | just been dis- 'urroll, by his had the Connaught the daily pay infantry, - o R126, did not Even As he had no sold his kit pri- |, s disappearance happened. He obsourity in the ment, but unfor- he circumstances The result was ely snspended to is pamtted as 1 from the - ser- t without leave. cannot join the aturdav. Carroll I haven't » appeal to. All go to the United army there, | and will be er commtre if the privileme of serving in my own is de {4 1 outside, Your NDERED Tug had a "The steambarge Haney & Miller, In an effort to mall boat, six of hey are : n, Port Colborne, her consort. the had estern pap since Ay morning, wait. to moderate #0 Capt, ymmand, saw that to go to piee- and reach Ine containing six all on hoard the second boat Capt. John Sul- Fahey, Andrew Haney, and Liz ping was washed practically gone wke is riding out gap. ht. of the sunken mast with some it. Messrs. Ha- lake, last night, H, C. Mcleod, he Bank of Nova five per cent, of haye failed with- y-8ix years, the re years of unex- nd upges the need which experi- ntial. for house use, Mysteries" Auspraling , 50c., 75¢. jt! , Dec. 1st. Rag a A dg gn Aaa } 1 T0- MORROW © 8 1 | 3% LB 8° i Tab } Collars | § represented. Some of Silk MUIR Gnd | 4 . There is about twenty dozen } in the lot, many lkinds are others of Lace, and a few § very dainty Wash Collars. ; They come in white, white with black, and black, alse Q in various colors, A few are slightly rumpled with store handling, but every piece is worth more than double what you'll be asked to pay for it. We will The 50, 60c, to $1 Kinds Salé for One Hour only. | No cxchange Made. Steacy' S FERGUSON --Entered into rest, Novens ber 22+! 1906, Mary, beloved wife of Professor George D. Ferguson, Quoen's University, * GR GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO=-NIGHT 1 Only Appearance Here 4 y Pot the. Eminent English Actor H. B. IRVING Supported By } Miss Dorothea Baird And a completes London company in the Satuplnts plays THE LYONS MAIL p F p p ni ' By 'Charles Reade With. Mr. Irving in the dual characters "PUBOSC and "R URS". Pr ed by KING RENE'S DAUGHTER As atranged by Sir Henry Irving. Miss Baird as "lolan Prices, $1.50, $1, 78¢c., B0c., Bey Box Seats, $2. ? Seats now on Sale, Friday, Nov. 23rd Charles Gilder Presents Nell Twomey's Doabtiful Comedy: Daina The Wayward Son A Thrilling Four Act Play, replete with Ludicrous Comedy ented by EDWARDS. Sy Sa ; SRECIAL 15-25-3550 Fi Seats now on Sale, Bg Cd

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