Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1906, p. 8

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1% an tives. thin te trate cocks. tho' Algoma - Bearshare which wh' tl pen A hy 4 rently jincteise itd output and make it powsiplie or the on structural > eron 75.000 er than in any former 0.000 an ie facts are Dving 2roubie find help cure grain, The farmers are four cents wu bushel bles men to for huskors, ich enn ng from 3 50 a day with hoard, govkrament of Peru has Jrchibited Tithe shirment of silver from that country. Pa leaving the eountry are searched and any silver in excess of $10 is scized. This arbitrary stand is necessary by the scarcity of silver and its rapidly advanci A great anti-trust obtain parliament's assent 20,250,000 vn a sehome for supplying ondon and surrounding country with re ity. A central generating station 7.000000, A went i ih 7 5 wren wipe will be piven London's iridustries if "he scheme goes through. - el Salé of ladies' hats at Corripan's. + at the New York ¢lothing store, Brook street, has made a great reduttion in price, in the order and rogdtamede clothing tment; also the gents' furnishing. evrything will be offered at a great reduction in ¢ flake Baking Powder gives per- feet satisfaction, because it is scienti- y ¥ prepared from pure English feroam of tartar and soda, and costs but. 25c. & i or onohall the price twunlly paid. dt is made fresh overy week at Best's, : the best time to buy weather Come and see our assortment. Made of good quality, all wool English Serge, full kilted Skirt-- Blouses made in loose sailor § style, trimmed with fancy stitching and cream braids, large collars, Suitable for ages 4to10 years This comprises the complete. lot of the. largest manufacturer in the country and will be found exceptional value. 'The s at which we quote these dresses is : y less than the present cost of the material. i i i [Titel got Eh TS aed ie { j £ g nessing the annoyance caused men by a ring of the bell almost fore they are on Whe ear, aad subsequent collapse ss a repult sudden jolt. There are many servous Who cannot stand such shoek, and to walk, and of these my wife is one. The first in the car take faint the atlt, so Unto 'wuman often has to travel the of the car) with no strap to support horsell, and runs the fisk of slipping on the corns or buni of some = i iF 3 3 2 a 3 elevated toe of some urchin. But, sie, this "step lively" placard is an indication that we can learn to swift even from the slowest, for it s Wn ° indication that the car eom- pany is setting, slow, antiquated old Kingston a swifter pace, and that One tay even hove for a ten-minute street car service, for who will say that a twenty-minute service is not a disgrace to even Kingston. No wondir we make a retrograde movement to the wear when the census man comes' jound } Our stagnant po- pulation and' doubtful prosperity would vanish but for the public institutions, and the annual "fair," with its "chestnut" horse rac- 8, and accompanying deficits, % Kisieston has its matiral advan- tages, but they are not utilized = or appreciated by its Yorpid population ond hamdrun aldermen. As I said be fore; the street car service is ubsatis- fuetorv, to put it mildly, and the lighting: system of the city is not much better, It has not an hotel worthy of the name, nor an up-to date restaurant. Its roads are in a disoracelul condition 'the: mest of the year, and, until quite recently, pédes- triane were in danger of life and limbs from the defective sidewalks all over the city, A swimming bath, or baths of any kind, a museum or pic- ture gallery, a public library, or any institution that would make for the comfort and' wellbeing of the people are foreign to Kingston. Outside of the opera honse, the i of which are invariably ex: orbitant, there is not a public place of recreation in the town, excepting the saloons; no place where a work: ingman and his family could spend a half holiday or a Sunday afternoon. Therefore, sir, this "step lively" pla- card should be welcome as a good omen. Keep it up in the cars if only to deceive ourselves that we belong to a very "lively" town. 1 do not tter myself by assum- ing that anything I could say would pull us out of our "slough of de- spond." Our leading citizens, 1 sup- pose, will continue to button-hole the voter, to get around the "Horseshoe," to strue~le like a child at a bauble, until they feel the chain around their their picture taken and imasine they have done something. MeGill University is doing something this winter to popularize education in that city by means of free lectures in literature, and 1 would be re- Joiding to see some of Queen's profes- sors interpst themselves in this way for the benefit of those of our neople who are '"'hankerine and thirsting"' for knowledre. As the Star says : "Toso pourses are the university of a ureat body of citimns who have been prevented bythe necessity of earning a living from following in the paths of science and philosophy, but whose lave for these pursuits economic stress has not obliterated." I would also like to see a free night ool combuéted by some of our vri- versity feionds, the more so, heeause 1 was personally benefited. 1 nicht say blessok-by such an institution in Kingston some years ago. »residod over by' the late lamented Principal Grant, of blessed memory. 1 think this was the only night school over conducted ih Kingston, but the re sult of ite influesi upon' me has been: a hever-ending®®ourde of delicht and inspiration. STEP LIVELIER J Killed By Spur Of Rooster. Lockport, Nov. 21.--Frederick Bol- ton, sixtyffive years old, came to his death in a veculiar manner yester- day. Recontly he went to his barn to seouro chicken which he intended to kill for dinner. He caught ome of them, anl as ho attempted to leave the chicken vard a large Plymouth Rock rooster jumped at him and struck the man in the arm with its spur, Blood poison set in and two days afterward he died. Failure Of The Irish Potato Crop. Dublin, Nov. 21.--The blight in the potato crop which appeared in (has almost completely destroyed © the potato crop Tn the south and weet. As it ie the staple crop in the districts where it has heen a failure. the con- gested districts hoards are taking steps to relieve the peasants from any suf- | This is thgrweather that sives colds, Gibson's Red Cross Congh Svre cures en hs and colds. Take wo other. No more moonlight rambles to the finmace room to find ant why the house it coldif vou ont Swift il for 5%.. at Corciean's.. CE fering daring the coming winter. ! Ga ptain A Present. The R. AS Stine Belleville is on the season. She pass- od up to-day and will go into winter quarters at Toronto. In connection with "the closing of navigation the erew of the steamer presented Capt. J. P, Stevenson, of Avonmore, Ont., with a fine hone. The presenta- tion was by Thomas Matier and the captain in a pleasing manner. Capt. Stevenson is one of the most masters' on the lakes. Ce ------------ Seventy Years Of Age. One of the oldest residents of the city of Kingston, in the person of ex-Ald. William Adams, shoemaker, 70 nok street, Ras just celdbrated his soventioth birthday. Monday marked the happe event, and he bn been fe: ceiving' the . congratulations of his fnany friends. Mr. Adams was born in County Longford, Ireland, and came to Kingsfon when he was not quite three years of age, and has re- sided hero oves'sinee. He has been in business for forty-five years, and for thirty-eight years hv conducted a stare an. Reock streot directly upposite hig present loeation. ---- The Cadets Default. The Royal Military College team, intermedinte pions of the Inter- collegiate Rugby Union, will not play any wore this seison. They 'have had enough rugby for this year. The Cana- dian Unicn had ordeted the Rough Riders H 'snd RM.C. I to play the ame in Brockville, and Manager F. 'hittick of the Ottawa team communi. cated with Kingston regarding dates, He was informed yesterday by the football t that the R. NM. C. could not Rn. so they would al low thé game to go hy default. This means Rough Riders 11's will have to play the winners of the Ontario Un- ion, which in all likelihood will be the intermediate Hamilton Tigers. ------------ Beautiful Zephra. Zophra is surely winning its way Fo inh ry favor, and theatre-goers and lowirs of thg.artistic and beguti- ful are. ausiously, guaiting the open- ing performance, , Wednesday evening, November 28th. Rehearsals are being held afternoon and evening under the direction of H. 1. Booth, of Boston, and Mr. Booth assures us of its artis tic success, and it is earnestly hoped the friends of the youn people who are participating. in the great spec- tacle will rally to their support. and rive fin a rousing send-off on the opening night, and show by their attendance their appreciation of the work dome. If you miss seeing Zophrg you will ry miss the treat of a life time. Watch the daily papers for news of beautiful Zephra. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, itis. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. A safe investment, coal from Swift's. Did won see the @9c. ladies' hat at Cortican's ? : William Swain, piano tumer, Orders received at McAuley's book store. There are at present three cases of diphtheria in the general hospital. Toronto public school children have subscribed $640 toward the Muir me morial fund. Chamois vests and chest protectors. Buy thom at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A deaf mute sent to Toronto from Kingston has been returned to King- ston. Theman was only passed along from here, We are showing more ladies' and children's ready-to-wear hats at 19. to T9c...cat Corrigan's. A carload of scenery has arrived in the city from Sherbrooke, © Quebec, for the production of Zephea, to be put on by local talent. : Fire out? Sometimes fuel. Swift's has quality. Scenery" to he by the H. HB. Irving company at the Grand to-mor- row night, arrived in the city this af- ternoon, and one of the stage carpen- ters arrived to 'look after it. : Ladies' ready-to-wear hats, 5%. Corrigan's. If vour bin is empty let us fll it with Swift's Scranton coal. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of People--What They Are Sa and Doing. Frandis King left * to-day for New it is poor ork. - - W. 8. Robins, Brantford, is in the city on, business, i ev. "Father O'Connor, 'of Napanee, June | was in the city, Tuesday, oh his way to Kemptville, Mrs. D. Murphy, Brewer's. Mills, spent a few days with Mrs/ (Capt) T. Murphy. Bagot street. Miss Mabel . Mile, treal street, has returned from Toronto after a pleasant visit with" friends. F. Conway, general freight and pas- senger . agent of the K. & I', went to Montreal on business to-day. George Darragh, foreman of the Carpentery department. at the Cana- dian Locomotive Works, is in Har rowsmith on business. Next tine sive Swift's your coal arder, Note the difference, Frosh Faclish horehound, in twisted sticks, at Pest's. i Hat wings 8, Be, 10e, 15¢. Corripun's. als : Do Your year or so, we Our salespeople they know, so well how to do. of Laidlaws'. ave given more attention to, practical and truly pleasing gifts. ; ; are many. They are all here in your interest--paid to show, suggest, and if you wish, sell to you. Bat, whether you buy or not, be sure they will treat you right royally -- 3 + 'Xmas Shopping In, November Values Are Just As Good--If Not. Better Now, And As Sooner You Come, the Better for Yourself. .. . HIS fall has slipped by so natutilly that most people have hardly noticed the date on the calen- dar ut now, po att how bard it is to realize, shoppi left until , is true ichangeable. 0 eye Levers bh yo ro minds for weeks back--months, we might say. You'll find our store filled with a splendid stock of seasonable suggestive things from which ¢ your 'Xmas remembrances--a bigger stock. and a better stock than we have ever had bef ties are here in plenty. But, taking the- hints from the general trend of the holiday demand of the and collected a more varied stock of, the usely| Just remember these very important facts--that you too soon, now ; and that you'll have to go a long way to fin the fact that there are only four weeks of 'can't start your 'Xmas shopping a day d a better place to shop, than the stor. Le} choose Novel- ore. S and 4c. a yard. for making 'Xmas Roman Silks Filo Silks ors, at at be. a spool. Se. g spool. Amongst the NEW RABY RIBBONS, either. silk or satin, all widths and shades, at 2, 3 NEW NARROW DRESDEN BABY RiB- BONS, at 5 and Se. NEW DRESDEN RIBBONS, especially workhags, spec- ials at 33 and 35c. a yard. Single Berlin Wools Double Berlin Wools Andalusion Wools Ed Zephyr Wools Wyvern Saxony Wools Standard Saxony Wools Shetland Floss Baldwin's Laidlaw's 'Unbreakable' Yarn Corticelli Art Silks a yard. Twisted Embroidery Silks Dresden Silks Mount Mellick Silks Peri-Lustre Silks SILK CHENILLE PON-PONS, all col- 10c. a dozen. CLARK'S BRILLIANT, very popular for fancy work, over 50 shades now, WHITE CROCHET COTTON, all sizes, 'Beehive' Materials for Making Your Xmas Gifts T this time of the year we aim to have our stocks 'of Ribbons, Wools, Art Silks, and such like materials in their most complete state--to serve the extra demand caused by the making of countless "Xmas Gifts. To-morrow you'll find it hard to ask for any regular shade: or effect in these lines which we will be without--in a day or two more, that might not be so hard, though : WOODEN KNITTING NEEDLES, all sizes, 5 and 15¢. a pair. * BLACK RUBBER KNITTING NEE- DLES, at 15 and 20c. a pair. SLIPPER SOLES, with pure soft wool--children's size $ size, 25¢.; Abe. CUSHION COVERS---beautiful new ei- fects moderately priced. a complete Cords, Pure Cushion Forms, Satins and Sateens. NEW COLORED with this silk where white would mar the effect, in pink, blue, yellow and specials at 25 and 35¢.. a yard. HANDKERCHIEF CENTRES, of pure Irish linen, sheer or medium weight, wanted sizes, at from 8 to 25. Also all each, NEW DRESDEN = SILKS, in beautiful effects specially chosen for the "Xmas fancy work, 1.25 a yard. . WHITE BROCADED SILKS, fine qual- ity, 1.20 a yard. CHINA SILKS, all shades, excention- for the Xmas specials~at 25 and 35c. ayard. ally popular covered thickly men's size stock of Cushion WADDING, for use very work, these to-morrow : tifully flowered fancy Xmas boxe tomorrow, only § " NEW CHIFFON each, to 4.75 each. dainty new and 1.75 each, ials at 25¢. each. ty designs, at 25, 1.25 and 1.49 each. Mall Orders Receive Most Careful Attention, CATHEDRAL ROBBED. Treasures Worth Thousands Looted By Vandals, Madrid, Nov . 24.--Art treasures worth 'thousands of pounds have been stolen from the cathedral at Seville, and the greater part of them are be lieved to have beem sold in London and Brussels, 2 The missing objects inelude exgpisite miniatures, large paintings and soulp tures by Alonzo Cano, which are miss: ing from the ghoir. \. Several of the miniatures were found in a dealer's 'shop at Seville, The/cus- todian of the choir has been arrested. Women with weak forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. This magic-like local treatment, is used ime, all night while the sys- tom is at rest, it is constantly tiie ing w » weakened ti , soothing the I Rammed and i surfaces and will surely clean up all eatarrhal and Jocal troubles, Sold by all , Policeman Luké Fitz t Chi 1 pA "Charles Hanson, ar eRtonvict, is dying at St. Ber nards hospital as the result of # fight, r NEW CRAPE NEOKSCARFS FANCY COLLARS, innumerable 19, 69, 75, . should never SPECIAL CRAPE NECKSCARFS, in pink and white, at.25 and 49¢. each. BLACK SPANNISH LACE TIES, up FINE IRISH CROGCHED SETS, very i designs, at 1.25, 1.69, 1.75 and 1.95 go set. BARBY IRISH YOKES, specials at 1.25 FANCY BLACK or WHITE COLLARS extra-specials at 250. FANCY WASH COLLARS, extra-spec- each. The , in beau- designs, put. mp in extra-specials, . each. CKSCARFS, with fancy ends, at 1.25 and 1.49 each. FINE CRAPB NECKSCARFS, at 2.49 1.39, dain- 99, Beautiful Effects In 'Xmas Neckwear, ' Handkerchiefs, Etc, WE give this list, not as a com plete catalogue of all we have, but merely as @ hint of the splendid co llection already on display. Better see all designs, Women's Lace Boots "at $1.50 sig LADIES' "XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS, in fancy cardboard, boxes containing 4 dozen, special ofly #9. a hox. LADIES' "XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS, in dainty plush boxes containing 4 dozen, special only 99¢. a box. LADIES' XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS, very fine pure linen extremely dainty gift boxes contain- ing § dozen, at 1.75 a box. HANDKERCHIEPS, and hemstitched, at 124, 15, 20, 25, 30, 33, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 65c. each. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS, in beaun- tiful Baby Irish and Spannish Lace i 25, 1.50, 1.95, 2.25, 2.50 and up to 4.25 eash. HANDKERCHIEFS, linen, neatly hemstitched, at 10, 12%, 15, 20 and 28c. egch. : OPERA BAGS and FANCY WORK many lovely effects, fine LADIES' broil LADIES' BAGS, in silk-lined, in strong 1.49, 1.75, 249 and 2.95 each. hemstitched, in em- y 1.65, 1.75, pure clasps, at We are always in the lead in SI at this price. Our stock and ow sortment is large and up-to-date goods are as solid as the money will buy Fine Dongola' Kid, Blucher Cut, Lace Dull Top, 3 to 7, .......... 3.0 vi Finé Dongola Kid, Laee, Patent Tip. Back Btrap cai iin wd LM Fine Dongola Kid B sizes 3 to 7 ... if Also a splenidid line '(all sizes) in a better grade Domogla Kid, High "Cuban Heel, Patent Tip, Back Btrap i ti ee S100 Lockett Shoe Stor¢ "S.~WE SELL THE CELEBRAT ED JARERR BURE WOGISSLIPPERS YEAR 73. NO. 27 : urnitir Specials " DRESSERS AND STANDS-- In Oak, Mahogany or Whit amel, large stock, prices $0.50, $7.50 wp; some beaut $14. IRON BEDS-- White Enamel and Br strong and durable, $2.7 £3.50, ete. SPRINGS AND NATTRESSES. Hercules, the best made, $3.5 £5. Some cheaper lines at § Robert J. Re Leading Undertaker 230 & 23014 Princess St 6 Doors"above the. Opéra House Telephone 577 Ambulatice Call 577 DO YOU KNG As a matter of fact that McA selling Books at half-price ? D0 YOU Realize that you can save mon buving vour Christmas gifts nc McAuley"s ? Do vou know that McAuley kee shop open until 9 pan. for the the public and himself ? If you don't know, it is tim did Did vou get one of those $i {ain Pens yet ? We have a few T. McAule Pearsall's Milline We have a fine variety Dressy Silk Velvet Hat in styles that catch ti eye 'of the severest criti And alse a large varie of Children's Toque Tams, Bonnets, Hoods ar Coats, all of Bear Skin at tempting prices. Pearsall's Milling 228 Princess Street WE endeavor to make the Footwear that can be Try a pair for this fall's use WEAR ALLEN MILITARY BOOTMAK 84 Brock Street sign of Golde ROBERT J. REI .THE LEADING UNDERTAKER "Phone 577, 227 Princess Sheriffs ellyPo | be demonstrated in Our Si one week, Nov. 16th I invitation is to 22nd, exterfed to body to call and try it. Wo also have a full stock of Sherrifi's Pure Fxtrac Sherriff 's Scotch Marmal Sherrift's Homemade Marn James Redden & The Home of Good Groce "TAKE NOTICE For a Vall Stove, Parlor Kitchen Range, gr any other come afid see me as I have the Stock 1 have ever had ; also Furpiture and = Cagpets. Ev cheap. 4 : TURK'S SECOND-HAXD 598 Princess Si For Every Variety of. : REAL ESTAT] "AND INSURAN( Enquive at de a R CSR _Huvler's Washington Toffee, Gibson's Red Cross drug stor

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