Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1906, p. 3

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Athletesg> is reg em she on Unsurpassed for Bicycliste Large bottle, 25 cents. An Excellent Hair Ros and Scalp Cleanser ne "If mot for sale at your drjexist can always be ? pa ge a3 procured at' James B. Dr. Scott's ute Liniment P re. St. in B... and Charts! EST QUALI EST qua FY EST FIT MALL STORE MALL PROFITS ELECTED SKINS BEingutows Oaly Fu ~ W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK ST. Phone 700 sp iene ii, FOR' CHRISTMAS -------------------------------- Nothing ; we are -onfi- dent, will be more aporeci- ated this season than A Diamond Ring Set, either single, double or Jhree stone styles. hought right, an ex- Wh nm A MON DS prove cellent investment. Our prices for HIGH-CLASS GEMS You will find very reason- able. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses ' When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton as he handles nothing else Breas eresstssssanesel Thursday We Will Sell Ladies' Elastic Knit Unshrinkable Under- near at a Bargain Vests are buttoned in ront, trimmed with lace, lave long sleeves with lose fitting cuffs in four izes. ee eReeT ERE ~~ The Drawers are ankle ength, open or closed tyles and in four sizes. This is the best line of Jnderwear in the city at 5¢C. asuit., Our This price will 0c a Suit --Or-- 25¢. a Garment IEWMAN & SHAW c § ht KINGSTON 60D. SPECIALS For To-Morrow : pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, © full. 3} yards long and 60 inches wide, only two patterns to select from, but the pattern won't make much difference when you come to get $1.50, for 98¢c. pair. for 10c a yard 400 Yards 15¢ Percaline #0 yards Black Peroaline Lining, *36 inches wide, perfect black, sold all over Kingston, at 10c. 15¢c. yard, TO-MORROW, rd. « s 5 50c Bleached Linen, 35¢ § pieces Bleached 'Table Damask, 84 inches wide, four good patterns to select from. Buy your Table Linen TO-MORROW while you buy 50¢. Linen for 85¢. yard. Dress Goods All Wool Venetian! Cloth, in Navy, Black and Maroon, 42 inches "wide, if you can use any of the shades mentioned you can save 16¢c. per yard, 65c. goods for 49¢c. yard, 48 inches, in all shades, the $1 quality for 69c. yard. THR Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street. SR Supplies For The County ; Gaol. SEALED eived dt the oifice of the Clerk, Court House, Kingston, soon of THURSDAY, for the whole or ahy lowing supplies to be County Gaol for one 1906. Mutton, 'Barley, Pepper, up part of the urnished at year Bread Oatmeal, Brown Family per lb. Beans, fe Electric Soap. at Talatows, Carrots, Peas, at ------ per bushel. Nees, Milk, Aunerican Coal ---- per gallon. Hand Threshed Oat, Straw at bundle of 12 Ibs. The above to be and to Oil be subject to the aporoval TENDERS WILL BE RE- County to November 22nd, fol- the commencing Brown Cornnieal, and Turn- at per supnlied as required of the Goverior of the Gaol or such other person as the Warden ay appoint, Ww. J. FRANKLIN. Ward W. EDWARDS Cony Clerk. Kingston Business College : (LIMITED) Head of Queen. street: Kingston, Canada, devoted to higher Com: mercial and Shorthand education. II Commercial subjects taught. Individual instruction. Day and ming classes. Enter at anv time. Rates moderate, At the best, H. F. METCALFE, Prin. BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and ® now open to the travelling public, W TELFER . Proprietor 14th Band and C Orchestra ® it os oe a, aamruction An, Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Address Bandmaster Watson H. Walker, Try a Pound of Nyers' HOME: MADE Sausages For Sunday's Breaklast. 80 Brock Street. ee ------ INSURANCE AND FINANCE Melntyre & Melntyre BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN "KING STREET. KINGSTON busineas ot the late C. G oie a offer." woe © Carried on in his G. A Bateman CUSTOMS HROKER w | Wh for the last five been associated with Mr. Olver READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY. For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting aiaks, closets, drains and for many other purposes. A can equale 20 pounds S$AL SODA. , SOLD EVARYWHERE. EW. GILLETT goumary TORONTO.ONT. were noted for their well preserved complexions --and they used Baby's Own Soap It was then, as it is now, the best soap for toilet and nursery. The delicate fra- grance of its creamy lather is most refreshing. ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED Mens, MonTREAL. 106 REX Hockey Sticks The latest production. Double grooved blades' with serrations in blade and handle. The tough- est wood used--VYellow Birch. Natural grain of 'wood follows curvature of blade. Design and trademark fully covered at Ottawa. Imitators will be prosecuted. THE STARR MANUFACTURING CO. Ltd. DARTMOUTH, N.S, CANADA. Bnancu Office: TORONTO, ONT. Sole' 'masufacturers of Starr Skates and Mic Mac Nockey Sticks, Superior Business Training Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Aoderate Rates. T: N. STOCKDALE, Lrincipal. "Phone, 680. NO GREASE OR DANGEROUS DRUGS. n "Herpicide," the New Scientific and Successful Dandruff Treat- ment. Have vou dandruff ? Then you have a contarious parasitic disease, un- pleasant, unhealthy and one that will eventually lead to baldness. To cure it vou must destroy the parasite that eats at the root of the hair. The only preparation for destroying these germs is, Newbro's Herpicide. Charles Klein, of Laramie, Wyo., says: '"Her- picide allayed the itching. cured the dandruff and stopped my hair's fallin out, and it is brin~ine a new ay hair."" Herpicide is free from crease or dangerous drugs, and makes hair glossy 'and soft as. silk. One bottle will convince vou ef its merits. Sold by leadiag druc~~ists. Send 0c. in stamps for sample to: The Herpicide Co., Detroit," Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISRED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- portion, Municipal and County Deben- ures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and integest allowed. a S.C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston a titer iiet REAL ESTATE ~ OR INSURANCE If you want to buy, or sell City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, at 95 'Clarence street, oppgsite Post Office. Tt is reported at St. Thomas that the €..P. R. will soen take over the 1'noge pi, the Pere Marquette in Cane ada. -- Calvo aseaphalic tooth powder And pa at Gibson's Red Cross drug Storewivs (i? 29 DAILY BRITISH wie, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. NEWS OF "THE WORED | Catarrk of the Stomach OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED "IN BRIEF FORM. ' : ---- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The new Campanile been condemned. Mrs. Frank A. Stockton, widow of 4 the novelist, is dead. France has begun the work of esti- matine church property. There is still no settlement of the Hamilton street car strike. E. W. Cox, Toronto, 'was elected vice-president of the 'Conatld Life. in Venice has Mrs, Hetty Green, the richest woman | in America, was seventy-one years old to-day. Mining deals involving $665,000 are in process of consummation at To- ronto. Japanese complain that China is de- liberately hampering them in every way possible, ' John Charlton is suggested as the succession in the senate to the late Senator Vidal, The Toronto' Gas company has agreed to sell gas to the city at seventy-five cents. The United States will have a big supply of turkeys for Thanksgiving day, November 20th. The Toronto Board tender a banquet to Mann on December 14th. They sdle of all French newspapers containing lottery advertisements has been prohibited in Belgium. Terrific rainstorms since Saturday last have left large sections of Tennes- see several feet under water. The North-West mounted police hope to complete the trail from Edmonton to the Yukon by next summer. An Italian lawyer, who tried to cross' the Simplon Pass alone, last month, perished after great suffering. John S, Featherstone will hang on December 12th, for the murder of Mary of Trade will Mackenzie and Ann Dalton, of South Wellington, B.C. . tit George Edwin Dixon, rece ntly mulet ed in London, Eng., to pay £1 500 damages in a breach of promise case, says he is a Canadian, The commission in the McGill case will go to New York shortly to take brokers' evidence, The Bankers' As- sociation is opposed to this course, Hali a dozen government immigra- tions agents have been suspended and a charge that they pocketed Pullman car fare allowances will be investigat- Japan is to return the visit of Prince Arthur of Connaught hy send- ing to England Prince Sedanaru, who has just returned from a visit of state to China. It. is reported at Ottawa that an agreement has been arrived at be tween the Canadian Northern and the Crand Trank Pacific in regard to the Winnipeg terminals. Further discharges of the men of the three negro companies of the Twenty- fifth infantry on. account of the shoot - ing at Brownsville, Tex., is suspended pending further orders. The minister of railways will present to parlinment at its approaching sion a hill to provide for the estab- lishment of a pension system on the government railway system, s0a- \ tornado struck the little town of | Henneger, Alabama, on Sunday, at daybreak, and not a building was left standing. Fifteen stores and reduced to splinters. Mr. Lees, a some time resident of (Cobourg, and born in county Wick- low, is dead in | Manyers, Victoria county, at the age of 106 years. He was a bls rcksmith and a farmer. The death is announced in Montreal of Capt. H. Stemarie, one of the founders of the 65th battalion, Mount Royal Rifles. He was a Fenian raid veteran, He was fifty-six years of age. Two men stole from houses wer a locomotive the rountdhouse of the New" York, New Haven & Hartiord railroad at Hope- well Junction, N.Y., and ran it to Fishkill Landing, where they deserted French and Italian factions at Ni- acara, B.C., a small mining camp fought all night. The Canadian hotel was blown up with dynamite and Miss Louise Hill apd an unknown ltalian were killed. The death of Senator Vidal makes the fifth vacancy in the upper house. The other vacancies were caused by the demise of Senators Black and Church in Nova Scotia and Wark and Dever in New Brunswick. All because a well-known autoist, New York, wanted to give two lk in s the fastest ride of their lives, one of the young ladies is lying now with a broken log; another is dying and the autoist and another man are dead. Friends of Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, the superintendent of the Royal Na- tional Mission to Degp Sea Fishermen, will delighted th know that the king has honored hij with the rank of Commander of Sf. Michael and St. George. Postmaster-General Lemieux an- nounced at Montreal that the govern- ment intended takin steps at the coming session to protect Canada from the vellow press, of the' United States, and to give a preference to British periodicals, Gustav Simon," setiior member of the Queen Waist eompany, with head- quarters at 604-608 Broadway, New York, was shot in his office, receiving a, wound in' the neck from the effects of which 'he died. A woman did the deed. The anarchist, Saverio Lagena, who stabbed and killed Prof. Rossi of the University of Naples, last Sunday night, has been arrested. Lagena showed. no sigre.of repentance, de- claring, "I am not omilty for it was my arm that committed this crime." Michael Patrick Laffey is dying.. He is heir to. one million dollars, and was to have been martied shortly to Miss Marguerite Barron, Ottawa. The dying man was one ¢f the unfortunate pas- sengers in the C.P.R. train wreck, near Kamloops, last week. He was gn his 'way to visit his fiancee. The highwayman's Eldorado is Mont- real. In the last month there have been almost twenty hold-ups and' as a result of one Horace . Grigg. of Toronto, is | dead... William. Hender- be son was relieved of his pursecand a gold watch by two men with revol- « X - vers. | service was | Marysville, A Pleasant, Simple, But ny and Effectual Cure For It. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. Catarrh of the stomach has long batt, Sontidessd the next thing to in- The usual symptoms are a usable or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, Jousing pressure on the heart and Jungs difficult breathing, head- aches, "hake appetite, nerjousness and a general played out'lafiguid feeling, There is often a foul laste in the mouth, coated ec and if the in- terior "of the stomach could be seen CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, secutive imsertion therafter, ic. a Jogt, um chars for 'one. We Advt. 4 lines or under a Week, $1. Everybody in Kingston leads the WHIG it would show a slimy, infl eon- dition. The cure for. thi common and ob- stinate trouble is found in a treat- ment which causes the food to be zeadily, thoroughly idigested before it has time to t and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the sto- mach, To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the ove necessary thing to do and whem normal digestion is se- cured the catarrhal condition will have disappeared. : According to Dr. Harlanson, the safest and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of diastase, aseptic pepsin, a little nux, golden scal and fruit acids, These tab- lets can _now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets and not being a patent moticine ean 'be * tsed «with perfect safoty and assurance that healthy ap- petite and thorough digestion wilt fol low their regular §se after meals. R. S. Workman, Chicago, Ills. writes : "Catarrh is a local eondition resulting from a neglected cold in the head, whereby the lining membrane of the nose inflamed and the poiscnous discharge therefrom passing backward into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing 'catarrh of the stomach, Medical authorities pre- scribed for me Jor three years for catarrh of stomach without cure, but to-day I am the happicst of men aftef using only one box of Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets. 1 eannot find appro- priate words to express ray good feel- HELP VANTED----MALE, (ONC E, A STRUNG BOY. APPLY A. Chown & Co., Bagot strect. AT BARTENDER. man." A ply oflice. GOOD SUBER YOUNG British Aunwrican Hotel GENTLEMEN TC HAVE THEIR overcoats made to look like new, and cleaned or turned. New work guaranteed to please. Prices right. Galloway, the Tailor, 131 Brock street. NER TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, n eight weeks, graduates eain $10 . $18 weekly. Branches throughout Canada and United States. Help secure positions. Catalogue free. Moler Barber College, Queen and dina, Toronte. HELP WANTED FEMALE. APPLY TO RAN CHAMBERNALD, A GHAMRERY A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS, Albree, Emily street, AT ONCE, TWO EXPERIENCED salesladios, and threo fur finishers. Apply George Mills & Oo Mamufactur- ing Furriers, 106-108 Princess St. Je. a word. Each con- 3 Advt. 4 lined or under a month, $3 Ww. FU ISHERS. APPLY J Ra a: HN Me BOARDERS OOULP BE ACCOMMO- dated with board and rooms ot board without rooms, at' 103 Stuart St STUDENT, CouroRTABLE room, in a Guivt private house no other students are kept. BY or double). Write Box office. A381, EXPERIENCED IN ios, Boots and Shoes and Hardware, either clerk or traveller. Best of references, Address Box J." Whig office. POSITION, Grocer T™O heated Pay four res Whig office. FOR LADY AND GENTLEMAN, unfurnished Rooms, in well Good locality. No house. dollars per week, quired. Apply * ------ a -------------- AT A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP ply to Mrs, W, T. Connell, 11 Arch . street. - a AN EXPERIENCED COOK, GOOD wages. Apnly to Mrs, J, Harty, 70 Barrie street ALRERTA GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, SMALL foie. Ne amar any sire. 1: | Minimum Wage 40c. per hour C. Lockett, 54 Wellington street. Population 17,000 Splendid Climate Longest building season of "X. Z.,'t Whig office. . QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8S. § No. 8, Hinchinbrooke, Apply, stat- ing salary and qualifications, to A. C. Finn, Eaterprise P.O. ts Ssh a -------- FOR MAY 1st, 1907, IN. CENTRAL : locality, ior cdsh, House, about 800, 2 Houses at $2,000 each, {siti : DO-LET, ROOMS, MODERN OONVENIENC at 285 Alfred street City. Sy DWELLINGS, AT $6, $8, $20 $35, at Neots' oF rock "Be STORAGE FOR ware, etoy W. G. Frost, "iy wa ROOMS DYER. NADES, COR KING... adh ro to MeCosn, ol street. SPACE" FURNI w an Suen: FIRST CLASS SITUATED, constructed brick houss, 11 ELECTRIC MOTO id now ALL KINDS OF CITY PROPERTY, cheap, McCune Real Eatats' Office, a Brock. street. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW York 5" foot cushion space. © make ; 9x Apply through Whi office. COLT, ONW Mbit roe-vear-od Hay, ONE MARE AND year-old Colt. and one hroe-: Jersey Huifer. D. J. Clarence street. THRE iB BLACK WALNUT COUNTERS in rat-class condition. i feet lome, the o ry chihtean . fort sonch. Apply to 305 A Bred St, NOW CONIMUUTED id. 82 Montreal St. Ap- promises, or to A. B. Hard Stas. BARBER SHOP by: Fred Re ply .on ing, Cor. Printoss and Montreal ARCHITECTS. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mahood's POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MERs Shants s Bank Building, corner Bi Wellington strosts. 'Phones, 2 HENRY rs SMIT 'ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor ulti, Market Square; Phone, 345. ARTHUR ELLIS, fice, C ARCHITECT, OF Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. ing. I have found flesh, appetite and | o-- £C d sound rest from their us A WOMAN TO GO TU THE COUNTRY any part of Canada. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the three Miles from oe oman oa safest preparation as well ak the sim- one child 'pot objectionable. 'om- algary fortable hi for right ty." Ap= uil ang Plest and most convenient remedy for oo Whic ap: s ht arty ' C B ders Exch ge any form of indigestion, catarrh of NEY AND INESS stomach," biliousness, sour stomach, LOST MONEY BUS . heartburn and bloating after meals. 3 OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON Send your name and address to- day | ZR SN building and contents than any other for a free trial package and see for | A PLACK HANDBAG, CONTAINING Sompany 'vifiers. -Hxamins them at yourself. Address F. A St a a Purse, with sum of money in it, on Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- x ress . A. Stuart Co. King St, Wednesday morning. Re- et Square. 58 Stuart building, Marshall, Mich. ward for its return to this Office - -- LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND ASHORE WOLFE ISLAN RED COCKER, MALE PUP. RE- re Insurance ompany, vallable DREW ward for its revnrn to Gen: Buran, | Sais SALISTRS. ln Adeiion to 129 Collingwood St. Anyone harbor- No Let Up to 'the Hay Busi- ing satu after this nptice. will be sgeurity the hnlimite] Hablity ef ail prosecuted. r the stockholders. Farm Ly pro- Wotic Le ness. pecty pinned at lowest Possible ie ls Nov. 19.-T y rates. ore rencWing old or giving olfe Island, Nov. 19.--The funeral WILL THE PARTY S PICKING new husiness get rates from Strange of the late Mrs. Daniel ' took aggert up fenmle thoroughbred English Pug, & Stran~e, Arcents, TO RENT. MASON & RISCH UPRIGHT anand Piano, nearly new in dition. Apply to Box "N. ! Wik office. 5 3 VETERINARY. DR. G. W. BELL, V8, HAS RE. moved to his brick block, street, Calls place, on Tuesday. at nine o'clock, to on Clergy. near Colborne St., on the church of the Sacred Heart, in Sunday afternoon. Return same to MEDICAL. o Colt St. er Marysville, where a requiem masswas| Ofer. 44 Colbomme St ot.ont: [DR McCARTHY; OFFICE LATELY sung for the repose of her soul. She hands of the police. occupied "2 Df. Ryan, corner leaves a husband, and three sons to treal and Brock streets. | modsrn her loss. 'Ihe funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Kyle took place from the city on the 11.30 boat, on. Sunday to the island. She had been living with her eon-in-law, Robert Sex- smith, 120 Lower Bagot street, for some time past. Her death was due to paralysis. The decensed was born in refand sixty seven yenrs ago. £he held in TFrinity church, of which she "was a mem- " Tageert «wns taken from his home here last week in the am- bulance to Hotel Diew, suffering from typhoid fever. The steambarge on Saturday with tons of coal for W. Horne, H. DD. Hinckley, H. Morrison are home from their hunt of two weeks in the wolds of Kaladar. They ber. Hugh Navajo arrived here a cargo of 250 A. Allinson. W. shot five deer, 'beinging three with them. Mrs. Michael Lacey is on the sick lst. Dennis Griffin, formerly of the island, and now of Watertown, N Y., took unto himself a youno lady of thé above place last . weeks. There will be a dance-in the wllage 'oir Thursday evening, tendered by two young ladies The boat will leaye the city at eight clock, on @& special' tris for the con- venience of city people, Those who left here on Queen's excursiop for Toronto on Friday, were Mrs. E. Briceland, Miss Mamio Waler, apd Frank and I. J. Cosgrove. Theme still seams to be: 40 let up to thé hay business here, as there iz * a new buyer, Mr. Adams, at the foot, with two more presses, Patrick Haw kins has purchased a new steel frame low down press. Our village cor tainly coming up in the sorting line there were two_ pool tables installed the vast week in the Masonic hall hy L. H. Card. Stanley Cassel is wearing a smile these days; it's ina boy. Avoid Tung Trgu Trguble. Take one-hali ounce Virgin Oil is of ine (Pure), two ounces of glyeerine and eight ounces of good whiskey. Shake well and take m. teaspoonful doses every four hours. It is said to break up a "cold in twenty-four hours, and cure anycough that is purable. An emineifl huthority on lung tron- ble says if this simple and effective formula was known and generally used throat, lig and bronchial affections would seldom reach an acute stage. Care should be used in selecting pure ingredients, and to avoid substitution it is hest that they be purchased se narately and mixed in your own home. : The Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased in the original hali- ownce vials put up expressly for drug- wists to disnense. Each vial is se curgly sealed in a round, wooden case, with engraved wranper, with the name -- "Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure)"'--adainly written thereon. Only the cheaper oils are sold in bulk, but these pro- duce nausea and never eficet the de- sired. results. Saved By Alarm Clock. Brockville, Ont.; Nov, 20.--~The fam- ily of D. J. McDonald narrowly es caped asphyxiation with coal gnu. "An alarsi clock, which went off at an early hour, awakened 'Mr. McDonald, ¥ho discovered his own condition in | L gers fatal Spelt His oi very ill and an De 1a "was unconscious. She atl w hie" Ya Teave her room, but Gat of Sanger: : at AW PRINCESS' EXAMPLE. Mrs. P. D. Crerar Gives An In- spiring Talk to the Daughters of the Empire Here--Enthusi- asm a Necessity. "The white, of a great enthusi asm is the strongest motive power in fire Crerar has a very charming personali- colors for the for colors for 13th, later £30 morg the 91st Highlanders, £500 for the South African 'aid fund, a good sum for the graves of our dead on the veldt. It has also given flags to fifty-two of the eighty-six schools in the county of Wentworth, and .the Daughters have gone to the flag raisings. Then the chapter sottled down to the nice, lady-like occupa- tion of meeting to hear essays on patriotism. "Of course, we spelt it with a big "P." laughed thevspeaker, "and it looked better that way.! Knowing, however, that true patriot ism wnt deeper, down to doing good to humanity, the regent got leave for the Hamilton chapters to bogin the work of care for tuberculous patients. How "that work succeeded, when spur red on by the' incentive which came from working unitedly in the cause of suffering humanity, is told by the sanitorium on the mountain the num- hers. of cured consumptives sept from it, the many incurables whose end is made "easier, the education crusade against the deadly scourge. All praise to the Ambitious City. . If in 1200 the beautiful Princess Elizabeth of Hungary began the at tempt to ¥id her husband's domaine of the loathsome plague of leprosy, ond dying at twenty-six, left a record that she had nursed 900 suffering creatures, and if that offort in that far-off time has resulted in stamping the discage' out of Europe, what might not Canadian women. with modern seience at their hack, do to wipe out the: white plague from this their own faif land * All that is wanted is the motive power, amd that is "the shite fire of a great enthusiasm," Mre. BE. T. Taylor, regent of the Kingston chapters. brought the apolo- vies of Mrs. Nondheimer, recent of the Fefibiieint chapter. who had been pre ted from attending the meeting, which was a very repressntative one. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. 'Paze Ointment is guaranteed to cure | ay case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or ottuding Piles in six to fourteen ! ye or money refunded. SOc. ---------- Wuelers Wiishinoton Toffee, fresh at { Gibson's Red Cross drug store. T0 FIGHT A PLAGUE HAMILTON WOMEN FOLLOW young man who the whole world." Mrs. P. D. Crerar {| wooed and won the minister's daugh put her "text," as she called it, inthe | tor, and then led heér up before her middle of her convincing talk to the | father and had the ceremony perform Daughters of the Empire, and others | od, thus saving the usual foe. in St. Andrew's hall on Tuesday, on It is stated that the provincial the work the Hamilton chapter, - of $house dissolves on. Wednesday. Every which she is regent, has done. Mrs. | body is preparing for the fight. There ty, elear of thought and speech she is, | this faction or that ome will go, hut a worker, with wit to see that the | time and money is all that is requir graces of life count mightily, in the | od to.bring them all in line. The lab worl¥s work, "Irish,--partly"-- as | or party and the socialistic party have sho naively said. : crossed swords, and now just to show Hamilton chapter spent 3300 on | that thoy are not be overlooked the A $1,000, 000 POST-OFFICE For Vancouver--Children Crowd the Schools There. Vancouver, B.C., Nov, 12.--(To the Editor) : Occasionally we sce a des. cription in the newspapers of "The Meanest Man," and usually he is a personage who has not, according to the editor's conception of the matter done his whole Christian duty to ward the paper, and truly this is bad enough; but the man who carries the distinction in Vancouver, today, is, or should be, the is the usual uncertainty about how last named party has agreed to furn- ish mon and elect them to all the im portant offices, both 'civic and provin cinl. They are coming out in their might to show their weakness. Capt, Grifin cried at the termina- tion of the long continued and worri- some trial, at which he was held for manslaughter, as Judge Henderson pronounced him 'Not Guilty." Capt. Griffin, it will be remembered, was manding the Prineegs Victoria when she struck and sunk the Chehalig go ing out of Vancouver harbour some three months ago, drowning eight persons. The captain felt keenly the seriousness of the charge, and when the judge handed down his decision in the matter tears rolled down his cheeks as he breathed. a sigh of relief "Where do they come from, and what are we going to do with them ?* is the question asked by superintend- ent of schools, Argue, He is referring to the school children, and it. certain ly ia a perplexing question. Vanconv- er is building new schools every year, and vet the schools are always erowd- ed, Tt is a healthy gion though, and if peoole will not crowd us too hard we will try to cope with the situation. The future of anv place depends upon the young, and if they keep pouring into Vaneouver for the next few years ne fast a= they have done in the past few, we will certainly have to oxtend our limite. The dominion government rises to the occasion, and is erecting a million dollar nosfoflice, 'which is truly a cre dit to the city, as well as to the coun- try, 1. however, the city keeps on eorowing for the next ten venrs as she has done for the last five, this post- office will he too small. Real estate is continualle soaring upwards, and where it will end 1 really cannot tell A lot that could have heen honght three vears aco for #2 j« worth R12,000 to-day, and rthors in proportion. -~E. H. NEW TON The Grand Trunk Pacific dock at Wert Fort William eallansdd earrvine 1200 tone of steel rails into the river The . tasteless. preparation of ead liver oil is sold at Gibson's Red Cross sdrug "state, Te. not 81, promptly at N |The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian. REV. C. W CASSON, OTTAWA. The Unitarian Message To, Men. Thousands of men in Canada ave practically out of the Christian church. Its mussage to them has lost its power and persuasivencss. It may their financial support, but it does not command their sym- pathy of heart and head. To these men the Unitarian church has a new and convincine message. It declares that thé main thing in religion is not the acceptance of any suecial sal : but the living of a life. It teaches that religion is life, strove. sane, pure, munlv helpful life. It insists upon character, as tie absolute tial in righteousness. receive : o vation scheme, VENNACHAR TIDINGS. a Lad--His Mother Seriously I. Vennachar, Nov. downe Hunting RY ho their full number of deer, two cach by the' 10th inst, William Burns, Lansdowae, lifted lambs and sheep bere on tl 12th and started on the 13th to drive his flock of 350 to Lansdowne. Harry Snider took a load of deer to Lavant last week for the hunters. Stanley Gregg lost his driving horse, Hurry, Death of ~The Lang: last week. 8. A. Buffam made a busi- ness trip to Denbigh. J, McLaughlin visited at Robert Comers last week, George W. Jackson and Miss Grace Irish wore married on the 14th by Rev. Hugh McLane, Matawatchan, af ter which they returned to the bride's former home and a wedding dinner was served to a large number of in- vited guests. The numerous useful presents bespoke the respect in which the community couple. Their future home is to be with the groom's parents, Mr, and Mre. John Jackson, who are in very poor health at present. Mrs, Willinme Goodrich and Mrs. John Gregg, who were on the sick lst, are able to be around again. Oliver Behee, twelve years old, disd on the 15th. The funeral was held on Saturday and conducted by Rov, D. L. Gunter: The mother, Mrs. Al fred Bebee, is at the Pegeent, in very poor health, Visitors: F. Ander ren, wublic school intnector ie the school, and reports the school in a prosperous condition; Arnold McGinnes end Mrs, Shortie Ball, Oconto, at M, a i ------------ They've Got Indian Summer. Morven, Nov. 19.--Weather mild and Indian sammer weather prevails. Those who have been north on a hunting ex: pedition have returned with Ahir usa- al amount of game. The mle of farm stock and implements, of George Claps per. takes placa on Tuesday. The fun eral of Ezra Dunbar was held in the Brick church on Tharsday, conducted he bought from Mr. Clapper. ---------- Olive oil for salads and internal nee, at Gibson's Red Cross drug stove. AMERICAN ENOYCLOPBRIA, NEW : sechal reason. Ay through : office. "183 held the new married - Rev, Mr. McC Od " Ne it busy Er ri gn Realy Rr Se as od

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